ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_4dos4nt Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_4dos4nt:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_4dos4nt:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_4dos4nt ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_4dos4nt.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_4dos4nt::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 425 of file HFile_4dos4nt.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_4dos4nt::HFile_4dos4nt ( )

Definition at line 7 of file HFile_4dos4nt.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// 4DOS/4NT Batch
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue", "brown", "purple", "gray");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array( "SWITCH", "THEN");
$this->unindent = array( "ENDIFF", "ENDSWITCH");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"");
$this->delimiters = array("%", "!", "$", "^", "*", "(", ")", "+", "=", "|", "{", "}", "[", "]", "\"", "'", " ", " ", ",");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("REM");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"==" => "1",
"=" => "1",
"|" => "1",
"," => "1",
"." => "1",
">" => "1",
">>" => "1",
">&>" => "1",
"<" => "1",
"<<" => "1",
"<&<" => "1",
"?" => "2",
"ACTIVATE" => "2",
"ALIAS" => "2",
"ASSOC" => "2",
"AT" => "2",
"ATTRIB" => "2",
"BEEP" => "2",
"BREAK" => "2",
"CALL" => "2",
"CANCEL" => "2",
"CASE" => "2",
"CD" => "2",
"CDD" => "2",
"CHCP" => "2",
"CHDIR" => "2",
"CLS" => "2",
"COLOR" => "2",
"COPY" => "2",
"CTTY" => "2",
"DATE" => "2",
"DDEEXEC" => "2",
"DEFAULT" => "2",
"DEL" => "2",
"DELAY" => "2",
"DESCRIBE" => "2",
"DETACH" => "2",
"DIR" => "2",
"DIRHISTORY" => "2",
"DIRS" => "2",
"DO" => "2",
"DPATH" => "2",
"DRAWBOX" => "2",
"DRAWHLINE" => "2",
"DRAWVLINE" => "2",
"ECHO" => "2",
"ECHO." => "2",
"ECHOERR" => "2",
"ECHOS" => "2",
"ECHOSERR" => "2",
"ENDDO" => "2",
"ENDIFF" => "2",
"ENDLOCAL" => "2",
"ENDSWITCH" => "2",
"ENDTEXT" => "2",
"ERASE" => "2",
"ESET" => "2",
"EXCEPT" => "2",
"EXIT" => "2",
"FFIND" => "2",
"FIND" => "2",
"FOR" => "2",
"FREE" => "2",
"FTYPE" => "2",
"GLOBAL" => "2",
"GOSUB" => "2",
"GREP" => "2",
"GOTO" => "2",
"HELP" => "2",
"HISTORY" => "2",
"IF" => "2",
"IFF" => "2",
"INKEY" => "2",
"INPUT" => "2",
"KEYBD" => "2",
"KEYS" => "2",
"KEYSTACK" => "2",
"LH" => "2",
"LIST" => "2",
"LOADBTM" => "2",
"LOADHIGH" => "2",
"LOCK" => "2",
"LOG" => "2",
"MD" => "2",
"MEMORY" => "2",
"MKDIR" => "2",
"MOVE" => "2",
"MSGBOX" => "2",
"OPTION" => "2",
"PATH" => "2",
"PAUSE" => "2",
"POPD" => "2",
"PROMPT" => "2",
"PUSHD" => "2",
"QUERYBOX" => "2",
"QUIT" => "2",
"RD" => "2",
"REBOOT" => "2",
"REN" => "2",
"RENAME" => "2",
"RETURN" => "2",
"RMDIR" => "2",
"SCREEN" => "2",
"SCRPUT" => "2",
"SELECT" => "2",
"SET" => "2",
"SETDOS" => "2",
"SETLOCAL" => "2",
"SHIFT" => "2",
"SHRALIAS" => "2",
"START" => "2",
"SWAPPING" => "2",
"SWITCH" => "2",
"TEE" => "2",
"TEXT" => "2",
"TIME" => "2",
"TIMER" => "2",
"TITLE" => "2",
"TOUCH" => "2",
"TREE" => "2",
"TRUENAME" => "2",
"TYPE" => "2",
"UNALIAS" => "2",
"UNLOCK" => "2",
"UNSET" => "2",
"VER" => "2",
"VERIFY" => "2",
"VOL" => "2",
"VSCRPUT" => "2",
"WINDOW" => "2",
"Y" => "2",
".AND." => "3",
".OR." => "3",
".XOR." => "3",
"BY" => "3",
"DEFINED" => "3",
"DIREXIST" => "3",
"ELSE" => "3",
"ELSEIFF" => "3",
"EQ" => "3",
"EQL" => "3",
"EQU" => "3",
"ERROR" => "3",
"ERRORLEVEL" => "3",
"ERRORMSG" => "3",
"EXIST" => "3",
"FOREVER" => "3",
"GE" => "3",
"GEQ" => "3",
"GT" => "3",
"GTR" => "3",
"IN" => "3",
"ISALIAS" => "3",
"ISDIR" => "3",
"ISINTERNAL" => "3",
"ISLABEL" => "3",
"ISWINDOW" => "3",
"ITERATE" => "3",
"LE" => "3",
"LEAVE" => "3",
"LEQ" => "3",
"LSS" => "3",
"LT" => "3",
"NE" => "3",
"NEQ" => "3",
"NOT" => "3",
"ON" => "3",
"OFF" => "3",
"THEN" => "3",
"UNTIL" => "3",
"WHILE" => "3",
"_4VER" => "4",
"_ALIAS" => "4",
"_ANSI" => "4",
"_APMAC" => "4",
"_APMBATT" => "4",
"_APMLIFE" => "4",
"_BATCH" => "4",
"_BATCHLINE" => "4",
"_BATCHNAME" => "4",
"_BG" => "4",
"_BOOT" => "4",
"_CI" => "4",
"_CMDPROC" => "4",
"_CO" => "4",
"_CODEPAGE" => "4",
"_COLUMN" => "4",
"_COLUMNS" => "4",
"_COUNTRY" => "4",
"_CPU" => "4",
"_CWD" => "4",
"_CWDS" => "4",
"_CWP" => "4",
"_CWPS" => "4",
"_DATE" => "4",
"_DAY" => "4",
"_DISK" => "4",
"_DNAME" => "4",
"_DOS" => "4",
"_DOSVER" => "4",
"_DOW" => "4",
"_DOWI" => "4",
"_DOY" => "4",
"_DPMI" => "4",
"_DV" => "4",
"_ENV" => "4",
"_FG" => "4",
"_GDIFREE" => "4",
"_HLOGFILE" => "4",
"_HOUR" => "4",
"_KBHIT" => "4",
"_KSTACK" => "4",
"_LASTDISK" => "4",
"_LOGFILE" => "4",
"_MINUTE" => "4",
"_MONITOR" => "4",
"_MONTH" => "4",
"_MOUSE" => "4",
"_NDP" => "4",
"_PID" => "4",
"_PIPE" => "4",
"_PPID" => "4",
"_PTYPE" => "4",
"_ROW" => "4",
"_ROWS" => "4",
"_SECOND" => "4",
"_SELECTED" => "4",
"_SHELL" => "4",
"_SID" => "4",
"_SWAPPING" => "4",
"_SYSERR" => "4",
"_SYSFREE" => "4",
"_TIME" => "4",
"_TRANSIENT" => "4",
"_USERFREE" => "4",
"_VIDEO" => "4",
"_WIN" => "4",
"_WINDIR" => "4",
"_WINSYSDIR" => "4",
"_WINTITLE" => "4",
"_WINVER" => "4",
"_XPIXELS" => "4",
"_YEAR" => "4",
"_YPIXELS" => "4",
"_?" => "4",
"@ALIAS" => "5",
"@ALTNAME" => "5",
"@ASCII" => "5",
"@ATTRIB" => "5",
"@CDROM" => "5",
"@CHAR" => "5",
"@CLIP" => "5",
"@COMMA" => "5",
"@CONVERT" => "5",
"@DATE" => "5",
"@DAY" => "5",
"@DEC" => "5",
"@DESCRIPT" => "5",
"@DEVICE" => "5",
"@DISKFREE" => "5",
"@DISKTOTAL" => "5",
"@DISKUSED" => "5",
"@DOSMEM" => "5",
"@DOW" => "5",
"@DOWI" => "5",
"@DOY" => "5",
"@EAREAD" => "5",
"@EAWRITE" => "5",
"@EMS" => "5",
"@EVAL" => "5",
"@EXEC" => "5",
"@EXECSTR" => "5",
"@EXETYPE" => "5",
"@EXPAND" => "5",
"@EXT" => "5",
"@EXTENDED" => "5",
"@FILEAGE" => "5",
"@FILECLOSE" => "5",
"@FILEDATE" => "5",
"@FILENAME" => "5",
"@FILEOPEN" => "5",
"@FILEREAD" => "5",
"@FILES" => "5",
"@FILESEEK" => "5",
"@FILESEEKL" => "5",
"@FILESIZE" => "5",
"@FILETIME" => "5",
"@FILEWRITE" => "5",
"@FILEWRITEB" => "5",
"@FINDCLOSE" => "5",
"@FINDFIRST" => "5",
"@FINDNEXT" => "5",
"@FORMAT" => "5",
"@FSTYPE" => "5",
"@FULL" => "5",
"@GETDIR" => "5",
"@GETFILE" => "5",
"@IF" => "5",
"@INC" => "5",
"@INDEX" => "5",
"@INIREAD" => "5",
"@INIWRITE" => "5",
"@INSERT" => "5",
"@INSTR" => "5",
"@INT" => "5",
"@LABEL" => "5",
"@LEFT" => "5",
"@LEN" => "5",
"@LFN" => "5",
"@LINE" => "5",
"@LINES" => "5",
"@LOWER" => "5",
"@LPT" => "5",
"@MAKEAGE" => "5",
"@MAKEDATE" => "5",
"@MAKETIME" => "5",
"@MASTER" => "5",
"@MONTH" => "5",
"@NAME" => "5",
"@NUMERIC" => "5",
"@PATH" => "5",
"@RANDOM" => "5",
"@READSCR" => "5",
"@READY" => "5",
"@REMOTE" => "5",
"@REMOVABLE" => "5",
"@REPEAT" => "5",
"@REPLACE" => "5",
"@REXX" => "5",
"@RIGHT" => "5",
"@SEARCH" => "5",
"@SELECT" => "5",
"@SFN" => "5",
"@STRIP" => "5",
"@SUBSTR" => "5",
"@TIME" => "5",
"@TIMER" => "5",
"@TRIM" => "5",
"@TRUENAME" => "5",
"@UNIQUE" => "5",
"@UPPER" => "5",
"@WILD" => "5",
"@WORD" => "5",
"@WORDS" => "5",
"@XMS" => "5",
"@YEAR" => "5",
"**" => "8",
":" => "6",
"A:" => "7",
"B:" => "7",
"C:" => "7",
"D:" => "7",
"E:" => "7",
"F:" => "7",
"G:" => "7",
"H:" => "7",
"O:" => "7",
"-" => "8",
"/" => "8");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing",
"8" => "donothing",
"6" => "donothing",
"7" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: