| printHTMLHeader ($title) |
| This method prints the header of the HTML output (after filtering). More...
| printHTMLFooter () |
| This method prints the footer of the HTML output (after filtering). More...
| setHTMLHeader ($header) |
| This method set the HTML header used for all outputs. More...
| setHTMLFooter ($footer) |
| This method set the HTML footer used for all outputs. More...
| setLang ($lang) |
| This method is used to set the language used by phpCAS. More...
| getLangObj () |
| Create the language. More...
| getServerVersion () |
| This method is used to retrieve the version of the CAS server. More...
| getServerLoginURL ($gateway=false, $renew=false) |
| This method is used to retrieve the login URL of the CAS server. More...
| setServerLoginURL ($url) |
| This method sets the login URL of the CAS server. More...
| setServerServiceValidateURL ($url) |
| This method sets the serviceValidate URL of the CAS server. More...
| setServerProxyValidateURL ($url) |
| This method sets the proxyValidate URL of the CAS server. More...
| setServerSamlValidateURL ($url) |
| This method sets the samlValidate URL of the CAS server. More...
| getServerServiceValidateURL () |
| This method is used to retrieve the service validating URL of the CAS server. More...
| getServerSamlValidateURL () |
| This method is used to retrieve the SAML validating URL of the CAS server. More...
| getServerProxyValidateURL () |
| This method is used to retrieve the proxy validating URL of the CAS server. More...
| getServerProxyURL () |
| This method is used to retrieve the proxy URL of the CAS server. More...
| getServerLogoutURL () |
| This method is used to retrieve the logout URL of the CAS server. More...
| setServerLogoutURL ($url) |
| This method sets the logout URL of the CAS server. More...
| setExtraCurlOption ($key, $value) |
| This method is used to set additional user curl options. More...
| setRequestImplementation ($className) |
| Override the default implementation used to make web requests in readUrl(). More...
| setNoClearTicketsFromUrl () |
| Configure the client to not send redirect headers and call exit() on authentication success. More...
| setCasAttributeParserCallback ($function, array $additionalArgs=array()) |
| Set a callback function to be run when parsing CAS attributes. More...
| setPostAuthenticateCallback ($function, array $additionalArgs=array()) |
| Set a callback function to be run when a user authenticates. More...
| setSingleSignoutCallback ($function, array $additionalArgs=array()) |
| Set a callback function to be run when a single-signout request is received. More...
| ensureIsProxy () |
| Ensure that this is actually a proxy object or fail with an exception. More...
| markAuthenticationCall ($auth) |
| Mark the caller of authentication. More...
| wasAuthenticationCalled () |
| Answer true if authentication has been checked. More...
| wasAuthenticationCallSuccessful () |
| Answer the result of the authentication call. More...
| ensureAuthenticationCallSuccessful () |
| Ensure that authentication was checked. More...
| getAuthenticationCallerFile () |
| Answer information about the authentication caller. More...
| getAuthenticationCallerLine () |
| Answer information about the authentication caller. More...
| getAuthenticationCallerMethod () |
| Answer information about the authentication caller. More...
| __construct ( $server_version, $proxy, $server_hostname, $server_port, $server_uri, $changeSessionID=true) |
| CAS_Client constructor. More...
| getChangeSessionID () |
| Get whether phpCas is allowed to change session_id. More...
| getUser () |
| This method returns the CAS user's login name. More...
| setAttributes ($attributes) |
| Set an array of attributes. More...
| getAttributes () |
| Get an key values arry of attributes. More...
| hasAttributes () |
| Check whether attributes are available. More...
| hasAttribute ($key) |
| Check whether a specific attribute with a name is available. More...
| getAttribute ($key) |
| Get a specific attribute by name. More...
| renewAuthentication () |
| This method is called to renew the authentication of the user If the user is authenticated, renew the connection If not, redirect to CAS. More...
| forceAuthentication () |
| This method is called to be sure that the user is authenticated. More...
| setCacheTimesForAuthRecheck ($n) |
| Set the number of times authentication will be cached before rechecked. More...
| checkAuthentication () |
| This method is called to check whether the user is authenticated or not. More...
| isAuthenticated ($renew=false) |
| This method is called to check if the user is authenticated (previously or by tickets given in the URL). More...
| isSessionAuthenticated () |
| This method tells if the current session is authenticated. More...
| redirectToCas ($gateway=false, $renew=false) |
| This method is used to redirect the client to the CAS server. More...
| logout ($params) |
| This method is used to logout from CAS. More...
| handleLogoutRequests ($check_client=true, $allowed_clients=false) |
| This method handles logout requests. More...
| getTicket () |
| This method returns the Service Ticket provided in the URL of the request. More...
| setTicket ($st) |
| This method stores the Service Ticket. More...
| hasTicket () |
| This method tells if a Service Ticket was stored. More...
| setCasServerCACert ($cert, $validate_cn) |
| Set the CA certificate of the CAS server. More...
| setNoCasServerValidation () |
| Set no SSL validation for the CAS server. More...
| validateCAS10 (&$validate_url, &$text_response, &$tree_response, $renew=false) |
| This method is used to validate a CAS 1,0 ticket; halt on failure, and sets $validate_url, $text_reponse and $tree_response on success. More...
| validateSA (&$validate_url, &$text_response, &$tree_response, $renew=false) |
| This method is used to validate a SAML TICKET; halt on failure, and sets $validate_url, $text_reponse and $tree_response on success. More...
| isProxy () |
| Tells if a CAS client is a CAS proxy or not. More...
| setCallbackURL ($url) |
| This method sets the callback url. More...
| setPGTStorage ($storage) |
| This method can be used to set a custom PGT storage object. More...
| setPGTStorageDb ( $dsn_or_pdo, $username='', $password='', $table='', $driver_options=null) |
| This method is used to tell phpCAS to store the response of the CAS server to PGT requests in a database. More...
| setPGTStorageFile ($path='') |
| This method is used to tell phpCAS to store the response of the CAS server to PGT requests onto the filesystem. More...
| retrievePT ($target_service, &$err_code, &$err_msg) |
| This method is used to retrieve PT's from the CAS server thanks to a PGT. More...
| getProxiedService ($type) |
| Answer a proxy-authenticated service handler. More...
| initializeProxiedService (CAS_ProxiedService $proxiedService) |
| Initialize a proxied-service handler with the proxy-ticket it should use. More...
| serviceWeb ($url, &$err_code, &$output) |
| This method is used to access an HTTP[S] service. More...
| serviceMail ($url, $serviceUrl, $flags, &$err_code, &$err_msg, &$pt) |
| This method is used to access an IMAP/POP3/NNTP service. More...
| getProxies () |
| Answer an array of proxies that are sitting in front of this application. More...
| getAllowedProxyChains () |
| Answer the CAS_ProxyChain_AllowedList object for this client. More...
| validateCAS20 (&$validate_url, &$text_response, &$tree_response, $renew=false) |
| This method is used to validate a cas 2.0 ST or PT; halt on failure Used for all CAS 2.0 validations. More...
| setURL ($url) |
| This method sets the URL of the current request. More...
| getURL () |
| This method returns the URL of the current request (without any ticket CGI parameter). More...
| setBaseURL ($url) |
| This method sets the base URL of the CAS server. More...
| addRebroadcastNode ($rebroadcastNodeUrl) |
| Store the rebroadcast node for pgtIou/pgtId and logout requests. More...
| addRebroadcastHeader ($header) |
| This method is used to add header parameters when rebroadcasting pgtIou/pgtId or logoutRequest. More...
| _htmlFilterOutput ($str) |
| This method filters a string by replacing special tokens by appropriate values and prints it. More...
| _getServerHostname () |
| This method is used to retrieve the hostname of the CAS server. More...
| _getServerPort () |
| This method is used to retrieve the port of the CAS server. More...
| _getServerURI () |
| This method is used to retrieve the URI of the CAS server. More...
| _getServerBaseURL () |
| This method is used to retrieve the base URL of the CAS server. More...
| _ensureAuthenticationCalled () |
| Ensure that authentication was checked. More...
| _setChangeSessionID ($allowed) |
| Set a parameter whether to allow phpCas to change session_id. More...
| _setUser ($user) |
| This method sets the CAS user's login name. More...
| _getUser () |
| This method returns the CAS user's login name. More...
| _hasAttribute ($key) |
| Check whether a specific attribute with a name is available. More...
| _wasPreviouslyAuthenticated () |
| This method tells if the user has already been (previously) authenticated by looking into the session variables. More...
| _isLogoutRequest () |
| Check of the current request is a logout request. More...
| _setSessionAttributes ($text_response) |
| This method will parse the DOM and pull out the attributes from the SAML payload and put them into an array, then put the array into the session. More...
| _getPGT () |
| This method returns the Proxy Granting Ticket given by the CAS server. More...
| _setPGT ($pgt) |
| This method stores the Proxy Granting Ticket. More...
| _hasPGT () |
| This method tells if a Proxy Granting Ticket was stored. More...
| _setCallbackMode ($callback_mode) |
| This method sets/unsets callback mode. More...
| _isCallbackMode () |
| This method returns true when the CAs client is running i callback mode, false otherwise. More...
| _getCallbackURL () |
| This method returns the URL that should be used for the PGT callback (in fact the URL of the current request without any CGI parameter, except if phpCAS::setFixedCallbackURL() was used). More...
| _callback () |
| This method is called by CAS_Client::CAS_Client() when running in callback mode. More...
| _initPGTStorage () |
| This method is used to initialize the storage of PGT's. More...
| _storePGT ($pgt, $pgt_iou) |
| This method stores a PGT. More...
| _loadPGT ($pgt_iou) |
| This method reads a PGT from its Iou and deletes the corresponding storage entry. More...
| _validatePGT (&$validate_url, $text_response, $tree_response) |
| This method is used to validate a PGT; halt on failure. More...
| _readURL ($url, &$headers, &$body, &$err_msg) |
| This method is used to acces a remote URL. More...
| _buildSAMLPayload () |
| This method is used to build the SAML POST body sent to /samlValidate URL. More...
| _setProxies ($proxies) |
| Set the Proxy array, probably from persistant storage. More...
| _readExtraAttributesCas20 ($success_elements) |
| This method will parse the DOM and pull out the attributes from the XML payload and put them into an array, then put the array into the session. More...
| _addAttributeToArray (array &$attributeArray, $name, $value) |
| Add an attribute value to an array of attributes. More...
| _getClientUrl () |
| Try to figure out the phpCas client URL with possible Proxys / Ports etc. More...
| _isHttps () |
| This method checks to see if the request is secured via HTTPS. More...
| _removeParameterFromQueryString ($parameterName, $queryString) |
| Removes a parameter from a query string. More...
| _buildQueryUrl ($url, $query) |
| This method is used to append query parameters to an url. More...
| _renameSession ($ticket) |
| Renaming the session. More...
| _authError ( $failure, $cas_url, $no_response, $bad_response='', $cas_response='', $err_code='', $err_msg='') |
| This method is used to print the HTML output when the user was not authenticated. More...
| _getNodeType ($nodeURL) |
| Determine the node type from the URL. More...
| _rebroadcast ($type) |
| This method rebroadcasts logout/pgtIou requests. More...
The CAS_Client class is a client interface that provides CAS authentication to PHP applications.
Definition at line 51 of file Client.php.