ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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MDB2_Driver_oci8 Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for MDB2_Driver_oci8:
+ Collaboration diagram for MDB2_Driver_oci8:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ()
 errorInfo ($error=null)
 This method is used to collect information about an error.
 beginTransaction ($savepoint=null)
 Start a transaction or set a savepoint.
 commit ($savepoint=null)
 Commit the database changes done during a transaction that is in progress or release a savepoint.
 rollback ($savepoint=null)
 Cancel any database changes done during a transaction or since a specific savepoint that is in progress.
 setTransactionIsolation ($isolation)
 Set the transacton isolation level.
 _doConnect ($username, $password, $persistent=false)
 do the grunt work of the connect
 connect ()
 Connect to the database.
 disconnect ($force=true)
 Log out and disconnect from the database.
standaloneExec ($query)
 execute a query as database administrator
standaloneQuery ($query, $types=null, $is_manip=false)
 execute a query as DBA
 _modifyQuery ($query, $is_manip, $limit, $offset)
 Changes a query string for various DBMS specific reasons.
_doQuery ($query, $is_manip=false, $connection=null, $database_name=null)
 Execute a query.
 _affectedRows ($connection, $result=null)
 Returns the number of rows affected.
 getServerVersion ($native=false)
 return version information about the server
prepare ($query, $types=null, $result_types=null, $lobs=array())
 Prepares a query for multiple execution with execute().
 nextID ($seq_name, $ondemand=true)
 Returns the next free id of a sequence.
 lastInsertID ($table=null, $field=null)
 Returns the autoincrement ID if supported or $id or fetches the current ID in a sequence called: $table.
 currId ($seq_name)
 Returns the current id of a sequence.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MDB2_Driver_Common
 MDB2_Driver_Common ()
 PHP 4 Constructor.
 __destruct ()
 free ()
 Free the internal references so that the instance can be destroyed.
 __toString ()
 String conversation.
raiseError ($code=null, $mode=null, $options=null, $userinfo=null, $method=null)
 This method is used to communicate an error and invoke error callbacks etc.
 resetWarnings ()
 reset the warning array
 getWarnings ()
 Get all warnings in reverse order.
 setFetchMode ($fetchmode, $object_class= 'stdClass')
 Sets which fetch mode should be used by default on queries on this connection.
 setOption ($option, $value)
 set the option for the db class
 getOption ($option)
 Returns the value of an option.
 debug ($message, $scope= '', $context=array())
 set a debug message
 getDebugOutput ()
 output debug info
 escape ($text, $escape_wildcards=false)
 Quotes a string so it can be safely used in a query.
 escapePattern ($text)
 Quotes pattern (% and _) characters in a string)
 quoteIdentifier ($str, $check_option=false)
 Quote a string so it can be safely used as a table or column name.
 getAsKeyword ()
 Gets the string to alias column.
 getConnection ()
 Returns a native connection.
 _fixResultArrayValues (&$row, $mode)
 Do all necessary conversions on result arrays to fix DBMS quirks.
loadModule ($module, $property=null, $phptype_specific=null)
 loads a module
 __call ($method, $params)
 Calls a module method using the __call magic method.
 inTransaction ($ignore_nested=false)
 If a transaction is currently open.
 setTransactionIsolation ($isolation, $options=array())
 Set the transacton isolation level.
 beginNestedTransaction ()
 Start a nested transaction.
 completeNestedTransaction ($force_rollback=false)
 Finish a nested transaction by rolling back if an error occured or committing otherwise.
 failNestedTransaction ($error=null, $immediately=false)
 Force setting nested transaction to failed.
 getNestedTransactionError ()
 The first error that occured since the transaction start.
 setCharset ($charset, $connection=null)
 Set the charset on the current connection.
 setDatabase ($name)
 Select a different database.
 getDatabase ()
 Get the current database.
 setDSN ($dsn)
 set the DSN
 getDSN ($type= 'string', $hidepw=false)
 return the DSN as a string
exec ($query)
 Execute a manipulation query to the database and return the number of affected rows.
query ($query, $types=null, $result_class=true, $result_wrap_class=false)
 Send a query to the database and return any results.
_wrapResult ($result, $types=array(), $result_class=true, $result_wrap_class=false, $limit=null, $offset=null)
 wrap a result set into the correct class
 setLimit ($limit, $offset=null)
 set the range of the next query
 subSelect ($query, $type=false)
 simple subselect emulation: leaves the query untouched for all RDBMS that support subselects
 replace ($table, $fields)
 Execute a SQL REPLACE query.
 _skipDelimitedStrings ($query, $position, $p_position)
 Utility method, used by prepare() to avoid replacing placeholders within delimited strings.
 quote ($value, $type=null, $quote=true, $escape_wildcards=false)
 Convert a text value into a DBMS specific format that is suitable to compose query statements.
 getDeclaration ($type, $name, $field)
 Obtain DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to declare of the given type.
 compareDefinition ($current, $previous)
 Obtain an array of changes that may need to applied.
 supports ($feature)
 Tell whether a DB implementation or its backend extension supports a given feature.
 getSequenceName ($sqn)
 adds sequence name formatting to a sequence name
 getIndexName ($idx)
 adds index name formatting to a index name
 currID ($seq_name)
 Returns the current id of a sequence.
 queryOne ($query, $type=null, $colnum=0)
 Execute the specified query, fetch the value from the first column of the first row of the result set and then frees the result set.
 queryRow ($query, $types=null, $fetchmode=MDB2_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT)
 Execute the specified query, fetch the values from the first row of the result set into an array and then frees the result set.
 queryCol ($query, $type=null, $colnum=0)
 Execute the specified query, fetch the value from the first column of each row of the result set into an array and then frees the result set.
 queryAll ($query, $types=null, $fetchmode=MDB2_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT, $rekey=false, $force_array=false, $group=false)
 Execute the specified query, fetch all the rows of the result set into a two dimensional array and then frees the result set.
- Public Member Functions inherited from PEAR
 PEAR ($error_class=null)
 _PEAR ()
 Destructor (the emulated type of...).
getStaticProperty ($class, $var)
 If you have a class that's mostly/entirely static, and you need static properties, you can use this method to simulate them.
 registerShutdownFunc ($func, $args=array())
 Use this function to register a shutdown method for static classes.
 isError ($data, $code=null)
 Tell whether a value is a PEAR error.
 setErrorHandling ($mode=null, $options=null)
 Sets how errors generated by this object should be handled.
 expectError ($code= '*')
 This method is used to tell which errors you expect to get.
 popExpect ()
 This method pops one element off the expected error codes stack.
 _checkDelExpect ($error_code)
 This method checks unsets an error code if available.
 delExpect ($error_code)
 This method deletes all occurences of the specified element from the expected error codes stack.
raiseError ($message=null, $code=null, $mode=null, $options=null, $userinfo=null, $error_class=null, $skipmsg=false)
 This method is a wrapper that returns an instance of the configured error class with this object's default error handling applied.
throwError ($message=null, $code=null, $userinfo=null)
 Simpler form of raiseError with fewer options.
 staticPushErrorHandling ($mode, $options=null)
 staticPopErrorHandling ()
 pushErrorHandling ($mode, $options=null)
 Push a new error handler on top of the error handler options stack.
 popErrorHandling ()
 Pop the last error handler used.
 loadExtension ($ext)
 OS independant PHP extension load.

Data Fields

 $string_quoting = array('start' => "'", 'end' => "'", 'escape' => "'", 'escape_pattern' => '@')
 $identifier_quoting = array('start' => '"', 'end' => '"', 'escape' => '"')
 $uncommitedqueries = 0
- Data Fields inherited from MDB2_Driver_Common
 $db_index = 0
 $dsn = array()
 $connected_dsn = array()
 $connection = 0
 $database_name = ''
 $connected_database_name = ''
 $connected_server_info = ''
 $string_quoting = array('start' => "'", 'end' => "'", 'escape' => false, 'escape_pattern' => false)
 $identifier_quoting = array('start' => '"', 'end' => '"', 'escape' => '"')
 $wildcards = array('%', '_')
 $as_keyword = ' AS '
 $warnings = array()
 $debug_output = ''
 $in_transaction = false
 $nested_transaction_counter = null
 $has_transaction_error = false
 $offset = 0
 $limit = 0
 $modules = array()
 $destructor_registered = true
- Data Fields inherited from PEAR
 $_debug = false
 $_default_error_mode = null
 $_default_error_options = null
 $_default_error_handler = ''
 $_error_class = 'PEAR_Error'
 $_expected_errors = array()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 55 of file oci8.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MDB2_Driver_oci8::__construct ( )


Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 69 of file oci8.php.

$this->phptype = 'oci8';
$this->dbsyntax = 'oci8';
$this->supported['sequences'] = true;
$this->supported['indexes'] = true;
$this->supported['summary_functions'] = true;
$this->supported['order_by_text'] = true;
$this->supported['current_id'] = true;
$this->supported['affected_rows'] = true;
$this->supported['transactions'] = true;
$this->supported['savepoints'] = true;
$this->supported['limit_queries'] = true;
$this->supported['LOBs'] = true;
$this->supported['replace'] = 'emulated';
$this->supported['sub_selects'] = true;
$this->supported['auto_increment'] = false; // implementation is broken
$this->supported['primary_key'] = true;
$this->supported['result_introspection'] = true;
$this->supported['prepared_statements'] = true;
$this->supported['identifier_quoting'] = true;
$this->supported['pattern_escaping'] = true;
$this->supported['new_link'] = true;
$this->options['DBA_username'] = false;
$this->options['DBA_password'] = false;
$this->options['database_name_prefix'] = false;
$this->options['emulate_database'] = true;
$this->options['default_tablespace'] = false;
$this->options['default_text_field_length'] = 2000;
$this->options['result_prefetching'] = false;

Member Function Documentation

MDB2_Driver_oci8::_affectedRows (   $connection,
  $result = null 

Returns the number of rows affected.

mixed MDB2 Error Object or the number of rows affected private

Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 684 of file oci8.php.

References MDB2_Driver_Common\$connection, $result, MDB2_Driver_Common\getConnection(), and PEAR\isError().

Referenced by standaloneExec(), and standaloneQuery().

if (is_null($connection)) {
return $connection;
return @OCIRowCount($result);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

MDB2_Driver_oci8::_doConnect (   $username,
  $persistent = false 

do the grunt work of the connect

connection on success or MDB2 Error Object on failure protected

Definition at line 319 of file oci8.php.

References MDB2_Driver_Common\$connection, MDB2_Driver_Common\$database_name, $query, $result, _doQuery(), disconnect(), PEAR\isError(), PEAR\loadExtension(), MDB2_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED, MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, MDB2_Driver_Common\raiseError(), and MDB2_Driver_Common\setCharset().

Referenced by connect(), standaloneExec(), and standaloneQuery().

if (!PEAR::loadExtension($this->phptype)) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, null, null,
'extension '.$this->phptype.' is not compiled into PHP', __FUNCTION__);
$sid = '';
if (!empty($this->dsn['service']) && $this->dsn['hostspec']) {
// service name is given, it is assumed that hostspec is really a
// hostname, we try to construct an oracle connection string from this
$port = $this->dsn['port'] ? $this->dsn['port'] : 1521;
(HOST=%s) (PORT=%s)))
} elseif ($this->dsn['hostspec']) {
// we are given something like 'oci8://username:password@foo/'
// we have hostspec but not a service name, now we assume that
// hostspec is a tnsname defined in tnsnames.ora
$sid = $this->dsn['hostspec'];
} else {
// oci://username:password@
// if everything fails, we have to rely on environment variables
// not before a check to 'emulate_database'
if (!$this->options['emulate_database'] && $this->database_name) {
} elseif (getenv('ORACLE_SID')) {
$sid = getenv('ORACLE_SID');
} elseif ($sid = getenv('TWO_TASK')) {
$sid = getenv('TWO_TASK');
} else {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, null, null,
'not a valid connection string or environment variable [ORACLE_SID|TWO_TASK] not set',
if (function_exists('oci_connect')) {
if (isset($this->dsn['new_link'])
&& ($this->dsn['new_link'] == 'true' || $this->dsn['new_link'] === true)
) {
$connect_function = 'oci_new_connect';
} else {
$connect_function = $persistent ? 'oci_pconnect' : 'oci_connect';
$charset = empty($this->dsn['charset']) ? null : $this->dsn['charset'];
$connection = @$connect_function($username, $password, $sid, $charset);
$error = @OCIError();
if (isset($error['code']) && $error['code'] == 12541) {
// Couldn't find TNS listener. Try direct connection.
$connection = @$connect_function($username, $password, null, $charset);
} else {
$connect_function = $persistent ? 'OCIPLogon' : 'OCILogon';
$connection = @$connect_function($username, $password, $sid);
if (!empty($this->dsn['charset'])) {
$result = $this->setCharset($this->dsn['charset'], $connection);
return $result;
if (!$connection) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED, null, null,
'unable to establish a connection', __FUNCTION__);
if (empty($this->dsn['disable_iso_date'])) {
$err =& $this->_doQuery($query, true, $connection);
if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
return $err;
$err =& $this->_doQuery($query, true, $connection);
if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
return $err;
return $connection;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

& MDB2_Driver_oci8::_doQuery (   $query,
  $is_manip = false,
  $connection = null,
  $database_name = null 

Execute a query.

boolean$is_manipif the query is a manipulation query
result or error object protected

Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 627 of file oci8.php.

References MDB2_Driver_Common\$connection, $query, $result, MDB2_Driver_Common\debug(), MDB2_Driver_Common\getConnection(), MDB2_Driver_Common\getOption(), PEAR\isError(), and MDB2_Driver_Common\raiseError().

Referenced by _doConnect(), beginTransaction(), rollback(), setTransactionIsolation(), standaloneExec(), and standaloneQuery().

$this->last_query = $query;
$result = $this->debug($query, 'query', array('is_manip' => $is_manip, 'when' => 'pre'));
if ($result) {
return $result;
if ($this->getOption('disable_query')) {
if ($is_manip) {
return 0;
return null;
if (is_null($connection)) {
return $connection;
$result = @OCIParse($connection, $query);
if (!$result) {
$err = $this->raiseError(null, null, null,
'Could not create statement', __FUNCTION__);
return $err;
$mode = $this->in_transaction ? OCI_DEFAULT : OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS;
if (!@OCIExecute($result, $mode)) {
$err =& $this->raiseError($result, null, null,
'Could not execute statement', __FUNCTION__);
return $err;
if (is_numeric($this->options['result_prefetching'])) {
@ocisetprefetch($result, $this->options['result_prefetching']);
$this->debug($query, 'query', array('is_manip' => $is_manip, 'when' => 'post', 'result' => $result));
return $result;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

MDB2_Driver_oci8::_modifyQuery (   $query,

Changes a query string for various DBMS specific reasons.

string$queryquery to modify
boolean$is_manipif it is a DML query
integer$limitlimit the number of rows
integer$offsetstart reading from given offset
string modified query protected

Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 595 of file oci8.php.

References MDB2_Driver_Common\$limit, MDB2_Driver_Common\$offset, and $query.

Referenced by prepare(), standaloneExec(), and standaloneQuery().

if (preg_match('/^\s*SELECT/i', $query)) {
if (!preg_match('/\sFROM\s/i', $query)) {
$query.= " FROM dual";
if ($limit > 0) {
// taken from
$max = $offset + $limit;
if ($offset > 0) {
$min = $offset + 1;
$query = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT a.*, ROWNUM mdb2rn FROM ($query) a WHERE ROWNUM <= $max) WHERE mdb2rn >= $min";
} else {
$query = "SELECT a.* FROM ($query) a WHERE ROWNUM <= $max";
return $query;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

MDB2_Driver_oci8::beginTransaction (   $savepoint = null)

Start a transaction or set a savepoint.

stringname of a savepoint to set
mixed MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure


Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 171 of file oci8.php.

References $query, $uncommitedqueries, _doQuery(), MDB2_Driver_Common\debug(), MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, MDB2_OK, and MDB2_Driver_Common\raiseError().

$this->debug('Starting transaction/savepoint', __FUNCTION__, array('is_manip' => true, 'savepoint' => $savepoint));
if (!is_null($savepoint)) {
if (!$this->in_transaction) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
'savepoint cannot be released when changes are auto committed', __FUNCTION__);
$query = 'SAVEPOINT '.$savepoint;
return $this->_doQuery($query, true);
} elseif ($this->in_transaction) {
return MDB2_OK; //nothing to do
if (!$this->destructor_registered && $this->opened_persistent) {
$this->destructor_registered = true;
$this->in_transaction = true;
return MDB2_OK;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

MDB2_Driver_oci8::commit (   $savepoint = null)

Commit the database changes done during a transaction that is in progress or release a savepoint.

This function may only be called when auto-committing is disabled, otherwise it will fail. Therefore, a new transaction is implicitly started after committing the pending changes.

stringname of a savepoint to release
mixed MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure


Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 207 of file oci8.php.

References MDB2_Driver_Common\$connection, MDB2_Driver_Common\debug(), MDB2_Driver_Common\getConnection(), PEAR\isError(), MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, MDB2_OK, and MDB2_Driver_Common\raiseError().

$this->debug('Committing transaction/savepoint', __FUNCTION__, array('is_manip' => true, 'savepoint' => $savepoint));
if (!$this->in_transaction) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
'commit/release savepoint cannot be done changes are auto committed', __FUNCTION__);
if (!is_null($savepoint)) {
return MDB2_OK;
if ($this->uncommitedqueries) {
return $connection;
if (!@OCICommit($connection)) {
return $this->raiseError(null, null, null,
'Unable to commit transaction', __FUNCTION__);
$this->uncommitedqueries = 0;
$this->in_transaction = false;
return MDB2_OK;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

MDB2_Driver_oci8::connect ( )

Connect to the database.

MDB2_OK on success, MDB2 Error Object on failure public

Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 423 of file oci8.php.

References MDB2_Driver_Common\$connection, MDB2_Driver_Common\$database_name, MDB2_Driver_Common\$dsn, MDB2_Driver_Common\$phptype, _doConnect(), disconnect(), getServerVersion(), PEAR\isError(), and MDB2_OK.

if ($this->database_name && $this->options['emulate_database']) {
$this->dsn['username'] = $this->options['database_name_prefix'].$this->database_name;
if (is_resource($this->connection)) {
if (count(array_diff($this->connected_dsn, $this->dsn)) == 0
&& $this->connected_database_name == $this->database_name
&& $this->opened_persistent == $this->options['persistent']
) {
return MDB2_OK;
return $connection;
$this->connection = $connection;
$this->connected_dsn = $this->dsn;
$this->connected_database_name = $this->database_name;
$this->opened_persistent = $this->options['persistent'];
$this->dbsyntax = $this->dsn['dbsyntax'] ? $this->dsn['dbsyntax'] : $this->phptype;
$this->as_keyword = ' ';
$server_info = $this->getServerVersion();
if (is_array($server_info)) {
if ($server_info['major'] >= '10') {
$this->as_keyword = ' AS ';
return MDB2_OK;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

MDB2_Driver_oci8::currId (   $seq_name)

Returns the current id of a sequence.

string$seq_namename of the sequence
mixed MDB2_Error or id public

Definition at line 951 of file oci8.php.

References $query, MDB2_Driver_Common\getSequenceName(), and MDB2_Driver_Common\queryOne().

$sequence_name = $this->getSequenceName($seq_name);
$query = 'SELECT (last_number-1) FROM user_sequences';
$query.= ' WHERE sequence_name='.$this->quote($sequence_name, 'text');
$query.= ' OR sequence_name='.$this->quote(strtoupper($sequence_name), 'text');
return $this->queryOne($query, 'integer');

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

MDB2_Driver_oci8::disconnect (   $force = true)

Log out and disconnect from the database.

boolean$forceif the disconnect should be forced even if the connection is opened persistently
mixed true on success, false if not connected and error object on error public

Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 474 of file oci8.php.

References MDB2_Driver_Common\$connected_database_name, MDB2_Driver_Common\$connected_dsn, MDB2_Driver_Common\$database_name, MDB2_Driver_Common\$dsn, MDB2_Driver_Common\$opened_persistent, and rollback().

Referenced by _doConnect(), and connect().

if (is_resource($this->connection)) {
if ($this->in_transaction) {
$persistent = $this->options['persistent'];
$this->dsn = $this->connected_dsn;
$this->database_name = $this->connected_database_name;
$this->options['persistent'] = $this->opened_persistent;
$this->dsn = $dsn;
$this->database_name = $database_name;
$this->options['persistent'] = $persistent;
if (!$this->opened_persistent || $force) {
if (function_exists('oci_close')) {
} else {
$this->uncommitedqueries = 0;
return parent::disconnect($force);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

MDB2_Driver_oci8::errorInfo (   $error = null)

This method is used to collect information about an error.

array public

Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 115 of file oci8.php.


if (is_resource($error)) {
$error_data = @OCIError($error);
$error = null;
} elseif ($this->connection) {
$error_data = @OCIError($this->connection);
} else {
$error_data = @OCIError();
$native_code = $error_data['code'];
$native_msg = $error_data['message'];
if (is_null($error)) {
static $ecode_map;
if (empty($ecode_map)) {
$ecode_map = array(
911 => MDB2_ERROR_SYNTAX, //invalid character
24344 => MDB2_ERROR_SYNTAX, //success with compilation error
if (isset($ecode_map[$native_code])) {
$error = $ecode_map[$native_code];
return array($error, $native_code, $native_msg);
MDB2_Driver_oci8::getServerVersion (   $native = false)

return version information about the server

bool$nativedetermines if the raw version string should be returned
mixed array/string with version information or MDB2 error object public

Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 705 of file oci8.php.

References MDB2_Driver_Common\$connected_server_info, MDB2_Driver_Common\$connection, MDB2_Driver_Common\getConnection(), PEAR\isError(), MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, and MDB2_Driver_Common\raiseError().

Referenced by connect().

return $connection;
if ($this->connected_server_info) {
} else {
$server_info = @ociserverversion($connection);
if (!$server_info) {
return $this->raiseError(null, null, null,
'Could not get server information', __FUNCTION__);
// cache server_info
$this->connected_server_info = $server_info;
if (!$native) {
if (!preg_match('/ (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.([\d\.]+) /', $server_info, $tmp)) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
'Could not parse version information:'.$server_info, __FUNCTION__);
$server_info = array(
'major' => $tmp[1],
'minor' => $tmp[2],
'patch' => $tmp[3],
'extra' => $tmp[4],
'native' => $server_info,
return $server_info;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

MDB2_Driver_oci8::lastInsertID (   $table = null,
  $field = null 

Returns the autoincrement ID if supported or $id or fetches the current ID in a sequence called: $table.

(empty($field) ? '' : '_'.$field)

string$tablename of the table into which a new row was inserted
string$fieldname of the field into which a new row was inserted
mixed MDB2 Error Object or id public

Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 934 of file oci8.php.

References MDB2_Driver_Common\getSequenceName(), MDB2_Driver_Common\queryOne(), and MDB2_Driver_Common\quoteIdentifier().

$seq = $table.(empty($field) ? '' : '_'.$field);
$sequence_name = $this->quoteIdentifier($this->getSequenceName($seq), true);
return $this->queryOne("SELECT $sequence_name.currval", 'integer');

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

MDB2_Driver_oci8::nextID (   $seq_name,
  $ondemand = true 

Returns the next free id of a sequence.

string$seq_namename of the sequence
boolean$ondemandwhen true the sequence is automatic created, if it not exists
mixed MDB2 Error Object or id public

Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 902 of file oci8.php.

References $query, $result, PEAR\expectError(), MDB2_Driver_Common\getSequenceName(), PEAR\isError(), MDB2_Driver_Common\loadModule(), MDB2_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE, PEAR\popExpect(), MDB2_Driver_Common\queryOne(), and MDB2_Driver_Common\quoteIdentifier().

$sequence_name = $this->quoteIdentifier($this->getSequenceName($seq_name), true);
$query = "SELECT $sequence_name.nextval FROM DUAL";
$result = $this->queryOne($query, 'integer');
if ($ondemand && $result->getCode() == MDB2_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE) {
$this->loadModule('Manager', null, true);
$result = $this->manager->createSequence($seq_name);
return $result;
return $this->nextId($seq_name, false);
return $result;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

& MDB2_Driver_oci8::prepare (   $query,
  $types = null,
  $result_types = null,
  $lobs = array() 

Prepares a query for multiple execution with execute().

With some database backends, this is emulated. prepare() requires a generic query as string like 'INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(?,?)' or 'INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(:foo,:bar)'. The ? and :[a-zA-Z] and are placeholders which can be set using bindParam() and the query can be send off using the execute() method.

string$querythe query to prepare
mixed$typesarray that contains the types of the placeholders
mixed$result_typesarray that contains the types of the columns in the result set or MDB2_PREPARE_RESULT, if set to MDB2_PREPARE_MANIP the query is handled as a manipulation query
mixed$lobskey (field) value (parameter) pair for all lob placeholders
mixed resource handle for the prepared query on success, a MDB2 error on failure public
See Also
bindParam, execute

Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 761 of file oci8.php.

References $columns, MDB2_Driver_Common\$connection, MDB2_Driver_Common\$limit, MDB2_Driver_Common\$offset, $query, $result, _modifyQuery(), MDB2_Driver_Common\_skipDelimitedStrings(), MDB2_Driver_Common\debug(), MDB2_Driver_Common\getConnection(), PEAR\isError(), MDB2_ERROR_SYNTAX, MDB2_PREPARE_MANIP, MDB2_Driver_Common\quote(), and MDB2_Driver_Common\raiseError().

if ($this->options['emulate_prepared']) {
$obj =& parent::prepare($query, $types, $result_types, $lobs);
return $obj;
$is_manip = ($result_types === MDB2_PREPARE_MANIP);
$this->offset = $this->limit = 0;
$result = $this->debug($query, __FUNCTION__, array('is_manip' => $is_manip, 'when' => 'pre'));
if ($result) {
return $result;
$query = $this->_modifyQuery($query, $is_manip, $limit, $offset);
$placeholder_type_guess = $placeholder_type = null;
$question = '?';
$colon = ':';
$positions = array();
$position = 0;
$parameter = -1;
while ($position < strlen($query)) {
$q_position = strpos($query, $question, $position);
$c_position = strpos($query, $colon, $position);
if ($q_position && $c_position) {
$p_position = min($q_position, $c_position);
} elseif ($q_position) {
$p_position = $q_position;
} elseif ($c_position) {
$p_position = $c_position;
} else {
if (is_null($placeholder_type)) {
$placeholder_type_guess = $query[$p_position];
$new_pos = $this->_skipDelimitedStrings($query, $position, $p_position);
if (PEAR::isError($new_pos)) {
return $new_pos;
if ($new_pos != $position) {
$position = $new_pos;
continue; //evaluate again starting from the new position
if ($query[$position] == $placeholder_type_guess) {
if (is_null($placeholder_type)) {
$placeholder_type = $query[$p_position];
$question = $colon = $placeholder_type;
if (!empty($types) && is_array($types)) {
if ($placeholder_type == ':') {
if (is_int(key($types))) {
$types_tmp = $types;
$types = array();
$count = -1;
} else {
$types = array_values($types);
if ($placeholder_type == ':') {
$parameter = preg_replace('/^.{'.($position+1).'}([a-z0-9_]+).*$/si', '\\1', $query);
if ($parameter === '') {
$err =& $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_SYNTAX, null, null,
'named parameter with an empty name', __FUNCTION__);
return $err;
// use parameter name in type array
if (isset($count) && isset($types_tmp[++$count])) {
$types[$parameter] = $types_tmp[$count];
$length = strlen($parameter) + 1;
} else {
$length = strlen($parameter);
if (!in_array($parameter, $positions)) {
$positions[] = $parameter;
if (isset($types[$parameter])
&& ($types[$parameter] == 'clob' || $types[$parameter] == 'blob')
) {
if (!isset($lobs[$parameter])) {
$lobs[$parameter] = $parameter;
$value = $this->quote(true, $types[$parameter]);
$query = substr_replace($query, $value, $p_position, $length);
$position = $p_position + strlen($value) - 1;
} elseif ($placeholder_type == '?') {
$query = substr_replace($query, ':'.$parameter, $p_position, 1);
$position = $p_position + $length;
} else {
$position = $p_position + 1;
} else {
$position = $p_position;
if (is_array($lobs)) {
$columns = $variables = '';
foreach ($lobs as $parameter => $field) {
$columns.= ($columns ? ', ' : ' RETURNING ').$field;
$variables.= ($variables ? ', ' : ' INTO ').':'.$parameter;
$query.= $columns.$variables;
return $connection;
$statement = @OCIParse($connection, $query);
if (!$statement) {
$err =& $this->raiseError(null, null, null,
'Could not create statement', __FUNCTION__);
return $err;
$class_name = 'MDB2_Statement_'.$this->phptype;
$obj =& new $class_name($this, $statement, $positions, $query, $types, $result_types, $is_manip, $limit, $offset);
$this->debug($query, __FUNCTION__, array('is_manip' => $is_manip, 'when' => 'post', 'result' => $obj));
return $obj;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

MDB2_Driver_oci8::rollback (   $savepoint = null)

Cancel any database changes done during a transaction or since a specific savepoint that is in progress.

This function may only be called when auto-committing is disabled, otherwise it will fail. Therefore, a new transaction is implicitly started after canceling the pending changes.

stringname of a savepoint to rollback to
mixed MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure


Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 247 of file oci8.php.

References MDB2_Driver_Common\$connection, $query, _doQuery(), MDB2_Driver_Common\debug(), MDB2_Driver_Common\getConnection(), PEAR\isError(), MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, MDB2_OK, and MDB2_Driver_Common\raiseError().

Referenced by disconnect().

$this->debug('Rolling back transaction/savepoint', __FUNCTION__, array('is_manip' => true, 'savepoint' => $savepoint));
if (!$this->in_transaction) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
'rollback cannot be done changes are auto committed', __FUNCTION__);
if (!is_null($savepoint)) {
$query = 'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT '.$savepoint;
return $this->_doQuery($query, true);
if ($this->uncommitedqueries) {
return $connection;
if (!@OCIRollback($connection)) {
return $this->raiseError(null, null, null,
'Unable to rollback transaction', __FUNCTION__);
$this->uncommitedqueries = 0;
$this->in_transaction = false;
return MDB2_OK;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

MDB2_Driver_oci8::setTransactionIsolation (   $isolation)

Set the transacton isolation level.

stringstandard isolation level READ UNCOMMITTED (allows dirty reads) READ COMMITTED (prevents dirty reads) REPEATABLE READ (prevents nonrepeatable reads) SERIALIZABLE (prevents phantom reads)
mixed MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure



Definition at line 290 of file oci8.php.

References $query, _doQuery(), MDB2_Driver_Common\debug(), MDB2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, and MDB2_Driver_Common\raiseError().

$this->debug('Setting transaction isolation level', __FUNCTION__, array('is_manip' => true));
switch ($isolation) {
$isolation = 'READ COMMITTED';
$isolation = 'SERIALIZABLE';
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null, null,
'isolation level is not supported: '.$isolation, __FUNCTION__);
$query = "ALTER SESSION ISOLATION LEVEL $isolation";
return $this->_doQuery($query, true);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

& MDB2_Driver_oci8::standaloneExec (   $query)

execute a query as database administrator

string$querythe SQL query
mixed MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure public

Definition at line 512 of file oci8.php.

References MDB2_Driver_Common\$connection, MDB2_Driver_Common\$limit, MDB2_Driver_Common\$offset, $query, $result, $ret, _affectedRows(), _doConnect(), _doQuery(), _modifyQuery(), and PEAR\isError().

return $connection;
$this->offset = $this->limit = 0;
$query = $this->_modifyQuery($query, false, $limit, $offset);
$result =& $this->_doQuery($query, false, $connection, false);
return $result;
return $ret;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

& MDB2_Driver_oci8::standaloneQuery (   $query,
  $types = null,
  $is_manip = false 

execute a query as DBA

string$querythe SQL query
mixed$typesarray that contains the types of the columns in the result set
boolean$is_manipif the query is a manipulation query
mixed MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure public

Reimplemented from MDB2_Driver_Common.

Definition at line 552 of file oci8.php.

References MDB2_Driver_Common\$connection, MDB2_Driver_Common\$limit, MDB2_Driver_Common\$offset, $query, $result, _affectedRows(), _doConnect(), _doQuery(), _modifyQuery(), MDB2_Driver_Common\_wrapResult(), and PEAR\isError().

return $connection;
$this->offset = $this->limit = 0;
$query = $this->_modifyQuery($query, $is_manip, $limit, $offset);
$result =& $this->_doQuery($query, $is_manip, $connection, false);
return $result;
if ($is_manip) {
$affected_rows = $this->_affectedRows($connection, $result);
return $affected_rows;
$return =& $this->_wrapResult($result, $types, true, false, $limit, $offset);
return $return;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Field Documentation

MDB2_Driver_oci8::$identifier_quoting = array('start' => '"', 'end' => '"', 'escape' => '"')

Definition at line 60 of file oci8.php.

MDB2_Driver_oci8::$string_quoting = array('start' => "'", 'end' => "'", 'escape' => "'", 'escape_pattern' => '@')

Definition at line 58 of file oci8.php.

MDB2_Driver_oci8::$uncommitedqueries = 0

Definition at line 62 of file oci8.php.

Referenced by beginTransaction().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: