ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_clearbasic Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_clearbasic:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_clearbasic:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_clearbasic ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_clearbasic.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_clearbasic::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 716 of file HFile_clearbasic.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_clearbasic::HFile_clearbasic ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_clearbasic.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// ClearBasic
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "gray", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue", "purple");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("Then", "Do");
$this->unindent = array("End", "Next", "End If", "End Select", "Loop");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("'");
$this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"AppMenu" => "1",
"Boolean" => "1",
"BulkRetrieve" => "1",
"BulkSave" => "1",
"Form" => "1",
"Integer" => "7",
"List" => "1",
"Long" => "7",
"Record" => "1",
"SQLDB" => "1",
"String" => "7",
"AND" => "2",
"As" => "2",
"ByRef" => "2",
"ByVal" => "2",
"Case" => "2",
"Declare" => "2",
"Dim" => "2",
"Else" => "2",
"ElseIf" => "2",
"End" => "2",
"For" => "2",
"Function" => "2",
"Global" => "2",
"If" => "2",
"Next" => "2",
"New" => "2",
"NOT" => "2",
"OR" => "2",
"Sub" => "2",
"Select" => "2",
"Set" => "2",
"Step" => "2",
"To" => "2",
"Type" => "2",
"Then" => "2",
"While" => "2",
"cbAbortRetryIgnore" => "3",
"cbAscending" => "3",
"cbByRef" => "3",
"cbByValue" => "3",
"cbCloseChildren" => "3",
"cbCloseMessage" => "3",
"cbDescending" => "3",
"cbDefClosedWindow" => "3",
"cbEqual" => "3",
"cbFirstMessage" => "3",
"cbFrontIfUp" => "3",
"cbGreater" => "3",
"cbGreaterorEqual" => "3",
"cbIdAbort" => "3",
"cbIdCancel" => "3",
"cbIdDiscard" => "3",
"cbIdIgnore" => "3",
"cbIdNo" => "3",
"cbIdOK" => "3",
"cbIdRetry" => "3",
"cbIdSave" => "3",
"cbIdYes" => "3",
"cbIn" => "3",
"cbLess" => "3",
"cbLessOrEqual" => "3",
"cbLike" => "3",
"cbNoDefault" => "3",
"cbNotEqual" => "3",
"cbNotLike" => "3",
"cbOK" => "3",
"cbOKCancel" => "3",
"cbRefreshMessage" => "3",
"cbRetryCancel" => "3",
"cbSaveDiscardCancel" => "3",
"cbSoundsLike" => "3",
"cbYesNo" => "3",
"cbYesNoCancel" => "3",
"ebCritical" => "3",
"ebExclamation" => "3",
"ebInformation" => "3",
"ebQuestion" => "3",
"ebApplicationModal" => "3",
"ebSystemModal" => "3",
"False" => "3",
"True" => "3",
"*" => "4",
"+" => "4",
"-" => "4",
"." => "4",
"/" => "4",
":" => "4",
"<" => "4",
"<=" => "4",
"=" => "4",
">" => "4",
">=" => "4",
"&" => "4",
"AddItem" => "5",
"AllSpaces" => "5",
"AllowDuplicates" => "5",
"AppendFilter" => "5",
"AppendItem" => "5",
"AppendSeparator" => "5",
"AppendSort" => "5",
"Caption" => "5",
"CancelRecord" => "5",
"ChangeRecord" => "5",
"ChangeToNew" => "5",
"Clear" => "5",
"Close" => "5",
"CLTransition" => "5",
"ColorCells" => "5",
"Concat" => "5",
"Connect" => "5",
"Contains" => "5",
"Contents" => "5",
"Copy" => "5",
"CopyFields" => "5",
"Count" => "5",
"CountByType" => "5",
"CreateColorScheme" => "5",
"DeleteRecord" => "5",
"DeleteRecordById" => "5",
"DisableControls" => "5",
"DisableControlsDeep" => "5",
"Disconnect" => "5",
"DoDefault" => "5",
"Down" => "5",
"EmployeeObjid" => "5",
"Empty" => "5",
"Enable" => "5",
"EnableControlDeep" => "5",
"EnableControls" => "5",
"EndDoc" => "5",
"EntryCount" => "5",
"Execute" => "5",
"ExecuteCB" => "5",
"ExecuteMenu" => "5",
"ExecuteProc" => "5",
"ExitApp" => "5",
"ExtractList" => "5",
"Fill" => "5",
"FindFirstIndex" => "5",
"ForceRedraw" => "5",
"Format" => "5",
"GetByIndex" => "5",
"GetContents" => "5",
"GetContext" => "5",
"GetControlByName" => "5",
"GetCurrentDB" => "5",
"GetField" => "5",
"GetFormat" => "5",
"GetFormInstance" => "5",
"GetItemByIndex" => "5",
"GetList" => "5",
"GetRecordByIndex" => "5",
"GetRecordList" => "5",
"GetRelatedRecordList" => "5",
"GetSelected" => "5",
"GetString" => "5",
"GetText" => "5",
"InputBox" => "5",
"InsertRecord" => "5",
"IsDirty" => "5",
"IsEnabled" => "5",
"IsExactly" => "5",
"IsNew" => "5",
"ItemType" => "5",
"ItemByIndex" => "5",
"Line" => "5",
"ListByIndex" => "5",
"Login" => "5",
"Logout" => "5",
"LogSQL" => "5",
"Move" => "5",
"MsgBox" => "5",
"NewPage" => "5",
"Notify" => "5",
"NotifyById" => "5",
"NotifyByKey" => "5",
"NotifyChild" => "5",
"NotifyParent" => "5",
"NotifyTab" => "5",
"NotifyTabParent" => "5",
"Print" => "5",
"RecordType" => "5",
"Refresh" => "5",
"RelateRecords" => "5",
"RelateRecordsFromID" => "5",
"RelateRecordsFromToID" => "5",
"RelateRecordsToID" => "5",
"RemoveByIndex" => "5",
"RemoveByItem" => "5",
"RemoveItem" => "5",
"RemoveSelected" => "5",
"RenameItem" => "5",
"ReplaceByIndex" => "5",
"ReplaceItem" => "5",
"RetrieveRecords" => "5",
"Save" => "5",
"SelectedIndexes" => "5",
"SelectedList" => "5",
"SetCellColoring" => "5",
"SetColorScheme" => "5",
"SetField" => "5",
"SetFocus" => "5",
"SetFunction" => "5",
"SetParent" => "5",
"SetRoot" => "5",
"SetRootById" => "5",
"SetSelected" => "5",
"SetText" => "5",
"SetValue" => "5",
"Show" => "5",
"ShowAttachments" => "5",
"ShowCase" => "5",
"ShowContact" => "5",
"ShowContract" => "5",
"ShowControls" => "5",
"ShowControlsDeep" => "5",
"ShowCR" => "5",
"ShowDebugWindow" => "5",
"ShowDefaultMenu" => "5",
"ShowEmployee" => "5",
"ShowFTS" => "5",
"ShowSelect" => "5",
"ShowSite" => "5",
"ShowSubcase" => "5",
"SimpleQuery" => "5",
"Sort" => "5",
"TextHeight" => "5",
"TextWidth" => "5",
"TransferPart" => "5",
"TraverseFromParent" => "5",
"TraverseFromRoot" => "5",
"UnrelateRecords" => "5",
"Unselect" => "5",
"Up" => "5",
"UpdateRecord" => "5",
"UserName" => "5",
"UserObjid" => "5",
"Value" => "5",
"App" => "6",
"Basic" => "6",
"Debug" => "6",
"Err" => "6",
"Me" => "6",
"Msg" => "6",
"Net" => "6",
"Printer" => "6",
"System" => "6",
"Abs" => "7",
"ActivateControl" => "7",
"AddCon" => "7",
"AnswerBox" => "7",
"AppActivate" => "7",
"AppClose" => "7",
"AppFileName" => "7",
"AppFind" => "7",
"AppGetActive" => "7",
"AppGetPosition" => "7",
"AppGetState" => "7",
"AppHide" => "7",
"AppList" => "7",
"AppMaximize" => "7",
"AppMinimize" => "7",
"AppMove" => "7",
"AppRestore" => "7",
"AppSetState" => "7",
"AppShow" => "7",
"AppSize" => "7",
"AppType" => "7",
"Architecture" => "7",
"ArrangeIcons" => "7",
"ArrayDims" => "7",
"Arrays" => "7",
"ArraySort" => "7",
"Asc" => "7",
"AscB" => "7",
"AscW" => "7",
"AskBox" => "7",
"AskPasssword" => "7",
"Atn" => "7",
"Base" => "7",
"BasicScript" => "7",
"Beep" => "7",
"Begin" => "7",
"Dialog" => "7",
"Browse" => "7",
"ButtonEnabled" => "7",
"ButtonExists" => "7",
"Call" => "7",
"CancelCon" => "7",
"Capability" => "7",
"Cascade" => "7",
"CBool" => "7",
"CCur" => "7",
"CDate" => "7",
"CDbl" => "7",
"ChDir" => "7",
"ChDrive" => "7",
"CheckBox" => "7",
"CheckBoxEnabled" => "7",
"CheckBoxExists" => "7",
"Choose" => "7",
"Chr" => "7",
"ChrB" => "7",
"ChrW" => "7",
"CInt" => "7",
"CLng" => "7",
"CodePage" => "7",
"ComboBox" => "7",
"ComboBoxEnabled" => "7",
"ComboBoxExists" => "7",
"Command" => "7",
"Comments" => "7",
"Compare" => "7",
"Const" => "7",
"Conversion" => "7",
"Cos" => "7",
"CreateObject" => "7",
"CSng" => "7",
"CStr" => "7",
"CStrings" => "7",
"CurDir" => "7",
"Currency" => "7",
"CVar" => "7",
"CVDate" => "7",
"CVErr" => "7",
"Date" => "7",
"DateAdd" => "7",
"DateDiff" => "7",
"DatePart" => "7",
"DateSerial" => "7",
"DateValue" => "7",
"Day" => "7",
"DDB" => "7",
"DDEExecute" => "7",
"DDEInitate" => "7",
"DDEPoke" => "7",
"DDERequest" => "7",
"DDESend" => "7",
"DDETermiateAll" => "7",
"DDETerminate" => "7",
"DDETimeOut" => "7",
"Default" => "7",
"DefBool" => "7",
"DefCur" => "7",
"DefDate" => "7",
"DefDbl" => "7",
"DefInt" => "7",
"DefLng" => "7",
"DefObj" => "7",
"DefSng" => "7",
"DefStr" => "7",
"DefVar" => "7",
"DeleteSettings" => "7",
"Description" => "7",
"Dir" => "7",
"DiskDrives" => "7",
"DiskFree" => "7",
"DlgBaseUnitsX" => "7",
"DlgBaseUnitsY" => "7",
"DlgCaption" => "7",
"DlgControlID" => "7",
"DlgEnable" => "7",
"DlgFocus" => "7",
"DlgListBoxArray" => "7",
"DlgSetPicture" => "7",
"DlgText" => "7",
"DlgValue" => "7",
"DlgVisible" => "7",
"Do" => "7",
"DoEvents" => "7",
"DoKeys" => "7",
"Double" => "7",
"DropListBox" => "7",
"EditEnabled" => "7",
"EditExists" => "7",
"Environ" => "7",
"Eof" => "7",
"Eoln$" => "7",
"Eqv" => "7",
"Erase" => "7",
"Erl" => "7",
"Error" => "7",
"Exit" => "7",
"Exp" => "7",
"Explicit" => "7",
"FileAttr" => "7",
"FileCopy" => "7",
"FileDateTime" => "7",
"FileDirs" => "7",
"FileExists" => "7",
"FileLen" => "7",
"FileList" => "7",
"FileParse" => "7",
"FileType" => "7",
"Financial" => "7",
"Fix" => "7",
"FreeFile" => "7",
"FreeMemory" => "7",
"FreeResources" => "7",
"FV" => "7",
"Get" => "7",
"GetAllSettings" => "7",
"GetAttr" => "7",
"GetCaps" => "7",
"GetCheckBox" => "7",
"GetComboBoxItem" => "7",
"GetComboBoxItemCount" => "7",
"GetCon" => "7",
"GetEditText" => "7",
"GetListBoxItem" => "7",
"GetListBoxItemCount" => "7",
"GetObject" => "7",
"GetOption" => "7",
"GetSetting" => "7",
"GoSub" => "7",
"Goto" => "7",
"GroupBox" => "7",
"Height" => "7",
"HelpContext" => "7",
"HelpFIle" => "7",
"Hex" => "7",
"HLine" => "7",
"HomeDir" => "7",
"Hour" => "7",
"HPage" => "7",
"HScroll" => "7",
"HWND" => "7",
"IIf" => "7",
"IMEStatus" => "7",
"Imp" => "7",
"Inline" => "7",
"Input" => "7",
"InputB" => "7",
"InStr" => "7",
"InStrB" => "7",
"Int" => "7",
"IPmt" => "7",
"IRR" => "7",
"Is" => "7",
"IsDate" => "7",
"IsEmpty" => "7",
"IsError" => "7",
"IsMissing" => "7",
"IsNull" => "7",
"IsNumeric" => "7",
"IsObject" => "7",
"Item" => "7",
"ItemCount" => "7",
"Kill" => "7",
"LastDLLError" => "7",
"LBound" => "7",
"LCase" => "7",
"Left" => "7",
"LeftB" => "7",
"Len" => "7",
"LenB" => "7",
"Let" => "7",
"Like" => "7",
"LineCount" => "7",
"ListBox" => "7",
"ListBoxEnabled" => "7",
"ListBoxExists" => "7",
"Loc" => "7",
"Locale" => "7",
"Lock" => "7",
"Lof" => "7",
"Log" => "7",
"Loop" => "7",
"LSet" => "7",
"LTrim" => "7",
"MacID" => "7",
"MacScript" => "7",
"Main" => "7",
"Mci" => "7",
"Menu" => "7",
"MenuItemChecked" => "7",
"MenuItemEnabled" => "7",
"MenuItemExists" => "7",
"Mid" => "7",
"MidB" => "7",
"Minute" => "7",
"MIRR" => "7",
"Miscellaneous" => "7",
"MkDir" => "7",
"Mod" => "7",
"Month" => "7",
"MouseTrails" => "7",
"Msg.Close" => "7",
"Msg.Open" => "7",
"Msg.SetText" => "7",
"Msg.SetThermometer" => "7",
"Name" => "7",
"Networks" => "7",
"Nothing" => "7",
"Now" => "7",
"NPer" => "7",
"NPV" => "7",
"Number" => "7",
"Oct" => "7",
"On" => "7",
"Open" => "7",
"OpenFilename" => "7",
"OperatingSystem" => "7",
"OperatingSystemVendor" => "7",
"OperatingSystemVersion" => "7",
"Option" => "7",
"OptionButton" => "7",
"OptionEnabled" => "7",
"OptionExists" => "7",
"OptionGroup" => "7",
"OS" => "7",
"PathSeparator" => "7",
"Picture" => "7",
"PictureButton" => "7",
"Pmt" => "7",
"PopupMenu" => "7",
"PPmt" => "7",
"Predefined" => "7",
"PrinterGetOrientation" => "7",
"PrinterSetOrientation" => "7",
"PrintFile" => "7",
"Printing" => "7",
"Private" => "7",
"Processor" => "7",
"ProcessorCount" => "7",
"Public" => "7",
"PushButton" => "7",
"Put" => "7",
"PV" => "7",
"QueEmpty" => "7",
"QueFlush" => "7",
"QueKeyDn" => "7",
"QueKeys" => "7",
"QueKeyUp" => "7",
"QueMouseClick" => "7",
"QueMouseDblClick" => "7",
"QueMouseDblDn" => "7",
"QueMouseDn" => "7",
"QueMouseMove" => "7",
"QueMouseMoveBatch" => "7",
"QueMouseUp" => "7",
"QueSetRelativeWindow" => "7",
"Raise" => "7",
"Random" => "7",
"Randomize" => "7",
"Rate" => "7",
"ReadIni" => "7",
"ReadIniSection" => "7",
"ReDim" => "7",
"Reset" => "7",
"Restart" => "7",
"Resume" => "7",
"Return" => "7",
"Right" => "7",
"RightB" => "7",
"RmDir" => "7",
"Rnd" => "7",
"RSet" => "7",
"RTrim" => "7",
"SaveFilename" => "7",
"SaveSetting" => "7",
"Second" => "7",
"Seek" => "7",
"statement" => "7",
"SelectBox" => "7",
"SelectButton" => "7",
"SelectComboBoxItem" => "7",
"SelectListBoxItem" => "7",
"SendKeys" => "7",
"SetAttr" => "7",
"SetCheckBox" => "7",
"SetColors" => "7",
"SetEditText" => "7",
"SetOption" => "7",
"SetWallpaper" => "7",
"Sgn" => "7",
"Shell" => "7",
"Sin" => "7",
"Single" => "7",
"Sleep" => "7",
"SLN" => "7",
"SnaHFileot" => "7",
"Source" => "7",
"Space" => "7",
"Spc" => "7",
"SQLBind" => "7",
"SQLClose" => "7",
"SQLError" => "7",
"SQLExecQuery" => "7",
"SQLGetSchema" => "7",
"SQLOpen" => "7",
"SQLRequest" => "7",
"SQLRetrieve" => "7",
"SQLRetrieveToFile" => "7",
"Sqr" => "7",
"Stop" => "7",
"Str" => "7",
"StrComp" => "7",
"StrConv" => "7",
"Switch" => "7",
"SYD" => "7",
"Tab" => "7",
"Tan" => "7",
"Text" => "7",
"TextBox" => "7",
"Tile" => "7",
"Time" => "7",
"Timer" => "7",
"TimeSerial" => "7",
"TimeValue" => "7",
"TotalMemory" => "7",
"Trim" => "7",
"TwipsPerPixelX" => "7",
"TwipsPerPixelY" => "7",
"UBound" => "7",
"UCase" => "7",
"Unlock" => "7",
"User" => "7",
"Val" => "7",
"Variants" => "7",
"Varient" => "7",
"VarType" => "7",
"Version" => "7",
"Viewport" => "7",
"ViewportClear" => "7",
"ViewportClose" => "7",
"ViewportOpen" => "7",
"VLine" => "7",
"VPage" => "7",
"VScroll" => "7",
"Weekday" => "7",
"Wend" => "7",
"Width" => "7",
"Width#" => "7",
"WinActivate" => "7",
"WinClose" => "7",
"WindowsDirectory" => "7",
"WindowsVersion" => "7",
"WinFind" => "7",
"WinList" => "7",
"WinMaximize" => "7",
"WinMinimize" => "7",
"WinMove" => "7",
"WinRestore" => "7",
"WinSize" => "7",
"Word" => "7",
"WordCount" => "7",
"Write" => "7",
"WriteIni" => "7",
"Xor" => "7",
"Year" => "7");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"7" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing",
"6" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: