ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_flagship Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_flagship:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_flagship:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_flagship ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_flagship.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_flagship::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 556 of file HFile_flagship.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_flagship::HFile_flagship ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_flagship.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// FlagShip/Clipper
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "brown", "gray", "purple", "blue");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"", "'");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("*");
$this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"accept" => "1",
"access" => "1",
"all" => "1",
"alternate" => "1",
"announce" => "1",
"append" => "1",
"as" => "1",
"assign" => "1",
"autolock" => "1",
"average" => "1",
"begin" => "1",
"bell" => "1",
"blank" => "1",
"box" => "1",
"break" => "4",
"call" => "1",
"cancel" => "1",
"case" => "1",
"century" => "1",
"class" => "1",
"clear" => "1",
"close" => "1",
"cls" => "1",
"color" => "1",
"commit" => "1",
"confirm" => "1",
"console" => "1",
"continue" => "1",
"copy" => "1",
"count" => "1",
"create" => "1",
"cursor" => "1",
"do" => "1",
"decimals" => "1",
"declare" => "1",
"default" => "1",
"delete" => "1",
"deleted" => "3",
"delimiters" => "1",
"device" => "1",
"dir" => "1",
"directory" => "3",
"display" => "1",
"elseif" => "1",
"endif" => "1",
"enddo" => "1",
"else" => "1",
"eject" => "1",
"end" => "1",
"epoch" => "1",
"erase" => "1",
"escape" => "1",
"eval" => "3",
"exact" => "1",
"exclusive" => "1",
"exit" => "1",
"export" => "1",
"extern" => "1",
"external" => "1",
"field" => "3",
"filter" => "1",
"find" => "1",
"fixed" => "1",
"for" => "1",
"form" => "1",
"format" => "1",
"from" => "1",
"function" => "1",
"get" => "1",
"gets" => "1",
"global" => "1",
"go" => "1",
"goto" => "1",
"hidden" => "1",
"if" => "1",
"index" => "1",
"init" => "1",
"input" => "1",
"instance" => "1",
"intensity" => "1",
"join" => "1",
"key" => "1",
"keyboard" => "1",
"label" => "1",
"list" => "1",
"local" => "1",
"locate" => "1",
"loop" => "1",
"margin" => "1",
"memory" => "3",
"memvar" => "1",
"menu" => "1",
"message" => "1",
"method" => "1",
"multilocks" => "1",
"next" => "1",
"note" => "1",
"order" => "1",
"otherwise" => "1",
"pack" => "1",
"parameters" => "1",
"path" => "1",
"printer" => "1",
"private" => "1",
"procedure" => "1",
"prompt" => "1",
"protect" => "1",
"prototype" => "1",
"public" => "1",
"quit" => "1",
"read" => "1",
"recall" => "1",
"recover" => "1",
"refresh" => "1",
"reindex" => "1",
"relation" => "1",
"release" => "1",
"rename" => "1",
"replace" => "1",
"report" => "1",
"request" => "1",
"restore" => "1",
"return" => "1",
"run" => "1",
"save" => "1",
"say" => "1",
"scoreboard" => "1",
"screen" => "1",
"seek" => "1",
"select" => "3",
"sequence" => "1",
"set" => "3",
"setenhanced" => "1",
"setstandard" => "1",
"setunselect" => "1",
"shared" => "1",
"skip" => "1",
"softseek" => "1",
"sort" => "1",
"static" => "1",
"store" => "1",
"structure" => "1",
"sum" => "1",
"text" => "1",
"to" => "1",
"total" => "1",
"type" => "3",
"typeahead" => "1",
"unique" => "1",
"unlock" => "1",
"update" => "1",
"use" => "1",
"wait" => "1",
"while" => "1",
"with" => "1",
"wrap" => "1",
"zap" => "1",
"?" => "2",
"??" => "2",
"@" => "2",
"!" => "2",
"%" => "2",
"&" => "2",
"(" => "2",
")" => "2",
"*" => "2",
"+" => "2",
"," => "2",
"-" => "2",
":" => "2",
";" => "2",
"<" => "2",
"=" => "2",
">" => "2",
"[" => "2",
"\\" => "2",
"]" => "2",
"^" => "2",
"{" => "2",
"|" => "2",
"}" => "2",
"~" => "2",
"__accept" => "3",
"__dbpack" => "3",
"__dbzap" => "3",
"__eject" => "3",
"__keyboard" => "3",
"__killread" => "3",
"__mclear" => "3",
"__menuto" => "3",
"__quit" => "3",
"__setcentury" => "3",
"__setformat" => "3",
"__setfunction" => "3",
"__wait" => "3",
"__xrestscreen" => "3",
"__xsavescreen" => "3",
"_fsget_" => "3",
"aadd" => "3",
"abs" => "3",
"achoice" => "3",
"aclone" => "3",
"acopy" => "3",
"adel" => "3",
"adir" => "3",
"aeval" => "3",
"afields" => "3",
"afill" => "3",
"ains" => "3",
"alert" => "3",
"alias" => "3",
"alltrim" => "3",
"altd" => "3",
"array" => "3",
"asc" => "3",
"ascan" => "3",
"asize" => "3",
"asort" => "3",
"at" => "3",
"atail" => "3",
"autoflock" => "3",
"autorlock" => "3",
"autounlock" => "3",
"bin2i" => "3",
"bin2l" => "3",
"bin2w" => "3",
"bof" => "3",
"browse" => "3",
"cdow" => "3",
"chr" => "3",
"chr2screen" => "3",
"cmonth" => "3",
"col" => "3",
"ctod" => "3",
"curdir" => "3",
"date" => "3",
"day" => "3",
"dbappend" => "3",
"dbclearfil" => "3",
"dbclearind" => "3",
"dbclearrel" => "3",
"dbcloseall" => "3",
"dbclosearea" => "3",
"dbcommit" => "3",
"dbcommitall" => "3",
"dbcreate" => "3",
"dbcreateind" => "3",
"dbdelete" => "3",
"dbedit" => "3",
"dbeval" => "3",
"dbf" => "3",
"dbfilter" => "3",
"dbgetlocat" => "3",
"dbgobottom" => "3",
"dbgoto" => "3",
"dbgotop" => "3",
"dbobjec" => "3",
"dbrecall" => "3",
"dbreindex" => "3",
"dbrelation" => "3",
"dbrlocklis" => "3",
"dbrselect" => "3",
"dbrunloc" => "3",
"dbseek" => "3",
"dbselectar" => "3",
"dbsetdriver" => "3",
"dbsetfilter" => "3",
"dbsetindex" => "3",
"dbsetlocat" => "3",
"dbsetorder" => "3",
"dbsetrelat" => "3",
"dbskip" => "3",
"dbstruct" => "3",
"dbunlock" => "3",
"dbunlockall" => "3",
"dbusearea" => "3",
"descend" => "3",
"devout" => "3",
"devoutpict" => "3",
"devpos" => "3",
"diskspace" => "3",
"dispbegin" => "3",
"dispbox" => "3",
"dispcount" => "3",
"dispend" => "3",
"dispout" => "3",
"doserror" => "3",
"dow" => "3",
"dtoc" => "3",
"dtos" => "3",
"empty" => "3",
"eof" => "3",
"errorblock" => "3",
"errorlevel" => "3",
"execname" => "3",
"execpidnum" => "3",
"exp" => "3",
"fattrib" => "3",
"fclose" => "3",
"fcount" => "3",
"fcreate" => "3",
"ferase" => "3",
"ferror" => "3",
"fieldblock" => "3",
"fielddeci" => "3",
"fieldget" => "3",
"fieldgetarr" => "3",
"fieldlen" => "3",
"fieldname" => "3",
"fieldpos" => "3",
"fieldput" => "3",
"fieldputarr" => "3",
"fieldtype" => "3",
"fieldwblock" => "3",
"file" => "3",
"fklabel" => "3",
"fkmax" => "3",
"flock" => "3",
"flockf" => "3",
"fopen" => "3",
"found" => "3",
"fread" => "3",
"freadstr" => "3",
"freadtxt" => "3",
"frename" => "3",
"fs_set" => "3",
"fseek" => "3",
"fwrite" => "3",
"getactive" => "3",
"getapplyke" => "3",
"getdosetke" => "3",
"getenv" => "3",
"getpostval" => "3",
"getprevali" => "3",
"getreader" => "3",
"hardcr" => "3",
"header" => "3",
"i2bin" => "3",
"iif" => "3",
"indexcheck" => "3",
"indexcount" => "3",
"indexdbf" => "3",
"indexext" => "3",
"indexkey" => "3",
"indexnames" => "3",
"indexord" => "3",
"inkey" => "3",
"int" => "3",
"isalpha" => "3",
"isbegseq" => "3",
"iscolor" => "3",
"isdbexcl" => "3",
"isdbflock" => "3",
"isdbrlock" => "3",
"isdigit" => "3",
"isfunction" => "3",
"islower" => "3",
"isobjclass" => "3",
"isobjproper" => "3",
"isprinter" => "3",
"isupper" => "3",
"l2bin" => "3",
"lastkey" => "3",
"lastrec" => "3",
"left" => "3",
"len" => "3",
"lock" => "3",
"log" => "3",
"lower" => "4",
"ltrim" => "3",
"lupdate" => "3",
"max" => "3",
"max_col" => "3",
"max_row" => "3",
"maxcol" => "3",
"maxrow" => "3",
"memoedit" => "3",
"memoline" => "3",
"memoread" => "3",
"memotran" => "3",
"memowrit" => "3",
"memvarblock" => "3",
"min" => "3",
"mlcount" => "3",
"mlctopos" => "3",
"mlpos" => "3",
"mod" => "3",
"month" => "3",
"mpostolc" => "3",
"neterr" => "3",
"netname" => "3",
"nextkey" => "3",
"nosnow" => "3",
"num2int" => "3",
"os" => "3",
"outerr" => "3",
"outstd" => "3",
"padc" => "3",
"padl" => "3",
"padr" => "3",
"pcalls" => "3",
"pcol" => "3",
"pcount" => "3",
"procfile" => "3",
"procline" => "3",
"procname" => "3",
"prow" => "3",
"qout" => "3",
"qqout" => "3",
"rangecheck" => "3",
"rat" => "3",
"rddlist" => "3",
"rddsetdefa" => "3",
"readexit" => "3",
"readinsert" => "3",
"readkey" => "3",
"readmodal" => "3",
"readvar" => "3",
"reccount" => "3",
"recno" => "3",
"recsize" => "3",
"replicate" => "3",
"restscreen" => "3",
"right" => "3",
"rlock" => "3",
"round" => "3",
"row" => "3",
"rtrim" => "3",
"savescreen" => "3",
"scrdos2unix" => "3",
"screen2chr" => "3",
"scroll" => "3",
"scrunix2dos" => "3",
"seconds" => "3",
"secondscpu" => "3",
"setblink" => "3",
"setcancel" => "3",
"setcol2get" => "3",
"setcolor" => "3",
"setcursor" => "3",
"setkey" => "3",
"setmode" => "3",
"setpos" => "3",
"setprc" => "3",
"soundex" => "3",
"space" => "3",
"sqrt" => "3",
"str" => "3",
"strpeek" => "3",
"strpoke" => "3",
"strtran" => "3",
"strzero" => "3",
"stuff" => "3",
"substr" => "3",
"tempfilenam" => "3",
"time" => "3",
"tone" => "3",
"transform" => "3",
"trim" => "3",
"truepath" => "3",
"updated" => "3",
"upper" => "4",
"used" => "3",
"usersactiv" => "3",
"usersdbf" => "3",
"usersmax" => "3",
"val" => "3",
"valtype" => "3",
"version" => "3",
"word" => "3",
"year" => "3",
"debug" => "4",
"deve" => "4",
"escdelay" => "4",
"inmap" => "4",
"intvar" => "4",
"loadl" => "4",
"memcom" => "4",
"outmap" => "4",
"pathdeli" => "4",
"pathlow" => "4",
"pathupp" => "4",
"print" => "4",
"setlang" => "4",
"shortnam" => "4",
"term" => "4",
"transl" => "4",
"typeah" => "4",
"zerobyte" => "4",
"on" => "5",
"off" => "5",
"or" => "5",
"and" => "5",
"not" => "5");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: