| completeSpecificFormProperties (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) |
| completes a given form object with the specific form properties required by this question type More...
| initSpecificFormProperties (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) |
| initialises a given form object's specific form properties relating to this question type More...
| saveSpecificFormProperties (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) |
| saves a given form object's specific form properties relating to this question type More...
| isSaveableInPageObjectEditingMode () |
| returns the fact that the feedback editing form is saveable in page object editing mode, because this question type has additional feedback settings More...
| saveSpecificFeedbackSetting ($questionId, $specificFeedbackSetting) |
| saves the given specific feedback setting for the given question id to the db. More...
| getSpecificAnswerFeedbackTestPresentation ($questionId, $answerIndex) |
| returns the html of SPECIFIC feedback for the given question id and answer index for test presentation More...
| completeSpecificFormProperties (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) |
| completes a given form object with the specific form properties required by this question type More...
| initSpecificFormProperties (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) |
| initialises a given form object's specific form properties relating to this question type More...
| saveSpecificFormProperties (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) |
| saves a given form object's specific form properties relating to this question type More...
| getSpecificAnswerFeedbackContent ($questionId, $answerIndex) |
| returns the SPECIFIC answer feedback content for a given question id and answer index. More...
| getAllSpecificAnswerFeedbackContents ($questionId) |
| returns the SPECIFIC feedback content for a given question id and answer index. More...
| saveSpecificAnswerFeedbackContent ($questionId, $answerIndex, $feedbackContent) |
| saves SPECIFIC answer feedback content for the given question id and answer index to the database. More...
| deleteSpecificAnswerFeedbacks ($questionId, $isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject) |
| deletes all SPECIFIC answer feedback contents (and page objects if required) for the given question id More...
| getAnswerOptionsByAnswerIndex () |
| returns the answer options mapped by answer index (can be overwritten by concrete question type class) More...
| getSpecificAnswerFeedbackExportPresentation ($questionId, $answerIndex) |
| returns the generic feedback export presentation for given question id either for solution completed or incompleted More...
| importSpecificAnswerFeedback ($questionId, $answerIndex, $feedbackContent) |
| imports the given feedback content as specific feedback for the given question id and answer index More...
| specificAnswerFeedbackExists ($answerIndexes) |
| __construct (assQuestion $questionOBJ, ilCtrl $ctrl, ilDBInterface $db, ilLanguage $lng) |
| constructor More...
| getGenericFeedbackTestPresentation ($questionId, $solutionCompleted) |
| returns the html of GENERIC feedback for the given question id for test presentation (either for the complete solution or for the incomplete solution) More...
| getSpecificAnswerFeedbackTestPresentation ($questionId, $answerIndex) |
| returns the html of SPECIFIC feedback for the given question id and answer index for test presentation More...
| completeGenericFormProperties (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) |
| completes a given form object with the GENERIC form properties required by all question types More...
| completeSpecificFormProperties (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) |
| completes a given form object with the SPECIFIC form properties required by this question type More...
| initGenericFormProperties (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) |
| initialises a given form object's GENERIC form properties relating to all question types More...
| initSpecificFormProperties (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) |
| initialises a given form object's SPECIFIC form properties relating to this question type More...
| saveGenericFormProperties (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) |
| saves a given form object's GENERIC form properties relating to all question types More...
| saveSpecificFormProperties (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) |
| saves a given form object's SPECIFIC form properties relating to this question type More...
| isSaveableInPageObjectEditingMode () |
| returns the fact wether the feedback editing form is saveable in page object editing or not. More...
| getGenericFeedbackContent ($questionId, $solutionCompleted) |
| returns the GENERIC feedback content for a given question state. More...
| getSpecificAnswerFeedbackContent ($questionId, $answerIndex) |
| returns the SPECIFIC feedback content for a given question id and answer index. More...
| getAllSpecificAnswerFeedbackContents ($questionId) |
| returns the SPECIFIC feedback content for a given question id and answer index. More...
| saveGenericFeedbackContent ($questionId, $solutionCompleted, $feedbackContent) |
| saves GENERIC feedback content for the given question id to the database. More...
| saveSpecificAnswerFeedbackContent ($questionId, $answerIndex, $feedbackContent) |
| saves SPECIFIC feedback content for the given question id and answer index to the database. More...
| deleteGenericFeedbacks ($questionId, $isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject) |
| deletes all GENERIC feedback contents (and page objects if required) for the given question id More...
| deleteSpecificAnswerFeedbacks ($questionId, $isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject) |
| deletes all SPECIFIC feedback contents for the given question id More...
| duplicateFeedback ($originalQuestionId, $duplicateQuestionId) |
| duplicates the feedback relating to the given original question id and saves it for the given duplicate question id More...
| syncFeedback ($originalQuestionId, $duplicateQuestionId) |
| syncs the feedback from a duplicated question back to the original question More...
| checkFeedbackParent ($feedbackId) |
| getClassNameByType ($a_type, $a_gui=false) |
| Get class name by type. More...
| setPageObjectOutputMode ($a_val) |
| Set page object output mode. More...
| getPageObjectOutputMode () |
| Get page object output mode. More...
| getGenericFeedbackExportPresentation ($questionId, $solutionCompleted) |
| returns the generic feedback export presentation for given question id either for solution completed or incompleted More...
| getSpecificAnswerFeedbackExportPresentation ($questionId, $answerIndex) |
| returns the generic feedback export presentation for given question id either for solution completed or incompleted More...
| importGenericFeedback ($questionId, $solutionCompleted, $feedbackContent) |
| imports the given feedback content as generic feedback for the given question id for either the complete or incomplete solution More...
| importSpecificAnswerFeedback ($questionId, $answerIndex, $feedbackContent) |
| imports the given feedback content as specific feedback for the given question id and answer index More...
| migrateContentForLearningModule (ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator $migrator, $questionId) |
static | isValidFeedbackPageObjectType ($feedbackPageObjectType) |
| returns the fact wether the given page object type relates to generic or specific feedback page objects More...