ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_neuronc Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_neuronc:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_neuronc:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_neuronc ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_neuronc.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_neuronc::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 432 of file HFile_neuronc.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_neuronc::HFile_neuronc ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_neuronc.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Neuron C
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("{");
$this->unindent = array("}");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"", "'");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("//");
$this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"used" => "",
"in" => "",
"programming" => "",
"embedded" => "",
"Neuron" => "",
"(MC3150,3120)" => "",
"chips" => "",
"for" => "1",
"distributed" => "",
"control" => "",
"applications" => "",
"auto" => "1",
"break" => "1",
"case" => "1",
"char" => "1",
"const" => "1",
"continue" => "1",
"default" => "1",
"do" => "1",
"double" => "1",
"else" => "1",
"enum" => "1",
"extern" => "1",
"float" => "1",
"float_type" => "1",
"goto" => "1",
"if" => "1",
"int" => "1",
"long" => "1",
"msg_tag" => "1",
"mtimer" => "1",
"network" => "1",
"quad" => "1",
"register" => "1",
"return" => "1",
"short" => "1",
"signed" => "1",
"sizeof" => "1",
"static" => "1",
"stimer" => "1",
"struct" => "1",
"switch" => "1",
"s32_type" => "1",
"typedef" => "1",
"union" => "1",
"unsigned" => "1",
"void" => "1",
"volatile" => "1",
"when" => "1",
"while" => "1",
"#define" => "1",
"#error" => "1",
"#include" => "1",
"#elif" => "1",
"#if" => "1",
"#line" => "1",
"#else" => "1",
"#ifdef" => "1",
"#pragma" => "1",
"#endif" => "1",
"#ifndef" => "1",
"#undef" => "1",
"addr_table_index" => "2",
"bcd2bin" => "2",
"bin2bcd" => "2",
"eeprom_memcpy" => "2",
"flush_completes" => "2",
"get_tick_count" => "2",
"high_byte" => "2",
"io_changes" => "2",
"io_change_init" => "2",
"io_in" => "2",
"io_in_ready" => "2",
"io_in_request" => "2",
"io_out" => "2",
"io_out_ready" => "2",
"io_out_request" => "2",
"io_preserve_input" => "2",
"io_select" => "2",
"io_set_clock" => "2",
"io_set_direction" => "2",
"io_update_occurs" => "2",
"is_bound" => "2",
"low_byte" => "2",
"make_long" => "2",
"msg_alloc" => "2",
"msg_alloc_priority" => "2",
"msg_cancel" => "2",
"msg_completes" => "2",
"msg_fails" => "2",
"msg_free" => "2",
"msg_receive" => "2",
"msg_send" => "2",
"msg_succeeds" => "2",
"nv_table_index" => "2",
"poll" => "2",
"propagate" => "2",
"reset" => "2",
"resp_alloc" => "2",
"resp_arrives" => "2",
"resp_cancel" => "2",
"resp_free" => "2",
"resp_receive" => "2",
"resp_send" => "2",
"sleep" => "2",
"swap_bytes" => "2",
"timer_expires" => "2",
"touch_bit" => "2",
"touch_byte" => "2",
"touch_first" => "2",
"touch_next" => "2",
"touch_reset" => "2",
"wink" => "2",
"ackd" => "3",
"activate_service_led" => "3",
"auth" => "3",
"authenticated" => "3",
"baud" => "3",
"bind" => "3",
"bit" => "3",
"bitshift" => "3",
"byte" => "3",
"clock" => "3",
"clockedge" => "3",
"config" => "3",
"config_data" => "3",
"ded" => "3",
"dualslope" => "3",
"eeprom" => "3",
"edgedivide" => "3",
"edgelog" => "3",
"far" => "3",
"fastaccess" => "3",
"frequency" => "3",
"infrared" => "3",
"input" => "3",
"input_is_new" => "3",
"input_value" => "3",
"invert" => "3",
"i2c" => "3",
"IO_0" => "3",
"IO_1" => "3",
"IO_2" => "3",
"IO_3" => "3",
"IO_4" => "3",
"IO_5" => "3",
"IO_6" => "3",
"IO_7" => "3",
"IO_8" => "3",
"IO_9" => "3",
"kbaud" => "3",
"leveldetect" => "3",
"magcard" => "3",
"magtrack1" => "3",
"master" => "3",
"max_rate_est" => "3",
"msg_arrives" => "3",
"msg_in" => "3",
"msg_out" => "3",
"msg_tag_index" => "3",
"mux" => "3",
"muxbus" => "3",
"neurowire" => "3",
"nibble" => "3",
"nonbind" => "3",
"nonconfig" => "3",
"nonpriority" => "3",
"numbits" => "3",
"nv_array_index" => "3",
"nv_in_addr" => "3",
"nv_in_index" => "3",
"offchip" => "3",
"offline" => "3",
"onchip" => "3",
"oneshot" => "3",
"output" => "3",
"parallel" => "3",
"period" => "3",
"polled" => "3",
"priority" => "3",
"pulsecount" => "3",
"pulsewidth" => "3",
"quadrature" => "3",
"ram" => "3",
"rate_est" => "3",
"read_only_data" => "3",
"read_only_data2" => "3",
"resp_in" => "3",
"resp_out" => "3",
"select" => "3",
"serial" => "3",
"slave" => "3",
"slave_b" => "3",
"sync" => "3",
"synchronized" => "3",
"system" => "3",
"totalcount" => "3",
"touch" => "3",
"triac" => "3",
"triggeredcount" => "3",
"unackd" => "3",
"unackd_rpt" => "3",
"uninit" => "3",
"wiegand" => "3",
"SNVT_address" => "4",
"SNVT_alarm" => "4",
"SNVT_amp" => "4",
"SNVT_amp_f" => "4",
"SNVT_amp_mil" => "4",
"SNVT_angle" => "4",
"SNVT_angle_deg" => "4",
"SNVT_angle_f" => "4",
"SNVT_angle_vel" => "4",
"SNVT_angle_vel_f" => "4",
"SNVT_area" => "4",
"SNVT_btu_f" => "4",
"SNVT_btu_kilo" => "4",
"SNVT_btu_mega" => "4",
"SNVT_char_ascii" => "4",
"SNVT_chlr_status" => "4",
"SNVT_color" => "4",
"SNVT_config_src" => "4",
"SNVT_count" => "4",
"SNVT_count_f" => "4",
"SNVT_count_inc" => "4",
"SNVT_count_inc_f" => "4",
"SNVT_currency" => "4",
"SNVT_date_cal" => "4",
"SNVT_date_day" => "4",
"SNVT_date_time" => "4",
"SNVT_defr_mode" => "4",
"SNVT_defr_state" => "4",
"SNVT_term" => "4",
"SNVT_density" => "4",
"SNVT_density_f" => "4",
"SNVT_earth_pos" => "4",
"SNVT_elapsed_tm" => "4",
"SNVT_elec_kwhr" => "4",
"SNVT_elec_whr" => "4",
"SNVT_elec_whr_f" => "4",
"SNVT_evap_state" => "4",
"SNVT_file_pos" => "4",
"SNVT_file_req" => "4",
"SNVT_file_status" => "4",
"SNVT_fire_indcte" => "4",
"SNVT_fire_init" => "4",
"SNVT_fire_test" => "4",
"SNVT_flow" => "4",
"SNVT_flow_f" => "4",
"SNVT_flow_mil" => "4",
"SNVT_freq_f" => "4",
"SNVT_freq_hz" => "4",
"SNVT_freq_kilohz" => "4",
"SNVT_freq_milhz" => "4",
"SNVT_grammage" => "4",
"SNVT_grammage_f" => "4",
"SNVT_hvac_emerg" => "4",
"SNVT_hvac_mode" => "4",
"SNVT_hvac_overid" => "4",
"SNVT_hvac_status" => "4",
"SNVT_ISO_7811" => "4",
"SNVT_length" => "4",
"SNVT_length_f" => "4",
"SNVT_length_kilo" => "4",
"SNVT_length_micr" => "4",
"SNVT_length_mil" => "4",
"SNVT_lev_cont" => "4",
"SNVT_lev_cont_f" => "4",
"SNVT_lev_disc" => "4",
"SNVT_lev_percent" => "4",
"SNVT_lux" => "4",
"SNVT_magcard" => "4",
"SNVT_mass" => "4",
"SNVT_mass_f" => "4",
"SNVT_mass_kilo" => "4",
"SNVT_mass_mega" => "4",
"SNVT_mass_mil" => "4",
"SNVT_muldiv" => "4",
"SNVT_multiplier" => "4",
"SNVT_obj_request" => "4",
"SNVT_obj_status" => "4",
"SNVT_occupancy" => "4",
"SNVT_override" => "4",
"SNVT_ph" => "4",
"SNVT_ph_f" => "4",
"SNVT_power" => "4",
"SNVT_power_f" => "4",
"SNVT_power_kilo" => "4",
"SNVT_ppm" => "4",
"SNVT_ppm_f" => "4",
"SNVT_preset" => "4",
"SNVT_press" => "4",
"SNVT_press_f" => "4",
"SNVT_press_p" => "4",
"SNVT_pwr_fact" => "4",
"SNVT_pwr_fact_f" => "4",
"SNVT_res" => "4",
"SNVT_res_f" => "4",
"SNVT_res_kilo" => "4",
"SNVT_rpm" => "4",
"SNVT_scene" => "4",
"SNVT_scene_cfg" => "4",
"SNVT_setting" => "4",
"SNVT_smo_ocscur" => "4",
"SNVT_sound_db" => "4",
"SNVT_sound_db_f" => "4",
"SNVT_speed" => "4",
"SNVT_speed_f" => "4",
"SNVT_speed_mil" => "4",
"SNVT_state" => "4",
"SNVT_str_asc" => "4",
"SNVT_str_int" => "4",
"SNVT_switch" => "4",
"SNVT_telcom" => "4",
"SNVT_temp" => "4",
"SNVT_temp_f" => "4",
"SNVT_temp_p" => "4",
"SNVT_temp_ror" => "4",
"SNVT_temp_setpt" => "4",
"SNVT_therm_mode" => "4",
"SNVT_time_f" => "4",
"SNVT_time_hour" => "4",
"SNVT_time_min" => "4",
"SNVT_time_passed" => "4",
"SNVT_time_sec" => "4",
"SNVT_time_stamp" => "4",
"SNVT_time_zone" => "4",
"SNVT_tod_event" => "4",
"SNVT_trans_table" => "4",
"SNVT_vol" => "4",
"SNVT_vol_f" => "4",
"SNVT_vol_kilo" => "4",
"SNVT_vol_mil" => "4",
"SNVT_volt" => "4",
"SNVT_volt_dbmv" => "4",
"SNVT_volt_f" => "4",
"SNVT_volt_kilo" => "4",
"SNVT_volt_mil" => "4",
"SNVT_zerospan" => "4",
"alarm_type_t" => "5",
"calendar_type_t" => "5",
"chiller_t" => "5",
"config_source_t" => "5",
"currency_t" => "5",
"days_of_week_t" => "5",
"defrost_mode_t" => "5",
"defrost_state_t" => "5",
"defrost_term_t" => "5",
"discrete_levels_t" => "5",
"emerg_t" => "5",
"evap_t" => "5",
"file_request_t" => "5",
"file_status_t" => "5",
"fire_indicator_t" => "5",
"fire_init_t" => "5",
"fire_test_t" => "5",
"hvac_override_t" => "5",
"hvac_t" => "5",
"interp_t" => "5",
"learn_mode_t" => "5",
"object_request_t" => "5",
"occup_t" => "5",
"override_t" => "5",
"priority_level_t" => "5",
"scene_config_t" => "5",
"scene_t" => "5",
"setting_t" => "5",
"telcom_states_t" => "5",
"therm_mode_t" => "5");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"" => "donothing",
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: