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nusoap_server Class Reference

nusoap_server allows the user to create a SOAP server that is capable of receiving messages and returning responses More...

+ Inheritance diagram for nusoap_server:
+ Collaboration diagram for nusoap_server:

Public Member Functions

 nusoap_server ($wsdl=false)

the optional parameter is a path to a WSDL file that you'd like to bind the server instance to.

 service ($data)
 processes request and returns response
 parse_http_headers ()
 parses HTTP request headers.
 parse_request ($data='')
 parses a request
 invoke_method ()
 invokes a PHP function for the requested SOAP method
 serialize_return ()
 serializes the return value from a PHP function into a full SOAP Envelope
 send_response ()
 sends an HTTP response
 verify_method ($operation, $request)
 takes the value that was created by parsing the request and compares to the method's signature, if available.
 parseRequest ($headers, $data)
 processes SOAP message received from client
 getHTTPBody ($soapmsg)
 gets the HTTP body for the current response.
 getHTTPContentType ()
 gets the HTTP content type for the current response.
 getHTTPContentTypeCharset ()
 gets the HTTP content type charset for the current response.
 add_to_map ($methodname, $in, $out)
 add a method to the dispatch map (this has been replaced by the register method)
 register ($name, $in=array(), $out=array(), $namespace=false, $soapaction=false, $style=false, $use=false, $documentation='', $encodingStyle='')
 register a service function with the server
 fault ($faultcode, $faultstring, $faultactor='', $faultdetail='')
 Specify a fault to be returned to the client.
 configureWSDL ($serviceName, $namespace=false, $endpoint=false, $style='rpc', $transport= '', $schemaTargetNamespace=false)
 Sets up wsdl object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from nusoap_base
 debug ($string)
 adds debug data to the class level debug string
 expandEntities ($val)
 expands entities, e.g.
 getError ()
 returns error string if present
 setError ($str)
 sets error string
 isArraySimpleOrStruct ($val)
 detect if array is a simple array or a struct (associative array)
 serialize_val ($val, $name=false, $type=false, $name_ns=false, $type_ns=false, $attributes=false, $use='encoded')
 serializes PHP values in accordance w/ section 5.
 serializeEnvelope ($body, $headers=false, $namespaces=array(), $style='rpc', $use='encoded')
 serialize message
 formatDump ($str)
 contractQname ($qname)
 contracts a qualified name
 expandQname ($qname)
 expands a qualified name
 getLocalPart ($str)
 returns the local part of a prefixed string returns the original string, if not prefixed
 getPrefix ($str)
 returns the prefix part of a prefixed string returns false, if not prefixed
 getNamespaceFromPrefix ($prefix)
 pass it a prefix, it returns a namespace returns false if no namespace registered with the given prefix
 getPrefixFromNamespace ($ns)
 returns the prefix for a given namespace (or prefix) or false if no prefixes registered for the given namespace
 varDump ($data)
 nusoap_base ()
 getGlobalDebugLevel ()
 gets the global debug level, which applies to future instances
 setGlobalDebugLevel ($level)
 sets the global debug level, which applies to future instances
 getDebugLevel ()
 gets the debug level for this instance
 setDebugLevel ($level)
 sets the debug level for this instance
 debug ($string)
 adds debug data to the instance debug string with formatting
 appendDebug ($string)
 adds debug data to the instance debug string without formatting
 clearDebug ()
 clears the current debug data for this instance
getDebug ()
 gets the current debug data for this instance
getDebugAsXMLComment ()
 gets the current debug data for this instance as an XML comment this may change the contents of the debug data
 expandEntities ($val)
 expands entities, e.g.
 getError ()
 returns error string if present
 setError ($str)
 sets error string
 isArraySimpleOrStruct ($val)
 detect if array is a simple array or a struct (associative array)
 serialize_val ($val, $name=false, $type=false, $name_ns=false, $type_ns=false, $attributes=false, $use='encoded', $soapval=false)
 serializes PHP values in accordance w/ section 5.
 serializeEnvelope ($body, $headers=false, $namespaces=array(), $style='rpc', $use='encoded', $encodingStyle='')
 serializes a message
 formatDump ($str)
 formats a string to be inserted into an HTML stream
 contractQname ($qname)
 contracts (changes namespace to prefix) a qualified name
 expandQname ($qname)
 expands (changes prefix to namespace) a qualified name
 getLocalPart ($str)
 returns the local part of a prefixed string returns the original string, if not prefixed
 getPrefix ($str)
 returns the prefix part of a prefixed string returns false, if not prefixed
 getNamespaceFromPrefix ($prefix)
 pass it a prefix, it returns a namespace
 getPrefixFromNamespace ($ns)
 returns the prefix for a given namespace (or prefix) or false if no prefixes registered for the given namespace
 getmicrotime ()
 returns the time in ODBC canonical form with microseconds
 varDump ($data)
 Returns a string with the output of var_dump.
 __toString ()
 represents the object as a string

Data Fields

 $headers = array()
 $request = ''
 $requestHeaders = ''
 $requestHeader = NULL
 $document = ''
 $requestSOAP = ''
 $methodURI = ''
 $methodname = ''
 $methodparams = array()
 $SOAPAction = ''
 $xml_encoding = ''
 $decode_utf8 = true
 $outgoing_headers = array()
 $response = ''
 $responseHeaders = ''
 $responseSOAP = ''
 $methodreturn = false
 $methodreturnisliteralxml = false
 $fault = false
 $result = 'successful'
 $operations = array()
 $wsdl = false
 $externalWSDLURL = false
 $debug_flag = false
- Data Fields inherited from nusoap_base
 $title = 'NuSOAP'
 $version = '0.6.7'
 $revision = '$Revision: 11808 $'
 $error_str = false
 $debug_str = ''
 $charencoding = true
 $XMLSchemaVersion = ''
 $soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8'
 $usedNamespaces = array()

Detailed Description

nusoap_server allows the user to create a SOAP server that is capable of receiving messages and returning responses

Dietrich Ayala
Scott Nichol
nusoap.php 41675 2013-04-23 12:13:58Z smeyer


Definition at line 3434 of file nusoap.php.

Member Function Documentation

nusoap_server::add_to_map (   $methodname,

add a method to the dispatch map (this has been replaced by the register method)

string$inarray of input values
string$outarray of output values public

Reimplemented in soap_server.

Definition at line 4314 of file nusoap.php.

References $in, $methodname, and $out.

$this->operations[$methodname] = array('name' => $methodname,'in' => $in,'out' => $out);
nusoap_server::configureWSDL (   $serviceName,
  $namespace = false,
  $endpoint = false,
  $style = 'rpc',
  $transport = '',
  $schemaTargetNamespace = false 

Sets up wsdl object.

Acts as a flag to enable internal WSDL generation

string$serviceName,nameof the service
mixed$namespaceoptional 'tns' service namespace or false
mixed$endpointoptional URL of service endpoint or false
string$styleoptional (rpc|document) WSDL style (also specified by operation)
string$transportoptional SOAP transport
mixed$schemaTargetNamespaceoptional 'types' targetNamespace for service schema or false

Reimplemented in soap_server.

Definition at line 4420 of file nusoap.php.

References $namespace, and nusoap_base\setError().

://', $schemaTargetNamespace = false)
if (isset($_SERVER)) {
} elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) {
} else {
$this->setError("Neither _SERVER nor HTTP_SERVER_VARS is available");
// If server name has port number attached then strip it (else port number gets duplicated in WSDL output) (occurred using lighttpd and FastCGI)
$colon = strpos($SERVER_NAME,":");
if ($colon) {
$SERVER_NAME = substr($SERVER_NAME, 0, $colon);
if ($SERVER_PORT == 80) {
} else {
if(false == $namespace) {
$namespace = "http://$SERVER_NAME/soap/$serviceName";
if(false == $endpoint) {
if ($HTTPS == '1' || $HTTPS == 'on') {
$SCHEME = 'https';
} else {
$SCHEME = 'http';
if(false == $schemaTargetNamespace) {
$schemaTargetNamespace = $namespace;
$this->wsdl = new wsdl;
$this->wsdl->serviceName = $serviceName;
$this->wsdl->endpoint = $endpoint;
$this->wsdl->namespaces['tns'] = $namespace;
$this->wsdl->namespaces['soap'] = '';
$this->wsdl->namespaces['wsdl'] = '';
if ($schemaTargetNamespace != $namespace) {
$this->wsdl->namespaces['types'] = $schemaTargetNamespace;
$this->wsdl->schemas[$schemaTargetNamespace][0] = new nusoap_xmlschema('', '', $this->wsdl->namespaces);
if ($style == 'document') {
$this->wsdl->schemas[$schemaTargetNamespace][0]->schemaInfo['elementFormDefault'] = 'qualified';
$this->wsdl->schemas[$schemaTargetNamespace][0]->schemaTargetNamespace = $schemaTargetNamespace;
$this->wsdl->schemas[$schemaTargetNamespace][0]->imports[''][0] = array('location' => '', 'loaded' => true);
$this->wsdl->schemas[$schemaTargetNamespace][0]->imports[''][0] = array('location' => '', 'loaded' => true);
$this->wsdl->bindings[$serviceName.'Binding'] = array(
$this->wsdl->ports[$serviceName.'Port'] = array(

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

nusoap_server::fault (   $faultcode,
  $faultactor = '',
  $faultdetail = '' 

Specify a fault to be returned to the client.

This also acts as a flag to the server that a fault has occured.


Reimplemented in soap_server.

Definition at line 4401 of file nusoap.php.

References nusoap_base\$soap_defencoding, and nusoap_base\getDebug().

Referenced by invoke_method(), parse_request(), parseRequest(), send_response(), serialize_return(), and service().

if ($faultdetail == '' && $this->debug_flag) {
$faultdetail = $this->getDebug();
$this->fault = new nusoap_fault($faultcode,$faultactor,$faultstring,$faultdetail);
$this->fault->soap_defencoding = $this->soap_defencoding;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nusoap_server::getHTTPBody (   $soapmsg)

gets the HTTP body for the current response.

string$soapmsgThe SOAP payload
string The HTTP body, which includes the SOAP payload private

Definition at line 4276 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by send_response().

return $soapmsg;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nusoap_server::getHTTPContentType ( )

gets the HTTP content type for the current response.

Note: getHTTPBody must be called before this.

string the HTTP content type for the current response. private

Definition at line 4288 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by send_response().

return 'text/xml';

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nusoap_server::getHTTPContentTypeCharset ( )

gets the HTTP content type charset for the current response.

returns false for non-text content types.

Note: getHTTPBody must be called before this.

string the HTTP content type charset for the current response. private

Definition at line 4301 of file nusoap.php.

References nusoap_base\$soap_defencoding.

Referenced by send_response().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nusoap_server::invoke_method ( )

invokes a PHP function for the requested SOAP method

The following fields are set by this function (when successful)


Note that the PHP function that is called may also set the following fields to affect the response sent to the client

responseHeaders outgoing_headers

This sets the fault field on error


Reimplemented in soap_server.

Definition at line 3889 of file nusoap.php.

References $methodname, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), fault(), wsdl\getOperationData(), wsdl\getOperationDataForSoapAction(), nusoap_base\varDump(), and verify_method().

Referenced by service().

$this->debug('in invoke_method, methodname=' . $this->methodname . ' methodURI=' . $this->methodURI . ' SOAPAction=' . $this->SOAPAction);
if ($this->wsdl) {
if ($this->opData = $this->wsdl->getOperationData($this->methodname)) {
$this->debug('in invoke_method, found WSDL operation=' . $this->methodname);
$this->appendDebug('opData=' . $this->varDump($this->opData));
} elseif ($this->opData = $this->wsdl->getOperationDataForSoapAction($this->SOAPAction)) {
// Note: hopefully this case will only be used for doc/lit, since rpc services should have wrapper element
$this->debug('in invoke_method, found WSDL soapAction=' . $this->SOAPAction . ' for operation=' . $this->opData['name']);
$this->appendDebug('opData=' . $this->varDump($this->opData));
$this->methodname = $this->opData['name'];
} else {
$this->debug('in invoke_method, no WSDL for operation=' . $this->methodname);
$this->fault('SOAP-ENV:Client', "Operation '" . $this->methodname . "' is not defined in the WSDL for this service");
} else {
$this->debug('in invoke_method, no WSDL to validate method');
// if a . is present in $this->methodname, we see if there is a class in scope,
// which could be referred to. We will also distinguish between two deliminators,
// to allow methods to be called a the class or an instance
$class = '';
$method = '';
if (strpos($this->methodname, '..') > 0) {
$delim = '..';
} else if (strpos($this->methodname, '.') > 0) {
$delim = '.';
} else {
$delim = '';
if (strlen($delim) > 0 && substr_count($this->methodname, $delim) == 1 &&
class_exists(substr($this->methodname, 0, strpos($this->methodname, $delim)))) {
// get the class and method name
$class = substr($this->methodname, 0, strpos($this->methodname, $delim));
$method = substr($this->methodname, strpos($this->methodname, $delim) + strlen($delim));
$this->debug("in invoke_method, class=$class method=$method delim=$delim");
// set class handler
// added to support single operations
if ($class == '' && $this->class !='')
$class = $this->class;
$delim = "..";
$method = $this->methodname;
// does method exist?
if ($class == '') {
if (!function_exists($this->methodname)) {
$this->debug("in invoke_method, function '$this->methodname' not found!");
$this->result = 'fault: method not found';
$this->fault('SOAP-ENV:Client',"method '$this->methodname' not defined in service");
} else {
$method_to_compare = (substr(phpversion(), 0, 2) == '4.') ? strtolower($method) : $method;
if (!in_array($method_to_compare, get_class_methods($class))) {
$this->debug("in invoke_method, method '$this->methodname' not found in class '$class'!");
$this->result = 'fault: method not found';
$this->fault('SOAP-ENV:Client',"method '$this->methodname' not defined in service");
// evaluate message, getting back parameters
// verify that request parameters match the method's signature
if(! $this->verify_method($this->methodname,$this->methodparams)){
// debug
$this->debug('ERROR: request not verified against method signature');
$this->result = 'fault: request failed validation against method signature';
// return fault
$this->fault('SOAP-ENV:Client',"Operation '$this->methodname' not defined in service.");
// if there are parameters to pass
$this->debug('in invoke_method, params:');
$this->debug("in invoke_method, calling '$this->methodname'");
if (!function_exists('call_user_func_array')) {
if ($class == '') {
$this->debug('in invoke_method, calling function using eval()');
$funcCall = "\$this->methodreturn = $this->methodname(";
} else {
if ($delim == '..') {
$this->debug('in invoke_method, calling class method using eval()');
$funcCall = "\$this->methodreturn = ".$class."::".$method."(";
} else {
$this->debug('in invoke_method, calling instance method using eval()');
// generate unique instance name
$instname = "\$inst_".time();
$funcCall = $instname." = new ".$class."(); ";
$funcCall .= "\$this->methodreturn = ".$instname."->".$method."(";
if ($this->methodparams) {
foreach ($this->methodparams as $param) {
if (is_array($param) || is_object($param)) {
$this->fault('SOAP-ENV:Client', 'NuSOAP does not handle complexType parameters correctly when using eval; call_user_func_array must be available');
$funcCall .= "\"$param\",";
$funcCall = substr($funcCall, 0, -1);
$funcCall .= ');';
$this->debug('in invoke_method, function call: '.$funcCall);
} else {
if ($class == '') {
$this->debug('in invoke_method, calling function using call_user_func_array()');
$call_arg = "$this->methodname"; // straight assignment changes $this->methodname to lower case after call_user_func_array()
} elseif ($delim == '..') {
$this->debug('in invoke_method, calling class method using call_user_func_array()');
$call_arg = array ($class, $method);
} else {
$this->debug('in invoke_method, calling instance method using call_user_func_array()');
$instance = new $class ();
$call_arg = array(&$instance, $method);
if (is_array($this->methodparams)) {
$this->methodreturn = call_user_func_array($call_arg, array_values($this->methodparams));
} else {
$this->methodreturn = call_user_func_array($call_arg, array());
$this->debug('in invoke_method, methodreturn:');
$this->debug("in invoke_method, called method $this->methodname, received data of type ".gettype($this->methodreturn));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nusoap_server::nusoap_server (   $wsdl = false)


the optional parameter is a path to a WSDL file that you'd like to bind the server instance to.

mixed$wsdlfile path or URL (string), or wsdl instance (object) public

Definition at line 3591 of file nusoap.php.

References $wsdl, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\clearDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\getDebug(), nusoap_base\getError(), nusoap_base\nusoap_base(), nusoap_base\varDump(), and wsdl\wsdl().

// turn on debugging?
global $debug;
if (isset($_SERVER)) {
$this->debug("_SERVER is defined:");
} elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) {
$this->debug("HTTP_SERVER_VARS is defined:");
} else {
$this->debug("Neither _SERVER nor HTTP_SERVER_VARS is defined.");
if (isset($debug)) {
$this->debug("In nusoap_server, set debug_flag=$debug based on global flag");
$this->debug_flag = $debug;
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
$qs = explode('&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
foreach ($qs as $v) {
if (substr($v, 0, 6) == 'debug=') {
$this->debug("In nusoap_server, set debug_flag=" . substr($v, 6) . " based on query string #1");
$this->debug_flag = substr($v, 6);
} elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING'])) {
$qs = explode('&', $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING']);
foreach ($qs as $v) {
if (substr($v, 0, 6) == 'debug=') {
$this->debug("In nusoap_server, set debug_flag=" . substr($v, 6) . " based on query string #2");
$this->debug_flag = substr($v, 6);
// wsdl
$this->debug("In nusoap_server, WSDL is specified");
if (is_object($wsdl) && (get_class($wsdl) == 'wsdl')) {
$this->wsdl = $wsdl;
$this->externalWSDLURL = $this->wsdl->wsdl;
$this->debug('Use existing wsdl instance from ' . $this->externalWSDLURL);
} else {
$this->debug('Create wsdl from ' . $wsdl);
$this->wsdl = new wsdl($wsdl);
$this->externalWSDLURL = $wsdl;
if($err = $this->wsdl->getError()){
die('WSDL ERROR: '.$err);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

nusoap_server::parse_http_headers ( )

parses HTTP request headers.

The following fields are set by this function (when successful)

headers request xml_encoding SOAPAction


Reimplemented in soap_server.

Definition at line 3716 of file nusoap.php.

References $headers, nusoap_base\debug(), and nusoap_base\setError().

Referenced by parse_request().

$this->request = '';
$this->SOAPAction = '';
$this->debug("In parse_http_headers, use getallheaders");
$headers = getallheaders();
foreach($headers as $k=>$v){
$k = strtolower($k);
$this->headers[$k] = $v;
$this->request .= "$k: $v\r\n";
$this->debug("$k: $v");
// get SOAPAction header
$this->SOAPAction = str_replace('"','',$this->headers['soapaction']);
// get the character encoding of the incoming request
if(isset($this->headers['content-type']) && strpos($this->headers['content-type'],'=')){
$enc = str_replace('"','',substr(strstr($this->headers["content-type"],'='),1));
$this->xml_encoding = strtoupper($enc);
} else {
$this->xml_encoding = 'US-ASCII';
} else {
// should be US-ASCII for HTTP 1.0 or ISO-8859-1 for HTTP 1.1
$this->xml_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
} elseif(isset($_SERVER) && is_array($_SERVER)){
$this->debug("In parse_http_headers, use _SERVER");
foreach ($_SERVER as $k => $v) {
if (substr($k, 0, 5) == 'HTTP_') {
$k = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', substr($k, 5))));
} else {
$k = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', $k)));
if ($k == 'soapaction') {
// get SOAPAction header
$k = 'SOAPAction';
$v = str_replace('"', '', $v);
$v = str_replace('\\', '', $v);
$this->SOAPAction = $v;
} else if ($k == 'content-type') {
// get the character encoding of the incoming request
if (strpos($v, '=')) {
$enc = substr(strstr($v, '='), 1);
$enc = str_replace('"', '', $enc);
$enc = str_replace('\\', '', $enc);
if (preg_match('/^(ISO-8859-1|US-ASCII|UTF-8)$/i',$enc)) {
$this->xml_encoding = strtoupper($enc);
} else {
$this->xml_encoding = 'US-ASCII';
} else {
// should be US-ASCII for HTTP 1.0 or ISO-8859-1 for HTTP 1.1
$this->xml_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
$this->headers[$k] = $v;
$this->request .= "$k: $v\r\n";
$this->debug("$k: $v");
} elseif (is_array($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) {
$this->debug("In parse_http_headers, use HTTP_SERVER_VARS");
foreach ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS as $k => $v) {
if (substr($k, 0, 5) == 'HTTP_') {
$k = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', substr($k, 5)))); $k = strtolower(substr($k, 5));
} else {
$k = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', $k))); $k = strtolower($k);
if ($k == 'soapaction') {
// get SOAPAction header
$k = 'SOAPAction';
$v = str_replace('"', '', $v);
$v = str_replace('\\', '', $v);
$this->SOAPAction = $v;
} else if ($k == 'content-type') {
// get the character encoding of the incoming request
if (strpos($v, '=')) {
$enc = substr(strstr($v, '='), 1);
$enc = str_replace('"', '', $enc);
$enc = str_replace('\\', '', $enc);
if (preg_match('/^(ISO-8859-1|US-ASCII|UTF-8)$/i',$enc)) {
$this->xml_encoding = strtoupper($enc);
} else {
$this->xml_encoding = 'US-ASCII';
} else {
// should be US-ASCII for HTTP 1.0 or ISO-8859-1 for HTTP 1.1
$this->xml_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
$this->headers[$k] = $v;
$this->request .= "$k: $v\r\n";
$this->debug("$k: $v");
} else {
$this->debug("In parse_http_headers, HTTP headers not accessible");
$this->setError("HTTP headers not accessible");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nusoap_server::parse_request (   $data = '')

parses a request

The following fields are set by this function (when successful)

headers request xml_encoding SOAPAction request requestSOAP methodURI methodname methodparams requestHeaders document

This sets the fault field on error

string$dataXML string private

Reimplemented in soap_server.

Definition at line 3842 of file nusoap.php.

References $data, nusoap_base\debug(), fault(), parse_http_headers(), and parseRequest().

Referenced by service().

$this->debug('entering parse_request()');
$this->debug('got character encoding: '.$this->xml_encoding);
// uncompress if necessary
if (isset($this->headers['content-encoding']) && $this->headers['content-encoding'] != '') {
$this->debug('got content encoding: ' . $this->headers['content-encoding']);
if ($this->headers['content-encoding'] == 'deflate' || $this->headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip') {
// if decoding works, use it. else assume data wasn't gzencoded
if (function_exists('gzuncompress')) {
if ($this->headers['content-encoding'] == 'deflate' && $degzdata = @gzuncompress($data)) {
$data = $degzdata;
} elseif ($this->headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip' && $degzdata = gzinflate(substr($data, 10))) {
$data = $degzdata;
} else {
$this->fault('SOAP-ENV:Client', 'Errors occurred when trying to decode the data');
} else {
$this->fault('SOAP-ENV:Client', 'This Server does not support compressed data');
$this->request .= "\r\n".$data;
$data = $this->parseRequest($this->headers, $data);
$this->requestSOAP = $data;
$this->debug('leaving parse_request');

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nusoap_server::parseRequest (   $headers,

processes SOAP message received from client

array$headersThe HTTP headers
string$dataunprocessed request data from client
mixed value of the message, decoded into a PHP type private

Definition at line 4225 of file nusoap.php.

References $data, $headers, nusoap_base\debug(), fault(), and nusoap_base\setError().

Referenced by parse_request().

$this->debug('Entering parseRequest() for data of length ' . strlen($data) . ' and type ' . $headers['content-type']);
if (!strstr($headers['content-type'], 'text/xml')) {
$this->setError('Request not of type text/xml');
return false;
if (strpos($headers['content-type'], '=')) {
$enc = str_replace('"', '', substr(strstr($headers["content-type"], '='), 1));
$this->debug('Got response encoding: ' . $enc);
$this->xml_encoding = strtoupper($enc);
} else {
$this->xml_encoding = 'US-ASCII';
} else {
// should be US-ASCII for HTTP 1.0 or ISO-8859-1 for HTTP 1.1
$this->xml_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
$this->debug('Use encoding: ' . $this->xml_encoding . ' when creating nusoap_parser');
// parse response, get soap parser obj
$parser = new nusoap_parser($data,$this->xml_encoding,'',$this->decode_utf8);
// parser debug
$this->debug("parser debug: \n".$parser->getDebug());
// if fault occurred during message parsing
if($err = $parser->getError()){
$this->result = 'fault: error in msg parsing: '.$err;
$this->fault('SOAP-ENV:Client',"error in msg parsing:\n".$err);
// else successfully parsed request into soapval object
} else {
// get/set methodname
$this->methodURI = $parser->root_struct_namespace;
$this->methodname = $parser->root_struct_name;
$this->debug('methodname: '.$this->methodname.' methodURI: '.$this->methodURI);
$this->debug('calling parser->get_soapbody()');
$this->methodparams = $parser->get_soapbody();
// get SOAP headers
$this->requestHeaders = $parser->getHeaders();
// get SOAP Header
$this->requestHeader = $parser->get_soapheader();
// add document for doclit support
$this->document = $parser->document;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nusoap_server::register (   $name,
  $in = array(),
  $out = array(),
  $namespace = false,
  $soapaction = false,
  $style = false,
  $use = false,
  $documentation = '',
  $encodingStyle = '' 

register a service function with the server

string$namethe name of the PHP function, class.method or class..method
array$inassoc array of input values: key = param name, value = param type
array$outassoc array of output values: key = param name, value = param type
mixed$namespacethe element namespace for the method or false
mixed$soapactionthe soapaction for the method or false
mixed$styleoptional (rpc|document) or false Note: when 'document' is specified, parameter and return wrappers are created for you automatically
mixed$useoptional (encoded|literal) or false
string$documentationoptional Description to include in WSDL
string$encodingStyleoptional (usually '' for encoded) public

Definition at line 4332 of file nusoap.php.

References $in, $namespace, $out, wsdl\addOperation(), and nusoap_base\setError().

die('You cannot bind to an external WSDL file, and register methods outside of it! Please choose either WSDL or no WSDL.');
if (! $name) {
die('You must specify a name when you register an operation');
if (!is_array($in)) {
die('You must provide an array for operation inputs');
if (!is_array($out)) {
die('You must provide an array for operation outputs');
if(false == $namespace) {
if(false == $soapaction) {
if (isset($_SERVER)) {
} elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) {
} else {
$this->setError("Neither _SERVER nor HTTP_SERVER_VARS is available");
if ($HTTPS == '1' || $HTTPS == 'on') {
$SCHEME = 'https';
} else {
$SCHEME = 'http';
$soapaction = "$SCHEME://$SERVER_NAME$SCRIPT_NAME/$name";
if(false == $style) {
$style = "rpc";
if(false == $use) {
$use = "encoded";
if ($use == 'encoded' && $encodingStyle = '') {
$encodingStyle = '';
$this->operations[$name] = array(
'name' => $name,
'in' => $in,
'out' => $out,
'namespace' => $namespace,
'soapaction' => $soapaction,
'style' => $style);
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

nusoap_server::send_response ( )

sends an HTTP response

The following fields are set by this function (when successful)

outgoing_headers response


Reimplemented in soap_server.

Definition at line 4127 of file nusoap.php.

References $debug_flag, $responseSOAP, nusoap_base\debug(), fault(), nusoap_base\getDebugAsXMLComment(), getHTTPBody(), getHTTPContentType(), and getHTTPContentTypeCharset().

Referenced by service().

$this->debug('Enter send_response');
if ($this->fault) {
$payload = $this->fault->serialize();
$this->outgoing_headers[] = "HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error";
$this->outgoing_headers[] = "Status: 500 Internal Server Error";
} else {
$payload = $this->responseSOAP;
// Some combinations of PHP+Web server allow the Status
// to come through as a header. Since OK is the default
// just do nothing.
// $this->outgoing_headers[] = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK";
// $this->outgoing_headers[] = "Status: 200 OK";
// add debug data if in debug mode
if(isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag){
$payload .= $this->getDebugAsXMLComment();
$this->outgoing_headers[] = "Server: $this->title Server v$this->version";
preg_match('/\$Revisio' . 'n: ([^ ]+)/', $this->revision, $rev);
$this->outgoing_headers[] = "X-SOAP-Server: $this->title/$this->version (".$rev[1].")";
// Let the Web server decide about this
//$this->outgoing_headers[] = "Connection: Close\r\n";
$payload = $this->getHTTPBody($payload);
$type = $this->getHTTPContentType();
$charset = $this->getHTTPContentTypeCharset();
$this->outgoing_headers[] = "Content-Type: $type" . ($charset ? '; charset=' . $charset : '');
//begin code to compress payload - by John
// NOTE: there is no way to know whether the Web server will also compress
// this data.
if (strlen($payload) > 1024 && isset($this->headers) && isset($this->headers['accept-encoding'])) {
if (strstr($this->headers['accept-encoding'], 'gzip')) {
if (function_exists('gzencode')) {
if (isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag) {
$payload .= "<!-- Content being gzipped -->";
$this->outgoing_headers[] = "Content-Encoding: gzip";
$payload = gzencode($payload);
} else {
if (isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag) {
$payload .= "<!-- Content will not be gzipped: no gzencode -->";
} elseif (strstr($this->headers['accept-encoding'], 'deflate')) {
// Note: MSIE requires gzdeflate output (no Zlib header and checksum),
// instead of gzcompress output,
// which conflicts with HTTP 1.1 spec (
if (function_exists('gzdeflate')) {
if (isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag) {
$payload .= "<!-- Content being deflated -->";
$this->outgoing_headers[] = "Content-Encoding: deflate";
$payload = gzdeflate($payload);
} else {
if (isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag) {
$payload .= "<!-- Content will not be deflated: no gzcompress -->";
//end code
$this->outgoing_headers[] = "Content-Length: ".strlen($payload);
foreach($this->outgoing_headers as $hdr){
header($hdr, false);
print $payload;
$this->response = join("\r\n",$this->outgoing_headers)."\r\n\r\n".$payload;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nusoap_server::serialize_return ( )

serializes the return value from a PHP function into a full SOAP Envelope

The following fields are set by this function (when successful)


This sets the fault field on error


Reimplemented in soap_server.

Definition at line 4035 of file nusoap.php.

References $methodreturn, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\clearDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), fault(), nusoap_base\getDebug(), nusoap_base\getError(), nusoap_base\serialize_val(), nusoap_base\serializeEnvelope(), wsdl\serializeRPCParameters(), and nusoap_base\varDump().

Referenced by service().

$this->debug('Entering serialize_return methodname: ' . $this->methodname . ' methodURI: ' . $this->methodURI);
// if fault
if (isset($this->methodreturn) && ((get_class((object)$this->methodreturn) == 'soap_fault') || (get_class((object)$this->methodreturn) == 'nusoap_fault'))) {
$this->debug('got a fault object from method');
} elseif ($this->methodreturnisliteralxml) {
$return_val = $this->methodreturn;
// returned value(s)
} else {
$this->debug('got a(n) '.gettype($this->methodreturn).' from method');
$this->debug('serializing return value');
if (sizeof($this->opData['output']['parts']) > 1) {
$this->debug('more than one output part, so use the method return unchanged');
$opParams = $this->methodreturn;
} elseif (sizeof($this->opData['output']['parts']) == 1) {
$this->debug('exactly one output part, so wrap the method return in a simple array');
// TODO: verify that it is not already wrapped!
//foreach ($this->opData['output']['parts'] as $name => $type) {
// $this->debug('wrap in element named ' . $name);
$opParams = array($this->methodreturn);
$return_val = $this->wsdl->serializeRPCParameters($this->methodname,'output',$opParams);
if($errstr = $this->wsdl->getError()){
$this->debug('got wsdl error: '.$errstr);
$this->fault('SOAP-ENV:Server', 'unable to serialize result');
} else {
if (isset($this->methodreturn)) {
$return_val = $this->serialize_val($this->methodreturn, 'return');
} else {
$return_val = '';
$this->debug('in absence of WSDL, assume void return for backward compatibility');
$this->debug('return value:');
$this->debug('serializing response');
if ($this->wsdl) {
$this->debug('have WSDL for serialization: style is ' . $this->opData['style']);
if ($this->opData['style'] == 'rpc') {
$this->debug('style is rpc for serialization: use is ' . $this->opData['output']['use']);
if ($this->opData['output']['use'] == 'literal') {
// R2735 says rpc/literal accessor elements should not be in a namespace
$payload = '<ns1:'.$this->methodname.'Response xmlns:ns1="'.$this->methodURI.'">'.$return_val.'</ns1:'.$this->methodname."Response>";
} else {
$payload = '<ns1:'.$this->methodname.'Response xmlns:ns1="'.$this->methodURI.'">'.$return_val.'</ns1:'.$this->methodname."Response>";
} else {
$this->debug('style is not rpc for serialization: assume document');
$payload = $return_val;
} else {
$this->debug('do not have WSDL for serialization: assume rpc/encoded');
$payload = '<ns1:'.$this->methodname.'Response xmlns:ns1="'.$this->methodURI.'">'.$return_val.'</ns1:'.$this->methodname."Response>";
$this->result = 'successful';
// }
if (isset($opData['output']['encodingStyle'])) {
$encodingStyle = $opData['output']['encodingStyle'];
} else {
$encodingStyle = '';
// Added: In case we use a WSDL, return a serialized env. WITH the usedNamespaces.
$this->responseSOAP = $this->serializeEnvelope($payload,$this->responseHeaders,$this->wsdl->usedNamespaces,$this->opData['style'],$this->opData['output']['use'],$encodingStyle);
} else {
$this->responseSOAP = $this->serializeEnvelope($payload,$this->responseHeaders);
$this->debug("Leaving serialize_return");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nusoap_server::service (   $data)

processes request and returns response

string$datausually is the value of $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA public

Reimplemented in soap_server.

Definition at line 3654 of file nusoap.php.

References $data, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), fault(), nusoap_base\getDebugAsXMLComment(), invoke_method(), parse_request(), send_response(), wsdl\serialize(), serialize_return(), nusoap_base\varDump(), and wsdl\webDescription().

if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
} elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING'])) {
} else {
$qs = '';
$this->debug("In service, query string=$qs");
if (preg_match('/wsdl/', $qs) ){
$this->debug("In service, this is a request for WSDL");
if (strpos($this->externalWSDLURL,"://")!==false) { // assume URL
header('Location: '.$this->externalWSDLURL);
} else { // assume file
header("Content-Type: text/xml\r\n");
$fp = fopen($this->externalWSDLURL, 'r');
} elseif ($this->wsdl) {
header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n");
print $this->wsdl->serialize($this->debug_flag);
if ($this->debug_flag) {
print $this->getDebugAsXMLComment();
} else {
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n");
print "This service does not provide WSDL";
} elseif ($data == '' && $this->wsdl) {
$this->debug("In service, there is no data, so return Web description");
print $this->wsdl->webDescription();
} else {
$this->debug("In service, invoke the request");
if (! $this->fault) {
if (! $this->fault) {

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

nusoap_server::verify_method (   $operation,

takes the value that was created by parsing the request and compares to the method's signature, if available.

string$operationThe operation to be invoked
array$requestThe array of parameter values
boolean Whether the operation was found private

Reimplemented in soap_server.

Definition at line 4206 of file nusoap.php.

References wsdl\getOperationData().

Referenced by invoke_method().

if(isset($this->wsdl) && is_object($this->wsdl)){
return true;
} elseif(isset($this->operations[$operation])){
return true;
return false;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

nusoap_server::$debug_flag = false

Definition at line 3581 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by send_response().

nusoap_server::$decode_utf8 = true

Definition at line 3506 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$document = ''

Definition at line 3464 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$externalWSDLURL = false

Definition at line 3575 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$fault = false

Definition at line 3549 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$headers = array()

Definition at line 3440 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by parse_http_headers(), and parseRequest().

nusoap_server::$methodname = ''

Definition at line 3482 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by add_to_map(), and invoke_method().

nusoap_server::$methodparams = array()

Definition at line 3488 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$methodreturn = false

Definition at line 3537 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by serialize_return().

nusoap_server::$methodreturnisliteralxml = false

Definition at line 3543 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$methodURI = ''

Definition at line 3476 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$operations = array()

Definition at line 3563 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$outgoing_headers = array()

Definition at line 3513 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$request = ''

Definition at line 3446 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$requestHeader = NULL

Definition at line 3458 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$requestHeaders = ''

Definition at line 3452 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$requestSOAP = ''

Definition at line 3470 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$response = ''

Definition at line 3519 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$responseHeaders = ''

Definition at line 3525 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$responseSOAP = ''

Definition at line 3531 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by send_response().

nusoap_server::$result = 'successful'

Definition at line 3555 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$SOAPAction = ''

Definition at line 3494 of file nusoap.php.

nusoap_server::$wsdl = false

Definition at line 3569 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by nusoap_server().

nusoap_server::$xml_encoding = ''

Definition at line 3500 of file nusoap.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: