ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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ilSurveyPhrasesGUI Class Reference

Survey phrases GUI class. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for ilSurveyPhrasesGUI:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($a_object)
 ilSurveyPhrasesGUI constructor
executeCommand ()
 execute command
 getCommand ($cmd)
 Retrieves the ilCtrl command.
 deletePhrase ()
 Creates a confirmation form to delete personal phases from the database.
 phrases ()
 Displays a form to manage the user created phrases.
 cancelDeletePhrase ()
 cancel delete phrases
 confirmDeletePhrase ()
 confirm delete phrases
 deletePhrasesForm ($checked_phrases)
 Creates a confirmation form to delete personal phases from the database.
 cancelEditPhrase ()
 saveEditPhrase ()
 writePostData ($always=false)
 Evaluates a posted edit form and writes the form data in the question object.
 newPhrase ()
 editPhrase ()
 phraseEditor ($checkonly=FALSE)

Data Fields


Protected Member Functions

 getCategoriesForPhrase ($phrase_id)
 getPhraseTitle ($phrase_id)

Detailed Description

Survey phrases GUI class.

The ilSurveyPhrases GUI class creates the GUI output for survey phrases (collections of survey categories) of ordinal survey question types.

Helmut Schottmüller

Definition at line 35 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::__construct (   $a_object)

ilSurveyPhrasesGUI constructor

Definition at line 50 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, $ilias, $lng, $tpl, and $tree.

include_once "./Modules/SurveyQuestionPool/classes/class.ilSurveyPhrases.php";
$this->lng =& $lng;
$this->tpl =& $tpl;
$this->ctrl =& $ilCtrl;
$this->ilias =& $ilias;
$this->gui_object =& $a_object;
$this->object = new ilSurveyPhrases();
$this->tree =& $tree;
$this->ref_id = $a_object->ref_id;
$this->ctrl->saveParameter($this, "p_id");

Member Function Documentation

ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::cancelDeletePhrase ( )

cancel delete phrases

Definition at line 151 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

$this->ctrl->redirect($this, "phrases");
ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::cancelEditPhrase ( )

Definition at line 224 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

$this->ctrl->redirect($this, 'phrases');
ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::confirmDeletePhrase ( )

confirm delete phrases

Definition at line 159 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

References $_POST, and ilUtil\sendSuccess().

$phrases = $_POST['phrase'];
ilUtil::sendSuccess($this->lng->txt("qpl_phrases_deleted"), true);
$this->ctrl->redirect($this, "phrases");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::deletePhrase ( )

Creates a confirmation form to delete personal phases from the database.

Definition at line 95 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

References $_POST, deletePhrasesForm(), phrases(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendQuestion().

$checked_phrases = $_POST['phrase'];
if (count($checked_phrases))

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::deletePhrasesForm (   $checked_phrases)

Creates a confirmation form to delete personal phases from the database.

array$checked_phrasesAn array with the id's of the phrases checked for deletion

Definition at line 208 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

References $data, ilSurveyPhrases\_getAvailablePhrases(), and ilSurveyPhrases\_getCategoriesForPhrase().

Referenced by deletePhrase().

include_once "./Modules/SurveyQuestionPool/classes/tables/class.ilSurveyPhrasesTableGUI.php";
$table_gui = new ilSurveyPhrasesTableGUI($this, 'phrases', true);
$data = array();
foreach ($checked_phrases as $phrase_id)
$phrase_array = $phrases[$phrase_id];
$categories =& ilSurveyPhrases::_getCategoriesForPhrase($phrase_id);
array_push($data, array('phrase_id' => $phrase_id, 'phrase' => $phrase_array["title"], 'answers' => join($categories, ", ")));
$this->tpl->setVariable('ADM_CONTENT', $table_gui->getHTML());

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::editPhrase ( )

Definition at line 285 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

References $_POST, and ilUtil\sendFailure().

if (!array_key_exists('phrase', $_POST))
ilUtil::sendFailure($this->lng->txt('no_phrase_selected'), true);
$this->ctrl->redirect($this, 'phrases');
if ((array_key_exists('phrase', $_POST)) && count($_POST['phrase']) > 1)
ilUtil::sendFailure($this->lng->txt('select_max_one_item'), true);
$this->ctrl->redirect($this, 'phrases');
$phrase_id = (array_key_exists('phrase', $_POST)) ? $_POST['phrase'][key($_POST['phrase'])] : null;
if ($phrase_id)
$this->ctrl->setParameter($this, 'p_id', $phrase_id);
$this->ctrl->redirect($this, 'phraseEditor');

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

& ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::executeCommand ( )

execute command

Definition at line 69 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

References $cmd, $ret, and getCommand().

$cmd = $this->ctrl->getCmd();
$next_class = $this->ctrl->getNextClass($this);
$cmd = $this->getCommand($cmd);
$ret =& $this->$cmd();
return $ret;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::getCategoriesForPhrase (   $phrase_id)

Definition at line 167 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

References $data, and $result.

Referenced by phraseEditor().

global $ilDB;
include_once "./Modules/SurveyQuestionPool/classes/class.SurveyCategories.php";
$categories = new SurveyCategories();
$result = $ilDB->queryF("SELECT svy_category.title, svy_category.neutral, svy_phrase_cat.sequence FROM svy_phrase_cat, svy_category WHERE svy_phrase_cat.phrase_fi = %s AND svy_phrase_cat.category_fi = svy_category.category_id ORDER BY svy_phrase_cat.sequence ASC",
if ($result->numRows() > 0)
while ($data = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result))
$categories->addCategory($data["title"], 0, $data["neutral"], null, $data['sequence']);
return $categories;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::getCommand (   $cmd)

Retrieves the ilCtrl command.

Definition at line 87 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

References $cmd.

Referenced by executeCommand().

return $cmd;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::getPhraseTitle (   $phrase_id)

Definition at line 187 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

References $result, and $row.

Referenced by phraseEditor().

global $ilDB;
$result = $ilDB->queryF("SELECT svy_phrase.title FROM svy_phrase WHERE svy_phrase.phrase_id = %s",
if ($result->numRows() > 0)
$row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
return $row['title'];
return null;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::newPhrase ( )

Definition at line 280 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

$this->ctrl->redirect($this, 'phraseEditor');
ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::phraseEditor (   $checkonly = FALSE)

Definition at line 305 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

References $_GET, $errors, $title, getCategoriesForPhrase(), getPhraseTitle(), and ilFormPropertyGUI\setRequired().

Referenced by writePostData().

$save = (strcmp($this->ctrl->getCmd(), "saveEditPhrase") == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
$form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
$form->setFormAction($this->ctrl->getFormAction($this, 'phraseEditor'));
$phrase_id = $_GET['p_id'];
// title
$title = new ilTextInputGUI($this->lng->txt("title"), "title");
// Answers
include_once "./Modules/SurveyQuestionPool/classes/class.ilCategoryWizardInputGUI.php";
$answers = new ilCategoryWizardInputGUI($this->lng->txt("answers"), "answers");
$answers->setShowWizard(false );
include_once "./Modules/SurveyQuestionPool/classes/class.SurveyCategories.php";
$categories =& $this->getCategoriesForPhrase($phrase_id);
if (!$categories->getCategoryCount())
$form->addCommandButton("saveEditPhrase", $this->lng->txt("save"));
$form->addCommandButton("cancelEditPhrase", $this->lng->txt("cancel"));
$errors = false;
if ($save)
$errors = !$form->checkInput();
$form->setValuesByPost(); // again, because checkInput now performs the whole stripSlashes handling and we need this if we don't want to have duplication of backslashes
if ($errors) $checkonly = false;
if (!$checkonly) $this->tpl->setVariable("ADM_CONTENT", $form->getHTML());
return $errors;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::phrases ( )

Displays a form to manage the user created phrases.


Definition at line 119 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

References $data, ilSurveyPhrases\_getAvailablePhrases(), ilSurveyPhrases\_getCategoriesForPhrase(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().

Referenced by deletePhrase().

global $rbacsystem, $ilToolbar;
$this->ctrl->setParameter($this, "p_id", "");
if ($rbacsystem->checkAccess("write", $this->ref_id))
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, 'newPhrase'));
include_once "./Modules/SurveyQuestionPool/classes/tables/class.ilSurveyPhrasesTableGUI.php";
$table_gui = new ilSurveyPhrasesTableGUI($this, 'phrases');
$data = array();
foreach ($phrases as $phrase_id => $phrase_array)
$categories =& ilSurveyPhrases::_getCategoriesForPhrase($phrase_id);
array_push($data, array('phrase_id' => $phrase_id, 'phrase' => $phrase_array["title"], 'answers' => join($categories, ", ")));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::saveEditPhrase ( )

Definition at line 229 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

References $_GET, $result, ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and writePostData().

$result = $this->writePostData();
if ($result == 0)
if ($_GET['p_id'])
ilUtil::sendSuccess($this->lng->txt('phrase_saved'), true);
ilUtil::sendSuccess($this->lng->txt('phrase_added'), true);
$this->ctrl->redirect($this, 'phrases');

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilSurveyPhrasesGUI::writePostData (   $always = false)

Evaluates a posted edit form and writes the form data in the question object.

integer A positive value, if one of the required fields wasn't set, else 0 private

Definition at line 254 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

References $_POST, and phraseEditor().

Referenced by saveEditPhrase().

global $ilDB;
$hasErrors = (!$always) ? $this->phraseEditor(true) : false;
if (!$hasErrors)
$this->object->title = $_POST["title"];
include_once "./Modules/SurveyQuestionPool/classes/class.SurveyCategories.php";
$categories = new SurveyCategories();
foreach ($_POST['answers']['answer'] as $key => $value)
if (strlen($value)) $categories->addCategory($value, $_POST['answers']['other'][$key], 0, null, $_POST['answers']['scale'][$key]);
if (strlen($_POST['answers']['neutral']))
$categories->addCategory($_POST['answers']['neutral'], 0, 1, null, $_POST['answers_neutral_scale']);
$this->object->categories = $categories;
return 0;
return 1;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation


Definition at line 41 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.


Definition at line 38 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.


Definition at line 42 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

Referenced by __construct().


Definition at line 39 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

Referenced by __construct().


Definition at line 37 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.


Definition at line 44 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.


Definition at line 40 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

Referenced by __construct().


Definition at line 43 of file class.ilSurveyPhrasesGUI.php.

Referenced by __construct().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: