ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_SearchScript Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_SearchScript:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_SearchScript:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_SearchScript ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_SearchScript.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_SearchScript::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 440 of file HFile_SearchScript.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_SearchScript::HFile_SearchScript ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_SearchScript.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// SearchScript
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommenton = array("%-");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("-%");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"<A" => "1",
"</A>" => "1",
"<ABOVE>" => "1",
"<ADDRESS>" => "1",
"</ADDRESS>" => "1",
"<APPLET" => "1",
"</APPLET>" => "1",
"<ARRAY>" => "1",
"<AREA" => "1",
"</AREA" => "1",
"<B>" => "1",
"</B>" => "1",
"<BASE" => "1",
"<BASEFONT" => "1",
"<BGSOUND" => "1",
"<BIG>" => "1",
"</BIG>" => "1",
"<BLINK>" => "1",
"</BLINK>" => "1",
"<BLOCKQUOTE>" => "1",
"</BLOCKQUOTE>" => "1",
"<BODY" => "1",
"<BODY>" => "1",
"</BODY>" => "1",
"<BOX>" => "1",
"<BR" => "1",
"<BR>" => "1",
"<CAPTION>" => "1",
"</CAPTION>" => "1",
"<CENTER>" => "1",
"</CENTER>" => "1",
"<CITE>" => "1",
"</CITE>" => "1",
"<CODE>" => "1",
"</CODE>" => "1",
"<DD>" => "1",
"<DFN>" => "1",
"<DIR>" => "1",
"</DIR>" => "1",
"<DIV" => "1",
"</DIV>" => "1",
"<DL>" => "1",
"</DL>" => "1",
"<DT>" => "1",
"<EM>" => "1",
"</EM>" => "1",
"<EMBED" => "1",
"<FIG>" => "1",
"<FONT" => "1",
"</FONT>" => "1",
"<FORM>" => "1",
"<FORM" => "1",
"</FORM>" => "1",
"<FRAME" => "1",
"<FRAMESET" => "1",
"</FRAMESET>" => "1",
"<H" => "1",
"<H1>" => "1",
"<H2>" => "1",
"<H3>" => "1",
"<H4>" => "1",
"<H5>" => "1",
"<H6>" => "1",
"</H1>" => "1",
"</H2>" => "1",
"</H3>" => "1",
"</H4>" => "1",
"</H5>" => "1",
"</H6>" => "1",
"<HEAD>" => "1",
"</HEAD>" => "1",
"<HR>" => "1",
"<HR" => "1",
"<HTML>" => "1",
"</HTML>" => "1",
"<I>" => "1",
"</I>" => "1",
"<IMG" => "1",
"<INPUT>" => "1",
"<INPUT" => "1",
"<ISINDEX>" => "1",
"<KBD>" => "1",
"</KBD>" => "1",
"<LI>" => "1",
"<LINK" => "1",
"</LI>" => "1",
"<MAP" => "1",
"</MAP>" => "1",
"<MARQUEE" => "1",
"</MARQUEE>" => "1",
"<MENU>" => "1",
"</MENU>" => "1",
"<META" => "1",
"<NEXTID" => "1",
"<NOBR>" => "1",
"</NOBR>" => "1",
"<NOFRAMES>" => "1",
"</NOFRAMES>" => "1",
"<NOTE>" => "1",
"</NOTE>" => "1",
"<OL>" => "1",
"</OL>" => "1",
"<OPTION>" => "1",
"<OPTION" => "1",
"<P" => "1",
"<P>" => "1",
"</P>" => "1",
"<PRE>" => "1",
"</PRE>" => "1",
"<PARAM>" => "1",
"<RANGE>" => "1",
"<ROOT>" => "1",
"<SAMP>" => "1",
"</SAMP>" => "1",
"<SCRIPT" => "1",
"</SCRIPT>" => "1",
"<SELECT>" => "1",
"</SELECT>" => "1",
"<SMALL>" => "1",
"</SMALL>" => "1",
"<SOUND" => "1",
"<SQRT>" => "1",
"<STYLE>" => "1",
"<STRIKE>" => "1",
"</STRIKE>" => "1",
"<STRONG>" => "1",
"</STRONG>" => "1",
"<SUB>" => "1",
"</SUB>" => "1",
"<SUP>" => "1",
"</SUP>" => "1",
"<SELECT" => "1",
"<TABLE>" => "1",
"<TABLE" => "1",
"</TABLE>" => "1",
"<TD" => "1",
"<TD>" => "1",
"</TD>" => "1",
"<TEXT>" => "1",
"<TEXTAREA" => "1",
"<TEXTAREA>" => "1",
"</TEXTAREA>" => "1",
"<TH" => "1",
"<TH>" => "1",
"</TH>" => "1",
"<TITLE>" => "1",
"</TITLE>" => "1",
"<TR" => "1",
"<TR>" => "1",
"</TR>" => "1",
"<TT>" => "1",
"</TT>" => "1",
"<U>" => "1",
"</U>" => "1",
"<UL>" => "1",
"</UL>" => "1",
"<VAR>" => "1",
"</VAR>" => "1",
"<WBR>" => "1",
"ACTION=" => "2",
"ALIGN=" => "2",
"ALINK" => "2",
"ALT" => "2",
"BACKGROUND=" => "2",
"BEHAVIOR" => "2",
"BELOW" => "2",
"BGCOLOR=" => "2",
"BORDER=" => "2",
"COLOR=" => "2",
"COLS" => "2",
"COLSPAN" => "2",
"CONTENT=" => "2",
"DIRECTION" => "2",
"FACE=" => "2",
"FRAMEBORDER=" => "2",
"HEIGHT=" => "2",
"HREF=" => "2",
"HSPACE=" => "2",
"HTTP-EQUIV=" => "2",
"ISMAP" => "2",
"LANGUAGE" => "2",
"LINK" => "2",
"METHOD=" => "2",
"MARGINWIDTH=" => "2",
"MULTIPLE" => "2",
"NAME=" => "2",
"NORESIZE" => "2",
"NOSHADE" => "2",
"ONBLUR" => "2",
"ONCLICK" => "2",
"ONFOCUS" => "2",
"ONLOAD" => "2",
"ONMOUSEOUT" => "2",
"REV=" => "2",
"ROWS" => "2",
"ROWSPAN" => "2",
"SCROLLING" => "2",
"SIZE=" => "2",
"SRC=" => "2",
"START" => "2",
"TARGET=" => "2",
"TEXT=" => "2",
"TOPMARGIN" => "2",
"TYPE=" => "2",
"URL=" => "2",
"VALIGN=" => "2",
"VALUE=" => "2",
"VLINK=" => "2",
"VSPACE=" => "2",
"WIDTH=" => "2",
"and" => "3",
"Boolplus" => "3",
"Course" => "3",
"else" => "3",
"endif" => "3",
"endfor" => "3",
"exit" => "3",
"exitfor" => "3",
"Fine" => "3",
"Fixed" => "3",
"for" => "3",
"foreach" => "3",
"Freetext" => "3",
"if" => "3",
"in" => "3",
"Medium" => "3",
"not" => "3",
"or" => "3",
"Simple" => "3",
"stop" => "3",
"then" => "3",
"to" => "3",
"abs" => "4",
"AddHeader" => "4",
"asc" => "4",
"date" => "4",
"count" => "4",
"eval" => "4",
"exists" => "4",
"GetCookie" => "4",
"getenvvariable" => "4",
"GetNextPageURLKeys" => "4",
"GetPageURLKeys" => "4",
"GetSummary" => "4",
"GetURLKeys" => "4",
"instr" => "4",
"int" => "4",
"isempty" => "4",
"lcase" => "4",
"left" => "4",
"len" => "4",
"log" => "4",
"ltrim" => "4",
"mid" => "4",
"now" => "4",
"print" => "4",
"printhtmlesc" => "4",
"printurlesc" => "4",
"reverse" => "4",
"right" => "4",
"rtrim" => "4",
"setenvvariable" => "4",
"SetContentType" => "4",
"SetCookie" => "4",
"str" => "4",
"strcomp" => "4",
"trim" => "4",
"ucase" => "4",
"undate" => "4",
"urlesc" => "4",
"urlescpath" => "4",
"val" => "4",
"AccessQueryMode" => "5",
"AccessQueryText" => "5",
"Alias" => "5",
"Author" => "5",
"BeginHighlight" => "5",
"ClientHost" => "5",
"ClientSoftware" => "5",
"Cluster" => "5",
"Clusters" => "5",
"ClusterKeywordCount" => "5",
"ClusterCount" => "5",
"ClusterEffort" => "5",
"ClusterOrder" => "5",
"ClusterPageSize" => "5",
"ClusterScore" => "5",
"ClusterStyle" => "5",
"Collection" => "5",
"CollectionName" => "5",
"Comments" => "5",
"Created" => "5",
"Config" => "5",
"Cookie" => "5",
"DefaultList" => "5",
"Description" => "5",
"DocsCount" => "5",
"DocsEnd" => "5",
"DocsFound" => "5",
"DocsSearched" => "5",
"DocsStart" => "5",
"Document" => "5",
"DocumentPrint" => "5",
"Documents" => "5",
"EndHighlight" => "5",
"Ext" => "5",
"Filter" => "5",
"HLBookmark" => "5",
"HLFirstURL" => "5",
"HLNavigate" => "5",
"HLNextLabel" => "5",
"HLPrevLabel" => "5",
"HTMLBodyPrint" => "5",
"HGMLBodyPrintPre" => "5",
"HTMLHeadPrint" => "5",
"Index" => "5",
"Keywords" => "5",
"KeywordSummary" => "5",
"Mime-Type" => "5",
"Modified" => "5",
"Name" => "5",
"NextDocMime" => "5",
"NextDocURL" => "5",
"NextDocXML" => "5",
"NextPageURL" => "5",
"PageNumber" => "5",
"PageURLs" => "5",
"Path" => "5",
"PrevDocMime" => "5",
"PrevDocURL" => "5",
"PrevDocXML" => "5",
"PrevPageURL" => "5",
"QBEDOC" => "5",
"QBE_Key" => "5",
"QBE_Input" => "5",
"QueryMode" => "5",
"QueryText" => "5",
"QueryWeight" => "5",
"QueryZip" => "5",
"Rank" => "5",
"RefinedQueryZip" => "5",
"Request" => "5",
"Result" => "5",
"ResultCount" => "5",
"ResultErrorTemplate" => "5",
"ResultField" => "5",
"ResultMaxDocs" => "5",
"ResultStart" => "5",
"ResultTemplate" => "5",
"Score" => "5",
"ScoreThreshold" => "5",
"ScriptName" => "5",
"SearchURL" => "5",
"ServerHost" => "5",
"ServerKB" => "5",
"ServerPort" => "5",
"ServerURL" => "5",
"Size" => "5",
"Snippet" => "5",
"SortSpec" => "5",
"SourceQueryMode" => "5",
"SourceQueryText" => "5",
"State" => "5",
"StoredKeywords" => "5",
"StoredSummary" => "5",
"Subject" => "5",
"Title" => "5",
"URL" => "5",
"URL_HTML" => "5",
"URL_QBE" => "5",
"URL_XML" => "5",
"ViewTemplate" => "5",
"Web" => "5");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: