ILIAS  release_5-3 Revision v5.3.23-19-g915713cf615
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 /* Copyright (c) 1998-2010 ILIAS open source, Extended GPL, see docs/LICENSE */
4 include_once("./Services/DataSet/classes/class.ilDataSet.php");
13 class ilUserDataSet extends ilDataSet
14 {
15  protected $temp_picture_dirs = array();
17  public $multi = array();
25  public function getSupportedVersions()
26  {
27  return array("4.3.0", "4.5.0", "5.1.0", "5.2.0", "5.3.0");
28  }
36  public function getXmlNamespace($a_entity, $a_schema_version)
37  {
38  return "" . $a_entity;
39  }
47  protected function getTypes($a_entity, $a_version)
48  {
49  // user profile type
50  if ($a_entity == "usr_profile") {
51  switch ($a_version) {
52  case "4.3.0":
53  case "4.5.0":
54  case "5.1.0":
55  case "5.2.0":
56  case "5.3.0":
57  return array(
58  "Id" => "integer",
59  "Username" => "text",
60  "Firstname" => "text",
61  "Lastname" => "text",
62  "Title" => "text",
63  "Birthday" => "text",
64  "Gender" => "text",
65  "Institution" => "text",
66  "Department" => "text",
67  "Street" => "text",
68  "Zipcode" => "text",
69  "City" => "text",
70  "Country" => "text",
71  "SelCountry" => "text",
72  "PhoneOffice" => "text",
73  "PhoneHome" => "text",
74  "PhoneMobile" => "text",
75  "Fax" => "text",
76  "Email" => "text",
77  "SecondEmail" => "text",
78  "Hobby" => "text",
79  "ReferralComment" => "text",
80  "Matriculation" => "text",
81  "Latitude" => "text",
82  "Longitude" => "text",
83  "LocZoom" => "text",
84  "Picture" => "directory"
85  );
86  }
87  }
89  if ($a_entity == "usr_setting") {
90  switch ($a_version) {
91  case "4.3.0":
92  case "4.5.0":
93  case "5.1.0":
94  case "5.2.0":
95  case "5.3.0":
96  return array(
97  "UserId" => "integer",
98  "Keyword" => "text",
99  "Value" => "text"
100  );
101  }
102  }
104  if ($a_entity == "personal_data") {
105  switch ($a_version) {
106  case "4.3.0":
107  case "4.5.0":
108  case "5.1.0":
109  case "5.2.0":
110  case "5.3.0":
111  return array(
112  "Id" => "integer"
113  );
114  }
115  }
117  if ($a_entity == "usr_multi") {
118  switch ($a_version) {
119  case "4.5.0":
120  case "5.1.0":
121  case "5.2.0":
122  case "5.3.0":
123  return array(
124  "UserId" => "integer",
125  "FieldId" => "text",
126  "Value" => "text"
127  );
128  }
129  }
130  }
139  public function getXmlRecord($a_entity, $a_version, $a_set)
140  {
141  global $ilLog;
143  if ($a_entity == "usr_profile") {
144  $tmp_dir = ilUtil::ilTempnam();
145  ilUtil::makeDir($tmp_dir);
146  include_once("./Services/User/classes/class.ilObjUser.php");
148  $im = ilObjUser::_getPersonalPicturePath(
149  $a_set["Id"],
150  "small",
151  true,
152  true
153  );
155  if ($im != "") {
156  ilObjUser::copyProfilePicturesToDirectory($a_set["Id"], $tmp_dir);
157  }
159  $this->temp_picture_dirs[$a_set["Id"]] = $tmp_dir;
161  $a_set["Picture"] = $tmp_dir;
162  }
164  return $a_set;
165  }
173  public function afterXmlRecordWriting($a_entity, $a_version, $a_set)
174  {
175  if ($a_entity == "usr_profile") {
176  // cleanup temp dirs for pictures
177  $tmp_dir = $this->temp_picture_dirs[$a_set["Id"]];
178  if ($tmp_dir != "" && is_dir($tmp_dir)) {
179  ilUtil::delDir($tmp_dir);
180  }
181  }
182  }
190  public function readData($a_entity, $a_version, $a_ids, $a_field = "")
191  {
192  global $ilDB;
194  if (!is_array($a_ids)) {
195  $a_ids = array($a_ids);
196  }
198  if ($a_entity == "personal_data") {
199  switch ($a_version) {
200  case "4.3.0":
201  case "4.5.0":
202  case "5.1.0":
203  case "5.2.0":
204  case "5.3.0":
205  $this->data = array();
206  foreach ($a_ids as $id) {
207  $this->data[] = array("Id" => $id);
208  }
209  break;
210  }
211  }
213  if ($a_entity == "usr_profile") {
214  switch ($a_version) {
215  case "4.3.0":
216  case "4.5.0":
217  case "5.1.0":
218  $this->getDirectDataFromQuery("SELECT usr_id id, login username, firstname, lastname, " .
219  " title, birthday, gender, institution, department, street, city, zipcode, country, sel_country, " .
220  " phone_office, phone_home, phone_mobile, fax, email, hobby, referral_comment, matriculation, " .
221  " delicious, latitude, longitude, loc_zoom" .
222  " FROM usr_data u " .
223  "WHERE " .
224  $ilDB->in("u.usr_id", $a_ids, false, "integer"));
225  break;
227  case "5.2.0":
228  $this->getDirectDataFromQuery("SELECT usr_id id, login username, firstname, lastname, " .
229  " title, birthday, gender, institution, department, street, city, zipcode, country, sel_country, " .
230  " phone_office, phone_home, phone_mobile, fax, email, hobby, referral_comment, matriculation, " .
231  " latitude, longitude, loc_zoom" .
232  " FROM usr_data u " .
233  "WHERE " .
234  $ilDB->in("u.usr_id", $a_ids, false, "integer"));
235  break;
236  case "5.3.0":
237  $this->getDirectDataFromQuery("SELECT usr_id id, login username, firstname, lastname, " .
238  " title, birthday, gender, institution, department, street, city, zipcode, country, sel_country, " .
239  " phone_office, phone_home, phone_mobile, fax, email, second_email, hobby, referral_comment, matriculation, " .
240  " latitude, longitude, loc_zoom" .
241  " FROM usr_data u " .
242  "WHERE " .
243  $ilDB->in("u.usr_id", $a_ids, false, "integer"));
244  break;
245  }
246  }
248  if ($a_entity == "usr_setting") {
249  switch ($a_version) {
250  case "4.3.0":
251  case "4.5.0":
252  case "5.1.0":
253  case "5.2.0":
254  case "5.3.0":
255  // for all user ids get data from usr_pref and mail options, create records user_id/name/value
256  $prefs = array("date_format", "day_end", "day_start", "bs_allow_to_contact_me", "chat_osc_accept_msg", "hide_own_online_status", "hits_per_page", "language",
257  "public_birthday", "puplic_city", "public_country", "public_delicious", "public_department", "public_email", "public_second_email",
258  "public_fax", "public_gender", "public_hobby", "public_im_aim", "public_im_icq", "public_im_jabber",
259  "public_im_msn", "public_im_skype", "public_im_voip", "public_im_yahoo", "public_institution", "public_location",
260  "public_matriculation", "public_phone_home", "public_phone_mobile", "public_phone_office",
261  "public_profile", "public_sel_country", "public_street", "public_title", "public_upload", "public_zipcode",
262  "screen_reader_optimization", "show_users_online",
263  "store_last_visited", "time_format", "user_tz", "weekstart",
264  "session_reminder_enabled", "session_reminder_lead_time", "usr_starting_point",
265  "char_selector_availability", "char_selector_definition");
267  if (version_compare($a_version, '5.2.0', '>=')) {
268  unset(
269  $prefs['public_im_aim'], $prefs['public_im_icq'], $prefs['public_im_jabber'],
270  $prefs['public_im_msn'], $prefs['public_im_skype'], $prefs['public_im_voip'],
271  $prefs['public_im_yahoo'], $prefs['public_delicious']
272  );
273  }
275  $this->data = array();
276  $set = $ilDB->query("SELECT * FROM usr_pref " .
277  " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("keyword", $prefs, false, "text") .
278  " AND " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $a_ids, false, "integer"));
279  while ($rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set)) {
280  $this->data[] = array("UserId" => $rec["usr_id"], "Keyword" => $rec["keyword"], "Value" => $rec["value"]);
281  }
282  break;
283  }
284  }
286  if ($a_entity == "usr_multi") {
287  switch ($a_version) {
288  case "4.5.0":
289  case "5.1.0":
290  case "5.2.0":
291  case "5.3.0":
292  $this->data = array();
293  $set = $ilDB->query("SELECT * FROM usr_data_multi" .
294  " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("usr_id", $a_ids, false, "integer"));
295  while ($rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set)) {
296  $this->data[] = array("UserId" => $rec["usr_id"], "FieldId" => $rec["field_id"], "Value" => $rec["value"]);
297  }
298  break;
299  }
300  }
301  }
306  protected function getDependencies($a_entity, $a_version, $a_rec, $a_ids)
307  {
308  return false;
309  switch ($a_entity) {
310  case "personal_data":
311  return array(
312  "usr_profile" => array("ids" => $a_rec["Id"]),
313  "usr_setting" => array("ids" => $a_rec["Id"]),
314  "usr_multi" => array("ids" => $a_rec["Id"])
315  );
316  }
317  return false;
318  }
327  public function importRecord($a_entity, $a_types, $a_rec, $a_mapping, $a_schema_version)
328  {
329  global $ilSetting, $ilUser;
330  //echo $a_entity;
331  //var_dump($a_rec);
333  switch ($a_entity) {
334  case "personal_data":
335  // only users themselves import their profiles!
336  // thus we can map the import id of the dataset to the current user
337  $a_mapping->addMapping("Services/User", "usr", $a_rec["Id"], $ilUser->getId());
338  break;
340  case "usr_profile":
341  $usr_id = $a_mapping->getMapping("Services/User", "usr", $a_rec["Id"]);
342  if ($usr_id > 0 && ilObject::_lookupType($usr_id) == "usr") {
343  if (!isset($this->users[$usr_id])) {
344  $this->users[$usr_id] = new ilObjUser($usr_id);
345  }
346  $user = $this->users[$usr_id];
347  include_once("./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserProfile.php");
348  $prof = new ilUserProfile();
349  $prof->skipField("username");
350  $prof->skipField("password");
351  $prof->skipField("roles");
352  $prof->skipGroup("settings");
353  $fields = $prof->getStandardFields();
354  foreach ($fields as $k => $f) {
355  $up_k = $this->convertToLeadingUpper($k);
356  // only change fields, when it is possible in profile
358  !$ilSetting->get("usr_settings_disable_" . $k) &&
359  $f["method"] != "" && isset($a_rec[$up_k])) {
360  $set_method = "set" . substr($f["method"], 3);
361  $user->{$set_method}(ilUtil::secureString($a_rec[$up_k]));
362  }
363  }
365  $user->setLatitude($a_rec["Latitude"]);
366  $user->setLongitude($a_rec["Longitude"]);
367  $user->setLocationZoom($a_rec["LocZoom"]);
369  $user->update();
371  // personal picture
372  $pic_dir = $this->getImportDirectory() . "/" . str_replace("..", "", $a_rec["Picture"]);
373  if ($pic_dir != "" && is_dir($pic_dir)) {
374  $upload_file = $pic_dir . "/upload_" . $a_rec["Id"] . "pic";
375  if (is_file($upload_file)) {
376  ilObjUser::_uploadPersonalPicture($upload_file, $user->getId());
377  }
378  }
379  }
380  break;
382  case "usr_setting":
383  $usr_id = $a_mapping->getMapping("Services/User", "usr", $a_rec["UserId"]);
384  if ($usr_id > 0 && ilObject::_lookupType($usr_id) == "usr") {
385  if (!isset($this->users[$usr_id])) {
386  $this->users[$usr_id] = new ilObjUser($usr_id);
387  }
388  $user = $this->users[$usr_id];
389  $user->writePref($a_rec["Keyword"], ilUtil::secureString($a_rec["Value"]));
390  }
391  break;
393  case "usr_multi":
394  $usr_id = $a_mapping->getMapping("Services/User", "usr", $a_rec["UserId"]);
395  if ($usr_id > 0 && ilObject::_lookupType($usr_id) == "usr") {
396  $this->multi[$usr_id][$a_rec["FieldId"]][] = ilUtil::secureString($a_rec["Value"]);
397  }
398  break;
399  }
400  }
401 }
Add some data
getDirectDataFromQuery($a_query, $a_convert_to_leading_upper=true, $a_set=true)
Get data from query.This is a standard procedure, all db field names are directly mapped to abstract ...
static userSettingVisible($a_setting)
Checks whether user setting is visible.
if(!array_key_exists('StateId', $_REQUEST)) $id
Class ilUserProfile.
importRecord($a_entity, $a_types, $a_rec, $a_mapping, $a_schema_version)
Import record.
Get import directory.
Make xyz_abc a XyzAbc string.
static copyProfilePicturesToDirectory($a_user_id, $a_dir)
Get profile picture direcotory.
Definition: imgupload.php:18
static _uploadPersonalPicture($tmp_file, $obj_id)
Create a personal picture image file from a temporary image file.
Exercise data set class.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
static _lookupType($a_id, $a_reference=false)
lookup object type
readData($a_entity, $a_version, $a_ids, $a_field="")
Read data.
static makeDir($a_dir)
creates a new directory and inherits all filesystem permissions of the parent directory You may pass ...
getDependencies($a_entity, $a_version, $a_rec, $a_ids)
Determine the dependent sets of data.
static ilTempnam($a_temp_path=null)
Create a temporary file in an ILIAS writable directory.
getXmlNamespace($a_entity, $a_schema_version)
Get xml namespace.
Get supported versions.
global $ilSetting
Definition: privfeed.php:17
global $ilDB
static secureString($a_str, $a_strip_html=true, $a_allow="")
Remove unsecure tags.
getXmlRecord($a_entity, $a_version, $a_set)
Get xml record.
A dataset contains in data in a common structure that can be shared and transformed for different pur...
getTypes($a_entity, $a_version)
Get field types for entity.
static delDir($a_dir, $a_clean_only=false)
removes a dir and all its content (subdirs and files) recursively
afterXmlRecordWriting($a_entity, $a_version, $a_set)
After xml record writing hook record.