release_5-3 Revision v5.3.23-19-g915713cf615
Class ilInternalLink. More...
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | _deleteAllLinksOfSource ($a_source_type, $a_source_id, $a_lang="-") |
Delete all links of a given source. More... | |
static | _deleteAllLinksToTarget ($a_target_type, $a_target_id, $a_target_inst=0) |
Delete all links to a given target. More... | |
static | _saveLink ( $a_source_type, $a_source_id, $a_target_type, $a_target_id, $a_target_inst=0, $a_source_lang="-") |
save internal link information More... | |
static | _getSourcesOfTarget ($a_target_type, $a_target_id, $a_target_inst) |
get all sources of a link target More... | |
static | _getTargetsOfSource ($a_source_type, $a_source_id, $a_source_lang="-") |
Get all targets of a source object (e.g., a page) More... | |
static | _getIdForImportId ($a_type, $a_target) |
Get current id for an import id. More... | |
static | _exists ($a_type, $a_target) |
Check if internal link refers to a valid target. More... | |
static | _extractInstOfTarget ($a_target) |
Extract installation id out of target. More... | |
static | _removeInstFromTarget ($a_target) |
Removes installation id from target string. More... | |
static | _extractObjIdOfTarget ($a_target) |
Extract object id out of target. More... | |
static | _extractTypeOfTarget ($a_target) |
Extract type out of target. More... | |
static | searchUsers ($a_search_str) |
Search users. More... | |
Class ilInternalLink.
Some methods to handle internal links
Definition at line 14 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.
static |
Delete all links of a given source.
string | $a_source_type | source type |
int | $a_source_if | source id |
int | $a_lang | source language |
Definition at line 23 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.
Referenced by SurveyQuestion\_resolveIntLinks(), assQuestion\_resolveIntLinks(), assQuestion\copySuggestedSolutionFiles(), SurveyQuestion\delete(), ilPageObject\deleteInternalLinks(), assQuestion\deleteSuggestedSolutions(), SurveyQuestion\saveMaterial(), and SurveyQuestion\syncWithOriginal().
static |
Delete all links to a given target.
string | $a_target_type | target type |
int | $a_target_id | target id |
int | $a_target_inst | target installation id |
Definition at line 48 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.
References $DIC, $ilDB, and array.
Referenced by ilPortfolioPage\delete(), and ilWikiPage\delete().
static |
Check if internal link refers to a valid target.
string | $a_type | target type ("PageObject" | "StructureObject" | "GlossaryItem" | "MediaObject") |
string | $a_target | target id, e.g. "il__pg_244") |
Definition at line 263 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.
References $a_type, $DIC, ilObjMediaObject\_exists(), ilGlossaryTerm\_exists(), ilPageObject\_exists(), ilLMObject\_exists(), and _extractObjIdOfTarget().
Referenced by ilPageObject\resolveIntLinks().
static |
Extract installation id out of target.
string | $a_target | import target id (e.g. "il_2_pg_22") |
Definition at line 307 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.
References $target.
Referenced by _getIdForImportId(), ilPageObject\_handleImportRepositoryLinks(), ilPCQuestion\afterPageUpdate(), ilPCQuestionGUI\edit(), ilQuestionExporter\exportQuestion(), ilPCQuestionGUI\feedback(), ilPageObject\getQuestionIds(), ilPageObject\newIIMCopies(), ilPageObject\newMobCopies(), ilPageObject\newQuestionCopies(), ilPageObject\resolveIntLinks(), ilPCQuestionGUI\setTabs(), ilPortfolioPage\updateInternalLinks(), and ilLMObject\updateInternalLinks().
static |
Extract object id out of target.
string | $a_target | import target id (e.g. "il_2_pg_22") |
Definition at line 339 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.
References $target.
Referenced by ilObjMediaObject\_exists(), ilGlossaryTerm\_exists(), _exists(), ilSCORM2004Node\_exists(), ilLMObject\_exists(), ilPageObject\_handleImportRepositoryLinks(), ilPCQuestion\afterPageUpdate(), ilPCQuestionGUI\edit(), ilSCORM2004Asset\exportHTMLPageObjects(), ilQuestionExporter\exportQuestion(), ilPCQuestionGUI\feedback(), ilPageObject\getInitialOpenedContent(), ilObjMediaObject\getLinkedMediaObjects(), ilPageObject\getQuestionIds(), ilPageObject\moveIntLinks(), ilPageObject\newIIMCopies(), ilPageObject\newMobCopies(), ilPageObject\newQuestionCopies(), ilPortfolioPage\renameLinksOnTitleChange(), ilPCInteractiveImage\setNode(), ilPCQuestionGUI\setTabs(), ilPortfolioPage\updateInternalLinks(), and ilLMObject\updateInternalLinks().
static |
Extract type out of target.
string | $a_target | import target id (e.g. "il_2_pg_22") |
Definition at line 350 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.
References $target.
Referenced by ilPortfolioPage\updateInternalLinks(), and ilLMObject\updateInternalLinks().
static |
Get current id for an import id.
string | $a_type | target type ("PageObject" | "StructureObject" | "GlossaryItem" | "MediaObject") |
string | $a_target | import target id (e.g. "il_2_pg_22") |
Definition at line 171 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.
References $a_type, $id, _extractInstOfTarget(), ilObject\_getAllReferences(), ilGlossaryTerm\_getIdForImportId(), ilLMObject\_getIdForImportId(), and ilObject\_getIdForImportId().
Referenced by SurveyQuestion\_resolveInternalLink(), assQuestion\_resolveInternalLink(), ilMapArea\_resolveIntLinks(), and ilPageObject\resolveIntLinks().
static |
get all sources of a link target
string | $a_target_type | target type |
int | $a_target_id | target id |
int | $a_target_inst | target installation id |
Definition at line 106 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.
References $DIC, $ilDB, and array.
Referenced by ilPageObject\_handleImportRepositoryLinks(), ilObjMediaObjectAccess\checkAccessGlossaryTerm(), ilWikiPage\getLinksToPage(), ilWikiPage\getOrphanedPages(), ilGlossaryTerm\getUsages(), ilGlossaryPresentationGUI\listDefinitions(), ilContObjParser\processPagesToParse(), ilWikiPage\rename(), and ilLMObject\updateInternalLinks().
static |
Get all targets of a source object (e.g., a page)
string | $a_source_type | source type (e.g. "lm:pg" | "dbk:pg") |
int | $a_source_id | source id |
Definition at line 135 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.
References $DIC, $ilDB, and array.
Referenced by ilObjContentObject\exportHTMLPages(), ilSCORM2004Asset\getGlossaryTermIds(), ilPageObjectGUI\showPage(), and ilLMPresentationGUI\showPrintView().
static |
Removes installation id from target string.
string | $a_target | import target id (e.g. "il_2_pg_22") |
Definition at line 323 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.
References $target.
Referenced by ilPageObject\resolveIntLinks().
static |
save internal link information
string | $a_source_type | source type |
int | $a_source_if | source id |
string | $a_target_type | target type |
int | $a_target_id | target id |
int | $a_target_inst | target installation id |
Definition at line 71 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.
References $DIC, $ilDB, and array.
Referenced by SurveyQuestion\_resolveIntLinks(), assQuestion\_resolveIntLinks(), assQuestion\copySuggestedSolutionFiles(), ilWikiPage\saveInternalLinks(), ilPageObject\saveInternalLinks(), SurveyQuestion\saveMaterial(), and SurveyQuestion\syncWithOriginal().
static |
Search users.
Definition at line 362 of file class.ilInternalLink.php.
References $result, $users, ilObjectSearchFactory\_getUserSearchInstance(), array, ilUserFilter\getInstance(), ilObjUser\getProfileStatusOfUsers(), and QP_COMBINATION_AND.
Referenced by ilInternalLinkGUI\getUserSearchResult().