ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_bibtex Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_bibtex:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_bibtex:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_bibtex ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_bibtex.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_bibtex::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 511 of file HFile_bibtex.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_bibtex::HFile_bibtex ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_bibtex.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// BibTeX
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "brown", "blue", "gray", "purple");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array("/", "D", "e", "l", "i", "m", "i", "t", "e", "r", "s", " ", "=", " ", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", ",", "-", ".", " ", "{", "=", "}", " ", " ", " ", " ", "/", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ":", ";", "<", ">", "[", "]", "^", "_", "|", "~", "`");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("%");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"\\!" => "1",
"\\\"" => "1",
"\\&" => "1",
"\\\'" => "1",
"\\(" => "1",
"\\)" => "1",
"\\*" => "1",
"\\+" => "1",
"\\," => "1",
"\\-" => "1",
"\\." => "1",
"\\/" => "1",
"\\:" => "1",
"\\;" => "1",
"\\=" => "1",
"\\>" => "1",
"\\@" => "1",
"\\[" => "1",
"\\\\" => "1",
"\\]" => "1",
"\\^" => "1",
"\\_" => "1",
"=" => "8",
"{" => "8",
"}" => "8",
"," => "8",
"@article" => "5",
"@book" => "5",
"@booklet" => "5",
"@conference" => "5",
"@inbook" => "5",
"@incollection" => "5",
"@manual" => "5",
"@mastersthesis" => "5",
"@phdthesis" => "5",
"@proceedings" => "5",
"@techreport" => "5",
"@unpublished" => "5",
"@report" => "5",
"@thesis" => "5",
"@\\acute" => "5",
"\\a\'" => "3",
"\\a`" => "3",
"\\acute" => "3",
"\\aleph" => "3",
"\\alph" => "3",
"\\alpha" => "3",
"\\amalg" => "3",
"\\and" => "3",
"\\angle" => "3",
"\\approx" => "3",
"\\arabic" => "3",
"\\arccos" => "3",
"\\arcsin" => "3",
"\\arctan" => "3",
"\\arg" => "3",
"\\arraybackslash" => "3",
"\\arrowvert" => "3",
"\\ast" => "3",
"\\asymp" => "3",
"\\Arrowvert" => "3",
"\\backslash" => "3",
"\\bar" => "3",
"\\bf" => "3",
"\\bibitem" => "3",
"\\bigcap" => "3",
"\\bigcirc" => "3",
"\\bigcup" => "3",
"\\bigodot" => "3",
"\\bigoplus" => "3",
"\\bigotimes" => "3",
"\\bigsqcup" => "3",
"\\bigtriangledown" => "3",
"\\bigtriangleup" => "3",
"\\biguplus" => "3",
"\\bigvee" => "3",
"\\bigwedge" => "3",
"\\boldmath" => "3",
"\\boldsymbol" => "3",
"\\boolean" => "3",
"\\bot" => "3",
"\\botfigrule" => "3",
"\\bottomcaption" => "3",
"\\bottomfraction" => "3",
"\\bowtie" => "3",
"\\boxed" => "3",
"\\bracevert" => "3",
"\\branch" => "3",
"\\breve" => "3",
"\\bullet" => "3",
"\\Box" => "3",
"\\cal" => "3",
"\\cap" => "3",
"\\caption" => "3",
"\\cdot" => "3",
"\\cdots" => "3",
"\\cfrac" => "3",
"\\chi" => "3",
"\\circ" => "3",
"\\circle" => "3",
"\\circle*" => "3",
"\\cline" => "3",
"\\clubsuit" => "3",
"\\cong" => "3",
"\\coprod" => "3",
"\\copyright" => "3",
"\\cos" => "3",
"\\cosh" => "3",
"\\cot" => "3",
"\\coth" => "3",
"\\csc" => "3",
"\\cup" => "3",
"\\d" => "3",
"\\dag" => "3",
"\\dagger" => "3",
"\\dashbox" => "3",
"\\ddag" => "3",
"\\ddagger" => "3",
"\\ddot" => "3",
"\\ddots" => "3",
"\\deg" => "3",
"\\delta" => "3",
"\\det" => "3",
"\\diamond" => "3",
"\\diamondpar" => "3",
"\\diamondsuit" => "3",
"\\dim" => "3",
"\\displaystyle" => "3",
"\\dot" => "3",
"\\doteq" => "3",
"\\dotfill" => "3",
"\\dots" => "3",
"\\downarrow" => "3",
"\\Delta" => "3",
"\\Diamond" => "3",
"\\Downarrow" => "3",
"\\ell" => "3",
"\\em" => "3",
"\\emph" => "3",
"\\emptyset" => "3",
"\\enspace" => "3",
"\\epsilon" => "3",
"\\eqref" => "3",
"\\eta" => "3",
"\\exists" => "3",
"\\exp" => "3",
"\\fbox" => "3",
"\\flat" => "3",
"\\fnsymbol" => "3",
"\\forall" => "3",
"\\frac" => "3",
"\\frown" => "3",
"\\fussy" => "3",
"\\gamma" => "3",
"\\ge" => "3",
"\\geq" => "3",
"\\gets" => "3",
"\\gg" => "3",
"\\grave" => "3",
"\\Gamma" => "3",
"\\hat" => "3",
"\\heartsuit" => "3",
"\\hom" => "3",
"\\hookleftarrow" => "3",
"\\hookrightarrow" => "3",
"\\hspace" => "3",
"\\hspace*" => "3",
"\\huge" => "3",
"\\hyphenation" => "3",
"\\hyphenchar" => "3",
"\\Huge" => "3",
"\\idotsint" => "3",
"\\ignorespaces" => "3",
"\\imath" => "3",
"\\in" => "3",
"\\include" => "3",
"\\indent" => "3",
"\\inf" => "3",
"\\infty" => "3",
"\\input" => "3",
"\\int" => "3",
"\\iota" => "3",
"\\isucaption" => "3",
"\\it" => "3",
"\\itdefault" => "3",
"\\item" => "3",
"\\itemindent" => "3",
"\\itemsep" => "3",
"\\itshape" => "3",
"\\Im" => "3",
"\\jmath" => "3",
"\\jot" => "3",
"\\Join" => "3",
"\\kappa" => "3",
"\\ker" => "3",
"\\label" => "3",
"\\lambda" => "3",
"\\langle" => "3",
"\\large" => "3",
"\\lceil" => "3",
"\\ldots" => "3",
"\\le" => "3",
"\\leadsto" => "3",
"\\left" => "3",
"\\leftarrow" => "3",
"\\leftharpoondown" => "3",
"\\leftharpoonup" => "3",
"\\leftmargin" => "3",
"\\leftmark" => "3",
"\\leftrightarrow" => "3",
"\\leq" => "3",
"\\lfloor" => "3",
"\\lg" => "3",
"\\lgroup" => "3",
"\\lhd" => "3",
"\\lhead" => "3",
"\\lim" => "3",
"\\liminf" => "3",
"\\limits" => "3",
"\\limsup" => "3",
"\\line" => "3",
"\\linebreak" => "3",
"\\linethickness" => "3",
"\\linewidth" => "3",
"\\ll" => "3",
"\\lmoustache" => "3",
"\\ln" => "3",
"\\log" => "3",
"\\longleftarrow" => "3",
"\\longleftrightarrow" => "3",
"\\longmapsto" => "3",
"\\longrightarrow" => "3",
"\\LARGE" => "3",
"\\Lambda" => "3",
"\\Large" => "3",
"\\Leftarrow" => "3",
"\\Leftrightarrow" => "3",
"\\Longleftarrow" => "3",
"\\Longleftrightarrow" => "3",
"\\Longrightarrow" => "3",
"\\mapsto" => "3",
"\\mathbf" => "3",
"\\mathcal" => "3",
"\\mathindent" => "3",
"\\mathit" => "3",
"\\matrix" => "3",
"\\max" => "3",
"\\mid" => "3",
"\\min" => "3",
"\\mod" => "3",
"\\mp" => "3",
"\\mu" => "3",
"\\nabla" => "3",
"\\ne" => "3",
"\\nearrow" => "3",
"\\neg" => "3",
"\\neq" => "3",
"\\ni" => "3",
"\\nobreak" => "3",
"\\nolinebreak" => "3",
"\\normalsize" => "3",
"\\not" => "3",
"\\notin" => "3",
"\\nu" => "3",
"\\nwarrow" => "3",
"\\odot" => "3",
"\\oint" => "3",
"\\omega" => "3",
"\\ominus" => "3",
"\\oplus" => "3",
"\\oslash" => "3",
"\\otimes" => "3",
"\\oval" => "3",
"\\overbrace" => "3",
"\\overleftarrow" => "3",
"\\overline" => "3",
"\\overrightarrow" => "3",
"\\Omega" => "3",
"\\parallel" => "3",
"\\parbox" => "3",
"\\part" => "3",
"\\part*" => "3",
"\\partial" => "3",
"\\perp" => "3",
"\\phantom" => "3",
"\\phi" => "3",
"\\pi" => "3",
"\\pm" => "3",
"\\pmb" => "3",
"\\pmod" => "3",
"\\pod" => "3",
"\\prec" => "3",
"\\preceq" => "3",
"\\prime" => "3",
"\\prod" => "3",
"\\propto" => "3",
"\\psi" => "3",
"\\Phi" => "3",
"\\Pi" => "3",
"\\Pr" => "3",
"\\Psi" => "3",
"\\qquad" => "3",
"\\quad" => "3",
"\\rangle" => "3",
"\\rceil" => "3",
"\\ref" => "3",
"\\rfloor" => "3",
"\\rgroup" => "3",
"\\rhd" => "3",
"\\rho" => "3",
"\\right" => "3",
"\\rightarrow" => "3",
"\\rightharpoondown" => "3",
"\\rightharpoonup" => "3",
"\\rightmark" => "3",
"\\rm" => "3",
"\\rmoustache" => "3",
"\\roman" => "3",
"\\Re" => "3",
"\\Rightarrow" => "3",
"\\Roman" => "3",
"\\scshape" => "3",
"\\searrow" => "3",
"\\sec" => "3",
"\\secdef" => "3",
"\\sf" => "3",
"\\sharp" => "3",
"\\shortstack" => "3",
"\\sigma" => "3",
"\\sim" => "3",
"\\simeq" => "3",
"\\sin" => "3",
"\\sinh" => "3",
"\\sl" => "3",
"\\sloppy" => "3",
"\\small" => "3",
"\\smile" => "3",
"\\space" => "3",
"\\spadesuit" => "3",
"\\spcheck" => "3",
"\\sqcap" => "3",
"\\sqcup" => "3",
"\\sqrt" => "3",
"\\sqsubseteq" => "3",
"\\sqsupseteq" => "3",
"\\ss" => "3",
"\\stackrel" => "3",
"\\star" => "3",
"\\stepcounter" => "3",
"\\stretch" => "3",
"\\strut" => "3",
"\\subset" => "3",
"\\subseteq" => "3",
"\\subsubsection" => "3",
"\\succ" => "3",
"\\succeq" => "3",
"\\sum" => "3",
"\\sup" => "3",
"\\supset" => "3",
"\\supseteq" => "3",
"\\surd" => "3",
"\\swarrow" => "3",
"\\symbol" => "3",
"\\Sigma" => "3",
"\\tan" => "3",
"\\tanh" => "3",
"\\tau" => "3",
"\\texlmd" => "3",
"\\textbf" => "3",
"\\textit" => "3",
"\\textnormal" => "3",
"\\textrm" => "3",
"\\textsc" => "3",
"\\textsf" => "3",
"\\textsl" => "3",
"\\textstyle" => "3",
"\\texttt" => "3",
"\\textup" => "3",
"\\theta" => "3",
"\\tilde" => "3",
"\\times" => "3",
"\\tiny" => "3",
"\\top" => "3",
"\\triangle" => "3",
"\\triangleleft" => "3",
"\\triangleright" => "3",
"\\tt" => "3",
"\\twlrm" => "3",
"\\Theta" => "3",
"\\unboldmath" => "3",
"\\underbrace" => "3",
"\\underline" => "3",
"\\unlhd" => "3",
"\\unrhd" => "3",
"\\uparrow" => "3",
"\\updownarrow" => "3",
"\\uplus" => "3",
"\\uproot" => "3",
"\\uHFileape" => "3",
"\\upsilon" => "3",
"\\Uparrow" => "3",
"\\Updownarrow" => "3",
"\\Upsilon" => "3",
"\\vapace" => "3",
"\\varepsilon" => "3",
"\\varphi" => "3",
"\\varpi" => "3",
"\\varprojlim" => "3",
"\\varrho" => "3",
"\\varsigma" => "3",
"\\vartheta" => "3",
"\\vdash" => "3",
"\\vdots" => "3",
"\\vec" => "3",
"\\vector" => "3",
"\\vee" => "3",
"\\verb" => "3",
"\\vline" => "3",
"\\voffset" => "3",
"\\vrule" => "3",
"\\wedge" => "3",
"\\widehat" => "3",
"\\widetilde" => "3",
"\\wp" => "3",
"\\wr" => "3",
"\\xi" => "3",
"\\Xi" => "3",
"\\zeta" => "3",
"\\{" => "3",
"\\|" => "3",
"\\}" => "3",
"address" => "2",
"author" => "2",
"chapter" => "2",
"edition" => "2",
"editor" => "2",
"howpublished" => "2",
"journal" => "2",
"month" => "2",
"note" => "2",
"number" => "2",
"organization" => "2",
"pages" => "2",
"publisher" => "2",
"series" => "2",
"title" => "2",
"type" => "2",
"volume" => "2",
"year" => "2");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"8" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: