ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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ilObjStyleSheetGUI Class Reference

Class ilObjStyleSheetGUI. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for ilObjStyleSheetGUI:
+ Collaboration diagram for ilObjStyleSheetGUI:

Public Member Functions

 ilObjStyleSheetGUI ($a_data, $a_id, $a_call_by_reference, $a_prep=true)
 Constructor public.
executeCommand ()
 execute command
 viewObject ()
 list childs of current object
 createObject ()
 includeCSS ()
 Include CSS in output.
 editObject ()
 edit style sheet
 propertiesObject ()
 getPropertiesValues ()
 Get current values for properties from.
 initPropertiesForm ($a_mode="edit")
 FORM: Init properties form.
 updateObject ()
 Update properties.
 refreshTagStyleObject ()
 save and refresh tag editing
 updateTagStyleObject ()
 save and refresh tag editing
 saveTagStyle ()
 Save tag style.
 writeStylePar ($cur_tag, $cur_class, $par, $value, $a_type)
 editTagStyleObject ()
 Edit tag style.
 outputTagStyleEditScreen ()
 Output tag style edit screen.
 initTagStyleForm ($a_mode, $a_cur_tag)
 Init tag style editing form.
 getValues ()
 FORM: Get current values from persistent object.
 exportStyleObject ()
 export style
 extractParametersOfTag ($a_tag, $a_class, $a_style, $a_type)
 newStyleParameterObject ()
 add style parameter
 refreshObject ()
 refresh style sheet
 deleteObject ($a_error=false)
 display deletion confirmation screen
 cancelDeleteObject ()
 cancel oobject deletion
 confirmedDeleteObject ()
 delete selected style objects
 deleteStyleParameterObject ()
 delete style parameters
 saveObject ()
 save style sheet
 copyStyleObject ()
 save style sheet
 importStyleObject ()
 import style sheet
 cancelObject ()
 update style sheet
 getAdminTabs (&$tabs_gui)
 admin and normal tabs are equal for roles
 setTabs ()
 output tabs
 getTabs (&$tabs_gui)
 adds tabs to tab gui object
 setSubTabs ()
 adds tabs to tab gui object
 setTemplatesSubTabs ()
 adds tabs to tab gui object
 addAdminLocatorItems ()
 should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded)
 showUpperIcon ()
 listImagesObject ()
 List images of style.
 addImageObject ()
 Add an image.
 cancelUploadObject ()
 Cancel Upload.
 uploadImageObject ()
 Upload image.
 initImageForm ()
 Init image form.
 deleteImageObject ()
 Delete images.
 deleteCharacteristicConfirmationObject ()
 Characteristic deletion confirmation screen.
 deleteCoreCharMessage ()
 Message that appears, when user tries to delete core characteristics.
 cancelCharacteristicDeletionObject ()
 Cancel characteristic deletion.
 deleteCharacteristicObject ()
 Delete one or multiple style characteristic.
 addCharacteristicFormObject ()
 Add characteristic.
 saveCharacteristicObject ()
 Save Characteristic.
 initCharacteristicForm ($a_mode)
 Init tag style editing form.
 saveHideStatusObject ()
 Save hide status for characteristics.
 copyCharacteristicsObject ()
 Copy style classes.
 pasteCharacteristicsOverviewObject ()
 Paste characteristics overview.
 pasteCharacteristicsObject ()
 Paste characteristics.
 listColorsObject ()
 List colors of style.
 addColorObject ()
 Add a color.
 editColorObject ()
 Edit color.
 initColorForm ($a_mode="create")
 Init color form.
 getColorFormValues ()
 Set values for color editing.
 cancelColorSavingObject ()
 Cancel color saving.
 saveColorObject ()
 Save color.
 updateColorObject ()
 Update color.
 deleteColorConfirmationObject ()
 Delete color confirmation.
 cancelColorDeletionObject ()
 Cancel color deletion.
 deleteColorObject ()
 Delete colors.
 listTemplatesObject ()
 List templates.
 addTemplateObject ()
 Add template.
 editTemplateObject ()
 Edit table template.
 getTemplatePreview ($a_type, $a_t_id, $a_small_mode=false)
 Get table template preview.
 _getTemplatePreview ($a_style, $a_type, $a_t_id, $a_small_mode=false)
 Get table template preview.
 initTemplateForm ($a_mode="create")
 Init table template form.
 cancelTemplateSavingObject ()
 Cancel color saving.
 saveTemplateObject ()
 Save table template.
 updateTemplateObject ($a_refresh=false)
 Update table template.
 displayTemplateEditForm ()
 Display table tempalte edit form.
 refreshTemplateObject ()
 Refresh table template.
 getTemplateFormValues ()
 Set values for table template editing.
 deleteTemplateConfirmationObject ()
 Delete table template confirmation.
 cancelTemplateDeletionObject ()
 Cancel table template deletion.
 deleteTemplateKeepClassesObject ()
 Delete table template.
 deleteTemplateObject ()
 Delete table template.
 generateTemplateObject ()
 Generate table template.
 initTemplateGenerationForm ()
 Init table template generation form.
 templateGenerationObject ()
 Table template generation.
 accordiontestObject ()
 returnToUpperContextObject ()
 return to upper context
- Public Member Functions inherited from ilObjectGUI
 ilObjectGUI ($a_data, $a_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=true, $a_prepare_output=true)
 Constructor public.
 withReferences ()
 determines wether objects are referenced or not (got ref ids or not)
 setCreationMode ($a_mode=true)
 if true, a creation screen is displayed the current $_GET[ref_id] don't belong to the current class! the mode is determined in ilrepositorygui
 getCreationMode ()
 get creation mode
 getHTML ()
 cancelObject ($in_rep=false)
 cancel action and go back to previous page public
 cancelCreation ()
 cancel create action and go back to repository parent
 getFormAction ($a_cmd, $a_formaction="")
 get form action for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g.
 isVisible ($a_ref_id, $a_type)
 cloneAllObject ()
 Clone single (not container object) Method is overwritten in ilContainerGUI.

Static Public Member Functions

static getStyleExampleHTML ($a_type, $a_class)
 Get style example HTML.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ilObjectGUI
static _gotoRepositoryRoot ($a_raise_error=false)
 Goto repository root.
static _gotoRepositoryNode ($a_ref_id, $a_cmd="frameset")
 Goto repository root.

Data Fields

- Data Fields inherited from ilObjectGUI
 $omit_locator = false
const CFORM_NEW = 1
const CFORM_IMPORT = 2
const CFORM_CLONE = 3

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from ilObjectGUI
 assignObject ()
 prepareOutput ()
 prepare output
 setTitleAndDescription ()
 called by prepare output
 initHeaderAction ($a_sub_type=null, $a_sub_id=null)
 Add header action menu.
 insertHeaderAction ($a_list_gui)
 Insert header action into main template.
 addHeaderAction ()
 Add header action menu.
 redrawHeaderActionObject ()
 Ajax call: redraw action header only.
 setAdminTabs ()
 set admin tabs public
 setLocator ()
 set Locator
 addLocatorItems ()
 should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded)
 omitLocator ($a_omit=true)
 initCreationForms ($a_new_type)
 Init creation froms.
 getCreationFormsHTML (array $a_forms)
 Get HTML for creation forms (accordion)
 initCreateForm ($a_new_type)
 Init object creation form.
 initDidacticTemplate (ilPropertyFormGUI $form)
 Show didactic template types.
 addDidacticTemplateOptions (array &$a_options)
 Add custom templates.
 getDidacticTemplateVar ($a_type)
 Get didactic template setting from creation screen.
 putObjectInTree (ilObject $a_obj, $a_parent_node_id=null)
 Add object to tree at given position.
 afterSave (ilObject $a_new_object)
 Post (successful) object creation hook.
 initEditForm ()
 Init object edit form.
 initEditCustomForm (ilPropertyFormGUI $a_form)
 Add custom fields to update form.
 getEditFormValues ()
 Get values for edit form.
 getEditFormCustomValues (array &$a_values)
 Add values to custom edit fields.
 updateCustom (ilPropertyFormGUI $a_form)
 Insert custom update form values into object.
 afterUpdate ()
 Post (successful) object update hook.
 initImportForm ($a_new_type)
 Init object import form.
 importFileObject ($parent_id=null)
 afterImport (ilObject $a_new_object)
 Post (successful) object import hook.
 setFormAction ($a_cmd, $a_formaction)
 set specific form action for command
 getReturnLocation ($a_cmd, $a_location="")
 get return location for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g.
 setReturnLocation ($a_cmd, $a_location)
 set specific return location for command
 getTargetFrame ($a_cmd, $a_target_frame="")
 get target frame for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g.
 setTargetFrame ($a_cmd, $a_target_frame)
 set specific target frame for command
 showPossibleSubObjects ()
 show possible subobjects (pulldown menu)
 getTemplateFile ($a_cmd, $a_type="")
 get a template blockfile format: tpl.
 getTitlesByRefId ($a_ref_ids)
 get Titles of objects this method is used for error messages in methods cut/copy/paste
 __showButton ($a_cmd, $a_text, $a_target= '')
 hitsperpageObject ()
__initTableGUI ()
 __setTableGUIBasicData (&$tbl, &$result_set, $a_from="")
 standard implementation for tables use 'from' variable use different initial setting of table
 __showClipboardTable ($a_result_set, $a_from="")
 redirectToRefId ($a_ref_id, $a_cmd="")
 redirects to (repository) view per ref id usually to a container and usually used at the end of a save/import method where the object gui type (of the new object) doesn't match with the type of the current $_GET["ref_id"] value
 fillCloneTemplate ($a_tpl_varname, $a_type)
 Fill object clone template This method can be called from any object GUI class that wants to offer object cloning.
 getCenterColumnHTML ()
 Get center column.
 getRightColumnHTML ()
 Display right column.
 setColumnSettings ($column_gui)
 May be overwritten in subclasses.
 checkPermission ($a_perm, $a_cmd="", $a_type="", $a_ref_id=null)
 Check permission and redirect on error.
 checkPermissionBool ($a_perm, $a_cmd="", $a_type="", $a_ref_id=null)
 Check permission.

Detailed Description

Class ilObjStyleSheetGUI.

Alex Killing
class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php 39219 2013-01-13 16:04:57Z akill


Definition at line 19 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

Member Function Documentation

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::_getTemplatePreview (   $a_style,
  $a_small_mode = false 

Get table template preview.

Definition at line 1944 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$lng, $t, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilPCTableGUI\_renderTable(), and ilAccordionGUI\addCss().

Referenced by ilObjStyleSheet\addTemplate(), and getTemplatePreview().

global $lng, $tpl;
$kr = $kc = 7;
if ($a_small_mode)
$kr = 6;
$kc = 5;
$ts = $a_style->getTemplate($a_t_id);
$t = $ts["classes"];
// preview
if ($a_type == "table")
$p_content = '<PageContent><Table DataTable="y"';
if ($t["row_head"] != "")
$p_content.= ' HeaderRows="1"';
if ($t["row_foot"] != "")
$p_content.= ' FooterRows="1"';
if ($t["col_head"] != "")
$p_content.= ' HeaderCols="1"';
if ($t["col_foot"] != "")
$p_content.= ' FooterCols="1"';
$p_content.= ' Template="'.$a_style->lookupTemplateName($a_t_id).'">';
if (!$a_small_mode)
$p_content.= '<Caption>'.$lng->txt("sty_caption").'</Caption>';
for($i = 1; $i<=$kr; $i++)
$p_content.= '<TableRow>';
for($j = 1; $j<=$kc; $j++)
if ($a_small_mode)
$cell = '&lt;div style="height:2px;"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;';
$cell = 'xxx';
$p_content.= '<TableData><PageContent><Paragraph Characteristic="TableContent">'.$cell.'</Paragraph></PageContent></TableData>';
$p_content.= '</TableRow>';
$p_content.= '</Table></PageContent>';
if ($a_type == "vaccordion" || $a_type == "haccordion")
if ($a_small_mode)
$c = '&amp;nbsp;';
$h = '&amp;nbsp;';
$c = 'xxx';
$h = 'head';
if ($a_type == "vaccordion")
$p_content = '<PageContent><Tabs HorizontalAlign="Left" Type="VerticalAccordion" ';
if ($a_small_mode)
$p_content.= ' ContentWidth="70"';
$p_content = '<PageContent><Tabs Type="HorizontalAccordion"';
if ($a_small_mode)
$p_content.= ' ContentHeight="40"';
$p_content.= ' ContentWidth="70"';
$c = '&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;';
$p_content.= ' ContentHeight="40"';
$p_content.= ' Template="'.$a_style->lookupTemplateName($a_t_id).'">';
$p_content.= '<Tab><PageContent><Paragraph>'.$c.'</Paragraph></PageContent>';
$p_content.= '<TabCaption>'.$h.'</TabCaption>';
$p_content.= '</Tab>';
$p_content.= '</Tabs></PageContent>';
//echo htmlentities($p_content);
$txml = $a_style->getTemplateXML();
//echo htmlentities($txml);
$p_content.= $txml;
$r_content = ilPCTableGUI::_renderTable($p_content, "");
return $r_content;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::accordiontestObject ( )

Definition at line 2569 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilAccordionGUI\HORIZONTAL, and ilAccordionGUI\VERTICAL.

global $tpl;
$acc = new ilAccordionGUI();
$acc->addItem("Header 1", str_repeat("bla bla bla bla bla bla", 30));
$acc->addItem("Header 2", str_repeat("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx x xx x xx", 30));
$ac2 = new ilAccordionGUI();
$ac2->addItem("Header 1", str_repeat("bla bla bla bla bla bla", 30));
$ac2->addItem("Header 2", $acc->getHTML());
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::addAdminLocatorItems ( )

should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded)

Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 1162 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, ilFrameTargetInfo\_getFrame(), ilObject\_lookupObjId(), and ilObject\_lookupTitle().

global $ilLocator;
if ($_GET["admin_mode"] == "settings") // system settings
$this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass("iladministrationgui", "frameset"),
$this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilobjstylesettingsgui", "view"));
if ($_GET["obj_id"] > 0)
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "edit"));
else // repository administration

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::addCharacteristicFormObject ( )

Add characteristic.

Definition at line 1438 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$tpl, and initCharacteristicForm().

global $tpl;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::addColorObject ( )

Add a color.

Definition at line 1678 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$tpl, and initColorForm().

global $tpl;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::addImageObject ( )

Add an image.

Definition at line 1228 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$tpl, and initImageForm().

global $tpl;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::addTemplateObject ( )

Add template.

Definition at line 1910 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$tpl, and initTemplateForm().

global $tpl;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::cancelCharacteristicDeletionObject ( )

Cancel characteristic deletion.

Definition at line 1404 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, and ilUtil\sendInfo().

global $ilCtrl, $lng;
ilUtil::sendInfo($lng->txt("action_aborted"), true);
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "edit");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::cancelColorDeletionObject ( )

Cancel color deletion.

Definition at line 1852 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl.

global $ilCtrl;
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listColors");
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::cancelColorSavingObject ( )

Cancel color saving.

Definition at line 1756 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl.

global $ilCtrl;
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listColors");
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::cancelDeleteObject ( )

cancel oobject deletion

Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 842 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::cancelObject ( )

update style sheet

Definition at line 991 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$lng, and ilUtil\sendInfo().

global $lng;
ilUtil::sendInfo($lng->txt("msg_cancel"), true);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::cancelTemplateDeletionObject ( )

Cancel table template deletion.

Definition at line 2292 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl.

global $ilCtrl;
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listTemplates");
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::cancelTemplateSavingObject ( )

Cancel color saving.

Definition at line 2116 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl.

global $ilCtrl;
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listTemplates");
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::cancelUploadObject ( )

Cancel Upload.

Definition at line 1239 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl.

global $ilCtrl;
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listImages");
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::confirmedDeleteObject ( )

delete selected style objects

Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 850 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$ilias.

global $ilias;
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::copyCharacteristicsObject ( )

Copy style classes.


Definition at line 1584 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilUtil\sendFailure(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().

global $ilCtrl, $lng;
if (!is_array($_POST["char"]) || count($_POST["char"]) == 0)
ilUtil::sendFailure($lng->txt("no_checkbox"), true);
$style_cp = implode("::", $_POST["char"]);
$style_cp = $this->object->getId().":::".$_GET["style_type"].":::".$style_cp;
$_SESSION["sty_copy"] = $style_cp;
ilUtil::sendSuccess($lng->txt("sty_copied_please_select_target"), true);
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "edit");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::copyStyleObject ( )

save style sheet

Definition at line 917 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $_POST, ilObjectGUI\$ilias, ilObjStyleSheet\_writeStandard(), and ilObjectFactory\getInstanceByRefId().

global $ilias;
if ($_POST["source_style"] > 0)
$style_obj =& $ilias->obj_factory->getInstanceByObjId($_POST["source_style"]);
$new_id = $style_obj->ilClone();
// assign style to style sheet folder,
// if parent is style sheet folder
if ($_GET["ref_id"] > 0)
if ($fold->getType() == "stys")
$this->ctrl->redirectByClass("ilobjstylesettingsgui", "editContentStyles");
return $new_id;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::createObject ( )


Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 81 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjStyleSheet\_getClonableContentStyles(), ilObjectGUI\getCreationFormsHTML(), ilHelpGUI\ID_PART_SCREEN, ilTextAreaInputGUI\setCols(), ilTextInputGUI\setMaxLength(), and ilFormPropertyGUI\setRequired().

global $rbacsystem, $lng, $tpl, $ilHelp;
$forms = array();
$ilHelp->setDefaultScreenId(ilHelpGUI::ID_PART_SCREEN, "create");
// --- create
include_once "Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php";
$form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
// title
$ti = new ilTextInputGUI($this->lng->txt("title"), "style_title");
// description
$ta = new ilTextAreaInputGUI($this->lng->txt("description"), "style_description");
$form->addCommandButton("save", $this->lng->txt("save"));
$form->addCommandButton("cancel", $this->lng->txt("cancel"));
$forms[] = $form;
// --- import
include_once "Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php";
$form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
// title
$ti = new ilFileInputGUI($this->lng->txt("import_file"), "stylefile");
$form->addCommandButton("importStyle", $this->lng->txt("import"));
$form->addCommandButton("cancel", $this->lng->txt("cancel"));
$forms[] = $form;
// --- clone
include_once "Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php";
$form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
// source
$ti = new ilSelectInputGUI($this->lng->txt("sty_source"), "source_style");
$form->addCommandButton("copyStyle", $this->lng->txt("copy"));
$form->addCommandButton("cancel", $this->lng->txt("cancel"));
$forms[] = $form;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::deleteCharacteristicConfirmationObject ( )

Characteristic deletion confirmation screen.

Definition at line 1311 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_POST, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjStyleSheet\_getCoreStyles(), deleteCoreCharMessage(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().

global $ilCtrl, $tpl, $lng;
if (!is_array($_POST["char"]) || count($_POST["char"]) == 0)
ilUtil::sendInfo($lng->txt("no_checkbox"), true);
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "edit");
// check whether there are any core style classes included
foreach ($_POST["char"] as $char)
if (!empty($core_styles[$char]))
$cgui = new ilConfirmationGUI();
$cgui->setCancel($lng->txt("cancel"), "cancelCharacteristicDeletion");
$cgui->setConfirm($lng->txt("delete"), "deleteCharacteristic");
foreach ($_POST["char"] as $char)
$char_comp = explode(".", $char);
$cgui->addItem("char[]", $char, $char_comp[2]);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::deleteCharacteristicObject ( )

Delete one or multiple style characteristic.

Definition at line 1415 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_POST, and $ilCtrl.

global $ilCtrl;
if (is_array($_POST["char"]))
foreach($_POST["char"] as $char)
$char_comp = explode(".", $char);
$type = $char_comp[0];
$tag = $char_comp[1];
$class = $char_comp[2];
$this->object->deleteCharacteristic($type, $tag, $class);
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "edit");
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::deleteColorConfirmationObject ( )

Delete color confirmation.

Definition at line 1822 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_POST, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilUtil\prepareFormOutput(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().

global $ilCtrl, $tpl, $lng;
if (!is_array($_POST["color"]) || count($_POST["color"]) == 0)
ilUtil::sendInfo($lng->txt("no_checkbox"), true);
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listColors");
$cgui = new ilConfirmationGUI();
$cgui->setCancel($lng->txt("cancel"), "cancelColorDeletion");
$cgui->setConfirm($lng->txt("delete"), "deleteColor");
foreach ($_POST["color"] as $c)
$cgui->addItem("color[]", ilUtil::prepareFormOutput($c), $c);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::deleteColorObject ( )

Delete colors.

Definition at line 1862 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_POST, and $ilCtrl.

global $ilCtrl;
if (is_array($_POST["color"]))
foreach ($_POST["color"] as $c)
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listColors");
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::deleteCoreCharMessage ( )

Message that appears, when user tries to delete core characteristics.


Definition at line 1358 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_POST, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, and ilObjStyleSheet\_getCoreStyles().

Referenced by deleteCharacteristicConfirmationObject().

global $ilCtrl, $tpl, $lng;
$cgui = new ilConfirmationGUI();
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($_POST["char"] as $char)
if (!empty($core_styles[$char]))
$char_comp = explode(".", $char);
$cgui->addItem("", "", $char_comp[2]);
$cgui->addHiddenItem("char[]", $char);
$all_core_styles = ($cnt == count($_POST["char"]))
? true
: false;
if ($all_core_styles)
$cgui->setCancel($lng->txt("back"), "cancelCharacteristicDeletion");
$cgui->setCancel($lng->txt("cancel"), "cancelCharacteristicDeletion");
$cgui->setConfirm($lng->txt("sty_delete_other_selected"), "deleteCharacteristicConfirmation");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::deleteImageObject ( )

Delete images.

Definition at line 1292 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_POST, and $ilCtrl.

global $ilCtrl;
$images = $this->object->getImages();
foreach ($images as $image)
if (is_array($_POST["file"]) && in_array($image["entry"], $_POST["file"]))
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listImages");
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::deleteObject (   $a_error = false)

display deletion confirmation screen


Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 818 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilUtil\getImageTagByType().

// display confirmation message
$cgui = new ilConfirmationGUI();
$cgui->setCancel($this->lng->txt("cancel"), "cancelDelete");
$cgui->setConfirm($this->lng->txt("confirm"), "confirmedDelete");
$caption = ilUtil::getImageTagByType("styf", $this->tpl->tplPath).
" ".ilObject::_lookupTitle($this->object->getId());
$cgui->addItem("id[]", "", $caption);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::deleteStyleParameterObject ( )

delete style parameters

Definition at line 862 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_POST, and editObject().

if (is_array($_POST["sty_select"]))
foreach($_POST["sty_select"] as $id => $dummy)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::deleteTemplateConfirmationObject ( )

Delete table template confirmation.

Definition at line 2243 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_POST, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, and ilUtil\sendInfo().

global $ilCtrl, $tpl, $lng;
if (!is_array($_POST["tid"]) || count($_POST["tid"]) == 0)
ilUtil::sendInfo($lng->txt("no_checkbox"), true);
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listTemplates");
$cgui = new ilConfirmationGUI();
$cgui->setCancel($lng->txt("cancel"), "cancelTemplateDeletion");
$cgui->setConfirm($lng->txt("sty_del_template"), "deleteTemplate");
foreach ($_POST["tid"] as $tid)
$classes = $this->object->getTemplateClasses($tid);
$cl_str = "";
$listed = array();
foreach ($classes as $cl)
if ($cl != "" && !$listed[$cl])
$cl_str.= '<div>- '.
$listed[$cl] = true;
if ($cl_str != "")
$cl_str = '<div style="padding-left:30px;" class="small">'.
$cgui->addItem("tid[]", $tid, $this->object->lookupTemplateName($tid).$cl_str);
$cgui->addButton($lng->txt("sty_del_template_keep_classes"), "deleteTemplateKeepClasses");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::deleteTemplateKeepClassesObject ( )

Delete table template.

Definition at line 2302 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_POST, and $ilCtrl.

global $ilCtrl;
if (is_array($_POST["tid"]))
foreach ($_POST["tid"] as $tid)
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listTemplates");
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::deleteTemplateObject ( )

Delete table template.

Definition at line 2320 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $_POST, $ilCtrl, and ilObjStyleSheet\_determineTag().

global $ilCtrl;
if (is_array($_POST["tid"]))
foreach ($_POST["tid"] as $tid)
$cls = $this->object->getTemplateClasses($tid);
foreach ($cls as $k => $cls)
$ty = $this->object->determineTemplateStyleClassType($_GET["temp_type"], $k);
$this->object->deleteCharacteristic($ty, $ta, $cls);
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listTemplates");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::displayTemplateEditForm ( )

Display table tempalte edit form.

Definition at line 2201 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, getTemplatePreview(), and includeCSS().

Referenced by editTemplateObject(), and updateTemplateObject().

global $tpl;
$a_tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.template_edit.html", true, true,
$a_tpl->setVariable("FORM", $this->form_gui->getHTML());
$a_tpl->setVariable("PREVIEW", $this->getTemplatePreview($_GET["temp_type"], $_GET["t_id"]));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::editColorObject ( )

Edit color.

Definition at line 1689 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, getColorFormValues(), and initColorForm().

global $tpl, $ilCtrl;
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "c_name", $_GET["c_name"]);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::editObject ( )

edit style sheet

Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 172 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $_SESSION, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, $t, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjStyleSheet\_getStyleSuperTypes(), ilObjStyleSheet\_isExpandable(), includeCSS(), and setSubTabs().

Referenced by deleteStyleParameterObject(), newStyleParameterObject(), refreshObject(), and viewObject().

global $rbacsystem, $lng, $ilTabs, $ilCtrl, $ilToolbar, $tpl;
$ctpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.sty_classes.html", true, true, "Services/Style");
// output characteristics
$chars = $this->object->getCharacteristics();
$style_type = ($this->super_type != "")
? $this->super_type
: "text_block";
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "style_type", $style_type);
// workaround to include default rte styles
if ($this->super_type == "rte")
// add new style?
$subtypes = $all_super_types[$style_type];
$expandable = false;
foreach ($subtypes as $t)
$expandable = true;
if ($expandable && $rbacsystem->checkAccess("write", (int) $_GET["ref_id"]))
$ilCtrl->getLinkTarget($this, "addCharacteristicForm"));
if ($_SESSION["sty_copy"] != "")
$style_cp = explode(":::", $_SESSION["sty_copy"]);
if ($style_cp[1] == $_GET["style_type"])
if ($expandable)
$ilCtrl->getLinkTarget($this, "pasteCharacteristicsOverview"));
$table_gui = new ilStyleTableGUI($this, "edit", $chars, $style_type,
$ctpl->setVariable("STYLE_TABLE", $table_gui->getHTML());

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::editTagStyleObject ( )

Edit tag style.

Definition at line 513 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, getValues(), initTagStyleForm(), and outputTagStyleEditScreen().

global $tpl;
// workaround to include default rte styles
//if (in_array($_GET["style_type"], array("rte_menu")))
if ($this->super_type == "rte")
$cur = explode(".",$_GET["tag"]);
$cur_tag = $cur[0];
$cur_class = $cur[1];
$this->initTagStyleForm("edit", $cur_tag);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::editTemplateObject ( )

Edit table template.

Definition at line 1921 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, displayTemplateEditForm(), getTemplateFormValues(), and initTemplateForm().

global $tpl, $ilCtrl;
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "t_id", $_GET["t_id"]);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

& ilObjStyleSheetGUI::executeCommand ( )

execute command

Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 50 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $cmd, $ret, ilObjectGUI\prepareOutput(), and ilObjectGUI\setCreationMode().

$next_class = $this->ctrl->getNextClass($this);
$cmd = $this->ctrl->getCmd("edit");
// #9440/#9489: prepareOutput will fail if not set properly
$cmd.= "Object";
$ret =& $this->$cmd();
return $ret;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::exportStyleObject ( )

export style

Definition at line 764 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $file, and ilUtil\deliverFile().

$file = $this->object->export();
ilUtil::deliverFile($file, "sty_".$this->object->getId().".zip");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::extractParametersOfTag (   $a_tag,

Definition at line 771 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

Referenced by getValues().

$parameters = array();
foreach($a_style as $tag)
foreach($tag as $par)
if ($par["tag"] == $a_tag && $par["class"] == $a_class
&& $par["type"] == $a_type)
$parameters[$par["parameter"]] = $par["value"];
return $parameters;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::generateTemplateObject ( )

Generate table template.

Definition at line 2345 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$tpl, and initTemplateGenerationForm().

global $tpl;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::getAdminTabs ( $tabs_gui)

admin and normal tabs are equal for roles

Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 1002 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References getTabs().


+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::getColorFormValues ( )

Set values for color editing.

Definition at line 1743 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET.

Referenced by editColorObject().

if ($_GET["c_name"] != "")
$values["color_name"] = $_GET["c_name"];
$values["color_code"] = $this->object->getColorCodeForName($_GET["c_name"]);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::getPropertiesValues ( )

Get current values for properties from.

Definition at line 267 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

Referenced by propertiesObject().

$values = array();
$values["style_title"] = $this->object->getTitle();
$values["style_description"] = $this->object->getDescription();
$values["disable_auto_margins"] = (int) $this->object->lookupStyleSetting("disable_auto_margins");

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilObjStyleSheetGUI::getStyleExampleHTML (   $a_type,

Get style example HTML.

Definition at line 1529 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$lng, and ilUtil\getImagePath().

Referenced by ilStyleTableGUI\fillRow(), and outputTagStyleEditScreen().

global $lng;
$c = explode(":", $a_class);
$a_class = $c[0];
$ex_tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.style_example.html", true, true, "Services/Style");
$ex_tpl->setVariable("EX_CLASS", "ilc_".$a_type."_".$a_class);
$ex_tpl->setVariable("EX_TEXT", "ABC abc 123");
if (in_array($a_type, array("media_cont", "qimg")))
$ex_tpl->setVariable("IMG_MEDIA_DISABLED", ilUtil::getImagePath("media_disabled.png"));
if (in_array($a_type, array("table", "table_caption")))
$ex_tpl->setVariable("TXT_CAPTION", $lng->txt("sty_caption"));
if (in_array($a_class, array("OrderListItemHorizontal", "OrderListHorizontal")))
$ex_tpl->setVariable("HOR", "Horizontal");
return $ex_tpl->get();

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::getTabs ( $tabs_gui)

adds tabs to tab gui object

object$tabs_guiilTabsGUI object

Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 1031 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, and $t.

Referenced by getAdminTabs(), and setTabs().

global $lng, $ilCtrl, $ilTabs, $ilHelp;
if ($ilCtrl->getCmd() == "editTagStyle")
// back to upper context
$ilCtrl->getLinkTarget($this, "edit"));
$t = explode(".", $_GET["tag"]);
$t2 = explode(":", $t[1]);
$pc = $this->object->_getPseudoClasses($t[0]);
if (is_array($pc) && count($pc) > 0)
// style classes
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "tag", $t[0].".".$t2[0]);
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "editTagStyle"), array("editTagStyle", ""),
if ($t2[1] == "")
foreach ($pc as $p)
// style classes
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "tag", $t[0].".".$t2[0].":".$p);
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "editTagStyle"), array("editTagStyle", ""),
if ($t2[1] == $p)
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "tag", $_GET["tag"]);
// back to upper context
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "returnToUpperContext"));
// style classes
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "edit"), array("edit", ""),
// colors
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "listColors"), "listColors",
// images
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "listImages"), "listImages",
// table templates
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "listTemplates"), "listTemplates",
// settings
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "properties"), "properties",
// accordiontest
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "accordiontest"), "accordiontest",

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::getTemplateFormValues ( )

Set values for table template editing.

Definition at line 2224 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $t, and ilObjStyleSheet\_getTemplateClassTypes().

Referenced by editTemplateObject().

if ($_GET["t_id"] > 0)
$t = $this->object->getTemplate($_GET["t_id"]);
$values["name"] = $t["name"];
foreach ($scs as $k => $type)
$values[$k."_class"] = $t["classes"][$k];

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::getTemplatePreview (   $a_type,
  $a_small_mode = false 

Get table template preview.

Definition at line 1935 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References _getTemplatePreview().

Referenced by displayTemplateEditForm(), saveTemplateObject(), templateGenerationObject(), and updateTemplateObject().

return $this->_getTemplatePreview(
$this->object, $a_type, $a_t_id, $a_small_mode);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::getValues ( )

FORM: Get current values from persistent object.

Definition at line 719 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, ilObjStyleSheet\_getFilteredGroups(), ilObjStyleSheet\_getStyleParameters(), and extractParametersOfTag().

Referenced by editTagStyleObject().

$style = $this->object->getStyle();
$cur = explode(".",$_GET["tag"]);
$cur_tag = $cur[0];
$cur_class = $cur[1];
$cur_parameters = $this->extractParametersOfTag($cur_tag, $cur_class, $style, $_GET["style_type"]);
foreach($parameters as $p => $v)
if (is_array($filtered_groups[$v["group"]]) && !in_array($cur_tag, $filtered_groups[$v["group"]]))
$p = explode(".", $p);
$p = $p[0];
$input = $this->form_gui->getItemByPostVar($p);
switch ($v["input"])
case "":
case "trbl_numeric":
case "border_width":
case "border_style":
case "trbl_color":

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::ilObjStyleSheetGUI (   $a_data,
  $a_prep = true 

Constructor public.

Definition at line 30 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjStyleSheet\_getStyleSuperTypeForType(), and ilObjectGUI\ilObjectGUI().

global $ilCtrl, $lng, $tpl;
$this->ctrl =& $ilCtrl;
$this->lng =& $lng;
$ilCtrl->saveParameter($this, array("tag", "style_type", "temp_type"));
if ($_GET["style_type"] != "")
$this->super_type = ilObjStyleSheet::_getStyleSuperTypeForType($_GET["style_type"]);
$this->type = "sty";
$this->ilObjectGUI($a_data,$a_id,$a_call_by_reference, false);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::importStyleObject ( )

import style sheet

Definition at line 946 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, ilObjStyleSheet\_writeStandard(), and ilObjectFactory\getInstanceByRefId().

// check file
$source = $_FILES["stylefile"]["tmp_name"];
if (($source == 'none') || (!$source))
$this->ilias->raiseError("No file selected!",$this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
// check correct file type
$info = pathinfo($_FILES["stylefile"]["name"]);
if (strtolower($info["extension"]) != "zip" && strtolower($info["extension"]) != "xml")
$this->ilias->raiseError("File must be a zip or xml file!",$this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
$class_name = "ilObjStyleSheet";
$newObj = new ilObjStyleSheet();
// assign style to style sheet folder,
// if parent is style sheet folder
if ($_GET["ref_id"] > 0)
if ($fold->getType() == "stys")
ilObjStyleSheet::_writeStandard($newObj->getId(), "1");
$this->ctrl->redirectByClass("ilobjstylesettingsgui", "editContentStyles");
return $newObj->getId();

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::includeCSS ( )

Include CSS in output.

Definition at line 160 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

Referenced by displayTemplateEditForm(), editObject(), and listTemplatesObject().

// set style sheet

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::initCharacteristicForm (   $a_mode)

Init tag style editing form.

int$a_modeForm Edit Mode (IL_FORM_EDIT | IL_FORM_CREATE)

Definition at line 1481 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, $t, ilObjStyleSheet\_getStyleSuperTypes(), ilObjStyleSheet\_isExpandable(), ilSelectInputGUI\setOptions(), and ilRegExpInputGUI\setPattern().

Referenced by addCharacteristicFormObject(), and saveCharacteristicObject().

global $lng, $ilCtrl;
$this->form_gui = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
// title
$txt_input = new ilRegExpInputGUI($lng->txt("title"), "new_characteristic");
$txt_input->setNoMatchMessage($lng->txt("sty_msg_characteristic_must_only_include")." A-Z, a-z, 1-9");
// type
$types = $all_super_types[$this->super_type];
$exp_types = array();
foreach($types as $t)
$exp_types[$t] = $lng->txt("sty_type_".$t);
if (count($exp_types) > 1)
$type_input = new ilSelectInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_type"), "type");
else if (count($exp_types) == 1)
$hid_input = new ilHiddenInputGUI("type");
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("saveCharacteristic", $lng->txt("save"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("edit", $lng->txt("cancel"));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::initColorForm (   $a_mode = "create")

Init color form.

Definition at line 1703 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilRegExpInputGUI\setPattern(), and ilFormPropertyGUI\setRequired().

Referenced by addColorObject(), editColorObject(), saveColorObject(), and updateColorObject().

global $lng, $ilCtrl;
$this->form_gui = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
// name
$name_input = new ilRegExpInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_color_name"), "color_name");
$name_input->setNoMatchMessage($lng->txt("sty_msg_color_must_only_include")." A-Z, a-z, 1-9");
// code
$color_input = new ilColorPickerInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_color_code"), "color_code");
if ($a_mode == "create")
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("saveColor", $lng->txt("save"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("cancelColorSaving", $lng->txt("cancel"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("updateColor", $lng->txt("save"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("cancelColorSaving", $lng->txt("cancel"));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::initImageForm ( )

Init image form.

Definition at line 1271 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, and ilFormPropertyGUI\setRequired().

Referenced by addImageObject(), and uploadImageObject().

global $lng, $ilCtrl;
$this->form_gui = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
$file_input = new ilImageFileInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_image_file"), "image_file");
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("uploadImage", $lng->txt("upload"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("cancelUpload", $lng->txt("cancel"));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::initPropertiesForm (   $a_mode = "edit")

FORM: Init properties form.

int$a_modeEdit Mode

Definition at line 283 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilFormPropertyGUI\setInfo(), and ilTextInputGUI\setMaxLength().

Referenced by propertiesObject(), and updateObject().

global $lng, $rbacsystem;
$this->form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
// title
$ti = new ilTextInputGUI($this->lng->txt("title"), "style_title");
// description
$ta = new ilTextAreaInputGUI($this->lng->txt("description"), "style_description");
// disable automatic margins for left/right alignment
$cb = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($this->lng->txt("sty_disable_auto_margins"), "disable_auto_margins");
// save and cancel commands
if ($a_mode == "create")
$this->form->addCommandButton("save", $lng->txt("save"));
$this->form->addCommandButton("cancelSave", $lng->txt("cancel"));
if ($rbacsystem->checkAccess("write", (int) $_GET["ref_id"]))
$this->form->addCommandButton("update", $lng->txt("save"));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::initTagStyleForm (   $a_mode,

Init tag style editing form.

int$a_modeForm Edit Mode (IL_FORM_EDIT | IL_FORM_CREATE)

Definition at line 570 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjStyleSheet\_getFilteredGroups(), ilObjStyleSheet\_getStyleParameterInputType(), ilTRBLColorPickerInputGUI\setAcceptNamedColors(), ilNumericStyleValueInputGUI\setAllowPercentage(), ilTRBLNumericStyleValueInputGUI\setAllowPercentage(), ilColorPickerInputGUI\setDefaultColor(), ilBackgroundImageInputGUI\setImages(), ilTextInputGUI\setMaxLength(), ilNumberInputGUI\setMinValue(), and ilSelectInputGUI\setOptions().

Referenced by editTagStyleObject(), refreshTagStyleObject(), and updateTagStyleObject().

global $lng;
$this->form_gui = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
$avail_pars = $this->object->getAvailableParameters();
$groups = $this->object->getStyleParameterGroups();
// output select lists
foreach ($groups as $k => $group)
// filter groups of properties that should only be
// displayed with matching tag
if (is_array($filtered_groups[$k]) && !in_array($a_cur_tag, $filtered_groups[$k]))
foreach ($group as $par)
$basepar = explode(".", $par);
$basepar = $basepar[0];
$var = str_replace("-", "_", $basepar);
$up_par = strtoupper($var);
case "select":
$sel_input = new ilSelectInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_".$var), $basepar);
$options = array("" => "");
foreach ($avail_pars[$par] as $p)
$options[$p] = $p;
case "text":
$text_input = new ilTextInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_".$var), $basepar);
case "fontsize":
$fs_input = new ilFontSizeInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_".$var), $basepar);
case "numeric_no_perc":
case "numeric":
$num_input = new ilNumericStyleValueInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_".$var), $basepar);
if (ilObjStyleSheet::_getStyleParameterInputType($par) == "numeric_no_perc")
case "percentage":
$per_input = new ilNumberInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_".$var), $basepar);
case "color":
$col_input = new ilColorPickerInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_".$var), $basepar);
case "trbl_numeric":
$num_input = new ilTRBLNumericStyleValueInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_".$var), $basepar);
if (ilObjStyleSheet::_getStyleParameterInputType($par) == "trbl_numeric_no_perc")
case "border_width":
$bw_input = new ilTRBLBorderWidthInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_".$var), $basepar);
case "border_style":
$bw_input = new ilTRBLBorderStyleInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_".$var), $basepar);
case "trbl_color":
$col_input = new ilTRBLColorPickerInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_".$var), $basepar);
case "background_image":
$im_input = new ilBackgroundImageInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_".$var), $basepar);
$imgs = array();
foreach ($this->object->getImages() as $entry)
$imgs[] = $entry["entry"];
case "background_position":
$im_input = new ilBackgroundPositionInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_".$var), $basepar);
// save and cancel commands
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("updateTagStyle", $lng->txt("save_return"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("refreshTagStyle", $lng->txt("save_refresh"));
// $this->form_gui->setTitle($lng->txt("edit"));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::initTemplateForm (   $a_mode = "create")

Init table template form.

Definition at line 2059 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjStyleSheet\_getTemplateClassTypes(), and ilRegExpInputGUI\setPattern().

Referenced by addTemplateObject(), editTemplateObject(), saveTemplateObject(), and updateTemplateObject().

global $lng, $ilCtrl;
$this->form_gui = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
if ($a_mode == "create")
// name
$name_input = new ilRegExpInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_template_name"), "name");
$name_input->setNoMatchMessage($lng->txt("sty_msg_color_must_only_include")." A-Z, a-z, 1-9");
// template style classes
foreach ($scs as $sc => $st)
$sc_input = new ilSelectInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_".$sc."_class"), $sc."_class");
$chars = $this->object->getCharacteristics($st);
$options = array("" => "");
foreach($chars as $char)
$options[$char] = $char;
if ($a_mode == "create")
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("saveTemplate", $lng->txt("save"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("cancelTemplateSaving", $lng->txt("cancel"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("refreshTemplate", $lng->txt("save_refresh"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("updateTemplate", $lng->txt("save_return"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("cancelTemplateSaving", $lng->txt("cancel"));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::initTemplateGenerationForm ( )

Init table template generation form.

Definition at line 2356 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilNumericStyleValueInputGUI\setAllowPercentage(), ilNumberInputGUI\setMaxValue(), ilSelectInputGUI\setOptions(), and ilRegExpInputGUI\setPattern().

Referenced by generateTemplateObject(), and templateGenerationObject().

global $lng, $ilCtrl;
$this->form_gui = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
// name
$name_input = new ilRegExpInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_template_name"), "name");
$name_input->setNoMatchMessage($lng->txt("sty_msg_color_must_only_include")." A-Z, a-z, 1-9");
// basic layout
$bl_input = new ilSelectInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_template_layout"), "layout");
$options = array(
"coloredZebra" => $lng->txt("sty_table_template_colored_zebra"),
"bwZebra" => $lng->txt("sty_table_template_bw_zebra"),
"noZebra" => $lng->txt("sty_table_template_no_zebra")
// top bottom padding
$num_input = new ilNumericStyleValueInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_top_bottom_padding"), "tb_padding");
// left right padding
$num_input = new ilNumericStyleValueInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_left_right_padding"), "lr_padding");
// base color
$bc_input = new ilSelectInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_base_color"), "base_color");
$cs = $this->object->getColors();
$options = array();
foreach ($cs as $c)
$options[$c["name"]] = $c["name"];
// Lightness Settings
$lss = array("border" => 90, "header_text" => 70, "header_bg" => 0,
"cell1_text" => -60, "cell1_bg" => 90, "cell2_text" => -60, "cell2_bg" => 75);
foreach ($lss as $ls => $v)
$l_input = new ilNumberInputGUI($lng->txt("sty_lightness_".$ls), "lightness_".$ls);
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("templateGeneration", $lng->txt("generate"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("cancelTemplateSaving", $lng->txt("cancel"));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::listColorsObject ( )

List colors of style.

Definition at line 1658 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ilCtrl, and ilObjectGUI\$tpl.

global $tpl, $rbacsystem, $ilToolbar, $ilCtrl;
if ($rbacsystem->checkAccess("write", (int) $_GET["ref_id"]))
$ilCtrl->getLinkTarget($this, "addColor"));
$table_gui = new ilStyleColorTableGUI($this, "listColors",
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::listImagesObject ( )

List images of style.

Definition at line 1208 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, and ilObjectGUI\$tpl.

global $tpl, $ilToolbar, $ilCtrl, $lng, $rbacsystem;
if ($rbacsystem->checkAccess("write", (int) $_GET["ref_id"]))
$ilCtrl->getLinkTarget($this, "addImage"));
$table_gui = new ilStyleImageTableGUI($this, "listImages",
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::listTemplatesObject ( )

List templates.

Definition at line 1884 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, includeCSS(), and setTemplatesSubTabs().

global $tpl, $ilTabs, $ilCtrl;
$ctype = $_GET["temp_type"];
if ($ctype == "")
$ctype = "table";
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "temp_type", $ctype);
$_GET["temp_type"] = $ctype;
$table_gui = new ilTableTemplatesTableGUI($ctype, $this, "listTemplates",

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::newStyleParameterObject ( )

add style parameter

Definition at line 791 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_POST, and editObject().

$this->object->addParameter($_POST["tag"], $_POST["parameter"]);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::outputTagStyleEditScreen ( )

Output tag style edit screen.

Definition at line 538 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, and getStyleExampleHTML().

Referenced by editTagStyleObject(), refreshTagStyleObject(), and updateTagStyleObject().

global $tpl, $ilCtrl, $lng;
// set style sheet
$ts_tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.style_tag_edit.html", true, true, "Services/Style");
$cur = explode(".",$_GET["tag"]);
$cur_tag = $cur[0];
$cur_class = $cur[1];
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::getStyleExampleHTML($_GET["style_type"], $cur_class));
$tpl->setTitle($cur_class." (".$lng->txt("sty_type_".$_GET["style_type"]).")");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::pasteCharacteristicsObject ( )

Paste characteristics.


Definition at line 1626 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_POST, $_SESSION, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjStyleSheet\_writeUpToDate(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().

global $ilCtrl, $lng;
if (is_array($_POST["title"]))
foreach ($_POST["title"] as $from_char => $to_title)
$fc = explode(".", $from_char);
if ($_POST["conflict_action"][$from_char] == "overwrite" ||
!$this->object->characteristicExists($to_title, $fc[0]))
$fc[0], $fc[2], $to_title);
ilObjStyleSheet::_writeUpToDate($this->object->getId(), false);
ilUtil::sendSuccess($lng->txt("sty_style_classes_copied"), true);
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "edit");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::pasteCharacteristicsOverviewObject ( )

Paste characteristics overview.


Definition at line 1608 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$tpl.

global $tpl, $ilTabs;
$table = new ilPasteStyleCharacteristicTableGUI($this, "pasteCharacteristicsOverview");
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::propertiesObject ( )


Definition at line 244 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$lng, getPropertiesValues(), and initPropertiesForm().

global $rbacsystem, $lng, $ilToolbar;
// set style sheet
// export button
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "exportStyle"));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::refreshObject ( )

refresh style sheet

Definition at line 800 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_POST, and editObject().

foreach($_POST["styval"] as $id => $value)
$this->object->updateStyleParameter($id, $value);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::refreshTagStyleObject ( )

save and refresh tag editing

Definition at line 356 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ilCtrl, initTagStyleForm(), outputTagStyleEditScreen(), and saveTagStyle().

global $ilCtrl;
$cur = explode(".",$_GET["tag"]);
$cur_tag = $cur[0];
$cur_class = $cur[1];
$this->initTagStyleForm("edit", $cur_tag);
if ($this->form_gui->checkInput())
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "editTagStyle");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::refreshTemplateObject ( )

Refresh table template.

Definition at line 2216 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References updateTemplateObject().


+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::returnToUpperContextObject ( )

return to upper context

Definition at line 2591 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, and $ilCtrl.

global $ilCtrl;
if ($_GET["baseClass"] == "ilAdministrationGUI")
$ilCtrl->redirectByClass("ilobjstylesettingsgui", "editContentStyles");
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::saveCharacteristicObject ( )

Save Characteristic.

Definition at line 1449 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $_POST, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjStyleSheet\_determineTag(), initCharacteristicForm(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().

global $ilCtrl, $tpl, $lng;
if ($this->form_gui->checkInput())
if ($this->object->characteristicExists($_POST["new_characteristic"], $_GET["style_type"]))
$char_input = $this->form_gui->getItemByPostVar("new_characteristic");
$this->object->addCharacteristic($_POST["type"], $_POST["new_characteristic"]);
ilUtil::sendInfo($lng->txt("sty_added_characteristic"), true);
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "tag",
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "style_type", $_POST["type"]);
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "editTagStyle");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::saveColorObject ( )

Save color.

Definition at line 1766 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_POST, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, and initColorForm().

global $tpl, $ilCtrl, $lng;
if ($this->form_gui->checkInput())
if ($this->object->colorExists($_POST["color_name"]))
$col_input = $this->form_gui->getItemByPostVar("color_name");
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listColors");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::saveHideStatusObject ( )

Save hide status for characteristics.

Definition at line 1561 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_POST, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, and ilUtil\sendInfo().

global $ilCtrl, $lng;
foreach ($_POST["all_chars"] as $char)
$ca = explode(".", $char);
$this->object->saveHideStatus($ca[0], $ca[2],
(is_array($_POST["hide"]) && in_array($char, $_POST["hide"])));
ilUtil::sendInfo($lng->txt("msg_obj_modified"), true);
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "edit");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::saveObject ( )

save style sheet

Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 879 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $_POST, ilObjStyleSheet\_writeStandard(), ilObjectFactory\getInstanceByRefId(), and ilUtil\stripSlashes().

$this->ctrl->redirect($this, "create");
//echo "HH"; exit;
$class_name = "ilObjStyleSheet";
$newObj = new ilObjStyleSheet();
// assign style to style sheet folder,
// if parent is style sheet folder
if ($_GET["ref_id"] > 0)
if ($fold->getType() == "stys")
ilObjStyleSheet::_writeStandard($newObj->getId(), "1");
$this->ctrl->redirectByClass("ilobjstylesettingsgui", "editContentStyles");
return $newObj->getId();

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::saveTagStyle ( )

Save tag style.

Definition at line 405 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $_POST, $in, ilObjStyleSheet\_getStyleParameters(), and writeStylePar().

Referenced by refreshTagStyleObject(), and updateTagStyleObject().

$cur = explode(".", $_GET["tag"]);
$cur_tag = $cur[0];
$cur_class = $cur[1];
$avail_pars = ilObjStyleSheet::_getStyleParameters($cur_tag);
foreach ($avail_pars as $par => $v)
$var = str_replace("-", "_", $par);
$basepar_arr = explode(".", $par);
$basepar = $basepar_arr[0];
if ($basepar_arr[1] != "" && $basepar_arr[1] != $cur_tag)
switch ($v["input"])
case "fontsize":
case "numeric_no_perc":
case "numeric":
case "background_image":
$in = $this->form_gui->getItemByPostVar($basepar);
//echo "<br>-".$cur_tag."-".$cur_class."-".$basepar."-".$_GET["style_type"]."-";
$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $basepar, $in->getValue(), $_GET["style_type"]);
case "color":
$color = trim($_POST[$basepar]);
if ($color != "" && trim(substr($color,0,1) != "!"))
$color = "#".$color;
$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $basepar, $color, $_GET["style_type"]);
case "trbl_numeric":
case "border_width":
case "border_style":
$in = $this->form_gui->getItemByPostVar($basepar);
$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $v["subpar"][0], $in->getAllValue(), $_GET["style_type"]);
$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $v["subpar"][1], $in->getTopValue(), $_GET["style_type"]);
$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $v["subpar"][2], $in->getRightValue(), $_GET["style_type"]);
$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $v["subpar"][3], $in->getBottomValue(), $_GET["style_type"]);
$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $v["subpar"][4], $in->getLeftValue(), $_GET["style_type"]);
case "trbl_color":
$in = $this->form_gui->getItemByPostVar($basepar);
$tblr_p = array (0 => "getAllValue", 1 => "getTopValue", 2 => "getRightValue",
3 => "getBottomValue", 4 => "getLeftValue");
foreach ($tblr_p as $k => $func)
$val = trim($in->$func());
$val = (($in->getAcceptNamedColors() && substr($val, 0, 1) == "!")
|| $val == "")
? $val
: "#".$val;
$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $v["subpar"][$k], $val, $_GET["style_type"]);
/*$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $v["subpar"][0],
trim($in->getAllValue() != "") ? "#".$in->getAllValue() : "", $_GET["style_type"]);
$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $v["subpar"][1],
trim($in->getTopValue() != "") ? "#".$in->getTopValue() : "", $_GET["style_type"]);
$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $v["subpar"][2],
trim($in->getRightValue() != "") ? "#".$in->getRightValue() : "", $_GET["style_type"]);
$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $v["subpar"][3],
trim($in->getBottomValue() != "") ? "#".$in->getBottomValue() : "", $_GET["style_type"]);
$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $v["subpar"][4],
trim($in->getLeftValue() != "") ? "#".$in->getLeftValue() : "", $_GET["style_type"]);
case "background_position":
$in = $this->form_gui->getItemByPostVar($basepar);
$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $basepar, $in->getValue(), $_GET["style_type"]);
$this->writeStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $basepar, $_POST[$basepar], $_GET["style_type"]);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::saveTemplateObject ( )

Save table template.

Definition at line 2127 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $_POST, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjStyleSheet\_getTemplateClassTypes(), getTemplatePreview(), and initTemplateForm().

global $tpl, $ilCtrl, $lng;
if ($this->form_gui->checkInput())
if ($this->object->templateExists($_POST["name"]))
$name_input = $this->form_gui->getItemByPostVar("name");
$classes = array();
foreach (ilObjStyleSheet::_getTemplateClassTypes($_GET["temp_type"]) as $tct => $ct)
$classes[$tct] = $_POST[$tct."_class"];
$t_id = $this->object->addTemplate($_GET["temp_type"], $_POST["name"], $classes);
$this->getTemplatePreview($_GET["temp_type"], $t_id, true));
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listTemplates");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::setSubTabs ( )

adds tabs to tab gui object

object$tabs_guiilTabsGUI object

Definition at line 1118 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, and ilObjStyleSheet\_getStyleSuperTypes().

Referenced by editObject().

global $lng, $ilTabs, $ilCtrl;
foreach ($types as $super_type => $types)
// text block characteristics
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "style_type", $super_type);
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "edit"), array("edit", ""),
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "style_type", $_GET["style_type"]);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::setTabs ( )

output tabs

Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 1010 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$lng, and getTabs().

global $lng;
if (strtolower(get_class($this->object)) == "ilobjstylesheet")
$this->tpl->setVariable("HEADER", $this->object->getTitle());
$this->tpl->setVariable("HEADER", $lng->txt("create_stylesheet"));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::setTemplatesSubTabs ( )

adds tabs to tab gui object

object$tabs_guiilTabsGUI object

Definition at line 1141 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, $t, and ilObjStyleSheet\_getTemplateClassTypes().

Referenced by listTemplatesObject().

global $lng, $ilTabs, $ilCtrl;
foreach ($types as $t => $c)
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "temp_type", $t);
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "listTemplates"), array("listTemplates", ""),
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "temp_type", $_GET["temp_type"]);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::showUpperIcon ( )

Definition at line 1189 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, ilObjectGUI\$objDefinition, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, and ilObjectGUI\$tree.

if (strtolower($_GET["baseClass"]) == "iladministrationgui")
// ?
ilObjStyleSheetGUI::templateGenerationObject ( )

Table template generation.

Definition at line 2430 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $_POST, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, getTemplatePreview(), and initTemplateGenerationForm().

global $tpl, $ilCtrl, $lng;
if ($this->form_gui->checkInput())
if ($this->object->templateExists($_POST["name"]))
$name_input = $this->form_gui->getItemByPostVar("name");
// -> move to application class!
// cell classes
$cells = array("H" => "header", "C1" => "cell1", "C2" => "cell2");
$tb_p = $this->form_gui->getItemByPostVar("tb_padding");
$tb_padding = $tb_p->getValue();
$lr_p = $this->form_gui->getItemByPostVar("lr_padding");
$lr_padding = $lr_p->getValue();
$cell_color = $_POST["base_color"];
// use mid gray as cell color for bw zebra
if ($_POST["layout"] == "bwZebra")
$cell_color = "MidGray";
if (!$this->object->colorExists($cell_color))
$this->object->addColor($cell_color, "7F7F7F");
$this->object->updateColor($cell_color, $cell_color, "7F7F7F");
foreach ($cells as $k => $cell)
$cell_class[$k] = $_POST["name"].$k;
if (!$this->object->characteristicExists($cell_class[$k], "table_cell"))
$this->object->addCharacteristic("table_cell", $cell_class[$k], true);
if ($_POST["layout"] == "bwZebra" && $k == "H")
$this->object->replaceStylePar("td", $cell_class[$k], "color",
"!".$_POST["base_color"]."(".$_POST["lightness_".$cell."_text"].")", "table_cell");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("td", $cell_class[$k], "background-color",
"!".$_POST["base_color"]."(".$_POST["lightness_".$cell."_bg"].")", "table_cell");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("td", $cell_class[$k], "color",
"!".$cell_color."(".$_POST["lightness_".$cell."_text"].")", "table_cell");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("td", $cell_class[$k], "background-color",
"!".$cell_color."(".$_POST["lightness_".$cell."_bg"].")", "table_cell");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("td", $cell_class[$k], "padding-top",
$tb_padding, "table_cell");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("td", $cell_class[$k], "padding-bottom",
$tb_padding, "table_cell");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("td", $cell_class[$k], "padding-left",
$lr_padding, "table_cell");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("td", $cell_class[$k], "padding-right",
$lr_padding, "table_cell");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("td", $cell_class[$k], "border-width",
"1px", "table_cell");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("td", $cell_class[$k], "border-style",
"solid", "table_cell");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("td", $cell_class[$k], "border-color",
"!".$cell_color."(".$_POST["lightness_border"].")", "table_cell");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("td", $cell_class[$k], "font-weight",
"normal", "table_cell");
// table class
$classes["table"] = $_POST["name"]."T";
if (!$this->object->characteristicExists($classes["table"], "table"))
$this->object->addCharacteristic("table", $classes["table"], true);
$this->object->replaceStylePar("table", $classes["table"], "caption-side",
"bottom", "table");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("table", $classes["table"], "border-collapse",
"collapse", "table");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("table", $classes["table"], "margin-top",
"5px", "table");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("table", $classes["table"], "margin-bottom",
"5px", "table");
if ($_POST["layout"] == "bwZebra")
$this->object->replaceStylePar("table", $classes["table"], "border-bottom-color",
"!".$_POST["base_color"], "table");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("table", $classes["table"], "border-bottom-style",
"solid", "table");
$this->object->replaceStylePar("table", $classes["table"], "border-bottom-width",
"3px", "table");
$sb = array("left", "right", "top");
foreach ($sb as $b)
$this->object->replaceStylePar("table", $classes["table"], "border-".$b."-width",
"0px", "table");
switch ($_POST["layout"])
case "coloredZebra":
$classes["row_head"] = $cell_class["H"];
$classes["odd_row"] = $cell_class["C1"];
$classes["even_row"] = $cell_class["C2"];
case "bwZebra":
$classes["row_head"] = $cell_class["H"];
$classes["odd_row"] = $cell_class["C1"];
$classes["even_row"] = $cell_class["C2"];
case "noZebra":
$classes["row_head"] = $cell_class["H"];
$classes["odd_row"] = $cell_class["C1"];
$classes["even_row"] = $cell_class["C1"];
$classes["col_head"] = $cell_class["C2"];
$t_id = $this->object->addTemplate($_GET["temp_type"],
$_POST["name"], $classes);
$this->getTemplatePreview($_GET["temp_type"], $t_id, true));
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listTemplates");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::updateColorObject ( )

Update color.

Definition at line 1793 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $_POST, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, and initColorForm().

global $tpl, $ilCtrl, $lng;
if ($this->form_gui->checkInput())
if ($this->object->colorExists($_POST["color_name"]) &&
$_POST["color_name"] != $_GET["c_name"])
$col_input = $this->form_gui->getItemByPostVar("color_name");
$this->object->updateColor($_GET["c_name"], $_POST["color_name"],
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listColors");
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "c_name", $_GET["c_name"]);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::updateObject ( )

Update properties.

Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 331 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, initPropertiesForm(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().

global $lng, $ilCtrl, $tpl;
if ($this->form->checkInput())
ilUtil::sendInfo($lng->txt("msg_obj_modified"), true);
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "properties");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::updateTagStyleObject ( )

save and refresh tag editing

Definition at line 381 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ilCtrl, initTagStyleForm(), outputTagStyleEditScreen(), and saveTagStyle().

global $ilCtrl;
$cur = explode(".",$_GET["tag"]);
$cur_tag = $cur[0];
$cur_class = $cur[1];
$this->initTagStyleForm("edit", $cur_tag);
if ($this->form_gui->checkInput())
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "edit");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::updateTemplateObject (   $a_refresh = false)

Update table template.

Definition at line 2160 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $_GET, $_POST, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjStyleSheet\_getTemplateClassTypes(), displayTemplateEditForm(), getTemplatePreview(), initTemplateForm(), and ilObjStyleSheet\lookupTemplateName().

Referenced by refreshTemplateObject().

global $tpl, $ilCtrl, $lng;
$ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "t_id", $_GET["t_id"]);
if ($this->form_gui->checkInput())
if ($this->object->templateExists($_POST["name"]) &&
$name_input = $this->form_gui->getItemByPostVar("name");
$classes = array();
foreach (ilObjStyleSheet::_getTemplateClassTypes($_GET["temp_type"]) as $tct => $ct)
$classes[$tct] = $_POST[$tct."_class"];
$_POST["name"], $classes);
$this->getTemplatePreview($_GET["temp_type"], $_GET["t_id"], true));
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listTemplates");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::uploadImageObject ( )

Upload image.

Definition at line 1249 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, and initImageForm().

global $tpl, $ilCtrl;
if ($this->form_gui->checkInput())
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listImages");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::viewObject ( )

list childs of current object


Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 73 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

References editObject().


+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjStyleSheetGUI::writeStylePar (   $cur_tag,

Definition at line 492 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

Referenced by saveTagStyle().

if ($a_type == "")
if ($value != "")
$this->object->replaceStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $par, $value, $a_type);
$this->object->deleteStylePar($cur_tag, $cur_class, $par, $a_type);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation


Definition at line 24 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.


Definition at line 22 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.


Definition at line 23 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.


Definition at line 21 of file class.ilObjStyleSheetGUI.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: