ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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SeqTreeBuilder Class Reference
+ Collaboration diagram for SeqTreeBuilder:

Public Member Functions

 buildNodeSeqTree ($file)

Static Public Member Functions

static getObjectives ($iNode, $ioAct)
static getADLSEQObjectives ($iNode, $ioAct)
static getADLSeqMaps ($iNode, $curseqobj)
static fillinADLSeqMaps ($iNode, $map)
static getObjectiveMaps ($iNode)
static getRollupRules ($iNode, $ioAct)
static getSequencingRules ($iNode, $ioAct)
static extractSeqRuleConditions ($iNode)
static getAuxResources ($iNode, $ioAct)

Private Member Functions

 buildNode ($node, $seq, $doc)
 extractSeqInfo ($iNode, $ioAct)
 lookupElement ($iNode, $iElement)

Static Private Member Functions

static convert_to_bool ($string)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 67 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.

Member Function Documentation

SeqTreeBuilder::buildNode (   $node,

Definition at line 128 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.

References extractSeqInfo(), and lookupElement().

Referenced by buildNodeSeqTree().

//create a new activity object
$act = new SeqActivity();
//set various attributes, if existent
$act->setID(preg_replace('/(%20)+/', ' ', trim($node->getAttribute("identifier"))));
$tempVal = preg_replace('/(%20)+/', ' ', trim($node->getAttribute("identifierref")));
if ($tempVal){
$tempVal = $node->getAttribute("isvisible");
if ($tempVal){
//Proceed nested items
$children = $node->childNodes;
for ($i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++ ) {
//elements only
if ($curNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
//only items are nested
if ($curNode->localName == "item") {
$nestedAct = new SeqActivity();
$nestedAct = $this->buildNode($curNode,$seq,$doc);
if ($nestedAct != null ) {
else if ($curNode->localName == "title") {
else if ($curNode->localName == "completionThreshold"){
$tempVal = $curNode->getAttribute("minProgressMeasure");
if ($tempVal){
else if ($curNode->nodeValue != null && $curNode->nodeValue != '') {
$tempVal = $curNode->getAttribute("progressWeight");
if ($tempVal){
$tempVal = $curNode->getAttribute("completedByMeasure");
if ($tempVal){
else if ($curNode->localName == "sequencing") {
$seqInfo = $curNode;
//get IDRef
$tempVal = preg_replace('/(%20)+/', ' ', trim($curNode->getAttribute("IDRef")));
//only execute for referenced sequencing parts
if ($tempVal) {
//init seqGlobal
$seqGlobal = null;
//get all sequencing nodes in collections
$sequencing = $seq->getElementsByTagName("sequencing");
//lookup the matching sequencing element
foreach ($sequencing as $element) {
if (preg_replace('/(%20)+/', ' ', trim($element->getAttribute("ID")))==$tempVal) {
$seqGlobal = $element;
//clone the global node
$seqInfo = $seqGlobal->cloneNode(TRUE);
//back to the local node
$seqChildren = $curNode->childNodes;
for ($j = 0; $j < $seqChildren->length; $j++ ) {
//process local nodes
$curChild = $seqChildren->item($j);
if ( $curChild->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) {
//echo "\nFound Sequencing Element Node".$curChild->localName;
//add local to global sequencing info
//extract the sequencing info, if we have one
//avoid working with
$act=$this->extractSeqInfo($seqInfo, $act);
//add class
return $act;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

SeqTreeBuilder::buildNodeSeqTree (   $file)

Definition at line 69 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.

References $file, $ret, and buildNode().

$doc = new DomDocument();
$organizations = $doc->getElementsByTagName("organizations");
//lookup default organization id
$default=preg_replace('/(%20)+/', ' ', trim($organizations->item(0)->getAttribute("default")));
//get all organization nodes
$organization = $doc->getElementsByTagName("organization");
//lookup the default organization
foreach ($organization as $element) {
if (preg_replace('/(%20)+/', ' ', trim($element->getAttribute("identifier")))==$default) {
$default_organization = $element;
//read seqCollection
$seqCollection = $doc->getElementsByTagName("sequencingCollection")->item(0);
$root = $this->buildNode($default_organization,$seqCollection,$doc);
//return no data please check
$objectivesGlobalToSystem = $default_organization->getAttributeNS("","objectivesGlobalToSystem");
$org = preg_replace('/(%20)+/', ' ', trim($default_organization->getAttribute("identifier")));
//default true
$globaltosystem = 1;
if ($objectivesGlobalToSystem=="false") {
$globaltosystem = 0;
//return no data please check
$dataGlobalToSystem = $default_organization->getAttributeNS("","sharedDataGlobalToSystem");
//default true
$dataglobaltosystem = 1;
if ($dataGlobalToSystem=="false") {
$dataglobaltosystem = 0;
//assign SeqActivity to top node
$ret['global'] = $globaltosystem;
$ret['dataglobal'] = $dataglobaltosystem;
$ret['tree'] = $c_root;
return $ret;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

static SeqTreeBuilder::convert_to_bool (   $string)

Definition at line 997 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.

Referenced by fillinADLSeqMaps(), getObjectiveMaps(), and getObjectives().

if (strtoupper($string)=="FALSE") {
return false;
} else {
return true;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

SeqTreeBuilder::extractSeqInfo (   $iNode,

Definition at line 245 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.

References getADLSEQObjectives(), getAuxResources(), getObjectives(), getRollupRules(), and getSequencingRules().

Referenced by buildNode().

//set sequencing information
$children = $iNode->childNodes;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++ ) {
$curNode = $children->item($i);
if ( $curNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) {
if ($curNode->localName == "controlMode") {
//look for choice
if ($tempVal) {
//look for choiceExit
if ($tempVal) {
//look for flow
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'forwardOnly'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'useCurrentAttemptObjectiveInfo'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'useCurrentAttemptProgressInfo'
if ($tempVal) {
else if ($curNode->localName == "sequencingRules") {
$ioAct = $this->getSequencingRules($curNode,$ioAct);
else if ($curNode->localName == "limitConditions") {
// Look for 'useCurrentAttemptObjectiveInfo'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'attemptAbsoluteDurationLimit'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'attemptExperiencedDurationLimit'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'activityAbsoluteDurationLimit'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'activityExperiencedDurationLimit'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'beginTimeLimit'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'endTimeLimit'
if ($tempVal) {
else if ($curNode->localName == "auxiliaryResources") {
$ioAct = self::getAuxResources($curNode, $ioAct);
else if ($curNode->localName == "rollupRules") {
$ioAct = self::getRollupRules($curNode, $ioAct);
else if ($curNode->localName == "objectives" && $curNode->namespaceURI == "") {
$ioAct = self::getObjectives($curNode,$ioAct);
else if ($curNode->localName == "objectives" && $curNode->namespaceURI == "") {
$ioAct = self::getADLSEQObjectives($curNode,$ioAct);
else if ($curNode->localName == "randomizationControls") {
// Look for 'randomizationTiming'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'selectCount'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'reorderChildren'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'selectionTiming'
if ($tempVal) {
else if ($curNode->localName == "deliveryControls") {
// Look for 'tracked'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'completionSetByContent'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'objectiveSetByContent'
if ($tempVal) {
else if ($curNode->localName == "constrainedChoiceConsiderations") {
// Look for 'preventActivation'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'constrainChoice'
if ($tempVal) {
else if ($curNode->localName == "rollupConsiderations") {
// Look for 'requiredForSatisfied'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'requiredForNotSatisfied'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'requiredForCompleted'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'requiredForIncomplete'
if ($tempVal) {
// Look for 'measureSatisfactionIfActive'
if ($tempVal) {
} //end note-type check
} //end for-loop
return $ioAct;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static SeqTreeBuilder::extractSeqRuleConditions (   $iNode)

Definition at line 894 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.


Referenced by getSequencingRules().

$tempVal = null;
$condSet = new SeqConditionSet(false);
$conditions = array();
if ($tempVal) {
} else {
$condInfo = $iNode->childNodes;
for ($i = 0; $i < $condInfo->length; $i++ ) {
if ($curCond->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($curCond->localName == "ruleCondition") {
$cond = new SeqCondition();
//look for condition
if ($tempVal) {
$cond->mCondition = $tempVal;
// Look for 'referencedObjective'
$tempVal=preg_replace('/(%20)+/', ' ', trim($curCond->getAttribute("referencedObjective")));
if ($tempVal) {
$cond->mObjID = $tempVal;
// Look for 'measureThreshold'
if ($tempVal) {
$cond->mThreshold = $tempVal;
// Look for 'operator'
$tempVal = $curCond->getAttribute("operator");
if ($tempVal) {
if ($tempVal == 'not') {
$cond->mNot = true;
} else {
$cond->mNot = false;
//add class
if (count($conditions)>0) {
$condSet->mConditions = $conditions;
} else {
$condSet->mConditions = null;
//add class
return $c_condSet;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static SeqTreeBuilder::fillinADLSeqMaps (   $iNode,

Definition at line 582 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.

References convert_to_bool().

Referenced by getADLSeqMaps().

if($map->mGlobalObjID == null) $map->mGlobalObjID = preg_replace('/(%20)+/', ' ', trim($iNode->getAttribute("targetObjectiveID")));
$tempVal = $iNode->getAttribute("readRawScore");
if($tempVal) {
$map->mReadRawScore = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
$tempVal = $iNode->getAttribute("readMinScore");
if($tempVal) {
$map->mReadMinScore = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
$tempVal = $iNode->getAttribute("readMaxScore");
if($tempVal) {
$map->mReadMaxScore = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
$tempVal = $iNode->getAttribute("readCompletionStatus");
if($tempVal) {
$map->mReadCompletionStatus = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
$tempVal = $iNode->getAttribute("readProgressMeasure");
if($tempVal) {
$map->mReadProgressMeasure = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
$tempVal = $iNode->getAttribute("writeRawScore");
if($tempVal) {
$map->mWriteRawScore = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
$tempVal = $iNode->getAttribute("writeMinScore");
if($tempVal) {
$map->mWriteMinScore = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
$tempVal = $iNode->getAttribute("writeMaxScore");
if($tempVal) {
$map->mWriteMaxScore = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
$tempVal = $iNode->getAttribute("writeCompletionStatus");
if($tempVal) {
$map->mWriteCompletionStatus = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
$tempVal = $iNode->getAttribute("writeProgressMeasure");
if($tempVal) {
$map->mWriteProgressMeasure = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
return $map;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static SeqTreeBuilder::getADLSeqMaps (   $iNode,

Definition at line 545 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.

References fillinADLSeqMaps().

Referenced by getADLSEQObjectives().

if (count($curseqobj->mMaps)==null) $curseqobj->mMaps = array();
$maps = $curseqobj->mMaps;
$children = $iNode->childNodes;
for ($i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++ ) {
if ($curNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($curNode->localName == "mapInfo") {
$map = new SeqObjectiveMap();
$curadltargetobjid = preg_replace('/(%20)+/', ' ', trim($curNode->getAttribute("targetObjectiveID")));
// if the adl map target id matches an imsssssss one, then add to the imsssss one
$matchingmapindex = -1;
for ( $j = 0; $j < count($maps); $j++ ){
if ($maps[$j]['_SeqObjectiveMap']->mGlobalObjID == $curadltargetobjid){
$map = $maps[$j]['_SeqObjectiveMap'];
$matchingmapindex = $j;
// tom: if default access is dependent on map existence then this will need to know if an imsss:mapInfo existed
$map = self::fillinADLSeqMaps($curNode, $map);
if ( $matchingmapindex > -1 ){
$maps[$matchingmapindex] = $c_map;
array_push($maps, $c_map);
$curseqobj->mMaps = $maps;
return $curseqobj;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static SeqTreeBuilder::getADLSEQObjectives (   $iNode,

Definition at line 506 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.

References $ilLog, and getADLSeqMaps().

Referenced by extractSeqInfo().

global $ilLog;
$objectives = $ioAct->mObjectives;
$children = $iNode->childNodes;
for ($i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++ ) {
if ($curNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($curNode->localName == "objective" ) {
// get the objectiveID
$adlseqobjid = preg_replace('/(%20)+/', ' ', trim($curNode->getAttribute("objectiveID")));
// find the imsss objective with the same objectiveID
$curseqobj = null;
for ( $j = 0; $j < count($objectives); $j++ ){
$seqobj = $objectives[$j]['_SeqObjective'];
if ( $seqobj->mObjID == $adlseqobjid ){
$curseqobj = $seqobj;
$curseqobjindex = $j;
// if there's a current seq then let's add the maps
if ( $curseqobj != null ){
// for each adlseq map info populate that mMaps with map info in the adlseq objective
$curseqobj = self::getADLSeqMaps($curNode, $curseqobj);
$seqobj = $curseqobj;
$objectives[$curseqobjindex]['_SeqObjective'] = $seqobj;
// before i leave what do i have to duplicate in SeqActivity or some other class?
// prolly just
return $ioAct;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static SeqTreeBuilder::getAuxResources (   $iNode,

Definition at line 960 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.

References $ok, and $res.

Referenced by extractSeqInfo().

$ok = true;
$tempVal = null;
$auxRes = array();
//get children
$children = $iNode->childNodes;
//find ressources
for ($i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++ ) {
if ($curNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($curNode->localName == "auxiliaryResource") {
//found it
// Get the resource's purpose
if ($tempVal) {
$res->mType = $tempVal;
// Get the resource's ID
$tempVal=preg_replace('/(%20)+/', ' ', trim($curNode->getAttribute("auxiliaryResourceID")));
if ($tempVal) {
$res->mResourceID = $tempVal;
//add class
return $ioAct;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static SeqTreeBuilder::getObjectiveMaps (   $iNode)

Definition at line 639 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.

References convert_to_bool().

Referenced by getObjectives().

$tempVal = null;
$maps = array();
$children = $iNode->childNodes;
for ($i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++ ) {
if ($curNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($curNode->localName == "mapInfo") {
$map = new SeqObjectiveMap();
// Look for 'targetObjectiveID'
$tempVal = preg_replace('/(%20)+/', ' ', trim($curNode->getAttribute("targetObjectiveID")));
if($tempVal) {
$map->mGlobalObjID = $tempVal;
// Look for 'readSatisfiedStatus'
$tempVal = $curNode->getAttribute("readSatisfiedStatus");
if($tempVal) {
$map->mReadStatus = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
// Look for 'readNormalizedMeasure'
$tempVal = $curNode->getAttribute("readNormalizedMeasure");
if($tempVal) {
$map->mReadMeasure = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
// Look for 'writeSatisfiedStatus'
$tempVal = $curNode->getAttribute("writeSatisfiedStatus");
if($tempVal) {
$map->mWriteStatus = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
// Look for 'writeNormalizedMeasure'
$tempVal = $curNode->getAttribute("writeNormalizedMeasure");
if($tempVal) {
$map->mWriteMeasure = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
//add class
if (count($maps)==null) {
$maps = null;
return $maps;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static SeqTreeBuilder::getObjectives (   $iNode,

Definition at line 455 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.

References $ilLog, $ok, convert_to_bool(), getObjectiveMaps(), and lookupElement().

Referenced by extractSeqInfo().

global $ilLog;
$ok = true;
$tempVal = null;
$objectives = array();
$children = $iNode->childNodes;
for ($i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++ ) {
if ($curNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($curNode->localName == "primaryObjective" || $curNode->localName == "objective" ) {
$obj = new SeqObjective();
if ($curNode->localName == "primaryObjective") {
$obj->mContributesToRollup = true;
// Look for 'objectiveID'
$tempVal = preg_replace('/(%20)+/', ' ', trim($curNode->getAttribute("objectiveID")));
if($tempVal) {
$obj->mObjID = $tempVal;
// Look for 'satisfiedByMeasure'
$tempVal = $curNode->getAttribute("satisfiedByMeasure");
if($tempVal) {
$obj->mSatisfiedByMeasure = self::convert_to_bool($tempVal);
// Look for 'minNormalizedMeasure'
if($tempVal) {
$obj->mMinMeasure = $tempVal;
//get ObjectiveMaps
$maps = self::getObjectiveMaps($curNode);
if ( $maps != null ){
$obj->mMaps = $maps;
//$obj->mContributesToRollup = true;
//add class
$c_obj['_SeqObjective'] = $obj;
return $ioAct;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static SeqTreeBuilder::getRollupRules (   $iNode,

Definition at line 690 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.

References $ok, and COMBINATION_ANY.

Referenced by extractSeqInfo().

$ok = true;
$tempVal = null;
$rollupRules = array();
// Look for 'rollupObjectiveSatisfied'
$tempVal = $iNode->getAttribute("rollupObjectiveSatisfied");
if($tempVal) {
// Look for 'objectiveMeasureWeight'
$tempVal = $iNode->getAttribute("objectiveMeasureWeight");
if($tempVal) {
// Look for 'rollupProgressCompletion'
$tempVal = $iNode->getAttribute("rollupProgressCompletion");
if($tempVal) {
$children = $iNode->childNodes;
for ($i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++ ) {
if ($curNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($curNode->localName == "rollupRule") {
$rule = new SeqRollupRule();
// Look for 'childActivitySet'
if($tempVal) {
$rule->mChildActivitySet = $tempVal;
// Look for 'minimumCount'
if($tempVal) {
$rule->mMinCount = $tempVal;
// Look for 'minimumPercent'
if($tempVal) {
$rule->mMinPercent = $tempVal;
$rule->mConditions['_SeqConditionSet'] = new SeqConditionSet(true);
$conditions = array();
$ruleInfo = $curNode->childNodes;
for ($j = 0; $j < $ruleInfo->length; $j++ ) {
//check for element
if ($curRule->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($curRule->localName == "rollupConditions") {
$tempVal = $curRule->getAttribute("conditionCombination");
if($tempVal) {
$rule->mConditions['_SeqConditionSet']->mCombination = $tempVal;
} else {
$rule->mConditions['_SeqConditionSet']->mCombination = COMBINATION_ANY;
$conds = $curRule->childNodes;
for ($k = 0; $k < $conds->length; $k++ ) {
if ($con->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($con->localName == "rollupCondition") {
$cond = new SeqCondition();
// Look for 'condition'
$tempVal = $con->getAttribute("condition");
if($tempVal) {
// Look for 'operator'
$tempVal = $con->getAttribute("operator");
if($tempVal) {
if($tempVal=='not') {$cond->mNot = true;} else {$cond->mNot = false;}
//add class
$c_cond['_SeqCondition'] = $cond;
else if ($curRule->localName == "rollupAction") {
$tempVal = $curRule->getAttribute("action");
if ($tempVal) {
// Add the conditions to the condition set for the rule
$rule->mConditions['_SeqConditionSet']->mConditions = $conditions;
// Add the rule to the ruleset
//add class
if ( $rollupRules != null ) {
$rules = new SeqRollupRuleset($rollupRules);
// Set the Activity's rollup rules
//add class
return $ioAct;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static SeqTreeBuilder::getSequencingRules (   $iNode,

Definition at line 807 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.

References $ok, and extractSeqRuleConditions().

Referenced by extractSeqInfo().

//local variables
$ok = true;
$tempVal = null;
$preRules = array();
$exitRules = array();
$postRules = array();
//get children
$children = $iNode->childNodes;
//find sequencing rules
for ($i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++ ) {
if ($curNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($curNode->localName == "preConditionRule" || $curNode->localName == "exitConditionRule" || $curNode->localName == "postConditionRule" ) {
$rule = new SeqRule();
$ruleInfo = $curNode->childNodes;
for ($j = 0; $j < $ruleInfo->length; $j++ ){
//echo "$curRule->localName\n";
if ($curRule->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($curRule->localName == "ruleConditions") {
$rule->mConditions = self::extractSeqRuleConditions($curRule);
else if($curRule->localName == "ruleAction"){
if($tempVal) {
$rule->mAction = $tempVal;
}//end for inner
if ( $rule->mConditions != null && $rule->mAction != null ) {
//changed from ADL Code..
if ($curNode->localName == "preConditionRule") {
//echo "ADD PRE";
//add class
$c_rule['_SeqRule'] = $rule;
if ($curNode->localName == "exitConditionRule") {
//echo "ADD EXIT";
//add class
$c_rule['_SeqRule'] = $rule;
if ($curNode->localName == "postConditionRule") {
//echo "ADD POST";
//add class
$c_rule['_SeqRule'] = $rule;
} //end if preCondition
} //end if ELEMENT
if ( count($preRules) > 0 ) {
$rules = new SeqRuleset($preRules);
//add class
if ( count($exitRules) > 0 ){
$rules = new SeqRuleset($exitRules);
//add class
if ( count($postRules) > 0 ){
$rules = new SeqRuleset($postRules);
//add class
//echo json_encode($ioAct);
return $ioAct;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

SeqTreeBuilder::lookupElement (   $iNode,

Definition at line 1006 of file SeqTreeBuilder.php.

Referenced by buildNode(), and getObjectives().

$value = null;
$curNode = null;
$children = null;
if ( $iNode != null && $iElement != null ){
$children = $iNode->childNodes;
for ($i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++ ) {
$curNode = $children->item($i);
if ( ($curNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) {
if ($curNode->localName == $iElement) {
if ($curNode != null ) {
$comp = $curNode->localName;
if ($comp != null) {
if ($comp != $iElement) {
$curNode = null;
} else {
$curNode = null;
else {
//$iElement is null
$curNode = $iNode;
if ( $curNode != null )
$children = $curNode->childNodes;
if ( $children != null ) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++ ) {
$curNode = $children->item($i);
// make sure we have a 'text' element
if ( ($curNode->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) ||($curNode->nodeType == XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE) )
$value = $value.$curNode->nodeValue;
return $value;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: