ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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ilAccessHandler Class Reference

Class ilAccessHandler. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for ilAccessHandler:

Public Member Functions

 ilAccessHandler ()
 storeAccessResult ($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_access_granted, $a_user_id="", $a_info="")
 store access result
 setPreventCachingLastResult ($a_val)
 Set prevent caching last result.
 getPreventCachingLastResult ()
 Get prevent caching last result.
 getStoredAccessResult ($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id="")
 get stored access result
 storeCache ()
 readCache ($a_secs=0)
 getResults ()
 setResults ($a_results)
 addInfoItem ($a_type, $a_text, $a_data="")
 add an info item to current info object
 checkAccess ($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_type="", $a_obj_id="", $a_tree_id="")
 check access for an object (provide $a_type and $a_obj_id if available for better performance)
 checkAccessOfUser ($a_user_id, $a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_type="", $a_obj_id="", $a_tree_id="")
 check access for an object (provide $a_type and $a_obj_id if available for better performance)
 getInfo ()
 get last info object
 getResultLast ()
 get last info object
 getResultAll ($a_ref_id="")
 doCacheCheck ($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id)
 look if result for current query is already in cache
 doTreeCheck ($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id)
 check if object is in tree and not deleted
 doRBACCheck ($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id, $a_type)
 rbac check for current object -> type should be used for create permission
 doPathCheck ($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id, $a_all=false)
 check read permission for all parents
 doActivationCheck ($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id, $a_all=false)
 check for course activation
 doConditionCheck ($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id, $a_obj_id, $a_type)
 condition check (currently only implemented for read permission)
 doStatusCheck ($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id, $a_obj_id, $a_type)
 object type specific check
 doLicenseCheck ($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id, $a_obj_id, $a_type)
 check for available licenses
 clear ()
 enable ($a_str, $a_bool)

Protected Attributes

 $stored_rbac_access = array()

Detailed Description

Class ilAccessHandler.

Checks access for ILIAS objects

Alex Killing
Sascha Hofmann
class.ilAccessHandler.php 41367 2013-04-12 09:41:43Z jluetzen

Definition at line 20 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

Member Function Documentation

ilAccessHandler::addInfoItem (   $a_type,
  $a_data = "" 

add an info item to current info object

Definition at line 189 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

$this->current_info->addInfoItem($a_type, $a_text, $a_data);
ilAccessHandler::checkAccess (   $a_permission,
  $a_type = "",
  $a_obj_id = "",
  $a_tree_id = "" 

check access for an object (provide $a_type and $a_obj_id if available for better performance)


Definition at line 206 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $ilUser, and checkAccessOfUser().

global $ilUser;
return $this->checkAccessOfUser($ilUser->getId(),$a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_type, $a_obj_id, $a_tree_id);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilAccessHandler::checkAccessOfUser (   $a_user_id,
  $a_type = "",
  $a_obj_id = "",
  $a_tree_id = "" 

check access for an object (provide $a_type and $a_obj_id if available for better performance)


Definition at line 226 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $ilBench, $lng, ilObject\_lookupObjId(), ilObject\_lookupType(), doActivationCheck(), doCacheCheck(), doConditionCheck(), doLicenseCheck(), doPathCheck(), doRBACCheck(), doStatusCheck(), doTreeCheck(), IL_NO_PERMISSION, setPreventCachingLastResult(), and storeAccessResult().

Referenced by checkAccess(), doActivationCheck(), doConditionCheck(), and doPathCheck().

global $ilBench, $lng;
$this->setPreventCachingLastResult(false); // for external db based caches
$ilBench->start("AccessControl", "0400_clear_info");
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "0400_clear_info");
// get stored result (internal memory based cache)
$cached = $this->doCacheCheck($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id);
if ($cached["hit"])
// Store access result
if (!$cached["granted"])
$this->current_info->addInfoItem(IL_NO_PERMISSION, $lng->txt("status_no_permission"));
if ($cached["prevent_db_cache"])
$this->setPreventCachingLastResult(true); // should have been saved in previous call already
return $cached["granted"];
$ilBench->start("AccessControl", "0500_lookup_id_and_type");
// get object id if not provided
if ($a_obj_id == "")
if (isset($this->obj_id_cache[$a_ref_id]) && $this->obj_id_cache[$a_ref_id] > 0)
$a_obj_id = $this->obj_id_cache[$a_ref_id];
$a_obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjId($a_ref_id);
$this->obj_id_cache[$a_ref_id] = $a_obj_id;
if ($a_type == "")
if (isset($this->obj_type_cache[$a_ref_id]) && $this->obj_type_cache[$a_ref_id] != "")
$a_type = $this->obj_type_cache[$a_ref_id];
$a_type = ilObject::_lookupType($a_ref_id, true);
$this->obj_type_cache[$a_ref_id] = $a_type;
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "0500_lookup_id_and_type");
// to do: payment handling
// if supplied tree id is not = 1 (= repository main tree),
// check if object is in tree and not deleted
if ($a_tree_id != 1 &&
!$this->doTreeCheck($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id))
$this->current_info->addInfoItem(IL_NO_PERMISSION, $lng->txt("status_no_permission"));
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, false, $a_user_id);
return false;
// rbac check for current object
if (!$this->doRBACCheck($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id, $a_type))
$this->current_info->addInfoItem(IL_NO_PERMISSION, $lng->txt("status_no_permission"));
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, false, $a_user_id);
return false;
// Check object activation
$act_check = $this->doActivationCheck($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id);
$this->current_info->addInfoItem(IL_NO_PERMISSION, $lng->txt('status_no_permission'));
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, false, $a_user_id);
return false;
// check read permission for all parents
$par_check = $this->doPathCheck($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id);
if (!$par_check)
$this->current_info->addInfoItem(IL_NO_PERMISSION, $lng->txt("status_no_permission"));
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, false, $a_user_id);
return false;
// condition check (currently only implemented for read permission)
if (!$this->doConditionCheck($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id, $a_obj_id, $a_type))
$this->current_info->addInfoItem(IL_NO_PERMISSION, $lng->txt("status_no_permission"));
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, false, $a_user_id);
$this->setPreventCachingLastResult(true); // do not store this in db, since condition updates are not monitored
return false;
// object type specific check
if (!$this->doStatusCheck($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id, $a_obj_id, $a_type))
$this->current_info->addInfoItem(IL_NO_PERMISSION, $lng->txt("status_no_permission"));
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, false, $a_user_id);
$this->setPreventCachingLastResult(true); // do not store this in db, since status updates are not monitored
return false;
// check for available licenses
if (!$this->doLicenseCheck($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id, $a_obj_id, $a_type))
$this->setPreventCachingLastResult(true); // do not store this in db, since status updates are not monitored
return false;
// all checks passed
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, true, $a_user_id);
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilAccessHandler::clear ( )

Definition at line 776 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

$this->results = array();
$this->last_result = "";
$this->current_info = new ilAccessInfo();
ilAccessHandler::doActivationCheck (   $a_permission,
  $a_all = false 

check for course activation

Definition at line 567 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $ilBench, $ilUser, checkAccessOfUser(), ilMemberViewSettings\getInstance(), ilObjectActivation\getItem(), and ilObjectActivation\TIMINGS_ACTIVATION.

Referenced by checkAccessOfUser().

global $ilBench,$ilUser;
$ilBench->start("AccessControl", "3150_checkAccess_check_course_activation");
$cache_perm = ($a_permission == "visible")
? "visible"
: "other";
//echo "<br>doActivationCheck-$cache_perm-$a_ref_id-$a_user_id-".$ilObjDataCache->lookupType($ilObjDataCache->lookupObjId($a_ref_id));
if (isset($this->ac_cache[$cache_perm][$a_ref_id][$a_user_id]))
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "3150_checkAccess_check_course_activation");
return $this->ac_cache[$cache_perm][$a_ref_id][$a_user_id];
// nothings needs to be done if current permission is write permission
if($a_permission == 'write')
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "3150_checkAccess_check_course_activation");
return true;
// #10852 - member view check
if($a_user_id == $ilUser->getId())
// #10905 - activate parent container ONLY
include_once './Services/Container/classes/class.ilMemberViewSettings.php';
if($memview->isActiveForRefId($a_ref_id) &&
$memview->getContainer() == $a_ref_id)
return true;
include_once 'Services/Object/classes/class.ilObjectActivation.php';
$item_data = ilObjectActivation::getItem($a_ref_id);
// if activation isn't enabled
if($item_data === NULL ||
$item_data['timing_type'] != ilObjectActivation::TIMINGS_ACTIVATION)
$this->ac_cache[$cache_perm][$a_ref_id][$a_user_id] = true;
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "3150_checkAccess_check_course_activation");
return true;
// if within activation time
if((time() >= $item_data['timing_start']) and
(time() <= $item_data['timing_end']))
$this->ac_cache[$cache_perm][$a_ref_id][$a_user_id] = true;
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "3150_checkAccess_check_course_activation");
return true;
// if user has write permission
if($this->checkAccessOfUser($a_user_id, "write", "", $a_ref_id))
$this->ac_cache[$cache_perm][$a_ref_id][$a_user_id] = true;
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "3150_checkAccess_check_course_activation");
return true;
// if current permission is visible and visible is set in activation
if($a_permission == 'visible' and $item_data['visible'])
$this->ac_cache[$cache_perm][$a_ref_id][$a_user_id] = true;
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "3150_checkAccess_check_course_activation");
return true;
// no access
$this->ac_cache[$cache_perm][$a_ref_id][$a_user_id] = false;
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "3150_checkAccess_check_course_activation");
return false;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilAccessHandler::doCacheCheck (   $a_permission,

look if result for current query is already in cache

Definition at line 384 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $ilBench, and getStoredAccessResult().

Referenced by checkAccessOfUser().

global $ilBench;
//echo "cacheCheck<br/>";
$ilBench->start("AccessControl", "1000_checkAccess_get_cache_result");
$stored_access = $this->getStoredAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id,$a_user_id);
if (is_array($stored_access))
$this->current_info = $stored_access["info"];
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "1000_checkAccess_get_cache_result");
return array("hit" => true, "granted" => $stored_access["granted"],
"prevent_db_cache" => $stored_access["prevent_db_cache"]);
// not in cache
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "1000_checkAccess_get_cache_result");
return array("hit" => false, "granted" => false,
"prevent_db_cache" => false);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilAccessHandler::doConditionCheck (   $a_permission,

condition check (currently only implemented for read permission)

Definition at line 650 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $ilBench, $lng, ilConditionHandler\_checkAllConditionsOfTarget(), ilConditionHandler\_getConditionsOfTarget(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), checkAccessOfUser(), and IL_MISSING_PRECONDITION.

Referenced by checkAccessOfUser().

//echo "conditionCheck<br/>";
global $lng, $ilBench;
if (($a_permission == "read" or $a_permission == 'join') &&
!$this->checkAccessOfUser($a_user_id, "write", "", $a_ref_id, $a_type, $a_obj_id))
$ilBench->start("AccessControl", "4000_checkAccess_condition_check");
$conditions = ilConditionHandler::_getConditionsOfTarget($a_ref_id,$a_obj_id, $a_type);
foreach ($conditions as $condition)
$lng->txt("missing_precondition").": ".
ilObject::_lookupTitle($condition["trigger_obj_id"])." ".
$lng->txt("condition_".$condition["operator"])." ".
$condition["value"], $condition);
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "4000_checkAccess_condition_check");
return false;
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "4000_checkAccess_condition_check");
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilAccessHandler::doLicenseCheck (   $a_permission,

check for available licenses

Definition at line 729 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $lng, ilLicenseAccess\_checkAccess(), ilLicenseAccess\_isEnabled(), IL_NO_LICENSE, and storeAccessResult().

Referenced by checkAccessOfUser().

global $lng;
// simple checks first
if (!in_array($a_type, array('sahs','htlm'))
or !in_array($a_permission, array('read')))
$has_access = true;
// licensing globally disabled => access granted
$has_access = true;
/* resolved mantis issue #5288:
* admins should not automatically have read access!
* their read access will also be noted and consume a license
elseif ($this->rbacsystem->checkAccessOfUser($a_user_id, "edit_permissions", $a_ref_id))
$has_access = true;
// now do the real check
$has_access = ilLicenseAccess::_checkAccess($a_user_id, $a_obj_id);
if ($has_access)
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, true, $a_user_id);
return true;
$this->current_info->addInfoItem(IL_NO_LICENSE, $lng->txt("no_license_available"));
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, false, $a_user_id);
return false;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilAccessHandler::doPathCheck (   $a_permission,
  $a_all = false 

check read permission for all parents

Definition at line 520 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $ilBench, $lng, $path, checkAccessOfUser(), and IL_NO_PARENT_ACCESS.

Referenced by checkAccessOfUser().

global $tree, $lng, $ilBench,$ilObjDataCache;
//echo "<br>dopathcheck";
//echo "pathCheck<br/>";
$ilBench->start("AccessControl", "3100_checkAccess_check_parents_get_path");
// if (isset($this->stored_path[$a_ref_id]))
// {
// $path = $this->stored_path[$a_ref_id];
// }
// else
// {
$path = $tree->getPathId($a_ref_id);
// $this->stored_path[$a_ref_id] = $path;
// }
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "3100_checkAccess_check_parents_get_path");
foreach ($path as $id)
if ($a_ref_id == $id)
$access = $this->checkAccessOfUser($a_user_id, "read", "info", $id);
if ($access == false)
//$this->doCacheCheck($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $a_user_id);
$this->current_info->addInfoItem(IL_NO_PARENT_ACCESS, $lng->txt("no_parent_access"),$id);
if ($a_all == false)
return false;
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilAccessHandler::doRBACCheck (   $a_permission,

rbac check for current object -> type should be used for create permission

Definition at line 471 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $ilBench, $ilErr, $ilLog, $lng, IL_NO_PERMISSION, and storeAccessResult().

Referenced by checkAccessOfUser().

$ilBench->start("AccessControl", "2500_checkAccess_rbac_check");
if ($a_permission == "")
$message = sprintf('%s::doRBACCheck(): No operations given! $a_ref_id: %s',
if (isset($this->stored_rbac_access[$a_user_id."-".$a_permission."-".$a_ref_id]))
$access = $this->stored_rbac_access[$a_user_id."-".$a_permission."-".$a_ref_id];
$access = $this->rbacsystem->checkAccessOfUser($a_user_id, $a_permission, $a_ref_id, $a_type);
if (!is_array($this->stored_rbac_access) || count($this->stored_rbac_access) < 1000)
if ($a_permission != "create")
$this->stored_rbac_access[$a_user_id."-".$a_permission."-".$a_ref_id] = $access;
// Store in result cache
if (!$access)
$this->current_info->addInfoItem(IL_NO_PERMISSION, $lng->txt("status_no_permission"));
if ($a_permission != "create")
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, true, $a_user_id);
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "2500_checkAccess_rbac_check");
return $access;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilAccessHandler::doStatusCheck (   $a_permission,

object type specific check

Definition at line 683 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $ilBench, $location, and storeAccessResult().

Referenced by checkAccessOfUser().

global $objDefinition, $ilBench, $ilPluginAdmin;
//echo "statusCheck<br/>";
$ilBench->start("AccessControl", "5000_checkAccess_object_check");
// check for a deactivated plugin
if ($objDefinition->isPluginTypeName($a_type) && !$objDefinition->isPlugin($a_type))
return false;
return false;
$class = $objDefinition->getClassName($a_type);
$location = $objDefinition->getLocation($a_type);
$full_class = "ilObj".$class."Access";
// static call to ilObj..::_checkAccess($a_cmd, $a_permission, $a_ref_id, $a_obj_id)
$ilBench->start("AccessControl", "5001_checkAccess_".$full_class."_check");
$obj_access = call_user_func(array($full_class, "_checkAccess"),
$a_cmd, $a_permission, $a_ref_id, $a_obj_id, $a_user_id);
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "5001_checkAccess_".$full_class."_check");
if (!($obj_access === true))
//Note: We must not add an info item here, because one is going
// to be added by the user function we just called a few
// lines above.
//$this->current_info->addInfoItem(IL_NO_OBJECT_ACCESS, $obj_access);
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, false, $a_user_id);
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "5000_checkAccess_object_check");
return false;
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, true, $a_user_id);
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "5000_checkAccess_object_check");
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilAccessHandler::doTreeCheck (   $a_permission,

check if object is in tree and not deleted

Definition at line 411 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $ilBench, $lng, IL_DELETED, IL_NO_PERMISSION, and storeAccessResult().

Referenced by checkAccessOfUser().

global $tree, $lng, $ilBench;
//echo "treeCheck<br/>";
// Get stored result
$tree_cache_key = $a_user_id.':'.$a_ref_id;
if (array_key_exists($tree_cache_key, $this->obj_tree_cache)) {
// Store access result
if (!$this->obj_tree_cache[$tree_cache_key])
$this->current_info->addInfoItem(IL_NO_PERMISSION, $lng->txt("status_no_permission"));
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, $this->obj_tree_cache[$tree_cache_key], $a_user_id);
return $this->obj_tree_cache[$tree_cache_key];
$ilBench->start("AccessControl", "2000_checkAccess_in_tree");
if(!$tree->isInTree($a_ref_id) or $tree->isDeleted($a_ref_id))
// Store negative access results
// Store in tree cache
// Note, we only store up to 1000 results to avoid memory overflow.
if (count($this->obj_tree_cache) < 1000)
$this->obj_tree_cache[$tree_cache_key] = false;
// Store in result cache
$this->current_info->addInfoItem(IL_DELETED, $lng->txt("object_deleted"));
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, false, $a_user_id);
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "2000_checkAccess_in_tree");
return false;
// Store positive access result.
// Store in tree cache
// Note, we only store up to 1000 results to avoid memory overflow.
if (count($this->obj_tree_cache) < 1000)
$this->obj_tree_cache[$tree_cache_key] = true;
// Store in result cache
$this->storeAccessResult($a_permission, $a_cmd, $a_ref_id, true, $a_user_id);
$ilBench->stop("AccessControl", "2000_checkAccess_in_tree");
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilAccessHandler::enable (   $a_str,

Definition at line 783 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

$this->$a_str = $a_bool;
ilAccessHandler::getInfo ( )

get last info object

Definition at line 354 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

//return $this->last_result;
return is_object($this->last_info) ? $this->last_info->getInfoItems() : array();
ilAccessHandler::getPreventCachingLastResult ( )

Get prevent caching last result.

boolean true if last result should not be cached

Definition at line 104 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

Referenced by storeAccessResult().

return $this->prevent_caching_last_result;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilAccessHandler::getResultAll (   $a_ref_id = "")

Definition at line 370 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $results.

if ($a_ref_id == "")
return $this->results[$a_ref_id];
ilAccessHandler::getResultLast ( )

get last info object

Definition at line 365 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

return $this->last_result;
ilAccessHandler::getResults ( )

Definition at line 176 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $results.

ilAccessHandler::getStoredAccessResult (   $a_permission,
  $a_user_id = "" 

get stored access result


string$a_cmdcommand string
int$a_ref_idreference id
int$a_user_iduser id (if no id passed, current user id)
array result array: "granted" (boolean) => true if access is granted "info" (object) => info object

Definition at line 121 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $ilUser.

Referenced by doCacheCheck().

global $ilUser;
if ($a_user_id == "")
$a_user_id = $ilUser->getId();
/*if (is_object($this->results[$a_ref_id][$a_permission][$a_cmd][$a_user_id]['info']))
$this->current_info = $this->results[$a_ref_id][$a_permission][$a_cmd][$a_user_id]['info'];
if (isset($this->results[$a_ref_id][$a_permission][$a_cmd][$a_user_id]))
return $this->results[$a_ref_id][$a_permission][$a_cmd][$a_user_id];
return false;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilAccessHandler::ilAccessHandler ( )


Definition at line 27 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $lng.

global $rbacsystem,$lng;
$this->rbacsystem =& $rbacsystem;
$this->results = array();
$this->current_info = new ilAccessInfo();
// use function enable to switch on/off tests (only cache is used so far)
$this->cache = true;
$this->rbac = true;
$this->tree = true;
$this->condition = true;
$this->path = true;
$this->status = true;
$this->obj_id_cache = array();
$this->obj_type_cache = array();
ilAccessHandler::readCache (   $a_secs = 0)

Definition at line 156 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $ilUser, $query, and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.

global $ilUser, $ilDB;
if ($a_secs > 0)
$query = "SELECT * FROM acc_cache WHERE user_id = ".
$ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId() ,'integer');
$set = $ilDB->query($query);
$rec = $set->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
if ((time() - $rec["time"]) < $a_secs)
$this->results = unserialize($rec["result"]);
return true;
return false;
ilAccessHandler::setPreventCachingLastResult (   $a_val)

Set prevent caching last result.

booleantrue if last result should not be cached

Definition at line 94 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

Referenced by checkAccessOfUser().

$this->prevent_caching_last_result = $a_val;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilAccessHandler::setResults (   $a_results)

Definition at line 181 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

$this->results = $a_results;
ilAccessHandler::storeAccessResult (   $a_permission,
  $a_user_id = "",
  $a_info = "" 

store access result


string$a_cmdcommand string
int$a_ref_idreference id
boolean$a_access_grantedtrue if access is granted
int$a_user_iduser id (if no id passed, current user id)

Definition at line 57 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $ilUser, and getPreventCachingLastResult().

Referenced by checkAccessOfUser(), doLicenseCheck(), doRBACCheck(), doStatusCheck(), and doTreeCheck().

global $ilUser;
if ($a_user_id == "")
$a_user_id = $ilUser->getId();
if ($a_info == "")
$a_info = $this->current_info;
if ($this->cache)
$this->results[$a_ref_id][$a_permission][$a_cmd][$a_user_id] =
array("granted" => $a_access_granted, "info" => $a_info,
"prevent_db_cache" => $this->getPreventCachingLastResult());
//echo "<br>write-$a_ref_id-$a_permission-$a_cmd-$a_user_id-$a_access_granted-";
$this->current_result_element = array($a_access_granted,$a_ref_id,$a_permission,$a_cmd,$a_user_id);
$this->last_result = $this->results[$a_ref_id][$a_permission][$a_cmd][$a_user_id];
$this->last_info = $a_info;
// get new info object
$this->current_info = new ilAccessInfo();

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilAccessHandler::storeCache ( )

Definition at line 142 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

References $ilUser, $query, and $res.

global $ilDB, $ilUser;
$query = "DELETE FROM acc_cache WHERE user_id = ".$ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId(),'integer');
$res = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
$ilDB->insert('acc_cache', array(
'user_id' => array('integer',$ilUser->getId()),
'time' => array('integer',time()),
'result' => array('clob',serialize($this->results))

Field Documentation

ilAccessHandler::$stored_rbac_access = array()

Definition at line 22 of file class.ilAccessHandler.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: