ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_lingo Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_lingo:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_lingo:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_lingo ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_lingo.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_lingo::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 596 of file HFile_lingo.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_lingo::HFile_lingo ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_lingo.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Lingo
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("then", "else");
$this->unindent = array("end", "end if", "end repeat");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("--");
$this->blockcommenton = array("--");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"abort" => "1",
"after" => "1",
"and" => "1",
"before" => "1",
"case" => "1",
"do" => "1",
"else" => "1",
"end" => "1",
"FALSE" => "1",
"global" => "1",
"halt" => "1",
"if" => "1",
"ilk" => "1",
"into" => "1",
"me" => "1",
"new" => "1",
"of" => "1",
"on" => "1",
"or" => "1",
"otherwise" => "1",
"pass" => "1",
"property" => "1",
"put" => "1",
"repeat" => "1",
"result" => "1",
"RETURN" => "1",
"set" => "1",
"tell" => "1",
"the" => "1",
"then" => "1",
"to" => "1",
"TRUE" => "1",
"while" => "1",
"with" => "1",
"#" => "2",
"abbr" => "2",
"abbrev" => "2",
"abbreviated" => "2",
"abs" => "2",
"activateWindow" => "2",
"activeCastLib" => "2",
"activeWindow" => "2",
"actorList" => "2",
"add" => "2",
"addAt" => "2",
"addProp" => "2",
"alert" => "2",
"alertHook" => "2",
"alignment" => "2",
"allowCustomCaching" => "2",
"allowGraphicMenu" => "2",
"allowSaveLocal" => "2",
"allowTransportControl" => "2",
"allowVolumeControl" => "2",
"allowZooming" => "2",
"alphaThreshold" => "2",
"ancestor" => "2",
"antiAlias" => "2",
"append" => "2",
"applicationPath" => "2",
"atan" => "2",
"autoTab" => "2",
"backColor" => "2",
"BACKSPACE" => "2",
"beep" => "2",
"beepOn" => "2",
"beginRecording" => "2",
"beginSprite" => "2",
"bgColor" => "2",
"blend" => "2",
"blendLevel" => "2",
"border" => "2",
"bottom" => "2",
"boxDropShadow" => "2",
"boxType" => "2",
"buttonStyle" => "2",
"buttonType" => "2",
"call" => "2",
"callAncestor" => "2",
"cancelIdleLoad" => "2",
"castLib" => "2",
"castLibNum" => "2",
"center" => "2",
"centerRegPoint" => "2",
"centerStage" => "2",
"changeArea" => "2",
"channelCount" => "2",
"char" => "2",
"charPosToLoc" => "2",
"chars" => "2",
"charToNum" => "2",
"checkBoxAccess" => "2",
"checkBoxType" => "2",
"checkMark" => "2",
"chunkSize" => "2",
"clearFrame" => "2",
"clearGlobals" => "2",
"clickLoc" => "2",
"clickOn" => "2",
"close" => "2",
"closeWindow" => "2",
"closeXlib" => "2",
"color" => "2",
"colorDepth" => "2",
"commandDown" => "2",
"constrainH" => "2",
"constraint" => "2",
"constrainV" => "2",
"continue" => "2",
"controlDown" => "2",
"controller" => "2",
"copyToClipBoard" => "2",
"cos" => "2",
"count" => "2",
"cpuHogTicks" => "2",
"crop" => "2",
"cuePassed" => "2",
"cuePointNames" => "2",
"cuePointTimes" => "2",
"currentSpriteNum" => "2",
"currentTime" => "2",
"cursor" => "2",
"date" => "2",
"deactivateWindow" => "2",
"delay" => "2",
"delete" => "2",
"deleteAll" => "2",
"deleteAt" => "2",
"deleteFrame" => "2",
"deleteOne" => "2",
"deleteProp" => "2",
"depth" => "2",
"deskTopRectList" => "2",
"digitalVideoTimeScale" => "2",
"digitalVideoType" => "2",
"directToStage" => "2",
"dither" => "2",
"done" => "2",
"doubleClick" => "2",
"drawRect" => "2",
"dropShadow" => "2",
"duplicate" => "2",
"member" => "2",
"duplicateFrame" => "2",
"duration" => "2",
"editable" => "2",
"EMPTY" => "2",
"emulateMultiButtonMouse" => "2",
"enabled" => "2",
"endFrame" => "2",
"endRecording" => "2",
"endSprite" => "2",
"ENTER" => "2",
"enterFrame" => "2",
"environment" => "2",
"erase" => "2",
"exit" => "2",
"exitFrame" => "2",
"exitLock" => "2",
"exp" => "2",
"externalParamCount" => "2",
"externalParamName" => "2",
"externalParamValue" => "2",
"fadeIn" => "2",
"fadeOut" => "2",
"field" => "2",
"fileName" => "2",
"filled" => "2",
"findEmpty" => "2",
"findPos" => "2",
"findPosNear" => "2",
"finishIdleLoad" => "2",
"fixStageSize" => "2",
"flipH" => "2",
"flipV" => "2",
"float" => "2",
"floatP" => "2",
"floatPrecision" => "2",
"font" => "2",
"fontSize" => "2",
"fontStyle" => "2",
"foreColor" => "2",
"forget" => "2",
"frame" => "2",
"frameLabel" => "2",
"framePalette" => "2",
"frameRate" => "2",
"frameReady" => "2",
"frameScript" => "2",
"frameSound1" => "2",
"frameSound2" => "2",
"framesToHMS" => "2",
"frameTempo" => "2",
"frameTransition" => "2",
"freeBlock" => "2",
"freeBytes" => "2",
"frontWindow" => "2",
"getaProp" => "2",
"getAt" => "2",
"getBehaviorDescription" => "2",
"getBehaviorTooltip" => "2",
"getLast" => "2",
"getNthFileNameInFolder" => "2",
"getOne" => "2",
"getPos" => "2",
"getPref" => "2",
"getProp" => "2",
"getPropAt" => "2",
"getPropertyDescriptionList" => "2",
"globals" => "2",
"go" => "2",
"height" => "2",
"hilite" => "2",
"hitTest" => "2",
"HMStoFrames" => "2",
"idle" => "2",
"idleHandlerPeriod" => "2",
"idleLoadDone" => "2",
"idleLoadMode" => "2",
"idleLoadPeriod" => "2",
"idleLoadTag" => "2",
"idleReadChunkSize" => "2",
"importFileInto" => "2",
"in" => "2",
"inflate" => "2",
"ink" => "2",
"insertFrame" => "2",
"inside" => "2",
"installMenu" => "2",
"integer" => "2",
"integerP" => "2",
"interface" => "2",
"intersect" => "2",
"intersects" => "2",
"isPastCuePoint" => "2",
"item" => "2",
"itemDelimiter" => "2",
"key" => "2",
"keyboardFocusSprite" => "2",
"keyCode" => "2",
"keyDown" => "2",
"keyDownScript" => "2",
"keyPressed" => "2",
"keyUp" => "2",
"keyUpScript" => "2",
"label" => "2",
"labelList" => "2",
"last" => "2",
"lastChannel" => "2",
"lastClick" => "2",
"lastEvent" => "2",
"lastFrame" => "2",
"lastKey" => "2",
"lastRoll" => "2",
"left" => "2",
"length" => "2",
"line" => "2",
"lineCount" => "2",
"lineDirection" => "2",
"lineHeight" => "2",
"linePosToLocV" => "2",
"lines" => "2",
"lineSize" => "2",
"list" => "2",
"listP" => "2",
"loaded" => "2",
"loc" => "2",
"locH" => "2",
"locToCharPos" => "2",
"locV" => "2",
"locVToLinePos" => "2",
"locZ" => "2",
"log" => "2",
"long" => "2",
"loop" => "2",
"map" => "2",
"mapMemberToStage" => "2",
"mapStageToMember" => "2",
"margin" => "2",
"marker" => "2",
"max" => "2",
"maxInteger" => "2",
"mci" => "2",
"media" => "2",
"mediaReady" => "2",
"memberNum" => "2",
"members" => "2",
"memorySize" => "2",
"menu" => "2",
"milliseconds" => "2",
"min" => "2",
"modal" => "2",
"modified" => "2",
"mostRecentCuePoint" => "2",
"mouseChar" => "2",
"mouseDown" => "2",
"mouseDownScript" => "2",
"mouseItem" => "2",
"mouseLeave" => "2",
"mouseLine" => "2",
"mouseLoc" => "2",
"mouseMember" => "2",
"mouseUp" => "2",
"mouseUpOutside" => "2",
"mouseUpScript" => "2",
"mouseV" => "2",
"mouseWithin" => "2",
"mouseWord" => "2",
"move" => "2",
"moveableSprite" => "2",
"moveToBack" => "2",
"moveToFront" => "2",
"moveWindow" => "2",
"movie" => "2",
"movieAboutInfo" => "2",
"movieCopyrightInfo" => "2",
"movieFileFreeSize" => "2",
"movieFileSize" => "2",
"movieName" => "2",
"moviePath" => "2",
"movieRate" => "2",
"movieTime" => "2",
"movieXtraList" => "2",
"multiSound" => "2",
"name" => "2",
"netPresent" => "2",
"netThrottleTicks" => "2",
"next" => "2",
"nothing" => "2",
"number" => "2",
"numToChar" => "2",
"objectP" => "2",
"offset" => "2",
"open" => "2",
"openResFile" => "2",
"openWindow" => "2",
"openXlib" => "2",
"optionDown" => "2",
"organizationName" => "2",
"pageHeight" => "2",
"palette" => "2",
"paletteMapping" => "2",
"paletteRef" => "2",
"paragraph" => "2",
"param" => "2",
"paramCount" => "2",
"pasteClipBoardInto" => "2",
"pathName" => "2",
"pattern" => "2",
"pause" => "2",
"pausedAtStart" => "2",
"pauseState" => "2",
"PI" => "2",
"picture" => "2",
"pictureP" => "2",
"platform" => "2",
"play" => "2",
"playFile" => "2",
"playing" => "2",
"point" => "2",
"power" => "2",
"preLoad" => "2",
"preLoadEventAbort" => "2",
"preLoadMember" => "2",
"preLoadMode" => "2",
"preLoadMovie" => "2",
"preLoadRAM" => "2",
"prepareFrame" => "2",
"prepareMovie" => "2",
"previous" => "2",
"printFrom" => "2",
"puppet" => "2",
"puppetPalette" => "2",
"puppetSound" => "2",
"puppetSprite" => "2",
"puppetTempo" => "2",
"puppetTransition" => "2",
"purgePriority" => "2",
"quad" => "2",
"quit" => "2",
"QUOTE" => "2",
"ramNeeded" => "2",
"random" => "2",
"randomSeed" => "2",
"rect" => "2",
"regPoint" => "2",
"resizeWindow" => "2",
"restart" => "2",
"right" => "2",
"rightMouseDown" => "2",
"rightMouseUp" => "2",
"rollOver" => "2",
"romanLingo" => "2",
"rotation" => "2",
"runMode" => "2",
"runPropertyDialog" => "2",
"safePlayer" => "2",
"sampleRate" => "2",
"sampleSize" => "2",
"save" => "2",
"saveMovie" => "2",
"score" => "2",
"scoreColor" => "2",
"scoreSelection" => "2",
"script" => "2",
"scriptInstanceList" => "2",
"scriptNum" => "2",
"scriptsEnabled" => "2",
"scriptText" => "2",
"scriptType" => "2",
"scrollByLine" => "2",
"scrollByPage" => "2",
"scrollTop" => "2",
"searchCurrentFolder" => "2",
"searchPath" => "2",
"searchPaths" => "2",
"selection" => "2",
"selEnd" => "2",
"selStart" => "2",
"sendAllSprites" => "2",
"sendSprite" => "2",
"serialNumber" => "2",
"setaProp" => "2",
"setAt" => "2",
"setPref" => "2",
"setProp" => "2",
"setTrackEnabled" => "2",
"shapeType" => "2",
"shiftDown" => "2",
"short" => "2",
"showGlobals" => "2",
"showLocals" => "2",
"showResFile" => "2",
"showXlib" => "2",
"shutDown" => "2",
"sin" => "2",
"size" => "2",
"skew" => "2",
"sort" => "2",
"sound" => "2",
"soundBusy" => "2",
"soundDevice" => "2",
"soundDeviceList" => "2",
"soundEnabled" => "2",
"soundKeepDevice" => "2",
"soundLevel" => "2",
"sourceRect" => "2",
"SPACE" => "2",
"sprite" => "2",
"spriteNum" => "2",
"sqrt" => "2",
"stage" => "2",
"stageBottom" => "2",
"stageColor" => "2",
"stageLeft" => "2",
"stageRight" => "2",
"stageTop" => "2",
"startFrame" => "2",
"startMovie" => "2",
"startTime" => "2",
"startTimer" => "2",
"stepFrame" => "2",
"stillDown" => "2",
"stop" => "2",
"stopEvent" => "2",
"stopMovie" => "2",
"stopTime" => "2",
"string" => "2",
"stringP" => "2",
"switchColorDepth" => "2",
"symbol" => "2",
"symbolP" => "2",
"systemDate" => "2",
"TAB" => "2",
"tan" => "2",
"text" => "2",
"thumbnail" => "2",
"ticks" => "2",
"time" => "2",
"timeOut" => "2",
"timeoutKeyDown" => "2",
"timeoutLapsed" => "2",
"timeoutLength" => "2",
"timeoutMouse" => "2",
"timeoutPlay" => "2",
"timeoutScript" => "2",
"timer" => "2",
"timeScale" => "2",
"title" => "2",
"titleVisible" => "2",
"top" => "2",
"trace" => "2",
"traceLoad" => "2",
"traceLogFile" => "2",
"trackCount" => "2",
"trackEnabled" => "2",
"trackNextKeyTime" => "2",
"trackNextSampleTime" => "2",
"trackPreviousKeyTime" => "2",
"trackPreviousSampleTime" => "2",
"trackStartTime" => "2",
"trackStopTime" => "2",
"trackText" => "2",
"trails" => "2",
"transitionType" => "2",
"tweened" => "2",
"type" => "2",
"union" => "2",
"unLoad" => "2",
"unLoadMember" => "2",
"unloadMovie" => "2",
"updateFrame" => "2",
"updateLock" => "2",
"updateMovieEnabled" => "2",
"updateStage" => "2",
"useAlpha" => "2",
"userName" => "2",
"value" => "2",
"version" => "2",
"video" => "2",
"videoForWindowsPresent" => "2",
"visible" => "2",
"VOID" => "2",
"voidP" => "2",
"volume" => "2",
"width" => "2",
"window" => "2",
"windowList" => "2",
"windowPresent" => "2",
"windowType" => "2",
"word" => "2",
"wordWrap" => "2",
"xtra" => "2",
"xtraList" => "2",
"xtras" => "2",
"zoomBox" => "2",
"zoomWindow" => "2");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: