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ilRbacAdmin Class Reference

Class ilRbacAdmin Core functions for role based access control. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for ilRbacAdmin:

Public Member Functions

 ilRbacAdmin ()
 Constructor public.
 removeUser ($a_usr_id)
 deletes a user from rbac_ua all user <-> role relations are deleted public
 deleteRole ($a_rol_id, $a_ref_id)
 Deletes a role and deletes entries in object_data, rbac_pa, rbac_templates, rbac_ua, rbac_fa public.
 deleteTemplate ($a_obj_id)
 Deletes a template from role folder and deletes all entries in rbac_templates, rbac_fa public.
 deleteLocalRole ($a_rol_id, $a_ref_id=0)
 Deletes a local role and entries in rbac_fa and rbac_templates public.
 assignUser ($a_rol_id, $a_usr_id, $a_default=false)
 Assigns an user to a role.
 deassignUser ($a_rol_id, $a_usr_id)
 Deassigns a user from a role.
 grantPermission ($a_rol_id, $a_ops, $a_ref_id)
 Grants a permission to an object and a specific role.
 revokePermission ($a_ref_id, $a_rol_id=0, $a_keep_protected=true)
 Revokes permissions of an object of one role.
 revokeSubtreePermissions ($a_ref_id, $a_role_id)
 Revoke subtree permissions.
 deleteSubtreeTemplates ($a_ref_id, $a_rol_id)
 Delete all template permissions of subtree nodes.
 revokePermissionList ($a_ref_ids, $a_rol_id)
 Revokes permissions of a LIST of objects of ONE role.
 copyRolePermissions ($a_source_id, $a_source_parent, $a_dest_parent, $a_dest_id, $a_consider_protected=true)
 Copies template permissions and permission of one role to another.
 copyRoleTemplatePermissions ($a_source_id, $a_source_parent, $a_dest_parent, $a_dest_id, $a_consider_protected=true)
 Copies template permissions of one role to another.
 copyRolePermissionIntersection ($a_source1_id, $a_source1_parent, $a_source2_id, $a_source2_parent, $a_dest_parent, $a_dest_id)
 Copies the intersection of the template permissions of two roles to a third role.
 copyRolePermissionUnion ($a_source1_id, $a_source1_parent, $a_source2_id, $a_source2_parent, $a_dest_id, $a_dest_parent)
 <type> $ilDB
 deleteRolePermission ($a_rol_id, $a_ref_id, $a_type=false)
 Deletes all entries of a template.
 setRolePermission ($a_rol_id, $a_type, $a_ops, $a_ref_id)
 Inserts template permissions in rbac_templates for an specific object type.
 assignRoleToFolder ($a_rol_id, $a_parent, $a_assign="y")
 Assigns a role to an role folder A role folder is an object to store roles.
 assignOperationToObject ($a_type_id, $a_ops_id)
 Assign an existing operation to an object Update of rbac_ta.
 deassignOperationFromObject ($a_type_id, $a_ops_id)
 Deassign an existing operation from an object Update of rbac_ta public.
 setProtected ($a_ref_id, $a_role_id, $a_value)
 copyLocalRoles ($a_source_id, $a_target_id)
 Copy local roles This method creates a copy of all local role.
 adjustMovedObjectPermissions ($a_ref_id, $a_old_parent)
 Adjust permissions of moved objects.

Detailed Description

Class ilRbacAdmin Core functions for role based access control.

Creation and maintenance of Relations. The main relations of Rbac are user <-> role (UR) assignment relation and the permission <-> role (PR) assignment relation. This class contains methods to 'create' and 'delete' instances of the (UR) relation e.g.: assignUser(), deassignUser() Required methods for the PR relation are grantPermission(), revokePermission()

Stefan Meyer
class.ilRbacAdmin.php 32886 2012-01-30 10:20:03Z smeyer

Definition at line 38 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

Member Function Documentation

ilRbacAdmin::adjustMovedObjectPermissions (   $a_ref_id,

Adjust permissions of moved objects.

  • Delete permissions of parent roles that do not exist in new context
  • Delete role templates of parent roles that do not exist in new context
  • Add permissions for parent roles that did not exist in old context


intref id of moved object
intref_id of old parent

Definition at line 1064 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $ilLog, $log, ilRbacLog\add(), deleteLocalRole(), ilRbacLog\diffFaPa(), ilRbacLog\gatherFaPa(), grantPermission(), ilRbacLog\isActive(), ilRbacLog\MOVE_OBJECT, and revokePermission().

global $rbacreview,$tree,$ilLog;
$new_parent = $tree->getParentId($a_ref_id);
$old_context_roles = $rbacreview->getParentRoleIds($a_old_parent,false);
$new_context_roles = $rbacreview->getParentRoleIds($new_parent,false);
$for_addition = $for_deletion = array();
foreach($new_context_roles as $new_role_id => $new_role)
$for_addition[$new_role_id] = $new_role;
elseif($new_role['parent'] != $old_context_roles[$new_role_id]['parent'])
// handle stopped inheritance
$for_deletion[$new_role_id] = $new_role;
$for_addition[$new_role_id] = $new_role;
foreach($old_context_roles as $old_role_id => $old_role)
$for_deletion[$old_role_id] = $old_role;
if(!count($for_deletion) and !count($for_addition))
return true;
include_once "Services/AccessControl/classes/class.ilRbacLog.php";
$rbac_log_active = ilRbacLog::isActive();
$role_ids = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($for_deletion), array_keys($for_addition)));
foreach($nodes = $tree->getSubTree($node_data = $tree->getNodeData($a_ref_id),true) as $node_data)
$node_id = $node_data['child'];
$log_old = ilRbacLog::gatherFaPa($node_id, $role_ids);
// If $node_data['type'] is not set, this means there is a tree entry without
// object_reference and/or object_data entry
// Continue in this case
$ilLog->write(__METHOD__.': No type give. Choosing next tree entry.');
$ilLog->write(__METHOD__.': Missing subtree node_id');
foreach($for_deletion as $role_id => $role_data)
if($rolf_id = $rbacreview->getRoleFolderIdOfObject($node_id))
foreach($for_addition as $role_id => $role_data)
$ops = $rbacreview->getOperationsOfRole($role_id,$node_data['type'],$role_data['parent']),
$log_new = ilRbacLog::gatherFaPa($node_id, $role_ids);
$log = ilRbacLog::diffFaPa($log_old, $log_new);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::assignOperationToObject (   $a_type_id,

Assign an existing operation to an object Update of rbac_ta.


integerobject type

Definition at line 926 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, and $res.

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_type_id) or !isset($a_ops_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::assignOperationToObject(): Missing parameter!".
"type_id: ".$a_type_id.
"ops_id: ".$a_ops_id;
$query = "INSERT INTO rbac_ta (typ_id, ops_id) ".
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::assignRoleToFolder (   $a_rol_id,
  $a_assign = "y" 

Assigns a role to an role folder A role folder is an object to store roles.

Every role is assigned to minimum one role folder If the inheritance of a role is stopped, a new role template will created, and the role is assigned to minimum two role folders. All roles with stopped inheritance need the flag '$a_assign = false'


integerobject id of role
integerref_id of role folder
stringassignable('y','n'); default: 'y'

Definition at line 882 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, and $res.

Referenced by copyLocalRoles().

global $ilDB,$rbacreview;
if (!isset($a_rol_id) or !isset($a_parent))
$message = get_class($this)."::assignRoleToFolder(): Missing Parameter!".
" role_id: ".$a_rol_id.
" parent_id: ".$a_parent.
" assign: ".$a_assign;
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
// if a wrong value is passed, always set assign to "n"
if ($a_assign != "y")
$a_assign = "n";
$query = sprintf('INSERT INTO rbac_fa (rol_id, parent, assign, protected) '.
'VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)',
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
return true;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::assignUser (   $a_rol_id,
  $a_default = false 

Assigns an user to a role.

Update of table rbac_ua TODO: remove deprecated 3rd parameter sometime public

integerobject_id of role
integerobject_id of user
booleantrue means default role (optional

Definition at line 209 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, $res, ilLDAPRoleGroupMapping\_getInstance(), and ilObjectFactory\getInstanceByObjId().

global $ilDB,$rbacreview;
if (!isset($a_rol_id) or !isset($a_usr_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::assignUser(): Missing parameter! role_id: ".$a_rol_id." usr_id: ".$a_usr_id;
// check if already assigned user id and role_id
$alreadyAssigned = $rbacreview->isAssigned($a_usr_id,$a_rol_id);
// enhanced: only if we haven't had this role for this user
if (!$alreadyAssigned)
$query = "INSERT INTO rbac_ua (usr_id, rol_id) ".
"VALUES (".$ilDB->quote($a_usr_id,'integer').",".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id,'integer').")";
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
include_once 'Services/AccessControl/classes/class.ilRoleDesktopItem.php';
$role_desk_item_obj =& new ilRoleDesktopItem($a_rol_id);
if(is_object($tmp_user = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByObjId($a_usr_id,false)))
foreach($role_desk_item_obj->getAll() as $item_data)
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::copyLocalRoles (   $a_source_id,

Copy local roles This method creates a copy of all local role.

Note: auto generated roles are excluded


intsource id of object (not role folder)
inttarget id of object

Definition at line 995 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $ilLog, $title, assignRoleToFolder(), copyRolePermissions(), and ilObjectFactory\getInstanceByRefId().

global $rbacreview,$ilLog,$ilObjDataCache;
$source_rolf = $rbacreview->getRoleFolderIdOfObject($a_source_id);
$target_rolf = $rbacreview->getRoleFolderIdOfObject($a_target_id);
// Nothing to do
return true;
$real_local = array();
foreach($rbacreview->getRolesOfRoleFolder($source_rolf,false) as $role_data)
$title = $ilObjDataCache->lookupTitle($role_data);
if(substr($title,0,3) == 'il_')
$real_local[] = $role_data;
return true;
// Create role folder
$tmp_obj = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByRefId($a_target_id,false);
return false;
$rolf = $tmp_obj->createRoleFolder();
$target_rolf = $rolf->getRefId();
$ilLog->write(__METHOD__.': Created new role folder with id '.$rolf->getRefId());
foreach($real_local as $role)
include_once ("./Services/AccessControl/classes/class.ilObjRole.php");
$orig = new ilObjRole($role);
$ilLog->write(__METHOD__.': Start copying of role '.$orig->getTitle());
$roleObj = new ilObjRole();
$ilLog->write(__METHOD__.': Added new local role, id '.$roleObj->getId());

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::copyRolePermissionIntersection (   $a_source1_id,

Copies the intersection of the template permissions of two roles to a third role.


integer$a_source1_idrole_id source
integer$a_source1_parentparent_id source
integer$a_source2_idrole_id source
integer$a_source2_parentparent_id source
integer$a_dest_idrole_id destination
integer$a_dest_parentparent_id destination

Definition at line 651 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $GLOBALS, $query, $res, $row, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.

global $rbacreview,$ilDB;
if (!isset($a_source1_id) or !isset($a_source1_parent)
or !isset($a_source2_id) or !isset($a_source2_parent)
or !isset($a_dest_id) or !isset($a_dest_parent))
$message = get_class($this)."::copyRolePermissionIntersection(): Missing parameter! source1_id: ".$a_source1_id.
" source1_parent: ".$a_source1_parent.
" source2_id: ".$a_source2_id.
" source2_parent: ".$a_source2_parent.
" dest_id: ".$a_dest_id.
" dest_parent_id: ".$a_dest_parent;
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_dest_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
if ($rbacreview->isProtected($a_source2_parent,$a_source2_id))
$GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__.': Role is protected');
return true;
$query = "SELECT s1.type, s1.ops_id ".
"FROM rbac_templates s1, rbac_templates s2 ".
"WHERE s1.rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_source1_id,'integer')." ".
"AND s1.parent = ".$ilDB->quote($a_source1_parent,'integer')." ".
"AND s2.rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_source2_id,'integer')." ".
"AND s2.parent = ".$ilDB->quote($a_source2_parent,'integer')." ".
"AND s1.type = s2.type ".
"AND s1.ops_id = s2.ops_id";
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
$operations = array();
$rowNum = 0;
while($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT))
$operations[$rowNum]['type'] = $row->type;
$operations[$rowNum]['ops_id'] = $row->ops_id;
// Delete template permissions of target
$query = 'DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id = '.$ilDB->quote($a_dest_id,'integer').' '.
'AND parent = '.$ilDB->quote($a_dest_parent,'integer');
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
$query = 'INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) '.
'VALUES (?,?,?,?)';
$sta = $ilDB->prepareManip($query,array('integer','text','integer','integer'));
foreach($operations as $key => $set)
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::copyRolePermissions (   $a_source_id,
  $a_consider_protected = true 

Copies template permissions and permission of one role to another.


integer$a_source_idrole_id source
integer$a_source_parentparent_id source
integer$a_dest_parentparent_id destination
integer$a_dest_idrole_id destination

Definition at line 552 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References copyRoleTemplatePermissions(), grantPermission(), and revokePermission().

Referenced by copyLocalRoles().

global $tree,$rbacreview;
// Copy template permissions
$source_obj = $tree->getParentId($a_source_parent);
$target_obj = $tree->getParentId($a_dest_parent);
$ops = $rbacreview->getRoleOperationsOnObject($a_source_id,$source_obj);
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::copyRolePermissionUnion (   $a_source1_id,

<type> $ilDB


Definition at line 729 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, and copyRoleTemplatePermissions().

global $ilDB, $rbacreview;
$s1_ops = $rbacreview->getAllOperationsOfRole($a_source1_id,$a_source1_parent);
$s2_ops = $rbacreview->getAlloperationsOfRole($a_source2_id,$a_source2_parent);
foreach($s2_ops as $type => $ops)
foreach($ops as $op)
if(!isset($s1_ops[$type]) or !in_array($op, $s1_ops[$type]))
$query = 'INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) '.
$ilDB->quote($a_dest_id,'integer').', '.
$ilDB->quote($type,'text').', '.
$ilDB->quote($op,'integer').', '.
$ilDB->quote($a_dest_parent,'integer').' '.
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::copyRoleTemplatePermissions (   $a_source_id,
  $a_consider_protected = true 

Copies template permissions of one role to another.

It's also possible to copy template permissions from/to RoleTemplateObject public

integer$a_source_idrole_id source
integer$a_source_parentparent_id source
integer$a_dest_parentparent_id destination
integer$a_dest_idrole_id destination

Definition at line 578 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, $res, $row, and setProtected().

Referenced by copyRolePermissions(), and copyRolePermissionUnion().

global $rbacreview,$ilDB;
if (!isset($a_source_id) or !isset($a_source_parent) or !isset($a_dest_id) or !isset($a_dest_parent))
$message = __METHOD__.": Missing parameter! source_id: ".$a_source_id.
" source_parent_id: ".$a_source_parent.
" dest_id : ".$a_dest_id.
" dest_parent_id: ".$a_dest_parent;
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_dest_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
// Read operations
$query = 'SELECT * FROM rbac_templates '.
'WHERE rol_id = '.$ilDB->quote($a_source_id,'integer').' '.
'AND parent = '.$ilDB->quote($a_source_parent,'integer');
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
$operations = array();
$rownum = 0;
while ($row = $ilDB->fetchObject($res))
$operations[$rownum]['type'] = $row->type;
$operations[$rownum]['ops_id'] = $row->ops_id;
// Delete target permissions
$query = 'DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id = '.$ilDB->quote($a_dest_id,'integer').' '.
'AND parent = '.$ilDB->quote($a_dest_parent,'integer');
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
foreach($operations as $row => $op)
$query = 'INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) '.
// copy also protection status if applicable
if ($a_consider_protected == true)
if ($rbacreview->isProtected($a_source_parent,$a_source_id))
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::deassignOperationFromObject (   $a_type_id,

Deassign an existing operation from an object Update of rbac_ta public.

integerobject type

Definition at line 952 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, and $res.

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_type_id) or !isset($a_ops_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::deassignPermissionFromObject(): Missing parameter!".
"type_id: ".$a_type_id.
"ops_id: ".$a_ops_id;
$query = "DELETE FROM rbac_ta ".
"WHERE typ_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_type_id,'integer')." ".
"AND ops_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ops_id,'integer');
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::deassignUser (   $a_rol_id,

Deassigns a user from a role.

Update of table rbac_ua public

integerobject id of role
integerobject id of user
boolean true on success

Definition at line 259 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, $res, and ilLDAPRoleGroupMapping\_getInstance().

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_rol_id) or !isset($a_usr_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::deassignUser(): Missing parameter! role_id: ".$a_rol_id." usr_id: ".$a_usr_id;
$query = "DELETE FROM rbac_ua ".
"WHERE usr_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_usr_id,'integer')." ".
"AND rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id,'integer')." ";
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::deleteLocalRole (   $a_rol_id,
  $a_ref_id = 0 

Deletes a local role and entries in rbac_fa and rbac_templates public.

integerobject_id of role
integerref_id of role folder (optional)
boolean true on success

Definition at line 166 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, and $res.

Referenced by adjustMovedObjectPermissions(), and deleteRole().

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_rol_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::deleteLocalRole(): Missing parameter! role_id: '".$a_rol_id."'";
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
if ($a_ref_id != 0)
$clause = 'AND parent = '.$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id,'integer').' ';
$query = 'DELETE FROM rbac_fa '.
'WHERE rol_id = '.$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id,'integer').' '.
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
$query = 'DELETE FROM rbac_templates '.
'WHERE rol_id = '.$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id,'integer').' '.
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
return true;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::deleteRole (   $a_rol_id,

Deletes a role and deletes entries in object_data, rbac_pa, rbac_templates, rbac_ua, rbac_fa public.

integerobj_id of role (role_id)
integerref_id of role folder (ref_id)
boolean true on success

Definition at line 92 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $lng, $query, $res, ilLDAPRoleGroupMapping\_getInstance(), and deleteLocalRole().

global $lng,$ilDB;
if (!isset($a_rol_id) or !isset($a_ref_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::deleteRole(): Missing parameter! role_id: ".$a_rol_id." ref_id of role folder: ".$a_ref_id;
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
// TODO: check assigned users before deletion
// This is done in ilObjRole. Should be better moved to this place?
// delete user assignements
$query = "DELETE FROM rbac_ua ".
"WHERE rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id,'integer');
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
// delete permission assignments
$query = "DELETE FROM rbac_pa ".
"WHERE rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id,'integer')." ";
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
//delete rbac_templates and rbac_fa
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::deleteRolePermission (   $a_rol_id,
  $a_type = false 

Deletes all entries of a template.

If an object type is given for third parameter only the entries for that object type are deleted Update of table rbac_templates. public

integerobject id of role
integerref_id of role folder
stringobject type (optional)

Definition at line 780 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, and $res.

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_rol_id) or !isset($a_ref_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::deleteRolePermission(): Missing parameter! role_id: ".$a_rol_id." ref_id: ".$a_ref_id;
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
if ($a_type !== false)
$and_type = " AND type=".$ilDB->quote($a_type,'text')." ";
$query = 'DELETE FROM rbac_templates '.
'WHERE rol_id = '.$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id,'integer').' '.
'AND parent = '.$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id,'integer').' '.
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::deleteSubtreeTemplates (   $a_ref_id,

Delete all template permissions of subtree nodes.


Definition at line 477 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query.

global $ilDB;
$query = "DELETE FROM rbac_templates ".
"WHERE parent IN ".
"(SELECT child FROM tree WHERE ".
"lft >= (SELECT lft FROM tree WHERE child = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id,'integer')." ) AND ".
"rgt <= (SELECT rgt FROM tree WHERE child = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id,'integer')." ) ".
") ".
"AND rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id,'integer');
$query = "DELETE FROM rbac_fa ".
"WHERE parent IN ".
"(SELECT child FROM tree WHERE ".
"lft >= (SELECT lft FROM tree WHERE child = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id,'integer')." ) AND ".
"rgt <= (SELECT rgt FROM tree WHERE child = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id,'integer')." ) ".
") ".
"AND rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id,'integer');
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::deleteTemplate (   $a_obj_id)

Deletes a template from role folder and deletes all entries in rbac_templates, rbac_fa public.

integerobject_id of role template

Definition at line 138 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, and $res.

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_obj_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::deleteTemplate(): No obj_id given!";
$query = 'DELETE FROM rbac_templates '.
'WHERE rol_id = '.$ilDB->quote($a_obj_id,'integer');
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
$query = 'DELETE FROM rbac_fa '.
'WHERE rol_id = '.$ilDB->quote($a_obj_id,'integer');
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::grantPermission (   $a_rol_id,

Grants a permission to an object and a specific role.

Update of table rbac_pa public

integerobject id of role
arrayarray of operation ids
integerreference id of that object which is granted the permissions

Definition at line 289 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, and $res.

Referenced by adjustMovedObjectPermissions(), and copyRolePermissions().

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_rol_id) or !isset($a_ops) or !isset($a_ref_id))
$this->ilErr->raiseError(get_class($this)."::grantPermission(): Missing parameter! ".
"role_id: ".$a_rol_id." ref_id: ".$a_ref_id." operations: ",$this->ilErr->WARNING);
if (!is_array($a_ops))
$this->ilErr->raiseError(get_class($this)."::grantPermission(): Wrong datatype for operations!",
if (count($a_ops) == 0)
return false;
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
// convert all values to integer
foreach ($a_ops as $key => $operation)
$a_ops[$key] = (int) $operation;
// Serialization des ops_id Arrays
$ops_ids = serialize($a_ops);
$query = 'DELETE FROM rbac_pa '.
'WHERE rol_id = %s '.
'AND ref_id = %s';
$res = $ilDB->queryF($query,array('integer','integer'),
return false;
$query = "INSERT INTO rbac_pa (rol_id,ops_id,ref_id) ".
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
return true;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::ilRbacAdmin ( )

Constructor public.

Definition at line 44 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $ilErr, if, and PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK.

global $ilDB,$ilErr,$ilias;
// set db & error handler
(isset($ilDB)) ? $this->ilDB =& $ilDB : $this->ilDB =& $ilias->db;
if (!isset($ilErr))
$ilErr = new ilErrorHandling();
$this->ilErr =& $ilErr;
ilRbacAdmin::removeUser (   $a_usr_id)

deletes a user from rbac_ua all user <-> role relations are deleted public

boolean true on success

Definition at line 69 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, and $res.

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_usr_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::removeUser(): No usr_id given!";
$query = "DELETE FROM rbac_ua WHERE usr_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_usr_id,'integer');
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::revokePermission (   $a_ref_id,
  $a_rol_id = 0,
  $a_keep_protected = true 

Revokes permissions of an object of one role.

Update of table rbac_pa. Revokes all permission for all roles for that object (with this reference). When a role_id is given this applies only to that role public

integerreference id of object where permissions should be revoked
integerrole_id (optional: if you want to revoke permissions of object only for a specific role)

Definition at line 354 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $ilLog, $log, $query, and $res.

Referenced by adjustMovedObjectPermissions(), and copyRolePermissions().

global $rbacreview,$log,$ilDB,$ilLog;
if (!isset($a_ref_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::revokePermission(): Missing parameter! ref_id: ".$a_ref_id;
#$log->write("ilRBACadmin::revokePermission(), 0");
// bypass protected status of roles
if ($a_keep_protected != true)
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
if ($a_rol_id)
$and1 = " AND rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id,'integer')." ";
$and1 = "";
$query = "DELETE FROM rbac_pa ".
"WHERE ref_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id,'integer').
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
return true;
// consider protected status of roles
// in any case, get all roles in scope first
$roles_in_scope = $rbacreview->getParentRoleIds($a_ref_id);
if (!$a_rol_id)
#$log->write("ilRBACadmin::revokePermission(), 1");
$role_ids = array();
foreach ($roles_in_scope as $role)
if ($role['protected'] == true)
$role_ids[] = $role['obj_id'];
// return if no role in array
if (!$role_ids)
return true;
$query = 'DELETE FROM rbac_pa '.
'WHERE '.$ilDB->in('rol_id',$role_ids,false,'integer').' '.
'AND ref_id = '.$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id,'integer');
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
#$log->write("ilRBACadmin::revokePermission(), 2");
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
// exclude protected permission settings from revoking
if ($roles_in_scope[$a_rol_id]['protected'] == true)
return true;
$query = "DELETE FROM rbac_pa ".
"WHERE ref_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id,'integer')." ".
"AND rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id,'integer')." ";
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
return true;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::revokePermissionList (   $a_ref_ids,

Revokes permissions of a LIST of objects of ONE role.

Update of table rbac_pa. public

arraylist of reference_ids to revoke permissions

Definition at line 512 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, and $res.

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_ref_ids) or !is_array($a_ref_ids))
$message = get_class($this)."::revokePermissionList(): Missing parameter or parameter is not an array! reference_list: ".var_dump($a_ref_ids);
if (!isset($a_rol_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::revokePermissionList(): Missing parameter! rol_id: ".$a_rol_id;
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
$query = "DELETE FROM rbac_pa ".
"WHERE ".$ilDB->in('ref_id',$a_ref_ids,false,'integer').' '.
"AND rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id,'integer');
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::revokeSubtreePermissions (   $a_ref_id,

Revoke subtree permissions.


Definition at line 455 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query.

global $ilDB;
$query = "DELETE FROM rbac_pa ".
"WHERE ref_id IN ".
"(SELECT child FROM tree WHERE ".
"lft >= (SELECT lft FROM tree WHERE child = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id,'integer')." ) AND ".
"rgt <= (SELECT rgt FROM tree WHERE child = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id,'integer')." ) ".
") ".
"AND rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_role_id,'integer');
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::setProtected (   $a_ref_id,

Definition at line 972 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, and $res.

Referenced by copyRoleTemplatePermissions().

global $ilDB;
// ref_id not used yet. protected permission acts 'global' for each role,
// regardless of any broken inheritance before
$query = 'UPDATE rbac_fa '.
'SET protected = '.$ilDB->quote($a_value,'text').' '.
'WHERE rol_id = '.$ilDB->quote($a_role_id,'integer');
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
return true;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::setRolePermission (   $a_rol_id,

Inserts template permissions in rbac_templates for an specific object type.

Update of table rbac_templates public

stringobject type
integerref_id of role folder object

Definition at line 821 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $query, and $res.

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_rol_id) or !isset($a_type) or !isset($a_ops) or !isset($a_ref_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::setRolePermission(): Missing parameter!".
" role_id: ".$a_rol_id.
" type: ".$a_type.
" operations: ".$a_ops.
" ref_id: ".$a_ref_id;
if (!is_string($a_type) or empty($a_type))
$message = get_class($this)."::setRolePermission(): a_type is no string or empty!";
if (!is_array($a_ops) or empty($a_ops))
$message = get_class($this)."::setRolePermission(): a_ops is no array or empty!";
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
$query = 'INSERT INTO rbac_templates (rol_id,type,ops_id,parent) '.
'VALUES (?,?,?,?)';
$sta = $ilDB->prepareManip($query,array('integer','text','integer','integer'));
foreach ($a_ops as $op)
$res = $ilDB->execute($sta,array(
return true;

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