ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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ilChangeEvent Class Reference

Class ilChangeEvent tracks change events on repository objects. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for ilChangeEvent:

Public Member Functions

 _recordWriteEvent ($obj_id, $usr_id, $action, $parent_obj_id=null)
 Records a write event.
 _recordReadEvent ($a_type, $a_ref_id, $obj_id, $usr_id, $isCatchupWriteEvents=true, $a_ext_rc=false, $a_ext_time=false)
 Records a read event and catches up with write events.
 _recordObjStats ($a_obj_id, $a_spent_seconds, $a_read_count, $a_childs_spent_seconds=null, $a_child_read_count=null)
 _syncObjectStats ($a_now=null, $a_minimum=20000)
 Process object statistics log data.
 _catchupWriteEvents ($obj_id, $usr_id, $timestamp=null)
 Catches up with all write events which occured before the specified timestamp.

Static Public Member Functions

static _lookupUncaughtWriteEvents ($obj_id, $usr_id)
 Catches up with all write events which occured before the specified timestamp.
static _lookupChangeState ($obj_id, $usr_id)
 Returns the change state of the object for the specified user.
static _lookupInsideChangeState ($parent_obj_id, $usr_id)
 Returns the changed state of objects which are children of the specified parent object.
static _lookupReadEvents ($obj_id, $usr_id=null)
 Reads all read events which occured on the object which happened after the last time the user caught up with them.
static lookupUsersInProgress ($a_obj_id)
 Lookup users in progress.
static hasAccessed ($a_obj_id, $a_usr_id)
 Has accessed.
static _activate ()
 Activates change event tracking.
static _deactivate ()
 Deactivates change event tracking.
static _isActive ()
 Returns true, if change event tracking is active.
static _delete ($a_obj_id)
 Delete object entries.

Static Private Attributes

static $has_accessed = array()

Detailed Description

Class ilChangeEvent tracks change events on repository objects.

The following events are considered to be a 'write event':

  • The creation of a new repository object
  • A change of the data or meta-data of an object
  • A move, link, copy, deletion or undeletion of the object UI objects, which cause a 'write event', must call _recordWriteEvent(...) In most cases, UI objects let the user catch up with write events on the object, when doing this call.

The following events are considered to be a 'read event':

  • Opening a container object in the browser*
  • Opening / downloading / reading an object UI objects, which cause a 'read event', must call _recordReadEvent(...). In most cases, UI objects let the user catch up with write events on the object, when doing this call.

*reading the content of a container using WebDAV is not counted, because WebDAV clients can't see all objects in a container.

A user can catch up with write events, by calling __catchupWriteEvents(...).

A user can query, if an object has changed, since the last time he has caught up with write events, by calling _lookupUncaughtWriteEvents(...).

Werner Randelshofer
class.ilChangeEvent.php,v 1.02 2007/05/07 19:25:34 wrandels Exp

Definition at line 36 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

Member Function Documentation

static ilChangeEvent::_activate ( )

Activates change event tracking.

mixed true on success, a string with an error message on failure.

Definition at line 849 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

References $query, $res, and _isActive().

Referenced by ilTrackingTest\testChangeEvent(), and ilObjUserTracking\updateSettings().

return 'change event tracking is already active';
global $ilDB;
// Insert initial data into table write_event
// We need to do this here, because we need
// to catch up write events that occured while the change event tracking was
// deactivated.
// IGNORE isn't supported in oracle
$set = $ilDB->query(sprintf('SELECT r1.obj_id,r2.obj_id p,d.owner,%s,d.create_date '.
'FROM object_data d '.
'LEFT JOIN write_event w ON d.obj_id = w.obj_id '.
'JOIN object_reference r1 ON d.obj_id=r1.obj_id '.
'JOIN tree t ON t.child=r1.ref_id '.
'JOIN object_reference r2 on r2.ref_id=t.parent '.
'WHERE w.obj_id IS NULL',
while ($rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set))
$nid = $ilDB->nextId("write_event");
$query = 'INSERT INTO write_event '.
'(write_id, obj_id,parent_obj_id,usr_id,action,ts) VALUES ('.
$ilDB->quote($nid, "integer").",".
$ilDB->quote($rec["obj_id"], "integer").",".
$ilDB->quote($rec["p"], "integer").",".
$ilDB->quote($rec["owner"], "integer").",".
$ilDB->quote("create", "text").",".
$ilDB->quote($rec["create_date"], "timestamp").
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
if ($ilDB->isError($res) || $ilDB->isError($res->result))
return 'couldn\'t insert initial data into table "write_event": '.
(($ilDB->isError($r->result)) ? $r->result->getMessage() : $r->getMessage());
global $ilias;
$ilias->setSetting('enable_change_event_tracking', '1');
return $res;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilChangeEvent::_catchupWriteEvents (   $obj_id,
  $timestamp = null 

Catches up with all write events which occured before the specified timestamp.

$obj_idint The object.
$usr_idint The user.
$timestampSQL timestamp.

Definition at line 456 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

References $query, $res, $timestamp, and $usr_id.

Referenced by _recordReadEvent(), ilContainerGUI\pasteObject(), ilContainerGUI\performPasteIntoMultipleObjectsObject(), ilDAVServer\PUT(), ilRepUtil\restoreObjects(), ilObjFileGUI\update(), ilObjRootFolderGUI\updateObject(), ilObjGroupGUI\updateObject(), ilObjCategoryGUI\updateObject(), and ilObjCourseGUI\updateObject().

global $ilDB;
$query = "SELECT obj_id FROM catch_write_events ".
"WHERE obj_id = ".$ilDB->quote($obj_id ,'integer')." ".
"AND usr_id = ".$ilDB->quote($usr_id ,'integer');
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
$query = "UPDATE catch_write_events ".
"SET ts = ".($timestamp == null ? $ilDB->now() : $ilDB->quote($timestamp, 'timestamp'))." ".
"WHERE usr_id = ".$ilDB->quote($usr_id ,'integer')." ".
"AND obj_id = ".$ilDB->quote($obj_id ,'integer');
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
$query = "INSERT INTO catch_write_events (ts,obj_id,usr_id) ".
$ilDB->now().", ".
$ilDB->quote($obj_id,'integer').", ".
$ilDB->quote($usr_id,'integer')." ".
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
$q = "INSERT INTO catch_write_events ".
"(obj_id, usr_id, ts) ".
if ($timestamp == null)
$q .= "NOW()".
else {
$q .= $ilDB->quote($timestamp).
") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ts=".$ilDB->quote($timestamp);
//error_log ('ilChangeEvent::_catchupWriteEvents '.$q);
$r = $ilDB->query($q);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilChangeEvent::_deactivate ( )

Deactivates change event tracking.

mixed true on success, a string with an error message on failure.

Definition at line 906 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

Referenced by ilTrackingTest\testChangeEvent(), and ilObjUserTracking\updateSettings().

global $ilias;
$ilias->setSetting('enable_change_event_tracking', '0');

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilChangeEvent::_delete (   $a_obj_id)

Delete object entries.


Definition at line 929 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

References $query.

Referenced by ilTrackingAppEventListener\handleDelete().

global $ilDB;
$query = sprintf('DELETE FROM write_event WHERE obj_id = %s ',
$aff = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
$query = sprintf('DELETE FROM read_event WHERE obj_id = %s ',
$aff = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
return true;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilChangeEvent::_isActive ( )

Returns true, if change event tracking is active.

mixed true on success, a string with an error message on failure.

Definition at line 917 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

Referenced by ilObjUserTracking\__readSettings(), _activate(), ilInfoScreenGUI\addObjectSections(), ilObjectListGUI\getProperties(), and ilObjUserTracking\updateSettings().

global $ilias;
return $ilias->getSetting('enable_change_event_tracking', '0') == '1';

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilChangeEvent::_lookupChangeState (   $obj_id,

Returns the change state of the object for the specified user.

which happened after the last time the user caught up with them.

$obj_idint The object
$usr_idint The user who is interested into these events.
0 = object is unchanged, 1 = object is new, 2 = object has changed

Definition at line 603 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

References $query, $res, $row, $usr_id, and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.

Referenced by ilObjectListGUI\getProperties(), and ilTrackingTest\testChangeEvent().

global $ilDB;
$q = "SELECT ts ".
"FROM catch_write_events ".
"WHERE obj_id=".$ilDB->quote($obj_id ,'integer')." ".
"AND usr_id=".$ilDB->quote($usr_id ,'integer');
$r = $ilDB->query($q);
$catchup = null;
while ($row = $r->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
$catchup = $row['ts'];
if($catchup == null)
$query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM write_event '.
'WHERE obj_id = %s '.
'AND usr_id <> %s ',
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
$query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM write_event '.
'WHERE obj_id = %s '.
'AND usr_id <> %s '.
'AND ts > %s ',
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
$numRows = $res->numRows();
if ($numRows > 0)
$row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res);
// if we have write events, and user never catched one, report as new (1)
// if we have write events, and user catched an old write event, report as changed (2)
return ($catchup == null) ? 1 : 2;
return 0; // user catched all write events, report as unchanged (0)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilChangeEvent::_lookupInsideChangeState (   $parent_obj_id,

Returns the changed state of objects which are children of the specified parent object.

Note this gives a different result than calling _lookupChangeState of each child object. This is because, this function treats a catch on the write events on the parent as a catch up for all child objects. This difference was made, because it greatly improves performance of this function.

$parent_obj_idint The object id of the parent object.
$usr_idint The user who is interested into these events.
0 = object has not been changed inside 1 = object has been changed inside

Definition at line 668 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

References $query, $res, $row, $usr_id, and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.

Referenced by ilObjectListGUI\getProperties(), and ilTrackingTest\testChangeEvent().

global $ilDB;
$q = "SELECT ts ".
"FROM catch_write_events ".
"WHERE obj_id=".$ilDB->quote($parent_obj_id)." ".
"AND usr_id=".$ilDB->quote($usr_id);
$r = $ilDB->query($q);
$catchup = null;
while ($row = $r->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
$catchup = $row['ts'];
if($catchup == null)
$query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM write_event '.
'WHERE parent_obj_id = %s '.
'AND usr_id <> %s ',
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
$query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM write_event '.
'WHERE parent_obj_id = %s '.
'AND usr_id <> %s '.
'AND ts > %s ',
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
$numRows = $res->numRows();
if ($numRows > 0)
$row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res);
// if we have write events, and user never catched one, report as new (1)
// if we have write events, and user catched an old write event, report as changed (2)
return ($catchup == null) ? 1 : 2;
return 0; // user catched all write events, report as unchanged (0)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilChangeEvent::_lookupReadEvents (   $obj_id,
  $usr_id = null 

Reads all read events which occured on the object which happened after the last time the user caught up with them.


$obj_idint The object
$usr_idint The user who is interested into these events. / public static function _lookupUncaughtReadEvents($obj_id, $usr_id) { global $ilDB;

$q = "SELECT ts ". "FROM catch_read_events ". "WHERE obj_id=".$ilDB->quote($obj_id)." ". "AND usr_id=".$ilDB->quote($usr_id); $r = $ilDB->query($q); $catchup = null; while ($row = $r->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $catchup = $row['ts']; }

$q = "SELECT * ". "FROM read_event ". "WHERE obj_id=".$ilDB->quote($obj_id)." ". ($catchup == null ? "" : "AND last_access > ".$ilDB->quote($catchup))." ". ($catchup == null ? "" : "AND last_access > ".$ilDB->quote($catchup))." ". "ORDER BY last_access DESC"; $r = $ilDB->query($q); $events = array(); while ($row = $r->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $events[] = $row; } return $events; } Reads all read events which occured on the object.

$obj_idint The object
$usr_idint Optional, the user who performed these events.

Definition at line 761 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

References $query, $res, $row, and $usr_id.

Referenced by ilLPStatusVisits\_getCompleted(), ilLPStatusTypicalLearningTime\_getCompleted(), ilLPStatusTypicalLearningTime\_getInProgress(), ilLPStatusVisits\_getInProgress(), ilLearningProgress\_getProgress(), ilLearningProgress\_lookupProgressByObjId(), ilInfoScreenGUI\addObjectSections(), ilLPStatusVisits\determinePercentage(), ilLPStatusTypicalLearningTime\determinePercentage(), ilLPStatusVisits\determineStatus(), and ilLPStatusTypicalLearningTime\determineStatus().

global $ilDB;
if ($usr_id == null)
$query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM read_event '.
'WHERE obj_id = %s '.
'ORDER BY last_access DESC',
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
$query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM read_event '.
'WHERE obj_id = %s '.
'AND usr_id = %s '.
'ORDER BY last_access DESC',
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
$counter = 0;
while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res))
$events[$counter]['obj_id'] = $row['obj_id'];
$events[$counter]['usr_id'] = $row['usr_id'];
$events[$counter]['last_access'] = $row['last_access'];
$events[$counter]['read_count'] = $row['read_count'];
$events[$counter]['spent_seconds'] = $row['spent_seconds'];
$events[$counter]['first_access'] = $row['first_access'];
return $events ? $events : array();

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilChangeEvent::_lookupUncaughtWriteEvents (   $obj_id,

Catches up with all write events which occured before the specified timestamp.


$obj_idint The object.
$usr_idint The user.
$timestampSQL timestamp. / function _catchupReadEvents($obj_id, $usr_id, $timestamp = null) { global $ilDB;

$q = "INSERT INTO catch_read_events ". "(obj_id, usr_id, action, ts) ". "VALUES (". $ilDB->quote($obj_id).",". $ilDB->quote($usr_id).",". $ilDB->quote('read').","; if ($timestamp == null) { $q .= "NOW()". ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ts=NOW()"; } else { $q .= $ilDB->quote($timestamp). ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ts=".$ilDB->quote($timestamp); }

$r = $ilDB->query($q); } Reads all write events which occured on the object which happened after the last time the user caught up with them.

$obj_idint The object
$usr_idint The user who is interested into these events.
array with rows from table write_event

Definition at line 550 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

References $query, $res, $row, $usr_id, and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.

Referenced by ilTrackingTest\testChangeEvent().

global $ilDB;
$q = "SELECT ts ".
"FROM catch_write_events ".
"WHERE obj_id=".$ilDB->quote($obj_id ,'integer')." ".
"AND usr_id=".$ilDB->quote($usr_id ,'integer');
$r = $ilDB->query($q);
$catchup = null;
while ($row = $r->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
$catchup = $row['ts'];
if($catchup == null)
$query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM write_event '.
'WHERE obj_id = %s '.
'AND usr_id <> %s '.
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
$query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM write_event '.
'WHERE obj_id = %s '.
'AND usr_id <> %s '.
'AND ts >= %s '.
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
$events = array();
while($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res))
$events[] = $row;
return $events;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilChangeEvent::_recordObjStats (   $a_obj_id,
  $a_childs_spent_seconds = null,
  $a_child_read_count = null 

Definition at line 292 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

References ilObjUserTracking\_enabledObjectStatistics(), ilObject\_lookupType(), and _syncObjectStats().

Referenced by _recordReadEvent().

global $ilDB;
(int)$a_obj_id <= 0) // #12706
$now = time();
$fields = array();
$fields["obj_id"] = array("integer", $a_obj_id);
$fields["obj_type"] = array("text", ilObject::_lookupType($a_obj_id));
$fields["tstamp"] = array("timestamp", $now);
$fields["yyyy"] = array("integer", date("Y"));
$fields["mm"] = array("integer", date("m"));
$fields["dd"] = array("integer", date("d"));
$fields["hh"] = array("integer", date("H"));
if($a_spent_seconds > 0)
$fields["spent_seconds"] = array("integer", $a_spent_seconds);
if($a_read_count > 0)
$fields["read_count"] = array("integer", $a_read_count);
if($a_childs_spent_seconds > 0)
$fields["childs_spent_seconds"] = array("integer", $a_childs_spent_seconds);
if($a_child_read_count > 0)
$fields["childs_read_count"] = array("integer", $a_child_read_count);
$ilDB->insert("obj_stat_log", $fields);
// 0.01% probability
if(mt_rand(1, 100) == 1)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilChangeEvent::_recordReadEvent (   $a_type,
  $isCatchupWriteEvents = true,
  $a_ext_rc = false,
  $a_ext_time = false 

Records a read event and catches up with write events.

$obj_idint The object which was read.
$usr_idint The user who performed a read action.
$catchupWriteEventsboolean If true, this function catches up with write events.

Definition at line 113 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

References $path, $query, $res, $row, $usr_id, _catchupWriteEvents(), ilObjUserTracking\_getValidTimeSpan(), ilObject\_lookupObjId(), ilObject\_lookupType(), and _recordObjStats().

Referenced by ilLicense\_noteAccess(), ilObjSCORMTracking\_syncReadEvent(), ilSCORM2004Tracking\_syncReadEvent(), ilLearningProgress\_tracProgress(), ilDAVServer\COPY(), ilDAVServer\GET(), ilWikiPageGUI\increaseViewCount(), ilObjSessionGUI\infoScreen(), ilContainerGUI\pasteObject(), ilDAVServer\PROPFIND(), ilObjLinkResourceGUI\redirectToLink(), ilObjFileGUI\sendFile(), ilContainerContentGUI\setOutput(), ilCourseContentGUI\view(), and ilObjectGUI\viewObject().

global $ilDB, $tree;
/* read_event data is now used for several features, so we are always keeping track
if (!ilChangeEvent::_isActive())
$query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM read_event '.
'WHERE obj_id = %s '.
'AND usr_id = %s ',
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
$row = $ilDB->fetchObject($res);
// read counter
if ($a_ext_rc !== false)
$read_count = 'read_count = '.$ilDB->quote($a_ext_rc, "integer").", ";
$read_count_init = max(1, (int) $a_ext_rc);
$read_count_diff = max(1, (int) $a_ext_rc) - $row->read_count;
$read_count = 'read_count = read_count + 1, ';
$read_count_init = 1;
$read_count_diff = 1;
if ($row)
if ($a_ext_time !== false)
$time = (int) $a_ext_time;
$time = $ilDB->quote((time() - $row->last_access) <= $validTimeSpan
? $row->spent_seconds + time() - $row->last_access
: $row->spent_seconds,'integer');
// if we are in the valid interval, we do not
// add anything to the read_count, since this is the
// same access for us
if ((time() - $row->last_access) <= $validTimeSpan)
$read_count = '';
$read_count_init = 1;
$read_count_diff = 0;
$time_diff = $time - (int) $row->spent_seconds;
// Update
$query = sprintf('UPDATE read_event SET '.
'spent_seconds = %s, '.
'last_access = %s '.
'WHERE obj_id = %s '.
'AND usr_id = %s ',
$aff = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
self::_recordObjStats($obj_id, $time_diff, $read_count_diff);
if ($a_ext_time !== false)
$time = (int) $a_ext_time;
$time = 0;
$time_diff = $time - (int) $row->spent_seconds;
$query = sprintf('INSERT INTO read_event (obj_id,usr_id,last_access,read_count,spent_seconds,first_access) '.
'VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,'.$ilDB->now().') ',
$aff = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
self::$has_accessed[$obj_id][$usr_id] = true;
self::_recordObjStats($obj_id, $time_diff, $read_count_diff);
if ($isCatchupWriteEvents)
// update parents (no categories or root)
if (!in_array($a_type, array("cat", "root", "crs")))
if ($tree->isInTree($a_ref_id))
$path = $tree->getPathId($a_ref_id);
foreach ($path as $p)
$obj2_id = ilObject::_lookupObjId($p);
$obj2_type = ilObject::_lookupType($obj2_id);
//echo "<br>1-$obj2_type-$p-$obj2_id-";
if (($p != $a_ref_id) && (in_array($obj2_type, array("crs", "fold", "grp"))))
$query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM read_event '.
'WHERE obj_id = %s '.
'AND usr_id = %s ',
$ilDB->quote($obj2_id, 'integer'),
$ilDB->quote($usr_id, 'integer'));
$res2 = $ilDB->query($query);
if ($row2 = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res2))
//echo "<br>2";
// update read count and spent seconds
$query = sprintf('UPDATE read_event SET '.
'childs_read_count = childs_read_count + %s ,'.
'childs_spent_seconds = childs_spent_seconds + %s '.
'WHERE obj_id = %s '.
'AND usr_id = %s ',
$ilDB->quote((int) $read_count_diff,'integer'),
$ilDB->quote((int) $time_diff,'integer'),
$aff = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
self::_recordObjStats($obj2_id, null, null, (int)$time_diff, (int)$read_count_diff);
//echo "<br>3";
//$ilLog->write("insert read event for obj_id -".$obj2_id."-".$usr_id."-");
$query = sprintf('INSERT INTO read_event (obj_id,usr_id,last_access,read_count,spent_seconds,first_access,'.
'childs_read_count, childs_spent_seconds) '.
'VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,'.$ilDB->now().', %s, %s) ',
$ilDB->quote((int) $read_count_diff,'integer'),
$ilDB->quote((int) $time_diff,'integer')
$aff = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
self::$has_accessed[$obj2_id][$usr_id] = true;
self::_recordObjStats($obj2_id, $time, 1, (int)$time_diff, (int)$read_count_diff);
// @todo:
// - calculate diff of spent_seconds and read_count
// - use ref id to get parents of types grp, crs, fold
// - add diffs to childs_spent_seconds and childs_read_count

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilChangeEvent::_recordWriteEvent (   $obj_id,
  $parent_obj_id = null 

Records a write event.

The parent object should be specified for the 'delete', 'undelete' and 'add' and 'remove' events.

$obj_idint The object which was written to.
$usr_idint The user who performed a write action.
$actionstring The name of the write action. 'create', 'update', 'delete', 'add', 'remove', 'undelete'.
$parent_obj_idint The object id of the parent object. If this is null, then the event is recorded for all parents of the object. If this is not null, then the event is only recorded for the specified parent.

Definition at line 55 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

References $query, and $usr_id.

Referenced by ilObjCourseGUI\afterSave(), ilDAVServer\COPY(), ilDAVServer\DELETE(), ilDAVServer\MKCOL(), ilDAVServer\MOVE(), ilContainerGUI\pasteObject(), ilContainerGUI\performPasteIntoMultipleObjectsObject(), ilDAVServer\PUT(), ilObject2GUI\putObjectInTree(), ilObjectGUI\putObjectInTree(), ilRepUtil\removeObjectsFromSystem(), ilRepUtil\restoreObjects(), ilObjFileGUI\save(), ilObjFileGUI\update(), ilObjRootFolderGUI\updateObject(), ilObjGroupGUI\updateObject(), ilObjCategoryGUI\updateObject(), and ilObjCourseGUI\updateObject().

global $ilDB;
/* see _recordReadEvent
if (!ilChangeEvent::_isActive())
if ($parent_obj_id == null)
$pset = $ilDB->query('SELECT r2.obj_id par_obj_id FROM object_reference r1 '.
'JOIN tree t ON t.child = r1.ref_id '.
'JOIN object_reference r2 ON r2.ref_id = t.parent '.
'WHERE r1.obj_id = '.$ilDB->quote($obj_id,'integer'));
while ($prec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($pset))
$nid = $ilDB->nextId("write_event");
$query = sprintf('INSERT INTO write_event '.
'(write_id, obj_id, parent_obj_id, usr_id, action, ts) VALUES '.
'(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, '.$ilDB->now().')',
$aff = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
$nid = $ilDB->nextId("write_event");
$query = sprintf('INSERT INTO write_event '.
'(write_id, obj_id, parent_obj_id, usr_id, action, ts) '.
'VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,'.$ilDB->now().')',
$aff = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
//error_log ('ilChangeEvent::_recordWriteEvent '.$q);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilChangeEvent::_syncObjectStats (   $a_now = null,
  $a_minimum = 20000 

Process object statistics log data.


Definition at line 343 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

References $row, and ilDB\LOCK_WRITE.

Referenced by _recordObjStats(), and ilLPObjectStatisticsGUI\adminSync().

global $ilDB;
$a_now = time();
// has source table enough entries?
$set = $ilDB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter FROM obj_stat_log");
$row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set);
if($row["counter"] >= $a_minimum)
// lock source and transfer table
$ilDB->lockTables(array(array("name"=>"obj_stat_log", "type"=>ilDB::LOCK_WRITE),
array("name"=>"obj_stat_tmp", "type"=>ilDB::LOCK_WRITE)));
// if other process was transferring, we had to wait for the lock and
// the source table should now have less than minimum/needed entries
$set = $ilDB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter FROM obj_stat_log");
$row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set);
if($row["counter"] >= $a_minimum)
// use only "full" seconds to have a clear cut
$ilDB->query("INSERT INTO obj_stat_tmp".
" SELECT * FROM obj_stat_log".
" WHERE tstamp < ".$ilDB->quote($a_now, "timestamp"));
// remove transferred entries from source table
$ilDB->query("DELETE FROM obj_stat_log".
" WHERE tstamp < ".$ilDB->quote($a_now, "timestamp"));
// remove lock from source table
// lock transfer and target table (is this needed?)
$ilDB->lockTables(array(array("name"=>"obj_stat_tmp", "type"=>ilDB::LOCK_WRITE),
array("name"=>"obj_stat", "type"=>ilDB::LOCK_WRITE)));
// process log data (timestamp is not needed anymore)
$sql = "SELECT obj_id, obj_type, yyyy, mm, dd, hh, SUM(read_count) AS read_count,".
" SUM(childs_read_count) AS childs_read_count, SUM(spent_seconds) AS spent_seconds,".
" SUM(childs_spent_seconds) AS childs_spent_seconds".
" FROM obj_stat_tmp".
" GROUP BY obj_id, obj_type, yyyy, mm, dd, hh";
$set = $ilDB->query($sql);
while($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set))
// "primary key"
$where = array("obj_id" => array("integer", $row["obj_id"]),
"obj_type" => array("text", $row["obj_type"]),
"yyyy" => array("integer", $row["yyyy"]),
"mm" => array("integer", $row["mm"]),
"dd" => array("integer", $row["dd"]),
"hh" => array("integer", $row["hh"]));
$where_sql = array();
foreach($where as $field => $def)
$where_sql[] = $field." = ".$ilDB->quote($def[1], $def[0]);
$where_sql = implode(" AND ", $where_sql);
// existing entry?
$check = $ilDB->query("SELECT read_count, childs_read_count, spent_seconds,".
" FROM obj_stat".
" WHERE ".$where_sql);
$old = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($check);
// add existing values
$fields = array("read_count" => array("integer", $old["read_count"]+$row["read_count"]),
"childs_read_count" => array("integer", $old["childs_read_count"]+$row["childs_read_count"]),
"spent_seconds" => array("integer", $old["spent_seconds"]+$row["spent_seconds"]),
"childs_spent_seconds" => array("integer", $old["childs_spent_seconds"]+$row["childs_spent_seconds"]));
$ilDB->update("obj_stat", $fields, $where);
// new entry
$fields = $where;
$fields["read_count"] = array("integer", $row["read_count"]);
$fields["childs_read_count"] = array("integer", $row["childs_read_count"]);
$fields["spent_seconds"] = array("integer", $row["spent_seconds"]);
$fields["childs_spent_seconds"] = array("integer", $row["childs_spent_seconds"]);
$ilDB->insert("obj_stat", $fields);
// clean up transfer table
$ilDB->query("DELETE FROM obj_stat_tmp");
// remove all locks (does not matter if transfer was actually performed)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilChangeEvent::hasAccessed (   $a_obj_id,

Has accessed.

Definition at line 824 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

Referenced by ilLPStatusManual\determineStatus(), ilLPStatusVisits\determineStatus(), ilLPStatusTypicalLearningTime\determineStatus(), ilLPStatusExerciseReturned\determineStatus(), ilLPStatusObjectives\determineStatus(), ilLPStatusManualByTutor\determineStatus(), ilLPStatusSCORM\determineStatus(), and ilLPStatusCollection\determineStatus().

global $ilDB;
if (isset(self::$has_accessed[$a_obj_id][$a_usr_id]))
return self::$has_accessed[$a_obj_id][$a_usr_id];
$set = $ilDB->query("SELECT usr_id FROM read_event WHERE ".
"obj_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer")." AND ".
"usr_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_usr_id, "integer")
if ($rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set))
return self::$has_accessed[$a_obj_id][$a_usr_id] = true;
return self::$has_accessed[$a_obj_id][$a_usr_id] = false;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilChangeEvent::lookupUsersInProgress (   $a_obj_id)

Lookup users in progress.


Definition at line 806 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

References $query, $res, and $row.

Referenced by ilLPStatusManual\_getInProgress(), ilLPStatusObjectives\_getInProgress(), ilLPStatusExerciseReturned\_getInProgress(), ilLPStatusCollection\_getInProgress(), and ilLPStatusManualByTutor\_getInProgress().

global $ilDB;
$query = sprintf('SELECT DISTINCT(usr_id) usr FROM read_event '.
'WHERE obj_id = %s ',
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
while($row = $ilDB->fetchObject($res))
$users[] = $row->usr;
return $users ? $users : array();

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

ilChangeEvent::$has_accessed = array()

Definition at line 38 of file class.ilChangeEvent.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: