ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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ilBlockGUI Class Reference

This class represents a block method of a block. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for ilBlockGUI:
+ Collaboration diagram for ilBlockGUI:

Public Member Functions

 ilBlockGUI ()
 addHeaderLink ($a_href, $a_text, $status=true)
 getHeaderLinks ()
 setData ($a_data)
 Set Data.
 getData ()
 Get Data.
 setBigMode ($a_bigmode)
 Set Big Mode.
 getBigMode ()
 Get Big Mode.
 setBlockId ($a_block_id=0)
 Set Block Id.
 getBlockId ()
 Get Block Id.
 setAvailableDetailLevels ($a_max, $a_min=0)
 Set Available Detail Levels.
 setCurrentDetailLevel ($a_currentdetaillevel)
 Set Current Detail Level.
 setGuiObject (&$a_gui_object)
 Set GuiObject.
 getGuiObject ()
 Get GuiObject.
 getCurrentDetailLevel ()
 Get Current Detail Level.
 setTitle ($a_title)
 Set Title.
 getTitle ()
 Get Title.
 setImage ($a_image)
 Set Image.
 getImage ()
 Get Image.
 setOffset ($a_offset)
 Set Offset.
 getOffset ()
 Get Offset.
 correctOffset ()
 setLimit ($a_limit)
 Set Limit.
 getLimit ()
 Get Limit.
 setEnableEdit ($a_enableedit)
 Set EnableEdit.
 getEnableEdit ()
 Get EnableEdit.
 setRepositoryMode ($a_repositorymode)
 Set RepositoryMode.
 getRepositoryMode ()
 Get RepositoryMode.
 setFooterInfo ($a_footerinfo, $a_hide_and_icon=false)
 Set Footer Info.
 getFooterInfo ($a_hide_and_icon=false)
 Get Footer Info.
 setSubtitle ($a_subtitle)
 Set Subtitle.
 getSubtitle ()
 Get Subtitle.
 setRefId ($a_refid)
 Set Ref Id (only used if isRepositoryObject() is true).
 getRefId ()
 Get Ref Id (only used if isRepositoryObject() is true).
 setAdminCommands ($a_admincommands)
 Set Administration Commmands.
 getAdminCommands ()
 Get Administration Commmands.
 setColSpan ($a_colspan)
 Set Columns Span.
 getColSpan ()
 Get Columns Span.
 setEnableDetailRow ($a_enabledetailrow)
 Set EnableDetailRow.
 getEnableDetailRow ()
 Get EnableDetailRow.
 setEnableNumInfo ($a_enablenuminfo)
 Set Enable Item Number Info.
 getEnableNumInfo ()
 Get Enable Item Number Info.
 setProperties ($a_properties)
 This function is supposed to be used for block type specific properties, that should be inherited through ilColumnGUI->setBlockProperties.
 getProperty ($a_property)
 setProperty ($a_property, $a_value)
 setRowTemplate ($a_rowtemplatename, $a_rowtemplatedir="")
 Set Row Template Name.
 getNavParameter ()
 getDetailParameter ()
 getConfigParameter ()
 getMoveParameter ()
 getRowTemplateName ()
 Get Row Template Name.
 getRowTemplateDir ()
 Get Row Template Directory.
 addBlockCommand ($a_href, $a_text, $a_target="", $a_img="", $a_right_aligned=false, $a_checked=false)
 Add Block Command.
 getBlockCommands ()
 Get Block commands.
 addHeaderCommand ($a_href, $a_text, $a_as_close=false)
 Add Header Block Command.
 getHeaderCommands ()
 Get Header Block commands.
 addFooterLink ($a_text, $a_href="", $a_onclick="", $a_block_id="", $a_top=false, $a_omit_separator=false, $a_checked=false)
 Add a footer text/link.
 getFooterLinks ()
 Get footer links.
 clearFooterLinks ()
 Clear footer links.
 handleDetailLevel ()
 Handle read/write current detail level.
 getHTML ()
 Handle config status.
 fillHeaderCommands ()
 Fill header commands block.
 fillHeaderTitleBlock ()
 Fill header title block (title and.
 setDataSection ($a_content)
 Call this from overwritten fillDataSection(), if standard row based data is not used.
 fillDataSection ()
 Standard implementation for row based data.
 fillRow ($a_set)
 fillFooter ()
 fillPreviousNext ()
 Fill previous/next row.
 setPreviousNextLinks ()
 Get previous/next linkbar.
 fillFooterLinks ($a_top=false, $a_numinfo="")
 Fill footer links.
 fillDetailRow ()
 Fill Detail Setting Row.

Static Public Member Functions

static getBlockType ()
static isRepositoryObject ()
static getScreenMode ()
 Get Screen Mode for current command.

Protected Member Functions

 fillRowColor ($a_placeholder="CSS_ROW")
 preloadData (array $data)
 Can be overwritten in subclasses.

Protected Attributes

 $data = array()
 $colspan = 1
 $enablenuminfo = true
 $detail_min = 0
 $detail_max = 0
 $bigmode = false
 $footer_links = array()
 $block_id = 0
 $header_commands = array()
 $allow_moving = true
 $move = array("left" => false, "right" => false, "up" => false, "down" => false)
 $enabledetailrow = true
 $header_links = array()
 $footerinfo = false
 $footerinfo_icon = false
 $block_commands = array()
 $max_count = false
 $close_command = false
 $image = false
 $property = false
 $nav_value = ""
 $css_row = ""

Detailed Description

This class represents a block method of a block.

Alex Killing
class.ilBlockGUI.php 41737 2013-04-24 11:41:07Z jluetzen

Definition at line 12 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Member Function Documentation

ilBlockGUI::addBlockCommand (   $a_href,
  $a_target = "",
  $a_img = "",
  $a_right_aligned = false,
  $a_checked = false 

Add Block Command.

string$a_hrefcommand link target

Definition at line 546 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by ilWikiImportantPagesBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilExternalFeedBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilPDExternalFeedBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilPollBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilPDNewsBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilCalendarBlockGUI\getHTML(), getHTML(), and ilCalendarSelectionBlockGUI\ilCalendarSelectionBlockGUI().

return $this->block_commands[] =
array("href" => $a_href,
"text" => $a_text, "target" => $a_target, "img" => $a_img,
"right" => $a_right_aligned, "checked" => $a_checked);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::addFooterLink (   $a_text,
  $a_href = "",
  $a_onclick = "",
  $a_block_id = "",
  $a_top = false,
  $a_omit_separator = false,
  $a_checked = false 

Add a footer text/link.

Definition at line 598 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by ilBookmarkBlockGUI\setFooterLinks(), ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI\setFooterLinks(), ilCalendarBlockGUI\setFooterLinks(), setPreviousNextLinks(), and ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\showViewFooter().

$this->footer_links[] = array(
"text" => $a_text,
"href" => $a_href,
"onclick" => $a_onclick,
"block_id" => $a_block_id,
"top" => $a_top,
"omit_separator" => $a_omit_separator,
"checked" => $a_checked);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::addHeaderCommand (   $a_href,
  $a_as_close = false 

Add Header Block Command.

string$a_hrefcommand link target

Definition at line 571 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

if ($a_as_close)
$this->close_command = $a_href;
$this->header_commands[] =
array("href" => $a_href,
"text" => $a_text);
ilBlockGUI::addHeaderLink (   $a_href,
  $status = true 

Definition at line 59 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

$this->header_links[] =
array('href' => $a_href, 'text' => $a_text, 'status' => (bool)$status);
ilBlockGUI::clearFooterLinks ( )

Clear footer links.

Definition at line 622 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\showViewFooter().

$this->footer_links = array();

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::correctOffset ( )

Definition at line 245 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References setOffset().

Referenced by fillDataSection().

if (!($this->offset < $this->max_count))

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::fillDataSection ( )

Standard implementation for row based data.

Overwrite this and call setContent for other data.

Reimplemented in ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI, ilCalendarBlockGUI, ilNewsForContextBlockGUI, ilCalendarSelectionBlockGUI, ilPDNewsBlockGUI, ilUsersOnlineBlockGUI, ilPDExternalFeedBlockGUI, ilHtmlBlockGUI, ilExternalFeedBlockGUI, ilPDMailBlockGUI, ilPDTaggingBlockGUI, ilWikiFunctionsBlockGUI, ilWikiSearchBlockGUI, ilWikiSideBlockGUI, ilDummyBlockGUI, ilWikiImportantPagesBlockGUI, ilPDFeedbackBlockGUI, ilPDContentBlockGUI, ilBookmarkBlockGUI, and ilPDNotesBlockGUI.

Definition at line 999 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $data, $nav_value, correctOffset(), fillRow(), fillRowColor(), getData(), getLimit(), getNavParameter(), getOffset(), getRowTemplateDir(), getRowTemplateName(), preloadData(), and setOffset().

Referenced by getHTML().

$this->nav_value = (isset($_POST[$this->getNavParameter()]) && $_POST[$this->getNavParameter()] != "")
? $_POST[$this->getNavParameter()]
: (isset($_GET[$this->getNavParameter()]) ? $_GET[$this->getNavParameter()] : $this->nav_value);
$this->nav_value = ($this->nav_value == "" && isset($_SESSION[$this->getNavParameter()]))
$nav = explode(":", $this->nav_value);
if (isset($nav[2]))
// data
$this->tpl->addBlockFile("BLOCK_ROW", "block_row", $this->getRowTemplateName(),
$data = $this->getData();
$this->max_count = count($data);
$data = array_slice($data, $this->getOffset(), $this->getLimit());
foreach($data as $record)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::fillDetailRow ( )

Fill Detail Setting Row.

Definition at line 1267 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $block_id, $detail_min, $ilCtrl, $lng, getBlockId(), getBlockType(), getCurrentDetailLevel(), getDetailParameter(), getFooterInfo(), and ilUtil\getImagePath().

Referenced by getHTML().

global $ilCtrl, $lng;
if ($this->enabledetailrow == false)
$start = ($this->detail_min < 1)
? $start = 1
: $this->detail_min;
$end = ($this->detail_max < $this->detail_min)
? $this->detail_min
: $this->detail_max;
$settings = array();
for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++)
$settings[] = $i;
if ($end > $start)
foreach ($settings as $i)
if (($i > $start && $i > 1))
// if ($i != $this->getCurrentDetailLevel())
// {
$this->getDetailParameter(), $i);
$onclick = $onclick_id = "";
// ajax link
if ($i > 0)
"block_id", "block_".$this->getBlockType()."_".$this->block_id);
$onclick = $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilcolumngui",
"updateBlock", "", true);
$onclick_id = "block_".$this->getBlockType()."_".$this->block_id;
"block_id", "");
// normal link
//$icon = ilUtil::getImagePath("details".$i.".png");
$text = $lng->txt("details")." ".$i;
$url = $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilcolumngui", "");
$onclick = "ilBlockJSHandler('".$onclick_id."','".$onclick."')";
$checked = ($i == $this->getCurrentDetailLevel());
$this->dropdown[] = array("text" => $text,
"image" => $icon,
"href" => $url,
"onclick" => $onclick,
"checked" => $checked);
// }
// info + icon in detail row
if ($this->getFooterInfo(true) != "")
$this->tpl->setVariable("INFO_TEXT", $this->getFooterInfo(true));
$this->tpl->setVariable("ALT_DET_INFO", $lng->txt("info_short"));
$this->tpl->setVariable("DI_BLOCK_ID", $this->getBlockType()."_".$this->getBlockId());
$this->tpl->setVariable("IMG_DET_INFO", ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_info_s.png"));
$this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_DETAILS", $lng->txt("details"));
$this->tpl->setVariable("DCOLSPAN", $this->getColSpan());
$this->getDetailParameter(), "");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::fillFooter ( )

Reimplemented in ilNewsForContextBlockGUI, ilCalendarBlockGUI, ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI, ilPDTaggingBlockGUI, ilBookmarkBlockGUI, and ilPDContentBlockGUI.

Definition at line 1049 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by getHTML().


+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::fillFooterLinks (   $a_top = false,
  $a_numinfo = "" 

Fill footer links.

array linkbar or false on error

Definition at line 1176 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, $lng, and getFooterLinks().

Referenced by ilPDContentBlockGUI\fillFooter(), ilBookmarkBlockGUI\fillFooter(), ilPDTaggingBlockGUI\fillFooter(), ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI\fillFooter(), ilCalendarBlockGUI\fillFooter(), fillPreviousNext(), and ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\showViewFooter().

global $ilCtrl, $lng;
$first = true;
$flinks = $this->getFooterLinks();
$prefix = ($a_top) ? "top" : "foot";
$has_link = false;
$omit_separator = false;
foreach($flinks as $flink)
if ($flink["top"] != $a_top)
$flink["onclick"] = "ilBlockJSHandler('".$flink["block_id"].
$this->dropdown[] = $flink;
$has_link = true;
if (!$first && !$omit_separator)
// ajax link
if ($flink["onclick"] != "")
// normal link
if ($flink["href"] != "")
// normal link
$this->tpl->setVariable("FLINK", $flink["text"]);
$this->tpl->setVariable("FTEXT", $flink["text"]);
$first = false;
$omit_separator = $flink["omit_separator"];
if ($a_numinfo != "" && $has_link)
$this->tpl->setVariable("NUMINFO", $a_numinfo);
$first = false;
if (!$first)
$this->tpl->setVariable("PCOLSPAN", $this->getColSpan());

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::fillHeaderCommands ( )

Fill header commands block.

Definition at line 899 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $close_command, $ilCtrl, $img, $lng, getDetailParameter(), getHeaderCommands(), and getRepositoryMode().

Referenced by getHTML().

global $lng, $ilCtrl;
// header commands
if (count($this->getHeaderCommands()) > 0 ||
($this->detail_max > $this->detail_min && $this->detail_min == 0) ||
$this->close_command != "")
foreach($this->getHeaderCommands() as $command)
$this->tpl->setVariable("HREF_HCOMM", $command["href"]);
$this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_HCOMM", $command["text"]);
// close button
if (($this->detail_max > $this->detail_min && $this->detail_min == 0 &&
$this->close_command != "")
$alt = $lng->txt("hide");
if ($this->close_command != "")
$this->getDetailParameter(), "0");
$url = $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilcolumngui", "");
$this->getDetailParameter(), "");
$this->dropdown[] = array("text" => $alt,
"image" => $img,
"href" => $url);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::fillHeaderTitleBlock ( )

Fill header title block (title and.

Definition at line 954 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $lng, getBlockType(), getImage(), and getTitle().

Referenced by getHTML().

global $lng;
// image
if ($this->getImage() != "")
$this->tpl->setVariable("IMG_BLOCK", $this->getImage());
str_replace(array("'",'"'), "", strip_tags($lng->txt("icon")." ".$this->getTitle())));
// header title

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::fillPreviousNext ( )

Fill previous/next row.

Reimplemented in ilPDContentBlockGUI.

Definition at line 1064 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, $lng, $max_count, fillFooterLinks(), getEnableNumInfo(), getLimit(), getOffset(), and setPreviousNextLinks().

Referenced by getHTML().

global $lng, $ilCtrl;
$pn = false;
// table pn numinfo
$numinfo = "";
if ($this->getEnableNumInfo() && $this->max_count > 0)
$start = $this->getOffset() + 1; // compute num info
$end = $this->getOffset() + $this->getLimit();
if ($end > $this->max_count or $this->getLimit() == 0)
$numinfo = "(".$start."-".$end." ".strtolower($lng->txt("of"))." ".$this->max_count.")";
$this->fillFooterLinks(true, $numinfo);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::fillRow (   $a_set)

Reimplemented in ilNewsForContextBlockGUI, ilBookmarkBlockGUI, ilPDExternalFeedBlockGUI, ilExternalFeedBlockGUI, ilUsersOnlineBlockGUI, ilPDNotesBlockGUI, ilPDFeedbackBlockGUI, ilPDMailBlockGUI, and ilPollBlockGUI.

Definition at line 1041 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by fillDataSection().

foreach ($a_set as $key => $value)
$this->tpl->setVariable("VAL_".strtoupper($key), $value);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::fillRowColor (   $a_placeholder = "CSS_ROW")

Definition at line 1053 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by fillDataSection().

$this->css_row = ($this->css_row != "ilBlockRow1")
? "ilBlockRow1"
: "ilBlockRow2";
$this->tpl->setVariable($a_placeholder, $this->css_row);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getAdminCommands ( )

Get Administration Commmands.

boolean Administration Commmands

Definition at line 402 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by getHTML().

return $this->admincommands;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getBigMode ( )

Get Big Mode.

boolean Big Mode

Definition at line 105 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $bigmode.

Referenced by getHTML().


+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getBlockCommands ( )

Get Block commands.

array block commands

Definition at line 560 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $block_commands.

Referenced by getHTML().


+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getColSpan ( )

Get Columns Span.

int Columns Span

Definition at line 422 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $colspan.

Referenced by ilBookmarkBlockGUI\fillFooter(), ilPDTaggingBlockGUI\fillFooter(), ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI\fillFooter(), ilCalendarBlockGUI\fillFooter(), and getHTML().


+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getConfigParameter ( )

Definition at line 510 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References getBlockId(), and getBlockType().

return $this->getBlockType()."_".$this->getBlockId()."_blconf";

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getCurrentDetailLevel ( )

Get Current Detail Level.

int Current Detail Level

Definition at line 180 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by ilPDNotesBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilBookmarkBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilPDFeedbackBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilPDTaggingBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilPDMailBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilExternalFeedBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilPDExternalFeedBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilUsersOnlineBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilPDNewsBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilCalendarBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), fillDetailRow(), ilPDMailBlockGUI\fillRow(), ilPDNotesBlockGUI\fillRow(), ilUsersOnlineBlockGUI\fillRow(), ilBookmarkBlockGUI\fillRow(), ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\fillRow(), ilPDSysMessageBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilPDMailBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilPDNotesBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilBookmarkBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilChatroomBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilPDTaggingBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilUsersOnlineBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilHtmlBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilExternalFeedBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilPDExternalFeedBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilPDNewsBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilCalendarBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI\getMembershipItemsPerLocation(), ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI\getMembershipItemsPerType(), ilBookmarkBlockGUI\getPDBookmarkListHTMLTree(), ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI\getSelectedItemsPerLocation(), ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI\getSelectedItemsPerType(), ilPDTaggingBlockGUI\getTagCloud(), ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\ilNewsForContextBlockGUI(), ilPDNewsBlockGUI\ilPDNewsBlockGUI(), and ilCalendarBlockGUI\setFooterLinks().

return $this->currentdetaillevel;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getDetailParameter ( )

Definition at line 505 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References getBlockId(), and getBlockType().

Referenced by fillDetailRow(), fillHeaderCommands(), and handleDetailLevel().

return $this->getBlockType()."_".$this->getBlockId()."_bldet";

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getEnableDetailRow ( )

Get EnableDetailRow.

boolean EnableDetailRow

Definition at line 442 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $enabledetailrow.

ilBlockGUI::getEnableEdit ( )

Get EnableEdit.

boolean EnableEdit

Reimplemented in ilCalendarBlockGUI, and ilNewsForContextBlockGUI.

Definition at line 288 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

return $this->enableedit;
ilBlockGUI::getEnableNumInfo ( )

Get Enable Item Number Info.

boolean Enable Item Number Info

Definition at line 463 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $enablenuminfo.

Referenced by ilPDContentBlockGUI\fillFooter(), and fillPreviousNext().


+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getFooterInfo (   $a_hide_and_icon = false)

Get Footer Info.

string Footer Info

Definition at line 335 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $footerinfo, and $footerinfo_icon.

Referenced by fillDetailRow(), and getHTML().

if ($a_hide_and_icon)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getFooterLinks ( )

Get footer links.

Definition at line 614 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $footer_links.

Referenced by fillFooterLinks().


+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getGuiObject ( )

Get GuiObject.

object GUI object

Reimplemented in ilExternalFeedBlockGUIGen.

Definition at line 170 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

return $this->gui_object;
ilBlockGUI::getHeaderCommands ( )

Get Header Block commands.

array header block commands

Definition at line 590 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $header_commands.

Referenced by fillHeaderCommands().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getHeaderLinks ( )

Definition at line 65 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $header_links.

Referenced by getHTML().


+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getHTML ( )

Handle config status.


Reimplemented in ilCalendarBlockGUI, ilCalendarSelectionBlockGUI, ilNewsForContextBlockGUI, ilPDNewsBlockGUI, ilPollBlockGUI, ilPDExternalFeedBlockGUI, ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI, ilExternalFeedBlockGUI, ilDummyBlockGUI, ilHtmlBlockGUI, ilWikiFunctionsBlockGUI, ilWikiSearchBlockGUI, ilWikiSideBlockGUI, ilUsersOnlineBlockGUI, ilPDTaggingBlockGUI, ilPDFeedbackBlockGUI, ilPDContentBlockGUI, ilChatroomBlockGUI, ilBookmarkBlockGUI, ilPDNotesBlockGUI, ilPDMailBlockGUI, and ilPDSysMessageBlockGUI.

Definition at line 693 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $_GET, $dropdown, $ilCtrl, $ilUser, $lng, addBlockCommand(), fillDataSection(), fillDetailRow(), fillFooter(), fillHeaderCommands(), fillHeaderTitleBlock(), fillPreviousNext(), getAdminCommands(), getBigMode(), getBlockCommands(), getBlockType(), getColSpan(), getFooterInfo(), getHeaderLinks(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), getRefId(), getRepositoryMode(), and isRepositoryObject().

Referenced by ilWikiImportantPagesBlockGUI\getHTML().

global $ilCtrl, $lng, $ilAccess, $ilUser;
if ($this->isRepositoryObject())
if (!$ilAccess->checkAccess("read", "", $this->getRefId()))
return "";
$this->tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.block.html", true, true, "Services/Block");
// $this->handleConfigStatus();
if ($this->getRepositoryMode() && $this->isRepositoryObject())
// #10993
if ($this->getAdminCommands())
$this->tpl->setVariable("BL_REF_ID", $this->getRefId());
if ($ilAccess->checkAccess("delete", "", $this->getRefId()))
// footer info
if ($this->getFooterInfo() != "")
$this->tpl->setVariable("FOOTER_INFO", $this->getFooterInfo());
$this->tpl->setVariable("FICOLSPAN", $this->getColSpan());
$this->dropdown = array();
// commands
if (count($this->getBlockCommands()) > 0)
$has_block_command = false;
foreach($this->getBlockCommands() as $command)
$this->dropdown[] = $command;
$has_block_command = true;
if ($command["target"] != "")
$this->tpl->setVariable("CMD_TARGET", $command["target"]);
if ($command["img"] != "")
$this->tpl->setVariable("SRC_BC", $command["img"]);
$this->tpl->setVariable("ALT_BC", $command["text"]);
$this->tpl->setVariable("CMD_TEXT", $command["text"]);
$this->tpl->setVariable("BC_CLASS", 'class="il_ContainerItemCommand"');
$this->tpl->setVariable("CMD_HREF", $command["href"]);
$this->tpl->setVariable("CCOLSPAN", $this->getColSpan());
// fill previous next
// fill footer
// fill row for setting details
// header links
$counter = 0;
foreach($this->getHeaderLinks() as $command)
if($counter > 0)
if($command['status'] == true)
$this->tpl->setVariable('HHREF', $command['href']);
$this->tpl->setVariable('HLINK', $command['text']);
$this->tpl->setVariable('HTEXT', $command['text']);
// for screen readers we first output the title and the commands
// (e.g. close icon afterwards), otherwise we first output the
// header commands, since we want to have the close icon top right
// and not floated after the title
if (is_object($ilUser) && $ilUser->getPref("screen_reader_optimization"))
// adv selection gui
include_once "Services/UIComponent/AdvancedSelectionList/classes/class.ilAdvancedSelectionListGUI.php";
foreach($this->dropdown as $item)
if($item["href"] || $item["onclick"])
if ($item["checked"])
$item["image"] = ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_checked_s.png");
$dropdown->addItem($item["text"], "", $item["href"], $item["image"],
$item["text"], "", "", false, $item["onclick"]);
$dropdown = $dropdown->getHTML();
$this->tpl->setVariable("ADV_DROPDOWN", $dropdown);
$this->tpl->setVariable("COLSPAN", $this->getColSpan());
if ($this->getBigMode())
if ($ilCtrl->isAsynch())
// return without div wrapper
echo $this->tpl->getAsynch();
// return incl. wrapping div with id
return '<div id="'."block_".$this->getBlockType()."_".$this->block_id.'">'.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getImage ( )

Get Image.

string Image

Definition at line 220 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $image.

Referenced by fillHeaderTitleBlock().

return $this->image;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getLimit ( )

Get Limit.

int Limit

Definition at line 268 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by fillDataSection(), fillPreviousNext(), and setPreviousNextLinks().

return $this->limit;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getMoveParameter ( )

Definition at line 515 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References getBlockId(), and getBlockType().

return $this->getBlockType()."_".$this->getBlockId()."_blmove";

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getNavParameter ( )

Definition at line 500 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References getBlockId(), and getBlockType().

Referenced by fillDataSection(), and setPreviousNextLinks().

return $this->getBlockType()."_".$this->getBlockId()."_blnav";

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getOffset ( )

Get Offset.

int Offset

Definition at line 240 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by fillDataSection(), fillPreviousNext(), and setPreviousNextLinks().

return $this->offset;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getProperty (   $a_property)

Definition at line 479 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilCalendarBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\initSettingsForm(), ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\saveSettings(), and ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\showNews().

return $this->property[$a_property];

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getRefId ( )

Get Ref Id (only used if isRepositoryObject() is true).

int Ref Id

Definition at line 382 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by ilPollBlockGUI\fillRow(), ilExternalFeedBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilPollBlockGUI\getHTML(), and getHTML().

return $this->refid;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getRepositoryMode ( )

Get RepositoryMode.

boolean RepositoryMode

Definition at line 308 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by fillHeaderCommands(), ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\getHTML(), and getHTML().

return $this->repositorymode;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getRowTemplateDir ( )

Get Row Template Directory.

string Row Template Directory

Definition at line 535 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by fillDataSection().

return $this->rowtemplatedir;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getRowTemplateName ( )

Get Row Template Name.

string Row Template Name

Definition at line 525 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by fillDataSection().

return $this->rowtemplatename;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::getSubtitle ( )

Get Subtitle.

string Subtitle

Definition at line 362 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

return $this->subtitle;
ilBlockGUI::getTitle ( )
ilBlockGUI::handleDetailLevel ( )

Handle read/write current detail level.

Definition at line 638 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $_GET, $block_id, $ilCtrl, $ilUser, ilBlockSetting\_lookupDetailLevel(), ilBlockSetting\_writeDetailLevel(), getBlockType(), getDetailParameter(), and setCurrentDetailLevel().

Referenced by setAvailableDetailLevels().

global $ilUser, $ilCtrl;
// set/get detail level
if ($this->detail_max > $this->detail_min)
if (isset($_GET[$this->getDetailParameter()]))
$ilUser->getId(), $this->block_id);
if ((int) $_GET[$this->getDetailParameter()] == 0)
$ilCtrl->redirectByClass("ilcolumngui", "");
$ilUser->getId(), $this->block_id));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::preloadData ( array  $data)

Can be overwritten in subclasses.

Only the visible part of the complete data was passed so a preload of the visible data is possible.


Reimplemented in ilPDMailBlockGUI.

Definition at line 1364 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by fillDataSection(), ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI\getMembershipItemsPerLocation(), ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI\getMembershipItemsPerType(), ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI\getSelectedItemsPerLocation(), and ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI\getSelectedItemsPerType().


+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::setAdminCommands (   $a_admincommands)

Set Administration Commmands.

boolean$a_admincommandsAdministration Commmands

Definition at line 392 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

$this->admincommands = $a_admincommands;
ilBlockGUI::setBigMode (   $a_bigmode)

Set Big Mode.

boolean$a_bigmodeBig Mode

Definition at line 95 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by ilPDContentBlockGUI\ilPDContentBlockGUI(), and ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI\ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI().

$this->bigmode = $a_bigmode;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::setBlockId (   $a_block_id = 0)

Set Block Id.

int$a_block_idBlock ID

Definition at line 115 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by ilCalendarBlockGUI\ilCalendarBlockGUI(), ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\ilNewsForContextBlockGUI(), ilPDCalendarBlockGUI\ilPDCalendarBlockGUI(), ilPollBlockGUI\setBlock(), ilExternalFeedBlockGUI\setBlock(), ilHtmlBlockGUI\setBlock(), and ilPDExternalFeedBlockGUI\setBlock().

$this->block_id = $a_block_id;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::setColSpan (   $a_colspan)

Set Columns Span.

int$a_colspanColumns Span

Definition at line 412 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by ilBookmarkBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilPDMailBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilUsersOnlineBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), and ilCalendarBlockGUI\fillDataSection().

$this->colspan = $a_colspan;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::setCurrentDetailLevel (   $a_currentdetaillevel)

Set Current Detail Level.

int$a_currentdetaillevelCurrent Detail Level

Definition at line 148 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by ilPDSysMessageBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilUsersOnlineBlockGUI\getListRowData(), and handleDetailLevel().

$this->currentdetaillevel = $a_currentdetaillevel;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::setEnableDetailRow (   $a_enabledetailrow)

Set EnableDetailRow.


Definition at line 432 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by ilPDNotesBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilBookmarkBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilPDTaggingBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilPDMailBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilPDNewsBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), and ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI\getHTML().

$this->enabledetailrow = $a_enabledetailrow;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::setEnableEdit (   $a_enableedit)

Set EnableEdit.


Reimplemented in ilCalendarBlockGUI, and ilNewsForContextBlockGUI.

Definition at line 278 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

$this->enableedit = $a_enableedit;
ilBlockGUI::setFooterInfo (   $a_footerinfo,
  $a_hide_and_icon = false 

Set Footer Info.

string$a_footerinfoFooter Info

Definition at line 318 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by ilPDNewsBlockGUI\getHTML(), and ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\getHTML().

if ($a_hide_and_icon)
$this->footerinfo_icon = $a_footerinfo;
$this->footerinfo = $a_footerinfo;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::setGuiObject ( $a_gui_object)

Set GuiObject.

Only used for repository blocks, that are represented as real repository objects (have a ref id and permissions)

object$a_gui_objectGUI object

Reimplemented in ilExternalFeedBlockGUIGen.

Definition at line 160 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

$this->gui_object = $a_gui_object;
ilBlockGUI::setOffset (   $a_offset)

Set Offset.


Definition at line 230 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by correctOffset(), and fillDataSection().

$this->offset = $a_offset;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::setPreviousNextLinks ( )

Get previous/next linkbar.

Sascha Hofmann shofm.nosp@m.ann@.nosp@m.datab.nosp@m.ay.d.nosp@m.e
array linkbar or false on error

Definition at line 1097 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

References $block_id, $ilCtrl, $lng, addFooterLink(), getBlockType(), getLimit(), getNavParameter(), and getOffset().

Referenced by fillPreviousNext().

global $ilCtrl, $lng;
// if more entries then entries per page -> show link bar
if ($this->max_count > $this->getLimit() && ($this->getLimit() != 0))
// previous link
if ($this->getOffset() >= 1)
$prevoffset = $this->getOffset() - $this->getLimit();
$this->getNavParameter(), "::".$prevoffset);
// ajax link
"block_id", "block_".$this->getBlockType()."_".$this->block_id);
$block_id = "block_".$this->getBlockType()."_".$this->block_id;
$onclick = $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilcolumngui",
"updateBlock", "", true);
"block_id", "");
// normal link
$href = $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilcolumngui", "");
$text = $lng->txt("previous");
$this->addFooterLink($text, $href, $onclick, $block_id, true);
// calculate number of pages
$pages = intval($this->max_count / $this->getLimit());
// add a page if a rest remains
if (($this->max_count % $this->getLimit()))
// show next link (if not last page)
if (! ( ($this->getOffset() / $this->getLimit())==($pages-1) ) && ($pages!=1) )
$newoffset = $this->getOffset() + $this->getLimit();
$this->getNavParameter(), "::".$newoffset);
// ajax link
"block_id", "block_".$this->getBlockType()."_".$this->block_id);
$block_id = "block_".$this->getBlockType()."_".$this->block_id;
$onclick = $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilcolumngui",
"updateBlock", "", true);
//echo "-".$onclick."-";
"block_id", "");
// normal link
$href = $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilcolumngui", "");
$text = $lng->txt("next");
$this->addFooterLink($text, $href, $onclick, $block_id, true);
$this->getNavParameter(), "");
return true;
return false;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::setProperties (   $a_properties)

This function is supposed to be used for block type specific properties, that should be inherited through ilColumnGUI->setBlockProperties.

string$a_propertiesproperties array (key => value)

Definition at line 474 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

$this->property = $a_properties;
ilBlockGUI::setProperty (   $a_property,

Definition at line 484 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

$this->property[$a_property] = $a_value;
ilBlockGUI::setRefId (   $a_refid)

Set Ref Id (only used if isRepositoryObject() is true).

int$a_refidRef Id

Definition at line 372 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

$this->refid = $a_refid;
ilBlockGUI::setRepositoryMode (   $a_repositorymode)

Set RepositoryMode.


Definition at line 298 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

$this->repositorymode = $a_repositorymode;
ilBlockGUI::setRowTemplate (   $a_rowtemplatename,
  $a_rowtemplatedir = "" 

Set Row Template Name.

string$a_rowtemplatenameRow Template Name

Definition at line 494 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by ilPollBlockGUI\__construct(), ilPDNotesBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilBookmarkBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilPDFeedbackBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilPDMailBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilUsersOnlineBlockGUI\fillDataSection(), ilExternalFeedBlockGUI\ilExternalFeedBlockGUI(), ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\ilNewsForContextBlockGUI(), ilPDExternalFeedBlockGUI\ilPDExternalFeedBlockGUI(), and ilPDNewsBlockGUI\ilPDNewsBlockGUI().

$this->rowtemplatename = $a_rowtemplatename;
$this->rowtemplatedir = $a_rowtemplatedir;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBlockGUI::setSubtitle (   $a_subtitle)

Set Subtitle.


Definition at line 352 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

$this->subtitle = $a_subtitle;

Field Documentation

ilBlockGUI::$allow_moving = true

Definition at line 27 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

ilBlockGUI::$bigmode = false

Definition at line 23 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by getBigMode().

ilBlockGUI::$block_commands = array()

Definition at line 33 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by getBlockCommands().

ilBlockGUI::$close_command = false

Definition at line 35 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by fillHeaderCommands().

ilBlockGUI::$colspan = 1

Definition at line 19 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by getColSpan().

ilBlockGUI::$css_row = ""

Definition at line 39 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

ilBlockGUI::$detail_max = 0

Definition at line 22 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

ilBlockGUI::$detail_min = 0

Definition at line 21 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by fillDetailRow().


Definition at line 41 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by getHTML().

ilBlockGUI::$enabledetailrow = true

Definition at line 29 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by getEnableDetailRow().

ilBlockGUI::$enablenuminfo = true

Definition at line 20 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by getEnableNumInfo().

ilBlockGUI::$footer_links = array()

Definition at line 24 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by getFooterLinks().

ilBlockGUI::$footerinfo = false

Definition at line 31 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by getFooterInfo().

ilBlockGUI::$footerinfo_icon = false

Definition at line 32 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by getFooterInfo().

ilBlockGUI::$header_commands = array()

Definition at line 26 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by getHeaderCommands().

ilBlockGUI::$header_links = array()

Definition at line 30 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by getHeaderLinks().

ilBlockGUI::$image = false

Definition at line 36 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by getImage().

ilBlockGUI::$max_count = false

Definition at line 34 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by fillPreviousNext().

ilBlockGUI::$move = array("left" => false, "right" => false, "up" => false, "down" => false)

Definition at line 28 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

ilBlockGUI::$nav_value = ""

Definition at line 38 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

Referenced by fillDataSection().

ilBlockGUI::$property = false

Definition at line 37 of file class.ilBlockGUI.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: