ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_haskell Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_haskell:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_haskell:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_haskell ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_haskell.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_haskell::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 500 of file HFile_haskell.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_haskell::HFile_haskell ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_haskell.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Haskell
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"", "'");
$this->delimiters = array("(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]", ";", ",", "`", " ", " ");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("--");
$this->blockcommenton = array("{-");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("-}");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"(" => "1",
")" => "1",
"Addr" => "1",
"EQ" => "1",
"EmptyRec" => "1",
"EmptyRow" => "1",
"Either" => "1",
"False" => "1",
"FilePath" => "1",
"GT" => "1",
"Hugs_Error" => "1",
"Hugs_ExitWith" => "1",
"Hugs_Return" => "1",
"Hugs_SuspendThread" => "1",
"IO" => "1",
"IOError" => "1",
"IOResult" => "1",
"Just" => "1",
"LT" => "1",
"Left" => "1",
"Maybe" => "1",
"Nothing" => "1",
"Ordering" => "1",
"Rec" => "1",
"Right" => "1",
"Ratio" => "1",
"Rational" => "1",
"ST" => "1",
"True" => "1",
"_" => "2",
"=" => "2",
"=>" => "2",
"|" => "2",
"<-" => "2",
"->" => "2",
"," => "2",
".." => "2",
":" => "2",
"::" => "2",
"class" => "2",
"case" => "2",
"data" => "2",
"deriving" => "2",
"do" => "2",
"else" => "2",
"import" => "2",
"instance" => "2",
"if" => "2",
"in" => "2",
"let" => "2",
"module" => "2",
"newtype" => "2",
"of" => "2",
"primitive" => "2",
"type" => "2",
"then" => "2",
"where" => "2",
"&&" => "3",
"||" => "3",
"//" => "3",
"/=" => "3",
"/" => "3",
"==" => "3",
"!" => "3",
"!!" => "3",
"+" => "3",
"++" => "3",
"-" => "3",
"*" => "3",
"**" => "3",
"<" => "3",
"<=" => "3",
">" => "3",
">>" => "3",
">>=" => "3",
">=" => "3",
"abs" => "3",
"absReal" => "3",
"accumulate" => "3",
"acos" => "3",
"acosh" => "3",
"all" => "3",
"and" => "3",
"any" => "3",
"appendFile" => "3",
"applyM" => "3",
"approxRational" => "3",
"asTypeOf" => "3",
"asciiTab" => "3",
"asin" => "3",
"asinh" => "3",
"atan" => "3",
"atan2" => "3",
"atanh" => "3",
"break" => "3",
"catch" => "3",
"ceiling" => "3",
"chr" => "3",
"compare" => "3",
"concat" => "3",
"concatMap" => "3",
"const" => "3",
"cos" => "3",
"cosh" => "3",
"curry" => "3",
"cycle" => "3",
"decodeFloat" => "3",
"denominator" => "3",
"digitToInt" => "3",
"div" => "3",
"divMod" => "3",
"doubleToFloat" => "3",
"doubleToRatio" => "3",
"doubleToRational" => "3",
"drop" => "3",
"dropWhile" => "3",
"either" => "3",
"elem" => "3",
"encodeFloat" => "3",
"enumFrom" => "3",
"enumFromThen" => "3",
"enumFromThenTo" => "3",
"enumFromTo" => "3",
"error" => "3",
"even" => "3",
"exp" => "3",
"exponent" => "3",
"fail" => "3",
"filter" => "3",
"flip" => "3",
"floatDigits" => "3",
"floatProperFraction" => "3",
"floatRadix" => "3",
"floatRange" => "3",
"floatToRational" => "3",
"floor" => "3",
"foldl" => "3",
"foldl\'" => "3",
"foldl1" => "3",
"foldr" => "3",
"foldr1" => "3",
"fromDouble" => "3",
"fromEnum" => "3",
"fromInt" => "3",
"fromInteger" => "3",
"fromIntegral" => "3",
"fromRational" => "3",
"fromRealFrac" => "3",
"fst" => "3",
"gcd" => "3",
"getChar" => "3",
"getContents" => "3",
"getLine" => "3",
"guard" => "3",
"head" => "3",
"hugsIORun" => "3",
"hugsPutStr" => "3",
"id" => "3",
"inRange" => "3",
"index" => "3",
"init" => "3",
"intToDigit" => "3",
"intToRatio" => "3",
"interact" => "3",
"ioeGetErrorString" => "3",
"isAlpha" => "3",
"isAlphanum" => "3",
"isAscii" => "3",
"isControl" => "3",
"isDenormalized" => "3",
"isDigit" => "3",
"isHexDigit" => "3",
"isIEEE" => "3",
"isInfinite" => "3",
"isLower" => "3",
"isNaN" => "3",
"isNegativeZero" => "3",
"isOctDigit" => "3",
"isPrint" => "3",
"isSpace" => "3",
"isUpper" => "3",
"iterate" => "3",
"last" => "3",
"lcm" => "3",
"length" => "3",
"lex" => "3",
"lexDigits" => "3",
"lexLitChar" => "3",
"lexmatch" => "3",
"lines" => "3",
"log" => "3",
"logBase" => "3",
"lookup" => "3",
"map" => "3",
"mapM" => "3",
"mapM_" => "3",
"max" => "3",
"maxBound" => "3",
"maximum" => "3",
"maybe" => "3",
"min" => "3",
"minBound" => "3",
"minimum" => "3",
"mod" => "3",
"negate" => "3",
"nonnull" => "3",
"not" => "3",
"notElem" => "3",
"null" => "3",
"numerator" => "3",
"numericEnumFrom" => "3",
"numericEnumFromThen" => "3",
"numericEnumFromThenTo" => "3",
"numericEnumFromTo" => "3",
"odd" => "3",
"or" => "3",
"ord" => "3",
"otherwise" => "3",
"pi" => "3",
"pred" => "3",
"primAcosDouble" => "3",
"primAcosFloat" => "3",
"primAsinDouble" => "3",
"primAsinFloat" => "3",
"primAtanDouble" => "3",
"primAtanFloat" => "3",
"primCharToInt" => "3",
"primCmpChar" => "3",
"primCmpDouble" => "3",
"primCmpFloat" => "3",
"primCmpInt" => "3",
"primCmpInteger" => "3",
"primCompAux" => "3",
"primCosDouble" => "3",
"primCosFloat" => "3",
"primDivDouble" => "3",
"primDivFloat" => "3",
"primDivInt" => "3",
"primDoubleDecode" => "3",
"primDoubleDigits" => "3",
"primDoubleEncode" => "3",
"primDoubleMaxExp" => "3",
"primDoubleMinExp" => "3",
"primDoubleRadix" => "3",
"primEqChar" => "3",
"primEqDouble" => "3",
"primEqFloat" => "3",
"primEqInt" => "3",
"primEqInteger" => "3",
"primEvenInt" => "3",
"primEvenInteger" => "3",
"primExitWith" => "3",
"primExpDouble" => "3",
"primExpFloat" => "3",
"primFloatDecode" => "3",
"primFloatDigits" => "3",
"primFloatEncode" => "3",
"primFloatMaxExp" => "3",
"primFloatMinExp" => "3",
"primFloatRadix" => "3",
"primIntToChar" => "3",
"primIntToDouble" => "3",
"primIntToFloat" => "3",
"primIntToInteger" => "3",
"primIntegerToDouble" => "3",
"primIntegerToFloat" => "3",
"primIntegerToInt" => "3",
"primLogDouble" => "3",
"primLogFloat" => "3",
"primMaxInt" => "3",
"primMinInt" => "3",
"primMinusDouble" => "3",
"primMinusFloat" => "3",
"primMinusInt" => "3",
"primMinusInteger" => "3",
"primModInt" => "3",
"primMulDouble" => "3",
"primMulFloat" => "3",
"primMulInt" => "3",
"primMulInteger" => "3",
"primNegDouble" => "3",
"primNegFloat" => "3",
"primNegInt" => "3",
"primNegInteger" => "3",
"primPiDouble" => "3",
"primPiFloat" => "3",
"primPlusDouble" => "3",
"primPlusFloat" => "3",
"primPlusInt" => "3",
"primPlusInteger" => "3",
"primPmFlt" => "3",
"primPmInt" => "3",
"primPmInteger" => "3",
"primPmNpk" => "3",
"primPmSub" => "3",
"primQrmInt" => "3",
"primQrmInteger" => "3",
"primQuotInt" => "3",
"primRationalToDouble" => "3",
"primRationalToFloat" => "3",
"primRemInt" => "3",
"primShowsDouble" => "3",
"primShowsFloat" => "3",
"primShowsInt" => "3",
"primShowsInteger" => "3",
"primSinDouble" => "3",
"primSinFloat" => "3",
"primSqrtDouble" => "3",
"primSqrtFloat" => "3",
"primTanDouble" => "3",
"primTanFloat" => "3",
"primbindIO" => "3",
"primretIO" => "3",
"print" => "3",
"product" => "3",
"properFraction" => "3",
"protectEsc" => "3",
"putChar" => "3",
"putStr" => "3",
"putStrLn" => "3",
"quot" => "3",
"quotRem" => "3",
"range" => "3",
"rangeSize" => "3",
"rationalToDouble" => "3",
"rationalToFloat" => "3",
"rationalToRealFloat" => "3",
"read" => "3",
"readDec" => "3",
"readField" => "3",
"readFile" => "3",
"readFloat" => "3",
"readHex" => "3",
"readIO" => "3",
"readInt" => "3",
"readList" => "3",
"readLitChar" => "3",
"readLn" => "3",
"readOct" => "3",
"readParen" => "3",
"readSigned" => "3",
"reads" => "3",
"readsPrec" => "3",
"realFloatToRational" => "3",
"recip" => "3",
"reduce" => "3",
"rem" => "3",
"repeat" => "3",
"replicate" => "3",
"return" => "3",
"reverse" => "3",
"round" => "3",
"scaleFloat" => "3",
"scanl" => "3",
"scanl1" => "3",
"scanr" => "3",
"scanr1" => "3",
"seq" => "3",
"sequence" => "3",
"show" => "3",
"showChar" => "3",
"showField" => "3",
"showInt" => "3",
"showList" => "3",
"showLitChar" => "3",
"showParen" => "3",
"showSigned" => "3",
"showString" => "3",
"shows" => "3",
"showsPrec" => "3",
"significand" => "3",
"signum" => "3",
"signumReal" => "3",
"sin" => "3",
"sinh" => "3",
"snd" => "3",
"span" => "3",
"splitAt" => "3",
"sqrt" => "3",
"strict" => "3",
"subtract" => "3",
"succ" => "3",
"sum" => "3",
"tail" => "3",
"take" => "3",
"takeWhile" => "3",
"tan" => "3",
"tanh" => "3",
"toEnum" => "3",
"toInt" => "3",
"toInteger" => "3",
"toLower" => "3",
"toRational" => "3",
"toUpper" => "3",
"truncate" => "3",
"uncurry" => "3",
"undefined" => "3",
"unlines" => "3",
"until" => "3",
"unwords" => "3",
"unzip" => "3",
"unzip3" => "3",
"userError" => "3",
"words" => "3",
"writeFile" => "3",
"zero" => "3",
"zip" => "3",
"zip3" => "3",
"zipWith" => "3",
"zipWith3" => "3",
"Bool" => "4",
"Char" => "4",
"Float" => "4",
"Int" => "4",
"Integer" => "4",
"Long" => "4",
"String" => "4",
"Bounded" => "5",
"Double" => "5",
"Enum" => "5",
"Eq" => "5",
"Eval" => "5",
"Functor" => "5",
"Fractional" => "5",
"Floating" => "5",
"Ix" => "5",
"Integral" => "5",
"Monad" => "5",
"MonadZero" => "5",
"MonadPlus" => "5",
"Num" => "5",
"Ord" => "5",
"Read" => "5",
"Real" => "5",
"RealFrac" => "5",
"RealFloat" => "5",
"Show" => "5",
"Void" => "5");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: