release_5-2 Revision v5.2.25-18-g3f80b828510
Class ilObjForumGUI. More...
Public Member Functions | |
ensureThreadBelongsToForum ($objId, \ilForumTopic $thread) | |
updateThreadObject () | |
showThreadsObject () | |
sortThreadsObject () | |
getSubTabs ($subtab='showThreads') | |
cancelObject () | |
showStatisticsObject () | |
performDeleteThreadsObject () | |
confirmDeleteThreads () | |
confirmDeleteThreadDraftsObject () | |
performPostActivationObject () | |
askForPostActivationObject () | |
setDisplayConfirmPostActivation ($status=0) | |
displayConfirmPostActivation () | |
toggleStickinessObject () | |
cancelPostObject () | |
cancelDraftObject () | |
createTopLevelPostObject () | |
saveTopLevelPostObject () | |
quoteTopLevelPostObject () | |
publishSelectedDraftObject () | |
publishDraftObject ($use_replyform=true) | |
quotePostObject () | |
showUserObject () | |
performMoveThreadsObject () | |
cancelMoveThreadsObject () | |
deleteThreadDraftsObject () | |
createThreadObject () | |
checkEnableColumnEdit () | |
cloneWizardPageObject () | |
handleFormInput ($a_text, $a_stripslashes=true) | |
prepareFormOutput ($a_text) | |
infoScreenObject () | |
this one is called from the info button in the repository not very nice to set cmdClass/Cmd manually, if everything works through ilCtrl in the future this may be changed More... | |
getIcon ($user_toggle_noti) | |
markPostUnreadObject () | |
markPostReadObject () | |
isUserAllowedToDeactivateNotification () | |
removeFromDeskObject () | |
saveThreadSortingObject () | |
mergeThreadsObject () | |
confirmMergeThreadsObject () | |
cancelMergeThreads () | |
deliverZipFileObject () | |
restoreFromHistoryObject () | |
editDraftObject () | |
autosaveDraftAsyncObject () | |
autosaveThreadDraftAsyncObject () | |
checkDraftAccess ($draft_id) | |
doHistoryCheck ($draft_id) | |
![]() | |
executeCommand () | |
execute command More... | |
withReferences () | |
determines wether objects are referenced or not (got ref ids or not) More... | |
setCreationMode ($a_mode=true) | |
if true, a creation screen is displayed the current $_GET[ref_id] don't belong to the current class! the mode is determined in ilrepositorygui More... | |
getCreationMode () | |
get creation mode More... | |
prepareOutput ($a_show_subobjects=true) | |
prepare output More... | |
getAdminTabs () | |
administration tabs show only permissions and trash folder More... | |
getHTML () | |
confirmedDeleteObject () | |
confirmed deletion of object -> objects are moved to trash or deleted immediately, if trash is disabled More... | |
cancelDeleteObject () | |
cancel deletion of object More... | |
cancelObject () | |
cancel action and go back to previous page public More... | |
createObject () | |
create new object form More... | |
cancelCreation () | |
cancel create action and go back to repository parent More... | |
saveObject () | |
save object More... | |
editObject () | |
edit object More... | |
addExternalEditFormCustom (ilPropertyFormGUI $a_form) | |
updateObject () | |
updates object entry in object_data More... | |
getFormAction ($a_cmd, $a_formaction="") | |
get form action for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g. More... | |
isVisible ($a_ref_id, $a_type) | |
viewObject () | |
list childs of current object More... | |
deleteObject ($a_error=false) | |
Display deletion confirmation screen. More... | |
cloneAllObject () | |
Clone single (not container object) Method is overwritten in ilContainerGUI. More... | |
![]() | |
addToDeskObject () | |
Add desktop item public. More... | |
Data Fields | |
$modal_history = '' | |
$objProperties | |
$object | |
$ilias | |
$access | |
$error | |
$settings | |
$user | |
$ilObjDataCache | |
![]() | |
$ilias | |
$objDefinition | |
$tpl | |
$tree | |
$lng | |
$data | |
$object | |
$ref_id | |
$obj_id | |
$maxcount | |
$formaction | |
$return_location | |
$target_frame | |
$tab_target_script | |
$actions | |
$sub_objects | |
$omit_locator = false | |
const | CFORM_NEW = 1 |
const | CFORM_IMPORT = 2 |
const | CFORM_CLONE = 3 |
Protected Member Functions | |
initSessionStorage () | |
addAutosave (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) | |
getEditFormCustomValues (Array &$a_values) | |
afterSave (ilObject $forumObj) | |
setSideBlocks () | |
{} More... | |
deleteMobsOfDraft ($draft_id, $message) | |
todo: move to ilForumUtil More... | |
deleteSelectedDraft (ilForumPostDraft $draft_obj=null) | |
![]() | |
assignObject () | |
setTitleAndDescription () | |
called by prepare output More... | |
initHeaderAction ($a_sub_type=null, $a_sub_id=null) | |
Add header action menu. More... | |
insertHeaderAction ($a_list_gui) | |
Insert header action into main template. More... | |
addHeaderAction () | |
Add header action menu. More... | |
redrawHeaderActionObject () | |
Ajax call: redraw action header only. More... | |
showMountWebfolderIcon () | |
setTabs () | |
set admin tabs public More... | |
setAdminTabs () | |
set admin tabs public More... | |
setLocator () | |
set Locator More... | |
addLocatorItems () | |
should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded) More... | |
omitLocator ($a_omit=true) | |
addAdminLocatorItems ($a_do_not_add_object=false) | |
should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded) More... | |
initCreationForms ($a_new_type) | |
Init creation froms. More... | |
getCreationFormsHTML (array $a_forms) | |
Get HTML for creation forms (accordion) More... | |
initCreateForm ($a_new_type) | |
Init object creation form. More... | |
initDidacticTemplate (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) | |
Show didactic template types. More... | |
addDidacticTemplateOptions (array &$a_options) | |
Add custom templates. More... | |
getDidacticTemplateVar ($a_type) | |
Get didactic template setting from creation screen. More... | |
putObjectInTree (ilObject $a_obj, $a_parent_node_id=null) | |
Add object to tree at given position. More... | |
afterSave (ilObject $a_new_object) | |
Post (successful) object creation hook. More... | |
initEditForm () | |
Init object edit form. More... | |
initEditCustomForm (ilPropertyFormGUI $a_form) | |
Add custom fields to update form. More... | |
getEditFormValues () | |
Get values for edit form. More... | |
getEditFormCustomValues (array &$a_values) | |
Add values to custom edit fields. More... | |
validateCustom (ilPropertyFormGUI $a_form) | |
Validate custom values (if not possible with checkInput()) More... | |
updateCustom (ilPropertyFormGUI $a_form) | |
Insert custom update form values into object. More... | |
afterUpdate () | |
Post (successful) object update hook. More... | |
initImportForm ($a_new_type) | |
Init object import form. More... | |
importFileObject ($parent_id=null, $a_catch_errors=true) | |
Import. More... | |
afterImport (ilObject $a_new_object) | |
Post (successful) object import hook. More... | |
setFormAction ($a_cmd, $a_formaction) | |
set specific form action for command More... | |
getReturnLocation ($a_cmd, $a_location="") | |
get return location for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g. More... | |
setReturnLocation ($a_cmd, $a_location) | |
set specific return location for command More... | |
getTargetFrame ($a_cmd, $a_target_frame="") | |
get target frame for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g. More... | |
setTargetFrame ($a_cmd, $a_target_frame) | |
set specific target frame for command More... | |
showPossibleSubObjects () | |
show possible subobjects (pulldown menu) More... | |
getTemplateFile ($a_cmd, $a_type="") | |
get a template blockfile format: tpl. More... | |
getTabs () | |
get tabs abstract method. More... | |
__showButton ($a_cmd, $a_text, $a_target='') | |
hitsperpageObject () | |
& | __initTableGUI () |
__setTableGUIBasicData (&$tbl, &$result_set, $a_from="") | |
standard implementation for tables use 'from' variable use different initial setting of table More... | |
redirectToRefId ($a_ref_id, $a_cmd="") | |
redirects to (repository) view per ref id usually to a container and usually used at the end of a save/import method where the object gui type (of the new object) doesn't match with the type of the current $_GET["ref_id"] value More... | |
fillCloneTemplate ($a_tpl_varname, $a_type) | |
Fill object clone template This method can be called from any object GUI class that wants to offer object cloning. More... | |
getCenterColumnHTML () | |
Get center column. More... | |
getRightColumnHTML () | |
Display right column. More... | |
setColumnSettings (ilColumnGUI $column_gui) | |
May be overwritten in subclasses. More... | |
checkPermission ($a_perm, $a_cmd="", $a_type="", $a_ref_id=null) | |
Check permission and redirect on error. More... | |
checkPermissionBool ($a_perm, $a_cmd="", $a_type="", $a_ref_id=null) | |
Check permission. More... | |
enableDragDropFileUpload () | |
Enables the file upload into this object by dropping files. More... | |
handleAutoRating (ilObject $a_new_obj) | |
Activate rating automatically if parent container setting. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
isHierarchicalView () | |
isTopLevelReplyCommand () | |
getThreadEditingForm ($a_thread_id) | |
initForumCreateForm ($object_type) | |
getReplyEditForm () | |
hideToolbar ($a_flag=null) | |
getForumObjects () | |
getModifiedReOnSubject ($on_reply=false) | |
isWritingWithPseudonymAllowed () | |
setTopicCreateDefaultValues () | |
updateUserNotifications ($update_all_users=false) | |
initNotificationSettingsForm () | |
getUserNotificationTableData ($user_ids, ilForumNotification $frm_noti) | |
isParentObjectCrsOrGrp () | |
Private Attributes | |
$objCurrentTopic | |
$objCurrentPost | |
$display_confirm_post_activation = 0 | |
$is_moderator = false | |
$create_form_gui | |
$create_topic_form_gui | |
$replyEditForm | |
$notificationSettingsForm | |
$hideToolbar = false | |
$forum_overview_setting = null | |
$forumObjects | |
$confirmation_gui_html = '' | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | _gotoRepositoryRoot ($a_raise_error=false) |
Goto repository root. More... | |
static | _gotoRepositoryNode ($a_ref_id, $a_cmd="frameset") |
Goto repository root. More... | |
![]() | |
$tmp_import_dir | |
$tabs_gui = null | |
$ctrl | |
Class ilObjForumGUI.
ilObjForumGUI: ilPermissionGUI, ilForumExportGUI, ilInfoScreenGUI ilObjForumGUI: ilColumnGUI, ilPublicUserProfileGUI, ilForumModeratorsGUI, ilRepositoryObjectSearchGUI ilObjForumGUI: ilObjectCopyGUI, ilExportGUI, ilCommonActionDispatcherGUI, ilRatingGUI
Definition at line 33 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
protected |
ilPropertyFormGUI | $form |
Definition at line 188 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, array, ilFormGUI\getId(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), ilForumPostDraft\isAutoSavePostDraftAllowed(), and ilForumPostDraft\lookupAutosaveInterval().
Referenced by cancelDraftObject(), and isWritingWithPseudonymAllowed().
protected |
ilObject | ilObjForum | $forumObj |
Definition at line 1419 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$tree, array, ilObject\getRefId(), ilObjectGUI\getTabs(), object, ilUtil\redirect(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjForumGUI::askForPostActivationObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1842 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References setDisplayConfirmPostActivation().
ilObjForumGUI::autosaveDraftAsyncObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6473 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $ilUser, ilRTE\_getMediaObjects(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_removeUsage(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), ilObjMediaObject\_saveUsage(), exit, ilForumUtil\getPublicUserAlias(), getReplyEditForm(), handleFormInput(), ilForumPostDraft\isAutoSavePostDraftAllowed(), ilObjForum\lookupForumIdByRefId(), ilForumDraftsHistory\MEDIAOBJECT_TYPE, and ilForumPostDraft\MEDIAOBJECT_TYPE.
ilObjForumGUI::autosaveThreadDraftAsyncObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6615 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_SESSION, ilObjectGUI\$actions, $create_topic_form_gui, $ilUser, $is_moderator, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, $url, ilRTE\_getMediaObjects(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_removeUsage(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), ilObjMediaObject\_saveUsage(), array, displayConfirmPostActivation(), exit, ilForumPost\getForumId(), ilForumPost\getId(), ilLinkButton\getInstance(), ilSplitButtonGUI\getInstance(), ilForumPostDraft\getInstancesByUserIdAndThreadId(), ilForumUtil\getPublicUserAlias(), ilForumPost\getThreadId(), handleFormInput(), ilForumPost\hasReplies(), ilForumPost\isActivated(), ilForumPostDraft\isAutoSavePostDraftAllowed(), ilForumPost\isCensored(), ilForumPost\isOwner(), ilForumPost\isPostRead(), ilObjForum\lookupForumIdByRefId(), ilForumDraftsHistory\MEDIAOBJECT_TYPE, and ilForumPostDraft\MEDIAOBJECT_TYPE.
ilObjForumGUI::cancelDraftObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1924 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $file, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilHtmlPurifierFactory\_getInstanceByType(), ilObjAdvancedEditing\_getRichTextEditorUserState(), ilRTE\_getRTEClassname(), ilObjAdvancedEditing\_setRichTextEditorUserState(), addAutosave(), array, getForumObjects(), ilForumPostDraft\isAutoSavePostDraftAllowed(), ilForumPostDraft\isSavePostDraftAllowed(), isTopLevelReplyCommand(), isWritingWithPseudonymAllowed(), ilForumPostDraft\lookupAutosaveInterval(), ilForumDraftsHistory\MEDIAOBJECT_TYPE, ilForumPostDraft\MEDIAOBJECT_TYPE, ilForumUtil\moveMediaObjects(), ilFileWizardInputGUI\setFilenames(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setInfo(), ilTextInputGUI\setMaxLength(), and ilFormPropertyGUI\setRequired().
ilObjForumGUI::cancelMergeThreads | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5786 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References showThreadsObject().
ilObjForumGUI::cancelMoveThreadsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3980 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, $counter, $is_moderator, ilObjectGUI\$lng, $result, ilObjectGUI\$tree, array, ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), hideToolbar(), object, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjForumGUI::cancelObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1410 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, ilUtil\redirect(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjForumGUI::cancelPostObject | ( | ) |
ilObjForumGUI::checkDraftAccess | ( | $draft_id | ) |
$draft_id |
Definition at line 7010 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $ilErr, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\$lng, and ilForumPostDraft\getPostAuthorId().
Referenced by editDraftObject().
ilObjForumGUI::checkEnableColumnEdit | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4686 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilColumnGUI\setBlockProperty(), ilObjectGUI\setColumnSettings(), and ilColumnGUI\setRepositoryMode().
ilObjForumGUI::cloneWizardPageObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4716 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, $ilObjDataCache, $title, ilForum\_getThreads(), ilObjectGUI\addLocatorItems(), ilObjectGUI\createObject(), ilUtil\formCheckbox(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), object, ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilForum\SORT_TITLE.
ilObjForumGUI::confirmDeleteThreadDraftsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1733 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_POST, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObject\_getIcon(), ilForumPostDraft\getDraftInstancesByUserId(), ilObject\getId(), hideToolbar(), ilUtil\infoPanel(), isHierarchicalView(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), showThreadsObject(), ilForumProperties\VIEW_DATE, and ilForumProperties\VIEW_TREE.
ilObjForumGUI::confirmDeleteThreads | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1691 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_POST, ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), hideToolbar(), object, ilUtil\sendInfo(), and showThreadsObject().
Referenced by showUserObject().
ilObjForumGUI::confirmMergeThreadsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5677 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilForumTopic\_lookupDate(), ilForumTopic\_lookupTitle(), ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), ilForumTopic\lookupForumIdByTopicId(), ilForum\mergeThreads(), mergeThreadsObject(), object, ilUtil\sendFailure(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and showThreadsObject().
ilObjForumGUI::createThreadObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4315 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $file, $GLOBALS, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjMediaObject\_exists(), ilRTE\_getMediaObjects(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_removeUsage(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), ilObjMediaObject\_saveUsage(), array, ilForumUtil\getPublicUserAlias(), handleFormInput(), ilForumPostDraft\isSavePostDraftAllowed(), isWritingWithPseudonymAllowed(), object, ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), setTopicCreateDefaultValues(), showThreadsObject(), and ilFileDataForum\storeUploadedFile().
ilObjForumGUI::createTopLevelPostObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2368 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $ilUser, ilForumPostDraft\getDraftId(), and ilForumPostDraft\isSavePostDraftAllowed().
protected |
todo: move to ilForumUtil
$draft_id | |
$message |
Definition at line 6388 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References ilObjMediaObject\_exists(), ilRTE\_getMediaObjects(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), and ilObjMediaObject\_removeUsage().
Referenced by deleteSelectedDraft(), and deleteThreadDraftsObject().
protected |
ilForumPostDraft | null | $draft_obj |
Definition at line 6420 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $GLOBALS, $ilErr, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\$lng, array, ilFileDataForumDrafts\delete(), deleteMobsOfDraft(), ilForumPostDraft\getPostAuthorId(), ilForumPostDraft\isSavePostDraftAllowed(), object, and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
Referenced by getForumObjects().
ilObjForumGUI::deleteThreadDraftsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4250 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $GLOBALS, $ilUser, array, ilFileDataForumDrafts\delete(), deleteMobsOfDraft(), ilForumPostDraft\getDraftInstancesByUserId(), ilForumPostDraft\isSavePostDraftAllowed(), object, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjForumGUI::deliverZipFileObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5827 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\$lng, $modal_history, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), array, doHistoryCheck(), ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), and object.
ilObjForumGUI::displayConfirmPostActivation | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1862 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $display_confirm_post_activation, $ilUser, $objCurrentTopic, ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), object, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by autosaveThreadDraftAsyncObject(), getForumObjects(), and getSubTabs().
ilObjForumGUI::doHistoryCheck | ( | $draft_id | ) |
$draft_id |
Definition at line 7028 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), ilForumPostDraft\createDraftBackup(), ilDatePresentation\formatDate(), ilLinkButton\getInstance(), ilModalGUI\getInstance(), ilForumDraftsHistory\getInstancesByDraftId(), IL_CAL_DATETIME, iljQueryUtil\initjQuery(), and ilForumPostDraft\isAutoSavePostDraftAllowed().
Referenced by deliverZipFileObject(), and editDraftObject().
ilObjForumGUI::editDraftObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6251 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $file, $GLOBALS, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_removeUsage(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), ilObjMediaObject\_saveUsage(), array, checkDraftAccess(), doHistoryCheck(), getForumObjects(), ilForumUtil\getPublicUserAlias(), getReplyEditForm(), handleFormInput(), ilForumPostDraft\isAutoSavePostDraftAllowed(), ilForumPostDraft\isSavePostDraftAllowed(), object, ilForumUtil\saveMediaObjects(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjForumGUI::ensureThreadBelongsToForum | ( | $objId, | |
\ilForumTopic | $thread | ||
) |
int | $objId | |
ilForumTopic | $thread |
Definition at line 177 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References ilForumTopic\getForumId(), and ilObjForum\lookupForumIdByObjId().
Referenced by cancelMoveThreadsObject(), confirmDeleteThreads(), confirmMergeThreadsObject(), deliverZipFileObject(), displayConfirmPostActivation(), getForumObjects(), getThreadEditingForm(), isTopLevelReplyCommand(), markPostReadObject(), markPostUnreadObject(), performDeleteThreadsObject(), performMoveThreadsObject(), performPostActivationObject(), publishDraftObject(), quotePostObject(), saveThreadSortingObject(), showUserObject(), toggleStickinessObject(), and updateThreadObject().
protected |
Definition at line 495 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, $ilSetting, array, ilPropertyFormGUI\getInput(), ilObjectGUI\updateCustom(), ilForumProperties\VIEW_DATE, ilForumProperties\VIEW_DATE_ASC, ilForumProperties\VIEW_DATE_DESC, and ilForumProperties\VIEW_TREE.
private |
Definition at line 2954 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, ilObjectGUI\$actions, $forumObjects, $ilCtrl, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\$lng, $mobs, $objCurrentTopic, $object, $params, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjMediaObject\_exists(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_removeUsage(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), ilObjectGUI\addHeaderAction(), array, deleteSelectedDraft(), displayConfirmPostActivation(), ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), ilObjectGUI\getCreationMode(), ilLinkButton\getInstance(), ilSplitButtonGUI\getInstance(), ilForumPostDraft\getInstancesByUserIdAndThreadId(), getModifiedReOnSubject(), getReplyEditForm(), handleFormInput(), isHierarchicalView(), ilForumPostDraft\isSavePostDraftAllowed(), isTopLevelReplyCommand(), ilUtil\Linkbar(), ilAccessKey\MARK_ALL_READ, object, ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), ilForumExplorerGUI\setThread(), ilForumProperties\VIEW_DATE, ilForumProperties\VIEW_DATE_ASC, and ilForumProperties\VIEW_TREE.
Referenced by cancelDraftObject(), editDraftObject(), publishDraftObject(), quotePostObject(), and restoreFromHistoryObject().
ilObjForumGUI::getIcon | ( | $user_toggle_noti | ) |
Definition at line 4961 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $ilErr, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjectGUI\$tree, ilForum\_getModerators(), array, getUserNotificationTableData(), initNotificationSettingsForm(), object, and ilForumNotification\setAdminForce().
Referenced by getUserNotificationTableData().
private |
Definition at line 3652 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
Referenced by getForumObjects().
private |
Definition at line 2355 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $replyEditForm.
Referenced by autosaveDraftAsyncObject(), editDraftObject(), getForumObjects(), getSubTabs(), publishDraftObject(), quotePostObject(), and restoreFromHistoryObject().
ilObjForumGUI::getSubTabs | ( | $subtab = 'showThreads' | ) |
Definition at line 692 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_SESSION, $cmd, $file, $ilUser, $is_moderator, ilObjectGUI\$lng, $modal_history, $object, $tbl, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilForum\_isModerator(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), array, ilGlyphGUI\ATTACHMENT, displayConfirmPostActivation(), ilGlyphGUI\get(), ilForumPost\getCensorshipComment(), ilForumPost\getChangeDate(), ilForumPost\getCreateDate(), ilForumPost\getDisplayUserId(), ilForumPost\getId(), ilForumPost\getImportName(), ilLinkButton\getInstance(), ilForumPostDraft\getInstancesByUserIdAndThreadId(), ilForumPost\getIsAuthorModerator(), ilForumPost\getMessage(), ilForumPost\getPosAuthorId(), getReplyEditForm(), ilForumPost\getSubject(), ilForumPostDraft\getThreadDraftData(), ilForumPost\getThreadId(), ilForumPost\getUpdateUserId(), ilForumPost\getUserAlias(), hideToolbar(), ilForumPost\isActivated(), ilForumPost\isCensored(), ilForumPost\isOwner(), ilForumPost\isPostRead(), ilForumPostDraft\isSavePostDraftAllowed(), ilObjForum\lookupForumIdByObjId(), ilAccessKey\MARK_ALL_READ, object, ilForumPost\setChangeDate(), ilForumPost\setMessage(), and ilUtil\switchColor().
Referenced by showThreadsObject(), and sortThreadsObject().
private |
int | $a_thread_id |
Definition at line 571 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References array, ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), object, and ilFormPropertyGUI\setRequired().
Referenced by updateThreadObject().
private |
Definition at line 5036 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_POST, $counter, $ilCtrl, $ilErr, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjUser\_lookupLogin(), ilObjUser\_lookupName(), array, ilUtil\formCheckbox(), getIcon(), ilForumNotification\isUserToggleNotification(), object, ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and ilForumNotification\setUserId().
Referenced by getIcon().
ilObjForumGUI::handleFormInput | ( | $a_text, | |
$a_stripslashes = true |
) |
Definition at line 4783 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References ilUtil\stripSlashes().
Referenced by autosaveDraftAsyncObject(), autosaveThreadDraftAsyncObject(), createThreadObject(), editDraftObject(), getForumObjects(), publishDraftObject(), and restoreFromHistoryObject().
private |
Definition at line 2885 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $hideToolbar.
Referenced by cancelMoveThreadsObject(), confirmDeleteThreadDraftsObject(), confirmDeleteThreads(), and getSubTabs().
ilObjForumGUI::infoScreenObject | ( | ) |
this one is called from the info button in the repository not very nice to set cmdClass/Cmd manually, if everything works through ilCtrl in the future this may be changed
Definition at line 4806 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_POST, $ilErr, $info, ilForumNotification\deleteNotificationAllUsers(), initNotificationSettingsForm(), object, ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and updateUserNotifications().
private |
string | $object_type |
Definition at line 1340 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References ilRadioOption\addSubItem(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), ilTextAreaInputGUI\setCols(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setInfo(), ilTextInputGUI\setSize(), ilCheckboxInputGUI\setValue(), ilObject\TITLE_LENGTH, ilForumProperties\VIEW_DATE, ilForumProperties\VIEW_DATE_ASC, ilForumProperties\VIEW_DATE_DESC, and ilForumProperties\VIEW_TREE.
private |
Definition at line 4926 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References ilRadioOption\addSubItem(), and ilCheckboxInputGUI\setValue().
Referenced by getIcon(), and infoScreenObject().
protected |
Definition at line 157 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $sess, array, ilSession\get(), and ilSession\set().
private |
Definition at line 222 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_SESSION, ilForumProperties\VIEW_DATE, and ilForumProperties\VIEW_TREE.
Referenced by confirmDeleteThreadDraftsObject(), and getForumObjects().
private |
Definition at line 5482 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $ilErr, $ilSetting, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tree, ilGroupParticipants\_getInstanceByObjId(), ilCourseParticipants\_getInstanceByObjId(), ilDesktopItemHandling\addToDeskObject(), ilDesktopItemGUI\addToDesktop(), ilObjectFactory\getInstanceByRefId(), object, ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and showThreadsObject().
Referenced by isUserAllowedToDeactivateNotification(), and markPostReadObject().
private |
Definition at line 236 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $cmd, $ilCtrl, $ilErr, $ilSetting, $ilUser, $objCurrentTopic, $ret, ilObjectGUI\addHeaderAction(), ilPropertyFormGUI\addItem(), ilRadioGroupInputGUI\addOption(), ilRadioOption\addSubItem(), array, ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), ilObjectGUI\executeCommand(), exit, ilObjectGUI\getCreationMode(), ilCommonActionDispatcherGUI\getInstanceFromAjaxCall(), ilRating\getOverallRatingForObject(), ilObjectGUI\initEditCustomForm(), object, ilObjectGUI\prepareOutput(), setSideBlocks(), ilCheckboxInputGUI\setValue(), showThreadsObject(), ilForumProperties\VIEW_DATE, ilForumProperties\VIEW_DATE_ASC, ilForumProperties\VIEW_DATE_DESC, and ilForumProperties\VIEW_TREE.
Referenced by cancelDraftObject(), and getForumObjects().
ilObjForumGUI::isUserAllowedToDeactivateNotification | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5451 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $ilUser, and isParentObjectCrsOrGrp().
Referenced by markPostReadObject().
private |
Definition at line 4065 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $file, $ilias, $ilSetting, $ilUser, ilHtmlPurifierFactory\_getInstanceByType(), addAutosave(), array, ilUtil\getImagePath(), ilForumPostDraft\isSavePostDraftAllowed(), ilTextAreaInputGUI\setCols(), ilFileWizardInputGUI\setFilenames(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setInfo(), ilTextInputGUI\setMaxLength(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setRequired(), and ilNonEditableValueGUI\setValue().
Referenced by cancelDraftObject(), createThreadObject(), and publishDraftObject().
ilObjForumGUI::markPostReadObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5338 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $ilUser, $lg, array, ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), ilObjectGUI\initHeaderAction(), isParentObjectCrsOrGrp(), isUserAllowedToDeactivateNotification(), object, and user().
ilObjForumGUI::markPostUnreadObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5324 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), object, and user().
ilObjForumGUI::mergeThreadsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5608 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $tbl, ilForum\_lookupObjIdForForumId(), array, object, ilUtil\sendFailure(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and showThreadsObject().
Referenced by confirmMergeThreadsObject(), and showUserObject().
ilObjForumGUI::performDeleteThreadsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1638 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_POST, ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), object, ilUtil\sendInfo(), and showThreadsObject().
ilObjForumGUI::performMoveThreadsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3937 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), object, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjForumGUI::performPostActivationObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1816 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $GLOBALS, $objCurrentPost, array, ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), object, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjForumGUI::prepareFormOutput | ( | $a_text | ) |
Definition at line 4793 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References ilUtil\prepareFormOutput().
ilObjForumGUI::publishDraftObject | ( | $use_replyform = true | ) |
Definition at line 2421 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $file, $GLOBALS, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\$lng, $objCurrentPost, $objCurrentTopic, ilObjMediaObject\_exists(), ilRTE\_getMediaObjects(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_removeUsage(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), ilObjMediaObject\_saveUsage(), array, date, ilFileDataForum\delete(), ilForumPostDraft\deleteDraft(), ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), ilNewsItem\getFirstNewsIdForContext(), getForumObjects(), getReplyEditForm(), handleFormInput(), ilForumPostDraft\isAutoSavePostDraftAllowed(), ilForumPostDraft\isSavePostDraftAllowed(), isWritingWithPseudonymAllowed(), ilForumUtil\moveMediaObjects(), object, ilForumUtil\saveMediaObjects(), ilUtil\sendFailure(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and ilFileDataForum\storeUploadedFile().
Referenced by publishSelectedDraftObject().
ilObjForumGUI::publishSelectedDraftObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2413 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, and publishDraftObject().
ilObjForumGUI::quotePostObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2896 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $html, ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), array, ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), exit, getForumObjects(), getReplyEditForm(), and object.
Referenced by quoteTopLevelPostObject().
ilObjForumGUI::quoteTopLevelPostObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2407 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References quotePostObject().
ilObjForumGUI::removeFromDeskObject | ( | ) |
Implements ilDesktopItemHandling.
Definition at line 5562 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $ilSetting, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilDesktopItemGUI\removeFromDesktop(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and showThreadsObject().
ilObjForumGUI::restoreFromHistoryObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5892 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $file, $GLOBALS, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), array, ilForumPostDraft\createDraftBackup(), getForumObjects(), ilForumUtil\getPublicUserAlias(), getReplyEditForm(), handleFormInput(), ilForumPostDraft\isAutoSavePostDraftAllowed(), ilForumPostDraft\isSavePostDraftAllowed(), ilForumUtil\moveMediaObjects(), object, ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and ilFileDataForumDrafts\storeUploadedFile().
ilObjForumGUI::saveThreadSortingObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5578 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_POST, array, ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), object, ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and showThreadsObject().
ilObjForumGUI::saveTopLevelPostObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2398 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
ilObjForumGUI::setDisplayConfirmPostActivation | ( | $status = 0 | ) |
Definition at line 1857 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
Referenced by askForPostActivationObject().
protected |
Definition at line 5794 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $GLOBALS, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\getRightColumnHTML(), and ilRepositoryObjectSearchGUI\getSearchBlockHTML().
Referenced by isTopLevelReplyCommand(), showThreadsObject(), and sortThreadsObject().
private |
Definition at line 4305 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References array.
Referenced by createThreadObject().
ilObjForumGUI::showStatisticsObject | ( | ) |
if globally deactivated, skip!!! intrusion detected
Definition at line 1524 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $counter, ilObjectGUI\$data, $ilErr, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$ref_id, $result, $row, $tbl, ilObject\_getAllReferences(), ilObject\_lookupObjectId(), ilObject\_lookupObjId(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), array, exit, object, ilUtil\redirect(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and settings().
ilObjForumGUI::showThreadsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 678 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\getCenterColumnHTML(), getSubTabs(), and setSideBlocks().
Referenced by cancelMergeThreads(), confirmDeleteThreadDraftsObject(), confirmDeleteThreads(), confirmMergeThreadsObject(), createThreadObject(), isParentObjectCrsOrGrp(), isTopLevelReplyCommand(), mergeThreadsObject(), performDeleteThreadsObject(), removeFromDeskObject(), saveThreadSortingObject(), and updateThreadObject().
ilObjForumGUI::showUserObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3707 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $ilUser, ilObjectGUI\$lng, array, confirmDeleteThreads(), ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), ilObjectGUI\executeCommand(), ilObjectFactory\getInstanceByRefId(), mergeThreadsObject(), object, ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and ilUtil\stripSlashes().
ilObjForumGUI::sortThreadsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 684 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\getCenterColumnHTML(), getSubTabs(), and setSideBlocks().
ilObjForumGUI::toggleStickinessObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1891 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $objCurrentTopic, ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), and object.
ilObjForumGUI::updateThreadObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 628 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References $ilUser, $objCurrentTopic, ensureThreadBelongsToForum(), getThreadEditingForm(), object, ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and showThreadsObject().
private |
Definition at line 4890 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
References ilForum\_getModerators(), and object.
Referenced by infoScreenObject().
ilObjForumGUI::$access |
Definition at line 107 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
private |
Definition at line 116 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
private |
Definition at line 65 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
private |
Definition at line 70 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
Referenced by autosaveThreadDraftAsyncObject().
private |
Definition at line 55 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
Referenced by displayConfirmPostActivation().
ilObjForumGUI::$error |
Definition at line 108 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
private |
Definition at line 90 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
private |
Definition at line 105 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
Referenced by getForumObjects().
private |
Definition at line 85 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
Referenced by hideToolbar().
ilObjForumGUI::$ilias |
Definition at line 100 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
Referenced by isWritingWithPseudonymAllowed().
ilObjForumGUI::$ilObjDataCache |
Definition at line 111 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
Referenced by cloneWizardPageObject().
private |
Definition at line 60 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
Referenced by autosaveThreadDraftAsyncObject(), cancelMoveThreadsObject(), and getSubTabs().
ilObjForumGUI::$modal_history = '' |
Definition at line 36 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
Referenced by deliverZipFileObject(), and getSubTabs().
private |
Definition at line 80 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
private |
Definition at line 50 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
Referenced by performPostActivationObject(), and publishDraftObject().
private |
Definition at line 45 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
Referenced by displayConfirmPostActivation(), getForumObjects(), isTopLevelReplyCommand(), publishDraftObject(), toggleStickinessObject(), and updateThreadObject().
ilObjForumGUI::$object |
Definition at line 95 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
Referenced by getForumObjects(), and getSubTabs().
ilObjForumGUI::$objProperties |
Definition at line 40 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
private |
Definition at line 75 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
Referenced by getReplyEditForm().
ilObjForumGUI::$settings |
Definition at line 109 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.
ilObjForumGUI::$user |
Definition at line 110 of file class.ilObjForumGUI.php.