ILIAS  release_5-2 Revision v5.2.25-18-g3f80b828510
Title Class Reference

Title class. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Title:

Public Member Functions

 isLocal ()
 Determine whether the object refers to a page within this project. More...
 isTrans ()
 Determine whether the object refers to a page within this project and is transcludable. More...
 getText ()
 Simple accessors. More...
 getPartialURL ()
 Get the URL-encoded form of the main part. More...
 getDBkey ()
 Get the main part with underscores. More...
 getNamespace ()
 Get the namespace index, i.e. More...
 getNsText ()
 Get the namespace text. More...
 getInterwiki ()
 Get the namespace text of the subject (rather than talk) page. More...
 getFragment ()
 Get the Title fragment (i.e. More...
 getFragmentForURL ()
 Get the fragment in URL form, including the "#" character if there is one. More...
 getDefaultNamespace ()
 Get the default namespace index, for when there is no namespace. More...
 getIndexTitle ()
 Get title for search index. More...
 getPrefixedDBkey ()
 Get the prefixed database key form. More...
 getPrefixedText ()
 Get the prefixed title with spaces. More...
 getFullText ()
 Get the prefixed title with spaces, plus any fragment (part beginning with '#') More...
 getBaseText ()
 Get the base name, i.e. More...
 getSubpageText ()
 Get the lowest-level subpage name, i.e. More...
 getSubpageUrlForm ()
 Get a URL-encoded form of the subpage text. More...
 getPrefixedURL ()
 Get a URL-encoded title (not an actual URL) including interwiki. More...
 getFullURL ( $query='', $variant=false)
 Get a real URL referring to this title, with interwiki link and fragment. More...
 getLocalURL ( $query='', $variant=false)
 Get a URL with no fragment or server name. More...
 escapeLocalURL ( $query='')
 Get an HTML-escaped version of the URL form, suitable for using in a link, without a server name or fragment. More...
 escapeFullURL ( $query='')
 Get an HTML-escaped version of the URL form, suitable for using in a link, including the server name and fragment. More...
 getInternalURL ( $query='', $variant=false)
 Get the URL form for an internal link. More...
 getEditURL ()
 Get the edit URL for this Title. More...
 getEscapedText ()
 Get the HTML-escaped displayable text form. More...
 isExternal ()
 Is this Title interwiki? More...
 isSemiProtected ( $action='edit')
 Is this page "semi-protected" - the only protection is autoconfirm? More...
 isProtected ( $action='')
 Does the title correspond to a protected article? More...
 userIsWatching ()
 Is $wgUser is watching this page? More...
 quickUserCan ( $action)
 Can $wgUser perform $action on this page? This skips potentially expensive cascading permission checks. More...
 userCan ( $action, $doExpensiveQueries=true)
 Can $wgUser perform $action on this page? More...
 userCanEdit ( $doExpensiveQueries=true)
 Can $wgUser edit this page? More...
 userCanCreate ( $doExpensiveQueries=true)
 Can $wgUser create this page? More...
 userCanMove ( $doExpensiveQueries=true)
 Can $wgUser move this page? More...
 userCanRead ()
 Would anybody with sufficient privileges be able to move this page? Some pages just aren't movable. More...
 isSubpage ()
 Is this a talk page of some sort? More...
 isCssJsSubpage ()
 Is this a .css or .js subpage of a user page? More...
 isValidCssJsSubpage ()
 Is this a valid .css or .js subpage of a user page? Check that the corresponding skin exists. More...
 getSkinFromCssJsSubpage ()
 Trim down a .css or .js subpage title to get the corresponding skin name. More...
 isCssSubpage ()
 Is this a .css subpage of a user page? More...
 isJsSubpage ()
 Is this a .js subpage of a user page? More...
 userCanEditCssJsSubpage ()
 Protect css/js subpages of user pages: can $wgUser edit this page? More...
 isCascadeProtected ()
 Cascading protection: Return true if cascading restrictions apply to this page, false if not. More...
 getCascadeProtectionSources ( $get_pages=true)
 Cascading protection: Get the source of any cascading restrictions on this page. More...
 areRestrictionsCascading ()
 loadRestrictions ( $oldFashionedRestrictions=NULL)
 getRestrictions ( $action)
 Accessor/initialisation for mRestrictions. More...
 isDeleted ()
 Is there a version of this page in the deletion archive? More...
 getArticleID ( $flags=0)
 Get the article ID for this Title from the link cache, adding it if necessary. More...
 getLatestRevID ()
 resetArticleID ( $newid)
 This clears some fields in this object, and clears any associated keys in the "bad links" section of the link cache. More...
 invalidateCache ()
 Updates page_touched for this page; called from LinksUpdate.php. More...
 setFragment ( $fragment)
 Set the fragment for this title This is kind of bad, since except for this rarely-used function, Title objects are immutable. More...
 getLinksTo ( $options='', $table='pagelinks', $prefix='pl')
 Get a Title object associated with the talk page of this article. More...
 getTemplateLinksTo ( $options='')
 Get an array of Title objects using this Title as a template Also stores the IDs in the link cache. More...
 getBrokenLinksFrom ( $options='')
 Get an array of Title objects referring to non-existent articles linked from this page. More...
 getSquidURLs ()
 Get a list of URLs to purge from the Squid cache when this page changes. More...
 purgeSquid ()
 moveNoAuth (&$nt)
 Move this page without authentication. More...
 isValidMoveOperation (&$nt, $auth=true)
 Check whether a given move operation would be valid. More...
 moveTo (&$nt, $auth=true, $reason='')
 Move a title to a new location. More...
 isValidMoveTarget ( $nt)
 Checks if $this can be moved to a given Title. More...
 getParentCategories ()
 Get categories to which this Title belongs and return an array of categories' names. More...
 getParentCategoryTree ( $children=array())
 Get a tree of parent categories. More...
 pageCond ()
 Get an associative array for selecting this title from the "page" table. More...
 getPreviousRevisionID ( $revision)
 Get the revision ID of the previous revision. More...
 getNextRevisionID ( $revision)
 Get the revision ID of the next revision. More...
 countRevisionsBetween ( $old, $new)
 Get the number of revisions between the given revision IDs. More...
 equals ( $title)
 Compare with another title. More...
 exists ()
 Check if page exists. More...
 isAlwaysKnown ()
 Should a link should be displayed as a known link, just based on its title? More...
 touchLinks ()
 Update page_touched timestamps and send squid purge messages for pages linking to this title. More...
 getTouched ()
 Get the last touched timestamp. More...
 trackbackURL ()
 trackbackRDF ()
 getNamespaceKey ()
 Generate strings used for xml 'id' names in monobook tabs. More...
 isSpecial ( $name)
 Returns true if this title resolves to the named special page. More...
 fixSpecialName ()
 If the Title refers to a special page alias which is not the local default, returns a new Title which points to the local default. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static newFromDBkey ( $key)
 Create a new Title from a prefixed DB key. More...
static newFromText ( $text, $defaultNamespace=NS_MAIN)
 Create a new Title from text, such as what one would find in a link. More...
static newFromURL ( $url)
 Create a new Title from URL-encoded text. More...
static newFromID ( $id)
 Create a new Title from an article ID. More...
static newFromIDs ( $ids)
 Make an array of titles from an array of IDs. More...
static & makeTitle ( $ns, $title)
 Create a new Title from a namespace index and a DB key. More...
static makeTitleSafe ( $ns, $title)
 Create a new Title from a namespace index and a DB key. More...
static newMainPage ()
 Create a new Title for the Main Page. More...
static newFromRedirect ( $text)
 Create a new Title for a redirect. More...
 nameOf ( $id)
 Get the prefixed DB key associated with an ID. More...
static legalChars ()
 Get a regex character class describing the legal characters in a link. More...
static indexTitle ( $ns, $title)
 Get a string representation of a title suitable for including in a search index. More...
static makeName ( $ns, $title)
 getInterwikiLink ( $key)
 Returns the URL associated with an interwiki prefix. More...
static getInterwikiCached ( $key)
 Fetch interwiki prefix data from local cache in constant database. More...
static escapeFragmentForURL ( $fragment)
 Escape a text fragment, say from a link, for a URL. More...
static purgeExpiredRestrictions ()
 Purge expired restrictions from the page_restrictions table. More...

Data Fields


Private Member Functions

 __construct ()
 #- More...
 loadRestrictionsFromRow ( $res, $oldFashionedRestrictions=NULL)
 Loads a string into mRestrictions array. More...
 prefix ( $name)
 Prefix some arbitrary text with the namespace or interwiki prefix of this object. More...
 secureAndSplit ()
 Secure and split - main initialisation function for this object. More...
 moveOverExistingRedirect (&$nt, $reason='')
 Move page to a title which is at present a redirect to the source page. More...
 moveToNewTitle (&$nt, $reason='')
 Move page to non-existing title. More...

Private Attributes

 All member variables should be considered private Please use the accessor functions. More...

Static Private Attributes

static $titleCache =array()
 Static cache variables. More...
static $interwikiCache =array()

Detailed Description

Title class.

  • Represents a title, which may contain an interwiki designation or namespace
  • Can fetch various kinds of data from the database, albeit inefficiently.

Definition at line 30 of file Title.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

Title::__construct ( )



Definition at line 72 of file Title.php.

References array.

72  {
73  $this->mInterwiki = $this->mUrlform =
74  $this->mTextform = $this->mDbkeyform = '';
75  $this->mArticleID = -1;
76  $this->mNamespace = NS_MAIN;
77  $this->mRestrictionsLoaded = false;
78  $this->mRestrictions = array();
79  # Dont change the following, NS_MAIN is hardcoded in several place
80  # See bug #696
81  $this->mDefaultNamespace = NS_MAIN;
82  $this->mWatched = NULL;
83  $this->mLatestID = false;
84  $this->mOldRestrictions = false;
85  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.

Member Function Documentation

◆ areRestrictionsCascading()

Title::areRestrictionsCascading ( )

Definition at line 1359 of file Title.php.

References $mCascadeRestriction, and loadRestrictions().

1359  {
1360  if (!$this->mRestrictionsLoaded) {
1361  $this->loadRestrictions();
1362  }
1365  }
Definition: Title.php:56
loadRestrictions( $oldFashionedRestrictions=NULL)
Definition: Title.php:1434
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ countRevisionsBetween()

Title::countRevisionsBetween (   $old,

Get the number of revisions between the given revision IDs.

integer$oldRevision ID.
integer$newRevision ID.
integer Number of revisions between these IDs.

Definition at line 2383 of file Title.php.

References $new, and $old.

2383  {
2384  $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
2385  return $dbr->selectField( 'revision', 'count(*)',
2386  'rev_page = ' . intval( $this->getArticleId() ) .
2387  ' AND rev_id > ' . intval( $old ) .
2388  ' AND rev_id < ' . intval( $new ) );
2389  }

◆ equals()

Title::equals (   $title)

Compare with another title.


Definition at line 2397 of file Title.php.

References $title, getInterwiki(), and getNamespace().

Referenced by isValidMoveOperation().

2397  {
2398  // Note: === is necessary for proper matching of number-like titles.
2399  return $this->getInterwiki() === $title->getInterwiki()
2400  && $this->getNamespace() == $title->getNamespace()
2401  && $this->getDbkey() === $title->getDbkey();
2402  }
Get the namespace index, i.e.
Definition: Title.php:543
Get the namespace text of the subject (rather than talk) page.
Definition: Title.php:594
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ escapeFragmentForURL()

static Title::escapeFragmentForURL (   $fragment)

Escape a text fragment, say from a link, for a URL.

Definition at line 509 of file Title.php.

References array, and Sanitizer\decodeCharReferences().

Referenced by getFragmentForURL().

509  {
510  $fragment = str_replace( ' ', '_', $fragment );
511  $fragment = urlencode( Sanitizer::decodeCharReferences( $fragment ) );
512  $replaceArray = array(
513  '%3A' => ':',
514  '%' => '.'
515  );
516  return strtr( $fragment, $replaceArray );
517  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
static decodeCharReferences( $text)
Decode any character references, numeric or named entities, in the text and return a UTF-8 string...
Definition: Sanitizer.php:978
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ escapeFullURL()

Title::escapeFullURL (   $query = '')

Get an HTML-escaped version of the URL form, suitable for using in a link, including the server name and fragment.

string the URL
string$queryan optional query string

Definition at line 857 of file Title.php.

References $query, and getFullURL().

857  {
858  return htmlspecialchars( $this->getFullURL( $query ) );
859  }
getFullURL( $query='', $variant=false)
Get a real URL referring to this title, with interwiki link and fragment.
Definition: Title.php:733
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ escapeLocalURL()

Title::escapeLocalURL (   $query = '')

Get an HTML-escaped version of the URL form, suitable for using in a link, without a server name or fragment.

string$queryan optional query string
string the URL

Definition at line 846 of file Title.php.

References $query, and getLocalURL().

846  {
847  return htmlspecialchars( $this->getLocalURL( $query ) );
848  }
getLocalURL( $query='', $variant=false)
Get a URL with no fragment or server name.
Definition: Title.php:772
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ exists()

Title::exists ( )

Check if page exists.


Definition at line 2408 of file Title.php.

Referenced by getRestrictions(), isSemiProtected(), and isValidMoveOperation().

2408  {
2409  return $this->getArticleId() != 0;
2410  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fixSpecialName()

Title::fixSpecialName ( )

If the Title refers to a special page alias which is not the local default, returns a new Title which points to the local default.

Otherwise, returns $this.

Definition at line 2534 of file Title.php.

References getNamespace(), and makeTitle().

2534  {
2535  if ( $this->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL ) {
2536  $canonicalName = SpecialPage::resolveAlias( $this->mDbkeyform );
2537  if ( $canonicalName ) {
2538  $localName = SpecialPage::getLocalNameFor( $canonicalName );
2539  if ( $localName != $this->mDbkeyform ) {
2540  return Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, $localName );
2541  }
2542  }
2543  }
2544  return $this;
2545  }
Get the namespace index, i.e.
Definition: Title.php:543
static & makeTitle( $ns, $title)
Create a new Title from a namespace index and a DB key.
Definition: Title.php:231
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getArticleID()

Title::getArticleID (   $flags = 0)

Get the article ID for this Title from the link cache, adding it if necessary.

int$flagsa bit field; may be GAID_FOR_UPDATE to select for update
int the ID

Definition at line 1501 of file Title.php.

References $mArticleID, and GAID_FOR_UPDATE.

Referenced by getLatestRevID(), isValidMoveOperation(), moveTo(), and moveToNewTitle().

1501  {
1502  $linkCache =& LinkCache::singleton();
1503  if ( $flags & GAID_FOR_UPDATE ) {
1504  $oldUpdate = $linkCache->forUpdate( true );
1505  $this->mArticleID = $linkCache->addLinkObj( $this );
1506  $linkCache->forUpdate( $oldUpdate );
1507  } else {
1508  if ( -1 == $this->mArticleID ) {
1509  $this->mArticleID = $linkCache->addLinkObj( $this );
1510  }
1511  }
1512  return $this->mArticleID;
1513  }
const GAID_FOR_UPDATE(!class_exists( 'UtfNormal'))
See title.txt.
Definition: Title.php:12
Definition: Title.php:53
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getBaseText()

Title::getBaseText ( )

Get the base name, i.e.

the leftmost parts before the /

string Base name

Definition at line 669 of file Title.php.

References getText().

669  {
670  global $wgNamespacesWithSubpages;
671  if( isset( $wgNamespacesWithSubpages[ $this->mNamespace ] ) && $wgNamespacesWithSubpages[ $this->mNamespace ] ) {
672  $parts = explode( '/', $this->getText() );
673  # Don't discard the real title if there's no subpage involved
674  if( count( $parts ) > 1 )
675  unset( $parts[ count( $parts ) - 1 ] );
676  return implode( '/', $parts );
677  } else {
678  return $this->getText();
679  }
680  }
Simple accessors.
Definition: Title.php:528
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getBrokenLinksFrom()

Title::getBrokenLinksFrom (   $options = '')

Get an array of Title objects referring to non-existent articles linked from this page.

string$optionsmay be FOR UPDATE
array the Title objects

Definition at line 1879 of file Title.php.

References $options, $res, $row, array, and makeTitle().

1879  {
1880  if ( $options ) {
1881  $db = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
1882  } else {
1883  $db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
1884  }
1886  $res = $db->safeQuery(
1887  "SELECT pl_namespace, pl_title
1888  FROM !
1889  LEFT JOIN !
1890  ON pl_namespace=page_namespace
1891  AND pl_title=page_title
1892  WHERE pl_from=?
1893  AND page_namespace IS NULL
1894  !",
1895  $db->tableName( 'pagelinks' ),
1896  $db->tableName( 'page' ),
1897  $this->getArticleId(),
1898  $options );
1900  $retVal = array();
1901  if ( $db->numRows( $res ) ) {
1902  while ( $row = $db->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
1903  $retVal[] = Title::makeTitle( $row->pl_namespace, $row->pl_title );
1904  }
1905  }
1906  $db->freeResult( $res );
1907  return $retVal;
1908  }
if(!is_array($argv)) $options
static & makeTitle( $ns, $title)
Create a new Title from a namespace index and a DB key.
Definition: Title.php:231
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getCascadeProtectionSources()

Title::getCascadeProtectionSources (   $get_pages = true)

Cascading protection: Get the source of any cascading restrictions on this page.

$get_pagesbool Whether or not to retrieve the actual pages that the restrictions have come from.
array( mixed title array, restriction array) Array of the Title objects of the pages from which cascading restrictions have come, false for none, or true if such restrictions exist, but $get_pages was not set. The restriction array is an array of each type, each of which contains an array of unique groups

Definition at line 1272 of file Title.php.

References $res, $row, array, getDBkey(), getNamespace(), makeTitle(), and purgeExpiredRestrictions().

Referenced by isCascadeProtected(), and userCan().

1272  {
1273  global $wgEnableCascadingProtection, $wgRestrictionTypes;
1275  # Define our dimension of restrictions types
1276  $pagerestrictions = array();
1277  foreach( $wgRestrictionTypes as $action )
1278  $pagerestrictions[$action] = array();
1280  if (!$wgEnableCascadingProtection)
1281  return array( false, $pagerestrictions );
1283  if ( isset( $this->mCascadeSources ) && $get_pages ) {
1284  return array( $this->mCascadeSources, $this->mCascadingRestrictions );
1285  } else if ( isset( $this->mHasCascadingRestrictions ) && !$get_pages ) {
1286  return array( $this->mHasCascadingRestrictions, $pagerestrictions );
1287  }
1289  wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
1291  $dbr = wfGetDb( DB_SLAVE );
1293  if ( $this->getNamespace() == NS_IMAGE ) {
1294  $tables = array ('imagelinks', 'page_restrictions');
1295  $where_clauses = array(
1296  'il_to' => $this->getDBkey(),
1297  'il_from=pr_page',
1298  'pr_cascade' => 1 );
1299  } else {
1300  $tables = array ('templatelinks', 'page_restrictions');
1301  $where_clauses = array(
1302  'tl_namespace' => $this->getNamespace(),
1303  'tl_title' => $this->getDBkey(),
1304  'tl_from=pr_page',
1305  'pr_cascade' => 1 );
1306  }
1308  if ( $get_pages ) {
1309  $cols = array('pr_page', 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'pr_expiry', 'pr_type', 'pr_level' );
1310  $where_clauses[] = 'page_id=pr_page';
1311  $tables[] = 'page';
1312  } else {
1313  $cols = array( 'pr_expiry' );
1314  }
1316  $res = $dbr->select( $tables, $cols, $where_clauses, __METHOD__ );
1318  $sources = $get_pages ? array() : false;
1319  $now = wfTimestampNow();
1320  $purgeExpired = false;
1322  while( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
1323  $expiry = Block::decodeExpiry( $row->pr_expiry );
1324  if( $expiry > $now ) {
1325  if ($get_pages) {
1326  $page_id = $row->pr_page;
1327  $page_ns = $row->page_namespace;
1328  $page_title = $row->page_title;
1329  $sources[$page_id] = Title::makeTitle($page_ns, $page_title);
1330  # Add groups needed for each restriction type if its not already there
1331  # Make sure this restriction type still exists
1332  if ( isset($pagerestrictions[$row->pr_type]) && !in_array($row->pr_level, $pagerestrictions[$row->pr_type]) ) {
1333  $pagerestrictions[$row->pr_type][]=$row->pr_level;
1334  }
1335  } else {
1336  $sources = true;
1337  }
1338  } else {
1339  // Trigger lazy purge of expired restrictions from the db
1340  $purgeExpired = true;
1341  }
1342  }
1343  if( $purgeExpired ) {
1345  }
1347  wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
1349  if ( $get_pages ) {
1350  $this->mCascadeSources = $sources;
1351  $this->mCascadingRestrictions = $pagerestrictions;
1352  } else {
1353  $this->mHasCascadingRestrictions = $sources;
1354  }
1356  return array( $sources, $pagerestrictions );
1357  }
static purgeExpiredRestrictions()
Purge expired restrictions from the page_restrictions table.
Definition: Title.php:1448
Get the main part with underscores.
Definition: Title.php:538
Get the namespace index, i.e.
Definition: Title.php:543
static & makeTitle( $ns, $title)
Create a new Title from a namespace index and a DB key.
Definition: Title.php:231
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDBkey()

Title::getDBkey ( )

Get the main part with underscores.


Definition at line 538 of file Title.php.

References $mDbkeyform.

Referenced by getCascadeProtectionSources(), getTouched(), invalidateCache(), isDeleted(), isSpecial(), and isValidMoveOperation().

538 { return $this->mDbkeyform; }
Definition: Title.php:49
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDefaultNamespace()

Title::getDefaultNamespace ( )

Get the default namespace index, for when there is no namespace.


Definition at line 615 of file Title.php.

References $mDefaultNamespace.

615 { return $this->mDefaultNamespace; }
Definition: Title.php:62

◆ getEditURL()

Title::getEditURL ( )

Get the edit URL for this Title.

string the URL, or a null string if this is an interwiki link

Definition at line 882 of file Title.php.

References getLocalURL().

882  {
883  if ( '' != $this->mInterwiki ) { return ''; }
884  $s = $this->getLocalURL( 'action=edit' );
886  return $s;
887  }
getLocalURL( $query='', $variant=false)
Get a URL with no fragment or server name.
Definition: Title.php:772
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getEscapedText()

Title::getEscapedText ( )

Get the HTML-escaped displayable text form.

Used for the title field in tags.

string the text, including any prefixes

Definition at line 894 of file Title.php.

References getPrefixedText().

894  {
895  return htmlspecialchars( $this->getPrefixedText() );
896  }
Get the prefixed title with spaces.
Definition: Title.php:642
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getFragment()

Title::getFragment ( )

Get the Title fragment (i.e.

the bit after the #) in text form


Definition at line 599 of file Title.php.

References $mFragment.

599 { return $this->mFragment; }
Definition: Title.php:52

◆ getFragmentForURL()

Title::getFragmentForURL ( )

Get the fragment in URL form, including the "#" character if there is one.


Definition at line 604 of file Title.php.

References escapeFragmentForURL().

Referenced by getFullURL().

604  {
605  if ( $this->mFragment == '' ) {
606  return '';
607  } else {
608  return '#' . Title::escapeFragmentForURL( $this->mFragment );
609  }
610  }
static escapeFragmentForURL( $fragment)
Escape a text fragment, say from a link, for a URL.
Definition: Title.php:509
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFullText()

Title::getFullText ( )

Get the prefixed title with spaces, plus any fragment (part beginning with '#')

string the prefixed title, with spaces and the fragment, including '#'

Definition at line 657 of file Title.php.

References $mFragment, $text, and getPrefixedText().

Referenced by getParentCategories().

657  {
658  $text = $this->getPrefixedText();
659  if( '' != $this->mFragment ) {
660  $text .= '#' . $this->mFragment;
661  }
662  return $text;
663  }
Get the prefixed title with spaces.
Definition: Title.php:642
Definition: Title.php:52
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFullURL()

Title::getFullURL (   $query = '',
  $variant = false 

Get a real URL referring to this title, with interwiki link and fragment.

string$queryan optional query string, not used for interwiki links
string$variantlanguage variant of url (for sr, zh..)
string the URL

Definition at line 733 of file Title.php.

References $namespace, $query, $url, array, getFragmentForURL(), getInterwikiLink(), and getNsText().

Referenced by escapeFullURL(), getLocalURL(), and trackbackRDF().

733  {
734  global $wgContLang, $wgServer, $wgRequest;
736  if ( '' == $this->mInterwiki ) {
737  $url = $this->getLocalUrl( $query, $variant );
739  // Ugly quick hack to avoid duplicate prefixes (bug 4571 etc)
740  // Correct fix would be to move the prepending elsewhere.
741  if ($wgRequest->getVal('action') != 'render') {
742  $url = $wgServer . $url;
743  }
744  } else {
745  $baseUrl = $this->getInterwikiLink( $this->mInterwiki );
747  $namespace = wfUrlencode( $this->getNsText() );
748  if ( '' != $namespace ) {
749  # Can this actually happen? Interwikis shouldn't be parsed.
750  # Yes! It can in interwiki transclusion. But... it probably shouldn't.
751  $namespace .= ':';
752  }
753  $url = str_replace( '$1', $namespace . $this->mUrlform, $baseUrl );
754  $url = wfAppendQuery( $url, $query );
755  }
757  # Finally, add the fragment.
758  $url .= $this->getFragmentForURL();
760  wfRunHooks( 'GetFullURL', array( &$this, &$url, $query ) );
761  return $url;
762  }
if($err=$client->getError()) $namespace
getInterwikiLink( $key)
Returns the URL associated with an interwiki prefix.
Definition: Title.php:383
Definition: shib_logout.php:72
Get the namespace text.
Definition: Title.php:548
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Get the fragment in URL form, including the "#" character if there is one.
Definition: Title.php:604
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getIndexTitle()

Title::getIndexTitle ( )

Get title for search index.

string a stripped-down title string ready for the search index

Definition at line 622 of file Title.php.

References indexTitle().

622  {
623  return Title::indexTitle( $this->mNamespace, $this->mTextform );
624  }
static indexTitle( $ns, $title)
Get a string representation of a title suitable for including in a search index.
Definition: Title.php:343
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getInternalURL()

Title::getInternalURL (   $query = '',
  $variant = false 

Get the URL form for an internal link.

  • Used in various Squid-related code, in case we have a different internal hostname for the server from the exposed one.
string$queryan optional query string
string$variantlanguage variant of url (for sr, zh..)
string the URL

Definition at line 870 of file Title.php.

References $query, $url, array, and getLocalURL().

Referenced by getSquidURLs().

870  {
871  global $wgInternalServer;
872  $url = $wgInternalServer . $this->getLocalURL( $query, $variant );
873  wfRunHooks( 'GetInternalURL', array( &$this, &$url, $query ) );
874  return $url;
875  }
Definition: shib_logout.php:72
getLocalURL( $query='', $variant=false)
Get a URL with no fragment or server name.
Definition: Title.php:772
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getInterwiki()

Title::getInterwiki ( )

Get the namespace text of the subject (rather than talk) page.

string Get the namespace text of the talk page
string Could this title have a corresponding talk page?
bool Get the interwiki prefix (or null string)

Definition at line 594 of file Title.php.

References $mInterwiki.

Referenced by equals().

594 { return $this->mInterwiki; }
Definition: Title.php:51
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getInterwikiCached()

static Title::getInterwikiCached (   $key)

Fetch interwiki prefix data from local cache in constant database.

More logic is explained in DefaultSettings

string URL of interwiki site

Definition at line 438 of file Title.php.

References $interwikiCache, $url, and object.

Referenced by getInterwikiLink().

438  {
439  global $wgInterwikiCache, $wgInterwikiScopes, $wgInterwikiFallbackSite;
440  static $db, $site;
442  if (!$db)
443  $db=dba_open($wgInterwikiCache,'r','cdb');
444  /* Resolve site name */
445  if ($wgInterwikiScopes>=3 and !$site) {
446  $site = dba_fetch('__sites:' . wfWikiID(), $db);
447  if ($site=="")
448  $site = $wgInterwikiFallbackSite;
449  }
450  $value = dba_fetch( wfMemcKey( $key ), $db);
451  if ($value=='' and $wgInterwikiScopes>=3) {
452  /* try site-level */
453  $value = dba_fetch("_{$site}:{$key}", $db);
454  }
455  if ($value=='' and $wgInterwikiScopes>=2) {
456  /* try globals */
457  $value = dba_fetch("__global:{$key}", $db);
458  }
459  if ($value=='undef')
460  $value='';
461  $s = (object)false;
462  $s->iw_url = '';
463  $s->iw_local = 0;
464  $s->iw_trans = 0;
465  if ($value!='') {
466  list($local,$url)=explode(' ',$value,2);
467  $s->iw_url=$url;
468  $s->iw_local=(int)$local;
469  }
470  Title::$interwikiCache[wfMemcKey( 'interwiki', $key )] = $s;
471  return $s->iw_url;
472  }
static $interwikiCache
Definition: Title.php:35
Definition: shib_logout.php:72
Create new PHPExcel object
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getInterwikiLink()

Title::getInterwikiLink (   $key)

Returns the URL associated with an interwiki prefix.

string$keythe interwiki prefix (e.g. "MeatBall")
the associated URL, containing "$1", which should be replaced by an article title (arguably)

Definition at line 383 of file Title.php.

References $interwikiCache, $res, array, getInterwikiCached(), and object.

Referenced by getFullURL(), isLocal(), isTrans(), and secureAndSplit().

383  {
384  global $wgMemc, $wgInterwikiExpiry;
385  global $wgInterwikiCache, $wgContLang;
387 return ""; // changed. alex
389  $fname = 'Title::getInterwikiLink';
391  $key = $wgContLang->lc( $key );
393  $k = wfMemcKey( 'interwiki', $key );
394  if( array_key_exists( $k, Title::$interwikiCache ) ) {
395  return Title::$interwikiCache[$k]->iw_url;
396  }
398  if ($wgInterwikiCache) {
399  return Title::getInterwikiCached( $key );
400  }
402  $s = $wgMemc->get( $k );
403  # Ignore old keys with no iw_local
404  if( $s && isset( $s->iw_local ) && isset($s->iw_trans)) {
405  Title::$interwikiCache[$k] = $s;
406  return $s->iw_url;
407  }
409  $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
410  $res = $dbr->select( 'interwiki',
411  array( 'iw_url', 'iw_local', 'iw_trans' ),
412  array( 'iw_prefix' => $key ), $fname );
413  if( !$res ) {
414  return '';
415  }
417  $s = $dbr->fetchObject( $res );
418  if( !$s ) {
419  # Cache non-existence: create a blank object and save it to memcached
420  $s = (object)false;
421  $s->iw_url = '';
422  $s->iw_local = 0;
423  $s->iw_trans = 0;
424  }
425  $wgMemc->set( $k, $s, $wgInterwikiExpiry );
426  Title::$interwikiCache[$k] = $s;
428  return $s->iw_url;
429  }
static getInterwikiCached( $key)
Fetch interwiki prefix data from local cache in constant database.
Definition: Title.php:438
static $interwikiCache
Definition: Title.php:35
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Create new PHPExcel object
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLatestRevID()

Title::getLatestRevID ( )

Definition at line 1515 of file Title.php.

References $mLatestID, array, and getArticleID().

1515  {
1516  if ($this->mLatestID !== false)
1517  return $this->mLatestID;
1519  $db = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
1520  return $this->mLatestID = $db->selectField( 'revision',
1521  "max(rev_id)",
1522  array('rev_page' => $this->getArticleID()),
1523  'Title::getLatestRevID' );
1524  }
getArticleID( $flags=0)
Get the article ID for this Title from the link cache, adding it if necessary.
Definition: Title.php:1501
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Definition: Title.php:54
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLinksTo()

Title::getLinksTo (   $options = '',
  $table = 'pagelinks',
  $prefix = 'pl' 

Get a Title object associated with the talk page of this article.

Title the object for the talk page Get a title object associated with the subject page of this talk page
Title the object for the subject page Get an array of Title objects linking to this Title Also stores the IDs in the link cache.

WARNING: do not use this function on arbitrary user-supplied titles! On heavily-used templates it will max out the memory.

string$optionsmay be FOR UPDATE
array the Title objects linking here

Definition at line 1828 of file Title.php.

References $options, $res, $row, array, getNamespace(), and makeTitle().

Referenced by getTemplateLinksTo().

1828  {
1829  $linkCache =& LinkCache::singleton();
1831  if ( $options ) {
1832  $db = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
1833  } else {
1834  $db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
1835  }
1837  $res = $db->select( array( 'page', $table ),
1838  array( 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_id' ),
1839  array(
1840  "{$prefix}_from=page_id",
1841  "{$prefix}_namespace" => $this->getNamespace(),
1842  "{$prefix}_title" => $this->getDbKey() ),
1843  'Title::getLinksTo',
1844  $options );
1846  $retVal = array();
1847  if ( $db->numRows( $res ) ) {
1848  while ( $row = $db->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
1849  if ( $titleObj = Title::makeTitle( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title ) ) {
1850  $linkCache->addGoodLinkObj( $row->page_id, $titleObj );
1851  $retVal[] = $titleObj;
1852  }
1853  }
1854  }
1855  $db->freeResult( $res );
1856  return $retVal;
1857  }
if(!is_array($argv)) $options
Get the namespace index, i.e.
Definition: Title.php:543
static & makeTitle( $ns, $title)
Create a new Title from a namespace index and a DB key.
Definition: Title.php:231
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLocalURL()

Title::getLocalURL (   $query = '',
  $variant = false 

Get a URL with no fragment or server name.

If this page is generated with action=render, $wgServer is prepended.

string$queryan optional query string; if not specified, $wgArticlePath will be used.
string$variantlanguage variant of url (for sr, zh..)
string the URL

Definition at line 772 of file Title.php.

References $query, $url, array, getFullURL(), getPrefixedDBkey(), and isExternal().

Referenced by escapeLocalURL(), getEditURL(), and getInternalURL().

772  {
773  global $wgArticlePath, $wgScript, $wgServer, $wgRequest;
774  global $wgVariantArticlePath, $wgContLang, $wgUser;
776  // internal links should point to same variant as current page (only anonymous users)
777  if($variant == false && $wgContLang->hasVariants() && !$wgUser->isLoggedIn()){
778  $pref = $wgContLang->getPreferredVariant(false);
779  if($pref != $wgContLang->getCode())
780  $variant = $pref;
781  }
783  if ( $this->isExternal() ) {
784  $url = $this->getFullURL();
785  if ( $query ) {
786  // This is currently only used for edit section links in the
787  // context of interwiki transclusion. In theory we should
788  // append the query to the end of any existing query string,
789  // but interwiki transclusion is already broken in that case.
790  $url .= "?$query";
791  }
792  } else {
793  $dbkey = wfUrlencode( $this->getPrefixedDBkey() );
794  if ( $query == '' ) {
795  if($variant!=false && $wgContLang->hasVariants()){
796  if($wgVariantArticlePath==false) {
797  $variantArticlePath = "$wgScript?title=$1&variant=$2"; // default
798  } else {
799  $variantArticlePath = $wgVariantArticlePath;
800  }
801  $url = str_replace( '$2', urlencode( $variant ), $variantArticlePath );
802  $url = str_replace( '$1', $dbkey, $url );
803  }
804  else {
805  $url = str_replace( '$1', $dbkey, $wgArticlePath );
806  }
807  } else {
808  global $wgActionPaths;
809  $url = false;
810  $matches = array();
811  if( !empty( $wgActionPaths ) &&
812  preg_match( '/^(.*&|)action=([^&]*)(&(.*)|)$/', $query, $matches ) )
813  {
814  $action = urldecode( $matches[2] );
815  if( isset( $wgActionPaths[$action] ) ) {
816  $query = $matches[1];
817  if( isset( $matches[4] ) ) $query .= $matches[4];
818  $url = str_replace( '$1', $dbkey, $wgActionPaths[$action] );
819  if( $query != '' ) $url .= '?' . $query;
820  }
821  }
822  if ( $url === false ) {
823  if ( $query == '-' ) {
824  $query = '';
825  }
826  $url = "{$wgScript}?title={$dbkey}&{$query}";
827  }
828  }
830  // FIXME: this causes breakage in various places when we
831  // actually expected a local URL and end up with dupe prefixes.
832  if ($wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'render') {
833  $url = $wgServer . $url;
834  }
835  }
836  wfRunHooks( 'GetLocalURL', array( &$this, &$url, $query ) );
837  return $url;
838  }
getFullURL( $query='', $variant=false)
Get a real URL referring to this title, with interwiki link and fragment.
Definition: Title.php:733
Definition: shib_logout.php:72
Is this Title interwiki?
Definition: Title.php:902
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Get the prefixed database key form.
Definition: Title.php:631
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNamespace()

Title::getNamespace ( )

Get the namespace index, i.e.

one of the NS_xxxx constants


Definition at line 543 of file Title.php.

References $mNamespace.

Referenced by equals(), fixSpecialName(), getCascadeProtectionSources(), getLinksTo(), getNamespaceKey(), getTouched(), invalidateCache(), isDeleted(), isProtected(), isSpecial(), touchLinks(), and userCanRead().

543 { return $this->mNamespace; }
Definition: Title.php:50
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNamespaceKey()

Title::getNamespaceKey ( )

Generate strings used for xml 'id' names in monobook tabs.


Definition at line 2480 of file Title.php.

References getNamespace().

2480  {
2481  global $wgContLang;
2482  switch ($this->getNamespace()) {
2483  case NS_MAIN:
2484  case NS_TALK:
2485  return 'nstab-main';
2486  case NS_USER:
2487  case NS_USER_TALK:
2488  return 'nstab-user';
2489  case NS_MEDIA:
2490  return 'nstab-media';
2491  case NS_SPECIAL:
2492  return 'nstab-special';
2493  case NS_PROJECT:
2494  case NS_PROJECT_TALK:
2495  return 'nstab-project';
2496  case NS_IMAGE:
2497  case NS_IMAGE_TALK:
2498  return 'nstab-image';
2499  case NS_MEDIAWIKI:
2501  return 'nstab-mediawiki';
2502  case NS_TEMPLATE:
2503  case NS_TEMPLATE_TALK:
2504  return 'nstab-template';
2505  case NS_HELP:
2506  case NS_HELP_TALK:
2507  return 'nstab-help';
2508  case NS_CATEGORY:
2509  case NS_CATEGORY_TALK:
2510  return 'nstab-category';
2511  default:
2512  return 'nstab-' . $wgContLang->lc( $this->getSubjectNsText() );
2513  }
2514  }
Get the namespace index, i.e.
Definition: Title.php:543
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getNextRevisionID()

Title::getNextRevisionID (   $revision)

Get the revision ID of the next revision.

integer$revisionRevision ID. Get the revision that was after this one.
integer $oldrevision|false

Definition at line 2369 of file Title.php.

2369  {
2370  $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
2371  return $dbr->selectField( 'revision', 'rev_id',
2372  'rev_page=' . intval( $this->getArticleId() ) .
2373  ' AND rev_id>' . intval( $revision ) . ' ORDER BY rev_id' );
2374  }

◆ getNsText()

Title::getNsText ( )

Get the namespace text.


Definition at line 548 of file Title.php.

References $mNamespace.

Referenced by getFullURL(), and prefix().

548  {
549  global $wgContLang, $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames;
551  if ( '' != $this->mInterwiki ) {
552  // This probably shouldn't even happen. ohh man, oh yuck.
553  // But for interwiki transclusion it sometimes does.
554  // Shit. Shit shit shit.
555  //
556  // Use the canonical namespaces if possible to try to
557  // resolve a foreign namespace.
558  if( isset( $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames[$this->mNamespace] ) ) {
559  return $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames[$this->mNamespace];
560  }
561  }
562  return $wgContLang->getNsText( $this->mNamespace );
563  }
Definition: Title.php:50
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getParentCategories()

Title::getParentCategories ( )

Get categories to which this Title belongs and return an array of categories' names.

array an array of parents in the form: $parent => $currentarticle

Definition at line 2287 of file Title.php.

References $data, $res, $x, and getFullText().

Referenced by getParentCategoryTree().

2287  {
2288  global $wgContLang;
2290  $titlekey = $this->getArticleId();
2291  $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
2292  $categorylinks = $dbr->tableName( 'categorylinks' );
2294  # NEW SQL
2295  $sql = "SELECT * FROM $categorylinks"
2296  ." WHERE cl_from='$titlekey'"
2297  ." AND cl_from <> '0'"
2298  ." ORDER BY cl_sortkey";
2300  $res = $dbr->query ( $sql ) ;
2302  if($dbr->numRows($res) > 0) {
2303  while ( $x = $dbr->fetchObject ( $res ) )
2304  //$data[] = Title::newFromText($wgContLang->getNSText ( NS_CATEGORY ).':'.$x->cl_to);
2305  $data[$wgContLang->getNSText ( NS_CATEGORY ).':'.$x->cl_to] = $this->getFullText();
2306  $dbr->freeResult ( $res ) ;
2307  } else {
2308  $data = '';
2309  }
2310  return $data;
2311  }
Definition: example_009.php:98
Get the prefixed title with spaces, plus any fragment (part beginning with &#39;#&#39;)
Definition: Title.php:657
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getParentCategoryTree()

Title::getParentCategoryTree (   $children = array())

Get a tree of parent categories.

array$childrenan array with the children in the keys, to check for circular refs

Definition at line 2318 of file Title.php.

References array, getParentCategories(), and newFromText().

2318  {
2319  $parents = $this->getParentCategories();
2321  if($parents != '') {
2322  foreach($parents as $parent => $current) {
2323  if ( array_key_exists( $parent, $children ) ) {
2324  # Circular reference
2325  $stack[$parent] = array();
2326  } else {
2327  $nt = Title::newFromText($parent);
2328  if ( $nt ) {
2329  $stack[$parent] = $nt->getParentCategoryTree( $children + array($parent => 1) );
2330  }
2331  }
2332  }
2333  return $stack;
2334  } else {
2335  return array();
2336  }
2337  }
Get categories to which this Title belongs and return an array of categories&#39; names.
Definition: Title.php:2287
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
static newFromText( $text, $defaultNamespace=NS_MAIN)
Create a new Title from text, such as what one would find in a link.
Definition: Title.php:114
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getPartialURL()

Title::getPartialURL ( )

Get the URL-encoded form of the main part.


Definition at line 533 of file Title.php.

References $mUrlform.

533 { return $this->mUrlform; }
Definition: Title.php:48

◆ getPrefixedDBkey()

Title::getPrefixedDBkey ( )

Get the prefixed database key form.

string the prefixed title, with underscores and any interwiki and namespace prefixes

Definition at line 631 of file Title.php.

References prefix().

Referenced by getLocalURL(), isValidMoveTarget(), moveToNewTitle(), and resetArticleID().

631  {
632  $s = $this->prefix( $this->mDbkeyform );
633  $s = str_replace( ' ', '_', $s );
634  return $s;
635  }
prefix( $name)
Prefix some arbitrary text with the namespace or interwiki prefix of this object. ...
Definition: Title.php:1583
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPrefixedText()

Title::getPrefixedText ( )

Get the prefixed title with spaces.

This is the form usually used for display

string the prefixed title, with spaces

Definition at line 642 of file Title.php.

References $mPrefixedText, and prefix().

Referenced by getEscapedText(), getFullText(), moveToNewTitle(), and userCanRead().

642  {
643  if ( empty( $this->mPrefixedText ) ) { // FIXME: bad usage of empty() ?
644  $s = $this->prefix( $this->mTextform );
645  $s = str_replace( '_', ' ', $s );
646  $this->mPrefixedText = $s;
647  }
648  return $this->mPrefixedText;
649  }
prefix( $name)
Prefix some arbitrary text with the namespace or interwiki prefix of this object. ...
Definition: Title.php:1583
Definition: Title.php:61
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPrefixedURL()

Title::getPrefixedURL ( )

Get a URL-encoded title (not an actual URL) including interwiki.

string the URL-encoded form

Definition at line 711 of file Title.php.

References prefix().

711  {
712  $s = $this->prefix( $this->mDbkeyform );
713  $s = str_replace( ' ', '_', $s );
715  $s = wfUrlencode ( $s ) ;
717  # Cleaning up URL to make it look nice -- is this safe?
718  $s = str_replace( '%28', '(', $s );
719  $s = str_replace( '%29', ')', $s );
721  return $s;
722  }
prefix( $name)
Prefix some arbitrary text with the namespace or interwiki prefix of this object. ...
Definition: Title.php:1583
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getPreviousRevisionID()

Title::getPreviousRevisionID (   $revision)

Get the revision ID of the previous revision.

integer$revisionRevision ID. Get the revision that was before this one.
integer $oldrevision|false

Definition at line 2356 of file Title.php.

2356  {
2357  $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
2358  return $dbr->selectField( 'revision', 'rev_id',
2359  'rev_page=' . intval( $this->getArticleId() ) .
2360  ' AND rev_id<' . intval( $revision ) . ' ORDER BY rev_id DESC' );
2361  }

◆ getRestrictions()

Title::getRestrictions (   $action)

Accessor/initialisation for mRestrictions.

string$actionaction that permission needs to be checked for
array the array of groups allowed to edit this article

Definition at line 1461 of file Title.php.

References array, exists(), and loadRestrictions().

Referenced by isProtected(), isSemiProtected(), and userCan().

1461  {
1462  if( $this->exists() ) {
1463  if( !$this->mRestrictionsLoaded ) {
1464  $this->loadRestrictions();
1465  }
1466  return isset( $this->mRestrictions[$action] )
1467  ? $this->mRestrictions[$action]
1468  : array();
1469  } else {
1470  return array();
1471  }
1472  }
Check if page exists.
Definition: Title.php:2408
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
loadRestrictions( $oldFashionedRestrictions=NULL)
Definition: Title.php:1434
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSkinFromCssJsSubpage()

Title::getSkinFromCssJsSubpage ( )

Trim down a .css or .js subpage title to get the corresponding skin name.

Definition at line 1223 of file Title.php.

References array.

Referenced by isValidCssJsSubpage().

1223  {
1224  $subpage = explode( '/', $this->mTextform );
1225  $subpage = $subpage[ count( $subpage ) - 1 ];
1226  return( str_replace( array( '.css', '.js' ), array( '', '' ), $subpage ) );
1227  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSquidURLs()

Title::getSquidURLs ( )

Get a list of URLs to purge from the Squid cache when this page changes.

array the URLs

Definition at line 1917 of file Title.php.

References array, and getInternalURL().

Referenced by purgeSquid().

1917  {
1918  global $wgContLang;
1920  $urls = array(
1921  $this->getInternalURL(),
1922  $this->getInternalURL( 'action=history' )
1923  );
1925  // purge variant urls as well
1926  if($wgContLang->hasVariants()){
1927  $variants = $wgContLang->getVariants();
1928  foreach($variants as $vCode){
1929  if($vCode==$wgContLang->getCode()) continue; // we don't want default variant
1930  $urls[] = $this->getInternalURL('',$vCode);
1931  }
1932  }
1934  return $urls;
1935  }
getInternalURL( $query='', $variant=false)
Get the URL form for an internal link.
Definition: Title.php:870
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSubpageText()

Title::getSubpageText ( )

Get the lowest-level subpage name, i.e.

the rightmost part after /

string Subpage name

Definition at line 686 of file Title.php.

Referenced by getSubpageUrlForm().

686  {
687  global $wgNamespacesWithSubpages;
688  if( isset( $wgNamespacesWithSubpages[ $this->mNamespace ] ) && $wgNamespacesWithSubpages[ $this->mNamespace ] ) {
689  $parts = explode( '/', $this->mTextform );
690  return( $parts[ count( $parts ) - 1 ] );
691  } else {
692  return( $this->mTextform );
693  }
694  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSubpageUrlForm()

Title::getSubpageUrlForm ( )

Get a URL-encoded form of the subpage text.

string URL-encoded subpage name

Definition at line 700 of file Title.php.

References $text, getSubpageText(), and up().

700  {
701  $text = $this->getSubpageText();
702  $text = wfUrlencode( str_replace( ' ', '_', $text ) );
703  $text = str_replace( '%28', '(', str_replace( '%29', ')', $text ) ); # Clean up the URL; per below, this might not be safe
704  return( $text );
705  }
Get the lowest-level subpage name, i.e.
Definition: Title.php:686
Definition: up.php:2
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getTemplateLinksTo()

Title::getTemplateLinksTo (   $options = '')

Get an array of Title objects using this Title as a template Also stores the IDs in the link cache.

WARNING: do not use this function on arbitrary user-supplied titles! On heavily-used templates it will max out the memory.

string$optionsmay be FOR UPDATE
array the Title objects linking here

Definition at line 1869 of file Title.php.

References $options, and getLinksTo().

1869  {
1870  return $this->getLinksTo( $options, 'templatelinks', 'tl' );
1871  }
getLinksTo( $options='', $table='pagelinks', $prefix='pl')
Get a Title object associated with the talk page of this article.
Definition: Title.php:1828
if(!is_array($argv)) $options
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getText()

Title::getText ( )

Simple accessors.

Get the text form (spaces not underscores) of the main part


Definition at line 528 of file Title.php.

References $mTextform.

Referenced by getBaseText(), isSubpage(), and trackbackRDF().

528 { return $this->mTextform; }
All member variables should be considered private Please use the accessor functions.
Definition: Title.php:47
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTouched()

Title::getTouched ( )

Get the last touched timestamp.

Definition at line 2441 of file Title.php.

References array, getDBkey(), and getNamespace().

2441  {
2442  $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
2443  $touched = $dbr->selectField( 'page', 'page_touched',
2444  array(
2445  'page_namespace' => $this->getNamespace(),
2446  'page_title' => $this->getDBkey()
2447  ), __METHOD__
2448  );
2449  return $touched;
2450  }
Get the main part with underscores.
Definition: Title.php:538
Get the namespace index, i.e.
Definition: Title.php:543
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ indexTitle()

static Title::indexTitle (   $ns,

Get a string representation of a title suitable for including in a search index.

int$nsa namespace index
string$titletext-form main part
string a stripped-down title string ready for the search index

Definition at line 343 of file Title.php.

References $t, and $title.

Referenced by getIndexTitle().

343  {
344  global $wgContLang;
346  $lc = SearchEngine::legalSearchChars() . '&#;';
347  $t = $wgContLang->stripForSearch( $title );
348  $t = preg_replace( "/[^{$lc}]+/", ' ', $t );
349  $t = $wgContLang->lc( $t );
351  # Handle 's, s'
352  $t = preg_replace( "/([{$lc}]+)'s( |$)/", "\\1 \\1's ", $t );
353  $t = preg_replace( "/([{$lc}]+)s'( |$)/", "\\1s ", $t );
355  $t = preg_replace( "/\\s+/", ' ', $t );
357  if ( $ns == NS_IMAGE ) {
358  $t = preg_replace( "/ (png|gif|jpg|jpeg|ogg)$/", "", $t );
359  }
360  return trim( $t );
361  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ invalidateCache()

Title::invalidateCache ( )

Updates page_touched for this page; called from LinksUpdate.php.

bool true if the update succeded

Definition at line 1550 of file Title.php.

References $success, array, getDBkey(), and getNamespace().

1550  {
1551  global $wgUseFileCache;
1553  if ( wfReadOnly() ) {
1554  return;
1555  }
1557  $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
1558  $success = $dbw->update( 'page',
1559  array( /* SET */
1560  'page_touched' => $dbw->timestamp()
1561  ), array( /* WHERE */
1562  'page_namespace' => $this->getNamespace() ,
1563  'page_title' => $this->getDBkey()
1564  ), 'Title::invalidateCache'
1565  );
1567  if ($wgUseFileCache) {
1568  $cache = new HTMLFileCache($this);
1569  @unlink($cache->fileCacheName());
1570  }
1572  return $success;
1573  }
Get the main part with underscores.
Definition: Title.php:538
Definition: Utf8Test.php:86
Get the namespace index, i.e.
Definition: Title.php:543
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isAlwaysKnown()

Title::isAlwaysKnown ( )

Should a link should be displayed as a known link, just based on its title?

Currently, a self-link with a fragment and special pages are in this category. Special pages never exist in the database.

Definition at line 2418 of file Title.php.

References $mDbkeyform, and isExternal().

2418  {
2419  return $this->isExternal() || ( 0 == $this->mNamespace && "" == $this->mDbkeyform )
2420  || NS_SPECIAL == $this->mNamespace;
2421  }
Is this Title interwiki?
Definition: Title.php:902
Definition: Title.php:49
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isCascadeProtected()

Title::isCascadeProtected ( )

Cascading protection: Return true if cascading restrictions apply to this page, false if not.

bool If the page is subject to cascading restrictions.

Definition at line 1259 of file Title.php.

References getCascadeProtectionSources().

1259  {
1260  list( $sources, $restrictions ) = $this->getCascadeProtectionSources( false );
1261  return ( $sources > 0 );
1262  }
getCascadeProtectionSources( $get_pages=true)
Cascading protection: Get the source of any cascading restrictions on this page.
Definition: Title.php:1272
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isCssJsSubpage()

Title::isCssJsSubpage ( )

Is this a .css or .js subpage of a user page?


Definition at line 1205 of file Title.php.

Referenced by isValidCssJsSubpage(), and userCan().

1205  {
1206  return ( NS_USER == $this->mNamespace and preg_match("/\\/.*\\.(?:css|js)$/", $this->mTextform ) );
1207  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isCssSubpage()

Title::isCssSubpage ( )

Is this a .css subpage of a user page?


Definition at line 1232 of file Title.php.

1232  {
1233  return ( NS_USER == $this->mNamespace and preg_match("/\\/.*\\.css$/", $this->mTextform ) );
1234  }

◆ isDeleted()

Title::isDeleted ( )

Is there a version of this page in the deletion archive?

int the number of archived revisions

Definition at line 1478 of file Title.php.

References $n, array, getDBkey(), and getNamespace().

1478  {
1479  $fname = 'Title::isDeleted';
1480  if ( $this->getNamespace() < 0 ) {
1481  $n = 0;
1482  } else {
1483  $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
1484  $n = $dbr->selectField( 'archive', 'COUNT(*)', array( 'ar_namespace' => $this->getNamespace(),
1485  'ar_title' => $this->getDBkey() ), $fname );
1486  if( $this->getNamespace() == NS_IMAGE ) {
1487  $n += $dbr->selectField( 'filearchive', 'COUNT(*)',
1488  array( 'fa_name' => $this->getDBkey() ), $fname );
1489  }
1490  }
1491  return (int)$n;
1492  }
Get the main part with underscores.
Definition: Title.php:538
Get the namespace index, i.e.
Definition: Title.php:543
Definition: RandomTest.php:80
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isExternal()

Title::isExternal ( )

Is this Title interwiki?


Definition at line 902 of file Title.php.

Referenced by getLocalURL(), and isAlwaysKnown().

902 { return ( '' != $this->mInterwiki ); }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isJsSubpage()

Title::isJsSubpage ( )

Is this a .js subpage of a user page?


Definition at line 1239 of file Title.php.

1239  {
1240  return ( NS_USER == $this->mNamespace and preg_match("/\\/.*\\.js$/", $this->mTextform ) );
1241  }

◆ isLocal()

Title::isLocal ( )

Determine whether the object refers to a page within this project.

bool TRUE if this is an in-project interwiki link or a wikilink, FALSE otherwise

Definition at line 480 of file Title.php.

References $interwikiCache, and getInterwikiLink().

480  {
481  if ( $this->mInterwiki != '' ) {
482  # Make sure key is loaded into cache
483  $this->getInterwikiLink( $this->mInterwiki );
484  $k = wfMemcKey( 'interwiki', $this->mInterwiki );
485  return (bool)(Title::$interwikiCache[$k]->iw_local);
486  } else {
487  return true;
488  }
489  }
getInterwikiLink( $key)
Returns the URL associated with an interwiki prefix.
Definition: Title.php:383
static $interwikiCache
Definition: Title.php:35
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isProtected()

Title::isProtected (   $action = '')

Does the title correspond to a protected article?

string$whatthe action the page is protected from, by default checks move and edit

Definition at line 935 of file Title.php.

References $r, getNamespace(), and getRestrictions().

935  {
936  global $wgRestrictionLevels;
938  # Special pages have inherent protection
939  if( $this->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL )
940  return true;
942  # Check regular protection levels
943  if( $action == 'edit' || $action == '' ) {
944  $r = $this->getRestrictions( 'edit' );
945  foreach( $wgRestrictionLevels as $level ) {
946  if( in_array( $level, $r ) && $level != '' ) {
947  return( true );
948  }
949  }
950  }
952  if( $action == 'move' || $action == '' ) {
953  $r = $this->getRestrictions( 'move' );
954  foreach( $wgRestrictionLevels as $level ) {
955  if( in_array( $level, $r ) && $level != '' ) {
956  return( true );
957  }
958  }
959  }
961  return false;
962  }
getRestrictions( $action)
Accessor/initialisation for mRestrictions.
Definition: Title.php:1461
Definition: example_031.php:79
Get the namespace index, i.e.
Definition: Title.php:543
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isSemiProtected()

Title::isSemiProtected (   $action = 'edit')

Is this page "semi-protected" - the only protection is autoconfirm?

stringAction to check (default: edit)

Definition at line 910 of file Title.php.

References exists(), and getRestrictions().

910  {
911  if( $this->exists() ) {
912  $restrictions = $this->getRestrictions( $action );
913  if( count( $restrictions ) > 0 ) {
914  foreach( $restrictions as $restriction ) {
915  if( strtolower( $restriction ) != 'autoconfirmed' )
916  return false;
917  }
918  } else {
919  # Not protected
920  return false;
921  }
922  return true;
923  } else {
924  # If it doesn't exist, it can't be protected
925  return false;
926  }
927  }
getRestrictions( $action)
Accessor/initialisation for mRestrictions.
Definition: Title.php:1461
Check if page exists.
Definition: Title.php:2408
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isSpecial()

Title::isSpecial (   $name)

Returns true if this title resolves to the named special page.

string$nameThe special page name

Definition at line 2520 of file Title.php.

References getDBkey(), and getNamespace().

Referenced by userCanRead().

2520  {
2521  if ( $this->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL ) {
2522  list( $thisName, /* $subpage */ ) = SpecialPage::resolveAliasWithSubpage( $this->getDBkey() );
2523  if ( $name == $thisName ) {
2524  return true;
2525  }
2526  }
2527  return false;
2528  }
Get the main part with underscores.
Definition: Title.php:538
Get the namespace index, i.e.
Definition: Title.php:543
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isSubpage()

Title::isSubpage ( )

Is this a talk page of some sort?

bool Is this a subpage?

Definition at line 1191 of file Title.php.

References getText().

1191  {
1192  global $wgNamespacesWithSubpages;
1194  if( isset( $wgNamespacesWithSubpages[ $this->mNamespace ] ) ) {
1195  return ( strpos( $this->getText(), '/' ) !== false && $wgNamespacesWithSubpages[ $this->mNamespace ] == true );
1196  } else {
1197  return false;
1198  }
1199  }
Simple accessors.
Definition: Title.php:528
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isTrans()

Title::isTrans ( )

Determine whether the object refers to a page within this project and is transcludable.

bool TRUE if this is transcludable

Definition at line 497 of file Title.php.

References $interwikiCache, and getInterwikiLink().

497  {
498  if ($this->mInterwiki == '')
499  return false;
500  # Make sure key is loaded into cache
501  $this->getInterwikiLink( $this->mInterwiki );
502  $k = wfMemcKey( 'interwiki', $this->mInterwiki );
503  return (bool)(Title::$interwikiCache[$k]->iw_trans);
504  }
getInterwikiLink( $key)
Returns the URL associated with an interwiki prefix.
Definition: Title.php:383
static $interwikiCache
Definition: Title.php:35
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isValidCssJsSubpage()

Title::isValidCssJsSubpage ( )

Is this a valid .css or .js subpage of a user page? Check that the corresponding skin exists.

Definition at line 1212 of file Title.php.

References getSkinFromCssJsSubpage(), and isCssJsSubpage().

1212  {
1213  if ( $this->isCssJsSubpage() ) {
1214  $skinNames = Skin::getSkinNames();
1215  return array_key_exists( $this->getSkinFromCssJsSubpage(), $skinNames );
1216  } else {
1217  return false;
1218  }
1219  }
Is this a .css or .js subpage of a user page?
Definition: Title.php:1205
Trim down a .css or .js subpage title to get the corresponding skin name.
Definition: Title.php:1223
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isValidMoveOperation()

Title::isValidMoveOperation ( $nt,
  $auth = true 

Check whether a given move operation would be valid.

Returns true if ok, or a message key string for an error message if invalid. (Scarrrrry ugly interface this.)

Title&$ntthe new title
bool$authindicates whether $wgUser's permissions should be checked
mixed true on success, message name on failure

Definition at line 1963 of file Title.php.

References equals(), exists(), getArticleID(), getDBkey(), isValidMoveTarget(), and userCan().

Referenced by moveTo().

1963  {
1964  if( !$this or !$nt ) {
1965  return 'badtitletext';
1966  }
1967  if( $this->equals( $nt ) ) {
1968  return 'selfmove';
1969  }
1970  if( !$this->isMovable() || !$nt->isMovable() ) {
1971  return 'immobile_namespace';
1972  }
1974  $oldid = $this->getArticleID();
1975  $newid = $nt->getArticleID();
1977  if ( strlen( $nt->getDBkey() ) < 1 ) {
1978  return 'articleexists';
1979  }
1980  if ( ( '' == $this->getDBkey() ) ||
1981  ( !$oldid ) ||
1982  ( '' == $nt->getDBkey() ) ) {
1983  return 'badarticleerror';
1984  }
1986  if ( $auth && (
1987  !$this->userCan( 'edit' ) || !$nt->userCan( 'edit' ) ||
1988  !$this->userCan( 'move' ) || !$nt->userCan( 'move' ) ) ) {
1989  return 'protectedpage';
1990  }
1992  # The move is allowed only if (1) the target doesn't exist, or
1993  # (2) the target is a redirect to the source, and has no history
1994  # (so we can undo bad moves right after they're done).
1996  if ( 0 != $newid ) { # Target exists; check for validity
1997  if ( ! $this->isValidMoveTarget( $nt ) ) {
1998  return 'articleexists';
1999  }
2000  }
2001  return true;
2002  }
getArticleID( $flags=0)
Get the article ID for this Title from the link cache, adding it if necessary.
Definition: Title.php:1501
Check if page exists.
Definition: Title.php:2408
Get the main part with underscores.
Definition: Title.php:538
isValidMoveTarget( $nt)
Checks if $this can be moved to a given Title.
Definition: Title.php:2231
equals( $title)
Compare with another title.
Definition: Title.php:2397
userCan( $action, $doExpensiveQueries=true)
Can $wgUser perform $action on this page?
Definition: Title.php:1003
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isValidMoveTarget()

Title::isValidMoveTarget (   $nt)

Checks if $this can be moved to a given Title.

  • Selects for update, so don't call it unless you mean business
Title&$ntthe new title to check

Definition at line 2231 of file Title.php.

References $row, $text, array, getPrefixedDBkey(), and newFromText().

Referenced by isValidMoveOperation().

2231  {
2233  $fname = 'Title::isValidMoveTarget';
2234  $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
2236  # Is it a redirect?
2237  $id = $nt->getArticleID();
2238  $obj = $dbw->selectRow( array( 'page', 'revision', 'text'),
2239  array( 'page_is_redirect','old_text','old_flags' ),
2240  array( 'page_id' => $id, 'page_latest=rev_id', 'rev_text_id=old_id' ),
2241  $fname, 'FOR UPDATE' );
2243  if ( !$obj || 0 == $obj->page_is_redirect ) {
2244  # Not a redirect
2245  wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": not a redirect\n" );
2246  return false;
2247  }
2248  $text = Revision::getRevisionText( $obj );
2250  # Does the redirect point to the source?
2251  # Or is it a broken self-redirect, usually caused by namespace collisions?
2252  $m = array();
2253  if ( preg_match( "/\\[\\[\\s*([^\\]\\|]*)]]/", $text, $m ) ) {
2254  $redirTitle = Title::newFromText( $m[1] );
2255  if( !is_object( $redirTitle ) ||
2256  ( $redirTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() != $this->getPrefixedDBkey() &&
2257  $redirTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() != $nt->getPrefixedDBkey() ) ) {
2258  wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": redirect points to other page\n" );
2259  return false;
2260  }
2261  } else {
2262  # Fail safe
2263  wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": failsafe\n" );
2264  return false;
2265  }
2267  # Does the article have a history?
2268  $row = $dbw->selectRow( array( 'page', 'revision'),
2269  array( 'rev_id' ),
2270  array( 'page_namespace' => $nt->getNamespace(),
2271  'page_title' => $nt->getDBkey(),
2272  'page_id=rev_page AND page_latest != rev_id'
2273  ), $fname, 'FOR UPDATE'
2274  );
2276  # Return true if there was no history
2277  return $row === false;
2278  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Get the prefixed database key form.
Definition: Title.php:631
static newFromText( $text, $defaultNamespace=NS_MAIN)
Create a new Title from text, such as what one would find in a link.
Definition: Title.php:114
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ legalChars()

static Title::legalChars ( )

Get a regex character class describing the legal characters in a link.

string the list of characters, not delimited

Definition at line 326 of file Title.php.

Referenced by Parser\magicLinkCallback(), and secureAndSplit().

326  {
327  global $wgLegalTitleChars;
329  $wgLegalTitleChars = " %!\"$&'()*,\\-.\\/0-9:;=?@A-Z\\\\^_`a-z~\\x80-\\xFF+";
331  return $wgLegalTitleChars;
332  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadRestrictions()

Title::loadRestrictions (   $oldFashionedRestrictions = NULL)

Definition at line 1434 of file Title.php.

References $res, array, and loadRestrictionsFromRow().

Referenced by areRestrictionsCascading(), and getRestrictions().

1434  {
1435  if( !$this->mRestrictionsLoaded ) {
1436  $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
1438  $res = $dbr->select( 'page_restrictions', '*',
1439  array ( 'pr_page' => $this->getArticleId() ), __METHOD__ );
1441  $this->loadRestrictionsFromRow( $res, $oldFashionedRestrictions );
1442  }
1443  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
loadRestrictionsFromRow( $res, $oldFashionedRestrictions=NULL)
Loads a string into mRestrictions array.
Definition: Title.php:1371
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadRestrictionsFromRow()

Title::loadRestrictionsFromRow (   $res,
  $oldFashionedRestrictions = NULL 

Loads a string into mRestrictions array.

resource$resrestrictions as an SQL result.

Definition at line 1371 of file Title.php.

References $res, $row, array, and purgeExpiredRestrictions().

Referenced by loadRestrictions().

1371  {
1372  $dbr = wfGetDb( DB_SLAVE );
1374  $this->mRestrictions['edit'] = array();
1375  $this->mRestrictions['move'] = array();
1377  # Backwards-compatibility: also load the restrictions from the page record (old format).
1379  if ( $oldFashionedRestrictions == NULL ) {
1380  $oldFashionedRestrictions = $dbr->selectField( 'page', 'page_restrictions', array( 'page_id' => $this->getArticleId() ), __METHOD__ );
1381  }
1383  if ($oldFashionedRestrictions != '') {
1385  foreach( explode( ':', trim( $oldFashionedRestrictions ) ) as $restrict ) {
1386  $temp = explode( '=', trim( $restrict ) );
1387  if(count($temp) == 1) {
1388  // old old format should be treated as edit/move restriction
1389  $this->mRestrictions["edit"] = explode( ',', trim( $temp[0] ) );
1390  $this->mRestrictions["move"] = explode( ',', trim( $temp[0] ) );
1391  } else {
1392  $this->mRestrictions[$temp[0]] = explode( ',', trim( $temp[1] ) );
1393  }
1394  }
1396  $this->mOldRestrictions = true;
1397  $this->mCascadeRestriction = false;
1398  $this->mRestrictionsExpiry = Block::decodeExpiry('');
1400  }
1402  if( $dbr->numRows( $res ) ) {
1403  # Current system - load second to make them override.
1404  $now = wfTimestampNow();
1405  $purgeExpired = false;
1407  while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
1408  # Cycle through all the restrictions.
1410  // This code should be refactored, now that it's being used more generally,
1411  // But I don't really see any harm in leaving it in Block for now -werdna
1412  $expiry = Block::decodeExpiry( $row->pr_expiry );
1414  // Only apply the restrictions if they haven't expired!
1415  if ( !$expiry || $expiry > $now ) {
1416  $this->mRestrictionsExpiry = $expiry;
1417  $this->mRestrictions[$row->pr_type] = explode( ',', trim( $row->pr_level ) );
1419  $this->mCascadeRestriction |= $row->pr_cascade;
1420  } else {
1421  // Trigger a lazy purge of expired restrictions
1422  $purgeExpired = true;
1423  }
1424  }
1426  if( $purgeExpired ) {
1428  }
1429  }
1431  $this->mRestrictionsLoaded = true;
1432  }
static purgeExpiredRestrictions()
Purge expired restrictions from the page_restrictions table.
Definition: Title.php:1448
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ makeName()

static Title::makeName (   $ns,

Definition at line 369 of file Title.php.

References $n, and $title.

Referenced by Parser\fetchScaryTemplateMaybeFromCache(), makeTitleSafe(), and nameOf().

369  {
370  global $wgContLang;
372  $n = $wgContLang->getNsText( $ns );
373  return $n == '' ? $title : "$n:$title";
374  }
Definition: RandomTest.php:80
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ makeTitle()

static& Title::makeTitle (   $ns,

Create a new Title from a namespace index and a DB key.

It's assumed that $ns and $title are valid, for instance when they came directly from the database or a special page name. For convenience, spaces are converted to underscores so that eg user_text fields can be used directly.

int$nsthe namespace of the article
string$titlethe unprefixed database key form
Title the new object

Definition at line 231 of file Title.php.

References $t, and $title.

Referenced by Parser\fetchScaryTemplateMaybeFromCache(), fixSpecialName(), getBrokenLinksFrom(), getCascadeProtectionSources(), getLinksTo(), newFromID(), and newFromIDs().

231  {
232  $t = new Title();
233  $t->mInterwiki = '';
234  $t->mFragment = '';
235  $t->mNamespace = intval( $ns );
236  $t->mDbkeyform = str_replace( ' ', '_', $title );
237  $t->mArticleID = ( $ns >= 0 ) ? -1 : 0;
238  $t->mUrlform = wfUrlencode( $t->mDbkeyform );
239  $t->mTextform = str_replace( '_', ' ', $title );
240  return $t;
241  }
Title class.
Definition: Title.php:30
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ makeTitleSafe()

static Title::makeTitleSafe (   $ns,

Create a new Title from a namespace index and a DB key.

The parameters will be checked for validity, which is a bit slower than makeTitle() but safer for user-provided data.

int$nsthe namespace of the article
string$titlethe database key form
Title the new object, or NULL on an error

Definition at line 252 of file Title.php.

References $t, $title, and makeName().

252  {
253  $t = new Title();
254  $t->mDbkeyform = Title::makeName( $ns, $title );
255  if( $t->secureAndSplit() ) {
256  return $t;
257  } else {
258  return NULL;
259  }
260  }
static makeName( $ns, $title)
Definition: Title.php:369
Title class.
Definition: Title.php:30
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ moveNoAuth()

Title::moveNoAuth ( $nt)

Move this page without authentication.

Title&$ntthe new page Title

Definition at line 1950 of file Title.php.

References moveTo().

1950  {
1951  return $this->moveTo( $nt, false );
1952  }
moveTo(&$nt, $auth=true, $reason='')
Move a title to a new location.
Definition: Title.php:2011
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ moveOverExistingRedirect()

Title::moveOverExistingRedirect ( $nt,
  $reason = '' 

Move page to a title which is at present a redirect to the source page.

Title&$ntthe page to move to, which should currently be a redirect

Definition at line 2083 of file Title.php.

Referenced by moveTo().

2083  {
2084  global $wgUseSquid;
2085  $fname = 'Title::moveOverExistingRedirect';
2086  $comment = wfMsgForContent( '1movedto2_redir', $this->getPrefixedText(), $nt->getPrefixedText() );
2088  if ( $reason ) {
2089  $comment .= ": $reason";
2090  }
2092  $now = wfTimestampNow();
2093  $newid = $nt->getArticleID();
2094  $oldid = $this->getArticleID();
2095  $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
2096  $linkCache =& LinkCache::singleton();
2098  # Delete the old redirect. We don't save it to history since
2099  # by definition if we've got here it's rather uninteresting.
2100  # We have to remove it so that the next step doesn't trigger
2101  # a conflict on the unique namespace+title index...
2102  $dbw->delete( 'page', array( 'page_id' => $newid ), $fname );
2104  # Save a null revision in the page's history notifying of the move
2105  $nullRevision = Revision::newNullRevision( $dbw, $oldid, $comment, true );
2106  $nullRevId = $nullRevision->insertOn( $dbw );
2108  # Change the name of the target page:
2109  $dbw->update( 'page',
2110  /* SET */ array(
2111  'page_touched' => $dbw->timestamp($now),
2112  'page_namespace' => $nt->getNamespace(),
2113  'page_title' => $nt->getDBkey(),
2114  'page_latest' => $nullRevId,
2115  ),
2116  /* WHERE */ array( 'page_id' => $oldid ),
2117  $fname
2118  );
2119  $linkCache->clearLink( $nt->getPrefixedDBkey() );
2121  # Recreate the redirect, this time in the other direction.
2122  $mwRedir = MagicWord::get( 'redirect' );
2123  $redirectText = $mwRedir->getSynonym( 0 ) . ' [[' . $nt->getPrefixedText() . "]]\n";
2124  $redirectArticle = new Article( $this );
2125  $newid = $redirectArticle->insertOn( $dbw );
2126  $redirectRevision = new Revision( array(
2127  'page' => $newid,
2128  'comment' => $comment,
2129  'text' => $redirectText ) );
2130  $redirectRevision->insertOn( $dbw );
2131  $redirectArticle->updateRevisionOn( $dbw, $redirectRevision, 0 );
2132  $linkCache->clearLink( $this->getPrefixedDBkey() );
2134  # Log the move
2135  $log = new LogPage( 'move' );
2136  $log->addEntry( 'move_redir', $this, $reason, array( 1 => $nt->getPrefixedText() ) );
2138  # Now, we record the link from the redirect to the new title.
2139  # It should have no other outgoing links...
2140  $dbw->delete( 'pagelinks', array( 'pl_from' => $newid ), $fname );
2141  $dbw->insert( 'pagelinks',
2142  array(
2143  'pl_from' => $newid,
2144  'pl_namespace' => $nt->getNamespace(),
2145  'pl_title' => $nt->getDbKey() ),
2146  $fname );
2148  # Purge squid
2149  if ( $wgUseSquid ) {
2150  $urls = array_merge( $nt->getSquidURLs(), $this->getSquidURLs() );
2151  $u = new SquidUpdate( $urls );
2152  $u->doUpdate();
2153  }
2154  }
getArticleID( $flags=0)
Get the article ID for this Title from the link cache, adding it if necessary.
Definition: Title.php:1501
Get a list of URLs to purge from the Squid cache when this page changes.
Definition: Title.php:1917
Get the prefixed title with spaces.
Definition: Title.php:642
Definition: buildRTE.php:83
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Get the prefixed database key form.
Definition: Title.php:631
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ moveTo()

Title::moveTo ( $nt,
  $auth = true,
  $reason = '' 

Move a title to a new location.

Title&$ntthe new title
bool$authindicates whether $wgUser's permissions should be checked
mixed true on success, message name on failure

Definition at line 2011 of file Title.php.

References getArticleID(), isValidMoveOperation(), and moveOverExistingRedirect().

Referenced by moveNoAuth().

2011  {
2012  $err = $this->isValidMoveOperation( $nt, $auth );
2013  if( is_string( $err ) ) {
2014  return $err;
2015  }
2017  $pageid = $this->getArticleID();
2018  if( $nt->exists() ) {
2019  $this->moveOverExistingRedirect( $nt, $reason );
2020  $pageCountChange = 0;
2021  } else { # Target didn't exist, do normal move.
2022  $this->moveToNewTitle( $nt, $reason );
2023  $pageCountChange = 1;
2024  }
2025  $redirid = $this->getArticleID();
2027  # Fixing category links (those without piped 'alternate' names) to be sorted under the new title
2028  $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
2029  $categorylinks = $dbw->tableName( 'categorylinks' );
2030  $sql = "UPDATE $categorylinks SET cl_sortkey=" . $dbw->addQuotes( $nt->getPrefixedText() ) .
2031  " WHERE cl_from=" . $dbw->addQuotes( $pageid ) .
2032  " AND cl_sortkey=" . $dbw->addQuotes( $this->getPrefixedText() );
2033  $dbw->query( $sql, 'SpecialMovepage::doSubmit' );
2035  # Update watchlists
2037  $oldnamespace = $this->getNamespace() & ~1;
2038  $newnamespace = $nt->getNamespace() & ~1;
2039  $oldtitle = $this->getDBkey();
2040  $newtitle = $nt->getDBkey();
2042  if( $oldnamespace != $newnamespace || $oldtitle != $newtitle ) {
2043  WatchedItem::duplicateEntries( $this, $nt );
2044  }
2046  # Update search engine
2047  $u = new SearchUpdate( $pageid, $nt->getPrefixedDBkey() );
2048  $u->doUpdate();
2049  $u = new SearchUpdate( $redirid, $this->getPrefixedDBkey(), '' );
2050  $u->doUpdate();
2052  # Update site_stats
2053  if( $this->isContentPage() && !$nt->isContentPage() ) {
2054  # No longer a content page
2055  # Not viewed, edited, removing
2056  $u = new SiteStatsUpdate( 0, 1, -1, $pageCountChange );
2057  } elseif( !$this->isContentPage() && $nt->isContentPage() ) {
2058  # Now a content page
2059  # Not viewed, edited, adding
2060  $u = new SiteStatsUpdate( 0, 1, +1, $pageCountChange );
2061  } elseif( $pageCountChange ) {
2062  # Redirect added
2063  $u = new SiteStatsUpdate( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
2064  } else {
2065  # Nothing special
2066  $u = false;
2067  }
2068  if( $u )
2069  $u->doUpdate();
2071  global $wgUser;
2072  wfRunHooks( 'TitleMoveComplete', array( &$this, &$nt, &$wgUser, $pageid, $redirid ) );
2073  return true;
2074  }
getArticleID( $flags=0)
Get the article ID for this Title from the link cache, adding it if necessary.
Definition: Title.php:1501
moveOverExistingRedirect(&$nt, $reason='')
Move page to a title which is at present a redirect to the source page.
Definition: Title.php:2083
isValidMoveOperation(&$nt, $auth=true)
Check whether a given move operation would be valid.
Definition: Title.php:1963
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ moveToNewTitle()

Title::moveToNewTitle ( $nt,
  $reason = '' 

Move page to non-existing title.

Title&$ntthe new Title

Definition at line 2160 of file Title.php.

References $comment, $log, array, getArticleID(), getPrefixedDBkey(), getPrefixedText(), and purgeSquid().

2160  {
2161  global $wgUseSquid;
2162  $fname = 'MovePageForm::moveToNewTitle';
2163  $comment = wfMsgForContent( '1movedto2', $this->getPrefixedText(), $nt->getPrefixedText() );
2164  if ( $reason ) {
2165  $comment .= ": $reason";
2166  }
2168  $newid = $nt->getArticleID();
2169  $oldid = $this->getArticleID();
2170  $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
2171  $now = $dbw->timestamp();
2172  $linkCache =& LinkCache::singleton();
2174  # Save a null revision in the page's history notifying of the move
2175  $nullRevision = Revision::newNullRevision( $dbw, $oldid, $comment, true );
2176  $nullRevId = $nullRevision->insertOn( $dbw );
2178  # Rename cur entry
2179  $dbw->update( 'page',
2180  /* SET */ array(
2181  'page_touched' => $now,
2182  'page_namespace' => $nt->getNamespace(),
2183  'page_title' => $nt->getDBkey(),
2184  'page_latest' => $nullRevId,
2185  ),
2186  /* WHERE */ array( 'page_id' => $oldid ),
2187  $fname
2188  );
2190  $linkCache->clearLink( $nt->getPrefixedDBkey() );
2192  # Insert redirect
2193  $mwRedir = MagicWord::get( 'redirect' );
2194  $redirectText = $mwRedir->getSynonym( 0 ) . ' [[' . $nt->getPrefixedText() . "]]\n";
2195  $redirectArticle = new Article( $this );
2196  $newid = $redirectArticle->insertOn( $dbw );
2197  $redirectRevision = new Revision( array(
2198  'page' => $newid,
2199  'comment' => $comment,
2200  'text' => $redirectText ) );
2201  $redirectRevision->insertOn( $dbw );
2202  $redirectArticle->updateRevisionOn( $dbw, $redirectRevision, 0 );
2203  $linkCache->clearLink( $this->getPrefixedDBkey() );
2205  # Log the move
2206  $log = new LogPage( 'move' );
2207  $log->addEntry( 'move', $this, $reason, array( 1 => $nt->getPrefixedText()) );
2209  # Purge caches as per article creation
2210  Article::onArticleCreate( $nt );
2212  # Record the just-created redirect's linking to the page
2213  $dbw->insert( 'pagelinks',
2214  array(
2215  'pl_from' => $newid,
2216  'pl_namespace' => $nt->getNamespace(),
2217  'pl_title' => $nt->getDBkey() ),
2218  $fname );
2220  # Purge old title from squid
2221  # The new title, and links to the new title, are purged in Article::onArticleCreate()
2222  $this->purgeSquid();
2223  }
getArticleID( $flags=0)
Get the article ID for this Title from the link cache, adding it if necessary.
Definition: Title.php:1501
Get the prefixed title with spaces.
Definition: Title.php:642
Definition: buildRTE.php:83
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Definition: Title.php:1937
Get the prefixed database key form.
Definition: Title.php:631
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ nameOf()

Title::nameOf (   $id)

Get the prefixed DB key associated with an ID.

int$idthe page_id of the article
Title an object representing the article, or NULL if no such article was found public

Definition at line 311 of file Title.php.

References $n, array, and makeName().

311  {
312  $fname = 'Title::nameOf';
313  $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
315  $s = $dbr->selectRow( 'page', array( 'page_namespace','page_title' ), array( 'page_id' => $id ), $fname );
316  if ( $s === false ) { return NULL; }
318  $n = Title::makeName( $s->page_namespace, $s->page_title );
319  return $n;
320  }
static makeName( $ns, $title)
Definition: Title.php:369
Definition: RandomTest.php:80
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ newFromDBkey()

static Title::newFromDBkey (   $key)

Create a new Title from a prefixed DB key.

string$keyThe database key, which has underscores instead of spaces, possibly including namespace and interwiki prefixes
Title the new object, or NULL on an error

Definition at line 94 of file Title.php.

References $t.

Referenced by Parser\fetchScaryTemplateMaybeFromCache().

94  {
95  $t = new Title();
96  $t->mDbkeyform = $key;
97  if( $t->secureAndSplit() )
98  return $t;
99  else
100  return NULL;
101  }
Title class.
Definition: Title.php:30
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ newFromID()

static Title::newFromID (   $id)

Create a new Title from an article ID.

This is inefficiently implemented, the page row is requested but not used for anything else
int$idthe page_id corresponding to the Title to create
Title the new object, or NULL on an error

Definition at line 192 of file Title.php.

References $row, $title, array, and makeTitle().

192  {
193  $fname = 'Title::newFromID';
194  $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
195  $row = $dbr->selectRow( 'page', array( 'page_namespace', 'page_title' ),
196  array( 'page_id' => $id ), $fname );
197  if ( $row !== false ) {
198  $title = Title::makeTitle( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title );
199  } else {
200  $title = NULL;
201  }
202  return $title;
203  }
static & makeTitle( $ns, $title)
Create a new Title from a namespace index and a DB key.
Definition: Title.php:231
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ newFromIDs()

static Title::newFromIDs (   $ids)

Make an array of titles from an array of IDs.

Definition at line 208 of file Title.php.

References $res, $row, array, and makeTitle().

208  {
209  $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
210  $res = $dbr->select( 'page', array( 'page_namespace', 'page_title' ),
211  'page_id IN (' . $dbr->makeList( $ids ) . ')', __METHOD__ );
213  $titles = array();
214  while ( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
215  $titles[] = Title::makeTitle( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title );
216  }
217  return $titles;
218  }
static & makeTitle( $ns, $title)
Create a new Title from a namespace index and a DB key.
Definition: Title.php:231
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ newFromRedirect()

static Title::newFromRedirect (   $text)

Create a new Title for a redirect.

string$textthe redirect title text
Title the new object, or NULL if the text is not a valid redirect

Definition at line 276 of file Title.php.

References $text, array, and newFromText().

Referenced by Parser\closeList().

276  {
277  $mwRedir = MagicWord::get( 'redirect' );
278  $rt = NULL;
279  if ( $mwRedir->matchStart( $text ) ) {
280  $m = array();
281  if ( preg_match( '/\[{2}(.*?)(?:\||\]{2})/', $text, $m ) ) {
282  # categories are escaped using : for example one can enter:
283  # #REDIRECT [[:Category:Music]]. Need to remove it.
284  if ( substr($m[1],0,1) == ':') {
285  # We don't want to keep the ':'
286  $m[1] = substr( $m[1], 1 );
287  }
289  $rt = Title::newFromText( $m[1] );
290  # Disallow redirects to Special:Userlogout
291  if ( !is_null($rt) && $rt->isSpecial( 'Userlogout' ) ) {
292  $rt = NULL;
293  }
294  }
295  }
296  return $rt;
297  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
static newFromText( $text, $defaultNamespace=NS_MAIN)
Create a new Title from text, such as what one would find in a link.
Definition: Title.php:114
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ newFromText()

static Title::newFromText (   $text,
  $defaultNamespace = NS_MAIN 

Create a new Title from text, such as what one would find in a link.

Decodes any HTML entities in the text.

string$textthe link text; spaces, prefixes, and an initial ':' indicating the main namespace are accepted
int$defaultNamespacethe namespace to use if none is specified by a prefix
Title the new object, or NULL on an error

Wiki pages often contain multiple links to the same page. Title normalization and parsing can become expensive on pages with many links, so we can save a little time by caching them.

In theory these are value objects and won't get changed...

Convert things like é &#257; or &#x3017; into real text...

Definition at line 114 of file Title.php.

References $ret, $t, $text, $titleCache, array, Sanitizer\decodeCharReferences(), and MW_TITLECACHE_MAX.

Referenced by Parser\closeList(), Parser\fetchScaryTemplateMaybeFromCache(), getParentCategoryTree(), isValidMoveTarget(), Parser\magicLinkCallback(), newFromRedirect(), newMainPage(), and ilWikiUtil\processInternalLinks().

114  {
115  if( is_object( $text ) ) {
116  throw new MWException( 'Title::newFromText given an object' );
117  }
127  if( $defaultNamespace == NS_MAIN && isset( Title::$titleCache[$text] ) ) {
128  return Title::$titleCache[$text];
129  }
134  $filteredText = Sanitizer::decodeCharReferences( $text );
136  $t = new Title();
137  $t->mDbkeyform = str_replace( ' ', '_', $filteredText );
138  $t->mDefaultNamespace = $defaultNamespace;
140  static $cachedcount = 0 ;
141  if( $t->secureAndSplit() ) {
142  if( $defaultNamespace == NS_MAIN ) {
143  if( $cachedcount >= MW_TITLECACHE_MAX ) {
144  # Avoid memory leaks on mass operations...
146  $cachedcount=0;
147  }
148  $cachedcount++;
150  }
151  return $t;
152  } else {
153  $ret = NULL;
154  return $ret;
155  }
156  }
Title class.
Definition: Title.php:30
Definition: Title.php:19
static $titleCache
Static cache variables.
Definition: Title.php:34
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
static decodeCharReferences( $text)
Decode any character references, numeric or named entities, in the text and return a UTF-8 string...
Definition: Sanitizer.php:978
Definition: parser.php:6
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ newFromURL()

static Title::newFromURL (   $url)

Create a new Title from URL-encoded text.

Ensures that the given title's length does not exceed the maximum.

string$urlthe title, as might be taken from a URL
Title the new object, or NULL on an error

Definition at line 164 of file Title.php.

References $t, and $url.

164  {
165  global $wgLegalTitleChars;
166  $t = new Title();
168  # For compatibility with old buggy URLs. "+" is usually not valid in titles,
169  # but some URLs used it as a space replacement and they still come
170  # from some external search tools.
171  if ( strpos( $wgLegalTitleChars, '+' ) === false ) {
172  $url = str_replace( '+', ' ', $url );
173  }
175  $t->mDbkeyform = str_replace( ' ', '_', $url );
176  if( $t->secureAndSplit() ) {
177  return $t;
178  } else {
179  return NULL;
180  }
181  }
Title class.
Definition: Title.php:30
Definition: shib_logout.php:72

◆ newMainPage()

static Title::newMainPage ( )

Create a new Title for the Main Page.

Title the new object

Definition at line 266 of file Title.php.

References newFromText().

266  {
267  return Title::newFromText( wfMsgForContent( 'mainpage' ) );
268  }
static newFromText( $text, $defaultNamespace=NS_MAIN)
Create a new Title from text, such as what one would find in a link.
Definition: Title.php:114
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pageCond()

Title::pageCond ( )

Get an associative array for selecting this title from the "page" table.


Definition at line 2346 of file Title.php.

References array.

2346  {
2347  return array( 'page_namespace' => $this->mNamespace, 'page_title' => $this->mDbkeyform );
2348  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.

◆ prefix()

Title::prefix (   $name)

Prefix some arbitrary text with the namespace or interwiki prefix of this object.

string$namethe text
string the prefixed text

Definition at line 1583 of file Title.php.

References getNsText().

Referenced by getPrefixedDBkey(), getPrefixedText(), and getPrefixedURL().

1583  {
1584  $p = '';
1585  if ( '' != $this->mInterwiki ) {
1586  $p = $this->mInterwiki . ':';
1587  }
1588  if ( 0 != $this->mNamespace ) {
1589  $p .= $this->getNsText() . ':';
1590  }
1591  return $p . $name;
1592  }
Get the namespace text.
Definition: Title.php:548
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ purgeExpiredRestrictions()

static Title::purgeExpiredRestrictions ( )

Purge expired restrictions from the page_restrictions table.

Definition at line 1448 of file Title.php.

References array.

Referenced by getCascadeProtectionSources(), and loadRestrictionsFromRow().

1448  {
1449  $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
1450  $dbw->delete( 'page_restrictions',
1451  array( 'pr_expiry < ' . $dbw->addQuotes( $dbw->timestamp() ) ),
1452  __METHOD__ );
1453  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ purgeSquid()

Title::purgeSquid ( )

Definition at line 1937 of file Title.php.

References getSquidURLs().

Referenced by moveToNewTitle().

1937  {
1938  global $wgUseSquid;
1939  if ( $wgUseSquid ) {
1940  $urls = $this->getSquidURLs();
1941  $u = new SquidUpdate( $urls );
1942  $u->doUpdate();
1943  }
1944  }
Get a list of URLs to purge from the Squid cache when this page changes.
Definition: Title.php:1917
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ quickUserCan()

Title::quickUserCan (   $action)

Can $wgUser perform $action on this page? This skips potentially expensive cascading permission checks.

Suitable for use for nonessential UI controls in common cases, but not for functional access control.

May provide false positives, but should never provide a false negative.

string$actionaction that permission needs to be checked for

Definition at line 993 of file Title.php.

References userCan().

993  {
994  return $this->userCan( $action, false );
995  }
userCan( $action, $doExpensiveQueries=true)
Can $wgUser perform $action on this page?
Definition: Title.php:1003
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ resetArticleID()

Title::resetArticleID (   $newid)

This clears some fields in this object, and clears any associated keys in the "bad links" section of the link cache.

  • This is called from Article::insertNewArticle() to allow loading of the new page_id. It's also called from Article::doDeleteArticle()
int$newidthe new Article ID

Definition at line 1536 of file Title.php.

References array, and getPrefixedDBkey().

1536  {
1537  $linkCache =& LinkCache::singleton();
1538  $linkCache->clearBadLink( $this->getPrefixedDBkey() );
1540  if ( 0 == $newid ) { $this->mArticleID = -1; }
1541  else { $this->mArticleID = $newid; }
1542  $this->mRestrictionsLoaded = false;
1543  $this->mRestrictions = array();
1544  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Get the prefixed database key form.
Definition: Title.php:631
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ secureAndSplit()

Title::secureAndSplit ( )

Secure and split - main initialisation function for this object.

Assumes that mDbkeyform has been set, and is urldecoded and uses underscores, but not otherwise munged. This function removes illegal characters, splits off the interwiki and namespace prefixes, sets the other forms, and canonicalizes everything.

bool true on success

Pages with "/./" or "/../" appearing in the URLs will often be unreachable due to the way web browsers deal with 'relative' URLs. Forbid them explicitly.

Magic tilde sequences? Nu-uh!

Limit the size of titles to 255 bytes. This is typically the size of the underlying database field. We make an exception for special pages, which don't need to be stored in the database, and may edge over 255 bytes due to subpage syntax for long titles, e.g. [[Special:Block/Long name]]

Normally, all wiki links are forced to have an initial capital letter so [[foo]] and [[Foo]] point to the same place.

Don't force it for interwikis, since the other site might be case-sensitive.

Can't make a link to a namespace alone... "empty" local links can only be self-links with a fragment identifier.

Definition at line 1604 of file Title.php.

References $mDbkeyform, $mDefaultNamespace, array, getInterwikiLink(), legalChars(), setFragment(), UTF8_REPLACEMENT, and ilWikiUtil\wfUrlencode().

1604  {
1605  global $wgContLang, $wgLocalInterwiki, $wgCapitalLinks;
1607  # Initialisation
1608  static $rxTc = false;
1609  if( !$rxTc ) {
1610  # % is needed as well
1611  $rxTc = '/[^' . Title::legalChars() . ']|%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/S';
1612  }
1614  $this->mInterwiki = $this->mFragment = '';
1615  $this->mNamespace = $this->mDefaultNamespace; # Usually NS_MAIN
1617  $dbkey = $this->mDbkeyform;
1619  # Strip Unicode bidi override characters.
1620  # Sometimes they slip into cut-n-pasted page titles, where the
1621  # override chars get included in list displays.
1622  $dbkey = str_replace( "\xE2\x80\x8E", '', $dbkey ); // 200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK
1623  $dbkey = str_replace( "\xE2\x80\x8F", '', $dbkey ); // 200F RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK
1625  # Clean up whitespace
1626  #
1627  $dbkey = preg_replace( '/[ _]+/', '_', $dbkey );
1628  $dbkey = trim( $dbkey, '_' );
1630  if ( '' == $dbkey ) {
1631  return false;
1632  }
1634  if( false !== strpos( $dbkey, UTF8_REPLACEMENT ) ) {
1635  # Contained illegal UTF-8 sequences or forbidden Unicode chars.
1636  return false;
1637  }
1639  $this->mDbkeyform = $dbkey;
1641  # Initial colon indicates main namespace rather than specified default
1642  # but should not create invalid {ns,title} pairs such as {0,Project:Foo}
1643  if ( ':' == $dbkey{0} ) {
1644  $this->mNamespace = NS_MAIN;
1645  $dbkey = substr( $dbkey, 1 ); # remove the colon but continue processing
1646  $dbkey = trim( $dbkey, '_' ); # remove any subsequent whitespace
1647  }
1649  # Namespace or interwiki prefix
1650  $firstPass = true;
1651  do {
1652  $m = array();
1653  if ( preg_match( "/^(.+?)_*:_*(.*)$/S", $dbkey, $m ) ) {
1654  $p = $m[1];
1655  if ( $ns = $wgContLang->getNsIndex( $p )) {
1656  # Ordinary namespace
1657  $dbkey = $m[2];
1658  $this->mNamespace = $ns;
1659  } elseif( $this->getInterwikiLink( $p ) ) {
1660  if( !$firstPass ) {
1661  # Can't make a local interwiki link to an interwiki link.
1662  # That's just crazy!
1663  return false;
1664  }
1666  # Interwiki link
1667  $dbkey = $m[2];
1668  $this->mInterwiki = $wgContLang->lc( $p );
1670  # Redundant interwiki prefix to the local wiki
1671  if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $this->mInterwiki, $wgLocalInterwiki ) ) {
1672  if( $dbkey == '' ) {
1673  # Can't have an empty self-link
1674  return false;
1675  }
1676  $this->mInterwiki = '';
1677  $firstPass = false;
1678  # Do another namespace split...
1679  continue;
1680  }
1682  # If there's an initial colon after the interwiki, that also
1683  # resets the default namespace
1684  if ( $dbkey !== '' && $dbkey[0] == ':' ) {
1685  $this->mNamespace = NS_MAIN;
1686  $dbkey = substr( $dbkey, 1 );
1687  }
1688  }
1689  # If there's no recognized interwiki or namespace,
1690  # then let the colon expression be part of the title.
1691  }
1692  break;
1693  } while( true );
1695  # We already know that some pages won't be in the database!
1696  #
1697  if ( '' != $this->mInterwiki || NS_SPECIAL == $this->mNamespace ) {
1698  $this->mArticleID = 0;
1699  }
1700  $fragment = strstr( $dbkey, '#' );
1701  if ( false !== $fragment ) {
1702  $this->setFragment( $fragment );
1703  $dbkey = substr( $dbkey, 0, strlen( $dbkey ) - strlen( $fragment ) );
1704  # remove whitespace again: prevents "Foo_bar_#"
1705  # becoming "Foo_bar_"
1706  $dbkey = preg_replace( '/_*$/', '', $dbkey );
1707  }
1709  # Reject illegal characters.
1710  #
1711  if( preg_match( $rxTc, $dbkey ) ) {
1712  return false;
1713  }
1720  if ( strpos( $dbkey, '.' ) !== false &&
1721  ( $dbkey === '.' || $dbkey === '..' ||
1722  strpos( $dbkey, './' ) === 0 ||
1723  strpos( $dbkey, '../' ) === 0 ||
1724  strpos( $dbkey, '/./' ) !== false ||
1725  strpos( $dbkey, '/../' ) !== false ) )
1726  {
1727  return false;
1728  }
1733  if( strpos( $dbkey, '~~~' ) !== false ) {
1734  return false;
1735  }
1744  if ( ( $this->mNamespace != NS_SPECIAL && strlen( $dbkey ) > 255 ) ||
1745  strlen( $dbkey ) > 512 )
1746  {
1747  return false;
1748  }
1758  if( $wgCapitalLinks && $this->mInterwiki == '') {
1759  $dbkey = $wgContLang->ucfirst( $dbkey );
1760  }
1767  if( $dbkey == '' &&
1768  $this->mInterwiki == '' &&
1769  $this->mNamespace != NS_MAIN ) {
1770  return false;
1771  }
1773  // Any remaining initial :s are illegal.
1774  if ( $dbkey !== '' && ':' == $dbkey{0} ) {
1775  return false;
1776  }
1778  # Fill fields
1779  $this->mDbkeyform = $dbkey;
1780  $this->mUrlform = ilWikiUtil::wfUrlencode( $dbkey );
1782  $this->mTextform = str_replace( '_', ' ', $dbkey );
1784  return true;
1785  }
setFragment( $fragment)
Set the fragment for this title This is kind of bad, since except for this rarely-used function...
Definition: Title.php:1796
getInterwikiLink( $key)
Returns the URL associated with an interwiki prefix.
Definition: Title.php:383
Definition: Title.php:62
static wfUrlencode( $s)
From GlobalFunctions.php.
Definition: UtfNormal.php:68
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Definition: Title.php:49
static legalChars()
Get a regex character class describing the legal characters in a link.
Definition: Title.php:326
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setFragment()

Title::setFragment (   $fragment)

Set the fragment for this title This is kind of bad, since except for this rarely-used function, Title objects are immutable.

The reason this is here is because it's better than setting the members directly, which is what Linker::formatComment was doing previously.

clarify whether access is supposed to be public (was marked as "kind of public")

Definition at line 1796 of file Title.php.

Referenced by secureAndSplit().

1796  {
1797  $this->mFragment = str_replace( '_', ' ', substr( $fragment, 1 ) );
1798  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ touchLinks()

Title::touchLinks ( )

Update page_touched timestamps and send squid purge messages for pages linking to this title.

May be sent to the job queue depending on the number of links. Typically called on create and delete.

Definition at line 2428 of file Title.php.

References getNamespace().

2428  {
2429  $u = new HTMLCacheUpdate( $this, 'pagelinks' );
2430  $u->doUpdate();
2432  if ( $this->getNamespace() == NS_CATEGORY ) {
2433  $u = new HTMLCacheUpdate( $this, 'categorylinks' );
2434  $u->doUpdate();
2435  }
2436  }
Get the namespace index, i.e.
Definition: Title.php:543
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ trackbackRDF()

Title::trackbackRDF ( )

Definition at line 2459 of file Title.php.

References $title, $url, getFullURL(), getText(), and trackbackURL().

2459  {
2460  $url = htmlspecialchars($this->getFullURL());
2461  $title = htmlspecialchars($this->getText());
2462  $tburl = $this->trackbackURL();
2464  return "
2465 <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"\"
2466  xmlns:dc=\"\"
2467  xmlns:trackback=\"\">
2468 <rdf:Description
2469  rdf:about=\"$url\"
2470  dc:identifier=\"$url\"
2471  dc:title=\"$title\"
2472  trackback:ping=\"$tburl\" />
2473 </rdf:RDF>";
2474  }
Simple accessors.
Definition: Title.php:528
getFullURL( $query='', $variant=false)
Get a real URL referring to this title, with interwiki link and fragment.
Definition: Title.php:733
Definition: shib_logout.php:72
Definition: Title.php:2452
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ trackbackURL()

Title::trackbackURL ( )

Definition at line 2452 of file Title.php.

Referenced by trackbackRDF().

2452  {
2453  global $wgTitle, $wgScriptPath, $wgServer;
2455  return "$wgServer$wgScriptPath/trackback.php?article="
2456  . htmlspecialchars(urlencode($wgTitle->getPrefixedDBkey()));
2457  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ userCan()

Title::userCan (   $action,
  $doExpensiveQueries = true 

Can $wgUser perform $action on this page?

string$actionaction that permission needs to be checked for
bool$doExpensiveQueriesSet this to false to avoid doing unnecessary queries.

Definition at line 1003 of file Title.php.

References $mNamespace, $result, array, getCascadeProtectionSources(), getRestrictions(), and isCssJsSubpage().

Referenced by isValidMoveOperation(), quickUserCan(), userCanCreate(), userCanEdit(), and userCanMove().

1003  {
1004  $fname = 'Title::userCan';
1005  wfProfileIn( $fname );
1007  global $wgUser, $wgNamespaceProtection;
1009  $result = null;
1010  wfRunHooks( 'userCan', array( &$this, &$wgUser, $action, &$result ) );
1011  if ( $result !== null ) {
1012  wfProfileOut( $fname );
1013  return $result;
1014  }
1016  if( NS_SPECIAL == $this->mNamespace ) {
1017  wfProfileOut( $fname );
1018  return false;
1019  }
1021  if ( array_key_exists( $this->mNamespace, $wgNamespaceProtection ) ) {
1022  $nsProt = $wgNamespaceProtection[ $this->mNamespace ];
1023  if ( !is_array($nsProt) ) $nsProt = array($nsProt);
1024  foreach( $nsProt as $right ) {
1025  if( '' != $right && !$wgUser->isAllowed( $right ) ) {
1026  wfProfileOut( $fname );
1027  return false;
1028  }
1029  }
1030  }
1032  if( $this->mDbkeyform == '_' ) {
1033  # FIXME: Is this necessary? Shouldn't be allowed anyway...
1034  wfProfileOut( $fname );
1035  return false;
1036  }
1038  # protect css/js subpages of user pages
1039  # XXX: this might be better using restrictions
1040  # XXX: Find a way to work around the php bug that prevents using $this->userCanEditCssJsSubpage() from working
1041  if( $this->isCssJsSubpage()
1042  && !$wgUser->isAllowed('editinterface')
1043  && !preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($wgUser->getName(), '/').'\//', $this->mTextform) ) {
1044  wfProfileOut( $fname );
1045  return false;
1046  }
1048  if ( $doExpensiveQueries && !$this->isCssJsSubpage() ) {
1049  # We /could/ use the protection level on the source page, but it's fairly ugly
1050  # as we have to establish a precedence hierarchy for pages included by multiple
1051  # cascade-protected pages. So just restrict it to people with 'protect' permission,
1052  # as they could remove the protection anyway.
1053  list( $cascadingSources, $restrictions ) = $this->getCascadeProtectionSources();
1054  # Cascading protection depends on more than this page...
1055  # Several cascading protected pages may include this page...
1056  # Check each cascading level
1057  # This is only for protection restrictions, not for all actions
1058  if( $cascadingSources > 0 && isset($restrictions[$action]) ) {
1059  foreach( $restrictions[$action] as $right ) {
1060  $right = ( $right == 'sysop' ) ? 'protect' : $right;
1061  if( '' != $right && !$wgUser->isAllowed( $right ) ) {
1062  wfProfileOut( $fname );
1063  return false;
1064  }
1065  }
1066  }
1067  }
1069  foreach( $this->getRestrictions($action) as $right ) {
1070  // Backwards compatibility, rewrite sysop -> protect
1071  if ( $right == 'sysop' ) {
1072  $right = 'protect';
1073  }
1074  if( '' != $right && !$wgUser->isAllowed( $right ) ) {
1075  wfProfileOut( $fname );
1076  return false;
1077  }
1078  }
1080  if( $action == 'move' &&
1081  !( $this->isMovable() && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'move' ) ) ) {
1082  wfProfileOut( $fname );
1083  return false;
1084  }
1086  if( $action == 'create' ) {
1087  if( ( $this->isTalkPage() && !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'createtalk' ) ) ||
1088  ( !$this->isTalkPage() && !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'createpage' ) ) ) {
1089  wfProfileOut( $fname );
1090  return false;
1091  }
1092  }
1094  wfProfileOut( $fname );
1095  return true;
1096  }
getRestrictions( $action)
Accessor/initialisation for mRestrictions.
Definition: Title.php:1461
Definition: Title.php:50
Is this a .css or .js subpage of a user page?
Definition: Title.php:1205
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
getCascadeProtectionSources( $get_pages=true)
Cascading protection: Get the source of any cascading restrictions on this page.
Definition: Title.php:1272
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ userCanCreate()

Title::userCanCreate (   $doExpensiveQueries = true)

Can $wgUser create this page?

use userCan('create')

Definition at line 1112 of file Title.php.

References userCan().

1112  {
1113  return $this->userCan( 'create', $doExpensiveQueries );
1114  }
userCan( $action, $doExpensiveQueries=true)
Can $wgUser perform $action on this page?
Definition: Title.php:1003
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ userCanEdit()

Title::userCanEdit (   $doExpensiveQueries = true)

Can $wgUser edit this page?

use userCan('edit')

Definition at line 1103 of file Title.php.

References userCan().

1103  {
1104  return $this->userCan( 'edit', $doExpensiveQueries );
1105  }
userCan( $action, $doExpensiveQueries=true)
Can $wgUser perform $action on this page?
Definition: Title.php:1003
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ userCanEditCssJsSubpage()

Title::userCanEditCssJsSubpage ( )

Protect css/js subpages of user pages: can $wgUser edit this page?

XXX: this might be better using restrictions

Definition at line 1249 of file Title.php.

1249  {
1250  global $wgUser;
1251  return ( $wgUser->isAllowed('editinterface') or preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($wgUser->getName(), '/').'\//', $this->mTextform) );
1252  }

◆ userCanMove()

Title::userCanMove (   $doExpensiveQueries = true)

Can $wgUser move this page?

use userCan('move')

Definition at line 1121 of file Title.php.

References userCan().

1121  {
1122  return $this->userCan( 'move', $doExpensiveQueries );
1123  }
userCan( $action, $doExpensiveQueries=true)
Can $wgUser perform $action on this page?
Definition: Title.php:1003
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ userCanRead()

Title::userCanRead ( )

Would anybody with sufficient privileges be able to move this page? Some pages just aren't movable.

boolean Can $wgUser read this page?
fold these checks into userCan()

Always grant access to the login page. Even anons need to be able to log in.

some pages are explicitly allowed

Definition at line 1141 of file Title.php.

References $result, array, getNamespace(), getPrefixedText(), and isSpecial().

1141  {
1142  global $wgUser;
1144  $result = null;
1145  wfRunHooks( 'userCan', array( &$this, &$wgUser, 'read', &$result ) );
1146  if ( $result !== null ) {
1147  return $result;
1148  }
1150  if( $wgUser->isAllowed('read') ) {
1151  return true;
1152  } else {
1153  global $wgWhitelistRead;
1159  if( $this->isSpecial( 'Userlogin' ) || $this->isSpecial( 'Resetpass' ) ) {
1160  return true;
1161  }
1164  $name = $this->getPrefixedText();
1165  if( $wgWhitelistRead && in_array( $name, $wgWhitelistRead ) ) {
1166  return true;
1167  }
1169  # Compatibility with old settings
1170  if( $wgWhitelistRead && $this->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN ) {
1171  if( in_array( ':' . $name, $wgWhitelistRead ) ) {
1172  return true;
1173  }
1174  }
1175  }
1176  return false;
1177  }
Get the prefixed title with spaces.
Definition: Title.php:642
isSpecial( $name)
Returns true if this title resolves to the named special page.
Definition: Title.php:2520
Get the namespace index, i.e.
Definition: Title.php:543
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ userIsWatching()

Title::userIsWatching ( )

Is $wgUser is watching this page?


Definition at line 968 of file Title.php.

References $mWatched.

968  {
969  global $wgUser;
971  if ( is_null( $this->mWatched ) ) {
972  if ( NS_SPECIAL == $this->mNamespace || !$wgUser->isLoggedIn()) {
973  $this->mWatched = false;
974  } else {
975  $this->mWatched = $wgUser->isWatched( $this );
976  }
977  }
978  return $this->mWatched;
979  }
Definition: Title.php:64

Field Documentation

◆ $interwikiCache

Title::$interwikiCache =array()

Definition at line 35 of file Title.php.

Referenced by getInterwikiCached(), getInterwikiLink(), isLocal(), and isTrans().

◆ $mArticleID


Definition at line 53 of file Title.php.

Referenced by getArticleID().

◆ $mCascadeRestriction


Definition at line 56 of file Title.php.

Referenced by areRestrictionsCascading().

◆ $mCascadeRestrictionSources


Definition at line 59 of file Title.php.

◆ $mDbkeyform


Definition at line 49 of file Title.php.

Referenced by getDBkey(), isAlwaysKnown(), and secureAndSplit().

◆ $mDefaultNamespace


Definition at line 62 of file Title.php.

Referenced by getDefaultNamespace(), and secureAndSplit().

◆ $mFragment


Definition at line 52 of file Title.php.

Referenced by getFragment(), and getFullText().

◆ $mHasCascadingRestrictions


Definition at line 58 of file Title.php.

◆ $mInterwiki


Definition at line 51 of file Title.php.

Referenced by getInterwiki().

◆ $mLatestID


Definition at line 54 of file Title.php.

Referenced by getLatestRevID().

◆ $mNamespace


Definition at line 50 of file Title.php.

Referenced by getNamespace(), getNsText(), and userCan().

◆ $mPrefixedText


Definition at line 61 of file Title.php.

Referenced by getPrefixedText().

◆ $mRestrictions


Definition at line 55 of file Title.php.

◆ $mRestrictionsExpiry


Definition at line 57 of file Title.php.

◆ $mRestrictionsLoaded


Definition at line 60 of file Title.php.

◆ $mTextform


All member variables should be considered private Please use the accessor functions.


Definition at line 47 of file Title.php.

Referenced by getText().

◆ $mUrlform


Definition at line 48 of file Title.php.

Referenced by getPartialURL().

◆ $mWatched


Definition at line 64 of file Title.php.

Referenced by userIsWatching().

◆ $titleCache

Title::$titleCache =array()

Static cache variables.

Definition at line 34 of file Title.php.

Referenced by newFromText().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: