ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_acl Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_acl:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_acl:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_acl ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_acl.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_acl::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 525 of file HFile_acl.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_acl::HFile_acl ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_acl.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// ADEPT Command Language
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "blue", "purple", "brown", "brown", "gray", "gray", "", "purple", "");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("{");
$this->unindent = array("}");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"", "'");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("#");
$this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"append_catalog_path" => "1",
"append_graphics_path" => "1",
"append_load_path" => "1",
"append_path" => "1",
"buffer_create" => "1",
"buffer_doc" => "1",
"caller" => "1",
"catch" => "1",
"cmd_exists" => "1",
"count" => "1",
"defined" => "1",
"delete" => "1",
"eval" => "5",
"execute" => "5",
"high_bound" => "1",
"insert_buffer" => "1",
"low_bound" => "1",
"option" => "1",
"package_file" => "1",
"package_name" => "1",
"packages" => "1",
"require" => "5",
"throw" => "1",
"channel_set_callback" => "2",
"content_model" => "4",
"context_paths" => "2",
"context_string" => "2",
"in_context" => "2",
"in_context_list" => "2",
"open_accept" => "2",
"open_connect" => "2",
"open_listen" => "2",
"pack" => "8",
"read" => "7",
"tag_content" => "4",
"unpack" => "8",
"write" => "7",
"current_doc" => "3",
"doc_close" => "3",
"doc_list" => "3",
"doc_name" => "3",
"doc_open" => "3",
"doc_parent" => "3",
"doc_path" => "3",
"doc_set_path" => "3",
"doc_show" => "3",
"doc_valid" => "3",
"doc_window" => "3",
"file_selector" => "3",
"list_response" => "3",
"panel_popup" => "3",
"path_doc" => "3",
"response" => "3",
"save_some_docs" => "3",
"base_tag_name" => "4",
"char_entity_names" => "4",
"division_tag" => "4",
"dl_call" => "4",
"dl_error" => "4",
"dl_find" => "4",
"dl_load" => "4",
"dl_unload" => "4",
"doc_type" => "4",
"doc_type_dir" => "4",
"dtd_decl_path" => "4",
"dtd_tag" => "4",
"entity_tag" => "4",
"file_entity_tag" => "4",
"fosi_public_id" => "4",
"graphic_entity_attr_name" => "4",
"graphic_entity_tag" => "4",
"graphic_tag_name" => "4",
"graphic_file_attr_name" => "4",
"marked_section_tag" => "4",
"notation_tag" => "4",
"path_public_ids" => "4",
"procins_tag" => "4",
"public_id" => "4",
"public_id_path" => "4",
"sgml_feature" => "4",
"tag_attr_choices" => "4",
"tag_attr_default" => "4",
"tag_attr_required" => "4",
"tag_attr_type" => "4",
"tag_attr_value" => "4",
"tag_attrs" => "4",
"tag_display" => "5",
"tag_exists" => "4",
"tag_has_attr" => "4",
"tag_names" => "4",
"text_entity_tag" => "4",
"user_tag_names" => "4",
"addrequiredtags" => "5",
"alias" => "5",
"aliases" => "5",
"attribute" => "5",
"autoload" => "5",
"beep" => "5",
"bitmapdisplay" => "5",
"break" => "5",
"buffers" => "5",
"caret" => "5",
"case" => "5",
"change_entity" => "5",
"change_tag" => "5",
"characters" => "5",
"check_completeness" => "5",
"clear_mark" => "5",
"comments" => "5",
"context" => "5",
"continue" => "5",
"copy_file" => "5",
"copy_keymap" => "5",
"copy_mark" => "5",
"create_file_entity" => "5",
"declare_entity" => "5",
"declare_graphic_entity" => "5",
"declare_ms_parameter" => "5",
"declare_notation" => "5",
"declare_text_entity" => "5",
"define_keymap" => "5",
"define_tag" => "5",
"delete_buffer" => "5",
"delete_character" => "5",
"delete_entity" => "5",
"delete_mark" => "5",
"delete_tag" => "5",
"detail" => "5",
"dirdot" => "5",
"directory" => "5",
"dirfontpercent" => "5",
"dirheading" => "5",
"dironly" => "5",
"dirorder" => "5",
"dirtext" => "5",
"dirupdate" => "5",
"doctypespath" => "5",
"edit" => "5",
"editfontpercent" => "5",
"editor" => "5",
"expressions" => "5",
"fileentityfontcolor" => "5",
"fileentitymarkers" => "5",
"find" => "5",
"fontpercent" => "5",
"for" => "5",
"fosi" => "5",
"fosiwarnings" => "5",
"fulljust" => "5",
"fullkeymap" => "5",
"gentext" => "5",
"gentextfontcolor" => "5",
"gentexttagdisplay" => "5",
"graphicdisplay" => "5",
"help" => "5",
"helpfontpercent" => "5",
"hookname" => "5",
"ids" => "5",
"if/else" => "5",
"indent" => "5",
"inputmode" => "5",
"insert_accent" => "5",
"insert_entity" => "5",
"insert_graphic" => "5",
"insert_graphic_entity" => "5",
"insert_marked_section" => "5",
"insert_pi" => "5",
"insert_string" => "5",
"insert_table" => "5",
"insert_tag" => "9",
"invoke_processor" => "5",
"join" => "5",
"keymap" => "5",
"language" => "5",
"link" => "5",
"load_buffers" => "5",
"loadmessages" => "5",
"loadpath" => "5",
"lookup" => "5",
"map" => "5",
"mark" => "5",
"menu" => "5",
"menu_add" => "5",
"menu_change" => "5",
"menu_copy" => "5",
"menu_delete" => "5",
"menu_load" => "5",
"menu_move" => "5",
"menu_reset" => "5",
"menu_save" => "5",
"message" => "5",
"modified" => "6",
"modify_entity" => "5",
"modify_file_entities" => "5",
"modify_graphic_entities" => "5",
"modify_marked_section" => "5",
"modify_ms_parameters" => "5",
"modify_notation" => "5",
"modify_tag" => "9",
"modify_text_entities" => "5",
"more" => "5",
"move_file" => "5",
"new" => "5",
"newline" => "5",
"options" => "5",
"outline" => "5",
"package" => "5",
"paste" => "9",
"pendingdelete" => "5",
"print" => "5",
"printer" => "5",
"quit" => "9",
"readvar" => "5",
"redisplay" => "5",
"remove_file" => "5",
"rename_entity" => "5",
"rename_notation" => "5",
"rename_tag" => "5",
"repeat" => "5",
"replace" => "5",
"requireattrs" => "5",
"rochange" => "5",
"save" => "9",
"save_as" => "5",
"save_buffers" => "5",
"search" => "5",
"selectionsvc" => "5",
"selectscan" => "5",
"set" => "5",
"sgmlselection" => "5",
"sh" => "5",
"show" => "5",
"showattrs" => "5",
"showentities" => "5",
"shownewlines" => "5",
"source" => "5",
"spell" => "5",
"split" => "8",
"substitute" => "5",
"tabledisplay" => "5",
"tablefit" => "5",
"tagfontpercent" => "5",
"tagidisplay" => "5",
"tagnames" => "5",
"tagscan" => "5",
"textentityfontcolor" => "5",
"time" => "9",
"translate" => "5",
"unalias" => "5",
"undeclare_entity" => "5",
"undeclare_notation" => "5",
"undefine_keymap" => "5",
"undefine_tag" => "5",
"undo" => "5",
"units" => "5",
"unmap" => "5",
"unsetvar" => "5",
"usertags" => "5",
"variables" => "5",
"version" => "5",
"wait" => "5",
"while" => "5",
"window" => "5",
"windows" => "5",
"wrapscan" => "5",
"write8bit" => "5",
"writecheck" => "5",
"caret_at" => "6",
"current_tag_attr_value" => "6",
"current_tag_name" => "6",
"edit_id" => "6",
"edit_new_window" => "6",
"entity" => "6",
"entity_doc" => "6",
"entity_exists" => "6",
"entity_first" => "6",
"entity_last" => "6",
"entity_name" => "6",
"forward_char" => "6",
"goto_oid" => "8",
"insert" => "6",
"inside_tag" => "6",
"looking_at" => "6",
"mouse_in_selection" => "6",
"oid_delete_attr" => "8",
"oid_modify_attr" => "8",
"oid_top_pos" => "8",
"scroll_to_oid" => "8",
"selected" => "6",
"selection_balanced" => "6",
"selection_end" => "8",
"selection_start" => "8",
"absolute_file_name" => "7",
"access" => "7",
"basename" => "7",
"chr" => "8",
"close" => "7",
"dirname" => "7",
"eof" => "7",
"exit_editor" => "7",
"expand_file_name" => "7",
"file_directory" => "7",
"file_mtime" => "9",
"file_newer" => "7",
"file_size" => "7",
"file_system" => "7",
"flush" => "7",
"getline" => "7",
"getpid" => "7",
"glob" => "7",
"hex" => "8",
"init_done" => "7",
"key_cmd" => "7",
"keymap_exists" => "7",
"max" => "7",
"menu_checked" => "7",
"menu_cmd" => "7",
"menu_exists" => "7",
"menu_item_count" => "7",
"menu_popup" => "7",
"min" => "7",
"oct" => "8",
"open" => "7",
"ord" => "8",
"put" => "7",
"pwd" => "7",
"seek" => "7",
"tell" => "7",
"truncate" => "7",
"umask" => "7",
"chop" => "8",
"dupl" => "8",
"gsub" => "8",
"index" => "8",
"length" => "8",
"match" => "8",
"match_length" => "8",
"match_result" => "8",
"match_start" => "8",
"oid_attr" => "8",
"oid_attr_list" => "8",
"oid_attr_required" => "8",
"oid_attr_type" => "8",
"oid_backward" => "8",
"oid_caret" => "8",
"oid_caret_offset" => "8",
"oid_caret_pos" => "8",
"oid_check_attr" => "8",
"oid_child" => "8",
"oid_children" => "8",
"oid_content" => "8",
"oid_current_tag" => "8",
"oid_detailed" => "8",
"oid_doc" => "8",
"oid_emptyoid_entity_first" => "8",
"oid_entity_last" => "8",
"oid_first" => "8",
"oid_forward" => "8",
"oid_has_attr" => "8",
"oid_in_doc" => "8",
"oid_last" => "8",
"oid_level" => "8",
"oid_mouse_pos" => "8",
"oid_name" => "8",
"oid_next" => "8",
"oid_null" => "8",
"oid_parent" => "8",
"oid_prev" => "8",
"oid_protected" => "8",
"oid_same_doc" => "8",
"oid_select" => "8",
"oid_type" => "8",
"oid_valid" => "8",
"reverse" => "8",
"rindex" => "8",
"span" => "8",
"sub" => "8",
"substr" => "8",
"tolower" => "8",
"toupper" => "8",
"trim" => "8",
"context_error" => "9",
"create" => "9",
"ctime" => "9",
"cut" => "9",
"destroy" => "9",
"editbeforehook" => "9",
"editfilehook" => "9",
"elapsed_time" => "9",
"entity_path" => "9",
"exclude_tag" => "9",
"goto_cell" => "9",
"modify_graphic" => "9",
"newfilehook" => "9",
"print_panel" => "9",
"tbl_caret_col" => "9",
"tbl_caret_row" => "9",
"tbl_col_count" => "9",
"tbl_quit" => "9",
"tbl_resize" => "9",
"tbl_row_count" => "9",
"time_date" => "9",
"timer_add_callback" => "9",
"timer_remove_callback" => "9",
"times" => "9",
"window_class" => "9",
"window_close" => "9",
"window_create" => "9",
"window_destroy" => "9",
"window_doc" => "9",
"window_get" => "9",
"window_id" => "9",
"window_list" => "9",
"window_lower" => "9",
"window_mask" => "9",
"window_name" => "9",
"window_open" => "9",
"window_raise" => "9",
"window_set" => "9",
"window_show" => "9",
"window_state" => "9",
"window_sync" => "9",
"window_xid" => "9",
"$ENV" => "10",
"$ERROR" => "10",
"$OFS" => "10",
"$ORS" => "10",
"$SYMTAB" => "10",
"$adept_path" => "10",
"$currentcolumn" => "10",
"$currentline" => "10",
"$dirname" => "10",
"$dirselect" => "10",
"$docname" => "10",
"$doctype" => "10",
"$filename" => "10",
"$progname" => "10",
"$selection" => "10",
"$sh_status" => "10",
"$status" => "10",
"$system" => "10",
"$tagname" => "10",
"$topline" => "10",
"$version" => "10",
"$version_date" => "10",
"$winsys" => "10",
"APTACCEPTC" => "10",
"APTCATPATH" => "10",
"APTDICTPATH" => "10",
"APTGRPATH" => "10",
"APTLOADPATH" => "10",
"APTMOUSE" => "10",
"APTPATH" => "10",
"APTRCFILE" => "10",
"APTSTARTUP" => "10",
"APTTBLWIDTH" => "10",
"APTUNDOLIM" => "10");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"8" => "donothing",
"7" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"9" => "donothing",
"6" => "donothing",
"10" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: