ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_lotusscript Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_lotusscript:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_lotusscript:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_lotusscript ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_lotusscript.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_lotusscript::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 391 of file HFile_lotusscript.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_lotusscript::HFile_lotusscript ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_lotusscript.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// LotusScript
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("{");
$this->unindent = array("}");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("'");
$this->blockcommenton = array("%REM");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("%END REM");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"Abs" => "1",
"Access" => "1",
"ACos" => "1",
"ActivateApp" => "1",
"Alias" => "1",
"And" => "1",
"Any" => "1",
"Append" => "1",
"As" => "1",
"Asc" => "1",
"ASin" => "1",
"Atn" => "1",
"Atn2" => "1",
"Base" => "1",
"Beep" => "1",
"Bin" => "1",
"Bin$" => "1",
"Binary" => "1",
"Bind" => "1",
"ByVal" => "1",
"Call" => "1",
"CCur" => "1",
"CDat" => "1",
"CDbl" => "1",
"ChDir" => "1",
"ChDrive" => "1",
"Chr" => "1",
"Chr$" => "1",
"CInt" => "1",
"Class" => "1",
"CLng" => "1",
"Close" => "1",
"Command" => "1",
"Command$" => "1",
"Compare" => "1",
"Const" => "1",
"Cos" => "1",
"CSng" => "1",
"CStr" => "1",
"CurDir" => "1",
"CurDir$" => "1",
"CurDrive" => "1",
"CurDrive$" => "1",
"CVar" => "1",
"DataType" => "1",
"Date" => "1",
"Date$" => "1",
"DateNumber" => "1",
"DateValue" => "1",
"Day" => "1",
"Declare" => "1",
"DefCur" => "1",
"DefDbl" => "1",
"DefInt" => "1",
"DefLng" => "1",
"DefSng" => "1",
"DefStr" => "1",
"DefVar" => "1",
"Delete" => "1",
"Dim" => "1",
"Dir" => "1",
"Dir$" => "1",
"Environ" => "1",
"Environ$" => "1",
"EOF" => "1",
"Eqv" => "1",
"Erase" => "1",
"Erl" => "1",
"Err" => "1",
"Error" => "1",
"Error$" => "1",
"Evaluate" => "1",
"Event" => "1",
"Execute" => "1",
"Exit" => "1",
"Exp" => "1",
"FALSE" => "1",
"FileAttr" => "1",
"FileCopy" => "1",
"FileDateTime" => "1",
"FileLen" => "1",
"Fix" => "1",
"Format" => "1",
"Format$" => "1",
"Fraction" => "1",
"FreeFile" => "1",
"FromFunction" => "1",
"Get" => "1",
"GetFileAttr" => "1",
"Hex" => "1",
"Hex$" => "1",
"Hour" => "1",
"IMEStatus" => "1",
"Imp" => "1",
"In" => "1",
"Input" => "1",
"Input$" => "1",
"InputB" => "1",
"InputB$" => "1",
"InputBox" => "1",
"InputBox$" => "1",
"InputBP" => "1",
"InputBP$" => "1",
"InStr" => "1",
"InStrB" => "1",
"InStrBP" => "1",
"Int" => "1",
"Is" => "1",
"IsArray" => "1",
"IsDate" => "1",
"IsElement" => "1",
"IsEmpty" => "1",
"IsList" => "1",
"IsNull" => "1",
"IsNumeric" => "1",
"IsObject" => "1",
"IsScalar" => "1",
"IsUnknown" => "1",
"Kill" => "1",
"LBound" => "1",
"LCase" => "1",
"LCase$" => "1",
"Left" => "1",
"Left$" => "1",
"LeftB" => "1",
"LeftB$" => "1",
"LeftBP" => "1",
"LeftBP$" => "1",
"Len" => "1",
"LenB" => "1",
"LenBP" => "1",
"Let" => "1",
"Lib" => "1",
"Like" => "1",
"Line" => "1",
"List" => "1",
"ListTag" => "1",
"LMBCS" => "1",
"Loc" => "1",
"Lock" => "1",
"LOF" => "1",
"Log" => "1",
"Loop" => "1",
"LSet" => "1",
"LTrim" => "1",
"LTrim$" => "1",
"Me" => "1",
"MessageBox" => "1",
"Mid" => "1",
"Mid$" => "1",
"MidB" => "1",
"MidB$" => "1",
"Minute" => "1",
"MkDir" => "1",
"Mod" => "1",
"Month" => "1",
"Name" => "1",
"New" => "1",
"NoCase" => "1",
"NoPitch" => "1",
"Not" => "1",
"NOTHING" => "1",
"Now" => "1",
"NULL" => "1",
"Oct" => "1",
"Oct$" => "1",
"On" => "1",
"Open" => "1",
"Option" => "1",
"Or" => "1",
"Output" => "1",
"PI" => "1",
"Pitch" => "1",
"Preserve" => "1",
"Print" => "1",
"Private" => "1",
"Property" => "1",
"Public" => "1",
"Put" => "1",
"Random" => "1",
"Randomize" => "1",
"Read" => "1",
"ReDim" => "1",
"Rem" => "1",
"Remove" => "1",
"Reset" => "1",
"Resume" => "1",
"Return" => "1",
"Right" => "1",
"Right$" => "1",
"RightB" => "1",
"RightB$" => "1",
"RightBP" => "1",
"RightBP$" => "1",
"RmDir" => "1",
"Rnd" => "1",
"Round" => "1",
"RSet" => "1",
"RTrim" => "1",
"RTrim$" => "1",
"Second" => "1",
"Seek" => "1",
"SendKeys" => "1",
"Set" => "1",
"SetFileAttr" => "1",
"Sgn" => "1",
"Shared" => "1",
"Shell" => "1",
"Sin" => "1",
"Space" => "1",
"Space$" => "1",
"Spc" => "1",
"Sqr" => "1",
"Static" => "1",
"Step" => "1",
"Stop" => "1",
"Str" => "1",
"Str$" => "1",
"StrCompare" => "1",
"String$" => "1",
"Sub" => "1",
"Tab" => "1",
"Tan" => "1",
"Time" => "1",
"Time$" => "1",
"TimeNumber" => "1",
"Timer" => "1",
"TimeValue" => "1",
"To" => "1",
"Today" => "1",
"Trim" => "1",
"Trim$" => "1",
"TRUE" => "1",
"Type" => "1",
"TypeName" => "1",
"UBound" => "1",
"UCase" => "1",
"UCase$" => "1",
"UChr" => "1",
"UChr$" => "1",
"Uni" => "1",
"Unicode" => "1",
"Unlock" => "1",
"Use" => "1",
"UseLSX" => "1",
"UString" => "1",
"UString$" => "1",
"Val" => "1",
"With" => "1",
"Write" => "1",
"Xor" => "1",
"Year" => "1",
"Yield" => "1",
"Currency" => "2",
"Double" => "2",
"Integer" => "2",
"Long" => "2",
"Single" => "2",
"String" => "2",
"Variant" => "2",
"Case" => "3",
"Do" => "3",
"Else" => "3",
"End" => "3",
"ElseIf" => "3",
"For" => "3",
"Forall" => "3",
"If" => "3",
"Next" => "3",
"Select" => "3",
"Then" => "3",
"Until" => "3",
"Wend" => "3",
"While" => "3",
"GoSub" => "3",
"GoTo" => "3",
"NotesACLNotesACLEntry" => "4",
"NotesAgent" => "4",
"NotesDatabase" => "4",
"NotesDateRange" => "4",
"NotesDateTime" => "4",
"NotesDbDirectory" => "4",
"NotesDocument" => "4",
"NotesDocumentCollection" => "4",
"NotesEmbeddedObject" => "4",
"NotesForm" => "4",
"NotesInternational" => "4",
"NotesItem" => "4",
"NotesLog" => "4",
"NotesName" => "4",
"NotesNewsLetter" => "4",
"NotesRegistration" => "4",
"NotesRichTextItem" => "4",
"NotesRichTextStyle" => "4",
"NotesSession" => "4",
"NotesTimer" => "4",
"NotesView" => "4",
"NotesViewColumn" => "4",
"NotesUIDatabase" => "4",
"NotesUIDocument" => "4",
"NotesUIView" => "4",
"NotesUIWorkspace" => "4",
"Navigator" => "4",
"notesaclnotesaclentry" => "4",
"notesagent" => "4",
"notesdatabase" => "4",
"notesdaterange" => "4",
"notesdatetime" => "4",
"notesdbdirectory" => "4",
"notesdocument" => "4",
"notesdocumentcollection" => "4",
"notesembeddedobject" => "4",
"notesform" => "4",
"notesinternational" => "4",
"notesitem" => "4",
"noteslog" => "4",
"notesname" => "4",
"notesnewsletter" => "4",
"notesregistration" => "4",
"notesrichtextitem" => "4",
"notesrichtextstyle" => "4",
"notessession" => "4",
"notestimer" => "4",
"notesview" => "4",
"notesviewcolumn" => "4",
"notesuidatabase" => "4",
"notesuidocument" => "4",
"notesuiview" => "4",
"notesuiworkspace" => "4",
"navigator" => "4");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: