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ASS_AnswerImagemap Class Reference

Class for true/false or yes/no answers. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for ASS_AnswerImagemap:
+ Collaboration diagram for ASS_AnswerImagemap:

Public Member Functions

 ASS_AnswerImagemap ($answertext="", $points=0.0, $order=0, $coords="", $area="", $id=-1)
 ASS_AnswerImagemap constructor.
 getCoords ()
 Gets the coordinates of an image map.
 setCoords ($coords="")
 Sets the coordinates of an image map.
 getArea ()
 Gets the area of an image map.
 setArea ($area="")
 Sets the area of an image map.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ASS_AnswerBinaryState
 ASS_AnswerBinaryState ($answertext="", $points=0.0, $order=0, $state=0, $id=-1)
 ASS_AnswerBinaryState constructor.
 getState ()
 Gets the state.
 isStateChecked ()
 Gets the state.
 isStateSet ()
 Gets the state.
 isStateUnset ()
 Gets the state.
 isStateUnchecked ()
 Gets the state.
 setState ($state=0)
 Sets the state.
 setChecked ()
 Sets the answer as a checked answer.
 setSet ()
 Sets the answer as a set answer.
 setUnset ()
 Sets the answer as a unset answer.
 setUnchecked ()
 Sets the answer as a unchecked answer.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ASS_AnswerSimple
 ASS_AnswerSimple ($answertext="", $points=0.0, $order=0, $id=-1)
 ASS_AnswerSimple constructor.
 getId ()
 Gets the answer id.
 getAnswertext ()
 Gets the answer text.
 getPoints ()
 Gets the points.
 checkPoints ($a_points)
 Checks, if the point value is numeric.
 getOrder ()
 Gets the sort/display order.
 setOrder ($order=0)
 Sets the order.
 setId ($id=-1)
 Sets the answer id.
 setAnswertext ($answertext="")
 Sets the answer text.
 setPoints ($points=0.0)
 Sets the points.

Data Fields

- Data Fields inherited from ASS_AnswerBinaryState
- Data Fields inherited from ASS_AnswerSimple

Detailed Description

Class for true/false or yes/no answers.

ASS_AnswerImagemap is a class for true/false or yes/no answers used for example in multiple choice tests.

Helmut Schottmüller
class.assAnswerImagemap.php 37485 2012-10-10 09:23:44Z mbecker
See Also

Definition at line 38 of file class.assAnswerImagemap.php.

Member Function Documentation

ASS_AnswerImagemap::ASS_AnswerImagemap (   $answertext = "",
  $points = 0.0,
  $order = 0,
  $coords = "",
  $area = "",
  $id = -1 

ASS_AnswerImagemap constructor.

The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the ASS_AnswerImagemap object.

string$answertextA string defining the answer text
double$pointsThe number of points given for the selected answer
boolean$correctnessA boolean value indicating the correctness of the answer
integer$orderA nonnegative value representing a possible display or sort order public

Definition at line 68 of file class.assAnswerImagemap.php.

References ASS_AnswerSimple\$answertext, $area, $coords, ASS_AnswerSimple\$id, ASS_AnswerSimple\$order, ASS_AnswerSimple\$points, and ASS_AnswerBinaryState\ASS_AnswerBinaryState().

$this->coords = $coords;
$this->area = $area;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ASS_AnswerImagemap::getArea ( )

Gets the area of an image map.

string area public
See Also

Definition at line 115 of file class.assAnswerImagemap.php.

References $area.

return $this->area;
ASS_AnswerImagemap::getCoords ( )

Gets the coordinates of an image map.

string coords public
See Also

Definition at line 90 of file class.assAnswerImagemap.php.

References $coords.

$this->coords = preg_replace("/\s/", "", $this->coords);
return $this->coords;
ASS_AnswerImagemap::setArea (   $area = "")

Sets the area of an image map.

See Also

Definition at line 127 of file class.assAnswerImagemap.php.

References $area.

ASS_AnswerImagemap::setCoords (   $coords = "")

Sets the coordinates of an image map.

See Also

Definition at line 103 of file class.assAnswerImagemap.php.

References $coords.

$coords = preg_replace("/\s/", "", $coords);

Field Documentation


Definition at line 55 of file class.assAnswerImagemap.php.

Referenced by ASS_AnswerImagemap(), getArea(), and setArea().


Definition at line 46 of file class.assAnswerImagemap.php.

Referenced by ASS_AnswerImagemap(), getCoords(), and setCoords().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: