ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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ilDBPostgreSQL Class Reference

PostreSQL Database Wrapper. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for ilDBPostgreSQL:
+ Collaboration diagram for ilDBPostgreSQL:

Public Member Functions

 getDSN ()
 Get DSN.
 getDBType ()
 Get DB Type.
 initConnection ()
 Initialize the database connection.
 now ()
 constraintName ($a_table, $a_constraint)
 Constraint names must be "globally" unique in oracle.
 getPrimaryKeyIdentifier ()
 Primary key identifier.
 supportsFulltext ()
 Is fulltext index supported?
 replace ($a_table, $a_pk_columns, $a_other_columns)
 Replace into method.
 lockTables ($a_tables)
 Lock table.
 unlockTables ()
 Unlock tables.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ilDB
 ilDB ()
 setDBUser ($a_user)
 Set database user.
 getDBUser ()
 Get database user.
 setDBPort ($a_port)
 Set database port.
 getDBPort ()
 Get database port.
 setDBHost ($a_host)
 Set database host.
 getDBHost ()
 Get database host.
 setDBPassword ($a_password)
 Set database password.
 getDBPassword ()
 Get database password.
 setDBName ($a_name)
 Set database name.
 getDBName ()
 Get database name.
 getDBVersion ()
 Get DB version.
 enableResultBuffering ($a_status)
 En/disable result buffering.
 initFromIniFile ($tmpClientIniFile=null)
 Init db parameters from ini file.
 connect ($a_return_false_for_error=false)
 Open the connection.
 doConnect ()
 Standard way to connect to db.
 disconnect ()
 getHostDSN ()
 Should return a valid value, if host connections are possible (connectHost) to create a new database from scratch.
 connectHost ()
 Sets up a host connection only (no specific database used).
 handleError ($a_res, $a_info="", $a_level="")
 Handle MDB2 Errors.
 raisePearError ($a_message, $a_level="")
 Raise an error.
 createDatabase ($a_name, $a_charset="utf8", $a_collation="")
 Create database.
 createTable ($a_name, $a_definition_array, $a_drop_table=false, $a_ignore_erros=false)
 Create a new table in the database.
 dropTable ($a_name, $a_error_if_not_existing=true)
 Drop a table.
 alterTable ($a_name, $a_changes)
 addTableColumn ($a_table, $a_column, $a_attributes)
 Add table column Use this only on aleady "abstracted" tables.
 dropTableColumn ($a_table, $a_column)
 Drop table column Use this only on aleady "abstracted" tables.
 modifyTableColumn ($a_table, $a_column, $a_attributes)
 Modify a table column Use this only on aleady "abstracted" tables.
 renameTableColumn ($a_table, $a_column, $a_new_column)
 Rename a table column Use this only on aleady "abstracted" tables.
 renameTable ($a_name, $a_new_name)
 Rename a table.
 addPrimaryKey ($a_table, $a_fields)
 Add a primary key to a table.
 dropPrimaryKey ($a_table)
 Drop a primary key from a table.
 addIndex ($a_table, $a_fields, $a_name="in", $a_fulltext=false)
 Add an index to a table.
 addFulltextIndex ($a_table, $a_fields, $a_name="in")
 Add fulltext index.
 isFulltextIndex ($a_table, $a_name)
 Is index a fulltext index?
 dropIndex ($a_table, $a_name="in")
 Drop an index from a table.
 addUniqueConstraint ($a_table, $a_fields, $a_name="con")
 Add a unique constraint to a table.
 createSequence ($a_table_name, $a_start=1)
 Create a sequence for a table.
 dropSequence ($a_table_name)
 Drop a sequence for a table.
 checkTableName ($a_name)
 Check whether a table name is valid.
 checkTableColumns ($a_cols)
 Check table columns definition.
 checkColumn ($a_col, $a_def)
 Check column definition.
 checkColumnDefinition ($a_def, $a_modify_mode=false)
 Check whether a column definition is valid.
 checkColumnName ($a_name)
 Check whether a column name is valid.
 checkIndexName ($a_name)
 Check whether an index name is valid.
 getAllowedAttributes ()
 query ($sql, $a_handle_error=true)
 queryF ($a_query, $a_types, $a_values)
 Formatted query (for SELECTS).
 manipulateF ($a_query, $a_types, $a_values)
 Formatted manupulate (for DELETE, UPDATE, INSERT).
 logStatement ($sql)
 Helper function, should usually not be called.
 setLimit ($a_limit, $a_offset=0)
 Set limit and offset for a query.
 nextId ($a_table_name)
 Get next ID for an index.
 manipulate ($sql)
 Data manipulation.
 prepare ($a_query, $a_types=null, $a_result_types=null)
 Prepare a query (SELECT) statement to be used with execute.
 prepareManip ($a_query, $a_types=null)
 Prepare a data manipulation statement to be used with execute.
 execute ($a_stmt, $a_data=null)
 Execute a query statement prepared by either prepare() or prepareManip()
 executeMultiple ($a_stmt, $a_data)
 Execute a query statement prepared by either prepare() or prepareManip() with multiple data arrays.
 insert ($a_table, $a_columns)
 Convenient method for standard insert statements, example field array:
 update ($a_table, $a_columns, $a_where)
 Convenient method for standard update statements, example field array:
 fetchAssoc ($a_set)
 Fetch row as associative array from result set.
 free ($a_st)
 Free a statement / result set.
 fetchObject ($a_set)
 Fetch row as object from result set.
 numRows ($a_set)
 Fetch row as associative array from result set.
 in ($a_field, $a_values, $negate=false, $a_type="")
 Get abstract in-clause for given array.
 addTypesToArray ($a_arr, $a_type, $a_cnt)
 Adds a type x times to an array.
 concat ($a_values, $a_allow_null=true)
 Abstraction of SQL function CONCAT.
 substr ($a_exp, $a_pos=1, $a_len=-1)
 upper ($a_exp)
 lower ($a_exp)
 locate ($a_needle, $a_string, $a_start_pos=1)
 Create locate string.
 like ($a_col, $a_type, $a_value="?", $case_insensitive=true)
 equals ($a_col, $a_value, $a_type, $a_empty_or_null=false)
 Use this only on text fields.
 equalsNot ($a_col, $a_value, $a_type, $a_empty_or_null=false)
 Use this only on text fields.
 fromUnixtime ($a_expr, $a_to_text=true)
 fromUnixtime (makes timestamp out of unix timestamp)
 unixTimestamp ()
 Unix timestamp.
 optimizeTable ($a_table)
 Optimize Table.
 tableExists ($a_table)
 Check, whether a given table exists.
 tableColumnExists ($a_table, $a_column_name)
 Checks for the existence of a table column.
 listTables ()
 Get all tables.
 sequenceExists ($a_sequence)
 Check, whether a given sequence exists.
 listSequences ()
 Get all sequences.
 quote ($a_query, $a_type=null)
 Wrapper for quote method.
 quoteIdentifier ($a_identifier)
 Quote table and field names.
 beginTransaction ()
 Begin Transaction.
 commit ()
 Commit a transaction.
 rollback ()
 Rollback a transaction.
 autoExecute ($a_tablename, $a_fields, $a_mode=MDB2_AUTOQUERY_INSERT, $a_where=false)
 Wrapper for Pear autoExecute.
 getLastInsertId ()
 Get last insert id.
 getOne ($sql)
 getRow ($sql, $mode=DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)
 setSubType ($a_value)
 Set sub type.
 getSubType ()
 Get sub type.
- Public Member Functions inherited from PEAR
 PEAR ($error_class=null)
 _PEAR ()
 Destructor (the emulated type of...).
getStaticProperty ($class, $var)
 If you have a class that's mostly/entirely static, and you need static properties, you can use this method to simulate them.
 registerShutdownFunc ($func, $args=array())
 Use this function to register a shutdown method for static classes.
 isError ($data, $code=null)
 Tell whether a value is a PEAR error.
 setErrorHandling ($mode=null, $options=null)
 Sets how errors generated by this object should be handled.
 expectError ($code= '*')
 This method is used to tell which errors you expect to get.
 popExpect ()
 This method pops one element off the expected error codes stack.
 _checkDelExpect ($error_code)
 This method checks unsets an error code if available.
 delExpect ($error_code)
 This method deletes all occurences of the specified element from the expected error codes stack.
raiseError ($message=null, $code=null, $mode=null, $options=null, $userinfo=null, $error_class=null, $skipmsg=false)
 This method is a wrapper that returns an instance of the configured error class with this object's default error handling applied.
throwError ($message=null, $code=null, $userinfo=null)
 Simpler form of raiseError with fewer options.
 staticPushErrorHandling ($mode, $options=null)
 staticPopErrorHandling ()
 pushErrorHandling ($mode, $options=null)
 Push a new error handler on top of the error handler options stack.
 popErrorHandling ()
 Pop the last error handler used.
 loadExtension ($ext)
 OS independant PHP extension load.

Static Public Member Functions

static getReservedWords ()
 Get reserved words.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ilDB
static isDbError ($a_res)
 Check error.
static isReservedWord ($a_word)
 Checks whether a word is a reserved word in one of the supported databases.

Additional Inherited Members

- Data Fields inherited from ilDB
const LOCK_WRITE = 1
const LOCK_READ = 2
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ilDB
 initHostConnection ()
 Initialize the host connection (no specific database)
 loadMDB2Extensions ()
 load additional mdb2 extensions and set their constants
 getCreateTableOptions ()
 Get options for the create table statement.

Detailed Description

PostreSQL Database Wrapper.

This class extends the main ILIAS database wrapper ilDB. Only a few methods should be overwritten, that contain PostreSQL specific statements and methods.

Alex Killing
class.ilDB.php 18989 2009-02-15 12:57:19Z akill

Definition at line 18 of file class.ilDBPostgreSQL.php.

Member Function Documentation

ilDBPostgreSQL::constraintName (   $a_table,

Constraint names must be "globally" unique in oracle.

Reimplemented from ilDB.

Definition at line 82 of file class.ilDBPostgreSQL.php.

return $a_table."_".$a_constraint;
ilDBPostgreSQL::getDBType ( )

Get DB Type.

Reimplemented from ilDB.

Definition at line 33 of file class.ilDBPostgreSQL.php.

return "postgres";
ilDBPostgreSQL::getDSN ( )

Get DSN.

Reimplemented from ilDB.

Definition at line 24 of file class.ilDBPostgreSQL.php.

References ilDB\getDBHost(), ilDB\getDBName(), and ilDB\getDBPassword().

return "pgsql://".$this->getDBUser().":".$this->getDBPassword()."@".

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilDBPostgreSQL::getPrimaryKeyIdentifier ( )

Primary key identifier.

Reimplemented from ilDB.

Definition at line 90 of file class.ilDBPostgreSQL.php.

return "pk";
static ilDBPostgreSQL::getReservedWords ( )

Get reserved words.

Reimplemented from ilDB.

Definition at line 41 of file class.ilDBPostgreSQL.php.

// version: 8.3.6
// url:
return array(
"NULL", "OFF", "OFFSET", "OLD", "ON", "ONLY", "OR",
ilDBPostgreSQL::initConnection ( )

Initialize the database connection.

Reimplemented from ilDB.

Definition at line 66 of file class.ilDBPostgreSQL.php.

ilDBPostgreSQL::lockTables (   $a_tables)

Lock table.

E.g $ilDB->lockTable('tree',ilDB::LOCK_WRITE,'t1')


Reimplemented from ilDB.

Definition at line 190 of file class.ilDBPostgreSQL.php.

References $ilLog, ilDB\LOCK_READ, and ilDB\LOCK_WRITE.

global $ilLog;
$locks = array();
$counter = 0;
foreach($a_tables as $table)
$lock = 'LOCK TABLE ';
$lock .= ($table['name'].' ');
$lock .= ' IN SHARE MODE ';
$lock .= ' IN EXCLUSIVE MODE ';
$locks[] = $lock;
// @TODO use and store a unique identifier to allow nested lock/unlocks
foreach($locks as $lock)
$ilLog->write(__METHOD__.': '.$lock);
return true;
ilDBPostgreSQL::now ( )


fix this

Reimplemented from ilDB.

Definition at line 74 of file class.ilDBPostgreSQL.php.

return "now()";
ilDBPostgreSQL::replace (   $a_table,

Replace into method.

stringtable name
arrayprimary key values: array("field1" => array("text", $name), "field2" => ...)
arrayother values: array("field1" => array("text", $name), "field2" => ...)

Reimplemented from ilDB.

Definition at line 110 of file class.ilDBPostgreSQL.php.

References ilDB\handleError(), ilDB\insert(), ilDB\manipulate(), and ilDB\quote().

$a_columns = array_merge($a_pk_columns, $a_other_columns);
$fields = array();
$field_values = array();
$placeholders = array();
$types = array();
$values = array();
$lobs = false;
$lob = array();
$val_field = array();
$a = array();
$b = array();
foreach ($a_columns as $k => $col)
if($col[0] == 'clob' or $col[0] == 'blob')
$val_field[] = $this->quote($col[1], 'text')." ".$k;
$val_field[] = $this->quote($col[1], $col[0])." ".$k;
$fields[] = $k;
$placeholders[] = "%s";
$placeholders2[] = ":$k";
$types[] = $col[0];
$values[] = $col[1];
$field_values[$k] = $col[1];
if ($col[0] == "blob" || $col[0] == "clob")
$lobs = true;
$lob[$k] = $k;
$a[] = "a.".$k;
$b[] = "b.".$k;
$abpk = array();
$aboc = array();
$delwhere = array();
foreach ($a_pk_columns as $k => $col)
$abpk[] = "a.".$k." = b.".$k;
$delwhere[] = $k." = ".$this->quote($col[1], $col[0]);
foreach ($a_other_columns as $k => $col)
$aboc[] = "a.".$k." = b.".$k;
// if ($lobs) // lobs -> use prepare execute (autoexecute broken in PEAR 2.4.1)
// {
$this->manipulate("DELETE FROM ".$a_table." WHERE ".
implode ($delwhere, " AND ")
$this->insert($a_table, $a_columns);
//$r = $this->db->extended->autoExecute($a_table, $field_values, MDB2_AUTOQUERY_INSERT, null, $types);
$this->handleError($r, "replace, delete/insert(".$a_table.")");
// }
/* else // if no lobs are used, use manipulate
$q = "MERGE INTO ".$a_table." a ".
"USING (SELECT ".implode($val_field, ", ")." ".
"FROM DUAL) b ON (".implode($abpk, " AND ").") ".
"WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET ".implode($aboc, ", ")." ".
"WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (".implode($a, ",").") VALUES (".implode($b, ",").")";
$r = $this->manipulate($q);
return $r;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilDBPostgreSQL::supportsFulltext ( )

Is fulltext index supported?

Reimplemented from ilDB.

Definition at line 98 of file class.ilDBPostgreSQL.php.

return false;
ilDBPostgreSQL::unlockTables ( )

Unlock tables.


Reimplemented from ilDB.

Definition at line 231 of file class.ilDBPostgreSQL.php.


The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: