static | client ($server_version, $server_hostname, $server_port, $server_uri, $changeSessionID=true) |
| phpCAS client initializer. More...
static | proxy ($server_version, $server_hostname, $server_port, $server_uri, $changeSessionID=true) |
| phpCAS proxy initializer. More...
static | isInitialized () |
| Answer whether or not the client or proxy has been initialized. More...
static | setDebug ($filename='') |
| Set/unset debug mode. More...
static | setVerbose ($verbose) |
| Enable verbose errors messages in the website output This is a security relevant since internal status info may leak an may help an attacker. More...
static | getVerbose () |
| Show is verbose mode is on. More...
static | log ($str) |
| Logs a string in debug mode. More...
static | error ($msg) |
| This method is used by interface methods to print an error and where the function was originally called from. More...
static | trace ($str) |
| This method is used to log something in debug mode. More...
static | traceBegin () |
| This method is used to indicate the start of the execution of a function in debug mode. More...
static | traceEnd ($res='') |
| This method is used to indicate the end of the execution of a function in debug mode. More...
static | traceExit () |
| This method is used to indicate the end of the execution of the program. More...
static | setLang ($lang) |
| This method is used to set the language used by phpCAS. More...
static | getVersion () |
| This method returns the phpCAS version. More...
static | setHTMLHeader ($header) |
| This method sets the HTML header used for all outputs. More...
static | setHTMLFooter ($footer) |
| This method sets the HTML footer used for all outputs. More...
static | setPGTStorage ($storage) |
| This method can be used to set a custom PGT storage object. More...
static | setPGTStorageDb ($dsn_or_pdo, $username='', $password='', $table='', $driver_options=null) |
| This method is used to tell phpCAS to store the response of the CAS server to PGT requests in a database. More...
static | setPGTStorageFile ($path='') |
| This method is used to tell phpCAS to store the response of the CAS server to PGT requests onto the filesystem. More...
static | getProxiedService ($type) |
| Answer a proxy-authenticated service handler. More...
static | initializeProxiedService (CAS_ProxiedService $proxiedService) |
| Initialize a proxied-service handler with the proxy-ticket it should use. More...
static | serviceWeb ($url, & $err_code, & $output) |
| This method is used to access an HTTP[S] service. More...
static | serviceMail ($url, $service, $flags, & $err_code, & $err_msg, & $pt) |
| This method is used to access an IMAP/POP3/NNTP service. More...
static | setCacheTimesForAuthRecheck ($n) |
| Set the times authentication will be cached before really accessing the CAS server in gateway mode: More...
static | setCasAttributeParserCallback ($function, array $additionalArgs=array()) |
| Set a callback function to be run when receiving CAS attributes. More...
static | setPostAuthenticateCallback ($function, array $additionalArgs=array()) |
| Set a callback function to be run when a user authenticates. More...
static | setSingleSignoutCallback ($function, array $additionalArgs=array()) |
| Set a callback function to be run when a single-signout request is received. More...
static | checkAuthentication () |
| This method is called to check if the user is already authenticated locally or has a global cas session. More...
static | forceAuthentication () |
| This method is called to force authentication if the user was not already authenticated. More...
static | renewAuthentication () |
| This method is called to renew the authentication. More...
static | isAuthenticated () |
| This method is called to check if the user is authenticated (previously or by tickets given in the URL). More...
static | isSessionAuthenticated () |
| Checks whether authenticated based on $_SESSION. More...
static | getUser () |
| This method returns the CAS user's login name. More...
static | getAttributes () |
| Answer attributes about the authenticated user. More...
static | hasAttributes () |
| Answer true if there are attributes for the authenticated user. More...
static | hasAttribute ($key) |
| Answer true if an attribute exists for the authenticated user. More...
static | getAttribute ($key) |
| Answer an attribute for the authenticated user. More...
static | handleLogoutRequests ($check_client=true, $allowed_clients=false) |
| Handle logout requests. More...
static | getServerLoginURL () |
| This method returns the URL to be used to login. More...
static | setServerLoginURL ($url='') |
| Set the login URL of the CAS server. More...
static | setServerServiceValidateURL ($url='') |
| Set the serviceValidate URL of the CAS server. More...
static | setServerProxyValidateURL ($url='') |
| Set the proxyValidate URL of the CAS server. More...
static | setServerSamlValidateURL ($url='') |
| Set the samlValidate URL of the CAS server. More...
static | getServerLogoutURL () |
| This method returns the URL to be used to login. More...
static | setServerLogoutURL ($url='') |
| Set the logout URL of the CAS server. More...
static | logout ($params="") |
| This method is used to logout from CAS. More...
static | logoutWithRedirectService ($service) |
| This method is used to logout from CAS. More...
static | logoutWithUrl ($url) |
| This method is used to logout from CAS. More...
static | logoutWithRedirectServiceAndUrl ($service, $url) |
| This method is used to logout from CAS. More...
static | setFixedCallbackURL ($url='') |
| Set the fixed URL that will be used by the CAS server to transmit the PGT. More...
static | setFixedServiceURL ($url) |
| Set the fixed URL that will be set as the CAS service parameter. More...
static | getServiceURL () |
| Get the URL that is set as the CAS service parameter. More...
static | retrievePT ($target_service, & $err_code, & $err_msg) |
| Retrieve a Proxy Ticket from the CAS server. More...
static | setCasServerCACert ($cert, $validate_cn=true) |
| Set the certificate of the CAS server CA and if the CN should be properly verified. More...
static | setNoCasServerValidation () |
| Set no SSL validation for the CAS server. More...
static | setNoClearTicketsFromUrl () |
| Disable the removal of a CAS-Ticket from the URL when authenticating DISABLING POSES A SECURITY RISK: We normally remove the ticket by an additional redirect as a security precaution to prevent a ticket in the HTTP_REFERRER or be carried over in the URL parameter. More...
static | setExtraCurlOption ($key, $value) |
| Change CURL options. More...
static | allowProxyChain (CAS_ProxyChain_Interface $proxy_chain) |
| If you want your service to be proxied you have to enable it (default disabled) and define an accepable list of proxies that are allowed to proxy your service. More...
static | getProxies () |
| Answer an array of proxies that are sitting in front of this application. More...
static | addRebroadcastNode ($rebroadcastNodeUrl) |
| Add a pgtIou/pgtId and logoutRequest rebroadcast node. More...
static | addRebroadcastHeader ($header) |
| This method is used to add header parameters when rebroadcasting pgtIou/pgtId or logoutRequest. More...
static | setCasClient (\CAS_Client $client) |
| For testing purposes, use this method to set the client to a test double. More...
The phpCAS class is a simple container for the phpCAS library.
It provides CAS authentication for web applications written in PHP.
Definition at line 278 of file CAS.php.