release_5-3 Revision v5.3.23-19-g915713cf615
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($a_user_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=false) | |
Constructor public. More... | |
read () | |
loads a record "user" from database private More... | |
getPasswordEncodingType () | |
setPasswordEncodingType ($password_encryption_type) | |
getPasswordSalt () | |
setPasswordSalt ($password_salt) | |
assignData ($a_data) | |
loads a record "user" from array public More... | |
writeAccepted () | |
write accept date of user agreement to db More... | |
refreshLogin () | |
updates the login data of a "user" // TODO set date with now() should be enough public More... | |
updateLogin ($a_login) | |
update login name More... | |
writePref ($a_keyword, $a_value) | |
write userpref to user table private More... | |
deletePref ($a_keyword) | |
Deletes a userpref value of the user from the database public. More... | |
writePrefs () | |
write all userprefs private More... | |
getTimeZone () | |
get timezone of user More... | |
getTimeFormat () | |
get time format More... | |
getDateFormat () | |
get date format More... | |
setPref ($a_keyword, $a_value) | |
set a user preference More... | |
getPref ($a_keyword) | |
get a user preference More... | |
readPrefs () | |
get all user preferences private More... | |
delete () | |
deletes a user public More... | |
setFullname ($a_title="", $a_firstname="", $a_lastname="") | |
builds a string with title + firstname + lastname method is used to build fullname in member variable $this->fullname. More... | |
getFullname ($a_max_strlen=0) | |
get fullname public More... | |
setLogin ($a_str) | |
set login / username public More... | |
getLogin () | |
get login / username public More... | |
setPasswd ($a_str, $a_type=IL_PASSWD_PLAIN) | |
set password public More... | |
getPasswd () | |
get password More... | |
getPasswdType () | |
get password type More... | |
setGender ($a_str) | |
set gender public More... | |
getGender () | |
get gender public More... | |
setUTitle ($a_str) | |
set user title (note: don't mix up this method with setTitle() that is derived from ilObject and sets the user object's title) public More... | |
getUTitle () | |
get user title (note: don't mix up this method with getTitle() that is derived from ilObject and gets the user object's title) public More... | |
setFirstname ($a_str) | |
set firstname public More... | |
getFirstname () | |
get firstname public More... | |
setLastname ($a_str) | |
set lastame public More... | |
getLastname () | |
get lastname public More... | |
setInstitution ($a_str) | |
set institution public More... | |
getInstitution () | |
get institution public More... | |
setDepartment ($a_str) | |
set department public More... | |
getDepartment () | |
get department public More... | |
setStreet ($a_str) | |
set street public More... | |
getStreet () | |
get street public More... | |
setCity ($a_str) | |
set city public More... | |
getCity () | |
get city public More... | |
setZipcode ($a_str) | |
set zipcode public More... | |
getZipcode () | |
get zipcode public More... | |
setCountry ($a_str) | |
Set country (free text) More... | |
getCountry () | |
Get country (free text) More... | |
setSelectedCountry ($a_val) | |
Set selected country (selection drop down) More... | |
getSelectedCountry () | |
Get selected country (selection drop down) More... | |
setPhoneOffice ($a_str) | |
set office phone public More... | |
getPhoneOffice () | |
get office phone public More... | |
setPhoneHome ($a_str) | |
set home phone public More... | |
getPhoneHome () | |
get home phone public More... | |
setPhoneMobile ($a_str) | |
set mobile phone public More... | |
getPhoneMobile () | |
get mobile phone public More... | |
setFax ($a_str) | |
set fax public More... | |
getFax () | |
get fax public More... | |
setClientIP ($a_str) | |
set client ip number public More... | |
getClientIP () | |
get client ip number public More... | |
setMatriculation ($a_str) | |
set matriculation number public More... | |
getMatriculation () | |
get matriculation number public More... | |
setEmail ($a_str) | |
set email public More... | |
getEmail () | |
get email address public More... | |
getSecondEmail () | |
setSecondEmail ($second_email) | |
setHobby ($a_str) | |
set hobby public More... | |
getHobby () | |
get hobby public More... | |
setLanguage ($a_str) | |
set user language public More... | |
getLanguage () | |
returns a 2char-language-string public More... | |
setDiskQuota ($a_disk_quota) | |
Sets the minimal disk quota imposed by this user account. More... | |
getDiskQuota () | |
Returns the minimal disk quota imposed by this user account. More... | |
getPersonalWorkspaceDiskQuota () | |
setLastPasswordChangeTS ($a_last_password_change_ts) | |
getLastPasswordChangeTS () | |
getCurrentLanguage () | |
returns the current language (may differ from user's pref setting!) More... | |
setCurrentLanguage ($a_val) | |
Set current language. More... | |
setLastLogin ($a_str) | |
set user's last login public More... | |
getLastLogin () | |
returns last login date public More... | |
setLastUpdate ($a_str) | |
set last update of user data set public More... | |
getLastUpdate () | |
setComment ($a_str) | |
set referral comment public More... | |
getComment () | |
get referral comment public More... | |
setApproveDate ($a_str) | |
set date the user account was activated null indicates that the user has not yet been activated public More... | |
getApproveDate () | |
get the date when the user account was approved public More... | |
getAgreeDate () | |
get the date when the user accepted the user agreement public More... | |
setAgreeDate ($a_str) | |
set date the user account was accepted by the user nullindicates that the user has not accepted his account public More... | |
setActive ($a_active, $a_owner=0) | |
set user active state and updates system fields appropriately public More... | |
getActive () | |
get user active state public More... | |
syncActive () | |
synchronizes current and stored user active values for the owner value to be set correctly, this function should only be called when an admin is approving a user account public More... | |
getStoredActive ($a_id) | |
get user active state More... | |
setSkin ($a_str) | |
set user skin (template set) public More... | |
setTimeLimitOwner ($a_owner) | |
getTimeLimitOwner () | |
setTimeLimitFrom ($a_from) | |
getTimeLimitFrom () | |
setTimeLimitUntil ($a_until) | |
getTimeLimitUntil () | |
setTimeLimitUnlimited ($a_unlimited) | |
getTimeLimitUnlimited () | |
setTimeLimitMessage ($a_time_limit_message) | |
getTimeLimitMessage () | |
setLoginAttempts ($a_login_attempts) | |
getLoginAttempts () | |
checkTimeLimit () | |
setProfileIncomplete ($a_prof_inc) | |
getProfileIncomplete () | |
isPasswordChangeDemanded () | |
isPasswordExpired () | |
getPasswordAge () | |
setLastPasswordChangeToNow () | |
resetLastPasswordChange () | |
setLatitude ($a_latitude) | |
Set Latitude. More... | |
getLatitude () | |
Get Latitude. More... | |
setLongitude ($a_longitude) | |
Set Longitude. More... | |
getLongitude () | |
Get Longitude. More... | |
setLocationZoom ($a_locationzoom) | |
Set Location Zoom. More... | |
getLocationZoom () | |
Get Location Zoom. More... | |
checkUserId () | |
isCurrentUserActive () | |
getLoginByUserId ($a_userid) | |
addDesktopItem ($a_item_id, $a_type, $a_par="") | |
add an item to user's personal desktop More... | |
setDesktopItemParameters ($a_item_id, $a_type, $a_par) | |
set parameters of a desktop item entry More... | |
dropDesktopItem ($a_item_id, $a_type) | |
drop an item from user's personal desktop More... | |
isDesktopItem ($a_item_id, $a_type) | |
check wether an item is on the users desktop or not More... | |
getDesktopItems ($a_types="") | |
addObjectToClipboard ( $a_item_id, $a_type, $a_title, $a_parent=0, $a_time=0, $a_order_nr=0) | |
add an item to user's personal clipboard More... | |
addToPCClipboard ($a_content, $a_time, $a_nr) | |
Add a page content item to PC clipboard (should go to another class) More... | |
getPCClipboardContent () | |
Add a page content item to PC clipboard (should go to another class) More... | |
clipboardHasObjectsOfType ($a_type) | |
Check whether clipboard has objects of a certain type. More... | |
clipboardDeleteObjectsOfType ($a_type) | |
Delete objects of type for user. More... | |
clipboardDeleteAll () | |
Delete objects of type for user. More... | |
getClipboardObjects ($a_type="", $a_top_nodes_only=false) | |
get all clipboard objects of user and specified type More... | |
getClipboardChilds ($a_parent, $a_insert_time) | |
Get childs of an item. More... | |
removeObjectFromClipboard ($a_item_id, $a_type) | |
remove object from user's personal clipboard More... | |
getOrgUnitsRepresentation () | |
setAuthMode ($a_str) | |
set auth mode public More... | |
getAuthMode ($a_auth_key=false) | |
get auth mode public More... | |
setExternalAccount ($a_str) | |
set external account More... | |
getExternalAccount () | |
get external account More... | |
getPersonalPicturePath ($a_size="small", $a_force_pic=false) | |
Get path to personal picture. More... | |
removeUserPicture ($a_do_update=true) | |
Remove user picture. More... | |
setUserDefinedData ($a_data) | |
getUserDefinedData () | |
updateUserDefinedFields () | |
readUserDefinedFields () | |
addUserDefinedFieldEntry () | |
deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries () | |
hasPublicProfile () | |
returns true if public is profile, false otherwise More... | |
getPublicName () | |
returns firstname lastname and login if profile is public, login otherwise More... | |
setBirthday ($a_birthday) | |
getBirthday () | |
resetOwner () | |
isCaptchaVerified () | |
Is user captcha verified? More... | |
setCaptchaVerified ($a_val) | |
Set captcha verified. More... | |
exportPersonalData () | |
Export personal data. More... | |
getPersonalDataExportFile () | |
Get personal data export file. More... | |
sendPersonalDataFile () | |
Send personal data file. More... | |
importPersonalData ( $a_file, $a_profile_data, $a_settings, $a_bookmarks, $a_notes, $a_calendar) | |
Import personal data. More... | |
setInactivationDate ($inactivation_date) | |
setter for inactivation date More... | |
getInactivationDate () | |
getter for inactivation date More... | |
hasToAcceptTermsOfService () | |
hasToAcceptTermsOfServiceInSession ($status=null) | |
isAnonymous () | |
activateDeletionFlag () | |
removeDeletionFlag () | |
hasDeletionFlag () | |
setIsSelfRegistered ($status) | |
isSelfRegistered () | |
setGeneralInterests (array $value=null) | |
Set general interests. More... | |
getGeneralInterests () | |
Get general interests. More... | |
getGeneralInterestsAsText () | |
Get general interests as plain text. More... | |
setOfferingHelp (array $value=null) | |
Set help offering. More... | |
getOfferingHelp () | |
Get help offering. More... | |
getOfferingHelpAsText () | |
Get help offering as plain text. More... | |
setLookingForHelp (array $value=null) | |
Set help looking for. More... | |
getLookingForHelp () | |
Get help looking for. More... | |
getLookingForHelpAsText () | |
Get help looking for as plain text. More... | |
updateMultiTextFields ($a_create=false) | |
Write multi-text values to DB. More... | |
![]() | |
__construct ($a_id=0, $a_reference=true) | |
Constructor public. More... | |
withReferences () | |
determines wehter objects are referenced or not (got ref ids or not) More... | |
read () | |
read object data from db into object More... | |
getId () | |
get object id public More... | |
setId ($a_id) | |
set object id public More... | |
setRefId ($a_id) | |
set reference id public More... | |
getRefId () | |
get reference id public More... | |
getType () | |
get object type public More... | |
setType ($a_type) | |
set object type public More... | |
getPresentationTitle () | |
get presentation title Normally same as title Overwritten for sessions More... | |
getTitle () | |
get object title public More... | |
getUntranslatedTitle () | |
get untranslated object title public More... | |
setTitle ($a_title) | |
set object title More... | |
getDescription () | |
get object description More... | |
setDescription ($a_desc) | |
set object description More... | |
getLongDescription () | |
get object long description (stored in object_description) More... | |
getImportId () | |
get import id More... | |
setImportId ($a_import_id) | |
set import id More... | |
getOwner () | |
get object owner More... | |
getOwnerName () | |
setOwner ($a_owner) | |
set object owner More... | |
getCreateDate () | |
get create date public More... | |
getLastUpdateDate () | |
get last update date public More... | |
getDiskUsage () | |
Gets the disk usage of the object in bytes. More... | |
create () | |
create More... | |
update () | |
update object in db More... | |
MDUpdateListener ($a_element) | |
Meta data update listener. More... | |
createMetaData () | |
create meta data entry More... | |
updateMetaData () | |
update meta data entry More... | |
deleteMetaData () | |
delete meta data entry More... | |
updateOwner () | |
update owner of object in db More... | |
putInTree ($a_parent_ref) | |
maybe this method should be in tree object!? More... | |
setPermissions ($a_parent_ref) | |
set permissions of object More... | |
setParentRolePermissions ($a_parent_ref) | |
Initialize the permissions of parent roles (local roles of categories, global roles...) This method is overwritten in e.g courses, groups for building permission intersections with non_member templates. More... | |
createReference () | |
creates reference for object More... | |
countReferences () | |
count references of object More... | |
initDefaultRoles () | |
init default roles settings Purpose of this function is to create a local role folder and local roles, that are needed depending on the object type If you want to setup default local roles you MUST overwrite this method in derived object classes (see ilObjForum for an example) public More... | |
applyDidacticTemplate ($a_tpl_id) | |
Apply template. More... | |
setRegisterMode ($a_bool) | |
isUserRegistered ($a_user_id=0) | |
requireRegistration () | |
getXMLZip () | |
getHTMLDirectory () | |
appendCopyInfo ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id) | |
Prepend Copy info if object with same name exists in that container. More... | |
cloneDependencies ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id) | |
Clone object dependencies. More... | |
cloneMetaData ($target_obj) | |
Copy meta data. More... | |
getPossibleSubObjects ($a_filter=true) | |
get all possible subobjects of this type the object can decide which types of subobjects are possible jut in time overwrite if the decision distinguish from standard model More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | _lookupFullname ($a_user_id) |
Lookup Full Name. More... | |
static | _lookupEmail ($a_user_id) |
Lookup email. More... | |
static | _lookupSecondEmail ($a_user_id) |
Lookup second e-mail. More... | |
static | _lookupGender ($a_user_id) |
Lookup gender. More... | |
static | _lookupClientIP ($a_user_id) |
Lookup client ip. More... | |
static | _lookupName ($a_user_id) |
lookup user name More... | |
static | _lookupFields ($a_user_id) |
lookup fields (deprecated; use more specific methods instead) More... | |
static | _lookupLogin ($a_user_id) |
lookup login More... | |
static | _lookupExternalAccount ($a_user_id) |
lookup external account for login and authmethod More... | |
static | _lookupId ($a_user_str) |
Lookup id by login. More... | |
static | _lookupLastLogin ($a_user_id) |
lookup last login More... | |
static | _doesLoginnameExistInHistory ($a_login) |
Checks wether the passed loginname already exists in history. More... | |
static | _getLastHistoryDataByUserId ($a_usr_id) |
Returns the last used loginname and the changedate of the passed user_id. More... | |
static | _deleteAllPref ($a_user_id) |
Deletes a userpref value of the user from the database public. More... | |
static | _writePref ($a_usr_id, $a_keyword, $a_value) |
static | _lookupPref ($a_usr_id, $a_keyword) |
static | lookupMatriculation ($a_usr_id) |
Lookup matriculation. More... | |
static | _lookupLanguage ($a_usr_id) |
static | _writeExternalAccount ($a_usr_id, $a_ext_id) |
static | _writeAuthMode ($a_usr_id, $a_auth_mode) |
static | _lookupActive ($a_usr_id) |
Check user account active. More... | |
static | hasActiveSession ($a_user_id, $a_session_id) |
Check for simultaneous login. More... | |
static | toUsernameWithoutDomain ($a_login) |
Static function removes Microsoft domain name from username webdav related. More... | |
static | getUserIdByLogin ($a_login) |
static | _getUserIdsByEmail ($a_email) |
STATIC METHOD get all user_ids of an email address. More... | |
getUserIdByEmail ($a_email) | |
STATIC METHOD get the user_id of an email address. More... | |
static | searchUsers ($a_search_str, $active=1, $a_return_ids_only=false, $filter_settings=false) |
STATIC METHOD get the user_ids which correspond a search string. More... | |
static | _readUsersProfileData ($a_user_ids) |
STATIC METHOD get user data of selected users. More... | |
static | _getAllUserData ($a_fields=null, $active=-1) |
STATIC METHOD get all user data. More... | |
static | _getNumberOfUsersForStyle ($a_skin, $a_style) |
skins and styles More... | |
static | _getAllUserAssignedStyles () |
skins and styles More... | |
static | _moveUsersToStyle ($a_from_skin, $a_from_style, $a_to_skin, $a_to_style) |
skins and styles More... | |
static | _addDesktopItem ($a_usr_id, $a_item_id, $a_type, $a_par="") |
add an item to user's personal desktop More... | |
static | _dropDesktopItem ($a_usr_id, $a_item_id, $a_type) |
drop an item from user's personal desktop More... | |
static | _removeItemFromDesktops ($a_id) |
removes object from all user's desktops public More... | |
static | _isDesktopItem ($a_usr_id, $a_item_id, $a_type) |
check wether an item is on the users desktop or not More... | |
static | preloadIsDesktopItem ($a_usr_id, $a_item_ids) |
Preload desktop item information. More... | |
static | _lookupDesktopItems ($user_id, $a_types="") |
get all desktop items of user and specified type More... | |
static | _getUsersForClipboadObject ($a_type, $a_id) |
get all users, that have a certain object within their clipboard More... | |
static | _getImportedUserId ($i2_id) |
static | lookupOrgUnitsRepresentation ($a_usr_id) |
lokup org unit representation More... | |
static | _getExternalAccountsByAuthMode ($a_auth_mode, $a_read_auth_default=false) |
Get list of external account by authentication method Note: If login == ext_account for two user with auth_mode 'default' and auth_mode 'ldap' The ldap auth mode chosen. More... | |
static | _toggleActiveStatusOfUsers ($a_usr_ids, $a_status) |
Toggle active status of users. More... | |
static | _lookupAuthMode ($a_usr_id) |
lookup auth mode More... | |
static | _checkExternalAuthAccount ($a_auth, $a_account, $tryFallback=true) |
check whether external account and authentication method matches with a user More... | |
static | _getNumberOfUsersPerAuthMode () |
get number of users per auth mode More... | |
static | _getLocalAccountsForEmail ($a_email) |
check whether external account and authentication method matches with a user More... | |
static | _uploadPersonalPicture ($tmp_file, $obj_id) |
Create a personal picture image file from a temporary image file. More... | |
static | copyProfilePicturesToDirectory ($a_user_id, $a_dir) |
Get profile picture direcotory. More... | |
static | _lookupFeedHash ($a_user_id, $a_create=false) |
Lookup news feed hash for user. More... | |
static | _getFeedPass ($a_user_id) |
Lookup news feed password for user. More... | |
static | _setFeedPass ($a_user_id, $a_password) |
Set news feed password for user. More... | |
static | _loginExists ($a_login, $a_user_id=0) |
check if a login name already exists You may exclude a user from the check by giving his user id as 2nd paramter public static More... | |
static | _externalAccountExists ($a_external_account, $a_auth_mode) |
Check if an external account name already exists. More... | |
static | _getUsersForRole ($role_id, $active=-1) |
return array of complete users which belong to a specific role More... | |
static | _getUsersForFolder ($ref_id, $active) |
get users for a category or from system folder More... | |
static | _getUsersForGroup ($a_mem_ids, $active=-1) |
return user data for group members More... | |
static | _getUsersForIds ($a_mem_ids, $active=-1, $timelimitowner=-1) |
return user data for given user id More... | |
static | _getUserData ($a_internalids) |
return user data for given user ids More... | |
static | _getPreferences ($user_id) |
get preferences for user More... | |
static | getUserSubsetByPreferenceValue ($a_user_ids, $a_keyword, $a_val) |
For a given set of user IDs return a subset that has a given user preference set. More... | |
static | _resetLoginAttempts ($a_usr_id) |
static | _getLoginAttempts ($a_usr_id) |
static | _incrementLoginAttempts ($a_usr_id) |
static | _setUserInactive ($a_usr_id) |
static | _writeHistory ($a_usr_id, $a_login) |
static | _getAssociatedUsersOnline ($a_user_id, $a_no_anonymous=false) |
reads all active sessions from db and returns users that are online and who have a local role in a group or a course for which the the current user has also a local role. More... | |
static | _generateRegistrationHash ($a_usr_id) |
Generates a unique hashcode for activating a user profile after registration. More... | |
static | _verifyRegistrationHash ($a_hash) |
Verifies a registration hash. More... | |
static | _getUserIdsByInactivityPeriod ($period) |
get ids of all users that have been inactive for at least the given period More... | |
static | _getUserIdsByInactivationPeriod ($period) |
get ids of all users that have been inactivated since at least the given period More... | |
static | _updateLastLogin ($a_usr_id, $a_last_login=null) |
STATIC METHOD updates the last_login field of user with given id to given or current date. More... | |
static | getFirstLettersOfLastnames () |
Get first letters of all lastnames. More... | |
static | userExists ($a_usr_ids=array()) |
static | getUsersAgreed ($a_agreed=true, $a_users=null) |
Get users that have or have not agreed to the user agreement. More... | |
static | _isAnonymous ($usr_id) |
static | findInterests ($a_term, $a_user_id=null, $a_field_id=null) |
static | getProfileStatusOfUsers ($a_user_ids) |
Get profile status. More... | |
![]() | |
static | _lookupObjIdByImportId ($a_import_id) |
static | _lookupImportId ($a_obj_id) |
static | _lookupOwnerName ($a_owner_id) |
lookup owner name for owner id More... | |
static | _getIdForImportId ($a_import_id) |
get current object id for import id (static) More... | |
static | _getAllReferences ($a_id) |
get all reference ids of object More... | |
static | _lookupTitle ($a_id) |
lookup object title More... | |
static | _lookupOwner ($a_id) |
lookup object owner More... | |
static | _getIdsForTitle ($title, $type='', $partialmatch=false) |
static | _lookupDescription ($a_id) |
lookup object description More... | |
static | _lookupLastUpdate ($a_id, $a_as_string=false) |
lookup last update More... | |
static | _getLastUpdateOfObjects ($a_objs) |
Get last update for a set of media objects. More... | |
static | _lookupObjId ($a_id) |
static | _setDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) |
only called in ilTree::saveSubTree More... | |
static | setDeletedDates ($a_ref_ids) |
Set deleted date type $ilDB. More... | |
static | _resetDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) |
only called in ilObjectGUI::insertSavedNodes More... | |
static | _lookupDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) |
only called in ilObjectGUI::insertSavedNodes More... | |
static | _writeTitle ($a_obj_id, $a_title) |
write title to db (static) More... | |
static | _writeDescription ($a_obj_id, $a_desc) |
write description to db (static) More... | |
static | _writeImportId ($a_obj_id, $a_import_id) |
write import id to db (static) More... | |
static | _lookupType ($a_id, $a_reference=false) |
lookup object type More... | |
static | _isInTrash ($a_ref_id) |
checks wether object is in trash More... | |
static | _hasUntrashedReference ($a_obj_id) |
checks wether an object has at least one reference that is not in trash More... | |
static | _lookupObjectId ($a_ref_id) |
lookup object id More... | |
static | _getObjectsDataForType ($a_type, $a_omit_trash=false) |
get all objects of a certain type More... | |
static | _exists ($a_id, $a_reference=false, $a_type=null) |
checks if an object exists in object_data More... | |
static | _getObjectsByType ($a_obj_type="", $a_owner="") |
Get objects by type. More... | |
static | _prepareCloneSelection ($a_ref_ids, $new_type, $show_path=true) |
Prepare copy wizard object selection. More... | |
static | _getIcon ( $a_obj_id="", $a_size="big", $a_type="", $a_offline=false) |
Get icon for repository item. More... | |
static | collectDeletionDependencies (&$deps, $a_ref_id, $a_obj_id, $a_type, $a_depth=0) |
Collect deletion dependencies. More... | |
static | getDeletionDependencies ($a_obj_id) |
Get deletion dependencies. More... | |
static | getLongDescriptions (array $a_obj_ids) |
Get long description data. More... | |
static | getAllOwnedRepositoryObjects ($a_user_id) |
Get all ids of objects user owns. More... | |
static | fixMissingTitles ($a_type, array &$a_obj_title_map) |
Try to fix missing object titles. More... | |
static | _lookupCreationDate ($a_id) |
Lookup creation date. More... | |
static | hasAutoRating ($a_type, $a_ref_id) |
Check if auto rating is active for parent group/course. More... | |
Data Fields | |
$login | |
all user related data in single vars public More... | |
$gender | |
$utitle | |
$firstname | |
$lastname | |
$fullname | |
$institution | |
$department | |
$street | |
$city | |
$zipcode | |
$country | |
$sel_country | |
$phone_office | |
$phone_home | |
$phone_mobile | |
$fax | |
$hobby | |
$matriculation | |
$referral_comment | |
$approve_date = null | |
$agree_date = null | |
$active | |
$client_ip | |
$auth_mode | |
$latitude | |
$longitude | |
$loc_zoom | |
$last_password_change_ts | |
$login_attempts | |
$user_defined_data = array() | |
$prefs | |
$skin | |
$default_role | |
$ilias | |
![]() | |
const | TITLE_LENGTH = 255 |
max length of object title More... | |
const | DESC_LENGTH = 128 |
$lng | |
$id | |
$ref_id | |
$type | |
$title | |
$untranslatedTitle | |
$desc | |
$long_desc | |
$owner | |
$create_date | |
$last_update | |
$import_id | |
$register = false | |
$referenced | |
$objectList | |
$max_title | |
$max_desc | |
$add_dots | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static | $is_desktop_item_loaded |
static | $is_desktop_item_cache |
Protected Member Functions | |
buildTextFromArray ($a_attr) | |
Convert multi-text values to plain text. More... | |
readMultiTextFields () | |
Fetch multi-text values from DB. More... | |
deleteMultiTextFields () | |
Remove multi-text values from DB. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
$passwd | |
$passwd_type | |
$password_encoding_type | |
$password_salt = null | |
$birthday | |
$second_email = null | |
$inactivation_date = null | |
$org_units | |
$interests_general | |
$interests_help_offered | |
$interests_help_looking | |
![]() | |
$objDefinition | |
$db | |
$log | |
$error | |
$tree | |
$app_event_handler | |
$rbacadmin | |
$rbacreview | |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static | $personal_image_cache = array() |
Static Private Member Functions | |
static | _lookup ($a_user_id, $a_field) |
Private function for lookup methods. More... | |
static | getLoginFromAuth () |
Gets the username from $ilAuth, and converts it into an ILIAS login name. More... | |
static | initInactivationDate ($usrIds) |
type $ilDB More... | |
static | resetInactivationDate ($usrIds) |
type $ilDB More... | |
Private Attributes | |
$is_self_registered = false | |
Definition at line 25 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::__construct | ( | $a_user_id = 0 , |
$a_call_by_reference = false |
) |
Constructor public.
integer | user_id |
Definition at line 175 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $ilias, $skin, array, IL_PASSWD_PLAIN, read(), and ilObject\setId().
static |
add an item to user's personal desktop
int | $a_usr_id | id of user object |
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 2967 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type, $ilDB, array, and ilCalendarCategories\deletePDItemsCache().
Referenced by ilObjSurvey\addAppraisee(), ilRbacAdmin\addDesktopItem(), ilParticipant\addDesktopItem(), ilParticipants\addDesktopItem(), addDesktopItem(), ilObjSurvey\addRater(), ilDesktopItemGUI\addToDesktop(), ilAccountCode\applyRoleAssignments(), ilUserImportParser\assignToRole(), ilECSEnrolmentStatusCommandQueueHandler\doUpdate(), ilObjSurvey\inviteUser(), and ilAccountRegistrationGUI\saveForm().
static |
check whether external account and authentication method matches with a user
Definition at line 3692 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\$db, $GLOBALS, $r, $res, ilAuthUtils\_getAuthModeName(), and array.
Referenced by ilSoapAuthentication\__checkAgreement(), ilSoapAuthenticationCAS\authenticate(), ilAuthProviderCAS\doAuthentication(), ilAuthProviderRadius\doAuthentication(), ilAuthProviderApache\doAuthentication(), ilLTIAppEventListener\doCronUpdate(), ilAuthContainerSOAP\fetchData(), ilAuthProviderLTI\findUserId(), ilAuthContainerApache\forceCreation(), ilAuthProviderSaml\handleSamlAuth(), ilUserImportParser\importEndTag(), ilCASAuth\login(), ilAuthContainerCAS\loginObserver(), ilLDAPUserSynchronisation\readInternalAccount(), ilLDAPQuery\readUserData(), ilECSCmsCourseMemberCommandQueueHandler\refreshAssignmentStatus(), ilObjUserTest\testAuthAndEmailMethods(), ilAuthContainerApache\updateRequired(), and ilUserImportParser\verifyEndTag().
static |
Deletes a userpref value of the user from the database public.
string | keyword |
Definition at line 1059 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by delete(), and writePrefs().
static |
Checks wether the passed loginname already exists in history.
string | $a_login | Loginname |
Definition at line 887 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $res, and array.
Referenced by ilAccountRegistrationGUI\saveForm().
static |
drop an item from user's personal desktop
int | $a_usr_id | id of user object |
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3034 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type, $ilDB, array, and ilCalendarCategories\deletePDItemsCache().
Referenced by ilPDSelectedItemsBlockGUI\confirmedRemove(), ilUserImportParser\detachFromRole(), ilObjSurvey\disinviteUser(), ilECSEnrolmentStatusCommandQueueHandler\doUpdate(), ilParticipant\dropDesktopItem(), ilParticipants\dropDesktopItem(), dropDesktopItem(), and ilDesktopItemGUI\removeFromDesktop().
static |
Check if an external account name already exists.
string | external account |
string | auth mode |
Definition at line 4367 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $res, and array.
Referenced by ilObjUserTest\testAuthAndEmailMethods().
static |
Generates a unique hashcode for activating a user profile after registration.
integer | $a_usr_id | user id of the current user |
Definition at line 4906 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $res, $row, array, and ilDBConstants\FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilRegistrationMimeMailNotification\__construct().
static |
skins and styles
Definition at line 2916 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $styles, and array.
Referenced by ilSystemStylesTableGUI\getStyles(), ilSystemStyleOverviewGUI\moveUserStyles(), and ilObjUserTest\testMiscellaneous().
static |
STATIC METHOD get all user data.
array | desired columns |
Definition at line 2798 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $_SESSION, $active, $ilDB, $r, ilObject\$rbacreview, ilObject\$ref_id, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilLocalUser\_getUserData(), and ilObjUserTest\testSearch().
static |
reads all active sessions from db and returns users that are online and who have a local role in a group or a course for which the the current user has also a local role.
integer | user_id User ID of the current user. |
Definition at line 4818 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $ilias, $r, $row, $users, array, ilTermsOfServiceHelper\isEnabled(), and time.
Referenced by ilUtil\getAssociatedUsersOnline().
static |
Get list of external account by authentication method Note: If login == ext_account for two user with auth_mode 'default' and auth_mode 'ldap' The ldap auth mode chosen.
string | auth_mode |
bool | also get users with authentication method 'default' |
Definition at line 3608 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $ilSetting, $res, $row, ilAuthUtils\_getAuthModeName(), array, and AUTH_LOCAL.
Referenced by ilLDAPCronSynchronization\deactivateUsers(), ilLDAPServerTableGUI\fillRow(), ilLDAPRoleGroupMapping\initServers(), and ilObjUserTest\testAuthAndEmailMethods().
static |
Lookup news feed password for user.
integer | user_id |
Definition at line 4299 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, and _lookupPref().
static |
Definition at line 3515 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\$id, $ilDB, $query, $res, and $row.
Referenced by ilGroupXMLParser\__parseId(), and ilCourseXMLParser\__parseId().
static |
Returns the last used loginname and the changedate of the passed user_id.
Throws an ilUserException in case no entry could be found.
string | $a_usr_id | A user id |
ilUserException |
Definition at line 914 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $res, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilObjUserGUI\getValues(), and updateLogin().
static |
check whether external account and authentication method matches with a user
Definition at line 3770 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $ilSetting, $users, and array.
Referenced by ilStartUpGUI\showUserMappingSelection(), and ilObjUserTest\testAuthAndEmailMethods().
static |
Definition at line 4628 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $login_attempts, $query, $result, and array.
Referenced by ilAuthFrontend\checkExceededLoginAttempts(), ilAuthBase\failedLoginObserver(), ilAuthFrontend\handleAuthenticationFail(), and ilObjUserTest\testAuthAndEmailMethods().
static |
skins and styles
Definition at line 2895 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB.
Referenced by ilSystemStyleOverviewGUI\checkDeletable(), ilSystemStyleOverviewGUI\checkStyleSettings(), ilSystemStylesTableGUI\getStyles(), ilStyleDefinition\skinExists(), and ilObjUserTest\testMiscellaneous().
static |
get number of users per auth mode
Definition at line 3751 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $r, and array.
Referenced by ilObjAuthSettingsGUI\authSettingsObject(), and ilObjUserTest\testAuthAndEmailMethods().
static |
get preferences for user
int | $user_id |
Definition at line 4568 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $prefs, $r, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilUserXMLWriter\__handleUser(), ilConsultationHoursTableGUI\fillRow(), and readPrefs().
static |
return user data for given user ids
array | of internal ids or numerics $a_internalids |
Definition at line 4523 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $query, $result, $row, ilUtil\__extractId(), and array.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\getUserXML(), and ilObjSurvey\sendNotificationMail().
static |
STATIC METHOD get all user_ids of an email address.
string | email of user |
Definition at line 2577 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $ilias, $res, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilPasswordAssistanceGUI\submitUsernameAssistanceForm(), and ilObjUserTest\testAuthAndEmailMethods().
static |
get ids of all users that have been inactivated since at least the given period
integer | $period | (in days) |
Definition at line 5047 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $query, $res, $row, array, date, ilDBConstants\FETCHMODE_OBJECT, and time.
Referenced by ilCronDeleteInactivatedUserAccounts\run().
static |
get ids of all users that have been inactive for at least the given period
integer | $period | (in days) |
Definition at line 5017 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $query, $res, $row, array, date, ilDBConstants\FETCHMODE_OBJECT, and time.
Referenced by ilCronDeleteInactiveUserAccounts\hasCustomSettings().
static |
get all users, that have a certain object within their clipboard
string | $a_type | object type |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3481 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type, $ilDB, $users, and array.
Referenced by ilObjMediaObject\lookupUsages(), and ilObjUserTest\testClipboard().
static |
get users for a category or from system folder
$ref_id | ref id of object |
$active | can be -1 (ignore), 1 = active, 0 = not active user |
Definition at line 4428 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $active, $data, $ilDB, $query, ilObject\$ref_id, $result, $row, array, and USER_FOLDER_ID.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\getUsersForContainer().
static |
return user data for group members
int | array of member ids |
int | active can be -1 (ignore), 1 = active, 0 = not active user |
Definition at line 4469 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $active, and _getUsersForIds().
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\getUsersForContainer().
static |
return user data for given user id
int | array of member ids |
int | active can be -1 (ignore), 1 = active, 0 = not active user |
Definition at line 4480 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $active, $ilDB, $query, ilObject\$rbacadmin, ilObject\$rbacreview, $result, $row, array, and USER_FOLDER_ID.
Referenced by _getUsersForGroup(), and ilSoapUserAdministration\getUsersForContainer().
static |
return array of complete users which belong to a specific role
int | role id | |
int | $active | if -1, all users will be delivered, 0 only non active, 1 only active users |
Definition at line 4387 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $active, $data, $ilDB, $query, $r, ilObject\$rbacreview, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\getUserForRole().
static |
Definition at line 4640 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $query, and array.
Referenced by ilAuthBase\failedLoginObserver(), ilAuthFrontend\handleAuthenticationFail(), and ilObjUserTest\testAuthAndEmailMethods().
static |
int | $usr_id |
Definition at line 5435 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilContactUserActionProvider\collectActionsForTargetUser(), ilPublicUserProfileGUI\getEmbeddable(), ilBuddyList\getInstanceByUserId(), ilBuddyList\request(), and ilBuddySystemGUI\transitionAsyncCommand().
static |
check wether an item is on the users desktop or not
int | $a_usr_id | id of user object |
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3103 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type, $ilDB, and array.
Referenced by ilParticipant\addDesktopItem(), ilParticipants\addDesktopItem(), ilParticipant\dropDesktopItem(), ilParticipants\dropDesktopItem(), and isDesktopItem().
static |
check if a login name already exists You may exclude a user from the check by giving his user id as 2nd paramter public static
string | login name |
integer | user id of user to exclude (optional) |
Definition at line 4334 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $r, and $row.
Referenced by ilUserLoginInputGUI\checkInput(), ilServicesUserTasks\getValidLogin(), ilAuthProviderSaml\handleSamlAuth(), ilCalendarAppointmentGUI\loadNotificationRecipients(), ilAuthBase\loginObserver(), ilLuceneQueryParser\replaceOwnerCallback(), ilAccountRegistrationGUI\saveForm(), ilPersonalProfileGUI\savePersonalData(), ilPDOAuthentication\setAuth(), ilConsultationHourAppointments\setManager(), and ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete().
staticprivate |
Private function for lookup methods.
Definition at line 646 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $res, and array.
Referenced by _lookupAuthMode(), _lookupClientIP(), _lookupEmail(), _lookupExternalAccount(), _lookupGender(), _lookupLastLogin(), _lookupLogin(), _lookupSecondEmail(), and getStoredActive().
static |
Check user account active.
Definition at line 2151 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $query, $res, $row, and ilDBConstants\FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilIndividualAssessmentMembersTableGUI\fillRow(), ilGroupParticipantsTableGUI\fillRow(), and ilCourseParticipantsTableGUI\fillRow().
static |
lookup auth mode
int | usr_id |
Definition at line 3681 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _lookup().
Referenced by ilECSAppEventListener\handleEvent(), ilLTIAppEventListener\handleUpdateStatus(), and ilObjUserTest\testAuthAndEmailMethods().
static |
Lookup client ip.
int | user id |
Definition at line 721 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _lookup().
Referenced by ilObjTest\inviteGroup(), ilObjTest\inviteRole(), and ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete().
static |
get all desktop items of user and specified type
note: the implementation of this method is not good style (directly reading tables object_data and object_reference), must be revised someday...
Definition at line 3180 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type, ilObject\$desc, $ilDB, $ilUser, ilObject\$title, ilObject\$tree, ilObject\_lookupDescription(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), and array.
Referenced by ilNewsItem\_getNewsItemsOfUser(), ilNote\_getRelatedObjectsOfUser(), getDesktopItems(), and ilCalendarCategories\readSelectedItemCalendars().
static |
Lookup email.
Definition at line 692 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _lookup().
Referenced by ilObjSurvey\getAppraiseesData(), ilSystemSupportContactsGUI\getFooterLink(), ilSystemSupportContacts\getMailToAddress(), ilObjSurvey\getRatersData(), ilBadgeHandler\sendNotification(), ilMailSearchGUI\showResults(), and ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete().
static |
lookup external account for login and authmethod
Definition at line 776 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _lookup().
Referenced by ilLTIAppEventListener\handleUpdateStatus(), ilUserImportParser\importEndTag(), ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete(), and ilUserImportParser\verifyEndTag().
static |
Lookup news feed hash for user.
If hash does not exist, create one.
Definition at line 4264 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilUserFeedWriter\__construct(), ilPDNewsBlockGUI\showFeedUrl(), and ilNewsForContextBlockGUI\showFeedUrl().
static |
lookup fields (deprecated; use more specific methods instead)
Definition at line 752 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $res, and array.
Referenced by ilObjSCORMVerification\createFromSCORMLM(), ilSCORMPresentationGUI\downloadCertificate(), ilTestExport\exportToCSV(), ilTestExport\exportToExcel(), ilSpecialUsersTableGUI\fillRow(), ilTestCertificateAdapter\getCertificateVariablesForPresentation(), ilCourseCertificateAdapter\getCertificateVariablesForPresentation(), ilExerciseCertificateAdapter\getCertificateVariablesForPresentation(), ilTestEvaluationGUI\resetfilterEvaluation(), and ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete().
static |
Lookup Full Name.
Definition at line 665 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $fullname, $ilDB, and array.
Referenced by ilExAssignmentTeam\addTeamMember(), ilCalendarAppointmentGUI\book(), ilObjStudyProgrammeIndividualPlanGUI\buildFrame(), ilCalendarAppointmentGUI\cancelBooking(), ilAppointmentPresentationConsultationHoursGUI\collectPropertiesAndActions(), ilObjDataCollection\doUpdate(), ilRbacLogTableGUI\fillRow(), ilLPTableBaseGUI\getExportMeta(), ilCalendarAppointmentPanelGUI\getHTML(), ilCalendarBlockGUI\getHTML(), ilExAssignmentTeamLogTableGUI\getItems(), ilConsultationHourAppointments\getManager(), ilExAssignmentTeam\getTeamId(), ilExParticipantTableGUI\initMode(), ilSCORMTrackingItemsPerUserTableGUI\initTable(), ilSCORMTrackingItemPerUserTableGUI\initTable(), ilBookingEntry\lookupManagedBookingsForObject(), ilSCORMTrackingItemsScoTableGUI\parse(), ilConsultationHoursTableGUI\parse(), ilCalendarPresentationGUI\prepareOutput(), ilCalendarCategories\readConsultationHoursCalendar(), ilExAssignmentTeam\removeTeamMember(), ilIndividualAssessmentMembersGUI\removeUserConfirmation(), ilCalendarMailNotification\send(), ilConsultationHoursGUI\sendInfoAboutUnassignedUsers(), ilWikiUtil\sendNotification(), ilNote\sendNotifications(), ilObjSurvey\sendTutorNotification(), and ilObjSurvey\sentReminder().
static |
Lookup gender.
Definition at line 710 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _lookup().
Referenced by ilMail\getSalutation(), and ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete().
static |
Lookup id by login.
Definition at line 784 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $res, and array.
Referenced by ilDiskQuotaSummaryNotification\__construct(), ilObjUserGUI\_goto(), ilOrgUnitStaffGUI\addOtherRoles(), ilOrgUnitUserAssignmentGUI\addStaff(), ilOrgUnitStaffGUI\addStaff(), ilRepositorySearchGUI\addUserFromAutoComplete(), ilObjBlogGUI\addUserFromAutoComplete(), ilExerciseManagementGUI\addUserFromAutoCompleteObject(), ilExSubmissionTeamGUI\addUserFromAutoCompleteObject(), ilSkillProfileGUI\assignUser(), ilOrgUnitSimpleUserImport\buildUserId(), ilChatroomInviteUsersToPrivateRoomGUI\byLogin(), ilPermission2GUI\changeOwner(), checkUserId(), ilAuthProviderShibboleth\doAuthentication(), ilAuthProviderCAS\doAuthentication(), ilAuthProviderRadius\doAuthentication(), ilAuthProviderApache\doAuthentication(), ilLTIAppEventListener\doCronUpdate(), ilServicesAuthenticationExtractor\extractAfterLogin(), ilAuthBase\failedLoginObserver(), ilAuthProviderLTI\findUserId(), ilMail\formatNamesForOutput(), ilMail\getCountRecipient(), ilMail\getEmailRecipients(), ilObjectPermissionStatusGUI\getUser(), getUserIdByLogin(), ilSystemSupportContacts\getValidSupportContactIds(), ilDclStandardField\getValueFromExcel(), ilSoapObjectAdministration\getXMLTree(), ilAuthFrontend\handleAuthenticationFail(), ilAuthProviderCAS\handleLDAPDataSource(), ilAuthProviderApache\handleLDAPDataSource(), ilAuthProviderECS\handleLogin(), ilSessionControl\handleLoginEvent(), ilAuthProviderSaml\handleSamlAuth(), ilAuthProviderSaml\importUser(), ilPCParagraph\intLinks2xml(), ilChatroom\inviteUserToPrivateRoomByLogin(), ilAuthContainerECS\loginObserver(), ilSoapRBACAdministration\parseUserID(), ilStartUpGUI\processCode(), ilECSCmsCourseMemberCommandQueueHandler\refreshAssignmentStatus(), ilDclRecordEditGUI\save(), ilObjSurveyGUI\savePropertiesObject(), ilSingleUserShareGUI\saveShare(), ilDiskQuotaSummaryNotification\send(), ilNote\sendNotifications(), ilRegistrationSettings\setApproveRecipientLogins(), ilSystemSupportContacts\setList(), ilObjDiskQuotaSettings\setSummaryRecipients(), ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete(), ilAuthProviderLDAP\updateAccount(), ilLDAPAttributeToUser\usersToXML(), ilRegistrationSettings\validate(), and ilUserImportParser\verifyEndTag().
static |
Definition at line 1959 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $DIC, $ilDB, ilObject\$lng, $r, and $row.
Referenced by ilForum\_getLanguageInstanceByUsrId(), ilLanguageFactory\_getLanguageOfUser(), and ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete().
static |
lookup last login
Definition at line 812 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _lookup().
Referenced by ilCronDeleteInactiveUserReminderMail\removeEntriesFromTableIfLastLoginIsNewer(), and ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete().
static |
lookup login
Definition at line 768 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _lookup().
Referenced by ilMailSummaryNotification\__construct(), ilCourseXMLParser\__parseId(), ilRegistrationSettings\__read(), ilWorkspaceUserActionProvider\collectActionsForTargetUser(), ilChatUserActionProvider\collectActionsForTargetUser(), ilMailMemberSearchDataProvider\collectTableData(), ilObjRole\delete(), ilStartUpGUI\doStandardAuthentication(), ilObjDataCollection\doUpdate(), ilObjSessionGUI\eventsListObject(), ilSessionOverviewGUI\exportCSV(), ilStudyProgrammeIndividualPlanTableGUI\fetchData(), ilDclBaseRecordModel\fillRecordFieldExcelExport(), ilPageHistoryTableGUI\fillRow(), ilMilestoneResponsiblesTableGUI\fillRow(), ilPDNewsTableGUI\fillRow(), ilTestServiceGUI\getAdditionalUsrDataHtmlAndPopulateWindowTitle(), ilAttendanceList\getHTML(), ilDAVServer\getLogin(), getLoginByUserId(), getLoginFromAuth(), ilConsultationHourAppointments\getManagedUsers(), ilConsultationHourAppointments\getManager(), ilNoteGUI\getNoteListHTML(), ilTestServiceGUI\getResultsHeadUserAndPass(), ilObjSurvey\getUserDataFromActiveId(), ilForumSettingsGUI\getUserNotificationTableData(), ilInternalLinkGUI\getUserSearchResult(), ilUserClipboard\getValidatedContent(), ilObjUserGUI\getValues(), ilAuthFrontend\handleAuthenticationSuccess(), ilOrgUnitUserAssignmentGUI\index(), ilCalendarAppointmentGUI\initForm(), ilMailSearchGroupsGUI\mailMembers(), ilMailSearchCoursesGUI\mailMembers(), ilContactGUI\mailToUsers(), ilPermission2GUI\owner(), ilUserClipboardTableGUI\parse(), ilCalendarSharedUserListTableGUI\parse(), ilObjGroupGUI\readMemberData(), ilObjCourseGUI\readMemberData(), ilCalendarEntry\readResponsibleUsers(), ilExerciseManagementGUI\redirectFeedbackMailObject(), ilBuddyList\request(), ilObjSurvey\send360ReminderToUser(), ilObjSurvey\sendAppraiseeCloseNotification(), ilObjSurvey\sendAppraiseeNotification(), ilLPTableBaseGUI\sendMail(), ilSkillNotifications\sendMail(), ilMembershipCronNotifications\sendMail(), ilMailNotification\sendMail(), ilObjContentObjectGUI\sendMailToBlockedUsers(), ilMembershipMailGUI\sendMailToSelectedUsers(), ilMailMemberSearchGUI\sendMailToSelectedUsers(), ilMembershipGUI\sendMailToSelectedUsers(), ilMembershipCronMinMembers\sendMessage(), ilWikiUtil\sendNotification(), ilNote\sendNotifications(), ilObjSurvey\sendRaterNotification(), ilObjSurvey\sendTutorNotification(), ilObjSurvey\sentReminder(), ilMailSearchCoursesGUI\showMembers(), ilMailSearchGUI\showResults(), ilMailFolderGUI\showUser(), ilContactGUI\submitInvitation(), ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete(), ilBuddySystemGUI\transitionAsyncCommand(), ilBuddySystemGUI\transitionCommand(), ilUserImportParser\verifyEndTag(), and ilPCParagraph\xml2output().
static |
lookup user name
Definition at line 732 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $res, and array.
Referenced by ilExGradesTableGUI\__construct(), ilFileVersionTableGUI\__construct(), ilGroupXMLParser\__parseId(), ilObjTestAccess\_getParticipantData(), ilSoapLearningProgressAdministration\addUserProgress(), ilMailUserActionProvider\collectActionsForTargetUser(), ilMailMemberSearchDataProvider\collectTableData(), ilMembershipGUI\confirmAssignFromWaitingList(), ilMembershipGUI\confirmAssignSubscribers(), ilSessionMembershipGUI\confirmDeleteParticipants(), ilMembershipGUI\confirmDeleteParticipants(), ilMembershipGUI\confirmRefuseFromList(), ilMembershipGUI\confirmRefuseSubscribers(), ilOrgUnitStaffGUI\confirmRemoveUser(), ilSkillProfileGUI\confirmUserRemoval(), ilObjTestGUI\deleteSingleUserResultsObject(), ilLocalUserGUI\deleteUsers(), ilObjCategoryGUI\deleteUsersObject(), ilExSubmission\downloadAllAssignmentFiles(), ilBlogExerciseGUI\downloadExcSubFile(), ilPortfolioExerciseGUI\downloadExcSubFile(), ilExSubmission\downloadFiles(), ilExSubmission\downloadMultipleFiles(), ilObjSessionGUI\eventsListObject(), ilSessionOverviewGUI\exportCSV(), ilObjExercise\exportGradesExcel(), ilObjAssessmentFolderGUI\exportLogObject(), ilDclBaseRecordModel\fillRecordFieldExcelExport(), ilAssessmentFolderLogTableGUI\fillRow(), ilPageHistoryTableGUI\fillRow(), ilCalendarInboxSharedTableGUI\fillRow(), ilRbacLogTableGUI\fillRow(), ilObjSurvey\getAppraiseesData(), ilSkillProfile\getAssignedUsers(), ilLMTracker\getBlockedUsersInformation(), ilAttendanceList\getHTML(), ilSurveyParticipantsTableGUI\getItems(), ilSessionOverviewTableGUI\getItems(), ilCourseParticipantsGroupsTableGUI\getItems(), ilBookingReservation\getListByDate(), ilContSkillMemberTableGUI\getMembers(), ilExAssignment\getMultiFeedbackFiles(), ilPageObject\getPageContributors(), ilPageObject\getParentObjectContributors(), ilMilestoneResponsiblesTableGUI\getParticipantsAndResponsibles(), ilObjSurvey\getRatersData(), ilMail\getSalutation(), ilDclBaseRecordModel\getStandardField(), ilForumSettingsGUI\getUserNotificationTableData(), ilExerciseXMLWriter\handleAssignmentMembers(), ilWorkspaceShareTableGUI\importData(), ilLOMemberTestResultTableGUI\init(), ilContSkillAdminGUI\initCompetenceAssignmentForm(), ilWorkspaceShareTableGUI\initFilter(), ilExerciseManagementGUI\initIndividualDeadlineForm(), ilObjectCustomUserFieldsGUI\initMemberForm(), ilExParticipantTableGUI\initMode(), ilObjSurveyGUI\initPropertiesForm(), ilAuthContainerCalendarToken\loginObserver(), ilTestEvaluationGUI\outParticipantsResultsOverview(), ilUserClipboardTableGUI\parse(), ilCalendarSharedUserListTableGUI\parse(), ilCalendarSharedListTableGUI\parse(), ilConsultationHoursTableGUI\parse(), ilGroupParticipantsTableGUI\parse(), ilCourseParticipantsTableGUI\parse(), ilObjPortfolioGUI\printView(), ilObjGroupGUI\readMemberData(), ilObjCourseGUI\readMemberData(), ilCalendarEntry\readResponsibleUsers(), ilSubscriberTableGUI\readSubscriberData(), ilWaitingListTableGUI\readUserData(), ilObjPortfolioBaseGUI\renderFullscreenHeader(), ilObjBlogGUI\renderFullscreenHeader(), ilTestScoringGUI\saveManScoringParticipantScreen(), ilExerciseManagementGUI\saveStatus(), ilExAssignment\sendMultiFeedbackStructureFile(), ilMailSearchCoursesGUI\showMembers(), ilExerciseManagementGUI\showParticipantObject(), ilMailSearchGUI\showResults(), ilCourseContentGUI\showUserTimings(), ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete(), ilObjTest\userLookupFullName(), ilMailNotification\userToString(), and ilObjStudyProgrammeMembersGUI\viewCompletedCourses().
static |
Definition at line 1194 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $query, $res, $row, and ilDBConstants\FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by _getFeedPass(), ilNewsItem\_getNewsItemsOfUser(), ilChatUserActionProvider\acceptsMessages(), ilObjUserAccess\canBeDelivered(), ilMailFolderGUI\cancelDeleteMails(), ilUserUserActionProvider\collectActionsForTargetUser(), ilMailMemberSearchDataProvider\collectTableData(), ilMailSearchCoursesMembersTableGUI\fillRow(), ilBuddySystemRelationsTableGUI\fillRow(), ilUsersOnlineBlockGUI\fillRow(), ilMail\formatNamesForOutput(), ilBuddySystemLinkButton\getHtml(), ilUserUtil\getProfileLink(), ilUsersOnlineBlockGUI\getUsers(), ilBuddySystemGUI\requestCommand(), ilMailSearchGroupsGUI\showMembers(), ilMailSearchCoursesGUI\showMembers(), ilMailSearchGUI\showResults(), ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete(), and ilBuddySystemGUI\transitionAsyncCommand().
static |
Lookup second e-mail.
$a_user_id |
Definition at line 702 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _lookup().
static |
skins and styles
Definition at line 2938 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB.
Referenced by ilSystemStyleOverviewGUI\moveUserStyles(), and ilObjUserTest\testMiscellaneous().
static |
STATIC METHOD get user data of selected users.
array | desired user ids |
Definition at line 2779 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $res, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilMemberExport\fetchUsers(), ilAttendanceList\getNonMemberUserData(), ilCourseMembershipGUI\getPrintMemberData(), ilObjGroupGUI\readMemberData(), and ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete().
static |
removes object from all user's desktops public
integer | ref_id |
Definition at line 3067 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $r, $row, $users, and array.
Referenced by ilUtil\removeItemFromDesktops().
static |
Definition at line 4614 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $query, and array.
Referenced by ilAuthFrontend\handleAuthenticationSuccess(), ilAuthBase\loginObserver(), ilObjUserTest\testAuthAndEmailMethods(), and ilObjUserGUI\updateObject().
static |
Set news feed password for user.
integer | user_id |
string | new password |
Definition at line 4314 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB.
static |
Definition at line 4654 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $query, array, and ilUtil\now().
Referenced by ilAuthBase\failedLoginObserver(), ilAuthFrontend\handleAuthenticationFail(), and ilObjUserTest\testAuthAndEmailMethods().
static |
Toggle active status of users.
Definition at line 3641 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, array, and ilUtil\now().
Referenced by ilLDAPCronSynchronization\deactivateUsers(), and ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete().
static |
STATIC METHOD updates the last_login field of user with given id to given or current date.
integer | $a_usr_id | |
string | $last_login | (optional) |
Definition at line 5082 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $query, array, and date.
static |
Create a personal picture image file from a temporary image file.
string | $tmp_file | Complete path to the temporary image file |
int | $obj_id | The object id of the related user account |
Definition at line 3806 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilUtil\execConvert(), and ilUtil\getWebspaceDir().
Referenced by ilUserImportParser\importEndTag(), and ilUserDataSet\importRecord().
static |
Verifies a registration hash.
ilRegistrationHashExpiredException | |
ilRegistrationHashNotFoundException |
string | $a_hash | hashcode |
Definition at line 4957 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $res, $row, array, and time.
Referenced by ilStartUpGUI\_checkGoto().
static |
Definition at line 1992 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilAuthProviderSaml\handleSamlAuth(), and ilObjUserTest\testAuthAndEmailMethods().
static |
Definition at line 1980 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilObjUserTest\testAuthAndEmailMethods().
static |
Definition at line 4692 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $DIC, $ilDB, ilObject\$log, $r, ilObject\$rbacreview, $res, $timestamp, $users, array, ilUserAccountSettings\getInstance(), ilUserFilter\getInstance(), ilLoggerFactory\getLogger(), ilTermsOfServiceHelper\isEnabled(), and time.
Referenced by updateLogin().
static |
int | $a_usr_id | |
string | $a_keyword | |
string | $a_value |
Definition at line 1076 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilChatroomBlockGUI\getChatroomSelectionList(), and ilBadgeProfileGUI\saveSettings().
ilObjUser::activateDeletionFlag | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5440 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References writePref().
ilObjUser::addDesktopItem | ( | $a_item_id, | |
$a_type, | |||
$a_par = "" |
) |
add an item to user's personal desktop
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 2999 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type, _addDesktopItem(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::addObjectToClipboard | ( | $a_item_id, | |
$a_type, | |||
$a_title, | |||
$a_parent = 0 , |
$a_time = 0 , |
$a_order_nr = 0 |
) |
add an item to user's personal clipboard
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3284 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type, $d, $ilDB, array, date, ilObject\getId(), and time.
ilObjUser::addToPCClipboard | ( | $a_content, | |
$a_time, | |||
$a_nr | |||
) |
Add a page content item to PC clipboard (should go to another class)
Definition at line 3327 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_content, $ilDB, array, date, ilObject\getId(), and time.
ilObjUser::addUserDefinedFieldEntry | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4094 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::assignData | ( | $a_data | ) |
loads a record "user" from array public
array | userdata |
Definition at line 322 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $ilErr, ilObject\$lng, $passwd, addUserDefinedFieldEntry(), array, getAuthMode(), getBirthday(), getExternalAccount(), ilUserPasswordManager\getInstance(), getPasswd(), getPasswordEncodingType(), getPasswordSalt(), getProfileIncomplete(), getStoredActive(), getTimeLimitFrom(), getTimeLimitMessage(), getTimeLimitOwner(), getTimeLimitUnlimited(), getTimeLimitUntil(), IL_PASSWD_CRYPTED, IL_PASSWD_PLAIN, ilUtil\now(), read(), setAuthMode(), setBirthday(), setCity(), setClientIP(), setComment(), setCountry(), setDepartment(), setEmail(), setExternalAccount(), setFax(), setFirstname(), setFullname(), setGender(), setHobby(), setInactivationDate(), setInstitution(), setIsSelfRegistered(), setLastLogin(), setLastname(), setLastUpdate(), setLatitude(), setLocationZoom(), setLogin(), setLongitude(), setMatriculation(), setPasswd(), setPasswordEncodingType(), setPasswordSalt(), setPhoneHome(), setPhoneMobile(), setPhoneOffice(), setProfileIncomplete(), setSecondEmail(), setSelectedCountry(), setStreet(), setTimeLimitFrom(), setTimeLimitMessage(), setTimeLimitOwner(), setTimeLimitUnlimited(), setTimeLimitUntil(), setUTitle(), setZipcode(), syncActive(), League\Flysystem\Adapter\Polyfill\update(), ilObject\update(), updateMultiTextFields(), updateUserDefinedFields(), and writePrefs().
Referenced by read().
protected |
Convert multi-text values to plain text.
string | $a_attr |
Definition at line 5569 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $current.
Referenced by getGeneralInterestsAsText(), getLookingForHelpAsText(), and getOfferingHelpAsText().
ilObjUser::checkTimeLimit | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2265 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References getTimeLimitFrom(), getTimeLimitUnlimited(), getTimeLimitUntil(), and time.
Referenced by ilAuthFrontend\checkTimeLimit().
ilObjUser::checkUserId | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2480 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\$id, $ilSetting, $login, _lookupId(), and getLoginFromAuth().
ilObjUser::clipboardDeleteAll | ( | ) |
Delete objects of type for user.
Definition at line 3404 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, array, and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by delete().
ilObjUser::clipboardDeleteObjectsOfType | ( | $a_type | ) |
Delete objects of type for user.
Definition at line 3389 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type, $ilDB, array, and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::clipboardHasObjectsOfType | ( | $a_type | ) |
Check whether clipboard has objects of a certain type.
Definition at line 3369 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type, $ilDB, array, and ilObject\getId().
static |
Get profile picture direcotory.
Definition at line 3950 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References array, and ilUtil\getWebspaceDir().
Referenced by ilUserDataSet\getXmlRecord().
ilObjUser::delete | ( | ) |
deletes a user public
integer | user_id |
Definition at line 1228 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, ilObject\$rbacadmin, ilObject\$tree, _deleteAllPref(), ilEventParticipants\_deleteByUser(), ilBlockSetting\_deleteSettingsOfUser(), ilLinkCheckNotify\_deleteUser(), ilObjUserTracking\_deleteUser(), ilObjForum\_deleteUser(), ilObjCourse\_deleteUser(), ilSession\_destroyByUserId(), ilLDAPRoleGroupMapping\_getInstance(), ilSCORM13Package\_removeTrackingDataForUser(), ilObjSCORMLearningModule\_removeTrackingDataForUser(), array, clipboardDeleteAll(), ilDiskQuotaHandler\deleteByOwner(), ilBadgeAssignment\deleteByUserId(), deleteMultiTextFields(), deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries(), ilObjPortfolio\deleteUserPortfolios(), ilObject\getId(), ilOrgUnitUserAssignmentQueries\getInstance(), getLogin(), ilNotification\removeForUser(), ilCronDeleteInactiveUserReminderMail\removeSingleUserFromTable(), removeUserPicture(), and resetOwner().
protected |
Remove multi-text values from DB.
Definition at line 5659 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by delete(), and updateMultiTextFields().
ilObjUser::deletePref | ( | $a_keyword | ) |
Deletes a userpref value of the user from the database public.
string | keyword |
Definition at line 1030 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, array, and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4109 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $data, $end, $ilDB, ilObject\$lng, ilObject\$rbacreview, $user_defined_data, ilUserDefinedFields\_getInstance(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), ilUserDefinedData\deleteEntriesOfUser(), ilDatePresentation\formatDate(), ilDatePresentation\formatPeriod(), getCity(), getComment(), getCountry(), ilObject\getCreateDate(), getDepartment(), getEmail(), getFax(), getFirstname(), getGender(), getHobby(), ilObject\getId(), getInstitution(), getLastname(), getLogin(), getMatriculation(), getPhoneHome(), getPhoneMobile(), getPhoneOffice(), getSecondEmail(), getSelectedCountry(), getStreet(), getTimeLimitFrom(), getTimeLimitUnlimited(), getTimeLimitUntil(), getUserDefinedData(), getUTitle(), getZipcode(), IL_CAL_DATETIME, IL_CAL_UNIX, ilDatePresentation\resetToDefaults(), ilDatePresentation\setLanguage(), ilDatePresentation\setUseRelativeDates(), and UDF_TYPE_WYSIWYG.
Referenced by delete().
ilObjUser::dropDesktopItem | ( | $a_item_id, | |
$a_type | |||
) |
drop an item from user's personal desktop
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3056 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type, _dropDesktopItem(), and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by ilObjGroup\leaveGroup().
ilObjUser::exportPersonalData | ( | ) |
Export personal data.
Definition at line 5175 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\$title, ilExport\_getExportDirectory(), ilUtil\delDir(), ilObject\getId(), getLastname(), and getLogin().
static |
Definition at line 5671 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $res, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilPublicUserProfileGUI\getAutocompleteResult().
ilObjUser::getActive | ( | ) |
get user active state public
Definition at line 2143 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $active.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), ilAuthFrontend\checkActivation(), and ilAuthFrontend\checkExceededLoginAttempts().
ilObjUser::getAgreeDate | ( | ) |
get the date when the user accepted the user agreement public
Definition at line 2103 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $agree_date.
ilObjUser::getApproveDate | ( | ) |
get the date when the user account was approved public
Definition at line 2092 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $approve_date.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData().
ilObjUser::getAuthMode | ( | $a_auth_key = false | ) |
get auth mode public
Definition at line 3563 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $auth_mode, and ilAuthUtils\_getAuthMode().
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), assignData(), ilECSAppEventListener\handleMembership(), isPasswordChangeDemanded(), and isPasswordExpired().
ilObjUser::getBirthday | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5004 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $birthday.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::getCity | ( | ) |
get city public
Definition at line 1645 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $city.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), ilPersonalProfileGUI\addLocationToForm(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getClientIP | ( | ) |
get client ip number public
Definition at line 1800 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $client_ip.
Referenced by ilAuthFrontend\checkIp().
ilObjUser::getClipboardChilds | ( | $a_parent, | |
$a_insert_time | |||
) |
Get childs of an item.
Definition at line 3451 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $ilUser, ilObject\_lookupTitle(), and array.
ilObjUser::getClipboardObjects | ( | $a_type = "" , |
$a_top_nodes_only = false |
) |
get all clipboard objects of user and specified type
Definition at line 3415 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type, $ilDB, ilObject\_lookupTitle(), array, ilObject\getId(), and ilMediaPoolPage\lookupTitle().
ilObjUser::getComment | ( | ) |
get referral comment public
Definition at line 2071 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $referral_comment.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getCountry | ( | ) |
Get country (free text)
Definition at line 1685 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $country.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), ilPersonalProfileGUI\addLocationToForm(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getCurrentLanguage | ( | ) |
returns the current language (may differ from user's pref setting!)
Definition at line 2008 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $_SESSION.
ilObjUser::getDateFormat | ( | ) |
get date format
Definition at line 1156 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $format, ilCalendarSettings\_getInstance(), and getPref().
ilObjUser::getDepartment | ( | ) |
get department public
Definition at line 1607 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $department.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getDesktopItems | ( | $a_types = "" | ) |
Definition at line 3169 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _lookupDesktopItems(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::getDiskQuota | ( | ) |
Returns the minimal disk quota imposed by this user account.
The minimal disk quota is specified in bytes. The default value is 0.
Definition at line 1938 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::getEmail | ( | ) |
get email address public
Definition at line 1855 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $email.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), shibUser\createFields(), deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries(), ilMailOptions\lookupExternalEmails(), ilAccountRegistrationMail\sendLanguageVariableBasedAccountMail(), ilPasswordAssistanceGUI\submitAssistanceForm(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::getExternalAccount | ( | ) |
get external account
note: 3.7.0 uses this field only for cas and soap authentication.
Definition at line 3592 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), and ilECSAppEventListener\handleMembership().
ilObjUser::getFax | ( | ) |
get fax public
Definition at line 1781 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $fax.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
static |
Get first letters of all lastnames.
Definition at line 5120 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilObjUserFolderGUI\viewObject().
ilObjUser::getFirstname | ( | ) |
get firstname public
Definition at line 1550 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $firstname.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), ilIndividualAssessmentMembers\buildNewRecordOfUser(), deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries(), getPublicName(), and shibUser\returnNewLoginName().
ilObjUser::getFullname | ( | $a_max_strlen = 0 | ) |
get fullname public
integer | max. string length to return (optional) if string length of fullname is greater than given a_max_strlen the name is shortened in the following way:
Definition at line 1417 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilUtil\stripSlashes().
Referenced by shibUser\createFields(), and ilAccountRegistrationMail\sendLanguageVariableBasedAccountMail().
ilObjUser::getGender | ( | ) |
get gender public
Definition at line 1508 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $gender.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getGeneralInterests | ( | ) |
Get general interests.
Definition at line 5488 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $interests_general.
Referenced by updateMultiTextFields().
ilObjUser::getGeneralInterestsAsText | ( | ) |
Get general interests as plain text.
Definition at line 5498 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References buildTextFromArray().
ilObjUser::getHobby | ( | ) |
get hobby public
Definition at line 1890 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $hobby.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getInactivationDate | ( | ) |
getter for inactivation date
Definition at line 5327 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $inactivation_date.
ilObjUser::getInstitution | ( | ) |
get institution public
Definition at line 1588 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $institution.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getLanguage | ( | ) |
returns a 2char-language-string public
Definition at line 1911 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), ilNotificationConfig\getUserInstance(), ilMailTemplateContext\initLanguage(), ilAccountRegistrationMail\sendLanguageVariableBasedAccountMail(), and ilAccountRegistrationMail\trySendingUserDefinedAccountMail().
ilObjUser::getLastLogin | ( | ) |
returns last login date public
Definition at line 2038 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData().
ilObjUser::getLastname | ( | ) |
get lastname public
Definition at line 1569 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $lastname.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), ilIndividualAssessmentMembers\buildNewRecordOfUser(), deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries(), exportPersonalData(), getPublicName(), and shibUser\returnNewLoginName().
ilObjUser::getLastPasswordChangeTS | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1953 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $last_password_change_ts.
Referenced by getPasswordAge(), isPasswordChangeDemanded(), isPasswordExpired(), and setLastPasswordChangeToNow().
ilObjUser::getLastUpdate | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2052 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\$last_update.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData().
ilObjUser::getLatitude | ( | ) |
Get Latitude.
Definition at line 2410 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $latitude.
Referenced by ilPersonalProfileGUI\addLocationToForm().
ilObjUser::getLocationZoom | ( | ) |
Get Location Zoom.
Definition at line 2450 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $loc_zoom.
Referenced by ilPersonalProfileGUI\addLocationToForm().
ilObjUser::getLogin | ( | ) |
get login / username public
Definition at line 1456 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $login.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), ilIndividualAssessmentMembers\buildNewRecordOfUser(), shibUser\create(), delete(), deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries(), exportPersonalData(), getPublicName(), ilAccountRegistrationMail\sendLanguageVariableBasedAccountMail(), ilPasswordAssistanceGUI\submitAssignPasswordForm(), ilPasswordAssistanceGUI\submitAssistanceForm(), ilAccountRegistrationMail\trySendingUserDefinedAccountMail(), and updateLogin().
ilObjUser::getLoginAttempts | ( | ) |
ilObjUser::getLoginByUserId | ( | $a_userid | ) |
Definition at line 2624 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $login, and _lookupLogin().
staticprivate |
Gets the username from $ilAuth, and converts it into an ILIAS login name.
Definition at line 2495 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $GLOBALS, $login, ilDAVActivationChecker\_isActive(), and _lookupLogin().
Referenced by checkUserId(), isCurrentUserActive(), and syncActive().
ilObjUser::getLongitude | ( | ) |
Get Longitude.
Definition at line 2430 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $longitude.
Referenced by ilPersonalProfileGUI\addLocationToForm().
ilObjUser::getLookingForHelp | ( | ) |
Get help looking for.
Definition at line 5548 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $interests_help_looking.
Referenced by updateMultiTextFields().
ilObjUser::getLookingForHelpAsText | ( | ) |
Get help looking for as plain text.
Definition at line 5558 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References buildTextFromArray().
ilObjUser::getMatriculation | ( | ) |
get matriculation number public
Definition at line 1819 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $matriculation.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getOfferingHelp | ( | ) |
Get help offering.
Definition at line 5518 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $interests_help_offered.
Referenced by updateMultiTextFields().
ilObjUser::getOfferingHelpAsText | ( | ) |
Get help offering as plain text.
Definition at line 5528 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References buildTextFromArray().
ilObjUser::getOrgUnitsRepresentation | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3544 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::getPasswd | ( | ) |
get password
Definition at line 1479 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $passwd.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), assignData(), refreshLogin(), and ilUserPasswordManager\verifyPassword().
ilObjUser::getPasswdType | ( | ) |
get password type
Definition at line 1489 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $passwd_type.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData().
ilObjUser::getPasswordAge | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2349 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References getLastPasswordChangeTS(), and time.
ilObjUser::getPasswordEncodingType | ( | ) |
Definition at line 288 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $password_encoding_type.
Referenced by assignData(), refreshLogin(), and ilUserPasswordManager\verifyPassword().
ilObjUser::getPasswordSalt | ( | ) |
Definition at line 304 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $password_salt.
Referenced by assignData(), ilUserPasswordManager\encodePassword(), refreshLogin(), and ilUserPasswordManager\verifyPassword().
ilObjUser::getPCClipboardContent | ( | ) |
Add a page content item to PC clipboard (should go to another class)
Definition at line 3344 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $row, array, and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::getPersonalDataExportFile | ( | ) |
Get personal data export file.
Definition at line 5198 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilExport\_getExportDirectory(), ilUtil\getDir(), and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by sendPersonalDataFile().
ilObjUser::getPersonalPicturePath | ( | $a_size = "small" , |
$a_force_pic = false |
) |
Get path to personal picture.
The result will be cached. The result will be cached.
string | $a_size | "small", "xsmall" or "xxsmall" |
bool | $a_force_pic |
Definition at line 3842 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $DIC, $file, $firstname, $in, $lastname, $login, $res, $row, array, defined, ilObject\getId(), ilUtil\getWebspaceDir(), ilWACSignedPath\signFile(), and ilStr\subStr().
Referenced by ilForumAuthorInformation\getUserImagePath().
ilObjUser::getPersonalWorkspaceDiskQuota | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1943 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::getPhoneHome | ( | ) |
get home phone public
Definition at line 1743 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $phone_home.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getPhoneMobile | ( | ) |
get mobile phone public
Definition at line 1762 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $phone_mobile.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getPhoneOffice | ( | ) |
get office phone public
Definition at line 1724 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $phone_office.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getPref | ( | $a_keyword | ) |
get a user preference
string | name of parameter public |
Definition at line 1185 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), getDateFormat(), ilPublicUserProfileGUI\getPublicPref(), getTimeFormat(), getTimeZone(), hasDeletionFlag(), and hasPublicProfile().
ilObjUser::getProfileIncomplete | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2279 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
static |
Get profile status.
array[int] | $a_user_ids user ids |
Definition at line 5704 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $DIC, ilObject\$id, $ilDB, $r, and array.
Referenced by ilInternalLink\searchUsers().
ilObjUser::getPublicName | ( | ) |
returns firstname lastname and login if profile is public, login otherwise
Definition at line 4683 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References getFirstname(), getLastname(), getLogin(), and hasPublicProfile().
ilObjUser::getSecondEmail | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1863 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $second_email.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries(), and ilMailOptions\lookupExternalEmails().
ilObjUser::getSelectedCountry | ( | ) |
Get selected country (selection drop down)
Definition at line 1705 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $sel_country.
Referenced by deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getStoredActive | ( | $a_id | ) |
get user active state
integer | $a_id | user id public |
Definition at line 2196 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $active, and _lookup().
Referenced by assignData(), syncActive(), and ilObjUserTest\testCreateSetLookupDelete().
ilObjUser::getStreet | ( | ) |
get street public
Definition at line 1626 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $street.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), ilPersonalProfileGUI\addLocationToForm(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getTimeFormat | ( | ) |
get time format
Definition at line 1139 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $format, ilCalendarSettings\_getInstance(), and getPref().
ilObjUser::getTimeLimitFrom | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2225 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), assignData(), checkTimeLimit(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getTimeLimitMessage | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2249 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), and assignData().
ilObjUser::getTimeLimitOwner | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2217 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), and assignData().
ilObjUser::getTimeLimitUnlimited | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2241 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), assignData(), checkTimeLimit(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getTimeLimitUntil | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2233 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), assignData(), checkTimeLimit(), deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries(), and ilECSAppEventListener\extendAccount().
ilObjUser::getTimeZone | ( | ) |
get timezone of user
Definition at line 1122 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $tz, ilCalendarSettings\_getInstance(), and getPref().
ilObjUser::getUserDefinedData | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4026 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References array.
Referenced by deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
static |
STATIC METHOD get the user_id of an email address.
string | email of user |
Definition at line 2605 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $res, $row, and array.
Referenced by ilObjUserTest\testAuthAndEmailMethods().
static |
Definition at line 2564 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _lookupId().
Referenced by ilUserImportParser\importEndTag(), ilMailLoginOrEmailAddressAddressType\isValid(), ilSoapUserAdministration\lookupUser(), ilMailLoginOrEmailAddressAddressType\resolve(), ilPasswordAssistanceGUI\submitAssistanceForm(), ilObjCourse\validateInfoSettings(), and ilUserImportParser\verifyEndTag().
static |
Get users that have or have not agreed to the user agreement.
bool | $a_agreed | true, if users that have agreed should be returned $ |
array | $a_users | array of user ids (subset used as base) or null for all users |
Definition at line 5384 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $ret, $users, and array.
Referenced by ilAwarenessUserCollector\collectUsers().
static |
For a given set of user IDs return a subset that has a given user preference set.
array | $a_user_ids | array of user IDs |
string | $a_keyword | preference keyword |
string | $a_val | value |
Definition at line 4596 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $users, and array.
Referenced by ilAwarenessUserCollector\collectUsers().
ilObjUser::getUTitle | ( | ) |
get user title (note: don't mix up this method with getTitle() that is derived from ilObject and gets the user object's title) public
Definition at line 1531 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $utitle.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::getZipcode | ( | ) |
get zipcode public
Definition at line 1664 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $zipcode.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData(), and deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
static |
Check for simultaneous login.
Definition at line 2461 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $row, array, and time.
Referenced by ilAuthFrontend\checkSimultaneousLogins(), and ilAuthBase\loginObserver().
ilObjUser::hasDeletionFlag | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5450 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References getPref().
ilObjUser::hasPublicProfile | ( | ) |
returns true if public is profile, false otherwise
Definition at line 4673 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References array, and getPref().
Referenced by getPublicName().
ilObjUser::hasToAcceptTermsOfService | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5335 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $in, $res, array, ilObject\getId(), and ilTermsOfServiceHelper\isEnabled().
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\__readUserData().
ilObjUser::hasToAcceptTermsOfServiceInSession | ( | $status = null | ) |
bool | null | $status |
Definition at line 5411 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilSession\get(), ilTermsOfServiceHelper\isEnabled(), and ilSession\set().
Referenced by ilTermsOfServiceHelper\trackAcceptance().
ilObjUser::importPersonalData | ( | $a_file, | |
$a_profile_data, | |||
$a_settings, | |||
$a_bookmarks, | |||
$a_notes, | |||
$a_calendar | |||
) |
staticprivate |
type $ilDB
type | $usrIds |
Definition at line 5274 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB.
ilObjUser::isAnonymous | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5426 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\getId().
Referenced by ilUsersGalleryGUI\addActionSection(), and ilMainMenuGUI\renderOnScreenNotifications().
ilObjUser::isCaptchaVerified | ( | ) |
Is user captcha verified?
Definition at line 5154 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $_SESSION.
ilObjUser::isCurrentUserActive | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2536 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $login, array, and getLoginFromAuth().
ilObjUser::isDesktopItem | ( | $a_item_id, | |
$a_type | |||
) |
check wether an item is on the users desktop or not
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3164 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type, _isDesktopItem(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::isPasswordChangeDemanded | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2290 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilSecuritySettings\_getInstance(), ilAuthUtils\_needsExternalAccountByAuthMode(), getAuthMode(), ilUserPasswordManager\getInstance(), and getLastPasswordChangeTS().
ilObjUser::isPasswordExpired | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2323 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilSecuritySettings\_getInstance(), ilAuthUtils\_needsExternalAccountByAuthMode(), getAuthMode(), getLastPasswordChangeTS(), and time.
ilObjUser::isSelfRegistered | ( | ) |
static |
Lookup matriculation.
int | $a_usr_id | public |
Definition at line 1830 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $query, $res, $row, and ilDBConstants\FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilObjCourseGrouping\_checkGroupingDependencies().
static |
lokup org unit representation
int | $a_usr_id |
Definition at line 3534 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilUserTableGUI\getItems(), and ilMemberExport\write().
static |
Preload desktop item information.
Definition at line 3130 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\$id, $ilDB, $r, and array.
Referenced by ilObjectListGUIPreloader\preload().
ilObjUser::read | ( | ) |
loads a record "user" from database private
Definition at line 219 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $ilErr, $r, array, assignData(), IL_PASSWD_CRYPTED, readMultiTextFields(), readPrefs(), readUserDefinedFields(), setLastPasswordChangeTS(), setLoginAttempts(), ilStyleDefinition\skinExists(), and ilStyleDefinition\styleExistsForSkinId().
Referenced by __construct(), and assignData().
protected |
Fetch multi-text values from DB.
Definition at line 5580 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $row, ilObject\getId(), setGeneralInterests(), setLookingForHelp(), and setOfferingHelp().
Referenced by read().
ilObjUser::readPrefs | ( | ) |
get all user preferences private
Definition at line 1212 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $prefs, and _getPreferences().
Referenced by read().
ilObjUser::readUserDefinedFields | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4073 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by read().
ilObjUser::refreshLogin | ( | ) |
updates the login data of a "user" // TODO set date with now() should be enough public
Definition at line 823 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, array, ilObject\getId(), ilUserPasswordManager\getInstance(), getPasswd(), getPasswordEncodingType(), and getPasswordSalt().
ilObjUser::removeDeletionFlag | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5445 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References writePref().
ilObjUser::removeObjectFromClipboard | ( | $a_item_id, | |
$a_type | |||
) |
remove object from user's personal clipboard
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3504 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type, $ilDB, and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::removeUserPicture | ( | $a_do_update = true | ) |
Remove user picture.
Definition at line 3977 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $file, ilUtil\getWebspaceDir(), setPref(), and ilObject\update().
Referenced by delete().
staticprivate |
type $ilDB
type | $usrIds |
Definition at line 5297 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB.
ilObjUser::resetLastPasswordChange | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2377 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $query, array, and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::resetOwner | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5102 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $query, and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by delete().
static |
STATIC METHOD get the user_ids which correspond a search string.
string | search string | |
boolean | $active | Search only for active users |
boolean | $a_return_ids_only | Return only an array of user id's instead of id, login, name, active status |
mixed | $filter_settings | Filter settings of the user administration view public |
Definition at line 2640 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $_SESSION, $active, $ilDB, $ilias, $ilLog, $query, ilObject\$rbacreview, ilObject\$ref_id, $res, $row, $users, and array.
Referenced by ilObjUserTest\testSearch().
ilObjUser::sendPersonalDataFile | ( | ) |
Send personal data file.
Definition at line 5220 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $file, ilExport\_getExportDirectory(), ilUtil\deliverFile(), ilObject\getId(), and getPersonalDataExportFile().
ilObjUser::setActive | ( | $a_active, | |
$a_owner = 0 |
) |
set user active state and updates system fields appropriately public
string | $a_active | the active state of the user account |
string | $a_owner | the id of the person who approved the account, defaults to 6 (root) |
Definition at line 2125 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References date, setApproveDate(), and ilObject\setOwner().
Referenced by shibUser\create(), shibUser\createFields(), and syncActive().
ilObjUser::setAgreeDate | ( | $a_str | ) |
set date the user account was accepted by the user nullindicates that the user has not accepted his account public
Definition at line 2113 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::setApproveDate | ( | $a_str | ) |
set date the user account was activated null indicates that the user has not yet been activated public
Definition at line 2082 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by setActive().
ilObjUser::setAuthMode | ( | $a_str | ) |
set auth mode public
Definition at line 3554 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setBirthday | ( | $a_birthday | ) |
Definition at line 4994 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References IL_CAL_DATE.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setCaptchaVerified | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set captcha verified.
Definition at line 5164 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $_SESSION.
ilObjUser::setCity | ( | $a_str | ) |
set city public
string | city |
Definition at line 1636 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setClientIP | ( | $a_str | ) |
set client ip number public
string | client ip |
Definition at line 1791 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setComment | ( | $a_str | ) |
set referral comment public
string | hobby |
Definition at line 2062 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setCountry | ( | $a_str | ) |
Set country (free text)
string | country |
Definition at line 1675 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setCurrentLanguage | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set current language.
string | $a_val | current language |
Definition at line 2018 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $_SESSION.
ilObjUser::setDepartment | ( | $a_str | ) |
set department public
string | department |
Definition at line 1598 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setDesktopItemParameters | ( | $a_item_id, | |
$a_type, | |||
$a_par | |||
) |
set parameters of a desktop item entry
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
string | $a_par | parameters |
Definition at line 3012 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type, $ilDB, array, and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::setDiskQuota | ( | $a_disk_quota | ) |
Sets the minimal disk quota imposed by this user account.
The minimal disk quota is specified in bytes.
integer |
Definition at line 1924 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References setPref().
ilObjUser::setEmail | ( | $a_str | ) |
set email public
string | email address |
Definition at line 1846 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setExternalAccount | ( | $a_str | ) |
set external account
note: 3.7.0 uses this field only for cas and soap authentication.
Definition at line 3580 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), and shibUser\createFields().
ilObjUser::setFax | ( | $a_str | ) |
set fax public
string | fax |
Definition at line 1772 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setFirstname | ( | $a_str | ) |
set firstname public
string | firstname |
Definition at line 1541 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), ilIndividualAssessmentMembersTest\createUser(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setFullname | ( | $a_title = "" , |
$a_firstname = "" , |
$a_lastname = "" |
) |
builds a string with title + firstname + lastname method is used to build fullname in member variable $this->fullname.
But you may use the function in static manner. static
string | title (opt.) |
string | firstname (opt.) |
string | lastname (opt.) |
Definition at line 1380 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $fullname, and $lastname.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setGender | ( | $a_str | ) |
set gender public
string | gender |
Definition at line 1499 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setGeneralInterests | ( | array | $value = null | ) |
Set general interests.
array | $value |
Definition at line 5478 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by readMultiTextFields().
ilObjUser::setHobby | ( | $a_str | ) |
set hobby public
string | hobby |
Definition at line 1881 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setInactivationDate | ( | $inactivation_date | ) |
setter for inactivation date
string | $inactivationDate |
Definition at line 5317 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $inactivation_date.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setInstitution | ( | $a_str | ) |
set institution public
string | institution |
Definition at line 1579 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setIsSelfRegistered | ( | $status | ) |
bool | $status |
Definition at line 5458 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setLanguage | ( | $a_str | ) |
set user language public
string | lang_key (i.e. de,en,fr,...) |
Definition at line 1900 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $_SESSION, and setPref().
Referenced by shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setLastLogin | ( | $a_str | ) |
set user's last login public
string | login date |
Definition at line 2028 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setLastname | ( | $a_str | ) |
set lastame public
string | lastname |
Definition at line 1560 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setLastPasswordChangeToNow | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2357 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $query, array, getLastPasswordChangeTS(), setLastPasswordChangeTS(), and time.
ilObjUser::setLastPasswordChangeTS | ( | $a_last_password_change_ts | ) |
Definition at line 1948 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by read(), and setLastPasswordChangeToNow().
ilObjUser::setLastUpdate | ( | $a_str | ) |
set last update of user data set public
string | date |
Definition at line 2048 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setLatitude | ( | $a_latitude | ) |
Set Latitude.
string | $a_latitude | Latitude |
Definition at line 2400 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setLocationZoom | ( | $a_locationzoom | ) |
Set Location Zoom.
int | $a_locationzoom | Location Zoom |
Definition at line 2440 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setLogin | ( | $a_str | ) |
set login / username public
string | username |
Definition at line 1447 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), and shibUser\createFields().
ilObjUser::setLoginAttempts | ( | $a_login_attempts | ) |
Definition at line 2254 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by read().
ilObjUser::setLongitude | ( | $a_longitude | ) |
Set Longitude.
string | $a_longitude | Longitude |
Definition at line 2420 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setLookingForHelp | ( | array | $value = null | ) |
Set help looking for.
array | $value |
Definition at line 5538 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by readMultiTextFields().
ilObjUser::setMatriculation | ( | $a_str | ) |
set matriculation number public
string | matriculation number |
Definition at line 1810 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setOfferingHelp | ( | array | $value = null | ) |
Set help offering.
array | $value |
Definition at line 5508 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by readMultiTextFields().
ilObjUser::setPasswd | ( | $a_str, | |
$a_type = IL_PASSWD_PLAIN |
) |
set password public
string | passwd |
Definition at line 1466 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $a_type.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and ilUserPasswordManager\encodePassword().
ilObjUser::setPasswordEncodingType | ( | $password_encryption_type | ) |
string | $password_encryption_type |
Definition at line 296 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), and ilUserPasswordManager\encodePassword().
ilObjUser::setPasswordSalt | ( | $password_salt | ) |
string | null | $password_salt |
Definition at line 312 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $password_salt.
Referenced by assignData(), and ilUserPasswordManager\encodePassword().
ilObjUser::setPhoneHome | ( | $a_str | ) |
set home phone public
string | home phone |
Definition at line 1734 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setPhoneMobile | ( | $a_str | ) |
set mobile phone public
string | mobile phone |
Definition at line 1753 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setPhoneOffice | ( | $a_str | ) |
set office phone public
string | office phone |
Definition at line 1715 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setPref | ( | $a_keyword, | |
$a_value | |||
) |
set a user preference
string | name of parameter |
string | value public |
Definition at line 1173 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by removeUserPicture(), setDiskQuota(), setLanguage(), and writePref().
ilObjUser::setProfileIncomplete | ( | $a_prof_inc | ) |
Definition at line 2275 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setSecondEmail | ( | $second_email | ) |
null | string | $second_email |
Definition at line 1871 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $second_email.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setSelectedCountry | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set selected country (selection drop down)
string | selected country |
Definition at line 1695 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setSkin | ( | $a_str | ) |
set user skin (template set) public
string | directory name of template set |
Definition at line 2207 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::setStreet | ( | $a_str | ) |
set street public
string | street |
Definition at line 1617 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::setTimeLimitFrom | ( | $a_from | ) |
Definition at line 2221 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), and shibUser\createFields().
ilObjUser::setTimeLimitMessage | ( | $a_time_limit_message | ) |
Definition at line 2245 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setTimeLimitOwner | ( | $a_owner | ) |
Definition at line 2213 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), and shibUser\createFields().
ilObjUser::setTimeLimitUnlimited | ( | $a_unlimited | ) |
Definition at line 2237 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilAccountCode\applyAccessLimits(), assignData(), and shibUser\createFields().
ilObjUser::setTimeLimitUntil | ( | $a_until | ) |
Definition at line 2229 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilAccountCode\applyAccessLimits(), assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and ilECSAppEventListener\extendAccount().
ilObjUser::setUserDefinedData | ( | $a_data | ) |
ilObjUser::setUTitle | ( | $a_str | ) |
set user title (note: don't mix up this method with setTitle() that is derived from ilObject and sets the user object's title) public
string | title |
Definition at line 1520 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setZipcode | ( | $a_str | ) |
set zipcode public
string | zipcode |
Definition at line 1655 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), shibUser\createFields(), and shibUser\updateFields().
ilObjUser::syncActive | ( | ) |
synchronizes current and stored user active values for the owner value to be set correctly, this function should only be called when an admin is approving a user account public
Definition at line 2170 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References getLoginFromAuth(), getStoredActive(), and setActive().
Referenced by assignData().
static |
Static function removes Microsoft domain name from username webdav related.
string | $a_login |
Definition at line 2516 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::updateLogin | ( | $a_login | ) |
update login name
string | new login |
ilUserException |
Definition at line 943 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $ilSetting, _getLastHistoryDataByUserId(), _writeHistory(), array, ilDatePresentation\formatDate(), ilObject\getId(), getLogin(), IL_CAL_UNIX, and time.
ilObjUser::updateMultiTextFields | ( | $a_create = false | ) |
Write multi-text values to DB.
bool | $a_create |
Definition at line 5618 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\$id, $ilDB, array, deleteMultiTextFields(), getGeneralInterests(), ilObject\getId(), getLookingForHelp(), and getOfferingHelp().
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::updateUserDefinedFields | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4031 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, array, and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by assignData().
static |
Definition at line 5138 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, $query, $res, array, and ilDBConstants\FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilInfoScreenGUI\addObjectSections(), and ilObjForumAccess\getCachedUserInstance().
ilObjUser::writeAccepted | ( | ) |
write accept date of user agreement to db
Definition at line 635 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, array, and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by ilTermsOfServiceHelper\trackAcceptance().
ilObjUser::writePref | ( | $a_keyword, | |
$a_value | |||
) |
write userpref to user table private
string | keyword |
string | value |
Definition at line 1018 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References setPref().
Referenced by activateDeletionFlag(), and removeDeletionFlag().
ilObjUser::writePrefs | ( | ) |
write all userprefs private
Definition at line 1106 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilDB, and _deleteAllPref().
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::$active |
Definition at line 97 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by _getAllUserData(), _getUsersForFolder(), _getUsersForGroup(), _getUsersForIds(), _getUsersForRole(), getActive(), getStoredActive(), and searchUsers().
ilObjUser::$agree_date = null |
Definition at line 96 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getAgreeDate().
ilObjUser::$approve_date = null |
Definition at line 95 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getApproveDate().
ilObjUser::$auth_mode |
Definition at line 99 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getAuthMode().
protected |
Definition at line 75 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getBirthday().
ilObjUser::$city |
Definition at line 82 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getCity().
ilObjUser::$client_ip |
Definition at line 98 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getClientIP().
ilObjUser::$country |
Definition at line 84 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getCountry().
ilObjUser::$default_role |
Definition at line 130 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::$department |
Definition at line 80 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getDepartment().
ilObjUser::$email |
Definition at line 90 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getEmail().
ilObjUser::$fax |
Definition at line 89 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getFax().
ilObjUser::$firstname |
Definition at line 73 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getFirstname(), and getPersonalPicturePath().
ilObjUser::$fullname |
Definition at line 76 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by _lookupFullname(), and setFullname().
ilObjUser::$gender |
Definition at line 71 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getGender().
ilObjUser::$hobby |
Definition at line 92 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getHobby().
ilObjUser::$ilias |
Definition at line 137 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by __construct(), _getAssociatedUsersOnline(), _getUserIdsByEmail(), and searchUsers().
protected |
Definition at line 152 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getInactivationDate(), and setInactivationDate().
ilObjUser::$institution |
Definition at line 79 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getInstitution().
protected |
Definition at line 166 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getGeneralInterests().
protected |
Definition at line 168 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getLookingForHelp().
protected |
Definition at line 167 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getOfferingHelp().
static |
Definition at line 140 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
static |
Definition at line 139 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
private |
Definition at line 158 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by isSelfRegistered().
ilObjUser::$last_password_change_ts |
Definition at line 105 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getLastPasswordChangeTS().
ilObjUser::$lastname |
Definition at line 74 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getLastname(), getPersonalPicturePath(), and setFullname().
ilObjUser::$latitude |
Definition at line 101 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getLatitude().
ilObjUser::$loc_zoom |
Definition at line 103 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getLocationZoom().
ilObjUser::$login |
all user related data in single vars public
Definition at line 33 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by checkUserId(), shibUser\cleanName(), getLogin(), getLoginByUserId(), getLoginFromAuth(), getPersonalPicturePath(), isCurrentUserActive(), and shibUser\returnNewLoginName().
ilObjUser::$login_attempts |
Definition at line 106 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by _getLoginAttempts(), and getLoginAttempts().
ilObjUser::$longitude |
Definition at line 102 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getLongitude().
ilObjUser::$matriculation |
Definition at line 93 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getMatriculation().
protected |
Definition at line 164 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
protected |
Definition at line 38 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData(), and getPasswd().
protected |
Definition at line 43 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getPasswdType().
protected |
Definition at line 63 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getPasswordEncodingType().
protected |
Definition at line 69 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getPasswordSalt(), and setPasswordSalt().
staticprotected |
Definition at line 145 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::$phone_home |
Definition at line 87 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getPhoneHome().
ilObjUser::$phone_mobile |
Definition at line 88 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getPhoneMobile().
ilObjUser::$phone_office |
Definition at line 86 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getPhoneOffice().
ilObjUser::$prefs |
Definition at line 115 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by _getPreferences(), and readPrefs().
ilObjUser::$referral_comment |
Definition at line 94 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getComment().
protected |
Definition at line 91 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getSecondEmail(), and setSecondEmail().
ilObjUser::$sel_country |
Definition at line 85 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getSelectedCountry().
ilObjUser::$skin |
Definition at line 122 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by __construct().
ilObjUser::$street |
Definition at line 81 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getStreet().
ilObjUser::$user_defined_data = array() |
Definition at line 108 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries().
ilObjUser::$utitle |
Definition at line 72 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getUTitle().
ilObjUser::$zipcode |
Definition at line 83 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getZipcode().