ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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HFile_php3 Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_php3:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_php3:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_php3 ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
 dofunction ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file HFile_php3.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_php3::dofunction (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 1218 of file HFile_php3.php.

$outlink = "".strtr($keywordin, "_", "-")."";
return "<a href=\"$outlink\">$keywordin</a>";
HFile_php3::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 1213 of file HFile_php3.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_php3::HFile_php3 ( )

Definition at line 9 of file HFile_php3.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// PHP3
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("purple", "blue", "green");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("{");
$this->unindent = array("}");
$this->selecton = "<!";
$this->selectoff = "!>";
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"", "'");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "\\";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("//", "#");
$this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"echo" => "2",
"else" => "1",
"for" => "1",
"global" => "1",
"if" => "1",
"return" => "1",
"while" => "1",
"include" => "1",
"require" => "1",
"require_once" => "1",
"Abs" => "2",
"Acos" => "2",
"ada_afetch" => "2",
"ada_autocommit" => "2",
"ada_close" => "2",
"ada_commit" => "2",
"ada_connect" => "2",
"ada_exec" => "2",
"ada_fetchrow" => "2",
"ada_fieldname" => "2",
"ada_fieldnum" => "2",
"ada_fieldtype" => "2",
"ada_freeresult" => "2",
"ada_numfields" => "2",
"ada_numrows" => "2",
"ada_result" => "2",
"ada_resultall" => "2",
"ada_rollback" => "2",
"AddCSlashes" => "2",
"AddSlashes" => "2",
"apache_lookup_uri" => "2",
"apache_note" => "2",
"array" => "2",
"array_count_values" => "2",
"array_flip" => "2",
"array_keys" => "2",
"array_merge" => "2",
"array_pad" => "2",
"array_pop" => "2",
"array_push" => "2",
"array_reverse" => "2",
"array_shift" => "2",
"array_slice" => "2",
"array_splice" => "2",
"array_unshift" => "2",
"array_values" => "2",
"array_walk" => "2",
"arsort" => "2",
"Asin" => "2",
"asort" => "2",
"aspell_check" => "2",
"aspell_check-raw" => "2",
"aspell_new" => "2",
"aspell_suggest" => "2",
"Atan" => "2",
"Atan2" => "2",
"base64_decode" => "2",
"base64_encode" => "2",
"basename" => "2",
"base_convert" => "2",
"bcadd" => "2",
"bccomp" => "2",
"bcdiv" => "2",
"bcmod" => "2",
"bcmul" => "2",
"bcpow" => "2",
"bcscale" => "2",
"bcsqrt" => "2",
"bcsub" => "2",
"bin2hex" => "2",
"BinDec" => "2",
"class" => "2",
"Ceil" => "2",
"chdir" => "2",
"checkdate" => "2",
"checkdnsrr" => "2",
"chgrp" => "2",
"chmod" => "2",
"Chop" => "2",
"chown" => "2",
"Chr" => "2",
"chunk_split" => "2",
"clearstatcache" => "2",
"closedir" => "2",
"closelog" => "2",
"connection_aborted" => "2",
"connection_status" => "2",
"connection_timeout" => "2",
"contained" => "2",
"convert_cyr_string" => "2",
"copy" => "2",
"Cos" => "2",
"count" => "2",
"cpdf_add_annotation" => "2",
"cpdf_add_outline" => "2",
"cpdf_arc" => "2",
"cpdf_begin_text" => "2",
"cpdf_circle" => "2",
"cpdf_clip" => "2",
"cpdf_close" => "2",
"cpdf_closepath" => "2",
"cpdf_closepath_fill_stroke" => "2",
"cpdf_closepath_stroke" => "2",
"cpdf_continue_text" => "2",
"cpdf_curveto" => "2",
"cpdf_end_text" => "2",
"cpdf_fill" => "2",
"cpdf_fill_stroke" => "2",
"cpdf_finalize" => "2",
"cpdf_finalize_page" => "2",
"cpdf_import_jpeg" => "2",
"cpdf_lineto" => "2",
"cpdf_moveto" => "2",
"cpdf_open" => "2",
"cpdf_output_buffer" => "2",
"cpdf_page_init" => "2",
"cpdf_place_inline_image" => "2",
"cpdf_rect" => "2",
"cpdf_restore" => "2",
"cpdf_rlineto" => "2",
"cpdf_rmoveto" => "2",
"cpdf_rotate" => "2",
"cpdf_save" => "2",
"cpdf_save_to_file" => "2",
"cpdf_scale" => "2",
"cpdf_setdash" => "2",
"cpdf_setflat" => "2",
"cpdf_setgray" => "2",
"cpdf_setgray_fill" => "2",
"cpdf_setgray_stroke" => "2",
"cpdf_setlinecap" => "2",
"cpdf_setlinejoin" => "2",
"cpdf_setlinewidth" => "2",
"cpdf_setmiterlimit" => "2",
"cpdf_setrgbcolor" => "2",
"cpdf_setrgbcolor_fill" => "2",
"cpdf_setrgbcolor_stroke" => "2",
"cpdf_set_char_spacing" => "2",
"cpdf_set_creator" => "2",
"cpdf_set_current_page" => "2",
"cpdf_set_font" => "2",
"cpdf_set_horiz_scaling" => "2",
"cpdf_set_keywords" => "2",
"cpdf_set_leading" => "2",
"cpdf_set_page_animation" => "2",
"cpdf_set_subject" => "2",
"cpdf_set_text_matrix" => "2",
"cpdf_set_text_pos" => "2",
"cpdf_set_text_rendering" => "2",
"cpdf_set_text_rise" => "2",
"cpdf_set_title" => "2",
"cpdf_set_word_spacing" => "2",
"cpdf_show" => "2",
"cpdf_show_xy" => "2",
"cpdf_stringwidth" => "2",
"cpdf_stroke" => "2",
"cpdf_text" => "2",
"cpdf_translate" => "2",
"crypt" => "2",
"current" => "2",
"date" => "2",
"dbase_add_record" => "2",
"dbase_close" => "2",
"dbase_create" => "2",
"dbase_delete_record" => "2",
"dbase_get_record" => "2",
"dbase_get_record_with_names" => "2",
"dbase_numfields" => "2",
"dbase_numrecords" => "2",
"dbase_open" => "2",
"dbase_pack" => "2",
"dbase_replace_record" => "2",
"dblist" => "2",
"dbmclose" => "2",
"dbmdelete" => "2",
"dbmexists" => "2",
"dbmfetch" => "2",
"dbmfirstkey" => "2",
"dbminsert" => "2",
"dbmnextkey" => "2",
"dbmopen" => "2",
"dbmreplace" => "2",
"debugger_off" => "2",
"debugger_on" => "2",
"DecBin" => "2",
"DecHex" => "2",
"DecOct" => "2",
"define" => "2",
"defined" => "2",
"delete" => "2",
"die" => "2",
"dir" => "2",
"dirname" => "2",
"diskfreespace" => "2",
"dl" => "2",
"doubleval" => "2",
"each" => "2",
"easter_date" => "2",
"easter_days" => "2",
"empty" => "2",
"end" => "2",
"endwhile" => "2",
"ereg" => "2",
"eregi" => "2",
"eregi_replace" => "2",
"ereg_replace" => "2",
"error_log" => "2",
"error_reporting" => "2",
"escapeshellcmd" => "2",
"eval" => "2",
"exec" => "2",
"exit" => "2",
"Exp" => "2",
"explode" => "2",
"extension_loaded" => "2",
"extract" => "2",
"fclose" => "2",
"fdf_close" => "2",
"fdf_create" => "2",
"fdf_get_file" => "2",
"fdf_get_status" => "2",
"fdf_get_value" => "2",
"fdf_next_field_name" => "2",
"fdf_open" => "2",
"fdf_save" => "2",
"fdf_set_ap" => "2",
"fdf_set_file" => "2",
"fdf_set_status" => "2",
"fdf_set_value" => "2",
"feof" => "2",
"fgetc" => "2",
"fgetcsv" => "2",
"fgets" => "2",
"fgetss" => "2",
"file" => "2",
"fileatime" => "2",
"filectime" => "2",
"filegroup" => "2",
"fileinode" => "2",
"filemtime" => "2",
"fileowner" => "2",
"fileperms" => "2",
"filepro" => "2",
"filepro_fieldcount" => "2",
"filepro_fieldname" => "2",
"filepro_fieldtype" => "2",
"filepro_fieldwidth" => "2",
"filepro_retrieve" => "2",
"filepro_rowcount" => "2",
"filesize" => "2",
"filetype" => "2",
"file_exists" => "2",
"flock" => "2",
"Floor" => "2",
"flush" => "2",
"fopen" => "2",
"fpassthru" => "2",
"fputs" => "2",
"fread" => "2",
"FrenchToJD" => "2",
"fseek" => "2",
"fsockopen" => "2",
"ftell" => "2",
"ftp_cdup" => "2",
"ftp_chdir" => "2",
"ftp_connect" => "2",
"ftp_delete" => "2",
"ftp_fget" => "2",
"ftp_fput" => "2",
"ftp_get" => "2",
"ftp_login" => "2",
"ftp_mdtm" => "2",
"ftp_mkdir" => "2",
"ftp_nlist" => "2",
"ftp_pasv" => "2",
"ftp_put" => "2",
"ftp_pwd" => "2",
"ftp_quit" => "2",
"ftp_rawlist" => "2",
"ftp_rename" => "2",
"ftp_rmdir" => "2",
"ftp_size" => "2",
"ftp_systype" => "2",
"function" => "2",
"function_exists" => "2",
"func_get_arg" => "2",
"func_get_args" => "2",
"func_num_args" => "2",
"fwrite" => "2",
"getallheaders" => "2",
"getdate" => "2",
"getenv" => "2",
"gethostbyaddr" => "2",
"gethostbyname" => "2",
"gethostbynamel" => "2",
"GetImageSize" => "2",
"getlastmod" => "2",
"getmxrr" => "2",
"getmyinode" => "2",
"getmypid" => "2",
"getmyuid" => "2",
"getprotobyname" => "2",
"getprotobynumber" => "2",
"getrandmax" => "2",
"getrusage" => "2",
"getservbyname" => "2",
"getservbyport" => "2",
"gettimeofday" => "2",
"gettype" => "2",
"get_browser" => "2",
"get_cfg_var" => "2",
"get_current_user" => "2",
"get_html_translation_table" => "2",
"get_magic_quotes_gpc" => "2",
"get_magic_quotes_runtime" => "2",
"get_meta_tags" => "2",
"gmdate" => "2",
"gmmktime" => "2",
"gmstrftime" => "2",
"GregorianToJD" => "2",
"gzclose" => "2",
"gzeof" => "2",
"gzfile" => "2",
"gzgetc" => "2",
"gzgets" => "2",
"gzgetss" => "2",
"gzopen" => "2",
"gzpassthru" => "2",
"gzputs" => "2",
"gzread" => "2",
"gzrewind" => "2",
"gzseek" => "2",
"gztell" => "2",
"gzwrite" => "2",
"header" => "2",
"HexDec" => "2",
"htmlentities" => "2",
"htmlspecialchars" => "2",
"hw_Array2Objrec" => "2",
"hw_Children" => "2",
"hw_ChildrenObj" => "2",
"hw_Close" => "2",
"hw_Connect" => "2",
"hw_Cp" => "2",
"hw_Deleteobject" => "2",
"hw_DocByAnchor" => "2",
"hw_DocByAnchorObj" => "2",
"hw_DocumentAttributes" => "2",
"hw_DocumentBodyTag" => "2",
"hw_DocumentContent" => "2",
"hw_DocumentSetContent" => "2",
"hw_DocumentSize" => "2",
"hw_EditText" => "2",
"hw_Error" => "2",
"hw_ErrorMsg" => "2",
"hw_Free_Document" => "2",
"hw_GetAnchors" => "2",
"hw_GetAnchorsObj" => "2",
"hw_GetAndLock" => "2",
"hw_GetChildColl" => "2",
"hw_GetChildCollObj" => "2",
"hw_GetChildDocColl" => "2",
"hw_GetChildDocCollObj" => "2",
"hw_GetObject" => "2",
"hw_GetObjectByQuery" => "2",
"hw_GetObjectByQueryColl" => "2",
"hw_GetObjectByQueryCollObj" => "2",
"hw_GetObjectByQueryObj" => "2",
"hw_GetParents" => "2",
"hw_GetParentsObj" => "2",
"hw_GetRemote" => "2",
"hw_GetRemoteChildren" => "2",
"hw_GetSrcByDestObj" => "2",
"hw_GetText" => "2",
"hw_Identify" => "2",
"hw_InCollections" => "2",
"hw_Info" => "2",
"hw_InsColl" => "2",
"hw_InsDoc" => "2",
"hw_InsertDocument" => "2",
"hw_InsertObject" => "2",
"hw_mapid" => "2",
"hw_Modifyobject" => "2",
"hw_Mv" => "2",
"hw_New_Document" => "2",
"hw_Objrec2Array" => "2",
"hw_OutputDocument" => "2",
"hw_pConnect" => "2",
"hw_PipeDocument" => "2",
"hw_Root" => "2",
"hw_Unlock" => "2",
"hw_Username" => "2",
"hw_Who" => "2",
"ibase_bind" => "2",
"ibase_close" => "2",
"ibase_connect" => "2",
"ibase_execute" => "2",
"ibase_fetch_row" => "2",
"ibase_free_query" => "2",
"ibase_free_result" => "2",
"ibase_pconnect" => "2",
"ibase_prepare" => "2",
"ibase_query" => "2",
"ibase_timefmt" => "2",
"ifxus_close_slob" => "2",
"ifxus_create_slob" => "2",
"ifxus_open_slob" => "2",
"ifxus_read_slob" => "2",
"ifxus_seek_slob" => "2",
"ifxus_tell_slob" => "2",
"ifxus_write_slob" => "2",
"ifx_affected_rows" => "2",
"ifx_blobinfile_mode" => "2",
"ifx_byteasvarchar" => "2",
"ifx_close" => "2",
"ifx_connect" => "2",
"ifx_copy_blob" => "2",
"ifx_create_blob" => "2",
"ifx_create_char" => "2",
"ifx_do" => "2",
"ifx_error" => "2",
"ifx_errormsg" => "2",
"ifx_fetch_row" => "2",
"ifx_fieldproperties" => "2",
"ifx_fieldtypes" => "2",
"ifx_free_blob" => "2",
"ifx_free_char" => "2",
"ifx_free_result" => "2",
"ifx_free_slob" => "2",
"ifx_getsqlca" => "2",
"ifx_get_blob" => "2",
"ifx_get_char" => "2",
"ifx_htmltbl_result" => "2",
"ifx_nullformat" => "2",
"ifx_num_fields" => "2",
"ifx_num_rows" => "2",
"ifx_pconnect" => "2",
"ifx_prepare" => "2",
"ifx_query" => "2",
"ifx_textasvarchar" => "2",
"ifx_update_blob" => "2",
"ifx_update_char" => "2",
"ignore_user_abort" => "2",
"ImageArc" => "2",
"ImageChar" => "2",
"ImageCharUp" => "2",
"ImageColorAllocate" => "2",
"ImageColorAt" => "2",
"ImageColorClosest" => "2",
"ImageColorExact" => "2",
"ImageColorResolve" => "2",
"ImageColorSet" => "2",
"ImageColorsForIndex" => "2",
"ImageColorsTotal" => "2",
"ImageColorTransparent" => "2",
"ImageCopyResized" => "2",
"ImageCreate" => "2",
"ImageCreateFromGif" => "2",
"ImageDashedLine" => "2",
"ImageDestroy" => "2",
"ImageFill" => "2",
"ImageFilledPolygon" => "2",
"ImageFilledRectangle" => "2",
"ImageFillToBorder" => "2",
"ImageFontHeight" => "2",
"ImageFontWidth" => "2",
"ImageGif" => "2",
"ImageInterlace" => "2",
"ImageLine" => "2",
"ImageLoadFont" => "2",
"ImagePolygon" => "2",
"ImagePSBBox" => "2",
"ImagePSEncodeFont" => "2",
"ImagePSFreeFont" => "2",
"ImagePSLoadFont" => "2",
"ImagePSText" => "2",
"ImageRectangle" => "2",
"ImageSetPixel" => "2",
"ImageString" => "2",
"ImageStringUp" => "2",
"ImageSX" => "2",
"ImageSY" => "2",
"ImageTTFBBox" => "2",
"ImageTTFText" => "2",
"imap_8bit" => "2",
"imap_alerts" => "2",
"imap_append" => "2",
"imap_base64" => "2",
"imap_binary" => "2",
"imap_body" => "2",
"imap_check" => "2",
"imap_clearflag_full" => "2",
"imap_close" => "2",
"imap_createmailbox" => "2",
"imap_delete" => "2",
"imap_deletemailbox" => "2",
"imap_errors" => "2",
"imap_expunge" => "2",
"imap_fetchbody" => "2",
"imap_fetchheader" => "2",
"imap_fetchstructure" => "2",
"imap_getmailboxes" => "2",
"imap_getsubscribed" => "2",
"imap_header" => "2",
"imap_headers" => "2",
"imap_last_error" => "2",
"imap_listmailbox" => "2",
"imap_listsubscribed" => "2",
"imap_mailboxmsginfo" => "2",
"imap_mail_copy" => "2",
"imap_mail_move" => "2",
"imap_msgno" => "2",
"imap_num_msg" => "2",
"imap_num_recent" => "2",
"imap_open" => "2",
"imap_ping" => "2",
"imap_qprint" => "2",
"imap_renamemailbox" => "2",
"imap_reopen" => "2",
"imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist" => "2",
"imap_rfc822_write_address" => "2",
"imap_scanmailbox" => "2",
"imap_search" => "2",
"imap_setflag_full" => "2",
"imap_sort" => "2",
"imap_status" => "2",
"imap_subscribe" => "2",
"imap_uid" => "2",
"imap_undelete" => "2",
"imap_unsubscribe" => "2",
"implode" => "2",
"intval" => "2",
"in_array" => "2",
"iptcparse" => "2",
"isset" => "2",
"is_array" => "2",
"is_dir" => "2",
"is_double" => "2",
"is_executable" => "2",
"is_file" => "2",
"is_float" => "2",
"is_int" => "2",
"is_integer" => "2",
"is_link" => "2",
"is_long" => "2",
"is_object" => "2",
"is_readable" => "2",
"is_real" => "2",
"is_string" => "2",
"is_writeable" => "2",
"JDDayOfWeek" => "2",
"JDMonthName" => "2",
"JDToFrench" => "2",
"JDToGregorian" => "2",
"JDToJewish" => "2",
"JDToJulian" => "2",
"JewishToJD" => "2",
"join" => "2",
"JulianToJD" => "2",
"key" => "2",
"krsort" => "2",
"ksort" => "2",
"ldap_add" => "2",
"ldap_bind" => "2",
"ldap_close" => "2",
"ldap_connect" => "2",
"ldap_count_entries" => "2",
"ldap_delete" => "2",
"ldap_dn2ufn" => "2",
"ldap_err2str" => "2",
"ldap_errno" => "2",
"ldap_error" => "2",
"ldap_explode_dn" => "2",
"ldap_first_attribute" => "2",
"ldap_first_entry" => "2",
"ldap_free_result" => "2",
"ldap_get_attributes" => "2",
"ldap_get_dn" => "2",
"ldap_get_entries" => "2",
"ldap_get_values" => "2",
"ldap_get_values_len" => "2",
"ldap_list" => "2",
"ldap_modify" => "2",
"ldap_mod_add" => "2",
"ldap_mod_del" => "2",
"ldap_mod_replace" => "2",
"ldap_next_attribute" => "2",
"ldap_next_entry" => "2",
"ldap_read" => "2",
"ldap_search" => "2",
"ldap_unbind" => "2",
"leak" => "2",
"link" => "2",
"linkinfo" => "2",
"list" => "2",
"Log" => "2",
"Log10" => "2",
"lstat" => "2",
"ltrim" => "2",
"mail" => "2",
"max" => "2",
"mcal_close" => "2",
"mcal_date_compare" => "2",
"mcal_date_valid" => "2",
"mcal_days_in_month" => "2",
"mcal_day_of_week" => "2",
"mcal_day_of_year" => "2",
"mcal_delete_event" => "2",
"mcal_event_init" => "2",
"mcal_event_set_alarm" => "2",
"mcal_event_set_category" => "2",
"mcal_event_set_class" => "2",
"mcal_event_set_description" => "2",
"mcal_event_set_end" => "2",
"mcal_event_set_recur_daily" => "2",
"mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_mday" => "2",
"mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_wday" => "2",
"mcal_event_set_recur_weekly" => "2",
"mcal_event_set_recur_yearly" => "2",
"mcal_event_set_start" => "2",
"mcal_event_set_title" => "2",
"mcal_fetch_current_stream_event" => "2",
"mcal_fetch_event" => "2",
"mcal_is_leap_year" => "2",
"mcal_list_alarms" => "2",
"mcal_list_events" => "2",
"mcal_next_recurrence" => "2",
"mcal_open" => "2",
"mcal_snooze" => "2",
"mcal_store_event" => "2",
"mcal_time_valid" => "2",
"mcrypt_cbc" => "2",
"mcrypt_cfb" => "2",
"mcrypt_create_iv" => "2",
"mcrypt_ecb" => "2",
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"mcrypt_get_cipher_name" => "2",
"mcrypt_get_key_size" => "2",
"mcrypt_ofb" => "2",
"md5" => "2",
"Metaphone" => "2",
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"mhash_count" => "2",
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"mhash_get_hash_name" => "2",
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"mssql_result" => "2",
"mssql_select_db" => "2",
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"posix_getuid" => "2",
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"posix_setuid" => "2",
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"prev" => "2",
"print" => "2",
"printf" => "2",
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"rand" => "2",
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"readgzfile" => "2",
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"recode_file" => "2",
"recode_string" => "2",
"register_shutdown_function" => "2",
"rename" => "2",
"reset" => "2",
"rewind" => "2",
"rewinddir" => "2",
"rmdir" => "2",
"round" => "2",
"rsort" => "2",
"sem_acquire" => "2",
"sem_get" => "2",
"sem_release" => "2",
"serialize" => "2",
"session_decode" => "2",
"session_destroy" => "2",
"session_encode" => "2",
"session_id" => "2",
"session_is_registered" => "2",
"session_module_name" => "2",
"session_name" => "2",
"session_register" => "2",
"session_save_path" => "2",
"session_start" => "2",
"session_unregister" => "2",
"setcookie" => "2",
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"set_file_buffer" => "2",
"set_magic_quotes_runtime" => "2",
"set_socket_blocking" => "2",
"set_time_limit" => "2",
"shm_attach" => "2",
"shm_detach" => "2",
"shm_get_var" => "2",
"shm_put_var" => "2",
"shm_remove" => "2",
"shm_remove_var" => "2",
"shuffle" => "2",
"similar_text" => "2",
"Sin" => "2",
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"sleep" => "2",
"snmpget" => "2",
"snmpset" => "2",
"snmpwalk" => "2",
"snmpwalkoid" => "2",
"snmp_get_quick_print" => "2",
"snmp_set_quick_print" => "2",
"solid_close" => "2",
"solid_connect" => "2",
"solid_exec" => "2",
"solid_fetchrow" => "2",
"solid_fieldname" => "2",
"solid_fieldnum" => "2",
"solid_freeresult" => "2",
"solid_numfields" => "2",
"solid_numrows" => "2",
"solid_result" => "2",
"sort" => "2",
"soundex" => "2",
"split" => "2",
"sprintf" => "2",
"sql_regcase" => "2",
"Sqrt" => "2",
"srand" => "2",
"stat" => "2",
"strcasecmp" => "2",
"strchr" => "2",
"strcmp" => "2",
"strcspn" => "2",
"strftime" => "2",
"StripCSlashes" => "2",
"StripSlashes" => "2",
"strip_tags" => "2",
"stristr" => "2",
"strlen" => "2",
"strpos" => "2",
"strrchr" => "2",
"strrev" => "2",
"strrpos" => "2",
"strspn" => "2",
"strstr" => "2",
"strtok" => "2",
"strtolower" => "2",
"strtoupper" => "2",
"strtr" => "2",
"strval" => "2",
"str_repeat" => "2",
"str_replace" => "2",
"substr" => "2",
"substr_replac" => "2",
"sybase_affected_rows" => "2",
"sybase_close" => "2",
"sybase_connect" => "2",
"sybase_data_seek" => "2",
"sybase_fetch_array" => "2",
"sybase_fetch_field" => "2",
"sybase_fetch_object" => "2",
"sybase_fetch_row" => "2",
"sybase_field_seek" => "2",
"sybase_free_result" => "2",
"sybase_num_fields" => "2",
"sybase_num_rows" => "2",
"sybase_pconnect" => "2",
"sybase_query" => "2",
"sybase_result" => "2",
"sybase_select_db" => "2",
"symlink" => "2",
"Syntax" => "2",
"syslog" => "2",
"system" => "2",
"Tan" => "2",
"tempnam" => "2",
"time" => "2",
"touch" => "2",
"trim" => "2",
"uasort" => "2",
"ucfirst" => "2",
"ucwords" => "2",
"uksort" => "2",
"umask" => "2",
"uniqid" => "2",
"unlink" => "2",
"unpack" => "2",
"unserialize" => "2",
"unset" => "2",
"urldecode" => "2",
"urlencode" => "2",
"usleep" => "2",
"usort" => "2",
"utf8_decode" => "2",
"utf8_encode" => "2",
"virtual" => "2",
"vm_addalias" => "2",
"vm_adduser" => "2",
"vm_delalias" => "2",
"vm_deluser" => "2",
"vm_passwd" => "2",
"wddx_add_vars" => "2",
"wddx_deserialize" => "2",
"wddx_packet_end" => "2",
"wddx_packet_start" => "2",
"wddx_serialize_value" => "2",
"wddx_serialize_vars" => "2",
"xml_error_string" => "2",
"xml_get_current_byte_index" => "2",
"xml_get_current_column_number" => "2",
"xml_get_current_line_number" => "2",
"xml_get_error_code" => "2",
"xml_parse" => "2",
"xml_parser_create" => "2",
"xml_parser_free" => "2",
"xml_parser_get_option" => "2",
"xml_parser_set_option" => "2",
"xml_set_character_data_handler" => "2",
"xml_set_default_handler" => "2",
"xml_set_element_handler" => "2",
"xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler" => "2",
"xml_set_notation_decl_handler" => "2",
"xml_set_object" => "2",
"xml_set_processing_instruction_handler" => "2",
"xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler" => "2",
"yp_errno" => "2",
"yp_err_string" => "2",
"yp_first" => "2",
"yp_get_default_domain" => "2",
"yp_master" => "2",
"yp_match" => "2",
"yp_next" => "2",
"yp_order" => "2");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"2" => "dofunction",
"1" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: