ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_asmavr Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_asmavr:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_asmavr:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_asmavr ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_asmavr.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_asmavr::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 205 of file HFile_asmavr.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_asmavr::HFile_asmavr ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_asmavr.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// AVR assembler
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "_", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", " ", "[", "]", ":", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", "?", "/");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array(";");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"add" => "1",
"adc" => "1",
"adiw" => "1",
"and" => "1",
"andi" => "1",
"cbr" => "1",
"clr" => "1",
"com" => "1",
"cp" => "1",
"cpc" => "1",
"cpi" => "1",
"dec" => "1",
"eor" => "1",
"fmul" => "1",
"fmuls" => "1",
"fmulsu" => "1",
"inc" => "1",
"mul" => "1",
"muls" => "1",
"mulsu" => "1",
"neg" => "1",
"or" => "1",
"ori" => "1",
"sub" => "1",
"subi" => "1",
"sbc" => "1",
"sbci" => "1",
"sbiw" => "1",
"sbr" => "1",
"ser" => "1",
"tst" => "1",
"brbs" => "2",
"brbc" => "2",
"breq" => "2",
"brne" => "2",
"brcs" => "2",
"brcc" => "2",
"brsh" => "2",
"brlo" => "2",
"brmi" => "2",
"brpl" => "2",
"brge" => "2",
"brlt" => "2",
"brhs" => "2",
"brhc" => "2",
"brts" => "2",
"brtc" => "2",
"brvs" => "2",
"brvc" => "2",
"brie" => "2",
"brid" => "2",
"call" => "2",
"cpse" => "2",
"eicall" => "2",
"eijmp" => "2",
"ijmp" => "2",
"icall" => "2",
"jmp" => "2",
"rjmp" => "2",
"rcall" => "2",
"ret" => "2",
"reti" => "2",
"sbrc" => "2",
"sbrs" => "2",
"sbic" => "2",
"sbis" => "2",
"elpm" => "3",
"espm" => "3",
"in" => "3",
"ldi" => "3",
"lds" => "3",
"ld" => "3",
"ldd" => "3",
"lpm" => "3",
"mov" => "3",
"movw" => "3",
"out" => "3",
"push" => "3",
"pop" => "3",
"st" => "3",
"sts" => "3",
"std" => "3",
"spm" => "3",
"x" => "3",
"x+" => "3",
"y" => "3",
"y+" => "3",
"y+q" => "3",
"z" => "3",
"z+" => "3",
"z+q" => "3",
"-x" => "3",
"-y" => "3",
"-z" => "3",
"asr" => "4",
"cbi" => "4",
"clc" => "4",
"cln" => "4",
"clz" => "4",
"cli" => "4",
"cls" => "4",
"clv" => "4",
"clt" => "4",
"clh" => "4",
"lsl" => "4",
"lsr" => "4",
"nop" => "4",
"ror" => "4",
"rol" => "4",
"sbi" => "4",
"sec" => "4",
"sen" => "4",
"sez" => "4",
"sei" => "4",
"ses" => "4",
"sev" => "4",
"set" => "4",
"seh" => "4",
"swap" => "4",
"sleep" => "4",
"bst" => "4",
"bld" => "4",
"bset" => "4",
"bclr" => "4",
"wdr" => "4",
".org" => "5",
".equ" => "5",
".include" => "5",
".macro" => "5",
".endmacro" => "5",
".set" => "5",
".byte" => "5",
".cseg" => "5",
".db" => "5",
".def" => "5",
".device" => "5",
".dseg" => "5",
".dw" => "5",
".eseg" => "5",
".exit" => "5",
".list" => "5",
".nolist" => "5",
".listmac" => "5");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: