ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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ilInternalLink Class Reference

Class ilInternalLink. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for ilInternalLink:

Public Member Functions

 _deleteAllLinksOfSource ($a_source_type, $a_source_id)
 delete all links of a given source
 _deleteAllLinksToTarget ($a_target_type, $a_target_id, $a_target_inst=0)
 delete all links to a given target
 _saveLink ($a_source_type, $a_source_id, $a_target_type, $a_target_id, $a_target_inst=0)
 save internal link information
 _getSourcesOfTarget ($a_target_type, $a_target_id, $a_target_inst)
 get all sources of a link target
 _getTargetsOfSource ($a_source_type, $a_source_id)
 get all targets of a source object (e.g., a page)
 _getIdForImportId ($a_type, $a_target)
 get current id for an import id
 _exists ($a_type, $a_target)
 check if internal link refers to a valid target
 _extractInstOfTarget ($a_target)
 extract installation id out of target
 _removeInstFromTarget ($a_target)
 removes installation id from target string
 _extractObjIdOfTarget ($a_target)
 extract object id out of target
 _extractTypeOfTarget ($a_target)
 extract type out of target

Detailed Description

Class ilInternalLink.

Some methods to handle internal links

Alex Killing
class.ilInternalLink.php 43889 2013-08-02 12:17:54Z akill

Definition at line 14 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.

Member Function Documentation

ilInternalLink::_deleteAllLinksOfSource (   $a_source_type,

delete all links of a given source

string$a_source_typesource type
int$a_source_ifsource id

Definition at line 22 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.

Referenced by SurveyQuestion\_resolveIntLinks(), assQuestion\_resolveIntLinks(), SurveyQuestion\delete(), assQuestion\deleteSuggestedSolutions(), ilPageObject\saveInternalLinks(), SurveyQuestion\saveMaterial(), and SurveyQuestion\syncWithOriginal().

global $ilias, $ilDB;
$q = "DELETE FROM int_link WHERE source_type = ".
$ilDB->quote($a_source_type, "text")." AND source_id=".
$ilDB->quote((int) $a_source_id, "integer");

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilInternalLink::_deleteAllLinksToTarget (   $a_target_type,
  $a_target_inst = 0 

delete all links to a given target

string$a_target_typetarget type
int$a_target_idtarget id
int$a_target_insttarget installation id

Definition at line 39 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.

Referenced by ilExtPublicProfilePage\delete(), ilPortfolioPage\delete(), and ilWikiPage\delete().

global $ilias, $ilDB;
$ilDB->manipulateF("DELETE FROM int_link WHERE target_type = %s ".
" AND target_id = %s AND target_inst = %s ",
array("text", "integer", "integer"),
array($a_target_type, (int) $a_target_id, (int) $a_target_inst));

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilInternalLink::_exists (   $a_type,

check if internal link refers to a valid target

string$a_typetarget type ("PageObject" | "StructureObject" | "GlossaryItem" | "MediaObject")
string$a_targettarget id, e.g. "il__pg_244")
boolean true/false

Definition at line 227 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.

References $ref_id, and _extractObjIdOfTarget().

Referenced by ilPageObject\resolveIntLinks().

global $tree;
case "PageObject":
case "StructureObject":
return ilLMObject::_exists($a_target);
case "GlossaryItem":
return ilGlossaryTerm::_exists($a_target);
case "MediaObject":
return ilObjMediaObject::_exists($a_target);
case "RepositoryItem":
if (is_int(strpos($a_target, "_")))
return $tree->isInTree($ref_id);
return false;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilInternalLink::_extractInstOfTarget (   $a_target)

extract installation id out of target

string$a_targetimport target id (e.g. "il_2_pg_22")

Definition at line 263 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.

Referenced by _getIdForImportId(), ilPageObject\_handleImportRepositoryLinks(), ilPCQuestionGUI\edit(), ilQuestionExporter\exportQuestion(), ilPCQuestionGUI\feedback(), ilPageObject\getQuestionIds(), ilPageObject\newIIMCopies(), ilPageObject\newMobCopies(), ilPageObject\newQuestionCopies(), ilPageObject\resolveIntLinks(), ilPageObject\saveInternalLinks(), ilPCQuestionGUI\setTabs(), and ilLMObject\updateInternalLinks().

if (!is_int(strpos($a_target, "__")))
$target = explode("_", $a_target);
if ($target[1] > 0)
return $target[1];
return false;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilInternalLink::_extractTypeOfTarget (   $a_target)

extract type out of target

string$a_targetimport target id (e.g. "il_2_pg_22")

Definition at line 310 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.

Referenced by ilLMObject\updateInternalLinks().

$target = explode("_", $a_target);
return $target[count($target) - 2];

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilInternalLink::_getIdForImportId (   $a_type,

get current id for an import id

string$a_typetarget type ("PageObject" | "StructureObject" | "GlossaryItem" | "MediaObject")
string$a_targetimport target id (e.g. "il_2_pg_22")
string current target id (e.g. "il__pg_244")

Definition at line 142 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.

References _extractInstOfTarget(), and ilObject\_getAllReferences().

Referenced by SurveyQuestion\_resolveInternalLink(), assQuestion\_resolveInternalLink(), ilMapArea\_resolveIntLinks(), and ilPageObject\resolveIntLinks().

case "PageObject":
if($id > 0)
return "il__pg_".$id;
case "StructureObject":
if($id > 0)
return "il__st_".$id;
case "GlossaryItem":
if($id > 0)
return "il__git_".$id;
case "MediaObject":
if($id > 0)
return "il__mob_".$id;
case "RepositoryItem":
$tarr = explode("_", $a_target);
$import_id = $a_target;
// if a ref id part is given, strip this
// since this will not be part of an import id
if ($tarr[4] != "")
$import_id = $tarr[0]."_".$tarr[1]."_".$tarr[2]."_".$tarr[3];
if (ilInternalLink::_extractInstOfTarget($a_target) == IL_INST_ID
&& IL_INST_ID > 0)
// does it have a ref id part?
if ($tarr[4] != "")
return "il__obj_".$tarr[4];
$id = ilObject::_getIdForImportId($import_id);
//echo "-$a_target-$id-";
// get ref id for object id
// (see ilPageObject::insertInstIntoIDs for the export procedure)
if($id > 0)
foreach ($refs as $ref)
return "il__obj_".$ref;
return false;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilInternalLink::_getSourcesOfTarget (   $a_target_type,

get all sources of a link target

string$a_target_typetarget type
int$a_target_idtarget id
int$a_target_insttarget installation id
array sources (array of array("type", "id"))

Definition at line 86 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.

Referenced by ilPageObject\_handleImportRepositoryLinks(), ilWebAccessChecker\checkAccessGlossaryTerm(), ilWikiPage\getLinksToPage(), ilWikiPage\getOrphanedPages(), ilGlossaryTerm\getUsages(), ilGlossaryPresentationGUI\listDefinitions(), ilContObjParser\processPagesToParse(), ilWikiPage\rename(), and ilLMObject\updateInternalLinks().

global $ilias, $ilDB;
$q = "SELECT * FROM int_link WHERE ".
"target_type = ".$ilDB->quote($a_target_type, "text")." AND ".
"target_id = ".$ilDB->quote((int) $a_target_id, "integer")." AND ".
"target_inst = ".$ilDB->quote((int) $a_target_inst, "integer");
$source_set = $ilDB->query($q);
$sources = array();
while ($source_rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($source_set))
$sources[$source_rec["source_type"].":".$source_rec["source_id"]] =
array("type" => $source_rec["source_type"], "id" => $source_rec["source_id"]);
return $sources;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilInternalLink::_getTargetsOfSource (   $a_source_type,

get all targets of a source object (e.g., a page)

string$a_source_typesource type (e.g. "lm:pg" | "dbk:pg")
int$a_source_idsource id
array targets (array of array("type", "id", "inst"))

Definition at line 113 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.

Referenced by ilObjContentObject\exportHTMLPages(), ilSCORM2004Asset\getGlossaryTermIds(), ilPageObjectGUI\showPage(), and ilLMPresentationGUI\showPrintView().

global $ilDB;
$q = "SELECT * FROM int_link WHERE ".
"source_type = ".$ilDB->quote($a_source_type, "text")." AND ".
"source_id = ".$ilDB->quote((int) $a_source_id, "integer");
$target_set = $ilDB->query($q);
$targets = array();
while ($target_rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($target_set))
$targets[$target_rec["target_type"].":".$target_rec["target_id"].":".$target_rec["target_inst"]] =
array("type" => $target_rec["target_type"], "id" => $target_rec["target_id"],
"inst" => $target_rec["target_inst"]);
return $targets;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilInternalLink::_removeInstFromTarget (   $a_target)

removes installation id from target string

string$a_targetimport target id (e.g. "il_2_pg_22")

Definition at line 281 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.

Referenced by ilPageObject\resolveIntLinks().

if (!is_int(strpos($a_target, "__")))
$target = explode("_", $a_target);
if ($target[1] > 0)
return "il__".$target[2]."_".$target[3];
return false;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilInternalLink::_saveLink (   $a_source_type,
  $a_target_inst = 0 

save internal link information

string$a_source_typesource type
int$a_source_ifsource id
string$a_target_typetarget type
int$a_target_idtarget id
int$a_target_insttarget installation id

Definition at line 58 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.

Referenced by SurveyQuestion\_resolveIntLinks(), assQuestion\_resolveIntLinks(), ilWikiPage\saveInternalLinks(), ilPageObject\saveInternalLinks(), SurveyQuestion\saveMaterial(), and SurveyQuestion\syncWithOriginal().

global $ilias, $ilDB;
$ilDB->manipulate("DELETE FROM int_link WHERE ".
"source_type = ".$ilDB->quote($a_source_type, "text")." AND ".
"source_id = ".$ilDB->quote((int) $a_source_id, "integer")." AND ".
"target_type = ".$ilDB->quote($a_target_type, "text")." AND ".
"target_id = ".$ilDB->quote((int) $a_target_id, "integer")." AND ".
"target_inst = ".$ilDB->quote((int) $a_target_inst, "integer"));
$ilDB->manipulate("INSERT INTO int_link ".
"(source_type, source_id, target_type, target_id, target_inst) VALUES (".
$ilDB->quote($a_source_type, "text").",".
$ilDB->quote((int) $a_source_id, "integer").",".
$ilDB->quote($a_target_type, "text").",".
$ilDB->quote((int) $a_target_id, "integer").",".
$ilDB->quote((int) $a_target_inst, "integer").")");

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: