ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_sqr Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_sqr:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_sqr:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_sqr ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_sqr.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_sqr::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 380 of file HFile_sqr.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_sqr::HFile_sqr ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_sqr.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// SQR
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("!");
$this->blockcommenton = array("!");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("!");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"begin-footing" => "1",
"begin-heading" => "1",
"begin-procedure" => "1",
"begin-program" => "1",
"begin-report" => "1",
"begin-setup" => "1",
"end-footing" => "1",
"end-heading" => "1",
"end-procedure" => "1",
"end-program" => "1",
"end-report" => "1",
"end-setup" => "1",
"Input" => "1",
"alter-printer" => "2",
"begin-document" => "2",
"begin-select" => "2",
"begin-sql" => "2",
"declare-chart" => "2",
"declare-image" => "2",
"declare-layout" => "2",
"declare-printer" => "2",
"declare-procedure" => "2",
"declare-report" => "2",
"end-declare" => "2",
"end-document" => "2",
"end-select" => "2",
"end-sql" => "2",
"load-lookup" => "2",
"#debug" => "3",
"#define" => "3",
"#else" => "3",
"#end-if" => "3",
"#endif" => "3",
"#if" => "3",
"#ifdef" => "3",
"#ifndef" => "3",
"#include" => "3",
"add" => "4",
"array-add" => "4",
"array-divide" => "4",
"array-multiply" => "4",
"array-subtract" => "4",
"ask" => "4",
"break" => "4",
"call" => "4",
"clear-array" => "4",
"close" => "4",
"columns" => "4",
"commit" => "4",
"concat" => "4",
"connect" => "4",
"create-array" => "4",
"date-time" => "4",
"display" => "4",
"divide" => "4",
"do" => "4",
"dollar-symbol" => "4",
"else" => "4",
"encode" => "4",
"end-evaluate" => "4",
"end-if" => "4",
"end-while" => "4",
"evaluate" => "4",
"execute" => "4",
"extract" => "4",
"find" => "4",
"font" => "4",
"get" => "4",
"goto" => "4",
"graphic" => "4",
"if" => "4",
"last-page" => "4",
"let" => "4",
"lookup" => "4",
"lowercase" => "4",
"money-symbol" => "4",
"move" => "4",
"multiply" => "4",
"new-page" => "4",
"new-report" => "4",
"next-column" => "4",
"next-listing" => "4",
"no-formfeed" => "4",
"open" => "4",
"page-number" => "4",
"page-size" => "4",
"position" => "4",
"print" => "4",
"print-bar-code" => "4",
"print-chart" => "4",
"print-direct" => "4",
"print-image" => "4",
"printer-deinit" => "4",
"printer-init" => "4",
"put" => "4",
"read" => "4",
"rollback" => "4",
"show" => "4",
"stop" => "4",
"string" => "4",
"subtract" => "4",
"unstring" => "4",
"uppercase" => "4",
"use" => "4",
"use-column" => "4",
"use-printer-type" => "4",
"use-procedure" => "4",
"use-report" => "4",
"while" => "4",
"write" => "4",
"#current-column" => "5",
"#current-line" => "5",
"#end-file" => "5",
"#page-count" => "5",
"#return-status" => "5",
"#sql-count" => "5",
"#sql-status" => "5",
"#sqr-pid" => "5",
"$sql-error" => "5",
"$sqr-database" => "5",
"$sqr-platform" => "5",
"$sqr-program" => "5",
"$sqr-report" => "5",
"$sqr-ver" => "5",
"$username" => "5",
"3d-effects" => "5",
"abs" => "5",
"acos" => "5",
"after-bold" => "5",
"after-page" => "5",
"after-report" => "5",
"and" => "5",
"array" => "5",
"as" => "5",
"ascii" => "5",
"asin" => "5",
"at-end" => "5",
"atan" => "5",
"beep" => "5",
"before-bold" => "5",
"before-page" => "5",
"before-report" => "5",
"blink" => "5",
"bold" => "5",
"bottom-margin" => "5",
"box" => "5",
"by" => "5",
"ceil" => "5",
"center" => "5",
"char" => "5",
"char-size" => "5",
"char-width" => "5",
"chars-inch" => "5",
"chart-size" => "5",
"cl" => "5",
"clear-line" => "5",
"clear-screen" => "5",
"cond" => "5",
"cos" => "5",
"cosh" => "5",
"cs" => "5",
"date" => "5",
"deg" => "5",
"delete" => "5",
"distinct" => "5",
"e10" => "5",
"edit" => "5",
"erase-page" => "5",
"exists" => "5",
"exp" => "5",
"extent" => "5",
"field" => "5",
"fill" => "5",
"fixed" => "5",
"fixed_nolf" => "5",
"floor" => "5",
"font-type" => "5",
"for-append" => "5",
"for-reading" => "5",
"for-reports" => "5",
"for-writing" => "5",
"formfeed" => "5",
"from" => "5",
"getenv" => "5",
"goto-top" => "5",
"group" => "5",
"having" => "5",
"horz-line" => "5",
"image-size" => "5",
"in" => "5",
"insert" => "5",
"instr" => "5",
"integer" => "5",
"into" => "5",
"isblank" => "5",
"isnull" => "5",
"is" => "5",
"key" => "5",
"layout" => "5",
"left-margin" => "5",
"legend" => "5",
"legend-placement" => "5",
"legend-presentation" => "5",
"legend-title" => "5",
"length" => "5",
"line-height" => "5",
"line-size" => "5",
"line-width" => "5",
"lines-inch" => "5",
"local" => "5",
"log10" => "5",
"loops" => "5",
"lower" => "5",
"lpad" => "5",
"ltrim" => "5",
"max-columns" => "5",
"max-lines" => "5",
"maxlen" => "5",
"mod" => "5",
"name" => "5",
"need" => "5",
"newline" => "5",
"newpage" => "5",
"no-advance" => "5",
"noprompt" => "5",
"normal" => "5",
"not" => "5",
"number" => "5",
"nvl" => "5",
"null" => "5",
"on-error" => "5",
"or" => "5",
"order" => "5",
"orientation" => "5",
"page-depth" => "5",
"paper-size" => "5",
"pie-segment-explode" => "5",
"pie-segment-percent-display" => "5",
"pie-segment-quantity-display" => "5",
"pitch" => "5",
"point-markers" => "5",
"point-size" => "5",
"power" => "5",
"printer-type" => "5",
"quiet" => "5",
"rad" => "5",
"range" => "5",
"record" => "5",
"rename" => "5",
"return_value" => "5",
"reverse" => "5",
"right-margin" => "5",
"round" => "5",
"rows" => "5",
"rpad" => "5",
"rtrim" => "5",
"select" => "5",
"sign" => "5",
"sin" => "5",
"sinh" => "5",
"size" => "5",
"skip" => "5",
"skiplines" => "5",
"sort" => "5",
"source" => "5",
"sqr-database" => "5",
"sqr-platform" => "5",
"sqrt" => "5",
"startup-file" => "5",
"status" => "5",
"sub-title" => "5",
"substr" => "5",
"symbol-set" => "5",
"table" => "5",
"tan" => "5",
"tanh" => "5",
"times" => "5",
"title" => "5",
"to" => "5",
"to_char" => "5",
"to_date" => "5",
"to_number" => "5",
"top-margin" => "5",
"translate" => "5",
"trunc" => "5",
"type" => "5",
"underline" => "5",
"update" => "5",
"upper" => "5",
"using" => "5",
"vary" => "5",
"vert-line" => "5",
"warn" => "5",
"when" => "5",
"when-other" => "5",
"where" => "5",
"with" => "5",
"x-axis-grid" => "5",
"x-axis-label" => "5",
"x-axis-major-increment" => "5",
"x-axis-major-tick-marks" => "5",
"x-axis-max-value" => "5",
"x-axis-min-value" => "5",
"x-axis-minor-increment" => "5",
"x-axis-minor-tick-marks" => "5",
"x-axis-scale" => "5",
"x-axis-tick-mark-placement" => "5",
"xor" => "5",
"y-axis-grid" => "5",
"y-axis-label" => "5",
"y-axis-major-increment" => "5",
"y-axis-major-tick-marks" => "5",
"y-axis-max-value" => "5",
"y-axis-min-value" => "5",
"y-axis-minor-increment" => "5",
"y-axis-minor-tick-marks" => "5",
"y-axis-scale" => "5",
"y-axis-tick-mark-placement" => "5");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: