ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_wdl Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_wdl:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_wdl:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_wdl ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_wdl.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_wdl::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 716 of file HFile_wdl.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_wdl::HFile_wdl ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_wdl.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("brown", "blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue", "purple", "gray");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("{");
$this->unindent = array("}");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"/L10" => "",
"\"Acknex" => "",
"WDL" => "",
"V3.9\"" => "",
"Nocase" => "",
"Line" => "",
"Comment" => "",
"=" => "8",
"#" => "",
"Block" => "",
"On" => "",
"/*" => "",
"Off" => "",
"*/" => "",
"String" => "",
"Chars" => "",
"\"" => "",
"File" => "",
"Extensions" => "",
"wdl" => "",
"albedo" => "1",
"ambient" => "1",
"angle" => "1",
"aspeed" => "1",
"attach" => "1",
"below" => "1",
"bmaps" => "1",
"bullet" => "1",
"button" => "1",
"ceil_angle" => "1",
"ceil_hgt" => "1",
"ceil_texclip_dist" => "1",
"cycle" => "1",
"cycles" => "1",
"delay" => "1",
"default" => "1",
"digits" => "1",
"dist" => "1",
"distance" => "1",
"each_cycle" => "1",
"each_tick" => "1",
"flags" => "1",
"floor_angle" => "1",
"floor_hgt" => "1",
"floor_offs_x" => "1",
"floor_offs_y" => "1",
"floor_tex" => "1",
"follow" => "1",
"font" => "1",
"frame" => "1",
"genius" => "1",
"global" => "1",
"hbar" => "1",
"height" => "1",
"here" => "1",
"hit" => "1",
"hold" => "1",
"hslider" => "1",
"if_arise" => "1",
"if_arived" => "1",
"if_dive" => "1",
"if_enter" => "1",
"if_far" => "1",
"if_hit" => "1",
"if_klick" => "1",
"if_leave" => "1",
"if_near" => "1",
"if_touch" => "1",
"if_release" => "1",
"index" => "1",
"layer" => "1",
"left" => "1",
"length" => "1",
"local" => "1",
"map_color" => "1",
"max" => "1",
"min" => "1",
"mirror" => "1",
"move" => "1",
"msprite" => "1",
"my" => "1",
"node1" => "1",
"node2" => "1",
"null" => "1",
"offset_x" => "1",
"offset_y" => "1",
"ovlys" => "1",
"palfile" => "1",
"player" => "1",
"pan_map" => "1",
"picture" => "1",
"pos_x" => "1",
"pos_y" => "1",
"position" => "1",
"radiance" => "1",
"random" => "1",
"range" => "1",
"rel_angle" => "1",
"rel_dist" => "1",
"repel" => "1",
"right" => "1",
"scale_x" => "1",
"scale_y" => "1",
"scycles" => "1",
"sdist" => "1",
"sides" => "1",
"size_x" => "1",
"size_y" => "1",
"skill1" => "1",
"skill2" => "1",
"skill3" => "1",
"skill4" => "1",
"skill5" => "1",
"skill6" => "1",
"skill7" => "1",
"skill8" => "1",
"speed" => "1",
"stick" => "1",
"strings" => "1",
"svdist" => "1",
"svol" => "1",
"target" => "1",
"target_x" => "1",
"target_y" => "1",
"there" => "1",
"title" => "1",
"top" => "1",
"touch" => "1",
"touch_tex" => "1",
"touch_text" => "1",
"touch_reg" => "1",
"touched" => "1",
"type" => "1",
"val" => "1",
"vbar" => "1",
"vertex" => "1",
"view" => "1",
"vslider" => "1",
"vspeed" => "1",
"waypoint" => "1",
"window" => "1",
"x1" => "1",
"x2" => "1",
"y1" => "1",
"y2" => "1",
"z1" => "1",
"z2" => "1",
".x" => "1",
".y" => "1",
"abs" => "2",
"accel" => "2",
"acos" => "2",
"add" => "2",
"addt" => "2",
"add_string" => "2",
"and" => "2",
"asin" => "2",
"beep" => "2",
"branch" => "2",
"break" => "2",
"call" => "2",
"continue" => "2",
"cos" => "2",
"drop" => "2",
"else" => "2",
"end" => "2",
"exclusive" => "2",
"exit" => "2",
"exp" => "2",
"explode" => "2",
"fade_pal" => "2",
"find" => "2",
"freeze" => "2",
"getmidi" => "2",
"goto" => "2",
"if" => "2",
"if_start" => "2",
"if_load" => "2",
"if_left" => "2",
"if_middle" => "2",
"if_right" => "2",
"if_mstop" => "2",
"if_anykey" => "2",
"if_f1" => "2",
"if_f2" => "2",
"if_f3" => "2",
"if_f4" => "2",
"if_f5" => "2",
"if_f6" => "2",
"if_f7" => "2",
"if_f8" => "2",
"if_f9" => "2",
"if_f10" => "2",
"if_f11" => "2",
"if_f12" => "2",
"if_esc" => "2",
"if_tab" => "2",
"if_ctrl" => "2",
"if_alt" => "2",
"if_space" => "2",
"if_bksp" => "2",
"if_cuu" => "2",
"if_cud" => "2",
"if_cur" => "2",
"if_cul" => "2",
"if_pgup" => "2",
"if_pgdn" => "2",
"if_home" => "2",
"if_end" => "2",
"if_ins" => "2",
"if_del" => "2",
"if_pause" => "2",
"if_car" => "2",
"if_cal" => "2",
"if_plus" => "2",
"if_minus" => "2",
"if_0" => "2",
"if_1" => "2",
"if_2" => "2",
"if_3" => "2",
"if_4" => "2",
"if_5" => "2",
"if_6" => "2",
"if_7" => "2",
"if_8" => "2",
"if_9" => "2",
"if_a" => "2",
"if_b" => "2",
"if_c" => "2",
"if_d" => "2",
"if_e" => "2",
"if_f" => "2",
"if_g" => "2",
"if_h" => "2",
"if_i" => "2",
"if_j" => "2",
"if_k" => "2",
"if_l" => "2",
"if_m" => "2",
"if_n" => "2",
"if_o" => "2",
"if_p" => "2",
"if_q" => "2",
"if_r" => "2",
"if_s" => "2",
"if_t" => "2",
"if_u" => "2",
"if_v" => "2",
"if_w" => "2",
"if_x" => "2",
"if_y" => "2",
"if_z" => "2",
"if_above" => "2",
"if_below" => "2",
"if_equal" => "2",
"if_min" => "2",
"if_max" => "2",
"inkey" => "2",
"inport" => "2",
"int" => "2",
"level" => "2",
"lift" => "2",
"load" => "2",
"load_info" => "2",
"locate" => "2",
"log" => "2",
"log2" => "2",
"log10" => "2",
"map" => "2",
"midicom" => "2",
"next_my" => "2",
"next_there" => "2",
"next_my_there" => "2",
"outport" => "2",
"play_cd" => "2",
"play_demo" => "2",
"play_flic" => "2",
"play_flicfile" => "2",
"play_sound" => "2",
"play_song" => "2",
"play_song_once" => "2",
"play_soundfile" => "2",
"print_string" => "2",
"print_value" => "2",
"printfile" => "2",
"push" => "2",
"rotate" => "2",
"rule" => "2",
"save_demo" => "2",
"save_info" => "2",
"screenshot" => "2",
"set" => "2",
"set_all" => "2",
"set_info" => "2",
"set_skill" => "2",
"set_string" => "2",
"setmidi" => "2",
"shake" => "2",
"shift" => "2",
"shoot" => "2",
"sign" => "2",
"sin" => "2",
"sqrt" => "2",
"stop_demo" => "2",
"stop_flic" => "2",
"stop_sound" => "2",
"tan" => "2",
"tilt" => "2",
"to_string" => "2",
"wait" => "2",
"waitt" => "2",
"while" => "2",
"abspos" => "3",
"autorange" => "3",
"base" => "3",
"behind" => "3",
"berkeley" => "3",
"blur" => "3",
"candelaber" => "3",
"carefully" => "3",
"ceil_ascend" => "3",
"ceil_descend" => "3",
"center_x" => "3",
"center_y" => "3",
"clip" => "3",
"cluster" => "3",
"condensed" => "3",
"curtain" => "3",
"diaphanous" => "3",
"far" => "3",
"fence" => "3",
"flag1" => "3",
"flag2" => "3",
"flag3" => "3",
"flag4" => "3",
"flag5" => "3",
"flag6" => "3",
"flag7" => "3",
"flag8" => "3",
"floor_ascend" => "3",
"floor_descend" => "3",
"fragile" => "3",
"ghost" => "3",
"ground" => "3",
"hard" => "3",
"immaterial" => "3",
"impassable" => "3",
"invisible" => "3",
"liber" => "3",
"lightmap" => "3",
"master" => "3",
"moved" => "3",
"narrow" => "3",
"no_clip" => "3",
"oneshot" => "3",
"passable" => "3",
"play" => "3",
"portcullis" => "3",
"refresh" => "3",
"relpos" => "3",
"save" => "3",
"save_all" => "3",
"seen" => "3",
"sensitive" => "3",
"shadow" => "3",
"sky" => "3",
"sloop" => "3",
"sticky" => "3",
"transparent" => "3",
"visible" => "3",
"wire" => "3",
"acceleration" => "4",
"active_nexus" => "4",
"active_targets" => "4",
"actor_ceil_hgt" => "4",
"actor_climb" => "4",
"actor_dist" => "4",
"actor_floor_hgt" => "4",
"actor_impact_vx" => "4",
"actor_impact_vy" => "4",
"actor_impact_vz" => "4",
"actor_width" => "4",
"aspect" => "4",
"blur_mode" => "4",
"bounce_vx" => "4",
"bounce_vy" => "4",
"cd_track" => "4",
"cdaudio_vol" => "4",
"channel" => "4",
"channel_0" => "4",
"channel_1" => "4",
"channel_2" => "4",
"channel_3" => "4",
"channel_4" => "4",
"channel_5" => "4",
"channel_6" => "4",
"channel_7" => "4",
"clipping" => "4",
"color_actors" => "4",
"color_border" => "4",
"color_player" => "4",
"color_things" => "4",
"color_walls" => "4",
"dark_dist" => "4",
"debug_mode" => "4",
"delta_angle" => "4",
"error" => "4",
"eye_dist" => "4",
"flic_frame" => "4",
"force_ahead" => "4",
"force_rot" => "4",
"force_strafe" => "4",
"force_tilt" => "4",
"force_up" => "4",
"friction" => "4",
"hit_dist" => "4",
"hit_mindist" => "4",
"hit_x" => "4",
"hit_y" => "4",
"impact_vx" => "4",
"impact_vy" => "4",
"impact_vz" => "4",
"impact_vrot" => "4",
"inertia" => "4",
"joy_4" => "4",
"joy_sense" => "4",
"joystick_x" => "4",
"joystick_y" => "4",
"key_any" => "4",
"key_sense" => "4",
"key_f1" => "4",
"key_f2" => "4",
"key_f3" => "4",
"key_f4" => "4",
"key_f5" => "4",
"key_f6" => "4",
"key_f7" => "4",
"key_f8" => "4",
"key_f9" => "4",
"key_f10" => "4",
"key_f11" => "4",
"key_f12" => "4",
"key_esc" => "4",
"key_tab" => "4",
"key_shift" => "4",
"key_ctrl" => "4",
"key_alt" => "4",
"key_space" => "4",
"key_bksp" => "4",
"key_cuu" => "4",
"key_cud" => "4",
"key_cur" => "4",
"key_cul" => "4",
"key_pgup" => "4",
"key_pgdn" => "4",
"key_home" => "4",
"key_end" => "4",
"key_ins" => "4",
"key_del" => "4",
"key_pause" => "4",
"key_car" => "4",
"key_cal" => "4",
"key_plus" => "4",
"key_minus" => "4",
"key_enter" => "4",
"key_1" => "4",
"key_2" => "4",
"key_3" => "4",
"key_4" => "4",
"key_5" => "4",
"key_6" => "4",
"key_7" => "4",
"key_8" => "4",
"key_9" => "4",
"key_0" => "4",
"key_a" => "4",
"key_b" => "4",
"key_c" => "4",
"key_d" => "4",
"key_e" => "4",
"key_f" => "4",
"key_g" => "4",
"key_h" => "4",
"key_i" => "4",
"key_j" => "4",
"key_k" => "4",
"key_l" => "4",
"key_m" => "4",
"key_n" => "4",
"key_o" => "4",
"key_p" => "4",
"key_q" => "4",
"key_r" => "4",
"key_s" => "4",
"key_t" => "4",
"key_u" => "4",
"key_v" => "4",
"key_w" => "4",
"key_x" => "4",
"key_y" => "4",
"key_z" => "4",
"light_dist" => "4",
"lines" => "4",
"load_mode" => "4",
"map_centerx" => "4",
"map_centery" => "4",
"map_edge_x1" => "4",
"map_edge_x2" => "4",
"map_edge_y1" => "4",
"map_edge_y2" => "4",
"map_layer" => "4",
"map_maxx" => "4",
"map_maxy" => "4",
"map_minx" => "4",
"map_miny" => "4",
"map_mode" => "4",
"map_offsx" => "4",
"map_offsy" => "4",
"map_rot" => "4",
"map_scale" => "4",
"max_dist" => "4",
"mickey_x" => "4",
"mickey_y" => "4",
"motion_blur" => "4",
"mouse_angle" => "4",
"mouse_calm" => "4",
"mouse_left" => "4",
"mouse_middle" => "4",
"mouse_mode" => "4",
"mouse_moving" => "4",
"mouse_right" => "4",
"mouse_sense" => "4",
"mouse_time" => "4",
"mouse_x" => "4",
"mouse_y" => "4",
"move_angle" => "4",
"move_mode" => "4",
"music_vol" => "4",
"player_angle" => "4",
"player_arc" => "4",
"player_climb" => "4",
"player_cos" => "4",
"player_depth" => "4",
"player_hgt" => "4",
"player_last_x" => "4",
"player_last_y" => "4",
"player_light" => "4",
"player_sin" => "4",
"player_size" => "4",
"player_speed" => "4",
"player_tilt" => "4",
"player_vrot" => "4",
"player_vx" => "4",
"player_vy" => "4",
"player_vz" => "4",
"player_width" => "4",
"player_x" => "4",
"player_y" => "4",
"player_z" => "4",
"psound_tone" => "4",
"psound_vol" => "4",
"remode_0" => "4",
"remode_1" => "4",
"render_mode" => "4",
"result" => "4",
"screen_hgt" => "4",
"screen_width" => "4",
"screen_x" => "4",
"screen_y" => "4",
"secs" => "4",
"shift_sense" => "4",
"shoot_angle" => "4",
"shoot_fac" => "4",
"shoot_range" => "4",
"shoot_sector" => "4",
"shoot_x" => "4",
"shoot_y" => "4",
"skip_frames" => "4",
"sky_offs_x" => "4",
"sky_offs_y" => "4",
"slope_ahead" => "4",
"slope_side" => "4",
"slope_x" => "4",
"slope_y" => "4",
"sound_vol" => "4",
"steps" => "4",
"str_len" => "4",
"ticks" => "4",
"time_corr" => "4",
"time_fac" => "4",
"thing_dist" => "4",
"thing_width" => "4",
"touch_dist" => "4",
"touch_mode" => "4",
"touch_state" => "4",
"walk" => "4",
"walk_period" => "4",
"walk_time" => "4",
"wave" => "4",
"wave_period" => "4",
"action" => "5",
"actor" => "5",
"bmap" => "5",
"flic" => "5",
"mapfile" => "5",
"model" => "5",
"music" => "5",
"overlay" => "5",
"ovly" => "5",
"panel" => "5",
"region" => "5",
"skill" => "5",
"sound" => "5",
"string" => "5",
"synonym" => "5",
"text" => "5",
"texture" => "5",
"thing" => "5",
"wall" => "5",
"way" => "5",
"define" => "6",
"endif" => "6",
"ifdef" => "6",
"ifelse" => "6",
"ifndef" => "6",
"undefine" => "6",
"bind" => "7",
"clip_dist" => "7",
"dither" => "7",
"drumbank" => "7",
"ibank" => "7",
"include" => "7",
"light_angle" => "7",
"mabfile" => "7",
"midi_pitch" => "7",
"nexus" => "7",
"path" => "7",
"savedir" => "7",
"video" => "7",
"+" => "8",
"-" => "8",
"/" => "8",
"%" => "8",
"&" => "8",
">" => "8",
"<" => "8",
"^" => "8",
"!" => "8",
"|" => "8",
"*" => "8");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"" => "donothing",
"8" => "donothing",
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing",
"6" => "donothing",
"7" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: