ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_carealizer20 Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_carealizer20:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_carealizer20:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_carealizer20 ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_carealizer20.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_carealizer20::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 452 of file HFile_carealizer20.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_carealizer20::HFile_carealizer20 ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_carealizer20.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array(":", " ");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"/L10" => "",
"Line" => "",
"Comment" => "",
"=" => "",
"'" => "",
"Nocase" => "",
"File" => "",
"Extensions" => "",
"RLZ" => "",
"RFD" => "",
"Abs" => "1",
"ACos" => "1",
"AddSys" => "1",
"AddToDate" => "1",
"AddToTime" => "1",
"And" => "1",
"AnimateCells" => "1",
"AnimateControl" => "1",
"AnimateFrame" => "1",
"AnimateSelect" => "1",
"AnimateSpecialFrame" => "1",
"AppSetProc" => "1",
"AS" => "1",
"Asc" => "1",
"ASin" => "1",
"ATan2" => "1",
"ATn" => "1",
"BASE" => "1",
"BEEP" => "1",
"Bin$" => "1",
"BinToNum" => "1",
"BitAnd" => "1",
"BitClear" => "1",
"BitLShift" => "1",
"BitNot" => "1",
"BitOr" => "1",
"BitRShift" => "1",
"BitSet" => "1",
"BitTest" => "1",
"BitXor" => "1",
"BoardControl" => "1",
"BoardNew" => "1",
"BoardQ" => "1",
"BoardQUnique" => "1",
"BoardSelect" => "1",
"BoardSetProc" => "1",
"BoardUpdate" => "1",
"Bool" => "1",
"CARET" => "1",
"Case" => "1",
"CDBL" => "1",
"Ceil" => "1",
"CHAIN" => "1",
"ChartBar" => "1",
"ChartControl" => "1",
"ChartControlGrid" => "1",
"ChartControlKey" => "1",
"ChartControlLabels" => "1",
"ChartControlPane" => "1",
"ChartHBar" => "1",
"ChartLine" => "1",
"ChartMark" => "1",
"ChartNew" => "1",
"ChartPie" => "1",
"ChartQ" => "1",
"ChartQPtInfo" => "1",
"ChartQUnique" => "1",
"ChartQXAxis" => "1",
"ChartQYAxis" => "1",
"ChartRemove" => "1",
"ChartSelect" => "1",
"ChartSelectPane" => "1",
"ChartSetColor" => "1",
"ChartSetFont" => "1",
"ChartSetKey" => "1",
"ChartSetLineStyle" => "1",
"ChartSetMark" => "1",
"ChartSetProc" => "1",
"ChartSetTitle" => "1",
"ChartSetXAxis" => "1",
"ChartSetXAxis2" => "1",
"ChartSetXGrid" => "1",
"ChartSetXLabels" => "1",
"ChartSetXView" => "1",
"ChartSetYAxis" => "1",
"ChartSetYGrid" => "1",
"ChartSetYLabels" => "1",
"ChartText" => "1",
"ChartUpdate" => "1",
"ChartXYLine" => "1",
"ChartXYMark" => "1",
"CHDIR" => "1",
"Chr$" => "1",
"CINT" => "1",
"CLEAR" => "1",
"ClipGet" => "1",
"ClipSet" => "1",
"CLNG" => "1",
"ColorNames" => "1",
"CommClose" => "1",
"CommOpen" => "1",
"CommQ" => "1",
"CommRead" => "1",
"CommWrite" => "1",
"Cos" => "1",
"CSNG" => "1",
"CVD" => "1",
"CVDMBF" => "1",
"CVI" => "1",
"CVL" => "1",
"CVS" => "1",
"CVSMBF" => "1",
"DATE$" => "1",
"DateInfo" => "1",
"DateToNum" => "1",
"DayOfWeek" => "1",
"DDEControl" => "1",
"DDENew" => "1",
"DDEQ" => "1",
"DDEQUnique" => "1",
"DDESelect" => "1",
"DDESetProc" => "1",
"DDEWait" => "1",
"DIM" => "1",
"DWord" => "1",
"EndValid" => "1",
"END" => "1",
"EOF" => "1",
"Eqv" => "1",
"ERASE" => "1",
"ERF" => "1",
"ERL" => "1",
"ERR" => "1",
"ERROR" => "1",
"EXECUTE" => "1",
"EXIT" => "1",
"Exp" => "1",
"Exp10" => "1",
"EXPORT" => "1",
"EXTERNAL" => "1",
"Else" => "1",
"FileClose" => "1",
"FileDB" => "1",
"FileDelete" => "1",
"FileEOF" => "1",
"FileExport" => "1",
"FileImport" => "1",
"FileMakeName" => "1",
"FileOpen" => "1",
"FilePos" => "1",
"FileQ" => "1",
"FileQUnique" => "1",
"FileRead" => "1",
"FILES" => "1",
"FileSeek" => "1",
"FileWrite" => "1",
"FirstMatch" => "1",
"Fix" => "1",
"Floor" => "1",
"FontControl" => "1",
"FontNew" => "1",
"FontQ" => "1",
"FontQUnique" => "1",
"FontSelect" => "1",
"FOR" => "1",
"FormControl" => "1",
"FormModifyObject" => "1",
"FormNew" => "1",
"FormQ" => "1",
"FormQNum" => "1",
"FormQObject" => "1",
"FormQStr" => "1",
"FormQUnique" => "1",
"FormSelect" => "1",
"FormSetColor" => "1",
"FormSetGrid" => "1",
"FormSetObject" => "1",
"FormSetProc" => "1",
"FormWait" => "1",
"FREEFILE" => "1",
"FUNC" => "1",
"GOTO" => "1",
"Help" => "1",
"HelpSetProc" => "1",
"Hex$" => "1",
"HexToNum" => "1",
"IDLE" => "1",
"IF" => "1",
"Imp" => "1",
"Index" => "1",
"INPUT" => "1",
"InStr" => "1",
"INT" => "1",
"INTEGER" => "1",
"KILL" => "1",
"LBound" => "1",
"LCase$" => "1",
"Left$" => "1",
"Len" => "1",
"LFLUSH" => "1",
"LOCAL" => "1",
"LOF" => "1",
"Log" => "1",
"Log10" => "1",
"LogControl" => "1",
"LogNew" => "1",
"LogQ" => "1",
"LogQData" => "1",
"LogQSize" => "1",
"LogQStr" => "1",
"LogQUnique" => "1",
"LogSelect" => "1",
"LogSetData" => "1",
"LogSetProc" => "1",
"Long" => "1",
"LOOP" => "1",
"LPRINT" => "1",
"LROWPRINT" => "1",
"LTrim$" => "1",
"Mask" => "1",
"MatInvert" => "1",
"MatMult" => "1",
"MatTranspose" => "1",
"Max" => "1",
"MenuControl" => "1",
"MenuDoCmd" => "1",
"MenuNew" => "1",
"MenuQ" => "1",
"MenuQUnique" => "1",
"MenuSelect" => "1",
"MenuSetCmd" => "1",
"MenuSetProc" => "1",
"MessageBox" => "1",
"Mid$" => "1",
"Min" => "1",
"MKD$" => "1",
"MKDIR" => "1",
"MKDMBF$" => "1",
"MKI$" => "1",
"MKL$" => "1",
"MKS$" => "1",
"MKSMBF$" => "1",
"Mod" => "1",
"Not" => "1",
"NumToDate" => "1",
"NumToStr" => "1",
"Oct$" => "1",
"OctToNum" => "1",
"ON" => "1",
"OPTION" => "1",
"Or" => "1",
"PictureClipGet" => "1",
"PictureClipSet" => "1",
"PictureControl" => "1",
"PictureNew" => "1",
"PictureQ" => "1",
"PictureQUnique" => "1",
"PictureSelect" => "1",
"Pointer" => "1",
"PRINT" => "1",
"PrinterControl" => "1",
"PROC" => "1",
"Product" => "1",
"QDate" => "1",
"QDir" => "1",
"QFormat" => "1",
"QNOptMods" => "1",
"QNOptParams" => "1",
"QOptMod" => "1",
"QOptParam" => "1",
"QSys" => "1",
"QVar" => "1",
"RANDOMIZE" => "1",
"RENAME" => "1",
"RESET" => "1",
"ResetHourglass" => "1",
"RESUME" => "1",
"RETURN" => "1",
"Reverse$" => "1",
"Right$" => "1",
"RMDIR" => "1",
"Rnd" => "1",
"Round" => "1",
"ROWPRINT" => "1",
"RTrim$" => "1",
"RUN" => "1",
"RunTot" => "1",
"SchedControl" => "1",
"SchedNew" => "1",
"SchedQ" => "1",
"SchedQData" => "1",
"SchedRemove" => "1",
"SchedSet" => "1",
"ScreenEGA" => "1",
"SEEK" => "1",
"SELECT" => "1",
"SetAppName" => "1",
"SetDir" => "1",
"SetFormat" => "1",
"SetHourglass" => "1",
"SetSys" => "1",
"SetSystemDate" => "1",
"SetSystemTime" => "1",
"Sgn" => "1",
"SheetControl" => "1",
"SheetControlLabels" => "1",
"SheetNew" => "1",
"SheetQ" => "1",
"SheetQInfo" => "1",
"SheetQUnique" => "1",
"SheetSelect" => "1",
"SheetSetColLabels" => "1",
"SheetSetProc" => "1",
"SheetSetRowLabels" => "1",
"SheetUpdate" => "1",
"SHELL" => "1",
"Sin" => "1",
"SLEEP" => "1",
"Space$" => "1",
"Spc$" => "1",
"Sprint" => "1",
"Sqr" => "1",
"Sqrt" => "1",
"StartValid" => "1",
"StatMovAvg" => "1",
"StatMovMax" => "1",
"StatMovMin" => "1",
"StatMovTot" => "1",
"StatNorm" => "1",
"StatPack" => "1",
"StatPercent" => "1",
"StatRank" => "1",
"StatRegress" => "1",
"StatSort" => "1",
"StatSwitch" => "1",
"StatUnPack" => "1",
"StdColor" => "1",
"StdFont" => "1",
"StdOpen" => "1",
"StdPrintConfig" => "1",
"StdSaveAs" => "1",
"STOP" => "1",
"StrDelete$" => "1",
"String$" => "1",
"StrInsert$" => "1",
"StrKeyword" => "1",
"StrToDate" => "1",
"StrTok" => "1",
"StrToNum" => "1",
"SUB" => "1",
"SubStr$" => "1",
"Sum" => "1",
"SWAP" => "1",
"TabletArc" => "1",
"TabletBitmap" => "1",
"TabletBrush" => "1",
"TabletChord" => "1",
"TabletControl" => "1",
"TabletEllipse" => "1",
"TabletGetPixel" => "1",
"TabletLine" => "1",
"TabletLineTo" => "1",
"TabletMouseX" => "1",
"TabletMouseY" => "1",
"TabletMoveTo" => "1",
"TabletPen" => "1",
"TabletPie" => "1",
"TabletPolygon" => "1",
"TabletPolyLine" => "1",
"TabletPolyPolygon" => "1",
"TabletRectangle" => "1",
"TabletRoundRect" => "1",
"TabletSelect" => "1",
"TabletSetColor" => "1",
"TabletSetPixel" => "1",
"TabletText" => "1",
"TabletTextColor" => "1",
"TabletUndo" => "1",
"Tan" => "1",
"TIME$" => "1",
"TIMER" => "1",
"TYPE" => "1",
"Then" => "1",
"UBound" => "1",
"UCase$" => "1",
"Val" => "1",
"VectSet" => "1",
"WHILE" => "1",
"WRITE" => "1",
"Word" => "1",
"Xor" => "1",
"ZeroFill" => "1");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"" => "donothing",
"1" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: