ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_lisp Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_lisp:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_lisp:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_lisp ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_lisp.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_lisp::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 442 of file HFile_lisp.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_lisp::HFile_lisp ( )

Definition at line 7 of file HFile_lisp.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue", "purple", "gray");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")", "|", "{", "}", "[", "]", ";", "\"", "'", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array(";");
$this->blockcommenton = array("#|");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("|#");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"~a" => "1",
"~A" => "1",
"~b" => "1",
"~B" => "1",
"~d" => "1",
"~D" => "1",
"~e" => "1",
"~E" => "1",
"~o" => "1",
"~O" => "1",
"~s" => "1",
"~S" => "1",
"~x" => "1",
"~X" => "1",
"~%" => "1",
"#\\" => "2",
"#|" => "2",
"#=" => "2",
"#-" => "2",
"#+" => "2",
"#(" => "2",
"#." => "2",
"#\'" => "2",
"#:" => "2",
"##" => "2",
"#a" => "2",
"#A" => "2",
"#b" => "2",
"#B" => "2",
"#c" => "2",
"#o" => "2",
"#O" => "2",
"#r" => "2",
"#R" => "2",
"#s" => "2",
"#S" => "2",
"#x" => "2",
"#X" => "2",
"&allow-other-keys" => "3",
"&aux" => "3",
"&key" => "3",
"&optional" => "3",
"&rest" => "3",
"*features*" => "4",
"*load-verbose*" => "4",
"*modules*" => "4",
"*package*" => "4",
"*print-array*" => "4",
"*print-base*" => "4",
"*print-case*" => "4",
"*print-circle*" => "4",
"*printescape*" => "4",
"*printgensym*" => "4",
"*print-length*" => "4",
"*print-level*" => "4",
"*print-pretty*" => "4",
"*print-radix*" => "4",
"*read-base*" => "4",
"*readtable*" => "4",
"*standard-input*" => "4",
"*standard-output*" => "4",
"*terminal-io*" => "4",
":allow-other-keys" => "5",
":append" => "5",
":array" => "5",
":base" => "5",
":capitalize" => "5",
":case" => "5",
":circle" => "5",
":count" => "5",
":direction" => "5",
":downcase" => "5",
":element-type" => "5",
":escape" => "5",
":external" => "5",
":from-end" => "5",
":gensym" => "5",
":if-exists" => "5",
":inherited" => "5",
":initial-element" => "5",
":input" => "5",
":internal" => "5",
":key" => "5",
":length" => "5",
":level" => "5",
":output" => "5",
":output-file" => "5",
":pretty" => "5",
":print" => "5",
":radix" => "5",
":stream" => "5",
":test" => "5",
":test-not" => "5",
":upcase" => "5",
":verbose" => "5",
"abs" => "6",
"acons" => "6",
"acos" => "6",
"alpha-char-p" => "6",
"alphanumericp" => "6",
"and" => "6",
"append" => "6",
"apply" => "6",
"apropos" => "6",
"aref" => "6",
"array-dimensions" => "6",
"array-rank" => "6",
"arrayp" => "6",
"asin" => "6",
"assoc" => "6",
"atan" => "6",
"atom" => "6",
"block" => "6",
"boundp" => "6",
"break" => "6",
"by" => "6",
"bye" => "6",
"car" => "6",
"case" => "6",
"catch" => "6",
"cdr" => "6",
"ceiling" => "6",
"char" => "6",
"char=" => "6",
"char/=" => "6",
"char>" => "6",
"char>=" => "6",
"char<" => "6",
"char<=" => "6",
"char-code" => "6",
"char-downcase" => "6",
"char-upcase" => "6",
"char-acterp" => "6",
"close" => "6",
"code-char" => "6",
"compile" => "6",
"compile-file" => "6",
"compiler-let" => "6",
"complexp" => "6",
"concatenate" => "6",
"cond" => "6",
"cons" => "6",
"consp" => "6",
"copy-seq" => "6",
"cos" => "6",
"decf" => "6",
"declare" => "6",
"defconstant" => "6",
"defmacro" => "6",
"defparameter" => "6",
"defstruct" => "6",
"defun" => "6",
"defvar" => "6",
"delete" => "6",
"delete-file" => "6",
"delete-if" => "6",
"delete-if-not" => "6",
"describe" => "6",
"digit-char-p" => "6",
"do" => "6",
"do*" => "6",
"do-all-symbols" => "6",
"do-external-symbols" => "6",
"do-symbols" => "6",
"documentation" => "6",
"dolist" => "6",
"dotimes" => "6",
"ed" => "6",
"eighth" => "6",
"eq" => "6",
"eql" => "6",
"equal" => "6",
"error" => "6",
"eval" => "6",
"eval-when" => "6",
"exp" => "6",
"export" => "6",
"expt" => "6",
"fifth" => "6",
"find-package" => "6",
"find-symbol" => "6",
"finish-output" => "6",
"first" => "6",
"flet" => "6",
"floatp" => "6",
"floor" => "6",
"format" => "6",
"fourth" => "6",
"fresh-line" => "6",
"funcall" => "6",
"function" => "6",
"gcd" => "6",
"gensym" => "6",
"gentemp" => "6",
"get" => "6",
"getf" => "6",
"get-macro-character" => "6",
"get-properties" => "6",
"go" => "6",
"if" => "6",
"import" => "6",
"in-package" => "6",
"incf" => "6",
"inspect" => "6",
"integerp" => "6",
"intern" => "6",
"isqrt" => "6",
"labels" => "6",
"lanbda" => "6",
"last" => "6",
"lcm" => "6",
"length" => "6",
"let" => "6",
"let*" => "6",
"list" => "6",
"list*" => "6",
"list-all-packages" => "6",
"listp" => "6",
"load" => "6",
"log" => "6",
"loop" => "6",
"lower-case-p" => "6",
"macroexpand" => "6",
"macro-function" => "6",
"macrolet" => "6",
"make-array" => "6",
"make-list" => "6",
"make-string" => "6",
"makunbound" => "6",
"mapc" => "6",
"mapcan" => "6",
"mapcar" => "6",
"mapcon" => "6",
"mapl" => "6",
"maplist" => "6",
"max" => "6",
"member" => "6",
"member-if" => "6",
"member-if-not" => "6",
"min" => "6",
"mod" => "6",
"multiple-value-bind" => "6",
"multiple-value-call" => "6",
"multiple-value-list" => "6",
"multiple-value-prog1" => "6",
"multiple-value-setq" => "6",
"nconc" => "6",
"nil" => "6",
"ninth" => "6",
"not" => "6",
"nreverse" => "6",
"nstring-downcase" => "6",
"nstring-upcase" => "6",
"nth" => "6",
"nthcdr" => "6",
"null" => "6",
"numberp" => "6",
"open" => "6",
"or" => "6",
"otherwise" => "6",
"peek-char" => "6",
"pi" => "6",
"pop" => "6",
"pprint" => "6",
"prin1" => "6",
"princ" => "6",
"print" => "6",
"probe-file" => "6",
"proclaim" => "6",
"prog" => "6",
"prog*" => "6",
"prog1" => "6",
"progn" => "6",
"progv" => "6",
"provide" => "6",
"psetf" => "6",
"psetq" => "6",
"push" => "6",
"quote" => "6",
"random" => "6",
"rationalp" => "6",
"read" => "6",
"read-char" => "6",
"read-preserving-whitespace" => "6",
"rem" => "6",
"remf" => "6",
"remove" => "6",
"remove-if" => "6",
"remove-if-not" => "6",
"remprop" => "6",
"rename-file" => "6",
"require" => "6",
"rest" => "6",
"return" => "6",
"return-from" => "6",
"reverse" => "6",
"round" => "6",
"rplace" => "6",
"rplacd" => "6",
"second" => "6",
"set" => "6",
"set-macro-character" => "6",
"setf" => "6",
"setq" => "6",
"seventh" => "6",
"shadow" => "6",
"sin" => "6",
"sixth" => "6",
"special" => "6",
"special-form-p" => "6",
"sqrt" => "6",
"step" => "6",
"string" => "6",
"string=" => "6",
"string/=" => "6",
"string>" => "6",
"string<" => "6",
"string>=" => "6",
"string<=" => "6",
"string-char" => "6",
"string-downcase" => "6",
"string-upcase" => "6",
"stringp" => "6",
"subseq" => "6",
"symbol-name" => "6",
"symbol-package" => "6",
"symbol-values" => "6",
"t" => "6",
"tagbody" => "6",
"tan" => "6",
"tenth" => "6",
"terpri" => "6",
"the" => "6",
"third" => "6",
"throw" => "6",
"time" => "6",
"trace" => "6",
"truncate" => "6",
"typep" => "6",
"unless" => "6",
"unread-char" => "6",
"untrace" => "6",
"unwind-protect" => "6",
"upper-case-p" => "6",
"use-package" => "6",
"values" => "6",
"values-list" => "6",
"variable" => "6",
"vector" => "6",
"vectorp" => "6",
"when" => "6",
"with-input-from-string" => "6",
"with-open-file" => "6",
"with-output-to-string" => "6",
"write" => "6",
"write-char" => "6",
"write-to-string" => "6",
"=" => "7",
"//" => "7",
"/=" => "7",
"/" => "7",
">" => "7",
">=" => "7",
"<" => "7",
"<=" => "7",
"+" => "7",
"-" => "7",
"*" => "7",
"1+" => "7",
"1-" => "7",
"evenp" => "7",
"minusp" => "7",
"oddp" => "7",
"plusp" => "7",
"zerop" => "7");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing",
"6" => "donothing",
"7" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: