release_5-2 Revision v5.2.25-18-g3f80b828510
Abstract basic class which is to be extended by the concrete assessment question type classes. More...
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ( $title="", $comment="", $author="", $owner=-1, $question="") | |
assQuestion constructor More... | |
getShuffler () | |
setShuffler (ilArrayElementShuffler $shuffler) | |
setProcessLocker ($processLocker) | |
getProcessLocker () | |
fromXML (&$item, &$questionpool_id, &$tst_id, &$tst_object, &$question_counter, &$import_mapping) | |
Receives parameters from a QTI parser and creates a valid ILIAS question object. More... | |
toXML ($a_include_header=true, $a_include_binary=true, $a_shuffle=false, $test_output=false, $force_image_references=false) | |
Returns a QTI xml representation of the question. More... | |
isComplete () | |
Returns true, if a question is complete for use. More... | |
questionTitleExists ($questionpool_id, $title) | |
Returns TRUE if the question title exists in the database. More... | |
setTitle ($title="") | |
Sets the title string of the assQuestion object. More... | |
setId ($id=-1) | |
Sets the id of the assQuestion object. More... | |
setTestId ($id=-1) | |
Sets the test id of the assQuestion object. More... | |
setComment ($comment="") | |
Sets the comment string of the assQuestion object. More... | |
setOutputType ($outputType=OUTPUT_HTML) | |
Sets the output type. More... | |
setShuffle ($shuffle=true) | |
Sets the shuffle flag. More... | |
setEstimatedWorkingTime ($hour=0, $min=0, $sec=0) | |
Sets the estimated working time of a question from given hour, minute and second. More... | |
setEstimatedWorkingTimeFromDurationString ($durationString) | |
Sets the estimated working time of a question from a given datetime string. More... | |
keyInArray ($searchkey, $array) | |
returns TRUE if the key occurs in an array More... | |
setAuthor ($author="") | |
Sets the authors name of the assQuestion object. More... | |
setOwner ($owner="") | |
Sets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object. More... | |
getTitle () | |
Gets the title string of the assQuestion object. More... | |
getTitleFilenameCompliant () | |
returns the object title prepared to be used as a filename More... | |
getId () | |
Gets the id of the assQuestion object. More... | |
getShuffle () | |
Gets the shuffle flag. More... | |
getTestId () | |
Gets the test id of the assQuestion object. More... | |
getComment () | |
Gets the comment string of the assQuestion object. More... | |
getOutputType () | |
Gets the output type. More... | |
supportsJavascriptOutput () | |
Returns true if the question type supports JavaScript output. More... | |
supportsNonJsOutput () | |
requiresJsSwitch () | |
getEstimatedWorkingTime () | |
Gets the estimated working time of a question. More... | |
getAuthor () | |
Gets the authors name of the assQuestion object. More... | |
getOwner () | |
Gets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object. More... | |
getObjId () | |
Get the object id of the container object. More... | |
setObjId ($obj_id=0) | |
Set the object id of the container object. More... | |
setExternalId ($external_id) | |
getExternalId () | |
getSuggestedSolutionOutput () | |
& | _getSuggestedSolution ($question_id, $subquestion_index=0) |
Returns a suggested solution for a given subquestion index. More... | |
getSuggestedSolutions () | |
Return the suggested solutions. More... | |
getReachedPoints ($active_id, $pass=NULL) | |
Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question This is the fast way to get the points directly from the database. More... | |
getMaximumPoints () | |
Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question. More... | |
getAdjustedReachedPoints ($active_id, $pass=NULL, $authorizedSolution=true) | |
returns the reached points ... More... | |
calculateResultsFromSolution ($active_id, $pass=NULL, $obligationsEnabled=false) | |
Calculates the question results from a previously saved question solution. More... | |
persistWorkingState ($active_id, $pass=NULL, $obligationsEnabled=false, $authorized=true) | |
persists the working state for current testactive and testpass More... | |
persistPreviewState (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession) | |
persists the preview state for current user and question More... | |
validateSolutionSubmit () | |
saveWorkingData ($active_id, $pass=NULL, $authorized=true) | |
Saves the learners input of the question to the database. More... | |
moveUploadedMediaFile ($file, $name) | |
Move an uploaded media file to an public accessible temp dir to present it. More... | |
getSuggestedSolutionPath () | |
Returns the path for a suggested solution. More... | |
getJavaPath () | |
Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question. More... | |
getImagePath ($question_id=null, $object_id=null) | |
Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question. More... | |
buildImagePath ($questionId, $parentObjectId) | |
getFlashPath () | |
Returns the image path for web accessable flash files of a question. More... | |
getJavaPathWeb () | |
Returns the web image path for web accessable java applets of a question. More... | |
getSuggestedSolutionPathWeb () | |
Returns the web path for a suggested solution. More... | |
getImagePathWeb () | |
Returns the web image path for web accessable images of a question. More... | |
getFlashPathWeb () | |
Returns the web image path for web accessable flash applications of a question. More... | |
getTestOutputSolutions ($activeId, $pass) | |
getUserSolutionPreferingIntermediate ($active_id, $pass=NULL) | |
getSolutionValues ($active_id, $pass=NULL, $authorized=true) | |
Loads solutions of a given user from the database an returns it. More... | |
isInUse ($question_id="") | |
Checks whether the question is in use or not. More... | |
isClone ($question_id="") | |
Checks whether the question is a clone of another question or not. More... | |
pcArrayShuffle ($array) | |
Shuffles the values of a given array. More... | |
getAdditionalTableName () | |
Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database. More... | |
getAnswerTableName () | |
Returns the name of the answer table in the database. More... | |
deleteAnswers ($question_id) | |
Deletes datasets from answers tables. More... | |
deleteAdditionalTableData ($question_id) | |
Deletes datasets from the additional question table in the database. More... | |
delete ($question_id) | |
Deletes a question and all materials from the database. More... | |
getTotalAnswers () | |
get total number of answers More... | |
_getTotalAnswers ($a_q_id) | |
get number of answers for question id (static) note: do not use $this inside this method More... | |
copyXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion ($a_q_id) | |
syncXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion () | |
createPageObject () | |
create page object of question More... | |
copyPageOfQuestion ($a_q_id) | |
getPageOfQuestion () | |
setOriginalId ($original_id) | |
getOriginalId () | |
fixSvgToPng ($imageFilenameContainingString) | |
fixUnavailableSkinImageSources ($html) | |
loadFromDb ($question_id) | |
Loads the question from the database. More... | |
createNewQuestion ($a_create_page=true) | |
Creates a new question without an owner when a new question is created This assures that an ID is given to the question if a file upload or something else occurs. More... | |
saveQuestionDataToDb ($original_id="") | |
saveToDb ($original_id="") | |
Saves the question to the database. More... | |
setNewOriginalId ($newId) | |
deleteSuggestedSolutions () | |
Deletes all suggestes solutions in the database. More... | |
getSuggestedSolution ($subquestion_index=0) | |
Returns a suggested solution for a given subquestion index. More... | |
getSuggestedSolutionTitle ($subquestion_index=0) | |
Returns the title of a suggested solution at a given subquestion_index. More... | |
setSuggestedSolution ($solution_id="", $subquestion_index=0, $is_import=false) | |
Sets a suggested solution for the question. More... | |
_resolveInternalLink ($internal_link) | |
_resolveIntLinks ($question_id) | |
syncWithOriginal () | |
createRandomSolution ($test_id, $user_id) | |
_questionExists ($question_id) | |
Returns true if the question already exists in the database. More... | |
_questionExistsInPool ($question_id) | |
Returns true if the question already exists in the database and is assigned to a question pool. More... | |
getPoints () | |
Returns the maximum available points for the question. More... | |
setPoints ($a_points) | |
Sets the maximum available points for the question. More... | |
getSolutionMaxPass ($active_id) | |
Returns the maximum pass a users question solution. More... | |
calculateReachedPoints ($active_id, $pass=NULL, $authorizedSolution=true, $returndetails=FALSE) | |
Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question. More... | |
deductHintPointsFromReachedPoints (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession, $reachedPoints) | |
calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession) | |
isPreviewSolutionCorrect (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession) | |
adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions ($points, $active_id, $pass=NULL) | |
Adjust the given reached points by checks for all special scoring options in the test container. More... | |
isHTML ($a_text) | |
Checks if a given string contains HTML or not. More... | |
prepareTextareaOutput ($txt_output, $prepare_for_latex_output=FALSE, $omitNl2BrWhenTextArea=false) | |
Prepares a string for a text area output in tests. More... | |
QTIMaterialToString ($a_material) | |
Reads an QTI material tag an creates a text string. More... | |
addQTIMaterial (&$a_xml_writer, $a_material, $close_material_tag=TRUE, $add_mobs=TRUE) | |
Creates a QTI material tag from a plain text or xhtml text. More... | |
buildHashedImageFilename ($plain_image_filename, $unique=false) | |
getQuestion () | |
Gets the question string of the question object. More... | |
setQuestion ($question="") | |
Sets the question string of the question object. More... | |
getQuestionType () | |
Returns the question type of the question. More... | |
getQuestionTypeID () | |
Returns the question type of the question. More... | |
cleanupMediaObjectUsage () | |
synchronises appearances of media objects in the question with media object usage table More... | |
& | getInstances () |
Gets all instances of the question. More... | |
getActiveUserData ($active_id) | |
Returns the user id and the test id for a given active id. More... | |
setExportDetailsXLS ($worksheet, $startrow, $active_id, $pass) | |
Creates an Excel worksheet for the detailed cumulated results of this question. More... | |
__get ($value) | |
Object getter. More... | |
__set ($key, $value) | |
Object setter. More... | |
getNrOfTries () | |
setNrOfTries ($a_nr_of_tries) | |
setExportImagePath ($a_path) | |
formatSAQuestion ($a_q) | |
Format self assessment question. More... | |
setPreventRteUsage ($a_val) | |
Set prevent rte usage. More... | |
getPreventRteUsage () | |
Get prevent rte usage. More... | |
migrateContentForLearningModule (ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator $migrator) | |
setSelfAssessmentEditingMode ($a_selfassessmenteditingmode) | |
Set Self-Assessment Editing Mode. More... | |
getSelfAssessmentEditingMode () | |
Get Self-Assessment Editing Mode. More... | |
setDefaultNrOfTries ($a_defaultnroftries) | |
Set Default Nr of Tries. More... | |
getDefaultNrOfTries () | |
Get Default Nr of Tries. More... | |
syncSkillAssignments ($srcParentId, $srcQuestionId, $trgParentId, $trgQuestionId) | |
isAnswered ($active_id, $pass=null) | |
returns boolean wether the question is answered during test pass or not More... | |
isAutosaveable () | |
getAdditionalContentEditingMode () | |
getter for additional content editing mode for this question More... | |
setAdditionalContentEditingMode ($additinalContentEditingMode) | |
setter for additional content editing mode for this question More... | |
isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject () | |
isser for additional "pageobject" content editing mode More... | |
isValidAdditionalContentEditingMode ($additionalContentEditingMode) | |
returns the fact wether the passed additional content mode is valid or not More... | |
getValidAdditionalContentEditingModes () | |
getter for valid additional content editing modes More... | |
addQuestionChangeListener (ilQuestionChangeListener $listener) | |
getQuestionChangeListeners () | |
getHtmlUserSolutionPurifier () | |
getHtmlQuestionContentPurifier () | |
setLastChange ($lastChange) | |
getLastChange () | |
removeIntermediateSolution ($active_id, $pass) | |
removeCurrentSolution ($active_id, $pass, $authorized=true) | |
saveCurrentSolution ($active_id, $pass, $value1, $value2, $authorized=true, $tstamp=null) | |
updateCurrentSolution ($solutionId, $value1, $value2, $authorized=true) | |
updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization ($activeId, $pass, $authorized, $keepTime=false) | |
setStep ($step) | |
getStep () | |
toJSON () | |
duplicate ($for_test=true, $title="", $author="", $owner="", $testObjId=null) | |
intermediateSolutionExists ($active_id, $pass) | |
authorizedSolutionExists ($active_id, $pass) | |
authorizedOrIntermediateSolutionExists ($active_id, $pass) | |
removeExistingSolutions ($activeId, $pass) | |
resetUsersAnswer ($activeId, $pass) | |
removeResultRecord ($activeId, $pass) | |
fetchValuePairsFromIndexedValues (array $indexedValues) | |
fetchIndexedValuesFromValuePairs (array $valuePairs) | |
areObligationsToBeConsidered () | |
setObligationsToBeConsidered ($obligationsToBeConsidered) | |
updateTimestamp () | |
getTestPresentationConfig () | |
Get the test question configuration (initialised once) More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | setForcePassResultUpdateEnabled ($forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled) |
static | isForcePassResultUpdateEnabled () |
static | isAllowedImageMimeType ($mimeType) |
static | fetchMimeTypeIdentifier ($contentTypeString) |
static | getAllowedFileExtensionsForMimeType ($mimeType) |
static | isAllowedImageFileExtension ($mimeType, $fileExtension) |
static | getAllowedImageMaterialFileExtensions () |
static | _getMaximumPoints ($question_id) |
Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question. More... | |
static | _getQuestionInfo ($question_id) |
Returns question information from the database. More... | |
static | _getSuggestedSolutionCount ($question_id) |
Returns the number of suggested solutions associated with a question. More... | |
static | _getSuggestedSolutionOutput ($question_id) |
Returns the output of the suggested solution. More... | |
static | _getReachedPoints ($active_id, $question_id, $pass=NULL) |
Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question. More... | |
static | _updateTestResultCache ($active_id, ilAssQuestionProcessLocker $processLocker=null) |
Move this to a proper place. More... | |
static | logAction ($logtext="", $active_id="", $question_id="") |
Logs an action into the Test&Assessment log. More... | |
static | getQuestionTypeFromDb ($question_id) |
get question type for question id More... | |
static | _getTotalRightAnswers ($a_q_id) |
get number of answers for question id (static) note: do not use $this inside this method More... | |
static | _getTitle ($a_q_id) |
Returns the title of a question. More... | |
static | _getQuestionText ($a_q_id) |
Returns question text. More... | |
static | isFileAvailable ($file) |
static | _getQuestionType ($question_id) |
Returns the question type of a question with a given id. More... | |
static | _getQuestionTitle ($question_id) |
Returns the question title of a question with a given id. More... | |
static | saveOriginalId ($questionId, $originalId) |
static | resetOriginalId ($questionId) |
static | _getInternalLinkHref ($target="") |
static | _getOriginalId ($question_id) |
Returns the original id of a question. More... | |
static | originalQuestionExists ($questionId) |
static | _instanciateQuestion ($question_id) |
Creates an instance of a question with a given question id. More... | |
static | _instantiateQuestion ($question_id) |
static | _getSolutionMaxPass ($question_id, $active_id) |
Returns the maximum pass a users question solution. More... | |
static | _isWriteable ($question_id, $user_id) |
Returns true if the question is writeable by a certain user. More... | |
static | _isUsedInRandomTest ($question_id="") |
Checks whether the question is used in a random test or not. More... | |
static | _isWorkedThrough ($active_id, $question_id, $pass=NULL) |
Returns true if the question was worked through in the given pass Worked through means that the user entered at least one value. More... | |
static | _areAnswered ($a_user_id, $a_question_ids) |
Checks if an array of question ids is answered by an user or not. More... | |
static | _setReachedPoints ($active_id, $question_id, $points, $maxpoints, $pass, $manualscoring, $obligationsEnabled) |
Sets the points, a learner has reached answering the question Additionally objective results are updated. More... | |
static | _needsManualScoring ($question_id) |
static | _includeClass ($question_type, $gui=0) |
Include the php class file for a given question type. More... | |
static | getGuiClassNameByQuestionType ($questionType) |
static | getObjectClassNameByQuestionType ($questionType) |
static | getFeedbackClassNameByQuestionType ($questionType) |
static | isCoreQuestionType ($questionType) |
static | includeCoreClass ($questionType, $withGuiClass) |
static | includePluginClass ($questionType, $withGuiClass) |
static | _getQuestionTypeName ($type_tag) |
Return the translation for a given question type tag. More... | |
static & | _instanciateQuestionGUI ($question_id) |
Creates an instance of a question gui with a given question id. More... | |
static | instantiateQuestionGUI ($a_question_id) |
Creates an instance of a question gui with a given question id. More... | |
static | _questionExistsInTest ($question_id, $test_id) |
static | lookupParentObjId ($questionId) |
ilDBInterface $ilDB More... | |
static | lookupOriginalParentObjId ($originalQuestionId) |
returns the parent object id for given original question id (should be a qpl id, but theoretically it can be a tst id, too) More... | |
static | isObligationPossible ($questionId) |
returns boolean wether it is possible to set this question type as obligatory or not considering the current question configuration More... | |
static | implodeKeyValues ($keyValues) |
static | explodeKeyValues ($keyValues) |
static | setResultGateway ($resultGateway) |
static | getResultGateway () |
static | sumTimesInISO8601FormatH_i_s_Extended ($time1, $time2) |
static | convertISO8601FormatH_i_s_ExtendedToSeconds ($time) |
static | missingResultRecordExists ($activeId, $pass, $questionIds) |
static | getQuestionsMissingResultRecord ($activeId, $pass, $questionIds) |
static | lookupResultRecordExist ($activeId, $questionId, $pass) |
Data Fields | |
const | IMG_MIME_TYPE_JPG = 'image/jpeg' |
const | IMG_MIME_TYPE_PNG = 'image/png' |
const | IMG_MIME_TYPE_GIF = 'image/gif' |
constant for additional content editing mode "default" More... | |
constant for additional content editing mode "pageobject" More... | |
$feedbackOBJ = null | |
$prevent_rte_usage = false | |
$selfassessmenteditingmode = false | |
$defaultnroftries = 0 | |
$questionActionCmd = 'handleQuestionAction' | |
Protected Member Functions | |
getQuestionAction () | |
isNonEmptyItemListPostSubmission ($postSubmissionFieldname) | |
ensureCurrentTestPass ($active_id, $pass) | |
lookupCurrentTestPass ($active_id, $pass) | |
lookupTestId ($active_id) | |
log ($active_id, $langVar) | |
reworkWorkingData ($active_id, $pass, $obligationsAnswered, $authorized) | |
Reworks the allready saved working data if neccessary. More... | |
savePreviewData (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession) | |
deletePageOfQuestion ($question_id) | |
Deletes the page object of a question with a given ID. More... | |
onDuplicate ($originalParentId, $originalQuestionId, $duplicateParentId, $duplicateQuestionId) | |
Will be called when a question is duplicated (inside a question pool or for insertion in a test) More... | |
beforeSyncWithOriginal ($origQuestionId, $dupQuestionId, $origParentObjId, $dupParentObjId) | |
afterSyncWithOriginal ($origQuestionId, $dupQuestionId, $origParentObjId, $dupParentObjId) | |
onCopy ($sourceParentId, $sourceQuestionId, $targetParentId, $targetQuestionId) | |
Will be called when a question is copied (into another question pool) More... | |
duplicateSuggestedSolutionFiles ($parent_id, $question_id) | |
Duplicates the files of a suggested solution if the question is duplicated. More... | |
syncSuggestedSolutionFiles ($original_id) | |
Syncs the files of a suggested solution if the question is synced. More... | |
copySuggestedSolutionFiles ($source_questionpool_id, $source_question_id) | |
ensureNonNegativePoints ($points) | |
getRTETextWithMediaObjects () | |
Collects all text in the question which could contain media objects which were created with the Rich Text Editor. More... | |
getSelfAssessmentFormatter () | |
lmMigrateQuestionTypeGenericContent (ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator $migrator) | |
lmMigrateQuestionTypeSpecificContent (ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator $migrator) | |
duplicateQuestionHints ($originalQuestionId, $duplicateQuestionId) | |
duplicateSkillAssignments ($srcParentId, $srcQuestionId, $trgParentId, $trgQuestionId) | |
buildQuestionDataQuery () | |
getCurrentSolutionResultSet ($active_id, $pass, $authorized=true) | |
Get a restulset for the current user solution for a this question by active_id and pass. More... | |
removeSolutionRecordById ($solutionId) | |
getSolutionRecordById ($solutionId) | |
deleteDummySolutionRecord ($activeId, $passIndex) | |
deleteSolutionRecordByValues ($activeId, $passIndex, $authorized, $matchValues) | |
duplicateIntermediateSolutionAuthorized ($activeId, $passIndex) | |
forceExistingIntermediateSolution ($activeId, $passIndex, $considerDummyRecordCreation) | |
buildTestPresentationConfig () | |
build basic test question configuration instance More... | |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static | getNumExistingSolutionRecords ($activeId, $pass, $questionId) |
returns the number of existing solution records for the given test active / pass and given question id More... | |
static | getKeyValuesImplosionSeparator () |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static | $allowedFileExtensionsByMimeType |
static | $allowedCharsetsByMimeType |
static | $allowedImageMaterialFileExtensionsByMimeType |
static | $forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled = false |
static | $imageSourceFixReplaceMap |
Private Member Functions | |
deleteTaxonomyAssignments () | |
notifyQuestionCreated () | |
notifyQuestionEdited () | |
notifyQuestionDeleted () | |
Private Attributes | |
$nr_of_tries | |
Number of tries. More... | |
$arrData | |
Associative array to store properties. More... | |
$export_image_path | |
(Web) Path to images More... | |
$additinalContentEditingMode = null | |
$obligationsToBeConsidered = false | |
$testQuestionConfigInstance = null | |
Static Private Attributes | |
static | $resultGateway = null |
Abstract basic class which is to be extended by the concrete assessment question type classes.
The assQuestion class defines and encapsulates basic/common methods and attributes as well as it provides abstract methods that are to be implemented by concrete question type classes.
Definition at line 20 of file class.assQuestion.php.
assQuestion::__construct | ( | $title = "" , |
$comment = "" , |
$author = "" , |
$owner = -1 , |
$question = "" |
) |
assQuestion constructor
string | $title | A title string to describe the question |
string | $comment | A comment string to describe the question |
string | $author | A string containing the name of the questions author |
integer | $owner | A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator |
string | $question | Question text public |
Definition at line 286 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $author, $comment, $ilDB, $ilias, $lng, $owner, $question, $title, $tpl, array, comment(), setEstimatedWorkingTime(), setExternalId(), and setQuestion().
assQuestion::__get | ( | $value | ) |
Object getter.
Definition at line 4238 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilias, $page, $tpl, getAuthor(), getComment(), getEstimatedWorkingTime(), getId(), getObjId(), getOriginalId(), getOutputType(), getOwner(), getPoints(), getQuestion(), getShuffle(), getSuggestedSolutions(), getTestId(), and getTitle().
assQuestion::__set | ( | $key, | |
$value | |||
) |
Object setter.
Definition at line 4309 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References setAuthor(), setComment(), setEstimatedWorkingTime(), setId(), setObjId(), setOriginalId(), setOutputType(), setOwner(), setPoints(), setQuestion(), setShuffle(), setTestId(), and setTitle().
static |
Checks if an array of question ids is answered by an user or not.
int | user_id | |
array | $question_ids | user id array |
Definition at line 3615 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $res, and array.
Referenced by ilCourseObjectiveResult\getStatus().
static |
Definition at line 3136 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $target, $target_id, and array.
Referenced by getSuggestedSolutionOutput(), and assQuestionGUI\suggestedsolution().
static |
Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question.
integer | $question_id | The database Id of the question |
Definition at line 958 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $points, $result, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilTestScoringByQuestionsGUI\__construct(), _getTotalRightAnswers(), ilCourseObjectiveQuestion\_lookupMaximumPointsOfQuestion(), ilTestScoringGUI\buildManScoringParticipantForm(), assFileUpload\handleSubmission(), ilTestManScoringParticipantsBySelectedQuestionAndPassTableGUI\initFilter(), ilCourseObjectiveQuestionAssignmentTableGUI\parse(), and ilTestScoringGUI\saveManScoringParticipantScreen().
static |
Returns the original id of a question.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question |
Definition at line 3179 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilTestFixedQuestionSetConfig\cloneQuestionSetRelatedData(), ilObjTestGUI\copyAndLinkToQuestionpoolObject(), assOrderingHorizontal\copyObject(), assFileUpload\copyObject(), assNumeric\copyObject(), assTextQuestion\copyObject(), assImagemapQuestion\copyObject(), assErrorText\copyObject(), assFlashQuestion\copyObject(), assOrderingQuestion\copyObject(), assTextSubset\copyObject(), assSingleChoice\copyObject(), assMultipleChoice\copyObject(), assMatchingQuestion\copyObject(), assJavaApplet\copyObject(), assLongMenu\copyObject(), assKprimChoice\copyObject(), assFormulaQuestion\copyObject(), assClozeTest\copyObject(), assOrderingHorizontal\duplicate(), assFileUpload\duplicate(), assNumeric\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\duplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicate(), assFlashQuestion\duplicate(), assErrorText\duplicate(), assTextSubset\duplicate(), assSingleChoice\duplicate(), assMultipleChoice\duplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\duplicate(), assJavaApplet\duplicate(), assLongMenu\duplicate(), assKprimChoice\duplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\duplicate(), assClozeTest\duplicate(), and ilObjTest\logAction().
static |
Returns question information from the database.
integer | $question_id | The database Id of the question |
Definition at line 981 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and array.
Referenced by ilTestScoringByQuestionsGUI\__construct(), ilObjMediaObject\getParentObjectIdForUsage(), and ilTestManScoringParticipantsBySelectedQuestionAndPassTableGUI\initFilter().
static |
Returns question text.
int | $a_q_id | question id |
Definition at line 2306 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilLMQuestionListTableGUI\fillRow().
static |
Returns the question title of a question with a given id.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question |
Definition at line 2433 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $result, and array.
Referenced by ilObjAssessmentFolderGUI\exportLogObject(), ilAssessmentFolderLogTableGUI\fillRow(), ilObjectivesAlignmentTableGUI\fillRow(), and ilObjTest\getManualFeedback().
static |
Returns the question type of a question with a given id.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question |
Definition at line 2406 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $result, and array.
Referenced by _instantiateQuestion(), _needsManualScoring(), ilPageObjectGUI\executeCommand(), ilObjectivesAlignmentTableGUI\fillRow(), instantiateQuestionGUI(), ilObjTest\isQuestionObligationPossible(), and ilPCQuestionGUI\setTabs().
static |
Return the translation for a given question type tag.
string | $type_tag | The type tag of the question type public |
Definition at line 4138 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $lng, ilPlugin\getPluginObject(), and IL_COMP_MODULE.
Referenced by ilObjQuestionPoolGUI\addLocatorItems(), ilObjTestGUI\createRandomSelectionObject(), ilCopySelfAssQuestionTableGUI\fillRow(), ilTestQuestionsTableGUI\fillRow(), ilQuestionBrowserTableGUI\fillRow(), ilTestQuestionBrowserTableGUI\fillRow(), assQuestionGUI\outQuestionType(), ilObjTestGUI\removeQuestionsForm(), and ilObjQuestionPoolGUI\setTitleAndDescription().
static |
Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question.
integer | $user_id | The database ID of the learner |
integer | $test_id | The database Id of the test containing the question |
integer | $question_id | The database Id of the question |
Definition at line 1108 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $points, $result, $row, _getSolutionMaxPass(), and array.
Referenced by ilTestScoringByQuestionsGUI\__construct(), ilTestScoringGUI\buildManScoringParticipantForm(), ilTestServiceGUI\getPassListOfAnswersWithScoring(), and ilTestPlayerDynamicQuestionSetGUI\isQuestionAnsweredCorrect().
static |
Returns the maximum pass a users question solution.
return | integer The maximum pass of the users solution public |
Definition at line 3412 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and array.
Referenced by _getReachedPoints(), _isWorkedThrough(), _setReachedPoints(), and ilObjTest\getTextAnswer().
& assQuestion::_getSuggestedSolution | ( | $question_id, | |
$subquestion_index = 0 |
) |
Returns a suggested solution for a given subquestion index.
integer | $question_id | The database Id of the question |
integer | $subquestion_index | The index of a subquestion (i.e. a close test gap). Usually 0 |
Definition at line 1069 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and array.
static |
Returns the number of suggested solutions associated with a question.
integer | $question_id | The database Id of the question |
Definition at line 1002 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and array.
static |
Returns the output of the suggested solution.
integer | $question_id | The database Id of the question |
Definition at line 1019 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $question, and _instanciateQuestion().
Referenced by ilObjTest\getTestResult().
static |
Returns the title of a question.
int | $a_q_id | question id |
Definition at line 2283 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilSCORM2004ScoGUI\sahs_questions(), and ilLMMailNotification\send().
assQuestion::_getTotalAnswers | ( | $a_q_id | ) |
get number of answers for question id (static) note: do not use $this inside this method
int | $a_q_id | question id |
Definition at line 2205 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and array.
Referenced by getTotalAnswers().
static |
get number of answers for question id (static) note: do not use $this inside this method
int | $a_q_id | question id |
Definition at line 2236 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, _getMaximumPoints(), and array.
Referenced by ilQuestionCumulatedStatisticsTableGUI\initData().
static |
Include the php class file for a given question type.
string | $question_type | The type tag of the question type |
Definition at line 4050 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assQuestionGUI\_getQuestionGUI(), _instantiateQuestion(), ilObjQuestionPool\createQuestion(), ilObjTest\createQuestionGUI(), ilQTIParser\handlerParseEndTag(), instantiateQuestionGUI(), and ilObjTest\isQuestionObligationPossible().
static |
Creates an instance of a question with a given question id.
integer | $question_id | The question id |
Definition at line 3336 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by _getSuggestedSolutionOutput(), ilObjTest\_instanciateQuestion(), ilTestFixedQuestionSetConfig\cloneQuestionSetRelatedData(), ilObjTestGUI\copyAndLinkQuestionsToPoolObject(), ilPCQuestion\copyPoolQuestionIntoPage(), ilObjQuestionPool\deleteQuestion(), ilTestEvaluationGUI\exportFileUploadsForAllParticipants(), ilSCORM2004Asset\exportPDFPrepareXmlNFiles(), ilTestExport\exportToExcel(), ilTestRandomQuestionSetStagingPoolBuilder\removeStagedQuestions(), ilSoapTestAdministration\saveQuestion(), ilSoapTestAdministration\saveQuestionSolution(), ilTestEvaluationGUI\singleResults(), and ilTestRandomQuestionSetStagingPoolBuilder\stageQuestionsFromSourcePool().
static |
Creates an instance of a question gui with a given question id.
integer | $question_id | The question id |
Definition at line 4170 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by ilObjTestGUI\copyQuestionObject(), ilObjQuestionPool\createQuestion(), and ilQuestionPoolPrintViewTableGUI\fillRow().
static |
$question_id |
Definition at line 3345 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilCtrl, $ilDB, $lng, $question, _getQuestionType(), and _includeClass().
Referenced by ilTestScoringByQuestionsGUI\__construct(), ilTestExport\exportToExcel(), ilSCORM2004Asset\exportXMLPageObjects(), ilAssLacQuestionProvider\getQuestion(), ilTestPlayerAbstractGUI\getQuestionInstance(), ilTestExport\getQuestionQtiXml(), ilTestRandomQuestionSetPoolDeriver\getQuestionsForPool(), ilPageObject\newQuestionCopies(), ilAssIncompleteQuestionPurger\purgeQuestionIds(), and ilAssQuestionSkillAssignmentsGUI\syncOriginalCmd().
static |
Checks whether the question is used in a random test or not.
Definition at line 3478 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $result, array, and calculateReachedPoints().
Referenced by ilObjQuestionPool\getDeleteableQuestionDetails().
static |
Returns true if the question was worked through in the given pass Worked through means that the user entered at least one value.
integer | $user_id | The database ID of the learner |
integer | $test_id | The database Id of the test containing the question |
integer | $question_id | The database Id of the question |
Definition at line 3580 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $points, $result, _getSolutionMaxPass(), and array.
Referenced by ilObjTest\getAnsweredQuestionCount(), ilTestOutputGUI\handleQuestionPostponing(), ilTestPlayerDynamicQuestionSetGUI\nextQuestionCmd(), ilTestOutputGUI\showQuestionCmd(), and ilTestPlayerDynamicQuestionSetGUI\showQuestionCmd().
static |
Returns true if the question is writeable by a certain user.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question |
integer | $user_id | The database id of the user |
Definition at line 3446 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, ilObjQuestionPool\_isWriteable(), and array.
Referenced by ilAssQuestionFeedbackEditingGUI\isSyncAfterSaveRequired(), ilAssQuestionHintsGUI\performDeleteCmd(), assQuestionGUI\save(), assQuestionGUI\saveEdit(), ilAssQuestionHintGUI\saveFormCmd(), ilAssQuestionHintsGUI\saveListOrderCmd(), assQuestionGUI\saveReturn(), assFormulaQuestionGUI\saveReturnFQ(), and assQuestionGUI\suggestedsolution().
static |
Definition at line 4003 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getManualScoringTypes(), and _getQuestionType().
Referenced by ilTestExpressPageObjectGUI\insertQuestions(), ilTestQuestionBrowserTableGUI\insertQuestionsCmd(), and ilObjTestGUI\insertQuestionsObject().
assQuestion::_questionExists | ( | $question_id | ) |
Returns true if the question already exists in the database.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question |
Definition at line 3276 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and array.
assQuestion::_questionExistsInPool | ( | $question_id | ) |
Returns true if the question already exists in the database and is assigned to a question pool.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question |
Definition at line 3306 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and array.
static |
Definition at line 4379 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $test_id, and array.
Referenced by assQuestionGUI\save(), assQuestionGUI\saveReturn(), and assFormulaQuestionGUI\saveReturnFQ().
assQuestion::_resolveInternalLink | ( | $internal_link | ) |
Definition at line 3048 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilInternalLink\_getIdForImportId(), and ilLMObject\_getIdForImportId().
Referenced by _resolveIntLinks(), and setSuggestedSolution().
assQuestion::_resolveIntLinks | ( | $question_id | ) |
Definition at line 3085 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, ilInternalLink\_deleteAllLinksOfSource(), _resolveInternalLink(), ilInternalLink\_saveLink(), and array.
Referenced by ilContObjParser\processPagesToParse().
static |
Sets the points, a learner has reached answering the question Additionally objective results are updated.
integer | $user_id | The database ID of the learner |
integer | $test_id | The database Id of the test containing the question |
integer | $points | The points the user has reached answering the question |
Definition at line 3759 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $ilUser, $lng, $pass, $points, $result, $row, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), ilObjTestAccess\_getParticipantData(), _getSolutionMaxPass(), ilObjTest\_getUserIdFromActiveId(), ilCourseObjectiveResult\_updateObjectiveResult(), array, logAction(), and time.
Referenced by ilTestScoringByQuestionsGUI\__construct(), assFileUpload\handleSubmission(), ilTestScoring\recalculatePass(), and ilTestScoringGUI\saveManScoringParticipantScreen().
static |
Move this to a proper place.
Definition at line 1392 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $pass, $processLocker, $query, $result, $row, ilObjTest\_getQuestionCountAndPointsForPassOfParticipant(), ilObjTest\_getResultPass(), ilObjTest\_getWorkingTimeOfParticipantForPass(), array, ilObjTest\buildExamId(), and time.
Referenced by ilObjTestAccess\_getPassedUsers(), ilObjTestAccess\_isPassed(), ilObjTest\getResultsForActiveId(), ilTestScoring\recalculateSolutions(), ilTestEvaluationGUI\redirectToPassDeletionContext(), and ilObjTestAccess\updateTestResultCache().
assQuestion::addQTIMaterial | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_material, | |||
$close_material_tag = TRUE , |
$add_mobs = TRUE |
) |
Creates a QTI material tag from a plain text or xhtml text.
object | $a_xml_writer | Reference to the ILIAS XML writer |
string | $a_material | plain text or html text containing the material |
Definition at line 3693 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $mobs, ilObjMediaObject\_exists(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), array, getId(), and isHTML().
assQuestion::addQuestionChangeListener | ( | ilQuestionChangeListener | $listener | ) |
ilQuestionChangeListener | $listener |
Definition at line 4757 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by ilObjQuestionPool\addQuestionChangeListeners().
final |
Adjust the given reached points by checks for all special scoring options in the test container.
integer | $points | |
integer | $active_id | |
integer | $pass |
Definition at line 3550 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $points, ilObjTest\_getCountSystem(), ilObjTest\_getScoreCutting(), and getMaximumPoints().
Referenced by calculateResultsFromSolution(), and getAdjustedReachedPoints().
protected |
Definition at line 2762 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by syncWithOriginal().
assQuestion::areObligationsToBeConsidered | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5495 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $obligationsToBeConsidered.
Referenced by resetUsersAnswer().
assQuestion::authorizedOrIntermediateSolutionExists | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass | |||
) |
assQuestion::authorizedSolutionExists | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass | |||
) |
protected |
Definition at line 2757 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by syncWithOriginal().
assQuestion::buildHashedImageFilename | ( | $plain_image_filename, | |
$unique = false |
) |
Definition at line 3730 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assKprimChoice\handleFileUpload().
assQuestion::buildImagePath | ( | $questionId, | |
$parentObjectId | |||
) |
Definition at line 1684 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assKprimChoice\afterSyncWithOriginal(), assSingleChoice\afterSyncWithOriginal(), assMatchingQuestion\afterSyncWithOriginal(), and getImagePath().
protected |
Definition at line 4812 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assKprimChoice\loadFromDb().
protected |
build basic test question configuration instance
method can be overwritten to configure an instance use parent call for building when possible
Definition at line 5551 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getTestPresentationConfig().
abstract |
Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question.
The points are calculated from the given answers.
integer | $active_id | |
integer | $pass | |
boolean | $returndetails | (deprecated !!) |
Referenced by _isUsedInRandomTest(), assNumeric\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), calculateResultsFromSolution(), getAdjustedReachedPoints(), and assNumeric\getExpressionTypes().
assQuestion::calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession | ( | ilAssQuestionPreviewSession | $previewSession | ) |
Definition at line 3514 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References deductHintPointsFromReachedPoints(), ensureNonNegativePoints(), and ilAssQuestionPreviewSession\getParticipantsSolution().
Referenced by isPreviewSolutionCorrect().
final |
Calculates the question results from a previously saved question solution.
ilDBInterface $ilDB ilObjUser $ilUser
integer | $active_id | Active id of the user |
integer | $pass | Test pass |
Definition at line 1199 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $ilUser, $pass, $query, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), ilObjTest\_getPass(), ilCourseObjectiveResult\_updateObjectiveResult(), adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions(), array, calculateReachedPoints(), getId(), getProcessLocker(), getStep(), isAnswered(), ilObjTest\isQuestionObligatory(), logAction(), and time.
Referenced by assSingleChoice\createRandomSolution(), and persistWorkingState().
assQuestion::cleanupMediaObjectUsage | ( | ) |
synchronises appearances of media objects in the question with media object usage table
Definition at line 3948 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilRTE\_cleanupMediaObjectUsage(), getId(), and getRTETextWithMediaObjects().
Referenced by copySuggestedSolutionFiles(), and saveToDb().
static |
$time |
Definition at line 5226 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by sumTimesInISO8601FormatH_i_s_Extended().
assQuestion::copyPageOfQuestion | ( | $a_q_id | ) |
Definition at line 2381 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $page.
Referenced by syncWithOriginal().
protected |
Definition at line 2935 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $filename, $id, $ilDB, $ilLog, $original_id, ilInternalLink\_deleteAllLinksOfSource(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), ilInternalLink\_saveLink(), array, cleanupMediaObjectUsage(), getId(), getSuggestedSolutionPath(), ilUtil\makeDirParents(), syncSuggestedSolutionFiles(), and time.
Referenced by onCopy().
assQuestion::copyXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion | ( | $a_q_id | ) |
Definition at line 2344 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $mobs, ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_saveUsage(), and getId().
assQuestion::createNewQuestion | ( | $a_create_page = true | ) |
Creates a new question without an owner when a new question is created This assures that an ID is given to the question if a file upload or something else occurs.
Definition at line 2571 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $ilDB, $ilUser, $obj_id, ilObject\_lookupObjId(), array, createPageObject(), getAdditionalContentEditingMode(), getAuthor(), getDefaultNrOfTries(), getEstimatedWorkingTime(), getExternalId(), getId(), getObjId(), getQuestionTypeID(), notifyQuestionCreated(), setId(), and time.
assQuestion::createPageObject | ( | ) |
create page object of question
Definition at line 2367 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getId(), and getObjId().
Referenced by createNewQuestion(), saveQuestionDataToDb(), and syncWithOriginal().
assQuestion::createRandomSolution | ( | $test_id, | |
$user_id | |||
) |
Definition at line 3265 of file class.assQuestion.php.
assQuestion::deductHintPointsFromReachedPoints | ( | ilAssQuestionPreviewSession | $previewSession, |
$reachedPoints | |||
) |
Definition at line 3503 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $DIC, and ilAssQuestionPreviewHintTracking\getRequestStatisticData().
Referenced by assNumeric\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assErrorText\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assFlashQuestion\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assSingleChoice\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assJavaApplet\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assImagemapQuestion\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assOrderingQuestion\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assFormulaQuestion\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assClozeTest\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), and calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession().
assQuestion::delete | ( | $question_id | ) |
Deletes a question and all materials from the database.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question private |
Definition at line 2027 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $ilLog, $mobs, $obj_id, $result, $row, ilObjMediaObject\_exists(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_removeUsage(), ilObjQuestionPool\_updateQuestionCount(), array, ilUtil\delDir(), deleteAdditionalTableData(), deleteAnswers(), ilAssQuestionHintList\deleteHintsByQuestionIds(), deletePageOfQuestion(), deleteTaxonomyAssignments(), getObjId(), isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject(), and notifyQuestionDeleted().
assQuestion::deleteAdditionalTableData | ( | $question_id | ) |
Deletes datasets from the additional question table in the database.
integer | $question_id | The question id which should be deleted in the additional question table public |
Definition at line 1984 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, array, and getAdditionalTableName().
Referenced by delete().
assQuestion::deleteAnswers | ( | $question_id | ) |
Deletes datasets from answers tables.
integer | $question_id | The question id which should be deleted in the answers table public |
Definition at line 1956 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, array, and getAnswerTableName().
Referenced by delete().
protected |
Definition at line 5090 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getSolutionValues(), and removeSolutionRecordById().
Referenced by assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), and assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData().
protected |
Deletes the page object of a question with a given ID.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question protected |
Definition at line 2013 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $page.
Referenced by delete(), and syncWithOriginal().
protected |
Definition at line 5101 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $GLOBALS, $ilDB, $query, array, getId(), and getStep().
Referenced by assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData().
assQuestion::deleteSuggestedSolutions | ( | ) |
Deletes all suggestes solutions in the database.
Definition at line 2788 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, ilInternalLink\_deleteAllLinksOfSource(), array, ilUtil\delDir(), getId(), and getSuggestedSolutionPath().
private |
Definition at line 2178 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getId(), getObjId(), and ilObjTaxonomy\getUsageOfObject().
Referenced by delete().
abstract |
protected |
Definition at line 5147 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getSolutionValues(), and saveCurrentSolution().
Referenced by forceExistingIntermediateSolution().
protected |
Definition at line 4546 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilAssQuestionHintList\duplicateListForQuestion(), getId(), and isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject().
Referenced by onCopy(), and onDuplicate().
protected |
Definition at line 4569 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB.
Referenced by onCopy(), onDuplicate(), and syncSkillAssignments().
protected |
Duplicates the files of a suggested solution if the question is duplicated.
Definition at line 2873 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $filename, $ilLog, getSuggestedSolutionPath(), and ilUtil\makeDirParents().
Referenced by onDuplicate().
protected |
$active_id | |
$pass |
Definition at line 431 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $pass, and lookupCurrentTestPass().
Referenced by assFileUpload\saveWorkingData().
protected |
Definition at line 3522 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $points.
Referenced by assNumeric\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assErrorText\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assFlashQuestion\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assSingleChoice\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assJavaApplet\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assImagemapQuestion\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assOrderingQuestion\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assFormulaQuestion\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assClozeTest\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), and calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession().
static |
Definition at line 5085 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assImagemapQuestion\getReuseSolutionSelectionParameter().
assQuestion::fetchIndexedValuesFromValuePairs | ( | array | $valuePairs | ) |
array | $valuePairs |
Definition at line 5480 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References array.
Referenced by assOrderingQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assOrderingQuestion\getOrderingElementListForSolutionOutput(), and assOrderingQuestion\getSolutionOrderingElementListForTestOutput().
static |
Definition at line 350 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by ilQtiMatImageSecurity\validateContent().
assQuestion::fetchValuePairsFromIndexedValues | ( | array | $indexedValues | ) |
array | $indexedValues |
Definition at line 5464 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References array.
assQuestion::fixSvgToPng | ( | $imageFilenameContainingString | ) |
Definition at line 2472 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getSuggestedSolutionOutput().
assQuestion::fixUnavailableSkinImageSources | ( | $html | ) |
Definition at line 2480 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $file, $html, array, ilUtil\getImagePath(), and ilUtil\removeTrailingPathSeparators().
Referenced by getSuggestedSolutionOutput().
protected |
Definition at line 5155 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References duplicateIntermediateSolutionAuthorized(), getSolutionValues(), saveCurrentSolution(), and updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization().
Referenced by assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), and assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData().
assQuestion::formatSAQuestion | ( | $a_q | ) |
Format self assessment question.
Definition at line 4408 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getSelfAssessmentFormatter().
Referenced by assOrderingHorizontal\toJSON(), assTextSubset\toJSON(), assTextQuestion\toJSON(), assLongMenu\toJSON(), assImagemapQuestion\toJSON(), assKprimChoice\toJSON(), assSingleChoice\toJSON(), assMultipleChoice\toJSON(), assErrorText\toJSON(), assOrderingQuestion\toJSON(), assMatchingQuestion\toJSON(), and assClozeTest\toJSON().
assQuestion::fromXML | ( | & | $item, |
& | $questionpool_id, | ||
& | $tst_id, | ||
& | $tst_object, | ||
& | $question_counter, | ||
& | $import_mapping | ||
) |
Receives parameters from a QTI parser and creates a valid ILIAS question object.
object | $item | The QTI item object |
integer | $questionpool_id | The id of the parent questionpool |
integer | $tst_id | The id of the parent test if the question is part of a test |
object | $tst_object | A reference to the parent test object |
integer | $question_counter | A reference to a question counter to count the questions of an imported question pool |
array | $import_mapping | An array containing references to included ILIAS objects public |
Definition at line 543 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getQuestionType().
assQuestion::getActiveUserData | ( | $active_id | ) |
assQuestion::getAdditionalContentEditingMode | ( | ) |
getter for additional content editing mode for this question
Definition at line 4690 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $additinalContentEditingMode.
Referenced by createNewQuestion(), isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject(), and saveQuestionDataToDb().
assQuestion::getAdditionalTableName | ( | ) |
Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database.
Definition at line 1934 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by deleteAdditionalTableData().
final |
returns the reached points ...
integer | $active_id | |
integer | $pass |
Definition at line 1165 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $pass, ilObjTest\_getPass(), adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions(), calculateReachedPoints(), and getId().
static |
static |
Definition at line 489 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References array.
Referenced by ilImageWizardInputGUI\__construct().
assQuestion::getAnswerTableName | ( | ) |
Returns the name of the answer table in the database.
Definition at line 1945 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by deleteAnswers().
assQuestion::getAuthor | ( | ) |
Gets the authors name of the assQuestion object.
Definition at line 881 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $author.
Referenced by __get(), createNewQuestion(), assOrderingQuestion\isComplete(), assClozeTest\isComplete(), and saveQuestionDataToDb().
assQuestion::getComment | ( | ) |
Gets the comment string of the assQuestion object.
Definition at line 820 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $comment.
Referenced by __get(), and saveQuestionDataToDb().
protected |
Get a restulset for the current user solution for a this question by active_id and pass.
int | $active_id | |
int | $pass | |
bool | true | $authorized | ilDBInterface $ilDB |
Definition at line 4844 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $query, array, getId(), and getStep().
Referenced by assOrderingHorizontal\calculateReachedPoints(), assErrorText\calculateReachedPoints(), assFlashQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assKprimChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assTextSubset\calculateReachedPoints(), assSingleChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assTextQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assMultipleChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assLongMenu\calculateReachedPoints(), assJavaApplet\calculateReachedPoints(), assImagemapQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assMatchingQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assClozeTest\calculateReachedPoints(), assNumeric\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), and assSingleChoice\saveWorkingData().
assQuestion::getDefaultNrOfTries | ( | ) |
Get Default Nr of Tries.
Definition at line 4507 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $defaultnroftries.
Referenced by createNewQuestion().
assQuestion::getEstimatedWorkingTime | ( | ) |
Gets the estimated working time of a question.
Definition at line 865 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $est_working_time, and array.
Referenced by __get(), createNewQuestion(), and saveQuestionDataToDb().
assQuestion::getExternalId | ( | ) |
Definition at line 933 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $external_id, and getId().
Referenced by createNewQuestion(), and saveQuestionDataToDb().
static |
Definition at line 4072 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assQuestionGUI\_getQuestionGUI(), and ilObjTest\createQuestionGUI().
assQuestion::getFlashPath | ( | ) |
Returns the image path for web accessable flash files of a question.
The image path is under the CLIENT_WEB_DIR in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_QUESTION_POOL/ID_OF_QUESTION/flash
Definition at line 1695 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assFlashQuestion\copyApplet(), assFlashQuestion\deleteApplet(), assFlashQuestion\duplicateApplet(), assFlashQuestion\moveAppletIfExists(), and assFlashQuestion\moveUploadedFile().
assQuestion::getFlashPathWeb | ( | ) |
Returns the web image path for web accessable flash applications of a question.
The image path is under the web accessable data dir in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_QUESTION_POOL/ID_OF_QUESTION/flash
Definition at line 1753 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilUtil\removeTrailingPathSeparators().
static |
Definition at line 4062 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assQuestionGUI\_getQuestionGUI(), and ilObjTest\createQuestionGUI().
assQuestion::getHtmlQuestionContentPurifier | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4806 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilHtmlPurifierFactory\_getInstanceByType().
assQuestion::getHtmlUserSolutionPurifier | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4797 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilHtmlPurifierFactory\_getInstanceByType().
Referenced by assTextQuestion\getSolutionSubmit(), and assTextSubset\getSolutionSubmit().
assQuestion::getId | ( | ) |
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
Definition at line 784 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $id.
Referenced by ilQuestionCumulatedStatisticsTableGUI\__construct(), ilQuestionUsagesTableGUI\__construct(), ilAssQuestionHintsOrderingClipboard\__construct(), __get(), addQTIMaterial(), authorizedOrIntermediateSolutionExists(), assLongMenu\buildFolderName(), assOrderingQuestion\buildNestedOrderingElementInputGui(), assClozeTest\calculateCombinationResult(), calculateResultsFromSolution(), cleanupMediaObjectUsage(), assErrorText\copyObject(), assClozeTest\copyObject(), copySuggestedSolutionFiles(), copyXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion(), createNewQuestion(), createPageObject(), deleteSolutionRecordByValues(), deleteSuggestedSolutions(), deleteTaxonomyAssignments(), ilDynamicTestQuestionChangeListener\deleteTestsParticipantsQuestionData(), assOrderingHorizontal\duplicate(), assFileUpload\duplicate(), assNumeric\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\duplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicate(), assFlashQuestion\duplicate(), assErrorText\duplicate(), assTextSubset\duplicate(), assSingleChoice\duplicate(), assMultipleChoice\duplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\duplicate(), assJavaApplet\duplicate(), assLongMenu\duplicate(), assKprimChoice\duplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\duplicate(), assClozeTest\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicateAnswers(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicateOrderlingElementList(), duplicateQuestionHints(), assOrderingQuestion\fetchSolutionListFromFormSubmissionData(), assOrderingQuestion\fetchSolutionListFromSubmittedForm(), assMatchingQuestion\fetchSubmittedMatchingsFromPost(), getAdjustedReachedPoints(), assLongMenu\getCorrectAnswersAsJson(), getCurrentSolutionResultSet(), assNumeric\getExpressionTypes(), assOrderingHorizontal\getExpressionTypes(), assTextSubset\getExpressionTypes(), assImagemapQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assSingleChoice\getExpressionTypes(), assErrorText\getExpressionTypes(), assMultipleChoice\getExpressionTypes(), assOrderingQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assFormulaQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assMatchingQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assClozeTest\getExpressionTypes(), getExternalId(), assFileUpload\getFileUploadPath(), assFileUpload\getFileUploadPathWeb(), getInstances(), assClozeTest\getMaximumPoints(), assOrderingQuestion\getOldLeveledOrdering(), getQuestionTypeID(), assJavaApplet\getReachedInformation(), getReachedPoints(), assImagemapQuestion\getRTETextWithMediaObjects(), assSingleChoice\getRTETextWithMediaObjects(), assMultipleChoice\getRTETextWithMediaObjects(), getRTETextWithMediaObjects(), getSolutionMaxPass(), assOrderingQuestion\getSolutionOrderingElementList(), assTextQuestion\getSolutionSubmit(), getSolutionValues(), assFileUpload\getUploadedFiles(), assFileUpload\handleSubmission(), assFileUpload\hasFileUploads(), assTextQuestion\isAnswered(), assKprimChoice\isAnswered(), assSingleChoice\isAnswered(), assMultipleChoice\isAnswered(), assFileUpload\isAnswered(), assSingleChoice\isComplete(), assKprimChoice\isComplete(), isInUse(), assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), loadFromDb(), log(), logAction(), assLongMenu\lookupForExistingSolutions(), assFormulaQuestion\lookupForExistingSolutions(), migrateContentForLearningModule(), ilAssNestedOrderingElementsInputGUI\prepareReprintable(), removeCurrentSolution(), assFormulaQuestion\removeExistingSolutions(), removeExistingSolutions(), removeResultRecord(), ilAssOrderingQuestionAuthoringFormGUI\renewOrderingElementInput(), assFlashQuestion\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assFileUpload\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assErrorText\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assImagemapQuestion\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assMatchingQuestion\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assLongMenu\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assJavaApplet\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assKprimChoice\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assClozeTest\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assErrorText\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assImagemapQuestion\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assMatchingQuestion\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assLongMenu\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assClozeTest\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assKprimChoice\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assOrderingQuestion\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assClozeTest\saveClozeNumericGapRecordToDb(), assClozeTest\saveClozeSelectGapRecordToDb(), assClozeTest\saveClozeTextGapRecordToDb(), saveCurrentSolution(), assErrorText\savePreviewData(), assNumeric\savePreviewData(), assSingleChoice\savePreviewData(), assOrderingQuestion\savePreviewData(), saveQuestionDataToDb(), assMultipleChoice\saveToDb(), assFormulaQuestion\saveToDb(), saveToDb(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveWorkingData(), assErrorText\saveWorkingData(), assTextSubset\saveWorkingData(), assTextQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assSingleChoice\saveWorkingData(), assLongMenu\saveWorkingData(), assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assFormulaQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assMatchingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assClozeTest\saveWorkingData(), assFormulaQuestion\setId(), setNewOriginalId(), assTextQuestion\setReachedPoints(), syncWithOriginal(), syncXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion(), assOrderingHorizontal\toJSON(), assTextSubset\toJSON(), assTextQuestion\toJSON(), assLongMenu\toJSON(), assImagemapQuestion\toJSON(), assKprimChoice\toJSON(), assSingleChoice\toJSON(), assMultipleChoice\toJSON(), assErrorText\toJSON(), assOrderingQuestion\toJSON(), assMatchingQuestion\toJSON(), assClozeTest\toJSON(), updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization(), ilLOTestQuestionAdapter\updateQuestionResult(), updateTimestamp(), and assMultipleChoice\validateSolutionSubmit().
assQuestion::getImagePath | ( | $question_id = null , |
$object_id = null |
) |
Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question.
The image path is under the CLIENT_WEB_DIR in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_QUESTION_POOL/ID_OF_QUESTION/images
Definition at line 1669 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $id, $obj_id, and buildImagePath().
Referenced by assOrderingQuestion\buildOrderingImagesFormDataConverter(), assOrderingQuestion\cleanImagefiles(), assImagemapQuestion\copyImage(), assOrderingQuestion\copyImages(), assMatchingQuestion\copyImages(), assMultipleChoice\copyImages(), assOrderingQuestion\createImageThumbnail(), assSingleChoice\deleteImage(), assMultipleChoice\deleteImage(), assImagemapQuestion\deleteImage(), assMatchingQuestion\deleteImagefile(), assOrderingQuestion\dropImageFile(), assImagemapQuestion\duplicateImage(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicateImages(), assMatchingQuestion\duplicateImages(), assSingleChoice\duplicateImages(), assOrderingQuestion\ensureImagePathExists(), assKprimChoice\handleFileUpload(), assOrderingQuestion\isImageFileStored(), assKprimChoice\loadAnswerData(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\rebuildThumbnails(), assMultipleChoice\rebuildThumbnails(), assOrderingQuestion\rebuildThumbnails(), assMatchingQuestion\rebuildThumbnails(), assSingleChoice\savePreviewData(), assMatchingQuestion\setExportDetailsXLS(), assSingleChoice\setImageFile(), assMultipleChoice\setImageFile(), assMatchingQuestion\setImageFile(), assImagemapQuestion\setImageFilename(), assOrderingQuestion\storeImageFile(), assSingleChoice\syncImages(), assMultipleChoice\syncImages(), and assMultipleChoice\validateSolutionSubmit().
assQuestion::getImagePathWeb | ( | ) |
Returns the web image path for web accessable images of a question.
The image path is under the web accessable data dir in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_QUESTION_POOL/ID_OF_QUESTION/images
TODO: in use? refactor and ask for a supported path in all cases, not for THE dynamic highlander path ^^
Definition at line 1733 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $export_image_path, and ilUtil\removeTrailingPathSeparators().
Referenced by assOrderingQuestion\buildNestedOrderingElementInputGui(), assOrderingQuestion\buildNestedOrderingFormDataConverter(), assOrderingQuestion\buildOrderingImagesFormDataConverter(), assKprimChoice\loadAnswerData(), assImagemapQuestion\toJSON(), assKprimChoice\toJSON(), assSingleChoice\toJSON(), assMultipleChoice\toJSON(), and assOrderingQuestion\toJSON().
& assQuestion::getInstances | ( | ) |
Gets all instances of the question.
Definition at line 3960 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, ilObject\_getAllReferences(), ilObjTest\_lookupAuthor(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), array, and getId().
assQuestion::getJavaPath | ( | ) |
Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question.
The image path is under the CLIENT_WEB_DIR in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_QUESTION_POOL/ID_OF_QUESTION/images
Definition at line 1659 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assJavaApplet\copyApplet(), assJavaApplet\deleteJavaAppletFilename(), assJavaApplet\duplicateApplet(), and assJavaApplet\setJavaAppletFilename().
assQuestion::getJavaPathWeb | ( | ) |
Returns the web image path for web accessable java applets of a question.
The image path is under the web accessable data dir in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_QUESTION_POOL/ID_OF_QUESTION/java
Definition at line 1706 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilUtil\removeTrailingPathSeparators().
staticprotected |
Definition at line 5077 of file class.assQuestion.php.
assQuestion::getLastChange | ( | ) |
assQuestion::getMaximumPoints | ( | ) |
Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question.
Definition at line 1149 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $points.
Referenced by adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions(), assJavaApplet\getUserQuestionResult(), assKprimChoice\isComplete(), isPreviewSolutionCorrect(), and saveQuestionDataToDb().
assQuestion::getNrOfTries | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4364 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $nr_of_tries.
Referenced by saveQuestionDataToDb(), assOrderingHorizontal\toJSON(), assTextSubset\toJSON(), assTextQuestion\toJSON(), assLongMenu\toJSON(), assImagemapQuestion\toJSON(), assKprimChoice\toJSON(), assSingleChoice\toJSON(), assMultipleChoice\toJSON(), assErrorText\toJSON(), assOrderingQuestion\toJSON(), assMatchingQuestion\toJSON(), and assClozeTest\toJSON().
staticprotected |
returns the number of existing solution records for the given test active / pass and given question id
protected ilDBInterface $ilDB
integer | $activeId | |
integer | $pass | |
integer | $questionId |
Definition at line 4660 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $query, $res, $row, and array.
Referenced by assTextQuestion\isAnswered(), assKprimChoice\isAnswered(), assSingleChoice\isAnswered(), assMultipleChoice\isAnswered(), and assFileUpload\isAnswered().
static |
Definition at line 4067 of file class.assQuestion.php.
assQuestion::getObjId | ( | ) |
Get the object id of the container object.
Definition at line 905 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $obj_id.
Referenced by __get(), assOrderingHorizontal\copyObject(), assFileUpload\copyObject(), assNumeric\copyObject(), assTextQuestion\copyObject(), assImagemapQuestion\copyObject(), assErrorText\copyObject(), assFlashQuestion\copyObject(), assOrderingQuestion\copyObject(), assTextSubset\copyObject(), assSingleChoice\copyObject(), assMultipleChoice\copyObject(), assMatchingQuestion\copyObject(), assJavaApplet\copyObject(), assLongMenu\copyObject(), assKprimChoice\copyObject(), assFormulaQuestion\copyObject(), assClozeTest\copyObject(), assOrderingHorizontal\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assFileUpload\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assNumeric\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assTextQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assErrorText\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assFlashQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assTextSubset\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assSingleChoice\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assMultipleChoice\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assJavaApplet\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assLongMenu\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assKprimChoice\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assClozeTest\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), createNewQuestion(), createPageObject(), delete(), deleteTaxonomyAssignments(), assOrderingHorizontal\duplicate(), assFileUpload\duplicate(), assNumeric\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\duplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicate(), assFlashQuestion\duplicate(), assErrorText\duplicate(), assTextSubset\duplicate(), assSingleChoice\duplicate(), assMultipleChoice\duplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\duplicate(), assJavaApplet\duplicate(), assLongMenu\duplicate(), assKprimChoice\duplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\duplicate(), assClozeTest\duplicate(), saveQuestionDataToDb(), and syncWithOriginal().
assQuestion::getOriginalId | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2459 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $original_id.
Referenced by __get(), assSingleChoice\syncImages(), assMultipleChoice\syncImages(), assMultipleChoice\syncWithOriginal(), assImagemapQuestion\syncWithOriginal(), and syncWithOriginal().
assQuestion::getOutputType | ( | ) |
Gets the output type.
Definition at line 832 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $outputType.
Referenced by __get().
assQuestion::getOwner | ( | ) |
Gets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object.
Definition at line 893 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $owner.
Referenced by __get(), saveQuestionDataToDb(), and saveToDb().
assQuestion::getPageOfQuestion | ( | ) |
assQuestion::getPoints | ( | ) |
Returns the maximum available points for the question.
Definition at line 3371 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $points.
Referenced by __get(), assFileUpload\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assKprimChoice\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assOrderingHorizontal\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assOrderingQuestion\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assNumeric\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assOrderingHorizontal\getMaximumPoints(), assFileUpload\getMaximumPoints(), assNumeric\getMaximumPoints(), assOrderingQuestion\getMaximumPoints(), assTextSubset\isAnswerCorrect(), assLongMenu\isComplete(), assJavaApplet\isComplete(), assNumeric\savePreviewData(), assTextQuestion\setReachedPoints(), assOrderingHorizontal\toJSON(), and assOrderingQuestion\toJSON().
assQuestion::getPreventRteUsage | ( | ) |
Get prevent rte usage.
Definition at line 4439 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $prevent_rte_usage.
assQuestion::getProcessLocker | ( | ) |
Definition at line 527 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $processLocker.
Referenced by calculateResultsFromSolution(), assKprimChoice\isComplete(), assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), persistWorkingState(), removeIntermediateSolution(), resetUsersAnswer(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveWorkingData(), assErrorText\saveWorkingData(), assTextSubset\saveWorkingData(), assTextQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assSingleChoice\saveWorkingData(), assLongMenu\saveWorkingData(), assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assOrderingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assFormulaQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assMatchingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assClozeTest\saveWorkingData(), and assMultipleChoice\validateSolutionSubmit().
assQuestion::getQuestion | ( | ) |
Gets the question string of the question object.
Definition at line 3832 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $question.
Referenced by __get(), assFormulaQuestion\checkForDuplicateResults(), assFormulaQuestion\checkForDuplicateVariables(), assFormulaQuestion\getInitialVariableSolutionValues(), getRTETextWithMediaObjects(), assFormulaQuestion\hasRequiredVariableSolutionValues(), assOrderingQuestion\isComplete(), assFormulaQuestion\parseQuestionText(), saveQuestionDataToDb(), assFormulaQuestion\substituteVariables(), assOrderingHorizontal\toJSON(), assTextSubset\toJSON(), assTextQuestion\toJSON(), assLongMenu\toJSON(), assImagemapQuestion\toJSON(), assKprimChoice\toJSON(), assSingleChoice\toJSON(), assMultipleChoice\toJSON(), assErrorText\toJSON(), assOrderingQuestion\toJSON(), assMatchingQuestion\toJSON(), and assClozeTest\toJSON().
protected |
Definition at line 387 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $_POST.
Referenced by assFileUpload\isFileDeletionAction().
assQuestion::getQuestionChangeListeners | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4765 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $questionChangeListeners.
Referenced by notifyQuestionCreated(), notifyQuestionDeleted(), and notifyQuestionEdited().
static |
Definition at line 5411 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $query, $res, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilTestOutputGUI\handlePrimaryButton().
abstract |
Returns the question type of the question.
Referenced by fromXML(), getQuestionTypeID(), setExportDetailsXLS(), setQuestion(), and toXML().
static |
get question type for question id
note: please don't use $this in this class to allow static calls
Definition at line 1916 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $result, and array.
Referenced by assQuestionGUI\_getGUIClassNameForId(), assQuestionGUI\_getQuestionGUI(), and ilObjTestGUI\executeCommand().
assQuestion::getQuestionTypeID | ( | ) |
Returns the question type of the question.
Returns the question type of the question
Definition at line 3864 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, array, getId(), and getQuestionType().
Referenced by createNewQuestion(), and saveQuestionDataToDb().
assQuestion::getReachedPoints | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass = NULL |
) |
Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question This is the fast way to get the points directly from the database.
integer | $user_id | The database ID of the learner |
integer | $test_id | The database Id of the test containing the question public |
Definition at line 1138 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $pass, and getId().
Referenced by ilLOTestQuestionAdapter\updateQuestionResult().
static |
Definition at line 5189 of file class.assQuestion.php.
protected |
Collects all text in the question which could contain media objects which were created with the Rich Text Editor.
Definition at line 3919 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getId(), ilAssQuestionHintList\getListByQuestionId(), and getQuestion().
Referenced by cleanupMediaObjectUsage().
assQuestion::getSelfAssessmentEditingMode | ( | ) |
Get Self-Assessment Editing Mode.
Definition at line 4487 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $selfassessmenteditingmode.
Referenced by ilAssQuestionAuthoringFormGUI\addGenericAssessmentQuestionCommandButtons().
protected |
Definition at line 4416 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by formatSAQuestion().
assQuestion::getShuffle | ( | ) |
Gets the shuffle flag.
Definition at line 796 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $shuffle.
Referenced by __get(), assSingleChoice\savePreviewData(), assTextQuestion\toJSON(), assLongMenu\toJSON(), assImagemapQuestion\toJSON(), assSingleChoice\toJSON(), assMultipleChoice\toJSON(), assErrorText\toJSON(), assClozeTest\toJSON(), and assMultipleChoice\validateSolutionSubmit().
assQuestion::getShuffler | ( | ) |
Definition at line 503 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $shuffler.
Referenced by assOrderingHorizontal\getRandomOrderingElements(), assOrderingQuestion\getShuffledOrderingElementList(), assOrderingQuestion\toJSON(), and assMatchingQuestion\toJSON().
assQuestion::getSolutionMaxPass | ( | $active_id | ) |
Returns the maximum pass a users question solution.
return | integer The maximum pass of the users solution public |
Definition at line 3401 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getId().
Referenced by assOrderingHorizontal\calculateReachedPoints(), assFileUpload\calculateReachedPoints(), assErrorText\calculateReachedPoints(), assFlashQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assKprimChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assTextSubset\calculateReachedPoints(), assSingleChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assTextQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assMultipleChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assLongMenu\calculateReachedPoints(), assJavaApplet\calculateReachedPoints(), assImagemapQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assOrderingQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assMatchingQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assFormulaQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assClozeTest\calculateReachedPoints(), assNumeric\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assJavaApplet\getReachedInformation(), getSolutionValues(), assFileUpload\getUploadedFiles(), and assTextQuestion\setReachedPoints().
protected |
$solutionId | ilDBInterface $ilDB |
Definition at line 4904 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $GLOBALS, $ilDB, $res, $row, and array.
Referenced by assFileUpload\saveWorkingData().
assQuestion::getSolutionValues | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass = NULL , |
$authorized = true |
) |
Loads solutions of a given user from the database an returns it.
Definition at line 1789 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $query, $result, $row, array, getId(), getSolutionMaxPass(), and getStep().
Referenced by assOrderingQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assFormulaQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), deleteDummySolutionRecord(), assFileUpload\deleteUnusedFiles(), duplicateIntermediateSolutionAuthorized(), forceExistingIntermediateSolution(), assOrderingQuestion\getOrderingElementListForSolutionOutput(), getTestOutputSolutions(), assFileUpload\getUserSolutionPreferingIntermediate(), getUserSolutionPreferingIntermediate(), assOrderingHorizontal\setExportDetailsXLS(), assErrorText\setExportDetailsXLS(), assNumeric\setExportDetailsXLS(), assTextSubset\setExportDetailsXLS(), assTextQuestion\setExportDetailsXLS(), assLongMenu\setExportDetailsXLS(), assImagemapQuestion\setExportDetailsXLS(), assFileUpload\setExportDetailsXLS(), assSingleChoice\setExportDetailsXLS(), assMultipleChoice\setExportDetailsXLS(), assKprimChoice\setExportDetailsXLS(), assOrderingQuestion\setExportDetailsXLS(), assFormulaQuestion\setExportDetailsXLS(), assMatchingQuestion\setExportDetailsXLS(), and assClozeTest\setExportDetailsXLS().
assQuestion::getStep | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5205 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $step.
Referenced by authorizedOrIntermediateSolutionExists(), calculateResultsFromSolution(), deleteSolutionRecordByValues(), assFileUpload\deleteUnusedFiles(), getCurrentSolutionResultSet(), getSolutionValues(), assLongMenu\lookupForExistingSolutions(), assFormulaQuestion\lookupForExistingSolutions(), removeCurrentSolution(), assFormulaQuestion\removeExistingSolutions(), removeExistingSolutions(), removeResultRecord(), saveCurrentSolution(), assFormulaQuestion\saveWorkingData(), updateCurrentSolution(), and updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization().
assQuestion::getSuggestedSolution | ( | $subquestion_index = 0 | ) |
Returns a suggested solution for a given subquestion index.
integer | $subquestion_index | The index of a subquestion (i.e. a close test gap). Usually 0 |
Definition at line 2810 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References array.
assQuestion::getSuggestedSolutionOutput | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1026 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $output, _getInternalLinkHref(), array, fixSvgToPng(), fixUnavailableSkinImageSources(), getSuggestedSolutionPathWeb(), ilUtil\prepareFormOutput(), prepareTextareaOutput(), ilWACSignedPath\setTokenMaxLifetimeInSeconds(), and ilWACSignedPath\signFile().
assQuestion::getSuggestedSolutionPath | ( | ) |
Returns the path for a suggested solution.
Definition at line 1649 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by copySuggestedSolutionFiles(), deleteSuggestedSolutions(), duplicateSuggestedSolutionFiles(), and syncSuggestedSolutionFiles().
assQuestion::getSuggestedSolutionPathWeb | ( | ) |
Returns the web path for a suggested solution.
Definition at line 1718 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilUtil\removeTrailingPathSeparators().
Referenced by getSuggestedSolutionOutput().
assQuestion::getSuggestedSolutions | ( | ) |
Return the suggested solutions.
Definition at line 1096 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $suggested_solutions.
Referenced by __get().
assQuestion::getSuggestedSolutionTitle | ( | $subquestion_index = 0 | ) |
Returns the title of a suggested solution at a given subquestion_index.
This can be usable for displaying suggested solutions
integer | $subquestion_index | The index of a subquestion (i.e. a close test gap). Usually 0 |
Definition at line 2830 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $title.
assQuestion::getTestId | ( | ) |
Gets the test id of the assQuestion object.
Definition at line 808 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $test_id.
Referenced by __get(), and resetUsersAnswer().
assQuestion::getTestOutputSolutions | ( | $activeId, | |
$pass | |||
) |
Definition at line 1761 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $pass, getSolutionValues(), getTestPresentationConfig(), and getUserSolutionPreferingIntermediate().
Referenced by assOrderingQuestion\getSolutionOrderingElementListForTestOutput().
assQuestion::getTestPresentationConfig | ( | ) |
Get the test question configuration (initialised once)
Definition at line 5533 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $testQuestionConfigInstance, and buildTestPresentationConfig().
Referenced by getTestOutputSolutions(), ilTestPlayerAbstractGUI\initTestQuestionConfig(), assFileUpload\isFileReuseHandlingRequired(), and assImagemapQuestion\isReuseSolutionSelectionRequest().
assQuestion::getTitle | ( | ) |
Gets the title string of the assQuestion object.
Definition at line 761 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $title.
Referenced by ilAssQuestionHintsTableGUI\__construct(), __get(), getTitleFilenameCompliant(), assOrderingQuestion\isComplete(), assClozeTest\isComplete(), saveQuestionDataToDb(), setExportDetailsXLS(), assOrderingHorizontal\toJSON(), assTextSubset\toJSON(), assTextQuestion\toJSON(), assLongMenu\toJSON(), assImagemapQuestion\toJSON(), assKprimChoice\toJSON(), assSingleChoice\toJSON(), assMultipleChoice\toJSON(), assErrorText\toJSON(), assOrderingQuestion\toJSON(), assMatchingQuestion\toJSON(), and assClozeTest\toJSON().
assQuestion::getTitleFilenameCompliant | ( | ) |
returns the object title prepared to be used as a filename
Definition at line 771 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilUtil\getASCIIFilename(), and getTitle().
assQuestion::getTotalAnswers | ( | ) |
get total number of answers
Definition at line 2194 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References _getTotalAnswers().
assQuestion::getUserSolutionPreferingIntermediate | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass = NULL |
) |
Definition at line 1774 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $pass, and getSolutionValues().
Referenced by getTestOutputSolutions().
assQuestion::getValidAdditionalContentEditingModes | ( | ) |
getter for valid additional content editing modes
Definition at line 4746 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References array.
Referenced by isValidAdditionalContentEditingMode(), and setAdditionalContentEditingMode().
static |
Definition at line 5081 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assImagemapQuestionGUI\buildSelectionParameter().
static |
Definition at line 4083 of file class.assQuestion.php.
static |
Definition at line 4102 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References array, ilPlugin\getPluginObject(), and IL_COMP_MODULE.
static |
Creates an instance of a question gui with a given question id.
integer | $a_question_id |
Definition at line 4182 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilCtrl, $ilDB, $ilLog, $ilUser, $lng, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), _getQuestionType(), and _includeClass().
Referenced by ilObjTestGUI\copyQuestionToPool(), ilScoringAdjustmentGUI\dispatchCommand(), ilAssQuestionPreviewGUI\initQuestion(), and ilScoringAdjustmentGUI\outputAdjustQuestionForm().
assQuestion::intermediateSolutionExists | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass | |||
) |
Definition at line 5247 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $pass.
Referenced by assFileUpload\saveWorkingData().
assQuestion::isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject | ( | ) |
isser for additional "pageobject" content editing mode
Definition at line 4718 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ADDITIONAL_CONTENT_EDITING_MODE_PAGE_OBJECT, and getAdditionalContentEditingMode().
Referenced by delete(), and duplicateQuestionHints().
static |
Definition at line 375 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by ilQtiMatImageSecurity\validateLabel().
static |
Definition at line 345 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by ilQtiMatImageSecurity\validateContent().
assQuestion::isAnswered | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass = null |
) |
returns boolean wether the question is answered during test pass or not
method can be overwritten in derived classes, but be aware of also overwrite the method assQuestion::isObligationPossible()
integer | $active_id | |
integer | $pass |
Definition at line 4621 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by calculateResultsFromSolution().
assQuestion::isAutosaveable | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4643 of file class.assQuestion.php.
assQuestion::isClone | ( | $question_id = "" | ) |
assQuestion::isComplete | ( | ) |
Returns true, if a question is complete for use.
Definition at line 571 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by saveQuestionDataToDb(), and saveToDb().
static |
Definition at line 4077 of file class.assQuestion.php.
static |
Definition at line 2324 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $file.
Referenced by assMatchingQuestion\copyImages().
static |
Definition at line 340 of file class.assQuestion.php.
assQuestion::isHTML | ( | $a_text | ) |
Checks if a given string contains HTML or not.
string | $a_text | Text which should be checked |
Definition at line 3637 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilUtil\isHTML().
Referenced by addQTIMaterial().
assQuestion::isInUse | ( | $question_id = "" | ) |
Checks whether the question is in use or not.
Definition at line 1847 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, array, and getId().
protected |
string | $postSubmissionFieldname |
Definition at line 406 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $_POST.
Referenced by assFileUpload\isFileDeletionSubmitAvailable(), and assFileUpload\isFileReuseSubmitAvailable().
static |
returns boolean wether it is possible to set this question type as obligatory or not considering the current question configuration
method can be overwritten in derived classes, but be aware of also overwrite the method assQuestion::isAnswered()
integer | $questionId |
Definition at line 4638 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assMultipleChoice\isAnswered().
assQuestion::isPreviewSolutionCorrect | ( | ilAssQuestionPreviewSession | $previewSession | ) |
Definition at line 3527 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), and getMaximumPoints().
assQuestion::isValidAdditionalContentEditingMode | ( | $additionalContentEditingMode | ) |
returns the fact wether the passed additional content mode is valid or not
string | $additionalContentEditingMode |
Definition at line 4730 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getValidAdditionalContentEditingModes().
assQuestion::keyInArray | ( | $searchkey, | |
$array | |||
) |
returns TRUE if the key occurs in an array
string | $arraykey | A key to an element in array |
array | $array | An array to be searched public |
Definition at line 711 of file class.assQuestion.php.
protected |
ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator | $migrator |
Definition at line 4459 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator\migrateToLmContent(), and setQuestion().
Referenced by migrateContentForLearningModule().
protected |
ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator | $migrator |
Definition at line 4467 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by migrateContentForLearningModule().
assQuestion::loadFromDb | ( | $question_id | ) |
Loads the question from the database.
integer | $question_id | A unique key which defines the question in the database public |
Definition at line 2529 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $result, $row, ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), array, and getId().
Referenced by assNumeric\saveToDb().
protected |
integer | $active_id | |
string | $langVar |
Definition at line 477 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), getId(), and logAction().
Referenced by resetUsersAnswer(), and assOrderingQuestion\saveWorkingData().
static |
Logs an action into the Test&Assessment log.
string | $logtext | The log text |
int | string | $active_id | |
int | string | $question_id | If given, saves the question id to the database |
Definition at line 1600 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $GLOBALS, $original_id, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_addLog(), ilObjTest\_getObjectIDFromActiveID(), and getId().
Referenced by _setReachedPoints(), calculateResultsFromSolution(), assKprimChoice\isComplete(), assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), log(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveWorkingData(), assErrorText\saveWorkingData(), assTextSubset\saveWorkingData(), assTextQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assSingleChoice\saveWorkingData(), assLongMenu\saveWorkingData(), assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assFormulaQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assMatchingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assClozeTest\saveWorkingData(), and assMultipleChoice\validateSolutionSubmit().
protected |
$active_id | |
$pass |
Definition at line 446 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilObjTest\_getPass().
Referenced by ensureCurrentTestPass().
static |
returns the parent object id for given original question id (should be a qpl id, but theoretically it can be a tst id, too)
ilDBInterface $ilDB
integer | $originalQuestionId |
Definition at line 4541 of file class.assQuestion.php.
static |
ilDBInterface $ilDB
integer | $questionId |
Definition at line 4519 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $query, $res, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilObjTestGUI\copyAndLinkToQuestionpoolObject(), and ilAssQuestionSkillAssignmentsGUI\isSyncOriginalPossibleAndAllowed().
static |
protected |
$active_id |
Definition at line 456 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $GLOBALS, $ilDB, $result, $row, and array.
Referenced by assFileUpload\removeIntermediateSolution(), and assFileUpload\saveWorkingData().
assQuestion::migrateContentForLearningModule | ( | ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator | $migrator | ) |
ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator | $migrator |
Definition at line 4447 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getId(), lmMigrateQuestionTypeGenericContent(), lmMigrateQuestionTypeSpecificContent(), and saveToDb().
Referenced by ilAssSelfAssessmentQuestionFormatter\prepareQuestionForLearningModule().
static |
assQuestion::moveUploadedMediaFile | ( | $file, | |
$name | |||
) |
Move an uploaded media file to an public accessible temp dir to present it.
string | $file | File path |
string | $name | Name of the file public |
Definition at line 1627 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $file, ilUtil\createDirectory(), and ilUtil\moveUploadedFile().
private |
Definition at line 4770 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getQuestionChangeListeners().
Referenced by createNewQuestion().
private |
Definition at line 4786 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getQuestionChangeListeners().
Referenced by delete().
private |
Definition at line 4778 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getQuestionChangeListeners().
Referenced by saveToDb().
protected |
Will be called when a question is copied (into another question pool)
Definition at line 2771 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References copySuggestedSolutionFiles(), duplicateQuestionHints(), and duplicateSkillAssignments().
protected |
Will be called when a question is duplicated (inside a question pool or for insertion in a test)
Definition at line 2743 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References duplicateQuestionHints(), duplicateSkillAssignments(), and duplicateSuggestedSolutionFiles().
static |
Definition at line 3204 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $query, $res, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilObjTestGUI\copyAndLinkQuestionsToPoolObject(), and ilObjTestGUI\copyAndLinkToQuestionpoolObject().
assQuestion::pcArrayShuffle | ( | $array | ) |
Shuffles the values of a given array.
array | $array | An array which should be shuffled public |
Definition at line 1899 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $result, and array.
final |
persists the preview state for current user and question
Definition at line 1355 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References savePreviewData(), and validateSolutionSubmit().
final |
persists the working state for current testactive and testpass
integer | $active_id | Active id of the user |
integer | $pass | Test pass |
Definition at line 1317 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $pass, ilObjTest\_getPass(), calculateResultsFromSolution(), getProcessLocker(), removeIntermediateSolution(), reworkWorkingData(), saveWorkingData(), and validateSolutionSubmit().
assQuestion::prepareTextareaOutput | ( | $txt_output, | |
$prepare_for_latex_output = FALSE , |
$omitNl2BrWhenTextArea = false |
) |
Prepares a string for a text area output in tests.
string | $txt_output | String which should be prepared for output public |
Definition at line 3648 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilUtil\prepareTextareaOutput().
Referenced by getSuggestedSolutionOutput(), and assClozeTest\updateClozeTextFromGaps().
assQuestion::QTIMaterialToString | ( | $a_material | ) |
Reads an QTI material tag an creates a text string.
string | $a_material | QTI material tag |
Definition at line 3661 of file class.assQuestion.php.
assQuestion::questionTitleExists | ( | $questionpool_id, | |
$title | |||
) |
assQuestion::removeCurrentSolution | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass, | |||
$authorized = true |
) |
int | $active_id | |
int | $pass | |
bool | true | $authorized | ilDBInterface $ilDB |
Definition at line 4942 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $query, array, getId(), and getStep().
Referenced by assKprimChoice\isComplete(), removeIntermediateSolution(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveWorkingData(), assErrorText\saveWorkingData(), assTextSubset\saveWorkingData(), assTextQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assLongMenu\saveWorkingData(), assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assOrderingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assMatchingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assClozeTest\saveWorkingData(), and assMultipleChoice\validateSolutionSubmit().
assQuestion::removeExistingSolutions | ( | $activeId, | |
$pass | |||
) |
Definition at line 5336 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $query, array, getId(), and getStep().
Referenced by resetUsersAnswer().
assQuestion::removeIntermediateSolution | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass | |||
) |
int | $active_id | |
int | $pass | |
bool | true | $authorized | ilDBInterface $ilDB |
Definition at line 4927 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $pass, getProcessLocker(), and removeCurrentSolution().
Referenced by persistWorkingState().
assQuestion::removeResultRecord | ( | $activeId, | |
$pass | |||
) |
Definition at line 5369 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $query, array, getId(), and getStep().
Referenced by resetUsersAnswer().
protected |
$solutionId | ilDBInterface $ilDB |
Definition at line 4888 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by deleteDummySolutionRecord(), assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), assSingleChoice\saveWorkingData(), and assFileUpload\saveWorkingData().
assQuestion::requiresJsSwitch | ( | ) |
Definition at line 853 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References supportsJavascriptOutput(), and supportsNonJsOutput().
static |
Definition at line 2731 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $GLOBALS, $query, array, and time.
Referenced by assOrderingQuestionImport\fromXML(), and ilTestRandomQuestionSetPoolDeriver\updateTestQuestionStage().
assQuestion::resetUsersAnswer | ( | $activeId, | |
$pass | |||
) |
Definition at line 5357 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $pass, areObligationsToBeConsidered(), getProcessLocker(), getTestId(), log(), removeExistingSolutions(), and removeResultRecord().
abstractprotected |
Reworks the allready saved working data if neccessary.
integer | $active_id | |
integer | $pass | |
boolean | $obligationsAnswered | |
boolean | $authorized |
Referenced by persistWorkingState(), and validateSolutionSubmit().
assQuestion::saveCurrentSolution | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass, | |||
$value1, | |||
$value2, | |||
$authorized = true , |
$tstamp = null |
) |
int | $active_id | |
int | $pass | |
mixed | $value1 | |
mixed | $value2 | |
bool | true | $authorized | |
int | null | $tstamp | ilDBInterface $ilDB |
Definition at line 4989 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, array, getId(), getStep(), and time.
Referenced by duplicateIntermediateSolutionAuthorized(), forceExistingIntermediateSolution(), assKprimChoice\isComplete(), assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveWorkingData(), assErrorText\saveWorkingData(), assTextSubset\saveWorkingData(), assTextQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assSingleChoice\saveWorkingData(), assLongMenu\saveWorkingData(), assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assOrderingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assFormulaQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assMatchingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assClozeTest\saveWorkingData(), and assMultipleChoice\validateSolutionSubmit().
static |
Definition at line 2722 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $GLOBALS, $query, array, and time.
Referenced by assOrderingQuestionImport\fromXML(), and ilTestRandomQuestionSetPoolDeriver\updateTestQuestionStage().
protected |
Definition at line 1386 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References ilAssQuestionPreviewSession\setParticipantsSolution().
Referenced by persistPreviewState().
assQuestion::saveQuestionDataToDb | ( | $original_id = "" | ) |
Definition at line 2625 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $original_id, ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), array, createPageObject(), getAdditionalContentEditingMode(), getAuthor(), getComment(), getEstimatedWorkingTime(), getExternalId(), getId(), getMaximumPoints(), getNrOfTries(), getObjId(), getOwner(), getQuestion(), getQuestionTypeID(), getTitle(), isComplete(), setId(), and time.
Referenced by assSingleChoice\isComplete(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveToDb(), assErrorText\saveToDb(), assFlashQuestion\saveToDb(), assFileUpload\saveToDb(), assNumeric\saveToDb(), assTextSubset\saveToDb(), assTextQuestion\saveToDb(), assMatchingQuestion\saveToDb(), assImagemapQuestion\saveToDb(), assOrderingQuestion\saveToDb(), assLongMenu\saveToDb(), assMultipleChoice\saveToDb(), assJavaApplet\saveToDb(), assClozeTest\saveToDb(), assKprimChoice\saveToDb(), and assFormulaQuestion\saveToDb().
assQuestion::saveToDb | ( | $original_id = "" | ) |
Saves the question to the database.
integer | $original_id | public |
Definition at line 2687 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, ilObjQuestionPool\_updateQuestionCount(), array, cleanupMediaObjectUsage(), getId(), getOwner(), isComplete(), notifyQuestionEdited(), and time.
Referenced by assSingleChoice\isComplete(), migrateContentForLearningModule(), and syncWithOriginal().
abstract |
Saves the learners input of the question to the database.
integer | $active_id | Active id of the user |
integer | $pass | Test pass |
Referenced by assKprimChoice\isComplete(), assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), persistWorkingState(), assMultipleChoice\validateSolutionSubmit(), and validateSolutionSubmit().
assQuestion::setAdditionalContentEditingMode | ( | $additinalContentEditingMode | ) |
setter for additional content editing mode for this question
Definition at line 4701 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $additinalContentEditingMode, and getValidAdditionalContentEditingModes().
Referenced by assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assKprimChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb(), and assNumeric\saveToDb().
assQuestion::setAuthor | ( | $author = "" | ) |
Sets the authors name of the assQuestion object.
string | $author | A string containing the name of the questions author public |
Definition at line 733 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $author.
Referenced by __set(), assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assKprimChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb(), and assNumeric\saveToDb().
assQuestion::setComment | ( | $comment = "" | ) |
Sets the comment string of the assQuestion object.
string | $comment | A comment string to describe the question public |
Definition at line 637 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $comment, and comment().
Referenced by __set(), assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assKprimChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb(), and assNumeric\saveToDb().
assQuestion::setDefaultNrOfTries | ( | $a_defaultnroftries | ) |
Set Default Nr of Tries.
int | $a_defaultnroftries | Default Nr. of Tries |
Definition at line 4497 of file class.assQuestion.php.
assQuestion::setEstimatedWorkingTime | ( | $hour = 0 , |
$min = 0 , |
$sec = 0 |
) |
Sets the estimated working time of a question from given hour, minute and second.
integer | $hour | Hour |
integer | $min | Minutes |
integer | $sec | Seconds public |
Definition at line 684 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References array.
Referenced by __construct(), __set(), assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb(), and assNumeric\saveToDb().
assQuestion::setEstimatedWorkingTimeFromDurationString | ( | $durationString | ) |
Sets the estimated working time of a question from a given datetime string.
string | $datetime |
Definition at line 695 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References array.
Referenced by assKprimChoice\loadFromDb().
assQuestion::setExportDetailsXLS | ( | $worksheet, | |
$startrow, | |||
$active_id, | |||
$pass | |||
) |
Creates an Excel worksheet for the detailed cumulated results of this question.
object | $worksheet | Reference to the parent excel worksheet |
object | $startrow | Startrow of the output in the excel worksheet |
object | $active_id | Active id of the participant |
object | $pass | Test pass |
Definition at line 4227 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $worksheet, getQuestionType(), and getTitle().
assQuestion::setExportImagePath | ( | $a_path | ) |
assQuestion::setExternalId | ( | $external_id | ) |
string | $external_id |
Definition at line 925 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $external_id.
Referenced by __construct().
static |
Definition at line 335 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled.
Referenced by ilTestScoring\recalculatePass().
assQuestion::setId | ( | $id = -1 | ) |
Sets the id of the assQuestion object.
integer | $id | A unique integer value public |
Definition at line 613 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $id.
Referenced by __set(), createNewQuestion(), assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assKprimChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), saveQuestionDataToDb(), assNumeric\saveToDb(), and syncWithOriginal().
assQuestion::setLastChange | ( | $lastChange | ) |
Definition at line 4824 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $lastChange.
Referenced by assKprimChoice\loadFromDb().
assQuestion::setNewOriginalId | ( | $newId | ) |
Definition at line 2718 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getId().
assQuestion::setNrOfTries | ( | $a_nr_of_tries | ) |
Definition at line 4369 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assKprimChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), and assNumeric\saveToDb().
assQuestion::setObjId | ( | $obj_id = 0 | ) |
Set the object id of the container object.
integer | $obj_id | The object id of the container object public |
Definition at line 917 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $obj_id.
Referenced by __set(), assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assKprimChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb(), assNumeric\saveToDb(), and syncWithOriginal().
assQuestion::setObligationsToBeConsidered | ( | $obligationsToBeConsidered | ) |
boolean | $obligationsToBeConsidered |
Definition at line 5503 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $obligationsToBeConsidered.
assQuestion::setOriginalId | ( | $original_id | ) |
Definition at line 2454 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $original_id.
Referenced by __set(), assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assKprimChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb(), assNumeric\saveToDb(), and syncWithOriginal().
assQuestion::setOutputType | ( | $outputType = OUTPUT_HTML | ) |
Sets the output type.
integer | $outputType | The output type of the question public |
Definition at line 649 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $outputType.
Referenced by __set().
assQuestion::setOwner | ( | $owner = "" | ) |
Sets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object.
integer | $owner | A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator public |
Definition at line 749 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $owner.
Referenced by __set(), assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assKprimChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb(), and assNumeric\saveToDb().
assQuestion::setPoints | ( | $a_points | ) |
Sets the maximum available points for the question.
integer | $a_points | The points public |
Definition at line 3390 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assKprimChoice\__construct(), __set(), assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assKprimChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), and assNumeric\saveToDb().
assQuestion::setPreventRteUsage | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set prevent rte usage.
boolean | prevent rte usage |
Definition at line 4429 of file class.assQuestion.php.
assQuestion::setProcessLocker | ( | $processLocker | ) |
\ilAssQuestionProcessLocker | $processLocker |
Definition at line 519 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $processLocker.
assQuestion::setQuestion | ( | $question = "" | ) |
Sets the question string of the question object.
string | $question | A string containing the question text public |
Definition at line 3844 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $question, and getQuestionType().
Referenced by assClozeTest\__construct(), __construct(), __set(), lmMigrateQuestionTypeGenericContent(), assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assKprimChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb(), and assNumeric\saveToDb().
static |
\ilObjTestGateway | $resultGateway |
Definition at line 5181 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $resultGateway.
assQuestion::setSelfAssessmentEditingMode | ( | $a_selfassessmenteditingmode | ) |
Set Self-Assessment Editing Mode.
boolean | $a_selfassessmenteditingmode | Self-Assessment Editing Mode |
Definition at line 4477 of file class.assQuestion.php.
assQuestion::setShuffle | ( | $shuffle = true | ) |
Sets the shuffle flag.
boolean | $shuffle | A flag indicating whether the answers are shuffled or not public |
Definition at line 662 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $shuffle.
Referenced by __set(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), and assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb().
assQuestion::setShuffler | ( | ilArrayElementShuffler | $shuffler | ) |
ilArrayElementShuffler | $shuffler |
Definition at line 511 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $shuffler.
Referenced by assMatchingQuestion\toJSON().
assQuestion::setStep | ( | $step | ) |
int | null | $step |
Definition at line 5197 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $step.
Referenced by assFileUpload\deleteUnusedFiles().
assQuestion::setSuggestedSolution | ( | $solution_id = "" , |
$subquestion_index = 0 , |
$is_import = false |
) |
Sets a suggested solution for the question.
If there is more than one subquestion (i.e. close questions) may enter a subquestion index.
string | $solution_id | An internal link pointing to the suggested solution |
integer | $subquestion_index | The index of a subquestion (i.e. a close test gap). Usually 0 |
boolean | $is_import | A boolean indication that the internal link was imported from another ILIAS installation public |
Definition at line 2853 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References _resolveInternalLink(), and array.
Referenced by assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), and assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb().
assQuestion::setTestId | ( | $id = -1 | ) |
Sets the test id of the assQuestion object.
integer | $id | A unique integer value public |
Definition at line 625 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $id.
Referenced by __set().
assQuestion::setTitle | ( | $title = "" | ) |
Sets the title string of the assQuestion object.
string | $title | A title string to describe the question public |
Definition at line 601 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $title.
Referenced by __set(), assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assKprimChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb(), and assNumeric\saveToDb().
static |
$time1 | |
$time2 |
Definition at line 5215 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References convertISO8601FormatH_i_s_ExtendedToSeconds().
Referenced by ilTestQuestionsTableGUI\fillRow(), and ilQuestionBrowserTableGUI\fillRow().
assQuestion::supportsJavascriptOutput | ( | ) |
Returns true if the question type supports JavaScript output.
Definition at line 843 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by requiresJsSwitch().
assQuestion::supportsNonJsOutput | ( | ) |
Definition at line 848 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by requiresJsSwitch().
assQuestion::syncSkillAssignments | ( | $srcParentId, | |
$srcQuestionId, | |||
$trgParentId, | |||
$trgQuestionId | |||
) |
Definition at line 4589 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, and duplicateSkillAssignments().
protected |
Syncs the files of a suggested solution if the question is synced.
Definition at line 2907 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $filename, $ilLog, ilUtil\delDir(), getSuggestedSolutionPath(), and ilUtil\makeDirParents().
Referenced by copySuggestedSolutionFiles().
assQuestion::syncWithOriginal | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3222 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $id, $ilDB, afterSyncWithOriginal(), beforeSyncWithOriginal(), copyPageOfQuestion(), createPageObject(), deletePageOfQuestion(), getId(), getObjId(), getOriginalId(), saveToDb(), setId(), setObjId(), setOriginalId(), and syncXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion().
assQuestion::syncXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2354 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $mobs, ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_saveUsage(), and getId().
Referenced by syncWithOriginal().
assQuestion::toJSON | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5239 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $author, $owner, $title, array, and duplicate().
assQuestion::toXML | ( | $a_include_header = true , |
$a_include_binary = true , |
$a_shuffle = false , |
$test_output = false , |
$force_image_references = false |
) |
Returns a QTI xml representation of the question.
Definition at line 557 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References getQuestionType().
assQuestion::updateCurrentSolution | ( | $solutionId, | |
$value1, | |||
$value2, | |||
$authorized = true |
) |
int | $active_id | |
int | $pass | |
mixed | $value1 | |
mixed | $value2 | |
bool | true | $authorized | ilDBInterface $ilDB |
Definition at line 5025 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, array, getStep(), and time.
Referenced by assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), and assSingleChoice\saveWorkingData().
assQuestion::updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization | ( | $activeId, | |
$pass, | |||
$authorized, | |||
$keepTime = false |
) |
Definition at line 5047 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, array, getId(), getStep(), and time.
Referenced by forceExistingIntermediateSolution(), assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), and assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData().
assQuestion::updateTimestamp | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5508 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, array, getId(), and time.
assQuestion::validateSolutionSubmit | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1361 of file class.assQuestion.php.
References $pass, reworkWorkingData(), and saveWorkingData().
Referenced by persistPreviewState(), and persistWorkingState().
private |
Definition at line 201 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getAdditionalContentEditingMode(), and setAdditionalContentEditingMode().
staticprotected |
staticprotected |
staticprotected |
private |
Associative array to store properties.
Definition at line 173 of file class.assQuestion.php.
protected |
Definition at line 71 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assLongMenu\__construct(), assFlashQuestion\__construct(), assOrderingHorizontal\__construct(), assFormulaQuestion\__construct(), assErrorText\__construct(), assNumeric\__construct(), assFileUpload\__construct(), assKprimChoice\__construct(), assImagemapQuestion\__construct(), assTextSubset\__construct(), assTextQuestion\__construct(), assSingleChoice\__construct(), assOrderingQuestion\__construct(), assMatchingQuestion\__construct(), assJavaApplet\__construct(), assMultipleChoice\__construct(), assClozeTest\__construct(), __construct(), assOrderingHorizontal\duplicate(), assFileUpload\duplicate(), assNumeric\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\duplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicate(), assFlashQuestion\duplicate(), assErrorText\duplicate(), assTextSubset\duplicate(), assSingleChoice\duplicate(), assMultipleChoice\duplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\duplicate(), assJavaApplet\duplicate(), assLongMenu\duplicate(), assKprimChoice\duplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\duplicate(), assClozeTest\duplicate(), getAuthor(), setAuthor(), and toJSON().
protected |
Definition at line 57 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assLongMenu\__construct(), assFlashQuestion\__construct(), assOrderingHorizontal\__construct(), assErrorText\__construct(), assFormulaQuestion\__construct(), assNumeric\__construct(), assFileUpload\__construct(), assKprimChoice\__construct(), assImagemapQuestion\__construct(), assTextSubset\__construct(), assTextQuestion\__construct(), assSingleChoice\__construct(), assOrderingQuestion\__construct(), assMatchingQuestion\__construct(), assJavaApplet\__construct(), assMultipleChoice\__construct(), assClozeTest\__construct(), __construct(), getComment(), and setComment().
protected |
Definition at line 135 of file class.assQuestion.php.
assQuestion::$defaultnroftries = 0 |
Definition at line 229 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getDefaultNrOfTries().
protected |
Definition at line 92 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getEstimatedWorkingTime().
private |
(Web) Path to images
Definition at line 178 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getImagePathWeb().
protected |
Definition at line 184 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getExternalId(), and setExternalId().
assQuestion::$feedbackOBJ = null |
Definition at line 208 of file class.assQuestion.php.
staticprotected |
Definition at line 333 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by setForcePassResultUpdateEnabled().
protected |
Definition at line 43 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assFormulaQuestion\addResultUnits(), copySuggestedSolutionFiles(), assOrderingHorizontal\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assFileUpload\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assNumeric\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assTextQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assErrorText\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assFlashQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assTextSubset\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assSingleChoice\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assMultipleChoice\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assJavaApplet\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assLongMenu\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assKprimChoice\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assClozeTest\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), getId(), getImagePath(), isClone(), assImagemapQuestion\setExportDetailsXLS(), assSingleChoice\setExportDetailsXLS(), assMultipleChoice\setExportDetailsXLS(), assKprimChoice\setExportDetailsXLS(), setId(), assFormulaQuestion\setId(), setTestId(), and syncWithOriginal().
protected |
Definition at line 120 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by __construct(), and __get().
staticprotected |
Definition at line 2464 of file class.assQuestion.php.
protected |
Definition at line 253 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getLastChange(), and setLastChange().
protected |
Definition at line 130 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by __construct(), _getQuestionTypeName(), _instantiateQuestion(), _setReachedPoints(), assFileUpload\deliverFileUploadZIPFile(), instantiateQuestionGUI(), and assMatchingQuestion\toJSON().
private |
Number of tries.
Definition at line 168 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getNrOfTries().
protected |
Definition at line 113 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by createNewQuestion(), delete(), getImagePath(), getObjId(), and setObjId().
private |
Definition at line 263 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by areObligationsToBeConsidered(), and setObligationsToBeConsidered().
protected |
Definition at line 156 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assOrderingHorizontal\copyObject(), assFileUpload\copyObject(), assNumeric\copyObject(), assTextQuestion\copyObject(), assImagemapQuestion\copyObject(), assErrorText\copyObject(), assFlashQuestion\copyObject(), assOrderingQuestion\copyObject(), assTextSubset\copyObject(), assSingleChoice\copyObject(), assMultipleChoice\copyObject(), assMatchingQuestion\copyObject(), assJavaApplet\copyObject(), assLongMenu\copyObject(), assKprimChoice\copyObject(), assFormulaQuestion\copyObject(), assClozeTest\copyObject(), copySuggestedSolutionFiles(), assLongMenu\delete(), assOrderingHorizontal\duplicate(), assFileUpload\duplicate(), assNumeric\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\duplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicate(), assFlashQuestion\duplicate(), assErrorText\duplicate(), assTextSubset\duplicate(), assSingleChoice\duplicate(), assMultipleChoice\duplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\duplicate(), assJavaApplet\duplicate(), assLongMenu\duplicate(), assKprimChoice\duplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\duplicate(), assClozeTest\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicateAnswers(), getOriginalId(), assSingleChoice\isComplete(), logAction(), saveQuestionDataToDb(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveToDb(), assErrorText\saveToDb(), assFileUpload\saveToDb(), assFlashQuestion\saveToDb(), assNumeric\saveToDb(), assTextSubset\saveToDb(), assTextQuestion\saveToDb(), assMatchingQuestion\saveToDb(), assImagemapQuestion\saveToDb(), assOrderingQuestion\saveToDb(), assLongMenu\saveToDb(), assMultipleChoice\saveToDb(), assJavaApplet\saveToDb(), assClozeTest\saveToDb(), assFormulaQuestion\saveToDb(), and setOriginalId().
protected |
Definition at line 142 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getOutputType(), and setOutputType().
protected |
Definition at line 64 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assLongMenu\__construct(), assFlashQuestion\__construct(), assOrderingHorizontal\__construct(), assFormulaQuestion\__construct(), assErrorText\__construct(), assNumeric\__construct(), assFileUpload\__construct(), assKprimChoice\__construct(), assImagemapQuestion\__construct(), assTextSubset\__construct(), assTextQuestion\__construct(), assSingleChoice\__construct(), assOrderingQuestion\__construct(), assMatchingQuestion\__construct(), assJavaApplet\__construct(), assMultipleChoice\__construct(), assClozeTest\__construct(), __construct(), assOrderingHorizontal\duplicate(), assFileUpload\duplicate(), assNumeric\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\duplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicate(), assFlashQuestion\duplicate(), assErrorText\duplicate(), assTextSubset\duplicate(), assSingleChoice\duplicate(), assMultipleChoice\duplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\duplicate(), assJavaApplet\duplicate(), assLongMenu\duplicate(), assKprimChoice\duplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\duplicate(), assClozeTest\duplicate(), getOwner(), setOwner(), and toJSON().
protected |
Definition at line 163 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by __get(), copyPageOfQuestion(), deletePageOfQuestion(), and getPageOfQuestion().
protected |
Definition at line 85 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by _getMaximumPoints(), _getReachedPoints(), _isWorkedThrough(), _setReachedPoints(), assTextSubset\addAnswer(), assSingleChoice\addAnswer(), assMultipleChoice\addAnswer(), assImagemapQuestion\addAnswer(), assTextQuestion\addAnswer(), assErrorText\addErrorData(), assMatchingQuestion\addMatchingPair(), adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions(), assClozeTest\calculateCombinationResult(), assOrderingHorizontal\calculateReachedPoints(), assFileUpload\calculateReachedPoints(), assErrorText\calculateReachedPoints(), assFlashQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assKprimChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assTextSubset\calculateReachedPoints(), assSingleChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assTextQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assMultipleChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assLongMenu\calculateReachedPoints(), assJavaApplet\calculateReachedPoints(), assImagemapQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assMatchingQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assFormulaQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assTextQuestion\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assLongMenu\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assKprimChoice\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assOrderingHorizontal\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assTextSubset\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assImagemapQuestion\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assMultipleChoice\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assMatchingQuestion\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assClozeTest\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assNumeric\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assFlashQuestion\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assSingleChoice\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assJavaApplet\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assFormulaQuestion\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assLongMenu\checkQuestionCustomPart(), ensureNonNegativePoints(), assErrorText\getBestSelection(), assNumeric\getExpressionTypes(), assOrderingHorizontal\getExpressionTypes(), assTextSubset\getExpressionTypes(), assImagemapQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assSingleChoice\getExpressionTypes(), assErrorText\getExpressionTypes(), assMultipleChoice\getExpressionTypes(), assOrderingQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assFormulaQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assMatchingQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assClozeTest\getExpressionTypes(), assClozeTest\getMaximumGapPoints(), assLongMenu\getMaximumPoints(), assTextQuestion\getMaximumPoints(), assFlashQuestion\getMaximumPoints(), assTextSubset\getMaximumPoints(), assSingleChoice\getMaximumPoints(), assMultipleChoice\getMaximumPoints(), assImagemapQuestion\getMaximumPoints(), assClozeTest\getMaximumPoints(), assMatchingQuestion\getMaximumPoints(), assFormulaQuestion\getMaximumPoints(), getMaximumPoints(), assTextQuestion\getMinimumPoints(), getPoints(), assLongMenu\getPointsForGap(), assErrorText\getPointsForSelectedPositions(), assLongMenu\getUserQuestionResult(), assJavaApplet\getUserQuestionResult(), assFileUpload\handleSubmission(), assMatchingQuestion\insertMatchingPair(), assLongMenu\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assErrorText\setErrorData(), assClozeTest\setGapAnswerPoints(), and assTextQuestion\setReachedPoints().
assQuestion::$prevent_rte_usage = false |
Definition at line 215 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getPreventRteUsage().
protected |
Definition at line 239 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by _updateTestResultCache(), getProcessLocker(), and setProcessLocker().
protected |
Definition at line 78 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assLongMenu\__construct(), assFlashQuestion\__construct(), assOrderingHorizontal\__construct(), assErrorText\__construct(), assFormulaQuestion\__construct(), assNumeric\__construct(), assFileUpload\__construct(), assKprimChoice\__construct(), assImagemapQuestion\__construct(), assTextSubset\__construct(), assTextQuestion\__construct(), assSingleChoice\__construct(), assOrderingQuestion\__construct(), assMatchingQuestion\__construct(), assJavaApplet\__construct(), assMultipleChoice\__construct(), assClozeTest\__construct(), __construct(), _getSuggestedSolutionOutput(), _instantiateQuestion(), assKprimChoice\beforeSyncWithOriginal(), getQuestion(), and setQuestion().
assQuestion::$questionActionCmd = 'handleQuestionAction' |
Definition at line 241 of file class.assQuestion.php.
protected |
Definition at line 234 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getQuestionChangeListeners().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 246 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by setResultGateway().
assQuestion::$selfassessmenteditingmode = false |
Definition at line 222 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getSelfAssessmentEditingMode().
protected |
Definition at line 99 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getShuffle(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\setGapShuffle(), setShuffle(), and assMatchingQuestion\setShuffle().
protected |
Definition at line 258 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getShuffler(), and setShuffler().
protected |
Definition at line 251 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assFileUpload\deleteUnusedFiles(), getStep(), and setStep().
protected |
Definition at line 149 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getSuggestedSolutions().
protected |
Definition at line 106 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by _questionExistsInTest(), assFileUpload\deleteUnusedFiles(), assFileUpload\deleteUploadedFiles(), assFileUpload\deliverFileUploadZIPFile(), getTestId(), assFileUpload\getUploadedFilesForWeb(), assFileUpload\hasFileUploads(), assFileUpload\removeIntermediateSolution(), and assFileUpload\saveWorkingData().
protected |
Definition at line 269 of file class.assQuestion.php.
private |
Definition at line 5527 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by getTestPresentationConfig().
protected |
Definition at line 50 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assLongMenu\__construct(), assOrderingHorizontal\__construct(), assFlashQuestion\__construct(), assErrorText\__construct(), assFormulaQuestion\__construct(), assNumeric\__construct(), assFileUpload\__construct(), assKprimChoice\__construct(), assImagemapQuestion\__construct(), assTextSubset\__construct(), assTextQuestion\__construct(), assSingleChoice\__construct(), assOrderingQuestion\__construct(), assMatchingQuestion\__construct(), assJavaApplet\__construct(), assMultipleChoice\__construct(), assClozeTest\__construct(), __construct(), assOrderingHorizontal\copyObject(), assFileUpload\copyObject(), assNumeric\copyObject(), assTextQuestion\copyObject(), assImagemapQuestion\copyObject(), assErrorText\copyObject(), assFlashQuestion\copyObject(), assOrderingQuestion\copyObject(), assTextSubset\copyObject(), assSingleChoice\copyObject(), assMultipleChoice\copyObject(), assMatchingQuestion\copyObject(), assJavaApplet\copyObject(), assLongMenu\copyObject(), assKprimChoice\copyObject(), assFormulaQuestion\copyObject(), assClozeTest\copyObject(), assOrderingHorizontal\duplicate(), assFileUpload\duplicate(), assNumeric\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\duplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicate(), assFlashQuestion\duplicate(), assErrorText\duplicate(), assTextSubset\duplicate(), assSingleChoice\duplicate(), assMultipleChoice\duplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\duplicate(), assJavaApplet\duplicate(), assLongMenu\duplicate(), assKprimChoice\duplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\duplicate(), assClozeTest\duplicate(), getSuggestedSolutionTitle(), getTitle(), questionTitleExists(), setTitle(), and toJSON().
protected |
Definition at line 125 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by __construct(), and __get().
const assQuestion::ADDITIONAL_CONTENT_EDITING_MODE_DEFAULT = 'default' |
constant for additional content editing mode "default"
Definition at line 189 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assClozeTestGUI\addBasicQuestionFormProperties(), ilTestExpressPageObjectGUI\addQuestion(), ilObjTestGUI\addQuestionObject(), ilObjQuestionPoolGUI\buildCreateQuestionForm(), ilObjQuestionPoolGUI\createQuestionForTestObject(), ilObjQuestionPoolGUI\createQuestionObject(), ilObjTestGUI\createQuestionObject(), ilPCQuestionGUI\edit(), assQuestionImport\fetchAdditionalContentEditingModeInformation(), ilTestExpressPageObjectGUI\handleToolbarCommand(), ilPCQuestionGUI\insert(), assLongMenuGUI\populateQuestionSpecificFormPart(), and assClozeTestGUI\populateQuestionSpecificFormPart().
const assQuestion::ADDITIONAL_CONTENT_EDITING_MODE_PAGE_OBJECT = 'pageobject' |
constant for additional content editing mode "pageobject"
Definition at line 194 of file class.assQuestion.php.
Referenced by assQuestionGUI\addBasicQuestionFormProperties(), ilTestExpressPageObjectGUI\addQuestion(), ilObjTestGUI\addQuestionObject(), ilObjQuestionPoolGUI\buildCreateQuestionForm(), ilObjTestGUI\createQuestionObject(), ilPCQuestionGUI\insert(), and isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject().
const assQuestion::IMG_MIME_TYPE_GIF = 'image/gif' |
Definition at line 24 of file class.assQuestion.php.
const assQuestion::IMG_MIME_TYPE_JPG = 'image/jpeg' |
Definition at line 22 of file class.assQuestion.php.
const assQuestion::IMG_MIME_TYPE_PNG = 'image/png' |
Definition at line 23 of file class.assQuestion.php.
const assQuestion::KEY_VALUES_IMPLOSION_SEPARATOR = ':' |
Definition at line 5076 of file class.assQuestion.php.