ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_foxpro6 Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_foxpro6:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_foxpro6:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_foxpro6 ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_foxpro6.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_foxpro6::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 2032 of file HFile_foxpro6.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_foxpro6::HFile_foxpro6 ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_foxpro6.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Visual FoxPro 6.0
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue", "purple", "gray");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("Case", "Else", "#Else", "Then");
$this->unindent = array("Else", "#Else", "Endcase", "Enddefine", "Enddo", "Endfor", "Endfunc", "Endif", "Endprintjob", "Endproc", "Endscan", "Endtext", "Endwith", "#Endif");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array("!", "@", "$", "%", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", ",", " ", ".", "*", "&");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("*");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"#Elif" => "1",
"#Else" => "1",
"#Endif" => "1",
"#Define" => "1",
"#If" => "1",
"#Include" => "1",
"#Itsexpression" => "1",
"#Readclauses" => "1",
"#Region" => "1",
"#Section" => "1",
"#Undef" => "1",
"#Wname" => "1",
"Case" => "2",
"Define" => "2",
"Do" => "2",
"Else" => "2",
"Endcase" => "2",
"Enddefine" => "2",
"Enddo" => "2",
"Endfor" => "2",
"Endfunc" => "2",
"Endif" => "2",
"Endprintjob" => "2",
"Endproc" => "2",
"Endscan" => "2",
"Endtext" => "2",
"Endwith" => "2",
"For" => "2",
"Function" => "2",
"Hidden" => "2",
"If" => "2",
"Local" => "2",
"Lparameter" => "2",
"Lparameters" => "2",
"Next" => "2",
"Otherwise" => "2",
"Parameters" => "2",
"Printjob" => "2",
"Procedure" => "2",
"Protected" => "2",
"Public" => "2",
"Scan" => "2",
"Text" => "2",
"Then" => "2",
"While" => "2",
"With" => "2",
"?" => "3",
"??" => "3",
"???" => "3",
"Abs" => "3",
"Accept" => "3",
"Access" => "3",
"Aclass" => "3",
"Acopy" => "3",
"Acos" => "3",
"Adatabases" => "3",
"Adbobjects" => "3",
"Addbs" => "3",
"Addrelationtoenv" => "3",
"Addtabletoenv" => "3",
"Adel" => "3",
"Adir" => "3",
"Aelement" => "3",
"Aerror" => "3",
"Afields" => "3",
"Afont" => "3",
"Agetclass" => "3",
"Agetfileversion" => "3",
"Ains" => "3",
"Ainstance" => "3",
"Alen" => "3",
"Align" => "3",
"Alines" => "3",
"Alltrim" => "3",
"Alter" => "3",
"Amembers" => "3",
"Amouseobj" => "3",
"Anetresources" => "3",
"Ansitooem" => "3",
"Append" => "3",
"Aprinters" => "3",
"Ascan" => "3",
"Aselobj" => "3",
"Asin" => "3",
"Asort" => "3",
"Assert" => "3",
"Asserts" => "3",
"Assist" => "3",
"Asubscript" => "3",
"Asynchronous" => "3",
"At_c" => "3",
"Atan" => "3",
"Atc" => "3",
"Atcc" => "3",
"Atcline" => "3",
"Atline" => "3",
"Atn2" => "3",
"Aused" => "3",
"Autoform" => "3",
"Autoreport" => "3",
"Avcxclasses" => "3",
"Average" => "3",
"BarCount" => "3",
"BarPrompt" => "3",
"BatchMode" => "3",
"BatchUpdateCount" => "3",
"Begin" => "3",
"BellSound" => "3",
"BinToC" => "3",
"Bintoc" => "3",
"Bitand" => "3",
"Bitclear" => "3",
"Bitlshift" => "3",
"Bitnot" => "3",
"Bitor" => "3",
"Bitrshift" => "3",
"Bitset" => "3",
"Bittest" => "3",
"Bitxor" => "3",
"Bof" => "3",
"Browse" => "3",
"BrowseRefresh" => "3",
"Buffering" => "3",
"BuilderLock" => "3",
"COMArray" => "3",
"COMReturnError" => "3",
"CToBin" => "3",
"Calculate" => "3",
"Call" => "3",
"Capslock" => "3",
"Cd" => "3",
"Cdow" => "3",
"Ceiling" => "3",
"Central" => "3",
"Change" => "3",
"Char" => "3",
"Chdir" => "3",
"Chr" => "3",
"Chrsaw" => "3",
"Chrtran" => "3",
"Chrtranc" => "3",
"Close" => "3",
"Cmonth" => "3",
"Cntbar" => "3",
"Cntpad" => "3",
"Col" => "3",
"Comclassinfo" => "3",
"CommandTargetQuery" => "3",
"Compile" => "3",
"Completed" => "3",
"Compobj" => "3",
"Compute" => "3",
"Concat" => "3",
"ConnectBusy" => "3",
"ConnectHandle" => "3",
"ConnectName" => "3",
"ConnectString" => "3",
"ConnectTimeOut" => "3",
"ContainerReleaseType" => "3",
"Continue" => "3",
"Copy" => "3",
"Cos" => "3",
"Cot" => "3",
"Count" => "3",
"Coverage" => "3",
"Cpconvert" => "3",
"Cpcurrent" => "3",
"Cpdbf" => "3",
"Cpnotrans" => "3",
"Create" => "3",
"CreateBinary" => "3",
"Createobject" => "3",
"Createobjectex" => "3",
"Createoffline" => "3",
"CrsBuffering" => "3",
"CrsFetchMemo" => "3",
"CrsFetchSize" => "3",
"CrsMaxRows" => "3",
"CrsMethodUsed" => "3",
"CrsNumBatch" => "3",
"CrsShareConnection" => "3",
"CrsUseMemoSize" => "3",
"CrsWhereClause" => "3",
"Ctobin" => "3",
"Ctod" => "3",
"Ctot" => "3",
"Curdate" => "3",
"Curdir" => "3",
"CurrLeft" => "3",
"CurrSymbol" => "3",
"CursorGetProp" => "3",
"CursorSetProp" => "3",
"Curtime" => "3",
"Curval" => "3",
"DBGetProp" => "3",
"DBSetProp" => "3",
"DB_BufLockRow" => "3",
"DB_BufLockTable" => "3",
"DB_BufOff" => "3",
"DB_BufOptRow" => "3",
"DB_BufOptTable" => "3",
"DB_Complette" => "3",
"DB_DeleteInsert" => "3",
"DB_KeyAndModified" => "3",
"DB_KeyAndTimestamp" => "3",
"DB_KeyAndUpdatable" => "3",
"DB_LocalSQL" => "3",
"DB_NoPrompt" => "3",
"DB_Prompt" => "3",
"DB_RemoteSQL" => "3",
"DB_TransAuto" => "3",
"DB_TransManual" => "3",
"DB_TransNone" => "3",
"DB_Update" => "3",
"Datetime" => "3",
"Day" => "3",
"Dayname" => "3",
"Dayofmonth" => "3",
"Dayofweek" => "3",
"Dayofyear" => "3",
"Dbalias" => "3",
"Dbused" => "3",
"Ddeaborttrans" => "3",
"Ddeadvise" => "3",
"Ddeenabled" => "3",
"Ddeexecute" => "3",
"Ddeinitiate" => "3",
"Ddelasterror" => "3",
"Ddepoke" => "3",
"Dderequest" => "3",
"Ddesetoption" => "3",
"Ddesetservice" => "3",
"Ddesettopic" => "3",
"Ddeterminate" => "3",
"Debugout" => "3",
"Declare" => "3",
"DefOLELCid" => "3",
"DefaultValue" => "3",
"Defaultext" => "3",
"Degrees" => "3",
"DeleteTrigger" => "3",
"Desc" => "3",
"Description" => "3",
"Difference" => "3",
"Dimension" => "3",
"Dir" => "3",
"Directory" => "3",
"Diskspace" => "3",
"DispLogin" => "3",
"DispWarnings" => "3",
"Display" => "3",
"Dll" => "3",
"Dmy" => "3",
"DoDefault" => "3",
"DoEvents" => "3",
"Doc" => "3",
"Doevents" => "3",
"Dow" => "3",
"Drivetype" => "3",
"Drop" => "3",
"Dropoffline" => "3",
"Dtoc" => "3",
"Dtor" => "3",
"Dtos" => "3",
"Dtot" => "3",
"DynamicInputMask" => "3",
"Each" => "3",
"Edit" => "3",
"Eject" => "3",
"Elif" => "3",
"End" => "3",
"Eof" => "3",
"Erase" => "3",
"Evaluate" => "3",
"Event" => "3",
"Eventtracking" => "3",
"Exclude" => "3",
"Exclusive" => "3",
"Exit" => "3",
"Exp" => "3",
"Export" => "3",
"External" => "3",
"FDate" => "3",
"FTime" => "3",
"Fchsize" => "3",
"Fclose" => "3",
"Fcount" => "3",
"Fcreate" => "3",
"Feof" => "3",
"Ferror" => "3",
"FetchMemo" => "3",
"FetchSize" => "3",
"Fflush" => "3",
"Fgets" => "3",
"Filer" => "3",
"Filetostr" => "3",
"Find" => "3",
"Fklabel" => "3",
"Fkmax" => "3",
"Fldlist" => "3",
"Flock" => "3",
"Floor" => "3",
"Flush" => "3",
"Fontmetric" => "3",
"Fopen" => "3",
"Forceext" => "3",
"Forcepath" => "3",
"FormSetClass" => "3",
"FormSetLib" => "3",
"FormsClass" => "3",
"FormsLib" => "3",
"Found" => "3",
"FoxPro" => "3",
"Foxcode" => "3",
"Foxdoc" => "3",
"Foxgen" => "3",
"Foxgraph" => "3",
"Foxview" => "3",
"Fputs" => "3",
"Fread" => "3",
"French" => "3",
"Fseek" => "3",
"Fsize" => "3",
"Fv" => "3",
"Fwrite" => "3",
"Gather" => "3",
"German" => "3",
"GetPem" => "3",
"Getbar" => "3",
"Getcolor" => "3",
"Getcp" => "3",
"Getdir" => "3",
"Getenv" => "3",
"Getexpr" => "3",
"Getfile" => "3",
"Getfldstate" => "3",
"Getfont" => "3",
"Gethost" => "3",
"Getnextmodified" => "3",
"Getobject" => "3",
"Getpad" => "3",
"Getpict" => "3",
"Getprinter" => "3",
"Go" => "3",
"Gomonth" => "3",
"Goto" => "3",
"Graph" => "3",
"GridHorz" => "3",
"GridShow" => "3",
"GridShowPos" => "3",
"GridSnap" => "3",
"GridVert" => "3",
"Help" => "3",
"HelpOn" => "3",
"HelpTo" => "3",
"HighLightRow" => "3",
"Home" => "3",
"Hour" => "3",
"IMEStatus" => "3",
"IdleTimeOut" => "3",
"Idxcollate" => "3",
"Ifdef" => "3",
"Ifndef" => "3",
"Iif" => "3",
"Import" => "3",
"Include" => "3",
"Indbc" => "3",
"Index" => "3",
"Indexseek" => "3",
"Inkey" => "3",
"Inlist" => "3",
"Input" => "3",
"Insert" => "3",
"InsertTrigger" => "3",
"Insmode" => "3",
"IsBlank" => "3",
"IsFLocked" => "3",
"IsLeadByte" => "3",
"IsMouse" => "3",
"IsNull" => "3",
"IsRLocked" => "3",
"Isalpha" => "3",
"Iscolor" => "3",
"Isdigit" => "3",
"Isexclusive" => "3",
"Isflocked" => "3",
"Ishosted" => "3",
"Islower" => "3",
"Isreadonly" => "3",
"Isrlocked" => "3",
"Isupper" => "3",
"Italian" => "3",
"Japan" => "3",
"Join" => "3",
"Justdrive" => "3",
"Justext" => "3",
"Justfname" => "3",
"Justpath" => "3",
"Juststem" => "3",
"KeyField" => "3",
"KeyFieldList" => "3",
"Keyboard" => "3",
"Keymatch" => "3",
"LastProject" => "3",
"Lastkey" => "3",
"Lcase" => "3",
"Leftc" => "3",
"Len" => "3",
"Lenc" => "3",
"Length" => "3",
"Likec" => "3",
"Lineno" => "3",
"LoadPicture" => "3",
"Loadpicture" => "3",
"Locate" => "3",
"Locfile" => "3",
"Log" => "3",
"Log10" => "3",
"Logout" => "3",
"Lookup" => "3",
"Loop" => "3",
"Lower" => "3",
"Ltrim" => "3",
"Lupdate" => "3",
"Mail" => "3",
"MaxRecords" => "3",
"Mcol" => "3",
"Md" => "3",
"Mdown" => "3",
"Mdx" => "3",
"Mdy" => "3",
"Memlines" => "3",
"Menu" => "3",
"Messagebox" => "3",
"Minute" => "3",
"Mkdir" => "3",
"Mline" => "3",
"Modify" => "3",
"Month" => "3",
"Monthname" => "3",
"Mouse" => "3",
"Mrkbar" => "3",
"Mrkpad" => "3",
"Mrow" => "3",
"Mtdll" => "3",
"Mton" => "3",
"Mwindow" => "3",
"Native" => "3",
"Ndx" => "3",
"Network" => "3",
"NoFilter" => "3",
"Nodefault" => "3",
"Normalize" => "3",
"Note" => "3",
"Now" => "3",
"Ntom" => "3",
"NullString" => "3",
"Numlock" => "3",
"Nvl" => "3",
"ODBChdbc" => "3",
"ODBChstmt" => "3",
"OLEDropTextInsertion" => "3",
"OLELCid" => "3",
"Objnum" => "3",
"Objref" => "3",
"Objtoclient" => "3",
"Objvar" => "3",
"Occurs" => "3",
"Oemtoansi" => "3",
"Oldval" => "3",
"OlePublic" => "3",
"Olereturnerror" => "3",
"On" => "3",
"Open" => "3",
"Oracle" => "3",
"Order" => "3",
"Os" => "3",
"Outer" => "3",
"PCount" => "3",
"Pack" => "3",
"PacketSize" => "3",
"Padc" => "3",
"Padl" => "3",
"Padr" => "3",
"Payment" => "3",
"Pcol" => "3",
"PemStatus" => "3",
"Pi" => "3",
"Pivot" => "3",
"Play" => "3",
"Pop" => "3",
"Popup" => "3",
"Power" => "3",
"PrimaryKey" => "3",
"Printstatus" => "3",
"Private" => "3",
"Prmbar" => "3",
"Prmpad" => "3",
"ProjectClick" => "3",
"Proper" => "3",
"Prow" => "3",
"Prtinfo" => "3",
"Push" => "3",
"Putfile" => "3",
"Pv" => "3",
"Qpr" => "3",
"Quater" => "3",
"QueryTimeOut" => "3",
"Quit" => "3",
"Radians" => "3",
"Rand" => "3",
"Rat" => "3",
"Ratc" => "3",
"Ratline" => "3",
"Rd" => "3",
"Rdlevel" => "3",
"Read" => "3",
"Readkey" => "3",
"Recall" => "3",
"Reccount" => "3",
"RecentlyUsedFiles" => "3",
"Recno" => "3",
"Recsize" => "3",
"Regional" => "3",
"Reindex" => "3",
"RelatedChild" => "3",
"RelatedTable" => "3",
"RelatedTag" => "3",
"Remove" => "3",
"Rename" => "3",
"Repeat" => "3",
"Replace" => "3",
"Replicate" => "3",
"Report" => "3",
"ResHeight" => "3",
"ResWidth" => "3",
"ResourceOn" => "3",
"ResourceTo" => "3",
"Resources" => "3",
"Restore" => "3",
"Resume" => "3",
"Retry" => "3",
"Return" => "3",
"Revertoffline" => "3",
"Rgbscheme" => "3",
"Rightc" => "3",
"Rlock" => "3",
"Rmdir" => "3",
"Rollback" => "3",
"Round" => "3",
"Rtod" => "3",
"Rtrim" => "3",
"RuleExpression" => "3",
"RuleText" => "3",
"Run" => "3",
"Runscript" => "3",
"Rview" => "3",
"SQLAsynchronous" => "3",
"SQLBatchMode" => "3",
"SQLCancel" => "3",
"SQLColumns" => "3",
"SQLConnect" => "3",
"SQLConnectTimeOut" => "3",
"SQLDisconnect" => "3",
"SQLDispLogin" => "3",
"SQLDispWarnings" => "3",
"SQLExec" => "3",
"SQLGetProp" => "3",
"SQLIdleTimeOut" => "3",
"SQLMoreResults" => "3",
"SQLPrepare" => "3",
"SQLQueryTimeOut" => "3",
"SQLSetProp" => "3",
"SQLTables" => "3",
"SQLTransactions" => "3",
"SQLWaitTime" => "3",
"Save" => "3",
"SavePicture" => "3",
"Savepicture" => "3",
"ScaleUnits" => "3",
"Scatter" => "3",
"Scols" => "3",
"Scroll" => "3",
"Sec" => "3",
"Second" => "3",
"Seek" => "3",
"Select" => "3",
"SendUpdates" => "3",
"Set" => "3",
"SetDefault" => "3",
"Setfldstate" => "3",
"Setup" => "3",
"ShareConnection" => "3",
"ShowOLEControls" => "3",
"ShowOLEInsertable" => "3",
"ShowVCXs" => "3",
"Sign" => "3",
"Sin" => "3",
"Size" => "3",
"SizeBox" => "3",
"Skpbar" => "3",
"Skppad" => "3",
"Sort" => "3",
"Soundex" => "3",
"SourceName" => "3",
"Sqlcommit" => "3",
"Sqll" => "3",
"Sqlrollback" => "3",
"Sqlstringconnect" => "3",
"Sqrt" => "3",
"Srows" => "3",
"StatusBar" => "3",
"Store" => "3",
"Str" => "3",
"Strconv" => "3",
"Strtofile" => "3",
"Strtran" => "3",
"Stuff" => "3",
"Stuffc" => "3",
"Substr" => "3",
"Substrc" => "3",
"Substring" => "3",
"Sum" => "3",
"Suspend" => "3",
"Sys" => "3",
"Sysmetric" => "3",
"TabOrdering" => "3",
"Table" => "3",
"TableRefresh" => "3",
"Tablerevert" => "3",
"Tableupdate" => "3",
"TagCount" => "3",
"TagNo" => "3",
"Tan" => "3",
"Target" => "3",
"This" => "3",
"Thisform" => "3",
"Thisformset" => "3",
"Timestamp" => "3",
"Timestampdiff" => "3",
"Total" => "3",
"Transactions" => "3",
"Transform" => "3",
"Trim" => "3",
"Truncate" => "3",
"Ttoc" => "3",
"Ttod" => "3",
"Txnlevel" => "3",
"Txtwidth" => "3",
"Type" => "3",
"Ucase" => "3",
"Undefine" => "3",
"Unlock" => "3",
"Unpack" => "3",
"Updatable" => "3",
"UpdatableFieldList" => "3",
"Update" => "3",
"UpdateName" => "3",
"UpdateNameList" => "3",
"UpdateTrigger" => "3",
"UpdateType" => "3",
"Updated" => "3",
"Upper" => "3",
"Upsizing" => "3",
"Usa" => "3",
"Use" => "3",
"UseMemoSize" => "3",
"Used" => "3",
"Val" => "3",
"Validate" => "3",
"Varread" => "3",
"Vartype" => "3",
"Version" => "3",
"VersionLanguage" => "3",
"Wait" => "3",
"WaitTime" => "3",
"Wborder" => "3",
"Wchild" => "3",
"Wcols" => "3",
"Week" => "3",
"Wexist" => "3",
"Wfont" => "3",
"WhereType" => "3",
"Windcmd" => "3",
"Windhelp" => "3",
"Windmemo" => "3",
"Windmenu" => "3",
"Windmodify" => "3",
"Windquery" => "3",
"Windscreen" => "3",
"Windsnip" => "3",
"Windstproc" => "3",
"WizardPrompt" => "3",
"Wlast" => "3",
"Wlcol" => "3",
"Wlrow" => "3",
"Wmaximum" => "3",
"Wminimum" => "3",
"Wontop" => "3",
"Woutput" => "3",
"Wparent" => "3",
"Wread" => "3",
"Wrows" => "3",
"Wtitle" => "3",
"Wvisible" => "3",
"Year" => "3",
"Zap" => "3",
"_Alignment" => "3",
"_Asciicols" => "3",
"_Asciirows" => "3",
"_Assist" => "3",
"_Beautify" => "3",
"_Box" => "3",
"_Browser" => "3",
"_Builder" => "3",
"_Calcmem" => "3",
"_Calcvalue" => "3",
"_Cliptext" => "3",
"_Converter" => "3",
"_Coverage" => "3",
"_Curobj" => "3",
"_Dblclick" => "3",
"_Diarydate" => "3",
"_Dos" => "3",
"_Foxdoc" => "3",
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"Spinner" => "7",
"TextBox" => "7",
"Toolbar" => "7");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing",
"6" => "donothing",
"7" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: