ILIAS  release_5-4 Revision v5.4.26-12-gabc799a52e6
assQuestion Class Reference

Abstract basic class which is to be extended by the concrete assessment question type classes. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for assQuestion:
+ Collaboration diagram for assQuestion:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ( $title="", $comment="", $author="", $owner=-1, $question="")
 assQuestion constructor More...
 getShuffler ()
 setShuffler (ilArrayElementShuffler $shuffler)
 setProcessLocker ($processLocker)
 getProcessLocker ()
 fromXML (&$item, &$questionpool_id, &$tst_id, &$tst_object, &$question_counter, &$import_mapping)
 Receives parameters from a QTI parser and creates a valid ILIAS question object. More...
 toXML ($a_include_header=true, $a_include_binary=true, $a_shuffle=false, $test_output=false, $force_image_references=false)
 Returns a QTI xml representation of the question. More...
 isComplete ()
 Returns true, if a question is complete for use. More...
 questionTitleExists ($questionpool_id, $title)
 Returns TRUE if the question title exists in the database. More...
 setTitle ($title="")
 Sets the title string of the assQuestion object. More...
 setId ($id=-1)
 Sets the id of the assQuestion object. More...
 setTestId ($id=-1)
 Sets the test id of the assQuestion object. More...
 setComment ($comment="")
 Sets the comment string of the assQuestion object. More...
 setOutputType ($outputType=OUTPUT_HTML)
 Sets the output type. More...
 setShuffle ($shuffle=true)
 Sets the shuffle flag. More...
 setEstimatedWorkingTime ($hour=0, $min=0, $sec=0)
 Sets the estimated working time of a question from given hour, minute and second. More...
 setEstimatedWorkingTimeFromDurationString ($durationString)
 Sets the estimated working time of a question from a given datetime string. More...
 keyInArray ($searchkey, $array)
 returns TRUE if the key occurs in an array More...
 setAuthor ($author="")
 Sets the authors name of the assQuestion object. More...
 setOwner ($owner="")
 Sets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object. More...
 getTitle ()
 Gets the title string of the assQuestion object. More...
 getTitleFilenameCompliant ()
 returns the object title prepared to be used as a filename More...
 getId ()
 Gets the id of the assQuestion object. More...
 getShuffle ()
 Gets the shuffle flag. More...
 getTestId ()
 Gets the test id of the assQuestion object. More...
 getComment ()
 Gets the comment string of the assQuestion object. More...
 getOutputType ()
 Gets the output type. More...
 supportsJavascriptOutput ()
 Returns true if the question type supports JavaScript output. More...
 supportsNonJsOutput ()
 requiresJsSwitch ()
 getEstimatedWorkingTime ()
 Gets the estimated working time of a question. More...
 getAuthor ()
 Gets the authors name of the assQuestion object. More...
 getOwner ()
 Gets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object. More...
 getObjId ()
 Get the object id of the container object. More...
 setObjId ($obj_id=0)
 Set the object id of the container object. More...
 setExternalId ($external_id)
 getExternalId ()
 getSuggestedSolutionOutput ()
_getSuggestedSolution ($question_id, $subquestion_index=0)
 Returns a suggested solution for a given subquestion index. More...
 getSuggestedSolutions ()
 Return the suggested solutions. More...
 getReachedPoints ($active_id, $pass=null)
 Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question This is the fast way to get the points directly from the database. More...
 getMaximumPoints ()
 Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question. More...
 getAdjustedReachedPoints ($active_id, $pass=null, $authorizedSolution=true)
 returns the reached points ... More...
 calculateResultsFromSolution ($active_id, $pass=null, $obligationsEnabled=false)
 Calculates the question results from a previously saved question solution. More...
 persistWorkingState ($active_id, $pass=null, $obligationsEnabled=false, $authorized=true)
 persists the working state for current testactive and testpass More...
 persistPreviewState (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession)
 persists the preview state for current user and question More...
 validateSolutionSubmit ()
 saveWorkingData ($active_id, $pass=null, $authorized=true)
 Saves the learners input of the question to the database. More...
 moveUploadedMediaFile ($file, $name)
 Move an uploaded media file to an public accessible temp dir to present it. More...
 getSuggestedSolutionPath ()
 Returns the path for a suggested solution. More...
 getJavaPath ()
 Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question. More...
 getImagePath ($question_id=null, $object_id=null)
 Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question. More...
 buildImagePath ($questionId, $parentObjectId)
 getFlashPath ()
 Returns the image path for web accessable flash files of a question. More...
 getJavaPathWeb ()
 Returns the web image path for web accessable java applets of a question. More...
 getSuggestedSolutionPathWeb ()
 Returns the web path for a suggested solution. More...
 getImagePathWeb ()
 Returns the web image path for web accessable images of a question. More...
 getFlashPathWeb ()
 Returns the web image path for web accessable flash applications of a question. More...
 getTestOutputSolutions ($activeId, $pass)
 getUserSolutionPreferingIntermediate ($active_id, $pass=null)
 getSolutionValues ($active_id, $pass=null, $authorized=true)
 Loads solutions of a given user from the database an returns it. More...
 isInUse ($question_id="")
 Checks whether the question is in use or not. More...
 isClone ($question_id="")
 Checks whether the question is a clone of another question or not. More...
 pcArrayShuffle ($array)
 Shuffles the values of a given array. More...
 getAdditionalTableName ()
 Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database. More...
 getAnswerTableName ()
 Returns the name of the answer table in the database. More...
 deleteAnswers ($question_id)
 Deletes datasets from answers tables. More...
 deleteAdditionalTableData ($question_id)
 Deletes datasets from the additional question table in the database. More...
 delete ($question_id)
 Deletes a question and all materials from the database. More...
 getTotalAnswers ()
 get total number of answers More...
 _getTotalAnswers ($a_q_id)
 get number of answers for question id (static) note: do not use $this inside this method More...
 copyXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion ($a_q_id)
 syncXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion ()
 createPageObject ()
 create page object of question More...
 copyPageOfQuestion ($a_q_id)
 getPageOfQuestion ()
 setOriginalId ($original_id)
 getOriginalId ()
 fixSvgToPng ($imageFilenameContainingString)
 fixUnavailableSkinImageSources ($html)
 loadFromDb ($question_id)
 Loads the question from the database. More...
 createNewQuestion ($a_create_page=true)
 Creates a new question without an owner when a new question is created This assures that an ID is given to the question if a file upload or something else occurs. More...
 saveQuestionDataToDb ($original_id="")
 saveToDb ($original_id="")
 Saves the question to the database. More...
 setNewOriginalId ($newId)
 deleteSuggestedSolutions ()
 Deletes all suggestes solutions in the database. More...
 getSuggestedSolution ($subquestion_index=0)
 Returns a suggested solution for a given subquestion index. More...
 getSuggestedSolutionTitle ($subquestion_index=0)
 Returns the title of a suggested solution at a given subquestion_index. More...
 setSuggestedSolution ($solution_id="", $subquestion_index=0, $is_import=false)
 Sets a suggested solution for the question. More...
 _resolveInternalLink ($internal_link)
 _resolveIntLinks ($question_id)
 syncWithOriginal ()
 createRandomSolution ($test_id, $user_id)
 _questionExists ($question_id)
 Returns true if the question already exists in the database. More...
 _questionExistsInPool ($question_id)
 Returns true if the question already exists in the database and is assigned to a question pool. More...
 getPoints ()
 Returns the maximum available points for the question. More...
 setPoints ($a_points)
 Sets the maximum available points for the question. More...
 getSolutionMaxPass ($active_id)
 Returns the maximum pass a users question solution. More...
 calculateReachedPoints ($active_id, $pass=null, $authorizedSolution=true, $returndetails=false)
 Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question. More...
 deductHintPointsFromReachedPoints (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession, $reachedPoints)
 calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession)
 isPreviewSolutionCorrect (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession)
 adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions ($points, $active_id, $pass=null)
 Adjust the given reached points by checks for all special scoring options in the test container. More...
 isHTML ($a_text)
 Checks if a given string contains HTML or not. More...
 prepareTextareaOutput ($txt_output, $prepare_for_latex_output=false, $omitNl2BrWhenTextArea=false)
 Prepares a string for a text area output in tests. More...
 QTIMaterialToString ($a_material)
 Reads an QTI material tag an creates a text string. More...
 addQTIMaterial (&$a_xml_writer, $a_material, $close_material_tag=true, $add_mobs=true)
 Creates a QTI material tag from a plain text or xhtml text. More...
 buildHashedImageFilename ($plain_image_filename, $unique=false)
 getQuestion ()
 Gets the question string of the question object. More...
 setQuestion ($question="")
 Sets the question string of the question object. More...
 getQuestionType ()
 Returns the question type of the question. More...
 getQuestionTypeID ()
 Returns the question type of the question. More...
 cleanupMediaObjectUsage ()
 synchronises appearances of media objects in the question with media object usage table More...
getInstances ()
 Gets all instances of the question. More...
 getActiveUserData ($active_id)
 Returns the user id and the test id for a given active id. More...
 setExportDetailsXLS ($worksheet, $startrow, $active_id, $pass)
 Creates an Excel worksheet for the detailed cumulated results of this question. More...
 __get ($value)
 Object getter. More...
 __set ($key, $value)
 Object setter. More...
 getNrOfTries ()
 setNrOfTries ($a_nr_of_tries)
 setExportImagePath ($a_path)
 formatSAQuestion ($a_q)
 Format self assessment question. More...
 setPreventRteUsage ($a_val)
 Set prevent rte usage. More...
 getPreventRteUsage ()
 Get prevent rte usage. More...
 migrateContentForLearningModule (ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator $migrator)
 setSelfAssessmentEditingMode ($a_selfassessmenteditingmode)
 Set Self-Assessment Editing Mode. More...
 getSelfAssessmentEditingMode ()
 Get Self-Assessment Editing Mode. More...
 setDefaultNrOfTries ($a_defaultnroftries)
 Set Default Nr of Tries. More...
 getDefaultNrOfTries ()
 Get Default Nr of Tries. More...
 syncSkillAssignments ($srcParentId, $srcQuestionId, $trgParentId, $trgQuestionId)
 isAnswered ($active_id, $pass=null)
 returns boolean wether the question is answered during test pass or not More...
 isAutosaveable ()
 getAdditionalContentEditingMode ()
 getter for additional content editing mode for this question More...
 setAdditionalContentEditingMode ($additinalContentEditingMode)
 setter for additional content editing mode for this question More...
 isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject ()
 isser for additional "pageobject" content editing mode More...
 isValidAdditionalContentEditingMode ($additionalContentEditingMode)
 returns the fact wether the passed additional content mode is valid or not More...
 getValidAdditionalContentEditingModes ()
 getter for valid additional content editing modes More...
 addQuestionChangeListener (ilQuestionChangeListener $listener)
 getQuestionChangeListeners ()
 getHtmlUserSolutionPurifier ()
 getHtmlQuestionContentPurifier ()
 setLastChange ($lastChange)
 getLastChange ()
 removeIntermediateSolution ($active_id, $pass)
 removeCurrentSolution ($active_id, $pass, $authorized=true)
 saveCurrentSolution ($active_id, $pass, $value1, $value2, $authorized=true, $tstamp=null)
 updateCurrentSolution ($solutionId, $value1, $value2, $authorized=true)
 updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization ($activeId, $pass, $authorized, $keepTime=false)
 setStep ($step)
 getStep ()
 toJSON ()
 duplicate ($for_test=true, $title="", $author="", $owner="", $testObjId=null)
 intermediateSolutionExists ($active_id, $pass)
 authorizedSolutionExists ($active_id, $pass)
 authorizedOrIntermediateSolutionExists ($active_id, $pass)
 isAddableAnswerOptionValue ($qIndex, $answerOptionValue)
 addAnswerOptionValue ($qIndex, $answerOptionValue, $points)
 removeAllExistingSolutions ()
 removeExistingSolutions ($activeId, $pass)
 resetUsersAnswer ($activeId, $pass)
 removeResultRecord ($activeId, $pass)
 fetchValuePairsFromIndexedValues (array $indexedValues)
 fetchIndexedValuesFromValuePairs (array $valuePairs)
 areObligationsToBeConsidered ()
 setObligationsToBeConsidered ($obligationsToBeConsidered)
 updateTimestamp ()
 getTestPresentationConfig ()
 Get the test question configuration (initialised once) More...
 savePartial ()

Static Public Member Functions

static setForcePassResultUpdateEnabled ($forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled)
static isForcePassResultUpdateEnabled ()
static isAllowedImageMimeType ($mimeType)
static fetchMimeTypeIdentifier ($contentTypeString)
static getAllowedFileExtensionsForMimeType ($mimeType)
static isAllowedImageFileExtension ($mimeType, $fileExtension)
static getAllowedImageMaterialFileExtensions ()
static _getMaximumPoints ($question_id)
 Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question. More...
static _getQuestionInfo ($question_id)
 Returns question information from the database. More...
static _getSuggestedSolutionCount ($question_id)
 Returns the number of suggested solutions associated with a question. More...
static _getSuggestedSolutionOutput ($question_id)
 Returns the output of the suggested solution. More...
static _getReachedPoints ($active_id, $question_id, $pass=null)
 Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question. More...
static _updateTestResultCache ($active_id, ilAssQuestionProcessLocker $processLocker=null)
 Move this to a proper place. More...
static logAction ($logtext="", $active_id="", $question_id="")
 Logs an action into the Test&Assessment log. More...
static getQuestionTypeFromDb ($question_id)
 get question type for question id More...
static _getTotalRightAnswers ($a_q_id)
 get number of answers for question id (static) note: do not use $this inside this method More...
static _getTitle ($a_q_id)
 Returns the title of a question. More...
static _getQuestionText ($a_q_id)
 Returns question text. More...
static isFileAvailable ($file)
static _getQuestionType ($question_id)
 Returns the question type of a question with a given id. More...
static _getQuestionTitle ($question_id)
 Returns the question title of a question with a given id. More...
static saveOriginalId ($questionId, $originalId)
static resetOriginalId ($questionId)
static _getInternalLinkHref ($target="")
static _getOriginalId ($question_id)
 Returns the original id of a question. More...
static originalQuestionExists ($questionId)
static _instanciateQuestion ($question_id)
 Creates an instance of a question with a given question id. More...
static _instantiateQuestion ($question_id)
static _getSolutionMaxPass ($question_id, $active_id)
 Returns the maximum pass a users question solution. More...
static _isWriteable ($question_id, $user_id)
 Returns true if the question is writeable by a certain user. More...
static _isUsedInRandomTest ($question_id="")
 Checks whether the question is used in a random test or not. More...
static _isWorkedThrough ($active_id, $question_id, $pass=null)
 Returns true if the question was worked through in the given pass Worked through means that the user entered at least one value. More...
static _areAnswered ($a_user_id, $a_question_ids)
 Checks if an array of question ids is answered by an user or not. More...
static _setReachedPoints ($active_id, $question_id, $points, $maxpoints, $pass, $manualscoring, $obligationsEnabled)
 Sets the points, a learner has reached answering the question Additionally objective results are updated. More...
static _needsManualScoring ($question_id)
static _includeClass ($question_type, $gui=0)
 Include the php class file for a given question type. More...
static getGuiClassNameByQuestionType ($questionType)
static getObjectClassNameByQuestionType ($questionType)
static getFeedbackClassNameByQuestionType ($questionType)
static isCoreQuestionType ($questionType)
static includeCoreClass ($questionType, $withGuiClass)
static includePluginClass ($questionType, $withGuiClass)
static _getQuestionTypeName ($type_tag)
 Return the translation for a given question type tag. More...
static & _instanciateQuestionGUI ($question_id)
 Creates an instance of a question gui with a given question id. More...
static instantiateQuestionGUI ($a_question_id)
 Creates an instance of a question gui with a given question id. More...
static _questionExistsInTest ($question_id, $test_id)
static lookupParentObjId ($questionId)
 ilDBInterface $ilDB More...
static lookupOriginalParentObjId ($originalQuestionId)
 returns the parent object id for given original question id (should be a qpl id, but theoretically it can be a tst id, too) More...
static isObligationPossible ($questionId)
 returns boolean wether it is possible to set this question type as obligatory or not considering the current question configuration More...
static implodeKeyValues ($keyValues)
static explodeKeyValues ($keyValues)
static setResultGateway ($resultGateway)
static getResultGateway ()
static sumTimesInISO8601FormatH_i_s_Extended ($time1, $time2)
static convertISO8601FormatH_i_s_ExtendedToSeconds ($time)
static missingResultRecordExists ($activeId, $pass, $questionIds)
static getQuestionsMissingResultRecord ($activeId, $pass, $questionIds)
static lookupResultRecordExist ($activeId, $questionId, $pass)

Data Fields

const IMG_MIME_TYPE_JPG = 'image/jpeg'
const IMG_MIME_TYPE_PNG = 'image/png'
const IMG_MIME_TYPE_GIF = 'image/gif'
 constant for additional content editing mode "default" More...
 constant for additional content editing mode "pageobject" More...
 $feedbackOBJ = null
 $prevent_rte_usage = false
 $selfassessmenteditingmode = false
 $defaultnroftries = 0
 $questionActionCmd = 'handleQuestionAction'

Protected Member Functions

 getQuestionAction ()
 isNonEmptyItemListPostSubmission ($postSubmissionFieldname)
 ensureCurrentTestPass ($active_id, $pass)
 lookupCurrentTestPass ($active_id, $pass)
 lookupTestId ($active_id)
 log ($active_id, $langVar)
 savePreviewData (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession)
 deletePageOfQuestion ($question_id)
 Deletes the page object of a question with a given ID. More...
 onDuplicate ($originalParentId, $originalQuestionId, $duplicateParentId, $duplicateQuestionId)
 Will be called when a question is duplicated (inside a question pool or for insertion in a test) More...
 beforeSyncWithOriginal ($origQuestionId, $dupQuestionId, $origParentObjId, $dupParentObjId)
 afterSyncWithOriginal ($origQuestionId, $dupQuestionId, $origParentObjId, $dupParentObjId)
 onCopy ($sourceParentId, $sourceQuestionId, $targetParentId, $targetQuestionId)
 Will be called when a question is copied (into another question pool) More...
 duplicateSuggestedSolutionFiles ($parent_id, $question_id)
 Duplicates the files of a suggested solution if the question is duplicated. More...
 syncSuggestedSolutionFiles ($original_id)
 Syncs the files of a suggested solution if the question is synced. More...
 copySuggestedSolutionFiles ($source_questionpool_id, $source_question_id)
 ensureNonNegativePoints ($points)
 getRTETextWithMediaObjects ()
 Collects all text in the question which could contain media objects which were created with the Rich Text Editor. More...
 getSelfAssessmentFormatter ()
 lmMigrateQuestionTypeGenericContent (ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator $migrator)
 lmMigrateQuestionTypeSpecificContent (ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator $migrator)
 duplicateQuestionHints ($originalQuestionId, $duplicateQuestionId)
 duplicateSkillAssignments ($srcParentId, $srcQuestionId, $trgParentId, $trgQuestionId)
 buildQuestionDataQuery ()
 getCurrentSolutionResultSet ($active_id, $pass, $authorized=true)
 Get a restulset for the current user solution for a this question by active_id and pass. More...
 removeSolutionRecordById ($solutionId)
 getSolutionRecordById ($solutionId)
 deleteDummySolutionRecord ($activeId, $passIndex)
 isDummySolutionRecord ($solutionRecord)
 deleteSolutionRecordByValues ($activeId, $passIndex, $authorized, $matchValues)
 duplicateIntermediateSolutionAuthorized ($activeId, $passIndex)
 forceExistingIntermediateSolution ($activeId, $passIndex, $considerDummyRecordCreation)
 buildTestPresentationConfig ()
 build basic test question configuration instance More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static getNumExistingSolutionRecords ($activeId, $pass, $questionId)
 returns the number of existing solution records for the given test active / pass and given question id More...
static getKeyValuesImplosionSeparator ()

Protected Attributes

 $external_id = ''
 $questionChangeListeners = array()
 $step = null

Static Protected Attributes

static $allowedFileExtensionsByMimeType
static $allowedCharsetsByMimeType
static $allowedImageMaterialFileExtensionsByMimeType
static $forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled = false
static $imageSourceFixReplaceMap

Private Member Functions

 deleteTaxonomyAssignments ()
 notifyQuestionCreated ()
 notifyQuestionEdited ()
 notifyQuestionDeleted ()

Private Attributes

 Number of tries. More...
 Associative array to store properties. More...
 (Web) Path to images More...
 $additinalContentEditingMode = null
 $obligationsToBeConsidered = false
 $testQuestionConfigInstance = null

Static Private Attributes

static $resultGateway = null

Detailed Description

Abstract basic class which is to be extended by the concrete assessment question type classes.

The assQuestion class defines and encapsulates basic/common methods and attributes as well as it provides abstract methods that are to be implemented by concrete question type classes.

Helmut Schottmüller
Björn Heyser

Definition at line 20 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

assQuestion::__construct (   $title = "",
  $comment = "",
  $author = "",
  $owner = -1,
  $question = "" 

assQuestion constructor

string$titleA title string to describe the question
string$commentA comment string to describe the question
string$authorA string containing the name of the questions author
integer$ownerA numerical ID to identify the owner/creator
string$questionQuestion text public

Definition at line 286 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $author, $comment, $DIC, $ilDB, $ilias, $lng, $owner, $question, $title, $tpl, comment(), setEstimatedWorkingTime(), setExternalId(), and setQuestion().

292  {
293  global $DIC;
294  $ilias = $DIC['ilias'];
295  $lng = $DIC['lng'];
296  $tpl = $DIC['tpl'];
297  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
299  $this->ilias = $ilias;
300  $this->lng = $lng;
301  $this->tpl = $tpl;
302  $this->db = $ilDB;
304  $this->original_id = null;
305  $this->title = $title;
306  $this->comment = $comment;
307  $this->page = null;
308  $this->author = $author;
309  $this->setQuestion($question);
310  if (!$this->author) {
311  $this->author = $this->ilias->account->fullname;
312  }
313  $this->owner = $owner;
314  if ($this->owner <= 0) {
315  $this->owner = $this->ilias->account->id;
316  }
317  $this->id = -1;
318  $this->test_id = -1;
319  $this->suggested_solutions = array();
320  $this->shuffle = 1;
321  $this->nr_of_tries = 0;
322  $this->setEstimatedWorkingTime(0, 1, 0);
323  $this->arrData = array();
324  $this->setExternalId('');
326  $this->questionActionCmd = 'handleQuestionAction';
328  $this->lastChange = null;
330  require_once 'Services/Randomization/classes/class.ilArrayElementOrderKeeper.php';
331  $this->shuffler = new ilArrayElementOrderKeeper();
332  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
setEstimatedWorkingTime($hour=0, $min=0, $sec=0)
Sets the estimated working time of a question from given hour, minute and second. ...
Definition: comment.php:2
redirection script todo: (a better solution should control the processing via a xml file) ...
Sets the question string of the question object.
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ __get()

assQuestion::__get (   $value)

Object getter.

Definition at line 4118 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $ilias, $page, $tpl, getAuthor(), getComment(), getEstimatedWorkingTime(), getId(), getObjId(), getOriginalId(), getOutputType(), getOwner(), getPoints(), getQuestion(), getShuffle(), getSuggestedSolutions(), getTestId(), and getTitle().

4119  {
4120  switch ($value) {
4121  case "id":
4122  return $this->getId();
4123  break;
4124  case "title":
4125  return $this->getTitle();
4126  break;
4127  case "comment":
4128  return $this->getComment();
4129  break;
4130  case "owner":
4131  return $this->getOwner();
4132  break;
4133  case "author":
4134  return $this->getAuthor();
4135  break;
4136  case "question":
4137  return $this->getQuestion();
4138  break;
4139  case "points":
4140  return $this->getPoints();
4141  break;
4142  case "est_working_time":
4143  return $this->getEstimatedWorkingTime();
4144  break;
4145  case "shuffle":
4146  return $this->getShuffle();
4147  break;
4148  case "test_id":
4149  return $this->getTestId();
4150  break;
4151  case "obj_id":
4152  return $this->getObjId();
4153  break;
4154  case "ilias":
4155  return $this->ilias;
4156  break;
4157  case "tpl":
4158  return $this->tpl;
4159  break;
4160  case "page":
4161  return $this->page;
4162  break;
4163  case "outputType":
4164  return $this->getOutputType();
4165  break;
4166  case "suggested_solutions":
4167  return $this->getSuggestedSolutions();
4168  break;
4169  case "original_id":
4170  return $this->getOriginalId();
4171  break;
4172  default:
4173  if (array_key_exists($value, $this->arrData)) {
4174  return $this->arrData[$value];
4175  } else {
4176  return null;
4177  }
4178  break;
4179  }
4180  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
Returns the maximum available points for the question.
Get the object id of the container object.
Gets the shuffle flag.
Gets the test id of the assQuestion object.
Gets the authors name of the assQuestion object.
Gets the question string of the question object.
Gets the comment string of the assQuestion object.
Gets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object.
Gets the estimated working time of a question.
Gets the title string of the assQuestion object.
Gets the output type.
Return the suggested solutions.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ __set()

assQuestion::__set (   $key,

Object setter.

Definition at line 4185 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $key, setAuthor(), setComment(), setEstimatedWorkingTime(), setId(), setObjId(), setOriginalId(), setOutputType(), setOwner(), setPoints(), setQuestion(), setShuffle(), setTestId(), and setTitle().

4186  {
4187  switch ($key) {
4188  case "id":
4189  $this->setId($value);
4190  break;
4191  case "title":
4192  $this->setTitle($value);
4193  break;
4194  case "comment":
4195  $this->setComment($value);
4196  break;
4197  case "owner":
4198  $this->setOwner($value);
4199  break;
4200  case "author":
4201  $this->setAuthor($value);
4202  break;
4203  case "question":
4204  $this->setQuestion($value);
4205  break;
4206  case "points":
4207  $this->setPoints($value);
4208  break;
4209  case "est_working_time":
4210  if (is_array($value)) {
4211  $this->setEstimatedWorkingTime($value["h"], $value["m"], $value["s"]);
4212  }
4213  break;
4214  case "shuffle":
4215  $this->setShuffle($value);
4216  break;
4217  case "test_id":
4218  $this->setTestId($value);
4219  break;
4220  case "obj_id":
4221  $this->setObjId($value);
4222  break;
4223  case "outputType":
4224  $this->setOutputType($value);
4225  break;
4226  case "original_id":
4227  $this->setOriginalId($value);
4228  break;
4229  case "page":
4230  $this->page = &$value;
4231  break;
4232  default:
4233  $this->arrData[$key] = $value;
4234  break;
4235  }
4236  }
Sets the id of the assQuestion object.
setEstimatedWorkingTime($hour=0, $min=0, $sec=0)
Sets the estimated working time of a question from given hour, minute and second. ...
Sets the shuffle flag.
Sets the authors name of the assQuestion object.
Sets the output type.
Sets the maximum available points for the question.
Sets the question string of the question object.
Sets the test id of the assQuestion object.
Sets the title string of the assQuestion object.
Set the object id of the container object.
Definition: croninfo.php:18
Sets the comment string of the assQuestion object.
Sets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _areAnswered()

static assQuestion::_areAnswered (   $a_user_id,

Checks if an array of question ids is answered by an user or not.

array$question_idsuser id array

Definition at line 3517 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, and $res.

Referenced by ilCourseObjectiveResult\getStatus().

3518  {
3519  global $DIC;
3520  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3522  $res = $ilDB->queryF(
3523  "SELECT DISTINCT(question_fi) FROM tst_test_result JOIN tst_active " .
3524  "ON (active_id = active_fi) " .
3525  "WHERE " . $ilDB->in('question_fi', $a_question_ids, false, 'integer') .
3526  " AND user_fi = %s",
3527  array('integer'),
3528  array($a_user_id)
3529  );
3530  return ($res->numRows() == count($a_question_ids)) ? true : false;
3531  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
foreach($_POST as $key=> $value) $res
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _getInternalLinkHref()

static assQuestion::_getInternalLinkHref (   $target = "")

Definition at line 3052 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $_GET, $DIC, $ilDB, $target, $target_id, and $type.

Referenced by getSuggestedSolutionOutput(), and assQuestionGUI\suggestedsolution().

3053  {
3054  global $DIC;
3055  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3056  $linktypes = array(
3057  "lm" => "LearningModule",
3058  "pg" => "PageObject",
3059  "st" => "StructureObject",
3060  "git" => "GlossaryItem",
3061  "mob" => "MediaObject"
3062  );
3063  $href = "";
3064  if (preg_match("/il__(\w+)_(\d+)/", $target, $matches)) {
3065  $type = $matches[1];
3066  $target_id = $matches[2];
3067  include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
3068  switch ($linktypes[$matches[1]]) {
3069  case "LearningModule":
3070  $href = "./goto.php?target=" . $type . "_" . $target_id;
3071  break;
3072  case "PageObject":
3073  case "StructureObject":
3074  $href = "./goto.php?target=" . $type . "_" . $target_id;
3075  break;
3076  case "GlossaryItem":
3077  $href = "./goto.php?target=" . $type . "_" . $target_id;
3078  break;
3079  case "MediaObject":
3080  $href = "./ilias.php?baseClass=ilLMPresentationGUI&obj_type=" . $linktypes[$type] . "&cmd=media&ref_id=" . $_GET["ref_id"] . "&mob_id=" . $target_id;
3081  break;
3082  }
3083  }
3084  return $href;
3085  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
Definition: goto.php:49
global $ilDB
Definition: test.php:19
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _getMaximumPoints()

static assQuestion::_getMaximumPoints (   $question_id)

Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question.

integer$question_idThe database Id of the question
See also

Definition at line 940 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $points, $result, and $row.

Referenced by _getTotalRightAnswers(), ilCourseObjectiveQuestion\_lookupMaximumPointsOfQuestion(), ilTestScoringByQuestionsGUI\getActiveSubTabId(), assFileUpload\handleSubmission(), ilTestManScoringParticipantsBySelectedQuestionAndPassTableGUI\initFilter(), ilCourseObjectiveQuestionAssignmentTableGUI\parse(), ilTestScoringByQuestionsGUI\saveManScoringByQuestion(), ilTestScoringGUI\saveManScoringParticipantScreen(), and ilTestScoringGUI\saveReturnManScoringParticipantScreen().

941  {
942  global $DIC;
943  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
945  $points = 0;
946  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
947  "SELECT points FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s",
948  array('integer'),
949  array($question_id)
950  );
951  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
952  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
953  $points = $row["points"];
954  }
955  return $points;
956  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _getOriginalId()

static assQuestion::_getOriginalId (   $question_id)

Returns the original id of a question.

integer$question_idThe database id of the question
integer The database id of the original question public

Definition at line 3094 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $result, and $row.

Referenced by ilTestFixedQuestionSetConfig\cloneQuestionSetRelatedData(), ilObjTestGUI\copyAndLinkToQuestionpoolObject(), assOrderingHorizontal\copyObject(), assFileUpload\copyObject(), assNumeric\copyObject(), assTextQuestion\copyObject(), assImagemapQuestion\copyObject(), assErrorText\copyObject(), assOrderingQuestion\copyObject(), assFlashQuestion\copyObject(), assTextSubset\copyObject(), assSingleChoice\copyObject(), assMultipleChoice\copyObject(), assJavaApplet\copyObject(), assMatchingQuestion\copyObject(), assLongMenu\copyObject(), assFormulaQuestion\copyObject(), assKprimChoice\copyObject(), assClozeTest\copyObject(), assOrderingHorizontal\duplicate(), assFileUpload\duplicate(), assNumeric\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\duplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicate(), assErrorText\duplicate(), assFlashQuestion\duplicate(), assTextSubset\duplicate(), assSingleChoice\duplicate(), assMultipleChoice\duplicate(), assJavaApplet\duplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\duplicate(), assLongMenu\duplicate(), assKprimChoice\duplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\duplicate(), assClozeTest\duplicate(), and ilObjTest\logAction().

3095  {
3096  global $DIC;
3097  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3098  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3099  "SELECT * FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s",
3100  array('integer'),
3101  array($question_id)
3102  );
3103  if ($result->numRows() > 0) {
3104  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
3105  if ($row["original_id"] > 0) {
3106  return $row["original_id"];
3107  } else {
3108  return $row["question_id"];
3109  }
3110  } else {
3111  return "";
3112  }
3113  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _getQuestionInfo()

static assQuestion::_getQuestionInfo (   $question_id)

Returns question information from the database.

integer$question_idThe database Id of the question
array The database row containing the question data

Definition at line 964 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, and $result.

Referenced by ilTestScoringByQuestionsGUI\getActiveSubTabId(), ilObjMediaObject\getParentObjectIdForUsage(), and ilTestManScoringParticipantsBySelectedQuestionAndPassTableGUI\initFilter().

965  {
966  global $DIC;
967  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
969  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
970  "SELECT qpl_questions.*, qpl_qst_type.type_tag FROM qpl_qst_type, qpl_questions WHERE qpl_questions.question_id = %s AND qpl_questions.question_type_fi = qpl_qst_type.question_type_id",
971  array('integer'),
972  array($question_id)
973  );
974  if ($result->numRows()) {
975  return $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
976  } else {
977  return array();
978  }
979  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _getQuestionText()

static assQuestion::_getQuestionText (   $a_q_id)

Returns question text.

int$a_q_idquestion id

Definition at line 2253 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $result, and $row.

Referenced by ilLMQuestionListTableGUI\fillRow().

2254  {
2255  global $DIC;
2256  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
2257  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
2258  "SELECT question_text FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s",
2259  array('integer'),
2260  array($a_q_id)
2261  );
2262  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
2263  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
2264  return $row["question_text"];
2265  } else {
2266  return "";
2267  }
2268  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _getQuestionTitle()

static assQuestion::_getQuestionTitle (   $question_id)

Returns the question title of a question with a given id.

integer$question_idThe database id of the question
string The question title private

Definition at line 2374 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $data, $DIC, $ilDB, and $result.

Referenced by ilObjAssessmentFolderGUI\exportLogObject(), ilAssessmentFolderLogTableGUI\fillRow(), ilObjectivesAlignmentTableGUI\fillRow(), and ilObjTest\getManualFeedback().

2375  {
2376  global $DIC;
2377  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
2379  if ($question_id < 1) {
2380  return "";
2381  }
2383  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
2384  "SELECT title FROM qpl_questions WHERE qpl_questions.question_id = %s",
2385  array('integer'),
2386  array($question_id)
2387  );
2388  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
2389  $data = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
2390  return $data["title"];
2391  } else {
2392  return "";
2393  }
2394  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
Definition: bench.php:6
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _getQuestionType()

static assQuestion::_getQuestionType (   $question_id)

Returns the question type of a question with a given id.

integer$question_idThe database id of the question
string The question type string

Definition at line 2346 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $data, $DIC, $ilDB, and $result.

Referenced by _instantiateQuestion(), _needsManualScoring(), ilPageObjectGUI\executeCommand(), ilObjectivesAlignmentTableGUI\fillRow(), instantiateQuestionGUI(), ilObjTest\isQuestionObligationPossible(), and ilPCQuestionGUI\setTabs().

2347  {
2348  global $DIC;
2349  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
2351  if ($question_id < 1) {
2352  return "";
2353  }
2354  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
2355  "SELECT type_tag FROM qpl_questions, qpl_qst_type WHERE qpl_questions.question_id = %s AND qpl_questions.question_type_fi = qpl_qst_type.question_type_id",
2356  array('integer'),
2357  array($question_id)
2358  );
2359  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
2360  $data = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
2361  return $data["type_tag"];
2362  } else {
2363  return "";
2364  }
2365  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
Definition: bench.php:6
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _getQuestionTypeName()

static assQuestion::_getQuestionTypeName (   $type_tag)

Return the translation for a given question type tag.

string$type_tagThe type tag of the question type public

Definition at line 4019 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $lng, ilPlugin\getPluginObject(), and IL_COMP_MODULE.

Referenced by ilObjQuestionPoolGUI\addLocatorItems(), ilObjTestGUI\createRandomSelectionObject(), ilCopySelfAssQuestionTableGUI\fillRow(), ilTestQuestionsTableGUI\fillRow(), ilQuestionBrowserTableGUI\fillRow(), ilTestQuestionBrowserTableGUI\fillRow(), assQuestionGUI\outQuestionType(), ilObjTestGUI\removeQuestionsForm(), and ilObjQuestionPoolGUI\setTitleAndDescription().

4020  {
4021  if (file_exists("./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class." . $type_tag . ".php")) {
4022  global $DIC;
4023  $lng = $DIC['lng'];
4024  return $lng->txt($type_tag);
4025  } else {
4026  global $DIC;
4027  $ilPluginAdmin = $DIC['ilPluginAdmin'];
4028  $pl_names = $ilPluginAdmin->getActivePluginsForSlot(IL_COMP_MODULE, "TestQuestionPool", "qst");
4029  foreach ($pl_names as $pl_name) {
4030  $pl = ilPlugin::getPluginObject(IL_COMP_MODULE, "TestQuestionPool", "qst", $pl_name);
4031  if (strcmp($pl->getQuestionType(), $type_tag) == 0) {
4032  return $pl->getQuestionTypeTranslation();
4033  }
4034  }
4035  }
4036  return "";
4037  }
static getPluginObject(string $a_ctype, string $a_cname, string $a_slot_id, string $a_pname)
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _getReachedPoints()

static assQuestion::_getReachedPoints (   $active_id,
  $pass = null 

Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question.

integer$user_idThe database ID of the learner
integer$test_idThe database Id of the test containing the question
integer$question_idThe database Id of the question

Definition at line 1094 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, $points, $result, $row, and _getSolutionMaxPass().

Referenced by ilTestScoringByQuestionsGUI\getActiveSubTabId(), ilTestServiceGUI\getPassListOfAnswersWithScoring(), ilTestPlayerDynamicQuestionSetGUI\isQuestionAnsweredCorrect(), and ilTestScoringGUI\saveReturnManScoringParticipantScreen().

1095  {
1096  global $DIC;
1097  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
1099  $points = 0;
1100  if (is_null($pass)) {
1101  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php";
1102  $pass = assQuestion::_getSolutionMaxPass($question_id, $active_id);
1103  }
1104  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
1105  "SELECT * FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s",
1106  array('integer','integer','integer'),
1107  array($active_id, $question_id, $pass)
1108  );
1109  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
1110  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
1111  $points = $row["points"];
1112  }
1113  return $points;
1114  }
static _getSolutionMaxPass($question_id, $active_id)
Returns the maximum pass a users question solution.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _getSolutionMaxPass()

static assQuestion::_getSolutionMaxPass (   $question_id,

Returns the maximum pass a users question solution.

returninteger The maximum pass of the users solution public

Definition at line 3320 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $result, and $row.

Referenced by _getReachedPoints(), _isWorkedThrough(), _setReachedPoints(), and ilObjTest\getTextAnswer().

3321  {
3322  /* include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
3323  $pass = ilObjTest::_getPass($active_id);
3324  return $pass;*/
3326  // the following code was the old solution which added the non answered
3327  // questions of a pass from the answered questions of the previous pass
3328  // with the above solution, only the answered questions of the last pass are counted
3329  global $DIC;
3330  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3332  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3333  "SELECT MAX(pass) maxpass FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s",
3334  array('integer','integer'),
3335  array($active_id, $question_id)
3336  );
3337  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
3338  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
3339  return $row["maxpass"];
3340  } else {
3341  return 0;
3342  }
3343  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _getSuggestedSolution()

& assQuestion::_getSuggestedSolution (   $question_id,
  $subquestion_index = 0 

Returns a suggested solution for a given subquestion index.

integer$question_idThe database Id of the question
integer$subquestion_indexThe index of a subquestion (i.e. a close test gap). Usually 0
array A suggested solution array containing the internal link public

Definition at line 1056 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $result, and $row.

1057  {
1058  global $DIC;
1059  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
1061  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
1062  "SELECT * FROM qpl_sol_sug WHERE question_fi = %s AND subquestion_index = %s",
1063  array('integer','integer'),
1064  array($question_id, $subquestion_index)
1065  );
1066  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
1067  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
1068  return array(
1069  "internal_link" => $row["internal_link"],
1070  "import_id" => $row["import_id"]
1071  );
1072  } else {
1073  return array();
1074  }
1075  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB

◆ _getSuggestedSolutionCount()

static assQuestion::_getSuggestedSolutionCount (   $question_id)

Returns the number of suggested solutions associated with a question.

integer$question_idThe database Id of the question
integer The number of suggested solutions

Definition at line 987 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, and $result.

988  {
989  global $DIC;
990  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
992  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
993  "SELECT suggested_solution_id FROM qpl_sol_sug WHERE question_fi = %s",
994  array('integer'),
995  array($question_id)
996  );
997  return $result->numRows();
998  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB

◆ _getSuggestedSolutionOutput()

static assQuestion::_getSuggestedSolutionOutput (   $question_id)

Returns the output of the suggested solution.

integer$question_idThe database Id of the question
string Suggested solution

Definition at line 1006 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $question, and _instanciateQuestion().

Referenced by ilObjTest\getTestResult().

1007  {
1009  if (!is_object($question)) {
1010  return "";
1011  }
1012  return $question->getSuggestedSolutionOutput();
1013  }
static _instanciateQuestion($question_id)
Creates an instance of a question with a given question id.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _getTitle()

static assQuestion::_getTitle (   $a_q_id)

Returns the title of a question.

int$a_q_idquestion id

Definition at line 2231 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $result, and $row.

Referenced by ilSCORM2004ScoGUI\sahs_questions(), and ilLMMailNotification\send().

2232  {
2233  global $DIC;
2234  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
2235  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
2236  "SELECT title FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s",
2237  array('integer'),
2238  array($a_q_id)
2239  );
2240  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
2241  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
2242  return $row["title"];
2243  } else {
2244  return "";
2245  }
2246  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _getTotalAnswers()

assQuestion::_getTotalAnswers (   $a_q_id)

get number of answers for question id (static) note: do not use $this inside this method

int$a_q_idquestion id

Definition at line 2158 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $result, and $row.

Referenced by getTotalAnswers().

2159  {
2160  global $DIC;
2161  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
2163  // get all question references to the question id
2164  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
2165  "SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE original_id = %s OR question_id = %s",
2166  array('integer','integer'),
2167  array($a_q_id, $a_q_id)
2168  );
2169  if ($result->numRows() == 0) {
2170  return 0;
2171  }
2172  $found_id = array();
2173  while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
2174  array_push($found_id, $row["question_id"]);
2175  }
2177  $result = $ilDB->query("SELECT * FROM tst_test_result WHERE " . $ilDB->in('question_fi', $found_id, false, 'integer'));
2179  return $result->numRows();
2180  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _getTotalRightAnswers()

static assQuestion::_getTotalRightAnswers (   $a_q_id)

get number of answers for question id (static) note: do not use $this inside this method

int$a_q_idquestion id

Definition at line 2189 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $key, $result, $row, and _getMaximumPoints().

Referenced by ilQuestionCumulatedStatisticsTableGUI\initData().

2190  {
2191  global $DIC;
2192  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
2193  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
2194  "SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE original_id = %s OR question_id = %s",
2195  array('integer','integer'),
2196  array($a_q_id, $a_q_id)
2197  );
2198  if ($result->numRows() == 0) {
2199  return 0;
2200  }
2201  $found_id = array();
2202  while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
2203  array_push($found_id, $row["question_id"]);
2204  }
2205  $result = $ilDB->query("SELECT * FROM tst_test_result WHERE " . $ilDB->in('question_fi', $found_id, false, 'integer'));
2206  $answers = array();
2207  while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
2208  $reached = $row["points"];
2209  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php";
2210  $max = assQuestion::_getMaximumPoints($row["question_fi"]);
2211  array_push($answers, array("reached" => $reached, "max" => $max));
2212  }
2213  $max = 0.0;
2214  $reached = 0.0;
2215  foreach ($answers as $key => $value) {
2216  $max += $value["max"];
2217  $reached += $value["reached"];
2218  }
2219  if ($max > 0) {
2220  return $reached / $max;
2221  } else {
2222  return 0;
2223  }
2224  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
static _getMaximumPoints($question_id)
Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question.
global $ilDB
Definition: croninfo.php:18
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _includeClass()

static assQuestion::_includeClass (   $question_type,
  $gui = 0 

Include the php class file for a given question type.

string$question_typeThe type tag of the question type
integer 0 if the class should be included, 1 if the GUI class should be included public

Definition at line 3940 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assQuestionGUI\_getQuestionGUI(), _instantiateQuestion(), ilObjQuestionPool\createQuestion(), ilObjTest\createQuestionGUI(), ilQTIParser\handlerParseEndTag(), instantiateQuestionGUI(), and ilObjTest\isQuestionObligationPossible().

3941  {
3942  if (self::isCoreQuestionType($question_type)) {
3943  self::includeCoreClass($question_type, $gui);
3944  } else {
3945  self::includePluginClass($question_type, $gui);
3946  }
3947  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _instanciateQuestion()

◆ _instanciateQuestionGUI()

static& assQuestion::_instanciateQuestionGUI (   $question_id)

Creates an instance of a question gui with a given question id.

integer$question_idThe question id
The question gui instance
Use instantiateQuestionGUI (without legacy underscore & typos) instead. public

Definition at line 4048 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by ilObjTestGUI\copyQuestionObject(), ilObjQuestionPool\createQuestion(), and ilQuestionPoolPrintViewTableGUI\fillRow().

4049  {
4050  return self::instantiateQuestionGUI($question_id);
4051  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _instantiateQuestion()

static assQuestion::_instantiateQuestion (   $question_id)

Definition at line 3252 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilCtrl, $ilDB, $lng, $question, _getQuestionType(), and _includeClass().

Referenced by ilTestExport\exportToExcel(), ilSCORM2004Asset\exportXMLPageObjects(), ilAssLacQuestionProvider\getQuestion(), ilTestPlayerAbstractGUI\getQuestionInstance(), ilTestExport\getQuestionQtiXml(), ilTestRandomQuestionSetPoolDeriver\getQuestionsForPool(), ilPageObject\newQuestionCopies(), ilAssIncompleteQuestionPurger\purgeQuestionIds(), ilTestScoringByQuestionsGUI\saveManScoringByQuestion(), ilTestRandomQuestionSetStagingPoolBuilder\stageQuestionsFromSourcePoolCheap(), and ilAssQuestionSkillAssignmentsGUI\syncOriginalCmd().

3253  {
3254  global $DIC;
3255  $ilCtrl = $DIC['ilCtrl'];
3256  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3257  $lng = $DIC['lng'];
3259  if (strcmp($question_id, "") != 0) {
3260  $question_type = assQuestion::_getQuestionType($question_id);
3261  if (!strlen($question_type)) {
3262  return null;
3263  }
3264  assQuestion::_includeClass($question_type);
3265  $objectClassname = self::getObjectClassNameByQuestionType($question_type);
3266  $question = new $objectClassname();
3267  $question->loadFromDb($question_id);
3269  $feedbackObjectClassname = self::getFeedbackClassNameByQuestionType($question_type);
3270  $question->feedbackOBJ = new $feedbackObjectClassname($question, $ilCtrl, $ilDB, $lng);
3272  return $question;
3273  }
3274  }
static _includeClass($question_type, $gui=0)
Include the php class file for a given question type.
static _getQuestionType($question_id)
Returns the question type of a question with a given id.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilCtrl
Definition: ilias.php:18
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _isUsedInRandomTest()

static assQuestion::_isUsedInRandomTest (   $question_id = "")

Checks whether the question is used in a random test or not.

boolean The number how often the question is used in a random test public

Definition at line 3383 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, $result, and calculateReachedPoints().

Referenced by ilObjQuestionPool\getDeleteableQuestionDetails().

3384  {
3385  global $DIC;
3386  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3388  if ($question_id < 1) {
3389  return 0;
3390  }
3391  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3392  "SELECT test_random_question_id FROM tst_test_rnd_qst WHERE question_fi = %s",
3393  array('integer'),
3394  array($question_id)
3395  );
3396  return $result->numRows();
3397  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _isWorkedThrough()

static assQuestion::_isWorkedThrough (   $active_id,
  $pass = null 

Returns true if the question was worked through in the given pass Worked through means that the user entered at least one value.

integer$user_idThe database ID of the learner
integer$test_idThe database Id of the test containing the question
integer$question_idThe database Id of the question

Definition at line 3484 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, $points, $result, and _getSolutionMaxPass().

Referenced by ilObjTest\getAnsweredQuestionCount(), ilTestOutputGUI\handleQuestionPostponing(), ilTestPlayerDynamicQuestionSetGUI\nextQuestionCmd(), ilTestOutputGUI\showQuestionCmd(), and ilTestPlayerDynamicQuestionSetGUI\showQuestionCmd().

3485  {
3486  return self::lookupResultRecordExist($active_id, $question_id, $pass);
3488  // oldschool "workedthru"
3490  global $DIC;
3491  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3493  $points = 0;
3494  if (is_null($pass)) {
3495  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php";
3496  $pass = assQuestion::_getSolutionMaxPass($question_id, $active_id);
3497  }
3498  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3499  "SELECT solution_id FROM tst_solutions WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s",
3500  array('integer','integer','integer'),
3501  array($active_id, $question_id, $pass)
3502  );
3503  if ($result->numRows()) {
3504  return true;
3505  } else {
3506  return false;
3507  }
3508  }
static _getSolutionMaxPass($question_id, $active_id)
Returns the maximum pass a users question solution.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _isWriteable()

static assQuestion::_isWriteable (   $question_id,

Returns true if the question is writeable by a certain user.

integer$question_idThe database id of the question
integer$user_idThe database id of the user
boolean True, if the question exists, otherwise False public

Definition at line 3353 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $result, $row, and ilObjQuestionPool\_isWriteable().

Referenced by ilAssQuestionFeedbackEditingGUI\isSyncAfterSaveRequired(), ilAssQuestionHintsGUI\performDeleteCmd(), assQuestionGUI\save(), assQuestionGUI\saveEdit(), ilAssQuestionHintGUI\saveFormCmd(), ilAssQuestionHintsGUI\saveListOrderCmd(), assQuestionGUI\saveReturn(), assFormulaQuestionGUI\saveReturnFQ(), and assQuestionGUI\suggestedsolution().

3354  {
3355  global $DIC;
3356  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3358  if (($question_id < 1) || ($user_id < 1)) {
3359  return false;
3360  }
3362  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3363  "SELECT obj_fi FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s",
3364  array('integer'),
3365  array($question_id)
3366  );
3367  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
3368  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
3369  $qpl_object_id = $row["obj_fi"];
3370  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilObjQuestionPool.php";
3371  return ilObjQuestionPool::_isWriteable($qpl_object_id, $user_id);
3372  } else {
3373  return false;
3374  }
3375  }
static _isWriteable($object_id, $user_id)
Returns true, if the question pool is writeable by a given user.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _needsManualScoring()

static assQuestion::_needsManualScoring (   $question_id)

Definition at line 3897 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getManualScoringTypes(), and _getQuestionType().

Referenced by ilTestExpressPageObjectGUI\insertQuestions(), ilTestQuestionBrowserTableGUI\insertQuestionsCmd(), and ilObjTestGUI\insertQuestionsObject().

3898  {
3899  include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjAssessmentFolder.php";
3901  $questiontype = assQuestion::_getQuestionType($question_id);
3902  if (in_array($questiontype, $scoring)) {
3903  return true;
3904  } else {
3905  return false;
3906  }
3907  }
static _getManualScoringTypes()
Retrieve the manual scoring settings as type strings.
static _getQuestionType($question_id)
Returns the question type of a question with a given id.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _questionExists()

assQuestion::_questionExists (   $question_id)

Returns true if the question already exists in the database.

integer$question_idThe database id of the question
boolean True, if the question exists, otherwise False public

Definition at line 3187 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, and $result.

3188  {
3189  global $DIC;
3190  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3192  if ($question_id < 1) {
3193  return false;
3194  }
3196  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3197  "SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s",
3198  array('integer'),
3199  array($question_id)
3200  );
3201  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
3202  return true;
3203  } else {
3204  return false;
3205  }
3206  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB

◆ _questionExistsInPool()

assQuestion::_questionExistsInPool (   $question_id)

Returns true if the question already exists in the database and is assigned to a question pool.

integer$question_idThe database id of the question
boolean True, if the question exists, otherwise False public

Definition at line 3215 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, and $result.

3216  {
3217  global $DIC;
3218  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3220  if ($question_id < 1) {
3221  return false;
3222  }
3224  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3225  "SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions INNER JOIN object_data ON obj_fi = obj_id WHERE question_id = %s AND type = 'qpl'",
3226  array('integer'),
3227  array($question_id)
3228  );
3229  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
3230  return true;
3231  } else {
3232  return false;
3233  }
3234  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB

◆ _questionExistsInTest()

static assQuestion::_questionExistsInTest (   $question_id,

Definition at line 4253 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $result, and $test_id.

Referenced by assQuestionGUI\save(), assQuestionGUI\saveReturn(), and assFormulaQuestionGUI\saveReturnFQ().

4254  {
4255  global $DIC;
4256  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
4258  if ($question_id < 1) {
4259  return false;
4260  }
4262  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
4263  "SELECT question_fi FROM tst_test_question WHERE question_fi = %s AND test_fi = %s",
4264  array('integer', 'integer'),
4265  array($question_id, $test_id)
4266  );
4267  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
4268  return true;
4269  } else {
4270  return false;
4271  }
4272  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _resolveInternalLink()

assQuestion::_resolveInternalLink (   $internal_link)

Definition at line 2972 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilInternalLink\_getIdForImportId(), and ilLMObject\_getIdForImportId().

Referenced by _resolveIntLinks(), and setSuggestedSolution().

2973  {
2974  if (preg_match("/il_(\d+)_(\w+)_(\d+)/", $internal_link, $matches)) {
2975  include_once "./Services/Link/classes/class.ilInternalLink.php";
2976  include_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilLMObject.php";
2977  include_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryTerm.php";
2978  switch ($matches[2]) {
2979  case "lm":
2980  $resolved_link = ilLMObject::_getIdForImportId($internal_link);
2981  break;
2982  case "pg":
2983  $resolved_link = ilInternalLink::_getIdForImportId("PageObject", $internal_link);
2984  break;
2985  case "st":
2986  $resolved_link = ilInternalLink::_getIdForImportId("StructureObject", $internal_link);
2987  break;
2988  case "git":
2989  $resolved_link = ilInternalLink::_getIdForImportId("GlossaryItem", $internal_link);
2990  break;
2991  case "mob":
2992  $resolved_link = ilInternalLink::_getIdForImportId("MediaObject", $internal_link);
2993  break;
2994  }
2995  if (strcmp($resolved_link, "") == 0) {
2996  $resolved_link = $internal_link;
2997  }
2998  } else {
2999  $resolved_link = $internal_link;
3000  }
3001  return $resolved_link;
3002  }
static _getIdForImportId($a_import_id)
get current object id for import id (static)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _resolveIntLinks()

assQuestion::_resolveIntLinks (   $question_id)

Definition at line 3004 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $result, $row, ilInternalLink\_deleteAllLinksOfSource(), _resolveInternalLink(), and ilInternalLink\_saveLink().

Referenced by ilContObjParser\processPagesToParse().

3005  {
3006  global $DIC;
3007  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3008  $resolvedlinks = 0;
3009  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3010  "SELECT * FROM qpl_sol_sug WHERE question_fi = %s",
3011  array('integer'),
3012  array($question_id)
3013  );
3014  if ($result->numRows()) {
3015  while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
3016  $internal_link = $row["internal_link"];
3017  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php";
3018  $resolved_link = assQuestion::_resolveInternalLink($internal_link);
3019  if (strcmp($internal_link, $resolved_link) != 0) {
3020  // internal link was resolved successfully
3021  $affectedRows = $ilDB->manipulateF(
3022  "UPDATE qpl_sol_sug SET internal_link = %s WHERE suggested_solution_id = %s",
3023  array('text','integer'),
3024  array($resolved_link, $row["suggested_solution_id"])
3025  );
3026  $resolvedlinks++;
3027  }
3028  }
3029  }
3030  if ($resolvedlinks) {
3031  // there are resolved links -> reenter theses links to the database
3033  // delete all internal links from the database
3034  include_once "./Services/Link/classes/class.ilInternalLink.php";
3035  ilInternalLink::_deleteAllLinksOfSource("qst", $question_id);
3037  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3038  "SELECT * FROM qpl_sol_sug WHERE question_fi = %s",
3039  array('integer'),
3040  array($question_id)
3041  );
3042  if ($result->numRows()) {
3043  while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
3044  if (preg_match("/il_(\d*?)_(\w+)_(\d+)/", $row["internal_link"], $matches)) {
3045  ilInternalLink::_saveLink("qst", $question_id, $matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[1]);
3046  }
3047  }
3048  }
3049  }
3050  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _setReachedPoints()

static assQuestion::_setReachedPoints (   $active_id,

Sets the points, a learner has reached answering the question Additionally objective results are updated.

integer$user_idThe database ID of the learner
integer$test_idThe database Id of the test containing the question
integer$pointsThe points the user has reached answering the question
boolean true on success, otherwise false public

Definition at line 3656 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $ilUser, $lng, $pass, $points, $result, $row, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), ilObjTestAccess\_getParticipantData(), _getSolutionMaxPass(), ilObjTest\_getUserIdFromActiveId(), ilCourseObjectiveResult\_updateObjectiveResult(), and logAction().

Referenced by assFileUpload\handleSubmission(), ilTestScoring\recalculatePass(), ilTestScoringByQuestionsGUI\saveManScoringByQuestion(), and ilTestScoringGUI\saveManScoringParticipantScreen().

3657  {
3658  global $DIC;
3659  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3661  if ($points <= $maxpoints) {
3662  if (is_null($pass)) {
3663  $pass = assQuestion::_getSolutionMaxPass($question_id, $active_id);
3664  }
3666  // retrieve the already given points
3667  $old_points = 0;
3668  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3669  "SELECT points FROM tst_test_result WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s",
3670  array('integer','integer','integer'),
3671  array($active_id, $question_id, $pass)
3672  );
3673  $manual = ($manualscoring) ? 1 : 0;
3674  $rowsnum = $result->numRows();
3675  if ($rowsnum) {
3676  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
3677  $old_points = $row["points"];
3678  if ($old_points != $points) {
3679  $affectedRows = $ilDB->manipulateF(
3680  "UPDATE tst_test_result SET points = %s, manual = %s, tstamp = %s WHERE active_fi = %s AND question_fi = %s AND pass = %s",
3681  array('float', 'integer', 'integer', 'integer', 'integer', 'integer'),
3682  array($points, $manual, time(), $active_id, $question_id, $pass)
3683  );
3684  }
3685  } else {
3686  $next_id = $ilDB->nextId('tst_test_result');
3687  $affectedRows = $ilDB->manipulateF(
3688  "INSERT INTO tst_test_result (test_result_id, active_fi, question_fi, points, pass, manual, tstamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
3689  array('integer', 'integer','integer', 'float', 'integer', 'integer','integer'),
3690  array($next_id, $active_id, $question_id, $points, $pass, $manual, time())
3691  );
3692  }
3694  if (self::isForcePassResultUpdateEnabled() || $old_points != $points || !$rowsnum) {
3695  assQuestion::_updateTestPassResults($active_id, $pass, $obligationsEnabled);
3696  // finally update objective result
3697  include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
3698  include_once './Modules/Course/classes/class.ilCourseObjectiveResult.php';
3701  include_once("./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjAssessmentFolder.php");
3703  global $DIC;
3704  $lng = $DIC['lng'];
3705  $ilUser = $DIC['ilUser'];
3706  include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTestAccess.php";
3707  $username = ilObjTestAccess::_getParticipantData($active_id);
3708  assQuestion::logAction(sprintf($lng->txtlng("assessment", "log_answer_changed_points", ilObjAssessmentFolder::_getLogLanguage()), $username, $old_points, $points, $ilUser->getFullname() . " (" . $ilUser->getLogin() . ")"), $active_id, $question_id);
3709  }
3710  }
3712  return true;
3713  } else {
3714  return false;
3715  }
3716  }
static _getUserIdFromActiveId($active_id)
static logAction($logtext="", $active_id="", $question_id="")
Logs an action into the Test&Assessment log.
static _getParticipantData($active_id)
Retrieves a participant name from active id.
static _getSolutionMaxPass($question_id, $active_id)
Returns the maximum pass a users question solution.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
static _getLogLanguage()
retrieve the log language for assessment logging
static _enabledAssessmentLogging()
check wether assessment logging is enabled or not
Definition: imgupload.php:18
static _updateObjectiveResult($a_user_id, $a_active_id, $a_question_id)
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _updateTestResultCache()

static assQuestion::_updateTestResultCache (   $active_id,
ilAssQuestionProcessLocker  $processLocker = null 

Move this to a proper place.

Definition at line 1358 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $data, $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, $processLocker, $query, $res, $result, $row, $time, ilObjTest\_getQuestionCountAndPointsForPassOfParticipant(), ilObjTest\_getResultPass(), ilObjTest\_getWorkingTimeOfParticipantForPass(), and ilObjTest\buildExamId().

Referenced by ilObjTestAccess\_getPassedUsers(), ilObjTestAccess\_isPassed(), ilObjTest\getResultsForActiveId(), ilTestScoring\recalculateSolutions(), ilTestEvaluationGUI\redirectToPassDeletionContext(), ilTestScoring\updatePassAndTestResults(), and ilObjTestAccess\updateTestResultCache().

1359  {
1360  global $DIC;
1361  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
1363  include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
1364  include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.assMarkSchema.php";
1366  $pass = ilObjTest::_getResultPass($active_id);
1368  $query = "
1369  SELECT tst_pass_result.*
1370  FROM tst_pass_result
1371  WHERE active_fi = %s
1372  AND pass = %s
1373  ";
1375  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
1376  $query,
1377  array('integer','integer'),
1378  array($active_id, $pass)
1379  );
1381  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
1383  $max = $row['maxpoints'];
1384  $reached = $row['points'];
1386  $obligationsAnswered = (int) $row['obligations_answered'];
1388  include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.assMarkSchema.php";
1390  $percentage = (!$max) ? 0 : ($reached / $max) * 100.0;
1392  $mark = ASS_MarkSchema::_getMatchingMarkFromActiveId($active_id, $percentage);
1394  $isPassed = ($mark["passed"] ? 1 : 0);
1395  $isFailed = (!$mark["passed"] ? 1 : 0);
1397  $userTestResultUpdateCallback = function () use ($ilDB, $active_id, $pass, $max, $reached, $isFailed, $isPassed, $obligationsAnswered, $row, $mark) {
1398  $passedOnceBefore = 0;
1399  $query = "SELECT passed_once FROM tst_result_cache WHERE active_fi = %s";
1400  $res = $ilDB->queryF($query, array('integer'), array($active_id));
1401  while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res)) {
1402  $passedOnceBefore = (int) $row['passed_once'];
1403  }
1405  $passedOnce = (int) ($isPassed || $passedOnceBefore);
1407  $ilDB->manipulateF(
1408  "DELETE FROM tst_result_cache WHERE active_fi = %s",
1409  array('integer'),
1410  array($active_id)
1411  );
1413  $ilDB->insert('tst_result_cache', array(
1414  'active_fi' => array('integer', $active_id),
1415  'pass' => array('integer', strlen($pass) ? $pass : 0),
1416  'max_points' => array('float', strlen($max) ? $max : 0),
1417  'reached_points' => array('float', strlen($reached) ? $reached : 0),
1418  'mark_short' => array('text', strlen($mark["short_name"]) ? $mark["short_name"] : " "),
1419  'mark_official' => array('text', strlen($mark["official_name"]) ? $mark["official_name"] : " "),
1420  'passed_once' => array('integer', $passedOnce),
1421  'passed' => array('integer', $isPassed),
1422  'failed' => array('integer', $isFailed),
1423  'tstamp' => array('integer', time()),
1424  'hint_count' => array('integer', $row['hint_count']),
1425  'hint_points' => array('float', $row['hint_points']),
1426  'obligations_answered' => array('integer', $obligationsAnswered)
1427  ));
1428  };
1430  if (is_object($processLocker)) {
1431  $processLocker->executeUserTestResultUpdateLockOperation($userTestResultUpdateCallback);
1432  } else {
1433  $userTestResultUpdateCallback();
1434  }
1435  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
executeUserTestResultUpdateLockOperation(callable $operation)
foreach($_POST as $key=> $value) $res
static _getResultPass($active_id)
Retrieves the pass number that should be counted for a given user.
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addAnswerOptionValue()

assQuestion::addAnswerOptionValue (   $qIndex,

Definition at line 5212 of file class.assQuestion.php.

5213  {
5214  }

◆ addQTIMaterial()

assQuestion::addQTIMaterial ( $a_xml_writer,
  $close_material_tag = true,
  $add_mobs = true 

Creates a QTI material tag from a plain text or xhtml text.

object$a_xml_writerReference to the ILIAS XML writer
string$a_materialplain text or html text containing the material
string QTI material tag public

Definition at line 3595 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $mobs, ilObjMediaObject\_exists(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), getId(), and isHTML().

3596  {
3597  include_once "./Services/RTE/classes/class.ilRTE.php";
3598  include_once("./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php");
3600  $a_xml_writer->xmlStartTag("material");
3601  $attrs = array(
3602  "texttype" => "text/plain"
3603  );
3604  if ($this->isHTML($a_material)) {
3605  $attrs["texttype"] = "text/xhtml";
3606  }
3607  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("mattext", $attrs, ilRTE::_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc($a_material, 0));
3608  if ($add_mobs) {
3609  $mobs = ilObjMediaObject::_getMobsOfObject("qpl:html", $this->getId());
3610  foreach ($mobs as $mob) {
3611  $moblabel = "il_" . IL_INST_ID . "_mob_" . $mob;
3612  if (strpos($a_material, "mm_$mob") !== false) {
3613  if (ilObjMediaObject::_exists($mob)) {
3614  $mob_obj = new ilObjMediaObject($mob);
3615  $imgattrs = array(
3616  "label" => $moblabel,
3617  "uri" => "objects/" . "il_" . IL_INST_ID . "_mob_" . $mob . "/" . $mob_obj->getTitle()
3618  );
3619  }
3620  $a_xml_writer->xmlElement("matimage", $imgattrs, null);
3621  }
3622  }
3623  }
3624  if ($close_material_tag) {
3625  $a_xml_writer->xmlEndTag("material");
3626  }
3627  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
static _getMobsOfObject($a_type, $a_id, $a_usage_hist_nr=0, $a_lang="-")
get mobs of object
Checks if a given string contains HTML or not.
static _replaceMediaObjectImageSrc($a_text, $a_direction=0, $nic=IL_INST_ID)
Replaces image source from mob image urls with the mob id or replaces mob id with the correct image s...
Class ilObjMediaObject.
static _exists($a_id, $a_reference=false, $a_type=null)
checks wether a lm content object with specified id exists or not
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addQuestionChangeListener()

assQuestion::addQuestionChangeListener ( ilQuestionChangeListener  $listener)

Definition at line 4628 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by ilObjQuestionPool\addQuestionChangeListeners().

4629  {
4630  $this->questionChangeListeners[] = $listener;
4631  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions()

assQuestion::adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions (   $points,
  $pass = null 

Adjust the given reached points by checks for all special scoring options in the test container.



Definition at line 3458 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $points, ilObjTest\_getCountSystem(), ilObjTest\_getScoreCutting(), and getMaximumPoints().

Referenced by calculateResultsFromSolution(), and getAdjustedReachedPoints().

3459  {
3460  include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
3461  $count_system = ilObjTest::_getCountSystem($active_id);
3462  if ($count_system == 1) {
3463  if (abs($this->getMaximumPoints() - $points) > 0.0000000001) {
3464  $points = 0;
3465  }
3466  }
3467  $score_cutting = ilObjTest::_getScoreCutting($active_id);
3468  if ($score_cutting == 0) {
3469  if ($points < 0) {
3470  $points = 0;
3471  }
3472  }
3473  return $points;
3474  }
Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question.
static _getScoreCutting($active_id)
Determines if the score of a question should be cut at 0 points or the score of the whole test...
static _getCountSystem($active_id)
Gets the count system for the calculation of points.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ afterSyncWithOriginal()

assQuestion::afterSyncWithOriginal (   $origQuestionId,

Definition at line 2697 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by syncWithOriginal().

2698  {
2699  // sync question feeback
2700  $this->feedbackOBJ->syncFeedback($origQuestionId, $dupQuestionId);
2701  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ areObligationsToBeConsidered()

assQuestion::areObligationsToBeConsidered ( )

Definition at line 5397 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $obligationsToBeConsidered.

Referenced by resetUsersAnswer().

5398  {
5400  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ authorizedOrIntermediateSolutionExists()

assQuestion::authorizedOrIntermediateSolutionExists (   $active_id,

Definition at line 5129 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, $query, $res, $result, $row, getId(), and getStep().

5130  {
5131  $solutionAvailability = $this->lookupForExistingSolutions($active_id, $pass);
5132  return (bool) $solutionAvailability['authorized'] || (bool) $solutionAvailability['intermediate'];
5133  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ authorizedSolutionExists()

assQuestion::authorizedSolutionExists (   $active_id,

Definition at line 5124 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $pass.

5125  {
5126  $solutionAvailability = $this->lookupForExistingSolutions($active_id, $pass);
5127  return (bool) $solutionAvailability['authorized'];
5128  }

◆ beforeSyncWithOriginal()

assQuestion::beforeSyncWithOriginal (   $origQuestionId,

Definition at line 2693 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by syncWithOriginal().

2694  {
2695  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buildHashedImageFilename()

assQuestion::buildHashedImageFilename (   $plain_image_filename,
  $unique = false 

Definition at line 3629 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assKprimChoice\handleFileUpload().

3630  {
3631  $extension = "";
3633  if (preg_match("/.*\.(png|jpg|gif|jpeg)$/i", $plain_image_filename, $matches)) {
3634  $extension = "." . $matches[1];
3635  }
3637  if ($unique) {
3638  $plain_image_filename = uniqid($plain_image_filename . microtime(true));
3639  }
3641  $hashed_filename = md5($plain_image_filename) . $extension;
3643  return $hashed_filename;
3644  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buildImagePath()

assQuestion::buildImagePath (   $questionId,

Definition at line 1653 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assKprimChoice\afterSyncWithOriginal(), assSingleChoice\afterSyncWithOriginal(), assMatchingQuestion\afterSyncWithOriginal(), and getImagePath().

1654  {
1655  return CLIENT_WEB_DIR . "/assessment/{$parentObjectId}/{$questionId}/images/";
1656  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buildQuestionDataQuery()

assQuestion::buildQuestionDataQuery ( )

Definition at line 4680 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assKprimChoice\loadFromDb().

4681  {
4682  return "
4683  SELECT qpl_questions.*,
4684  {$this->getAdditionalTableName()}.*
4685  FROM qpl_questions
4686  LEFT JOIN {$this->getAdditionalTableName()}
4687  ON {$this->getAdditionalTableName()}.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id
4688  WHERE qpl_questions.question_id = %s
4689  ";
4690  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buildTestPresentationConfig()

assQuestion::buildTestPresentationConfig ( )

build basic test question configuration instance

method can be overwritten to configure an instance use parent call for building when possible


Definition at line 5454 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getTestPresentationConfig().

5455  {
5456  include_once('Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilTestQuestionConfig.php');
5457  return new ilTestQuestionConfig();
5458  }
Test Question configuration.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculateReachedPoints()

assQuestion::calculateReachedPoints (   $active_id,
  $pass = null,
  $authorizedSolution = true,
  $returndetails = false 

Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question.

The points are calculated from the given answers.


boolean$returndetails(deprecated !!)
integer/array $points/$details (array $details is deprecated !!)

Referenced by _isUsedInRandomTest(), assNumeric\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), calculateResultsFromSolution(), getAdjustedReachedPoints(), and assNumeric\getExpressionTypes().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession()

assQuestion::calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession ( ilAssQuestionPreviewSession  $previewSession)

Definition at line 3423 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References deductHintPointsFromReachedPoints(), ensureNonNegativePoints(), and ilAssQuestionPreviewSession\getParticipantsSolution().

Referenced by isPreviewSolutionCorrect().

3424  {
3425  $reachedPoints = $this->calculateReachedPointsForSolution($previewSession->getParticipantsSolution());
3426  $reachedPoints = $this->deductHintPointsFromReachedPoints($previewSession, $reachedPoints);
3428  return $this->ensureNonNegativePoints($reachedPoints);
3429  }
deductHintPointsFromReachedPoints(ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession, $reachedPoints)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculateResultsFromSolution()

assQuestion::calculateResultsFromSolution (   $active_id,
  $pass = null,
  $obligationsEnabled = false 

Calculates the question results from a previously saved question solution.

ilDBInterface $ilDB ilObjUser $ilUser

integer$active_idActive id of the user
integer$passTest pass

Definition at line 1184 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $ilUser, $pass, $query, $values, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), ilObjTest\_getPass(), ilCourseObjectiveResult\_updateObjectiveResult(), adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions(), calculateReachedPoints(), getId(), getProcessLocker(), getStep(), isAnswered(), ilObjTest\isQuestionObligatory(), and logAction().

Referenced by assSingleChoice\createRandomSolution(), and persistWorkingState().

1185  {
1186  global $DIC;
1187  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
1188  $ilUser = $DIC['ilUser'];
1190  if (is_null($pass)) {
1191  include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
1192  $pass = ilObjTest::_getPass($active_id);
1193  }
1195  // determine reached points for submitted solution
1196  $reached_points = $this->calculateReachedPoints($active_id, $pass);
1198  // deduct points for requested hints from reached points
1199  require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionHintTracking.php';
1200  $questionHintTracking = new ilAssQuestionHintTracking($this->getId(), $active_id, $pass);
1201  $requestsStatisticData = $questionHintTracking->getRequestStatisticDataByQuestionAndTestpass();
1202  $reached_points = $reached_points - $requestsStatisticData->getRequestsPoints();
1204  // adjust reached points regarding to tests scoring options
1205  $reached_points = $this->adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions($reached_points, $active_id, $pass);
1207  if ($obligationsEnabled && ilObjTest::isQuestionObligatory($this->getId())) {
1208  $isAnswered = $this->isAnswered($active_id, $pass);
1209  } else {
1210  $isAnswered = true;
1211  }
1213  if (is_null($reached_points)) {
1214  $reached_points = 0;
1215  }
1217  // fau: testNav - check for existing authorized solution to know if a result record should be written
1218  $existingSolutions = $this->lookupForExistingSolutions($active_id, $pass);
1220  $this->getProcessLocker()->executeUserQuestionResultUpdateOperation(function () use ($ilDB, $active_id, $pass, $reached_points, $requestsStatisticData, $isAnswered, $existingSolutions) {
1221  $query = "
1222  DELETE FROM tst_test_result
1224  WHERE active_fi = %s
1225  AND question_fi = %s
1226  AND pass = %s
1227  ";
1229  $types = array('integer', 'integer', 'integer');
1230  $values = array($active_id, $this->getId(), $pass);
1232  if ($this->getStep() !== null) {
1233  $query .= "
1234  AND step = %s
1235  ";
1237  $types[] = 'integer';
1238  $values[] = $this->getStep();
1239  }
1240  $ilDB->manipulateF($query, $types, $values);
1242  if ($existingSolutions['authorized']) {
1243  $next_id = $ilDB->nextId("tst_test_result");
1244  $fieldData = array(
1245  'test_result_id' => array('integer', $next_id),
1246  'active_fi' => array('integer', $active_id),
1247  'question_fi' => array('integer', $this->getId()),
1248  'pass' => array('integer', $pass),
1249  'points' => array('float', $reached_points),
1250  'tstamp' => array('integer', time()),
1251  'hint_count' => array('integer', $requestsStatisticData->getRequestsCount()),
1252  'hint_points' => array('float', $requestsStatisticData->getRequestsPoints()),
1253  'answered' => array('integer', $isAnswered)
1254  );
1256  if ($this->getStep() !== null) {
1257  $fieldData['step'] = array('integer', $this->getStep());
1258  }
1260  $ilDB->insert('tst_test_result', $fieldData);
1261  }
1262  });
1263  // fau.
1265  include_once("./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjAssessmentFolder.php");
1269  sprintf(
1270  $this->lng->txtlng(
1271  "assessment",
1272  "log_user_answered_question",
1274  ),
1275  $reached_points
1276  ),
1277  $active_id,
1278  $this->getId()
1279  );
1280  }
1282  // update test pass results
1283  self::_updateTestPassResults($active_id, $pass, $obligationsEnabled, $this->getProcessLocker());
1285  // Update objective status
1286  include_once 'Modules/Course/classes/class.ilCourseObjectiveResult.php';
1287  ilCourseObjectiveResult::_updateObjectiveResult($ilUser->getId(), $active_id, $this->getId());
1288  }
static logAction($logtext="", $active_id="", $question_id="")
Logs an action into the Test&Assessment log.
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
static _getPass($active_id)
Retrieves the actual pass of a given user for a given test.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions($points, $active_id, $pass=null)
Adjust the given reached points by checks for all special scoring options in the test container...
isAnswered($active_id, $pass=null)
returns boolean wether the question is answered during test pass or not
calculateReachedPoints($active_id, $pass=null, $authorizedSolution=true, $returndetails=false)
Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question.
static isQuestionObligatory($question_id)
checks wether the question with given id is marked as obligatory or not
static _getLogLanguage()
retrieve the log language for assessment logging
static _enabledAssessmentLogging()
check wether assessment logging is enabled or not
Definition: imgupload.php:18
static _updateObjectiveResult($a_user_id, $a_active_id, $a_question_id)
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cleanupMediaObjectUsage()

assQuestion::cleanupMediaObjectUsage ( )

synchronises appearances of media objects in the question with media object usage table

Definition at line 3843 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilRTE\_cleanupMediaObjectUsage(), getId(), and getRTETextWithMediaObjects().

Referenced by copySuggestedSolutionFiles(), and saveToDb().

3844  {
3845  $combinedtext = $this->getRTETextWithMediaObjects();
3846  include_once("./Services/RTE/classes/class.ilRTE.php");
3847  ilRTE::_cleanupMediaObjectUsage($combinedtext, "qpl:html", $this->getId());
3848  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
Collects all text in the question which could contain media objects which were created with the Rich ...
static _cleanupMediaObjectUsage($a_text, $a_usage_type, $a_usage_id)
Synchronises appearances of media objects in $a_text with media object usage table.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convertISO8601FormatH_i_s_ExtendedToSeconds()

static assQuestion::convertISO8601FormatH_i_s_ExtendedToSeconds (   $time)

Definition at line 5099 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $time.

Referenced by sumTimesInISO8601FormatH_i_s_Extended().

5100  {
5101  $sec = 0;
5102  $time_array = explode(':', $time);
5103  if (sizeof($time_array) == 3) {
5104  $sec += $time_array[0] * 3600;
5105  $sec += $time_array[1] * 60;
5106  $sec += $time_array[2];
5107  }
5108  return $sec;
5109  }
Definition: cron.php:21
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ copyPageOfQuestion()

assQuestion::copyPageOfQuestion (   $a_q_id)

Definition at line 2322 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $page, and $xml.

Referenced by syncWithOriginal().

2323  {
2324  if ($a_q_id > 0) {
2325  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionPage.php";
2326  $page = new ilAssQuestionPage($a_q_id);
2328  $xml = str_replace("il__qst_" . $a_q_id, "il__qst_" . $this->id, $page->getXMLContent());
2329  $this->page->setXMLContent($xml);
2330  $this->page->updateFromXML();
2331  }
2332  }
Question page object.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ copySuggestedSolutionFiles()

assQuestion::copySuggestedSolutionFiles (   $source_questionpool_id,

Definition at line 2856 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $filename, $id, $ilDB, $ilLog, $index, $original_id, $type, ilInternalLink\_deleteAllLinksOfSource(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), ilInternalLink\_saveLink(), cleanupMediaObjectUsage(), getId(), getSuggestedSolutionPath(), ilUtil\makeDirParents(), and syncSuggestedSolutionFiles().

Referenced by onCopy().

2857  {
2858  global $DIC;
2859  $ilLog = $DIC['ilLog'];
2861  foreach ($this->suggested_solutions as $index => $solution) {
2862  if (strcmp($solution["type"], "file") == 0) {
2863  $filepath = $this->getSuggestedSolutionPath();
2864  $filepath_original = str_replace("/$this->obj_id/$this->id/solution", "/$source_questionpool_id/$source_question_id/solution", $filepath);
2865  if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
2866  ilUtil::makeDirParents($filepath);
2867  }
2868  $filename = $solution["value"]["name"];
2869  if (strlen($filename)) {
2870  if (!copy($filepath_original . $filename, $filepath . $filename)) {
2871  $ilLog->write("File could not be copied!!!!", $ilLog->ERROR);
2872  $ilLog->write("object: " . print_r($this, true), $ilLog->ERROR);
2873  }
2874  }
2875  }
2876  }
2877  }
static makeDirParents($a_dir)
Create a new directory and all parent directories.
Returns the path for a suggested solution.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
Definition: metadata.php:60
Definition: buildRTE.php:89
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ copyXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion()

assQuestion::copyXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion (   $a_q_id)

Definition at line 2287 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $mobs, ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_saveUsage(), and getId().

2288  {
2289  include_once("./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php");
2290  $mobs = ilObjMediaObject::_getMobsOfObject("qpl:html", $a_q_id);
2291  foreach ($mobs as $mob) {
2292  ilObjMediaObject::_saveUsage($mob, "qpl:html", $this->getId());
2293  }
2294  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
static _getMobsOfObject($a_type, $a_id, $a_usage_hist_nr=0, $a_lang="-")
get mobs of object
static _saveUsage($a_mob_id, $a_type, $a_id, $a_usage_hist_nr=0, $a_lang="-")
Save usage of mob within another container (e.g.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createNewQuestion()

assQuestion::createNewQuestion (   $a_create_page = true)

Creates a new question without an owner when a new question is created This assures that an ID is given to the question if a file upload or something else occurs.

integer ID of the new question

Definition at line 2506 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $_GET, $_POST, $DIC, $ilDB, $ilUser, $obj_id, ilObject\_lookupObjId(), createPageObject(), getAdditionalContentEditingMode(), getAuthor(), getDefaultNrOfTries(), getEstimatedWorkingTime(), getExternalId(), getId(), getObjId(), getQuestionTypeID(), notifyQuestionCreated(), and setId().

2507  {
2508  global $DIC;
2509  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
2510  $ilUser = $DIC['ilUser'];
2512  $complete = "0";
2513  $estw_time = $this->getEstimatedWorkingTime();
2514  $estw_time = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $estw_time['h'], $estw_time['m'], $estw_time['s']);
2515  $obj_id = ($this->getObjId() <= 0) ? (ilObject::_lookupObjId((strlen($_GET["ref_id"])) ? $_GET["ref_id"] : $_POST["sel_qpl"])) : $this->getObjId();
2516  if ($obj_id > 0) {
2517  if ($a_create_page) {
2518  $tstamp = 0;
2519  } else {
2520  // question pool must not try to purge
2521  $tstamp = time();
2522  }
2524  $next_id = $ilDB->nextId('qpl_questions');
2525  $affectedRows = $ilDB->insert("qpl_questions", array(
2526  "question_id" => array("integer", $next_id),
2527  "question_type_fi" => array("integer", $this->getQuestionTypeID()),
2528  "obj_fi" => array("integer", $obj_id),
2529  "title" => array("text", null),
2530  "description" => array("text", null),
2531  "author" => array("text", $this->getAuthor()),
2532  "owner" => array("integer", $ilUser->getId()),
2533  "question_text" => array("clob", null),
2534  "points" => array("float", 0),
2535  "nr_of_tries" => array("integer", $this->getDefaultNrOfTries()), // #10771
2536  "working_time" => array("text", $estw_time),
2537  "complete" => array("text", $complete),
2538  "created" => array("integer", time()),
2539  "original_id" => array("integer", null),
2540  "tstamp" => array("integer", $tstamp),
2541  "external_id" => array("text", $this->getExternalId()),
2542  'add_cont_edit_mode' => array('text', $this->getAdditionalContentEditingMode())
2543  ));
2544  $this->setId($next_id);
2546  if ($a_create_page) {
2547  // create page object of question
2548  $this->createPageObject();
2549  }
2550  }
2552  $this->notifyQuestionCreated();
2554  return $this->getId();
2555  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
create page object of question
Sets the id of the assQuestion object.
getter for additional content editing mode for this question
Get the object id of the container object.
Gets the authors name of the assQuestion object.
Returns the question type of the question.
static _lookupObjId($a_id)
Definition: imgupload.php:18
Get Default Nr of Tries.
Gets the estimated working time of a question.
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createPageObject()

assQuestion::createPageObject ( )

create page object of question

Definition at line 2308 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getId(), and getObjId().

Referenced by createNewQuestion(), saveQuestionDataToDb(), and syncWithOriginal().

2309  {
2310  $qpl_id = $this->getObjId();
2312  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionPage.php";
2313  $this->page = new ilAssQuestionPage(0);
2314  $this->page->setId($this->getId());
2315  $this->page->setParentId($qpl_id);
2316  $this->page->setXMLContent("<PageObject><PageContent>" .
2317  "<Question QRef=\"il__qst_" . $this->getId() . "\"/>" .
2318  "</PageContent></PageObject>");
2319  $this->page->create();
2320  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
Question page object.
Get the object id of the container object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createRandomSolution()

assQuestion::createRandomSolution (   $test_id,

Definition at line 3176 of file class.assQuestion.php.

3177  {
3178  }

◆ deductHintPointsFromReachedPoints()

assQuestion::deductHintPointsFromReachedPoints ( ilAssQuestionPreviewSession  $previewSession,

◆ delete()

assQuestion::delete (   $question_id)

Deletes a question and all materials from the database.

integer$question_idThe database id of the question private

Definition at line 1999 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $ilLog, $mobs, $obj_id, $result, $row, ilObjMediaObject\_exists(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_removeUsage(), ilObjQuestionPool\_updateQuestionCount(), ilUtil\delDir(), deleteAdditionalTableData(), deleteAnswers(), ilAssQuestionHintList\deleteHintsByQuestionIds(), deletePageOfQuestion(), deleteTaxonomyAssignments(), getObjId(), isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject(), and notifyQuestionDeleted().

2000  {
2001  global $DIC;
2002  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
2003  $ilLog = $DIC['ilLog'];
2005  if ($question_id < 1) {
2006  return true;
2007  } // nothing to do
2009  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
2010  "SELECT obj_fi FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s",
2011  array('integer'),
2012  array($question_id)
2013  );
2014  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
2015  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
2016  $obj_id = $row["obj_fi"];
2017  } else {
2018  return true; // nothing to do
2019  }
2020  try {
2021  $this->deletePageOfQuestion($question_id);
2022  } catch (Exception $e) {
2023  $ilLog->write("EXCEPTION: Could not delete page of question $question_id: $e");
2024  return false;
2025  }
2027  $affectedRows = $ilDB->manipulateF(
2028  "DELETE FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s",
2029  array('integer'),
2030  array($question_id)
2031  );
2032  if ($affectedRows == 0) {
2033  return false;
2034  }
2036  try {
2037  $this->deleteAdditionalTableData($question_id);
2038  $this->deleteAnswers($question_id);
2039  $this->feedbackOBJ->deleteGenericFeedbacks($question_id, $this->isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject());
2040  $this->feedbackOBJ->deleteSpecificAnswerFeedbacks($question_id, $this->isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject());
2041  } catch (Exception $e) {
2042  $ilLog->write("EXCEPTION: Could not delete additional table data of question $question_id: $e");
2043  return false;
2044  }
2046  try {
2047  // delete the question in the tst_test_question table (list of test questions)
2048  $affectedRows = $ilDB->manipulateF(
2049  "DELETE FROM tst_test_question WHERE question_fi = %s",
2050  array('integer'),
2051  array($question_id)
2052  );
2053  } catch (Exception $e) {
2054  $ilLog->write("EXCEPTION: Could not delete delete question $question_id from a test: $e");
2055  return false;
2056  }
2058  try {
2059  // delete suggested solutions contained in the question
2060  $affectedRows = $ilDB->manipulateF(
2061  "DELETE FROM qpl_sol_sug WHERE question_fi = %s",
2062  array('integer'),
2063  array($question_id)
2064  );
2065  } catch (Exception $e) {
2066  $ilLog->write("EXCEPTION: Could not delete suggested solutions of question $question_id: $e");
2067  return false;
2068  }
2070  try {
2071  $directory = CLIENT_WEB_DIR . "/assessment/" . $obj_id . "/$question_id";
2072  if (preg_match("/\d+/", $obj_id) and preg_match("/\d+/", $question_id) and is_dir($directory)) {
2073  include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
2074  ilUtil::delDir($directory);
2075  }
2076  } catch (Exception $e) {
2077  $ilLog->write("EXCEPTION: Could not delete question file directory $directory of question $question_id: $e");
2078  return false;
2079  }
2081  try {
2082  include_once("./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php");
2083  $mobs = ilObjMediaObject::_getMobsOfObject("qpl:html", $question_id);
2084  // remaining usages are not in text anymore -> delete them
2085  // and media objects (note: delete method of ilObjMediaObject
2086  // checks whether object is used in another context; if yes,
2087  // the object is not deleted!)
2088  foreach ($mobs as $mob) {
2089  ilObjMediaObject::_removeUsage($mob, "qpl:html", $question_id);
2090  if (ilObjMediaObject::_exists($mob)) {
2091  $mob_obj = new ilObjMediaObject($mob);
2092  $mob_obj->delete();
2093  }
2094  }
2095  } catch (Exception $e) {
2096  $ilLog->write("EXCEPTION: Error deleting the media objects of question $question_id: $e");
2097  return false;
2098  }
2100  require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionHintTracking.php';
2101  ilAssQuestionHintTracking::deleteRequestsByQuestionIds(array($question_id));
2103  require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionHintList.php';
2106  require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionSkillAssignmentList.php';
2107  $assignmentList = new ilAssQuestionSkillAssignmentList($ilDB);
2108  $assignmentList->setParentObjId($obj_id);
2109  $assignmentList->setQuestionIdFilter($question_id);
2110  $assignmentList->loadFromDb();
2111  foreach ($assignmentList->getAssignmentsByQuestionId($question_id) as $assignment) {
2112  /* @var ilAssQuestionSkillAssignment $assignment */
2113  $assignment->deleteFromDb();
2114  }
2116  $this->deleteTaxonomyAssignments();
2118  try {
2119  // update question count of question pool
2120  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilObjQuestionPool.php";
2122  } catch (Exception $e) {
2123  $ilLog->write("EXCEPTION: Error updating the question pool question count of question pool " . $this->getObjId() . " when deleting question $question_id: $e");
2124  return false;
2125  }
2127  $this->notifyQuestionDeleted($this);
2129  return true;
2130  }
Deletes the page object of a question with a given ID.
static _getMobsOfObject($a_type, $a_id, $a_usage_hist_nr=0, $a_lang="-")
get mobs of object
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
Deletes datasets from answers tables.
Deletes datasets from the additional question table in the database.
static _removeUsage($a_mob_id, $a_type, $a_id, $a_usage_hist_nr=0, $a_lang="-")
Remove usage of mob in another container.
Get the object id of the container object.
static deleteHintsByQuestionIds($questionIds)
Deletes all question hints relating to questions included in given question ids.
static _updateQuestionCount($object_id)
Updates the number of available questions for a question pool in the database.
Class ilObjMediaObject.
isser for additional "pageobject" content editing mode
global $ilDB
static _exists($a_id, $a_reference=false, $a_type=null)
checks wether a lm content object with specified id exists or not
static delDir($a_dir, $a_clean_only=false)
removes a dir and all its content (subdirs and files) recursively
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deleteAdditionalTableData()

assQuestion::deleteAdditionalTableData (   $question_id)

Deletes datasets from the additional question table in the database.

integer$question_idThe question id which should be deleted in the additional question table public

Definition at line 1957 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $table, and getAdditionalTableName().

Referenced by delete().

1958  {
1959  global $DIC;
1960  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
1962  $additional_table_name = $this->getAdditionalTableName();
1964  if (!is_array($additional_table_name)) {
1965  $additional_table_name = array($additional_table_name);
1966  }
1968  foreach ($additional_table_name as $table) {
1969  if (strlen($table)) {
1970  $affectedRows = $ilDB->manipulateF(
1971  "DELETE FROM $table WHERE question_fi = %s",
1972  array('integer'),
1973  array($question_id)
1974  );
1975  }
1976  }
1977  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database.
global $ilDB
if(empty($password)) $table
Definition: pwgen.php:24
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteAnswers()

assQuestion::deleteAnswers (   $question_id)

Deletes datasets from answers tables.

integer$question_idThe question id which should be deleted in the answers table public

Definition at line 1930 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $table, and getAnswerTableName().

Referenced by delete().

1931  {
1932  global $DIC;
1933  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
1934  $answer_table_name = $this->getAnswerTableName();
1936  if (!is_array($answer_table_name)) {
1937  $answer_table_name = array($answer_table_name);
1938  }
1940  foreach ($answer_table_name as $table) {
1941  if (strlen($table)) {
1942  $affectedRows = $ilDB->manipulateF(
1943  "DELETE FROM $table WHERE question_fi = %s",
1944  array('integer'),
1945  array($question_id)
1946  );
1947  }
1948  }
1949  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
Returns the name of the answer table in the database.
if(empty($password)) $table
Definition: pwgen.php:24
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteDummySolutionRecord()

assQuestion::deleteDummySolutionRecord (   $activeId,

Definition at line 4965 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getSolutionValues(), and removeSolutionRecordById().

Referenced by assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), and assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData().

4966  {
4967  foreach ($this->getSolutionValues($activeId, $passIndex, false) as $solutionRec) {
4968  if (0 == strlen($solutionRec['value1']) && 0 == strlen($solutionRec['value2'])) {
4969  $this->removeSolutionRecordById($solutionRec['solution_id']);
4970  }
4971  }
4972  }
getSolutionValues($active_id, $pass=null, $authorized=true)
Loads solutions of a given user from the database an returns it.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deletePageOfQuestion()

assQuestion::deletePageOfQuestion (   $question_id)

Deletes the page object of a question with a given ID.

integer$question_idThe database id of the question protected

Definition at line 1985 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $page.

Referenced by delete(), and syncWithOriginal().

1986  {
1987  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionPage.php";
1988  $page = new ilAssQuestionPage($question_id);
1989  $page->delete();
1990  return true;
1991  }
Question page object.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteSolutionRecordByValues()

assQuestion::deleteSolutionRecordByValues (   $activeId,

Definition at line 4979 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $query, $values, getId(), and getStep().

Referenced by assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData().

4980  {
4981  global $DIC; /* @var ILIAS\DI\Container $DIC */
4982  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
4984  $types = array("integer", "integer", "integer", "integer");
4985  $values = array($activeId, $this->getId(), $passIndex, (int) $authorized);
4986  $valuesCondition = array();
4988  foreach ($matchValues as $valueField => $value) {
4989  switch ($valueField) {
4990  case 'value1':
4991  case 'value2':
4992  $valuesCondition[] = "{$valueField} = %s";
4993  $types[] = 'text';
4994  $values[] = $value;
4995  break;
4997  default:
4998  require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/exceptions/class.ilTestQuestionPoolException.php';
4999  throw new ilTestQuestionPoolException('invalid value field given: ' . $valueField);
5000  }
5001  }
5003  $valuesCondition = implode(' AND ', $valuesCondition);
5005  $query = "
5006  DELETE FROM tst_solutions
5007  WHERE active_fi = %s
5008  AND question_fi = %s
5009  AND pass = %s
5010  AND authorized = %s
5011  AND $valuesCondition
5012  ";
5014  if ($this->getStep() !== null) {
5015  $query .= " AND step = %s ";
5016  $types[] = 'integer';
5017  $values[] = $this->getStep();
5018  }
5020  $ilDB->manipulateF($query, $types, $values);
5021  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteSuggestedSolutions()

assQuestion::deleteSuggestedSolutions ( )

Deletes all suggestes solutions in the database.

Definition at line 2723 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, ilInternalLink\_deleteAllLinksOfSource(), ilUtil\delDir(), getId(), and getSuggestedSolutionPath().

2724  {
2725  global $DIC;
2726  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
2727  // delete the links in the qpl_sol_sug table
2728  $affectedRows = $ilDB->manipulateF(
2729  "DELETE FROM qpl_sol_sug WHERE question_fi = %s",
2730  array('integer'),
2731  array($this->getId())
2732  );
2733  // delete the links in the int_link table
2734  include_once "./Services/Link/classes/class.ilInternalLink.php";
2736  $this->suggested_solutions = array();
2738  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
Returns the path for a suggested solution.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
static delDir($a_dir, $a_clean_only=false)
removes a dir and all its content (subdirs and files) recursively
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deleteTaxonomyAssignments()

assQuestion::deleteTaxonomyAssignments ( )

Definition at line 2132 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getId(), getObjId(), and ilObjTaxonomy\getUsageOfObject().

Referenced by delete().

2133  {
2134  require_once 'Services/Taxonomy/classes/class.ilObjTaxonomy.php';
2135  require_once 'Services/Taxonomy/classes/class.ilTaxNodeAssignment.php';
2136  $taxIds = ilObjTaxonomy::getUsageOfObject($this->getObjId());
2138  foreach ($taxIds as $taxId) {
2139  $taxNodeAssignment = new ilTaxNodeAssignment('qpl', $this->getObjId(), 'quest', $taxId);
2140  $taxNodeAssignment->deleteAssignmentsOfItem($this->getId());
2141  }
2142  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
Taxonomy node <-> item assignment.
static getUsageOfObject($a_obj_id, $a_include_titles=false)
Get usage of object.
Get the object id of the container object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ duplicate()

assQuestion::duplicate (   $for_test = true,
  $title = "",
  $author = "",
  $owner = "",
  $testObjId = null 

Referenced by toJSON().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ duplicateIntermediateSolutionAuthorized()

assQuestion::duplicateIntermediateSolutionAuthorized (   $activeId,

Definition at line 5023 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getSolutionValues(), and saveCurrentSolution().

Referenced by forceExistingIntermediateSolution().

5024  {
5025  foreach ($this->getSolutionValues($activeId, $passIndex, false) as $rec) {
5026  $this->saveCurrentSolution($activeId, $passIndex, $rec['value1'], $rec['value2'], true, $rec['tstamp']);
5027  }
5028  }
getSolutionValues($active_id, $pass=null, $authorized=true)
Loads solutions of a given user from the database an returns it.
saveCurrentSolution($active_id, $pass, $value1, $value2, $authorized=true, $tstamp=null)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ duplicateQuestionHints()

assQuestion::duplicateQuestionHints (   $originalQuestionId,

Definition at line 4419 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilAssQuestionHintList\duplicateListForQuestion(), getId(), and isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject().

Referenced by onCopy(), and onDuplicate().

4420  {
4421  require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionHintList.php';
4422  $hintIds = ilAssQuestionHintList::duplicateListForQuestion($originalQuestionId, $duplicateQuestionId);
4425  require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssHintPage.php';
4427  foreach ($hintIds as $originalHintId => $duplicateHintId) {
4428  $originalPageObject = new ilAssHintPage($originalHintId);
4429  $originalXML = $originalPageObject->getXMLContent();
4431  $duplicatePageObject = new ilAssHintPage();
4432  $duplicatePageObject->setId($duplicateHintId);
4433  $duplicatePageObject->setParentId($this->getId());
4434  $duplicatePageObject->setXMLContent($originalXML);
4435  $duplicatePageObject->createFromXML();
4436  }
4437  }
4438  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
Assessment hint page object.
static duplicateListForQuestion($originalQuestionId, $duplicateQuestionId)
duplicates a hint list from given original question id to given duplicate question id and returns an ...
isser for additional "pageobject" content editing mode
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ duplicateSkillAssignments()

assQuestion::duplicateSkillAssignments (   $srcParentId,

Definition at line 4440 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, and $ilDB.

Referenced by onCopy(), onDuplicate(), and syncSkillAssignments().

4441  {
4442  global $DIC;
4443  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
4445  require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionSkillAssignmentList.php';
4446  $assignmentList = new ilAssQuestionSkillAssignmentList($ilDB);
4447  $assignmentList->setParentObjId($srcParentId);
4448  $assignmentList->setQuestionIdFilter($srcQuestionId);
4449  $assignmentList->loadFromDb();
4451  foreach ($assignmentList->getAssignmentsByQuestionId($srcQuestionId) as $assignment) {
4452  /* @var ilAssQuestionSkillAssignment $assignment */
4454  $assignment->setParentObjId($trgParentId);
4455  $assignment->setQuestionId($trgQuestionId);
4456  $assignment->saveToDb();
4457  }
4458  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ duplicateSuggestedSolutionFiles()

assQuestion::duplicateSuggestedSolutionFiles (   $parent_id,

Duplicates the files of a suggested solution if the question is duplicated.

Definition at line 2802 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $filename, $ilLog, $index, getSuggestedSolutionPath(), and ilUtil\makeDirParents().

Referenced by onDuplicate().

2803  {
2804  global $DIC;
2805  $ilLog = $DIC['ilLog'];
2807  foreach ($this->suggested_solutions as $index => $solution) {
2808  if (strcmp($solution["type"], "file") == 0) {
2809  $filepath = $this->getSuggestedSolutionPath();
2810  $filepath_original = str_replace(
2811  "/{$this->obj_id}/{$this->id}/solution",
2812  "/$parent_id/$question_id/solution",
2813  $filepath
2814  );
2815  if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
2816  ilUtil::makeDirParents($filepath);
2817  }
2818  $filename = $solution["value"]["name"];
2819  if (strlen($filename)) {
2820  if (!copy($filepath_original . $filename, $filepath . $filename)) {
2821  $ilLog->write("File could not be duplicated!!!!", $ilLog->ERROR);
2822  $ilLog->write("object: " . print_r($this, true), $ilLog->ERROR);
2823  }
2824  }
2825  }
2826  }
2827  }
static makeDirParents($a_dir)
Create a new directory and all parent directories.
Returns the path for a suggested solution.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
Definition: metadata.php:60
Definition: buildRTE.php:89
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ensureCurrentTestPass()

assQuestion::ensureCurrentTestPass (   $active_id,

Definition at line 426 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $pass, and lookupCurrentTestPass().

Referenced by assFileUpload\saveWorkingData().

427  {
428  if (is_integer($pass) && $pass >= 0) {
429  return $pass;
430  }
432  return $this->lookupCurrentTestPass($active_id, $pass);
433  }
lookupCurrentTestPass($active_id, $pass)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ensureNonNegativePoints()

◆ explodeKeyValues()

static assQuestion::explodeKeyValues (   $keyValues)

Definition at line 4960 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assImagemapQuestion\getReuseSolutionSelectionParameter().

4961  {
4962  return explode(self::getKeyValuesImplosionSeparator(), $keyValues);
4963  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fetchIndexedValuesFromValuePairs()

assQuestion::fetchIndexedValuesFromValuePairs ( array  $valuePairs)
array $indexedValues

Definition at line 5383 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assOrderingQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assOrderingQuestion\getOrderingElementListForSolutionOutput(), and assOrderingQuestion\getSolutionOrderingElementListForTestOutput().

5384  {
5385  $indexedValues = array();
5387  foreach ($valuePairs as $valuePair) {
5388  $indexedValues[ $valuePair['value1'] ] = $valuePair['value2'];
5389  }
5391  return $indexedValues;
5392  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fetchMimeTypeIdentifier()

static assQuestion::fetchMimeTypeIdentifier (   $contentTypeString)

Definition at line 351 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by ilQtiMatImageSecurity\validateContent().

352  {
353  return current(explode(';', $contentTypeString));
354  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fetchValuePairsFromIndexedValues()

assQuestion::fetchValuePairsFromIndexedValues ( array  $indexedValues)
array $valuePairs

Definition at line 5368 of file class.assQuestion.php.

5369  {
5370  $valuePairs = array();
5372  foreach ($indexedValues as $value1 => $value2) {
5373  $valuePairs[] = array('value1' => $value1, 'value2' => $value2);
5374  }
5376  return $valuePairs;
5377  }

◆ fixSvgToPng()

assQuestion::fixSvgToPng (   $imageFilenameContainingString)

Definition at line 2414 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getSuggestedSolutionOutput().

2415  {
2416  $needles = array_keys(self::$imageSourceFixReplaceMap);
2417  $replacements = array_values(self::$imageSourceFixReplaceMap);
2418  return str_replace($needles, $replacements, $imageFilenameContainingString);
2419  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fixUnavailableSkinImageSources()

assQuestion::fixUnavailableSkinImageSources (   $html)

Definition at line 2422 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $html, ilUtil\getImagePath(), and ilUtil\removeTrailingPathSeparators().

Referenced by getSuggestedSolutionOutput().

2423  {
2424  $matches = null;
2425  if (preg_match_all('/src="(.*?)"/m', $html, $matches)) {
2426  $sources = $matches[1];
2428  $needleReplacementMap = array();
2430  foreach ($sources as $src) {
2431  $file = ilUtil::removeTrailingPathSeparators(ILIAS_ABSOLUTE_PATH) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $src;
2433  if (file_exists($file)) {
2434  continue;
2435  }
2437  $levels = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $src);
2438  if (count($levels) < 5 || $levels[0] != 'Customizing' || $levels[2] != 'skin') {
2439  continue;
2440  }
2442  $component = '';
2444  if ($levels[4] == 'Modules' || $levels[4] == 'Services') {
2445  $component = $levels[4] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $levels[5];
2446  }
2448  $needleReplacementMap[$src] = ilUtil::getImagePath(basename($src), $component);
2449  }
2451  if (count($needleReplacementMap)) {
2452  $html = str_replace(array_keys($needleReplacementMap), array_values($needleReplacementMap), $html);
2453  }
2454  }
2456  return $html;
2457  }
static getImagePath($img, $module_path="", $mode="output", $offline=false)
get image path (for images located in a template directory)
static removeTrailingPathSeparators($path)
Definition: example_001.php:87
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ forceExistingIntermediateSolution()

assQuestion::forceExistingIntermediateSolution (   $activeId,

Definition at line 5030 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References duplicateIntermediateSolutionAuthorized(), getSolutionValues(), saveCurrentSolution(), and updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization().

Referenced by assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), and assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData().

5031  {
5032  $intermediateSolution = $this->getSolutionValues($activeId, $passIndex, false);
5034  if (!count($intermediateSolution)) {
5035  // make the authorized solution intermediate (keeping timestamps)
5036  // this keeps the solution_ids in synch with eventually selected in $_POST['deletefiles']
5037  $this->updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization($activeId, $passIndex, false, true);
5039  // create a backup as authorized solution again (keeping timestamps)
5040  $this->duplicateIntermediateSolutionAuthorized($activeId, $passIndex);
5042  if ($considerDummyRecordCreation) {
5043  // create an additional dummy record to indicate the existence of an intermediate solution
5044  // even if all entries are deleted from the intermediate solution later
5045  $this->saveCurrentSolution($activeId, $passIndex, null, null, false, null);
5046  }
5047  }
5048  }
duplicateIntermediateSolutionAuthorized($activeId, $passIndex)
getSolutionValues($active_id, $pass=null, $authorized=true)
Loads solutions of a given user from the database an returns it.
updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization($activeId, $pass, $authorized, $keepTime=false)
saveCurrentSolution($active_id, $pass, $value1, $value2, $authorized=true, $tstamp=null)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ formatSAQuestion()

assQuestion::formatSAQuestion (   $a_q)

Format self assessment question.


Definition at line 4280 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getSelfAssessmentFormatter().

Referenced by assOrderingHorizontal\toJSON(), assTextSubset\toJSON(), assTextQuestion\toJSON(), assLongMenu\toJSON(), assImagemapQuestion\toJSON(), assKprimChoice\toJSON(), assSingleChoice\toJSON(), assMultipleChoice\toJSON(), assErrorText\toJSON(), assOrderingQuestion\toJSON(), assMatchingQuestion\toJSON(), and assClozeTest\toJSON().

4281  {
4282  return $this->getSelfAssessmentFormatter()->format($a_q);
4283  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fromXML()

assQuestion::fromXML ( $item,

Receives parameters from a QTI parser and creates a valid ILIAS question object.

object$itemThe QTI item object
integer$questionpool_idThe id of the parent questionpool
integer$tst_idThe id of the parent test if the question is part of a test
object$tst_objectA reference to the parent test object
integer$question_counterA reference to a question counter to count the questions of an imported question pool
array$import_mappingAn array containing references to included ILIAS objects public

Definition at line 537 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getQuestionType().

538  {
539  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/import/qti12/class." . $this->getQuestionType() . "Import.php";
540  $classname = $this->getQuestionType() . "Import";
541  $import = new $classname($this);
542  $import->fromXML($item, $questionpool_id, $tst_id, $tst_object, $question_counter, $import_mapping);
543  }
Returns the question type of the question.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getActiveUserData()

assQuestion::getActiveUserData (   $active_id)

Returns the user id and the test id for a given active id.

integer$active_idActive id for a test/user
array Result array containing the user_id and test_id public

Definition at line 3916 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $result, and $row.

3917  {
3918  global $DIC;
3919  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3920  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3921  "SELECT * FROM tst_active WHERE active_id = %s",
3922  array('integer'),
3923  array($active_id)
3924  );
3925  if ($result->numRows()) {
3926  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
3927  return array("user_id" => $row["user_fi"], "test_id" => $row["test_fi"]);
3928  } else {
3929  return array();
3930  }
3931  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB

◆ getAdditionalContentEditingMode()

assQuestion::getAdditionalContentEditingMode ( )

getter for additional content editing mode for this question



Definition at line 4563 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $additinalContentEditingMode.

Referenced by createNewQuestion(), isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject(), and saveQuestionDataToDb().

4564  {
4566  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAdditionalTableName()

assQuestion::getAdditionalTableName ( )

Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database.

string The additional table name public

Definition at line 1908 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by deleteAdditionalTableData().

1909  {
1910  return "";
1911  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAdjustedReachedPoints()

assQuestion::getAdjustedReachedPoints (   $active_id,
  $pass = null,
  $authorizedSolution = true 

returns the reached points ...

  • calculated by concrete question type class
  • adjusted by hint point deduction
  • adjusted by scoring options ... for given testactive and testpass
integer $reached_points

Definition at line 1151 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $pass, ilObjTest\_getPass(), adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions(), calculateReachedPoints(), and getId().

1152  {
1153  if (is_null($pass)) {
1154  include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
1155  $pass = ilObjTest::_getPass($active_id);
1156  }
1158  // determine reached points for submitted solution
1159  $reached_points = $this->calculateReachedPoints($active_id, $pass, $authorizedSolution);
1163  // deduct points for requested hints from reached points
1164  require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionHintTracking.php';
1165  $hintTracking = new ilAssQuestionHintTracking($this->getId(), $active_id, $pass);
1166  $requestsStatisticData = $hintTracking->getRequestStatisticDataByQuestionAndTestpass();
1167  $reached_points = $reached_points - $requestsStatisticData->getRequestsPoints();
1169  // adjust reached points regarding to tests scoring options
1170  $reached_points = $this->adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions($reached_points, $active_id, $pass);
1172  return $reached_points;
1173  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
static _getPass($active_id)
Retrieves the actual pass of a given user for a given test.
adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions($points, $active_id, $pass=null)
Adjust the given reached points by checks for all special scoring options in the test container...
calculateReachedPoints($active_id, $pass=null, $authorizedSolution=true, $returndetails=false)
Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getAllowedFileExtensionsForMimeType()

static assQuestion::getAllowedFileExtensionsForMimeType (   $mimeType)

Definition at line 356 of file class.assQuestion.php.

357  {
358  foreach (self::$allowedFileExtensionsByMimeType as $allowedMimeType => $extensions) {
359  $rexCharsets = implode('|', self::$allowedCharsetsByMimeType[$allowedMimeType]);
360  $rexMimeType = preg_quote($allowedMimeType, '/');
362  $rex = '/^' . $rexMimeType . '(;(\s)*charset=(' . $rexCharsets . '))*$/';
364  if (!preg_match($rex, $mimeType)) {
365  continue;
366  }
368  return $extensions;
369  }
371  return array();
372  }

◆ getAllowedImageMaterialFileExtensions()

static assQuestion::getAllowedImageMaterialFileExtensions ( )
array all allowed file extensions for image material

Definition at line 484 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by ilImageWizardInputGUI\__construct().

485  {
486  $extensions = array();
488  foreach (self::$allowedImageMaterialFileExtensionsByMimeType as $mimeType => $mimeExtensions) {
489  $extensions = array_merge($extensions, $mimeExtensions);
490  }
491  return array_unique($extensions);
492  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAnswerTableName()

assQuestion::getAnswerTableName ( )

Returns the name of the answer table in the database.

string The answer table name public

Definition at line 1919 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by deleteAnswers().

1920  {
1921  return "";
1922  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAuthor()

assQuestion::getAuthor ( )

Gets the authors name of the assQuestion object.

string The string containing the name of the questions author public
See also

Definition at line 869 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $author.

Referenced by __get(), createNewQuestion(), assOrderingQuestion\isComplete(), assClozeTest\isComplete(), and saveQuestionDataToDb().

870  {
871  return $this->author;
872  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getComment()

assQuestion::getComment ( )

Gets the comment string of the assQuestion object.

string The comment string to describe the question public
See also

Definition at line 809 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $comment.

Referenced by __get(), and saveQuestionDataToDb().

810  {
811  return $this->comment;
812  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCurrentSolutionResultSet()

assQuestion::getCurrentSolutionResultSet (   $active_id,
  $authorized = true 

Get a restulset for the current user solution for a this question by active_id and pass.

bool | true$authorizedilDBInterface $ilDB

Definition at line 4712 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, $query, getId(), and getStep().

Referenced by assOrderingHorizontal\calculateReachedPoints(), assFileUpload\calculateReachedPoints(), assErrorText\calculateReachedPoints(), assFlashQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assKprimChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assTextSubset\calculateReachedPoints(), assTextQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assSingleChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assMultipleChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assLongMenu\calculateReachedPoints(), assJavaApplet\calculateReachedPoints(), assImagemapQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assMatchingQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assClozeTest\calculateReachedPoints(), assNumeric\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), and assSingleChoice\saveWorkingData().

4713  {
4714  global $DIC;
4715  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
4717  if ($this->getStep() !== null) {
4718  $query = "
4719  SELECT *
4720  FROM tst_solutions
4721  WHERE active_fi = %s
4722  AND question_fi = %s
4723  AND pass = %s
4724  AND step = %s
4725  AND authorized = %s
4726  ";
4728  return $ilDB->queryF(
4729  $query,
4730  array('integer', 'integer', 'integer', 'integer', 'integer'),
4731  array($active_id, $this->getId(), $pass, $this->getStep(), (int) $authorized)
4732  );
4733  } else {
4734  $query = "
4735  SELECT *
4736  FROM tst_solutions
4737  WHERE active_fi = %s
4738  AND question_fi = %s
4739  AND pass = %s
4740  AND authorized = %s
4741  ";
4743  return $ilDB->queryF(
4744  $query,
4745  array('integer', 'integer', 'integer', 'integer'),
4746  array($active_id, $this->getId(), $pass, (int) $authorized)
4747  );
4748  }
4749  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDefaultNrOfTries()

assQuestion::getDefaultNrOfTries ( )

Get Default Nr of Tries.

int Default Nr of Tries

Definition at line 4379 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $defaultnroftries.

Referenced by createNewQuestion().

4380  {
4381  return (int) $this->defaultnroftries;
4382  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEstimatedWorkingTime()

assQuestion::getEstimatedWorkingTime ( )

Gets the estimated working time of a question.

array Estimated Working Time of a question public
See also

Definition at line 854 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $est_working_time.

Referenced by __get(), createNewQuestion(), and saveQuestionDataToDb().

855  {
856  if (!$this->est_working_time) {
857  $this->est_working_time = array("h" => 0, "m" => 0, "s" => 0);
858  }
860  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getExternalId()

assQuestion::getExternalId ( )

Definition at line 921 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $external_id, and getId().

Referenced by createNewQuestion(), and saveQuestionDataToDb().

922  {
923  if (!strlen($this->external_id)) {
924  if ($this->getId() > 0) {
925  return 'il_' . IL_INST_ID . '_qst_' . $this->getId();
926  } else {
927  return uniqid('', true);
928  }
929  } else {
930  return $this->external_id;
931  }
932  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFeedbackClassNameByQuestionType()

static assQuestion::getFeedbackClassNameByQuestionType (   $questionType)

Definition at line 3959 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assQuestionGUI\_getQuestionGUI(), and ilObjTest\createQuestionGUI().

3960  {
3961  return str_replace('ass', 'ilAss', $questionType) . 'Feedback';
3962  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFlashPath()

assQuestion::getFlashPath ( )

Returns the image path for web accessable flash files of a question.

The image path is under the CLIENT_WEB_DIR in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_QUESTION_POOL/ID_OF_QUESTION/flash


Definition at line 1664 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assFlashQuestion\copyApplet(), assFlashQuestion\deleteApplet(), assFlashQuestion\duplicateApplet(), assFlashQuestion\moveAppletIfExists(), and assFlashQuestion\moveUploadedFile().

1665  {
1666  return CLIENT_WEB_DIR . "/assessment/$this->obj_id/$this->id/flash/";
1667  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFlashPathWeb()

assQuestion::getFlashPathWeb ( )

Returns the web image path for web accessable flash applications of a question.

The image path is under the web accessable data dir in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_QUESTION_POOL/ID_OF_QUESTION/flash


Definition at line 1719 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilUtil\removeTrailingPathSeparators().

1720  {
1721  include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
1722  $webdir = ilUtil::removeTrailingPathSeparators(CLIENT_WEB_DIR) . "/assessment/$this->obj_id/$this->id/flash/";
1723  return str_replace(ilUtil::removeTrailingPathSeparators(ILIAS_ABSOLUTE_PATH), ilUtil::removeTrailingPathSeparators(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH), $webdir);
1724  }
static removeTrailingPathSeparators($path)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getGuiClassNameByQuestionType()

static assQuestion::getGuiClassNameByQuestionType (   $questionType)

Definition at line 3949 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assQuestionGUI\_getQuestionGUI(), and ilObjTest\createQuestionGUI().

3950  {
3951  return $questionType . 'GUI';
3952  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getHtmlQuestionContentPurifier()

assQuestion::getHtmlQuestionContentPurifier ( )

Definition at line 4674 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilHtmlPurifierFactory\_getInstanceByType().

4675  {
4676  require_once 'Services/Html/classes/class.ilHtmlPurifierFactory.php';
4677  return ilHtmlPurifierFactory::_getInstanceByType('qpl_usersolution');
4678  }
static _getInstanceByType($a_type)
Factory method for creating purifier instances.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getHtmlUserSolutionPurifier()

assQuestion::getHtmlUserSolutionPurifier ( )

Definition at line 4665 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilHtmlPurifierFactory\_getInstanceByType().

Referenced by assTextQuestion\getSolutionSubmit(), and assTextSubset\getSolutionSubmit().

4666  {
4667  require_once 'Services/Html/classes/class.ilHtmlPurifierFactory.php';
4668  return ilHtmlPurifierFactory::_getInstanceByType('qpl_usersolution');
4669  }
static _getInstanceByType($a_type)
Factory method for creating purifier instances.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getId()

assQuestion::getId ( )

Gets the id of the assQuestion object.

integer The id of the assQuestion object public
See also

Definition at line 773 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $id.

Referenced by ilQuestionCumulatedStatisticsTableGUI\__construct(), ilQuestionUsagesTableGUI\__construct(), ilAssQuestionHintsOrderingClipboard\__construct(), __get(), addQTIMaterial(), authorizedOrIntermediateSolutionExists(), assLongMenu\buildFolderName(), assOrderingQuestion\buildNestedOrderingElementInputGui(), assClozeTest\calculateCombinationResult(), calculateResultsFromSolution(), cleanupMediaObjectUsage(), assErrorText\copyObject(), assClozeTest\copyObject(), copySuggestedSolutionFiles(), copyXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion(), createNewQuestion(), createPageObject(), deleteSolutionRecordByValues(), deleteSuggestedSolutions(), deleteTaxonomyAssignments(), ilDynamicTestQuestionChangeListener\deleteTestsParticipantsQuestionData(), assOrderingHorizontal\duplicate(), assFileUpload\duplicate(), assNumeric\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\duplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicate(), assErrorText\duplicate(), assFlashQuestion\duplicate(), assTextSubset\duplicate(), assSingleChoice\duplicate(), assMultipleChoice\duplicate(), assJavaApplet\duplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\duplicate(), assLongMenu\duplicate(), assKprimChoice\duplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\duplicate(), assClozeTest\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicateAnswers(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicateOrderlingElementList(), duplicateQuestionHints(), assOrderingQuestion\fetchSolutionListFromFormSubmissionData(), assOrderingQuestion\fetchSolutionListFromSubmittedForm(), assMatchingQuestion\fetchSubmittedMatchingsFromPost(), getAdjustedReachedPoints(), assLongMenu\getCorrectAnswersAsJson(), getCurrentSolutionResultSet(), assNumeric\getExpressionTypes(), assOrderingHorizontal\getExpressionTypes(), assTextSubset\getExpressionTypes(), assImagemapQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assSingleChoice\getExpressionTypes(), assErrorText\getExpressionTypes(), assMultipleChoice\getExpressionTypes(), assFormulaQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assOrderingQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assMatchingQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assClozeTest\getExpressionTypes(), getExternalId(), assFileUpload\getFileUploadPath(), assFileUpload\getFileUploadPathWeb(), getInstances(), assTextQuestion\getLatestAutosaveContent(), assClozeTest\getMaximumPoints(), assOrderingQuestion\getOldLeveledOrdering(), getQuestionTypeID(), assJavaApplet\getReachedInformation(), getReachedPoints(), assImagemapQuestion\getRTETextWithMediaObjects(), assSingleChoice\getRTETextWithMediaObjects(), assMultipleChoice\getRTETextWithMediaObjects(), getRTETextWithMediaObjects(), getSolutionMaxPass(), assOrderingQuestion\getSolutionOrderingElementList(), assTextQuestion\getSolutionSubmit(), getSolutionValues(), assFileUpload\getUploadedFiles(), assFileUpload\handleSubmission(), assFileUpload\hasFileUploads(), assKprimChoice\isAnswered(), assTextQuestion\isAnswered(), assSingleChoice\isAnswered(), assMultipleChoice\isAnswered(), assFileUpload\isAnswered(), assSingleChoice\isComplete(), assKprimChoice\isComplete(), assMultipleChoice\isForcedEmptySolution(), isInUse(), assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), loadFromDb(), log(), logAction(), assLongMenu\lookupForExistingSolutions(), assFormulaQuestion\lookupForExistingSolutions(), migrateContentForLearningModule(), ilAssNestedOrderingElementsInputGUI\prepareReprintable(), removeAllExistingSolutions(), removeCurrentSolution(), assFormulaQuestion\removeExistingSolutions(), removeExistingSolutions(), removeResultRecord(), ilAssOrderingQuestionAuthoringFormGUI\renewOrderingElementInput(), assFlashQuestion\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assFileUpload\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assErrorText\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assImagemapQuestion\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assMatchingQuestion\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assLongMenu\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assJavaApplet\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assKprimChoice\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assClozeTest\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), assErrorText\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assImagemapQuestion\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assMatchingQuestion\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assLongMenu\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assClozeTest\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assKprimChoice\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assOrderingQuestion\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assClozeTest\saveClozeNumericGapRecordToDb(), assClozeTest\saveClozeSelectGapRecordToDb(), assClozeTest\saveClozeTextGapRecordToDb(), saveCurrentSolution(), assErrorText\savePreviewData(), assNumeric\savePreviewData(), assSingleChoice\savePreviewData(), assOrderingQuestion\savePreviewData(), saveQuestionDataToDb(), assMultipleChoice\saveToDb(), assFormulaQuestion\saveToDb(), saveToDb(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveWorkingData(), assErrorText\saveWorkingData(), assTextQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assTextSubset\saveWorkingData(), assSingleChoice\saveWorkingData(), assLongMenu\saveWorkingData(), assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assFormulaQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assMatchingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assClozeTest\saveWorkingData(), assFormulaQuestion\setId(), setNewOriginalId(), assTextQuestion\setReachedPoints(), syncWithOriginal(), syncXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion(), assOrderingHorizontal\toJSON(), assTextSubset\toJSON(), assTextQuestion\toJSON(), assLongMenu\toJSON(), assImagemapQuestion\toJSON(), assKprimChoice\toJSON(), assSingleChoice\toJSON(), assMultipleChoice\toJSON(), assErrorText\toJSON(), assOrderingQuestion\toJSON(), assMatchingQuestion\toJSON(), assClozeTest\toJSON(), updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization(), ilLOTestQuestionAdapter\updateQuestionResult(), and updateTimestamp().

774  {
775  return $this->id;
776  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getImagePath()

assQuestion::getImagePath (   $question_id = null,
  $object_id = null 

Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question.

The image path is under the CLIENT_WEB_DIR in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_QUESTION_POOL/ID_OF_QUESTION/images


Definition at line 1640 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $id, $obj_id, and buildImagePath().

Referenced by assOrderingQuestion\buildOrderingImagesFormDataConverter(), assOrderingQuestion\cleanImagefiles(), assImagemapQuestion\copyImage(), assOrderingQuestion\copyImages(), assMatchingQuestion\copyImages(), assMultipleChoice\copyImages(), assOrderingQuestion\createImageThumbnail(), assSingleChoice\deleteImage(), assMultipleChoice\deleteImage(), assImagemapQuestion\deleteImage(), assMatchingQuestion\deleteImagefile(), assOrderingQuestion\dropImageFile(), assImagemapQuestion\duplicateImage(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicateImages(), assMatchingQuestion\duplicateImages(), assSingleChoice\duplicateImages(), assOrderingQuestion\ensureImagePathExists(), assKprimChoice\handleFileUpload(), assMultipleChoice\isForcedEmptySolution(), assOrderingQuestion\isImageFileStored(), assKprimChoice\loadAnswerData(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\rebuildThumbnails(), assMultipleChoice\rebuildThumbnails(), assOrderingQuestion\rebuildThumbnails(), assMatchingQuestion\rebuildThumbnails(), assSingleChoice\savePreviewData(), assMatchingQuestion\setExportDetailsXLS(), assSingleChoice\setImageFile(), assMultipleChoice\setImageFile(), assMatchingQuestion\setImageFile(), assImagemapQuestion\setImageFilename(), assOrderingQuestion\storeImageFile(), assSingleChoice\syncImages(), and assMultipleChoice\syncImages().

1641  {
1642  if ($question_id === null) {
1643  $question_id = $this->id;
1644  }
1646  if ($object_id === null) {
1647  $object_id = $this->obj_id;
1648  }
1650  return $this->buildImagePath($question_id, $object_id);
1651  }
buildImagePath($questionId, $parentObjectId)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getImagePathWeb()

assQuestion::getImagePathWeb ( )

Returns the web image path for web accessable images of a question.

The image path is under the web accessable data dir in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_QUESTION_POOL/ID_OF_QUESTION/images


TODO: in use? refactor and ask for a supported path in all cases, not for THE dynamic highlander path ^^

Definition at line 1702 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $export_image_path, and ilUtil\removeTrailingPathSeparators().

Referenced by assOrderingQuestion\buildNestedOrderingElementInputGui(), assOrderingQuestion\buildNestedOrderingFormDataConverter(), assOrderingQuestion\buildOrderingImagesFormDataConverter(), assKprimChoice\loadAnswerData(), assImagemapQuestion\toJSON(), assKprimChoice\toJSON(), assSingleChoice\toJSON(), assMultipleChoice\toJSON(), and assOrderingQuestion\toJSON().

1703  {
1704  if (!$this->export_image_path) {
1705  include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
1706  $webdir = ilUtil::removeTrailingPathSeparators(CLIENT_WEB_DIR) . "/assessment/$this->obj_id/$this->id/images/";
1707  return str_replace(ilUtil::removeTrailingPathSeparators(ILIAS_ABSOLUTE_PATH), ilUtil::removeTrailingPathSeparators(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH), $webdir);
1708  } else {
1709  return $this->export_image_path;
1710  }
1711  }
(Web) Path to images
static removeTrailingPathSeparators($path)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getInstances()

& assQuestion::getInstances ( )

Gets all instances of the question.

array All instances of question and its copies

Definition at line 3855 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $key, $result, $row, ilObject\_getAllReferences(), ilObjTest\_lookupAuthor(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), and getId().

3856  {
3857  global $DIC;
3858  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3860  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3861  "SELECT question_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE original_id = %s",
3862  array("integer"),
3863  array($this->getId())
3864  );
3865  $instances = array();
3866  $ids = array();
3867  while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
3868  array_push($ids, $row["question_id"]);
3869  }
3870  foreach ($ids as $question_id) {
3871  // check non random tests
3872  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3873  "SELECT tst_tests.obj_fi FROM tst_tests, tst_test_question WHERE tst_test_question.question_fi = %s AND tst_test_question.test_fi = tst_tests.test_id",
3874  array("integer"),
3875  array($question_id)
3876  );
3877  while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
3878  $instances[$row['obj_fi']] = ilObject::_lookupTitle($row['obj_fi']);
3879  }
3880  // check random tests
3881  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3882  "SELECT tst_tests.obj_fi FROM tst_tests, tst_test_rnd_qst, tst_active WHERE tst_test_rnd_qst.active_fi = tst_active.active_id AND tst_test_rnd_qst.question_fi = %s AND tst_tests.test_id = tst_active.test_fi",
3883  array("integer"),
3884  array($question_id)
3885  );
3886  while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
3887  $instances[$row['obj_fi']] = ilObject::_lookupTitle($row['obj_fi']);
3888  }
3889  }
3890  include_once "./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php";
3891  foreach ($instances as $key => $value) {
3892  $instances[$key] = array("obj_id" => $key, "title" => $value, "author" => ilObjTest::_lookupAuthor($key), "refs" => ilObject::_getAllReferences($key));
3893  }
3894  return $instances;
3895  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
static _lookupTitle($a_id)
lookup object title
static _getAllReferences($a_id)
get all reference ids of object
static _lookupAuthor($obj_id)
Gets the authors name of the ilObjTest object.
global $ilDB
Definition: croninfo.php:18
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getJavaPath()

assQuestion::getJavaPath ( )

Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question.

The image path is under the CLIENT_WEB_DIR in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_QUESTION_POOL/ID_OF_QUESTION/images


Definition at line 1629 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assJavaApplet\copyApplet(), assJavaApplet\deleteJavaAppletFilename(), assJavaApplet\duplicateApplet(), and assJavaApplet\setJavaAppletFilename().

1630  {
1631  return CLIENT_WEB_DIR . "/assessment/$this->obj_id/$this->id/java/";
1632  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getJavaPathWeb()

assQuestion::getJavaPathWeb ( )

Returns the web image path for web accessable java applets of a question.

The image path is under the web accessable data dir in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_QUESTION_POOL/ID_OF_QUESTION/java


Definition at line 1675 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilUtil\removeTrailingPathSeparators().

1676  {
1677  include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
1678  $webdir = ilUtil::removeTrailingPathSeparators(CLIENT_WEB_DIR) . "/assessment/$this->obj_id/$this->id/java/";
1679  return str_replace(ilUtil::removeTrailingPathSeparators(ILIAS_ABSOLUTE_PATH), ilUtil::removeTrailingPathSeparators(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH), $webdir);
1680  }
static removeTrailingPathSeparators($path)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getKeyValuesImplosionSeparator()

static assQuestion::getKeyValuesImplosionSeparator ( )

Definition at line 4952 of file class.assQuestion.php.

4953  {
4955  }

◆ getLastChange()

assQuestion::getLastChange ( )

Definition at line 4697 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $lastChange.

4698  {
4699  return $this->lastChange;
4700  }

◆ getMaximumPoints()

assQuestion::getMaximumPoints ( )

Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question.


See also

Definition at line 1135 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $points.

Referenced by adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions(), assJavaApplet\getUserQuestionResult(), assKprimChoice\isComplete(), isPreviewSolutionCorrect(), and saveQuestionDataToDb().

1136  {
1137  return $this->points;
1138  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNrOfTries()

◆ getNumExistingSolutionRecords()

static assQuestion::getNumExistingSolutionRecords (   $activeId,

returns the number of existing solution records for the given test active / pass and given question id

protected ilDBInterface $ilDB

integer $numberOfExistingSolutionRecords

Definition at line 4531 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, $query, $res, and $row.

Referenced by assKprimChoice\isAnswered(), assTextQuestion\isAnswered(), assSingleChoice\isAnswered(), assMultipleChoice\isAnswered(), and assFileUpload\isAnswered().

4532  {
4533  global $DIC;
4534  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
4536  $query = "
4537  SELECT count(active_fi) cnt
4539  FROM tst_solutions
4541  WHERE active_fi = %s
4542  AND question_fi = %s
4543  AND pass = %s
4544  ";
4546  $res = $ilDB->queryF(
4547  $query,
4548  array('integer','integer','integer'),
4549  array($activeId, $questionId, $pass)
4550  );
4552  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res);
4554  return (int) $row['cnt'];
4555  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
foreach($_POST as $key=> $value) $res
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getObjectClassNameByQuestionType()

static assQuestion::getObjectClassNameByQuestionType (   $questionType)

Definition at line 3954 of file class.assQuestion.php.

3955  {
3956  return $questionType;
3957  }

◆ getObjId()

assQuestion::getObjId ( )

Get the object id of the container object.

integer The object id of the container object public
See also

Definition at line 893 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $obj_id.

Referenced by __get(), assOrderingHorizontal\copyObject(), assFileUpload\copyObject(), assNumeric\copyObject(), assTextQuestion\copyObject(), assImagemapQuestion\copyObject(), assErrorText\copyObject(), assOrderingQuestion\copyObject(), assFlashQuestion\copyObject(), assTextSubset\copyObject(), assSingleChoice\copyObject(), assMultipleChoice\copyObject(), assJavaApplet\copyObject(), assMatchingQuestion\copyObject(), assLongMenu\copyObject(), assFormulaQuestion\copyObject(), assKprimChoice\copyObject(), assClozeTest\copyObject(), assOrderingHorizontal\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assFileUpload\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assNumeric\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assTextQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assErrorText\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assTextSubset\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assFlashQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assSingleChoice\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assMultipleChoice\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assJavaApplet\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assLongMenu\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assKprimChoice\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), assClozeTest\createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate(), createNewQuestion(), createPageObject(), delete(), deleteTaxonomyAssignments(), assOrderingHorizontal\duplicate(), assFileUpload\duplicate(), assNumeric\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\duplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicate(), assErrorText\duplicate(), assFlashQuestion\duplicate(), assTextSubset\duplicate(), assSingleChoice\duplicate(), assMultipleChoice\duplicate(), assJavaApplet\duplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\duplicate(), assLongMenu\duplicate(), assKprimChoice\duplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\duplicate(), assClozeTest\duplicate(), saveQuestionDataToDb(), and syncWithOriginal().

894  {
895  return $this->obj_id;
896  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getOriginalId()

assQuestion::getOriginalId ( )

Definition at line 2401 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $original_id.

Referenced by __get(), assSingleChoice\syncImages(), assMultipleChoice\syncImages(), assMultipleChoice\syncWithOriginal(), assImagemapQuestion\syncWithOriginal(), and syncWithOriginal().

2402  {
2403  return $this->original_id;
2404  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getOutputType()

assQuestion::getOutputType ( )

Gets the output type.

integer The output type of the question public
See also

Definition at line 821 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $outputType.

Referenced by __get().

822  {
823  return $this->outputType;
824  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getOwner()

assQuestion::getOwner ( )

Gets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object.

integer The numerical ID to identify the owner/creator public
See also

Definition at line 881 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $owner.

Referenced by __get(), saveQuestionDataToDb(), and saveToDb().

882  {
883  return $this->owner;
884  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPageOfQuestion()

assQuestion::getPageOfQuestion ( )

Definition at line 2334 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $page.

2335  {
2336  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionPage.php";
2337  $page = new ilAssQuestionPage($this->id);
2338  return $page->getXMLContent();
2339  }
Question page object.

◆ getPoints()

◆ getPreventRteUsage()

assQuestion::getPreventRteUsage ( )

Get prevent rte usage.

boolean prevent rte usage

Definition at line 4311 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $prevent_rte_usage.

4312  {
4313  return $this->prevent_rte_usage;
4314  }

◆ getProcessLocker()

◆ getQuestion()

◆ getQuestionAction()

assQuestion::getQuestionAction ( )

Definition at line 387 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $_POST.

Referenced by assFileUpload\isFileDeletionAction().

388  {
389  if (!isset($_POST['cmd']) || !isset($_POST['cmd'][$this->questionActionCmd])) {
390  return '';
391  }
393  if (!is_array($_POST['cmd'][$this->questionActionCmd]) || !count($_POST['cmd'][$this->questionActionCmd])) {
394  return '';
395  }
397  return key($_POST['cmd'][$this->questionActionCmd]);
398  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getQuestionChangeListeners()

assQuestion::getQuestionChangeListeners ( )

Definition at line 4636 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $questionChangeListeners.

Referenced by notifyQuestionCreated(), notifyQuestionDeleted(), and notifyQuestionEdited().

4637  {
4639  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getQuestionsMissingResultRecord()

static assQuestion::getQuestionsMissingResultRecord (   $activeId,

Definition at line 5311 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, $query, $res, and $row.

Referenced by ilTestOutputGUI\handlePrimaryButton().

5312  {
5313  global $DIC;
5314  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
5316  $IN_questionIds = $ilDB->in('question_fi', $questionIds, false, 'integer');
5318  $query = "
5319  SELECT question_fi
5320  FROM tst_test_result
5321  WHERE active_fi = %s
5322  AND pass = %s
5323  AND $IN_questionIds
5324  ";
5326  $res = $ilDB->queryF(
5327  $query,
5328  array('integer', 'integer'),
5329  array($activeId, $pass)
5330  );
5332  $questionsHavingResultRecord = array();
5334  while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res)) {
5335  $questionsHavingResultRecord[] = $row['question_fi'];
5336  }
5338  $questionsMissingResultRecordt = array_diff(
5339  $questionIds,
5340  $questionsHavingResultRecord
5341  );
5343  return $questionsMissingResultRecordt;
5344  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
foreach($_POST as $key=> $value) $res
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getQuestionType()

assQuestion::getQuestionType ( )

Returns the question type of the question.

string The question type of the question

Referenced by fromXML(), getQuestionTypeID(), setExportDetailsXLS(), setQuestion(), and toXML().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getQuestionTypeFromDb()

static assQuestion::getQuestionTypeFromDb (   $question_id)

get question type for question id

note: please don't use $this in this class to allow static calls

Definition at line 1888 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $data, $DIC, $ilDB, and $result.

Referenced by assQuestionGUI\_getGUIClassNameForId(), assQuestionGUI\_getQuestionGUI(), and ilObjTestGUI\executeCommand().

1889  {
1890  global $DIC;
1891  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
1893  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
1894  "SELECT qpl_qst_type.type_tag FROM qpl_qst_type, qpl_questions WHERE qpl_questions.question_id = %s AND qpl_questions.question_type_fi = qpl_qst_type.question_type_id",
1895  array('integer'),
1896  array($question_id)
1897  );
1898  $data = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
1899  return $data["type_tag"];
1900  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
Definition: bench.php:6
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getQuestionTypeID()

assQuestion::getQuestionTypeID ( )

Returns the question type of the question.

Returns the question type of the question

integer The question type of the question public

Definition at line 3757 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $result, $row, getId(), and getQuestionType().

Referenced by createNewQuestion(), and saveQuestionDataToDb().

3758  {
3759  global $DIC;
3760  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3762  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
3763  "SELECT question_type_id FROM qpl_qst_type WHERE type_tag = %s",
3764  array('text'),
3765  array($this->getQuestionType())
3766  );
3767  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
3768  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
3769  return $row["question_type_id"];
3770  }
3771  return 0;
3772  }
Returns the question type of the question.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getReachedPoints()

assQuestion::getReachedPoints (   $active_id,
  $pass = null 

Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question This is the fast way to get the points directly from the database.

integer$user_idThe database ID of the learner
integer$test_idThe database Id of the test containing the question public

Definition at line 1124 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $pass, and getId().

Referenced by ilLOTestQuestionAdapter\updateQuestionResult().

1125  {
1126  return round(self::_getReachedPoints($active_id, $this->getId(), $pass), 2);
1127  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getResultGateway()

static assQuestion::getResultGateway ( )

Definition at line 5062 of file class.assQuestion.php.

5063  {
5064  return self::$resultGateway;
5065  }

◆ getRTETextWithMediaObjects()

assQuestion::getRTETextWithMediaObjects ( )

Collects all text in the question which could contain media objects which were created with the Rich Text Editor.

Definition at line 3816 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getId(), ilAssQuestionHintList\getListByQuestionId(), and getQuestion().

Referenced by cleanupMediaObjectUsage().

3817  {
3818  // must be called in parent classes. add additional RTE text in the parent
3819  // classes and call this method to add the standard RTE text
3820  $collected = $this->getQuestion();
3821  $collected .= $this->feedbackOBJ->getGenericFeedbackContent($this->getId(), false);
3822  $collected .= $this->feedbackOBJ->getGenericFeedbackContent($this->getId(), true);
3823  $collected .= $this->feedbackOBJ->getAllSpecificAnswerFeedbackContents($this->getId());
3825  foreach ($this->suggested_solutions as $solution_array) {
3826  $collected .= $solution_array["value"];
3827  }
3829  require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionHintList.php';
3830  $questionHintList = ilAssQuestionHintList::getListByQuestionId($this->getId());
3831  foreach ($questionHintList as $questionHint) {
3832  /* @var $questionHint ilAssQuestionHint */
3833  $collected .= $questionHint->getText();
3834  }
3836  return $collected;
3837  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
static getListByQuestionId($questionId)
instantiates a question hint list for the passed question id
Gets the question string of the question object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSelfAssessmentEditingMode()

assQuestion::getSelfAssessmentEditingMode ( )

Get Self-Assessment Editing Mode.

boolean Self-Assessment Editing Mode

Definition at line 4359 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $selfassessmenteditingmode.

Referenced by ilAssQuestionAuthoringFormGUI\addGenericAssessmentQuestionCommandButtons().

4360  {
4362  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSelfAssessmentFormatter()

assQuestion::getSelfAssessmentFormatter ( )

Definition at line 4288 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by formatSAQuestion().

4289  {
4290  require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/questions/class.ilAssSelfAssessmentQuestionFormatter.php';
4291  return new \ilAssSelfAssessmentQuestionFormatter();
4292  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getShuffle()

assQuestion::getShuffle ( )

Gets the shuffle flag.

boolean The shuffle flag public
See also

Definition at line 785 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $shuffle.

Referenced by __get(), assMultipleChoice\isForcedEmptySolution(), assSingleChoice\savePreviewData(), assTextQuestion\toJSON(), assLongMenu\toJSON(), assImagemapQuestion\toJSON(), assSingleChoice\toJSON(), assMultipleChoice\toJSON(), assErrorText\toJSON(), and assClozeTest\toJSON().

786  {
787  return $this->shuffle;
788  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getShuffler()

assQuestion::getShuffler ( )

◆ getSolutionMaxPass()

◆ getSolutionRecordById()

assQuestion::getSolutionRecordById (   $solutionId)
$solutionIdilDBInterface $ilDB

Definition at line 4776 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $res, and $row.

Referenced by assFileUpload\saveWorkingData().

4777  {
4778  global $DIC; /* @var ILIAS\DI\Container $DIC */
4779  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
4781  $res = $ilDB->queryF(
4782  "SELECT * FROM tst_solutions WHERE solution_id = %s",
4783  array('integer'),
4784  array($solutionId)
4785  );
4787  while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res)) {
4788  return $row;
4789  }
4790  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
foreach($_POST as $key=> $value) $res
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSolutionValues()

assQuestion::getSolutionValues (   $active_id,
  $pass = null,
  $authorized = true 

Loads solutions of a given user from the database an returns it.

Definition at line 1753 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, $query, $result, $row, $values, getId(), getSolutionMaxPass(), and getStep().

Referenced by assOrderingQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assFormulaQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), deleteDummySolutionRecord(), assFileUpload\deleteUploadedFiles(), duplicateIntermediateSolutionAuthorized(), forceExistingIntermediateSolution(), assOrderingQuestion\getOrderingElementListForSolutionOutput(), ilTestCorrectionsGUI\getSolutions(), getTestOutputSolutions(), assFileUpload\getUserSolutionPreferingIntermediate(), getUserSolutionPreferingIntermediate(), assOrderingHorizontal\setExportDetailsXLS(), assErrorText\setExportDetailsXLS(), assNumeric\setExportDetailsXLS(), assTextSubset\setExportDetailsXLS(), assTextQuestion\setExportDetailsXLS(), assLongMenu\setExportDetailsXLS(), assImagemapQuestion\setExportDetailsXLS(), assSingleChoice\setExportDetailsXLS(), assFileUpload\setExportDetailsXLS(), assMultipleChoice\setExportDetailsXLS(), assKprimChoice\setExportDetailsXLS(), assOrderingQuestion\setExportDetailsXLS(), assFormulaQuestion\setExportDetailsXLS(), assMatchingQuestion\setExportDetailsXLS(), and assClozeTest\setExportDetailsXLS().

1754  {
1755  global $DIC;
1756  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
1758  if (is_null($pass)) {
1759  $pass = $this->getSolutionMaxPass($active_id);
1760  }
1762  if ($this->getStep() !== null) {
1763  $query = "
1764  SELECT *
1765  FROM tst_solutions
1766  WHERE active_fi = %s
1767  AND question_fi = %s
1768  AND pass = %s
1769  AND step = %s
1770  AND authorized = %s
1771  ORDER BY solution_id";
1773  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
1774  $query,
1775  array('integer', 'integer', 'integer', 'integer', 'integer'),
1776  array($active_id, $this->getId(), $pass, $this->getStep(), (int) $authorized)
1777  );
1778  } else {
1779  $query = "
1780  SELECT *
1781  FROM tst_solutions
1782  WHERE active_fi = %s
1783  AND question_fi = %s
1784  AND pass = %s
1785  AND authorized = %s
1786  ORDER BY solution_id
1787  ";
1789  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
1790  $query,
1791  array('integer', 'integer', 'integer', 'integer'),
1792  array($active_id, $this->getId(), $pass, (int) $authorized)
1793  );
1794  }
1796  $values = array();
1798  while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
1799  $values[] = $row;
1800  }
1802  return $values;
1803  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
Returns the maximum pass a users question solution.
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getStep()

◆ getSuggestedSolution()

assQuestion::getSuggestedSolution (   $subquestion_index = 0)

Returns a suggested solution for a given subquestion index.

integer$subquestion_indexThe index of a subquestion (i.e. a close test gap). Usually 0
array A suggested solution array containing the internal link public

Definition at line 2747 of file class.assQuestion.php.

2748  {
2749  if (array_key_exists($subquestion_index, $this->suggested_solutions)) {
2750  return $this->suggested_solutions[$subquestion_index];
2751  } else {
2752  return array();
2753  }
2754  }

◆ getSuggestedSolutionOutput()

assQuestion::getSuggestedSolutionOutput ( )

Definition at line 1015 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References Sabre\VObject\$output, _getInternalLinkHref(), fixSvgToPng(), fixUnavailableSkinImageSources(), getSuggestedSolutionPathWeb(), ilUtil\prepareFormOutput(), prepareTextareaOutput(), ilWACSignedPath\setTokenMaxLifetimeInSeconds(), and ilWACSignedPath\signFile().

1016  {
1017  $output = array();
1018  foreach ($this->suggested_solutions as $solution) {
1019  switch ($solution["type"]) {
1020  case "lm":
1021  case "st":
1022  case "pg":
1023  case "git":
1024  array_push($output, '<a href="' . assQuestion::_getInternalLinkHref($solution["internal_link"]) . '">' . $this->lng->txt("solution_hint") . '</a>');
1025  break;
1026  case "file":
1027  $possible_texts = array_values(array_filter(array(
1028  ilUtil::prepareFormOutput($solution['value']['filename']),
1029  ilUtil::prepareFormOutput($solution['value']['name']),
1030  $this->lng->txt('tst_show_solution_suggested')
1031  )));
1033  require_once 'Services/WebAccessChecker/classes/class.ilWACSignedPath.php';
1035  array_push($output, '<a href="' . ilWACSignedPath::signFile($this->getSuggestedSolutionPathWeb() . $solution["value"]["name"]) . '">' . $possible_texts[0] . '</a>');
1036  break;
1037  case "text":
1038  $solutionValue = $solution["value"];
1039  $solutionValue = $this->fixSvgToPng($solutionValue);
1040  $solutionValue = $this->fixUnavailableSkinImageSources($solutionValue);
1041  $output[] = $this->prepareTextareaOutput($solutionValue, true);
1042  break;
1043  }
1044  }
1045  return join("<br />", $output);
1046  }
static prepareFormOutput($a_str, $a_strip=false)
prepares string output for html forms public
static _getInternalLinkHref($target="")
Returns the web path for a suggested solution.
static signFile($path_to_file)
prepareTextareaOutput($txt_output, $prepare_for_latex_output=false, $omitNl2BrWhenTextArea=false)
Prepares a string for a text area output in tests.
static setTokenMaxLifetimeInSeconds($token_max_lifetime_in_seconds)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSuggestedSolutionPath()

assQuestion::getSuggestedSolutionPath ( )

Returns the path for a suggested solution.


Definition at line 1618 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by copySuggestedSolutionFiles(), deleteSuggestedSolutions(), duplicateSuggestedSolutionFiles(), and syncSuggestedSolutionFiles().

1619  {
1620  return CLIENT_WEB_DIR . "/assessment/$this->obj_id/$this->id/solution/";
1621  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSuggestedSolutionPathWeb()

assQuestion::getSuggestedSolutionPathWeb ( )

Returns the web path for a suggested solution.


Definition at line 1687 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilUtil\removeTrailingPathSeparators().

Referenced by getSuggestedSolutionOutput().

1688  {
1689  include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
1690  $webdir = ilUtil::removeTrailingPathSeparators(CLIENT_WEB_DIR) . "/assessment/$this->obj_id/$this->id/solution/";
1691  return str_replace(ilUtil::removeTrailingPathSeparators(ILIAS_ABSOLUTE_PATH), ilUtil::removeTrailingPathSeparators(ILIAS_HTTP_PATH), $webdir);
1692  }
static removeTrailingPathSeparators($path)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSuggestedSolutions()

assQuestion::getSuggestedSolutions ( )

Return the suggested solutions.

array Suggested solutions

Definition at line 1082 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $suggested_solutions.

Referenced by __get().

1083  {
1085  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSuggestedSolutionTitle()

assQuestion::getSuggestedSolutionTitle (   $subquestion_index = 0)

Returns the title of a suggested solution at a given subquestion_index.

This can be usable for displaying suggested solutions

integer$subquestion_indexThe index of a subquestion (i.e. a close test gap). Usually 0
string A string containing the type and title of the internal link public

Definition at line 2764 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $title.

2765  {
2766  if (array_key_exists($subquestion_index, $this->suggested_solutions)) {
2767  $title = $this->suggested_solutions[$subquestion_index]["internal_link"];
2768  // TO DO: resolve internal link an get link type and title
2769  } else {
2770  $title = "";
2771  }
2772  return $title;
2773  }

◆ getTestId()

assQuestion::getTestId ( )

Gets the test id of the assQuestion object.

integer The test id of the assQuestion object public
See also

Definition at line 797 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $test_id.

Referenced by __get(), and resetUsersAnswer().

798  {
799  return $this->test_id;
800  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTestOutputSolutions()

assQuestion::getTestOutputSolutions (   $activeId,

Definition at line 1727 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $pass, getSolutionValues(), getTestPresentationConfig(), and getUserSolutionPreferingIntermediate().

Referenced by assOrderingQuestion\getSolutionOrderingElementListForTestOutput().

1728  {
1729  // hey: refactored identifiers
1730  if ($this->getTestPresentationConfig()->isSolutionInitiallyPrefilled()) {
1731  // hey.
1732  return $this->getSolutionValues($activeId, $pass, true);
1733  }
1735  return $this->getUserSolutionPreferingIntermediate($activeId, $pass);
1736  }
getSolutionValues($active_id, $pass=null, $authorized=true)
Loads solutions of a given user from the database an returns it.
getUserSolutionPreferingIntermediate($active_id, $pass=null)
Get the test question configuration (initialised once)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTestPresentationConfig()

assQuestion::getTestPresentationConfig ( )

Get the test question configuration (initialised once)


Definition at line 5437 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $testQuestionConfigInstance, and buildTestPresentationConfig().

Referenced by getTestOutputSolutions(), ilTestPlayerAbstractGUI\initTestQuestionConfig(), assFileUpload\isFileReuseHandlingRequired(), and assImagemapQuestion\isReuseSolutionSelectionRequest().

5438  {
5439  if ($this->testQuestionConfigInstance === null) {
5440  $this->testQuestionConfigInstance = $this->buildTestPresentationConfig();
5441  }
5444  }
build basic test question configuration instance
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTitle()

◆ getTitleFilenameCompliant()

assQuestion::getTitleFilenameCompliant ( )

returns the object title prepared to be used as a filename


Definition at line 760 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilUtil\getASCIIFilename(), and getTitle().

761  {
762  require_once 'Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php';
763  return ilUtil::getASCIIFilename($this->getTitle());
764  }
static getASCIIFilename($a_filename)
convert utf8 to ascii filename
Gets the title string of the assQuestion object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getTotalAnswers()

assQuestion::getTotalAnswers ( )

get total number of answers

Definition at line 2147 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References _getTotalAnswers().

2148  {
2149  return $this->_getTotalAnswers($this->id);
2150  }
get number of answers for question id (static) note: do not use $this inside this method ...
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getUserSolutionPreferingIntermediate()

assQuestion::getUserSolutionPreferingIntermediate (   $active_id,
  $pass = null 

Definition at line 1739 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $pass, and getSolutionValues().

Referenced by getTestOutputSolutions().

1740  {
1741  $solution = $this->getSolutionValues($active_id, $pass, false);
1743  if (!count($solution)) {
1744  $solution = $this->getSolutionValues($active_id, $pass, true);
1745  }
1747  return $solution;
1748  }
getSolutionValues($active_id, $pass=null, $authorized=true)
Loads solutions of a given user from the database an returns it.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getValidAdditionalContentEditingModes()

assQuestion::getValidAdditionalContentEditingModes ( )

getter for valid additional content editing modes



Definition at line 4617 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by isValidAdditionalContentEditingMode(), and setAdditionalContentEditingMode().

4618  {
4619  return array(
4622  );
4623  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ implodeKeyValues()

static assQuestion::implodeKeyValues (   $keyValues)

Definition at line 4956 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assImagemapQuestionGUI\buildSelectionParameter().

4957  {
4958  return implode(self::getKeyValuesImplosionSeparator(), $keyValues);
4959  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ includeCoreClass()

static assQuestion::includeCoreClass (   $questionType,

Definition at line 3970 of file class.assQuestion.php.

3971  {
3972  if ($withGuiClass) {
3973  $guiClassName = self::getGuiClassNameByQuestionType($questionType);
3974  require_once "Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.{$guiClassName}.php";
3976  // object class is included by gui classes constructor
3977  } else {
3978  $objectClassName = self::getObjectClassNameByQuestionType($questionType);
3979  require_once "Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.{$objectClassName}.php";
3980  }
3982  $feedbackClassName = self::getFeedbackClassNameByQuestionType($questionType);
3983  require_once "Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/feedback/class.{$feedbackClassName}.php";
3984  }

◆ includePluginClass()

static assQuestion::includePluginClass (   $questionType,

Definition at line 3986 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, ilPlugin\getPluginObject(), and IL_COMP_MODULE.

3987  {
3988  global $DIC;
3989  $ilPluginAdmin = $DIC['ilPluginAdmin'];
3991  $classes = array(
3992  self::getObjectClassNameByQuestionType($questionType),
3993  self::getFeedbackClassNameByQuestionType($questionType)
3994  );
3996  if ($withGuiClass) {
3997  $classes[] = self::getGuiClassNameByQuestionType($questionType);
3998  }
4000  $pl_names = $ilPluginAdmin->getActivePluginsForSlot(IL_COMP_MODULE, "TestQuestionPool", "qst");
4001  foreach ($pl_names as $pl_name) {
4002  $pl = ilPlugin::getPluginObject(IL_COMP_MODULE, "TestQuestionPool", "qst", $pl_name);
4003  if (strcmp($pl->getQuestionType(), $questionType) == 0) {
4004  foreach ($classes as $class) {
4005  $pl->includeClass("class.{$class}.php");
4006  }
4008  break;
4009  }
4010  }
4011  }
static getPluginObject(string $a_ctype, string $a_cname, string $a_slot_id, string $a_pname)
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ instantiateQuestionGUI()

static assQuestion::instantiateQuestionGUI (   $a_question_id)

Creates an instance of a question gui with a given question id.

The question gui instance

Definition at line 4060 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilCtrl, $ilDB, $ilLog, $ilUser, $lng, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), _getQuestionType(), and _includeClass().

Referenced by ilObjTestGUI\copyQuestionToPool(), ilTestCorrectionsGUI\getQuestion(), and ilAssQuestionPreviewGUI\initQuestion().

4061  {
4062  global $DIC;
4063  $ilCtrl = $DIC['ilCtrl'];
4064  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
4065  $lng = $DIC['lng'];
4066  $ilUser = $DIC['ilUser'];
4068  if (strcmp($a_question_id, "") != 0) {
4069  $question_type = assQuestion::_getQuestionType($a_question_id);
4071  assQuestion::_includeClass($question_type, 1);
4073  $question_type_gui = self::getGuiClassNameByQuestionType($question_type);
4074  $question_gui = new $question_type_gui();
4075  $question_gui->object->loadFromDb($a_question_id);
4077  $feedbackObjectClassname = self::getFeedbackClassNameByQuestionType($question_type);
4078  $question_gui->object->feedbackOBJ = new $feedbackObjectClassname($question_gui->object, $ilCtrl, $ilDB, $lng);
4080  $assSettings = new ilSetting('assessment');
4081  require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionProcessLockerFactory.php';
4082  $processLockerFactory = new ilAssQuestionProcessLockerFactory($assSettings, $ilDB);
4083  $processLockerFactory->setQuestionId($question_gui->object->getId());
4084  $processLockerFactory->setUserId($ilUser->getId());
4085  include_once("./Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjAssessmentFolder.php");
4086  $processLockerFactory->setAssessmentLogEnabled(ilObjAssessmentFolder::_enabledAssessmentLogging());
4087  $question_gui->object->setProcessLocker($processLockerFactory->getLocker());
4088  } else {
4089  global $DIC;
4090  $ilLog = $DIC['ilLog'];
4091  $ilLog->write('Instantiate question called without question id. (instantiateQuestionGUI@assQuestion)', $ilLog->WARNING);
4092  return null;
4093  }
4094  return $question_gui;
4095  }
static _includeClass($question_type, $gui=0)
Include the php class file for a given question type.
static _getQuestionType($question_id)
Returns the question type of a question with a given id.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilCtrl
Definition: ilias.php:18
static _enabledAssessmentLogging()
check wether assessment logging is enabled or not
Definition: imgupload.php:18
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ intermediateSolutionExists()

assQuestion::intermediateSolutionExists (   $active_id,

Definition at line 5119 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $pass.

Referenced by assFileUpload\saveWorkingData().

5120  {
5121  $solutionAvailability = $this->lookupForExistingSolutions($active_id, $pass);
5122  return (bool) $solutionAvailability['intermediate'];
5123  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isAddableAnswerOptionValue()

assQuestion::isAddableAnswerOptionValue (   $qIndex,

Definition at line 5207 of file class.assQuestion.php.

5208  {
5209  return false;
5210  }

◆ isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject()

assQuestion::isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject ( )

isser for additional "pageobject" content editing mode



Definition at line 4590 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ADDITIONAL_CONTENT_EDITING_MODE_PAGE_OBJECT, and getAdditionalContentEditingMode().

Referenced by delete(), and duplicateQuestionHints().

4591  {
4593  }
constant for additional content editing mode "pageobject"
getter for additional content editing mode for this question
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isAllowedImageFileExtension()

static assQuestion::isAllowedImageFileExtension (   $mimeType,

Definition at line 374 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by ilQtiMatImageSecurity\validateLabel().

375  {
376  return in_array(
377  strtolower($fileExtension),
378  self::getAllowedFileExtensionsForMimeType($mimeType)
379  );
380  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isAllowedImageMimeType()

static assQuestion::isAllowedImageMimeType (   $mimeType)

Definition at line 346 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by ilQtiMatImageSecurity\validateContent().

347  {
348  return (bool) count(self::getAllowedFileExtensionsForMimeType($mimeType));
349  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isAnswered()

assQuestion::isAnswered (   $active_id,
  $pass = null 

returns boolean wether the question is answered during test pass or not

method can be overwritten in derived classes, but be aware of also overwrite the method assQuestion::isObligationPossible()

boolean $answered

Definition at line 4492 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by calculateResultsFromSolution().

4493  {
4494  return true;
4495  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isAutosaveable()

assQuestion::isAutosaveable ( )

Definition at line 4514 of file class.assQuestion.php.

4515  {
4516  return true;
4517  }

◆ isClone()

assQuestion::isClone (   $question_id = "")

Checks whether the question is a clone of another question or not.

boolean TRUE if the question is a clone, otherwise FALSE public

Definition at line 1849 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $id, $ilDB, $result, and $row.

1850  {
1851  global $DIC;
1852  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
1854  if ($question_id < 1) {
1855  $question_id = $this->id;
1856  }
1857  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
1858  "SELECT original_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s",
1859  array('integer'),
1860  array($question_id)
1861  );
1862  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
1863  return ($row["original_id"] > 0) ? true : false;
1864  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB

◆ isComplete()

assQuestion::isComplete ( )

Returns true, if a question is complete for use.

boolean True, if the question is complete for use, otherwise false public

Definition at line 565 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by saveQuestionDataToDb(), and saveToDb().

566  {
567  return false;
568  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isCoreQuestionType()

static assQuestion::isCoreQuestionType (   $questionType)

Definition at line 3964 of file class.assQuestion.php.

3965  {
3966  $guiClassName = self::getGuiClassNameByQuestionType($questionType);
3967  return file_exists("Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.{$guiClassName}.php");
3968  }

◆ isDummySolutionRecord()

assQuestion::isDummySolutionRecord (   $solutionRecord)

Definition at line 4974 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assFileUpload\calculateReachedPoints().

4975  {
4976  return !strlen($solutionRecord['value1']) && !strlen($solutionRecord['value2']);
4977  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isFileAvailable()

static assQuestion::isFileAvailable (   $file)

Definition at line 2270 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assMatchingQuestion\copyImages().

2271  {
2272  if (!file_exists($file)) {
2273  return false;
2274  }
2276  if (!is_file($file)) {
2277  return false;
2278  }
2280  if (!is_readable($file)) {
2281  return false;
2282  }
2284  return true;
2285  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isForcePassResultUpdateEnabled()

static assQuestion::isForcePassResultUpdateEnabled ( )

Definition at line 341 of file class.assQuestion.php.

342  {
343  return self::$forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled;
344  }

◆ isHTML()

assQuestion::isHTML (   $a_text)

Checks if a given string contains HTML or not.

string$a_textText which should be checked
boolean public
use ilUtil::isHTML() instead

Definition at line 3541 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilUtil\isHTML().

Referenced by addQTIMaterial().

3542  {
3543  return ilUtil::isHTML($a_text);
3544  }
static isHTML($a_text)
Checks if a given string contains HTML or not.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isInUse()

assQuestion::isInUse (   $question_id = "")

Checks whether the question is in use or not.

boolean The number of datasets which are affected by the use of the query. public

Definition at line 1811 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $result, $row, and getId().

1812  {
1813  global $DIC;
1814  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
1816  if ($question_id < 1) {
1817  $question_id = $this->getId();
1818  }
1819  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
1820  "SELECT COUNT(qpl_questions.question_id) question_count FROM qpl_questions, tst_test_question WHERE qpl_questions.original_id = %s AND qpl_questions.question_id = tst_test_question.question_fi",
1821  array('integer'),
1822  array($question_id)
1823  );
1824  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
1825  $count = $row["question_count"];
1827  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
1828  "
1829  SELECT tst_active.test_fi
1830  FROM qpl_questions
1831  INNER JOIN tst_test_rnd_qst ON tst_test_rnd_qst.question_fi = qpl_questions.question_id
1832  INNER JOIN tst_active ON tst_active.active_id = tst_test_rnd_qst.active_fi
1833  WHERE qpl_questions.original_id = %s
1834  GROUP BY tst_active.test_fi",
1835  array('integer'),
1836  array($question_id)
1837  );
1838  $count += $result->numRows();
1840  return $count;
1841  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isNonEmptyItemListPostSubmission()

assQuestion::isNonEmptyItemListPostSubmission (   $postSubmissionFieldname)

Definition at line 404 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $_POST.

Referenced by assFileUpload\isFileDeletionSubmitAvailable(), and assFileUpload\isFileReuseSubmitAvailable().

405  {
406  if (!isset($_POST[$postSubmissionFieldname])) {
407  return false;
408  }
410  if (!is_array($_POST[$postSubmissionFieldname])) {
411  return false;
412  }
414  if (!count($_POST[$postSubmissionFieldname])) {
415  return false;
416  }
418  return true;
419  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isObligationPossible()

static assQuestion::isObligationPossible (   $questionId)

returns boolean wether it is possible to set this question type as obligatory or not considering the current question configuration

method can be overwritten in derived classes, but be aware of also overwrite the method assQuestion::isAnswered()

boolean $obligationPossible

Definition at line 4509 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assMultipleChoice\isAnswered().

4510  {
4511  return false;
4512  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isPreviewSolutionCorrect()

assQuestion::isPreviewSolutionCorrect ( ilAssQuestionPreviewSession  $previewSession)

Definition at line 3436 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), and getMaximumPoints().

3437  {
3438  $reachedPoints = $this->calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession($previewSession);
3440  if ($reachedPoints < $this->getMaximumPoints()) {
3441  return false;
3442  }
3444  return true;
3445  }
Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question.
calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isValidAdditionalContentEditingMode()

assQuestion::isValidAdditionalContentEditingMode (   $additionalContentEditingMode)

returns the fact wether the passed additional content mode is valid or not


boolean $isValidAdditionalContentEditingMode

Definition at line 4602 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getValidAdditionalContentEditingModes().

4603  {
4604  if (in_array($additionalContentEditingMode, $this->getValidAdditionalContentEditingModes())) {
4605  return true;
4606  }
4608  return false;
4609  }
getter for valid additional content editing modes
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ keyInArray()

assQuestion::keyInArray (   $searchkey,

returns TRUE if the key occurs in an array

string$arraykeyA key to an element in array
array$arrayAn array to be searched public

Definition at line 704 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $key.

705  {
706  if ($searchkey) {
707  foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
708  if (strcmp($key, $searchkey) == 0) {
709  return true;
710  }
711  }
712  }
713  return false;
714  }
Definition: croninfo.php:18

◆ lmMigrateQuestionTypeGenericContent()

assQuestion::lmMigrateQuestionTypeGenericContent ( ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator  $migrator)

Definition at line 4331 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator\migrateToLmContent(), and setQuestion().

Referenced by migrateContentForLearningModule().

4332  {
4333  $this->setQuestion($migrator->migrateToLmContent($this->getQuestion()));
4334  }
Sets the question string of the question object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lmMigrateQuestionTypeSpecificContent()

assQuestion::lmMigrateQuestionTypeSpecificContent ( ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator  $migrator)

Definition at line 4339 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by migrateContentForLearningModule().

4340  {
4341  // overwrite if any question type specific content except feedback needs to be migrated
4342  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadFromDb()

assQuestion::loadFromDb (   $question_id)

Loads the question from the database.

integer$question_idA unique key which defines the question in the database public

Definition at line 2465 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $data, $DIC, $ilDB, $result, $row, ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), and getId().

Referenced by assNumeric\saveToDb().

2466  {
2467  global $DIC;
2468  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
2470  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
2471  "SELECT external_id FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s",
2472  array("integer"),
2473  array($question_id)
2474  );
2475  if ($result->numRows() == 1) {
2476  $data = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result);
2477  $this->external_id = $data['external_id'];
2478  }
2480  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
2481  "SELECT * FROM qpl_sol_sug WHERE question_fi = %s",
2482  array('integer'),
2483  array($this->getId())
2484  );
2485  $this->suggested_solutions = array();
2486  if ($result->numRows()) {
2487  include_once("./Services/RTE/classes/class.ilRTE.php");
2488  while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
2489  $value = (is_array(unserialize($row["value"]))) ? unserialize($row["value"]) : ilRTE::_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc($row["value"], 1);
2490  $this->suggested_solutions[$row["subquestion_index"]] = array(
2491  "type" => $row["type"],
2492  "value" => $value,
2493  "internal_link" => $row["internal_link"],
2494  "import_id" => $row["import_id"]
2495  );
2496  }
2497  }
2498  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
static _replaceMediaObjectImageSrc($a_text, $a_direction=0, $nic=IL_INST_ID)
Replaces image source from mob image urls with the mob id or replaces mob id with the correct image s...
global $ilDB
Definition: bench.php:6
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ log()

assQuestion::log (   $active_id,

Definition at line 473 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $message, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), getId(), and logAction().

Referenced by resetUsersAnswer(), and assOrderingQuestion\saveWorkingData().

474  {
476  $message = $this->lng->txtlng('assessment', $langVar, ilObjAssessmentFolder::_getLogLanguage());
477  assQuestion::logAction($message, $active_id, $this->getId());
478  }
479  }
static logAction($logtext="", $active_id="", $question_id="")
Logs an action into the Test&Assessment log.
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
static _getLogLanguage()
retrieve the log language for assessment logging
catch(Exception $e) $message
static _enabledAssessmentLogging()
check wether assessment logging is enabled or not
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ logAction()

static assQuestion::logAction (   $logtext = "",
  $active_id = "",
  $question_id = "" 

Logs an action into the Test&Assessment log.

string$logtextThe log text
int | string$active_id
int | string$question_idIf given, saves the question id to the database

Definition at line 1571 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $GLOBALS, $original_id, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_addLog(), ilObjTest\_getObjectIDFromActiveID(), and getId().

Referenced by _setReachedPoints(), calculateResultsFromSolution(), assKprimChoice\isComplete(), assMultipleChoice\isForcedEmptySolution(), assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), log(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveWorkingData(), assErrorText\saveWorkingData(), assTextQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assTextSubset\saveWorkingData(), assSingleChoice\saveWorkingData(), assLongMenu\saveWorkingData(), assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assFormulaQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assMatchingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), and assClozeTest\saveWorkingData().

1572  {
1573  $original_id = "";
1574  if (strlen($question_id)) {
1575  $original_id = self::_getOriginalId($question_id);
1576  }
1578  require_once 'Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjAssessmentFolder.php';
1579  require_once 'Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php';
1582  $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilUser']->getId(),
1584  $logtext,
1585  $question_id,
1586  $original_id
1587  );
1588  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
static _getObjectIDFromActiveID($active_id)
Returns the ILIAS test object id for a given active id.
static _addLog($user_id, $object_id, $logtext, $question_id="", $original_id="", $test_only=false, $test_ref_id=null)
Add an assessment log entry.
Global Variable: XMP_tag_captions.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lookupCurrentTestPass()

assQuestion::lookupCurrentTestPass (   $active_id,

Definition at line 440 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilObjTest\_getPass().

Referenced by ensureCurrentTestPass().

441  {
442  require_once 'Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php';
443  return ilObjTest::_getPass($active_id);
444  }
static _getPass($active_id)
Retrieves the actual pass of a given user for a given test.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lookupOriginalParentObjId()

static assQuestion::lookupOriginalParentObjId (   $originalQuestionId)

returns the parent object id for given original question id (should be a qpl id, but theoretically it can be a tst id, too)

ilDBInterface $ilDB

integer $originalQuestionParentObjectId
: use assQuestion::lookupParentObjId() instead

Definition at line 4414 of file class.assQuestion.php.

4415  {
4416  return self::lookupParentObjId($originalQuestionId);
4417  }

◆ lookupParentObjId()

static assQuestion::lookupParentObjId (   $questionId)

ilDBInterface $ilDB

integer $parentObjectId

Definition at line 4391 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $query, $res, and $row.

Referenced by ilObjTestGUI\copyAndLinkToQuestionpoolObject(), and ilAssQuestionSkillAssignmentsGUI\isSyncOriginalPossibleAndAllowed().

4392  {
4393  global $DIC;
4394  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
4396  $query = "SELECT obj_fi FROM qpl_questions WHERE question_id = %s";
4398  $res = $ilDB->queryF($query, array('integer'), array((int) $questionId));
4399  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res);
4401  return $row['obj_fi'];
4402  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
foreach($_POST as $key=> $value) $res
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lookupResultRecordExist()

static assQuestion::lookupResultRecordExist (   $activeId,

Definition at line 5346 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, $query, and $row.

5347  {
5348  global $DIC;
5349  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
5351  $query = "
5352  SELECT COUNT(*) cnt
5353  FROM tst_test_result
5354  WHERE active_fi = %s
5355  AND question_fi = %s
5356  AND pass = %s
5357  ";
5359  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($ilDB->queryF($query, array('integer', 'integer', 'integer'), array($activeId, $questionId, $pass)));
5361  return $row['cnt'] > 0;
5362  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB

◆ lookupTestId()

assQuestion::lookupTestId (   $active_id)

Definition at line 450 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $result, and $row.

Referenced by assFileUpload\removeIntermediateSolution(), and assFileUpload\saveWorkingData().

451  {
452  global $DIC; /* @var ILIAS\DI\Container $DIC */
453  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
455  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
456  "SELECT test_fi FROM tst_active WHERE active_id = %s",
457  array('integer'),
458  array($active_id)
459  );
461  while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
462  return $row["test_fi"];
463  }
465  return null;
466  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ migrateContentForLearningModule()

assQuestion::migrateContentForLearningModule ( ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator  $migrator)

Definition at line 4319 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getId(), lmMigrateQuestionTypeGenericContent(), lmMigrateQuestionTypeSpecificContent(), and saveToDb().

Referenced by ilAssSelfAssessmentQuestionFormatter\prepareQuestionForLearningModule().

4320  {
4321  $this->lmMigrateQuestionTypeGenericContent($migrator);
4322  $this->lmMigrateQuestionTypeSpecificContent($migrator);
4323  $this->saveToDb();
4325  $this->feedbackOBJ->migrateContentForLearningModule($migrator, $this->getId());
4326  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
Saves the question to the database.
lmMigrateQuestionTypeSpecificContent(ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator $migrator)
lmMigrateQuestionTypeGenericContent(ilAssSelfAssessmentMigrator $migrator)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ missingResultRecordExists()

static assQuestion::missingResultRecordExists (   $activeId,

Definition at line 5287 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, $query, and $row.

5288  {
5289  global $DIC;
5290  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
5292  $IN_questionIds = $ilDB->in('question_fi', $questionIds, false, 'integer');
5294  $query = "
5295  SELECT COUNT(*) cnt
5296  FROM tst_test_result
5297  WHERE active_fi = %s
5298  AND pass = %s
5299  AND $IN_questionIds
5300  ";
5302  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($ilDB->queryF(
5303  $query,
5304  array('integer', 'integer'),
5305  array($activeId, $pass)
5306  ));
5308  return $row['cnt'] < count($questionIds);
5309  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB

◆ moveUploadedMediaFile()

assQuestion::moveUploadedMediaFile (   $file,

Move an uploaded media file to an public accessible temp dir to present it.

string$fileFile path
string$nameName of the file public

Definition at line 1597 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $name, and ilUtil\createDirectory().

1598  {
1599  $mediatempdir = CLIENT_WEB_DIR . "/assessment/temp";
1600  if (!@is_dir($mediatempdir)) {
1601  ilUtil::createDirectory($mediatempdir);
1602  }
1603  $temp_name = tempnam($mediatempdir, $name . "_____");
1604  $temp_name = str_replace("\\", "/", $temp_name);
1605  @unlink($temp_name);
1606  if (!ilUtil::moveUploadedFile($file, $name, $temp_name)) {
1607  return false;
1608  } else {
1609  return $temp_name;
1610  }
1611  }
static createDirectory($a_dir, $a_mod=0755)
create directory
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ notifyQuestionCreated()

assQuestion::notifyQuestionCreated ( )

Definition at line 4641 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getQuestionChangeListeners().

Referenced by createNewQuestion().

4642  {
4643  foreach ($this->getQuestionChangeListeners() as $listener) {
4644  $listener->notifyQuestionCreated($this);
4645  }
4646  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ notifyQuestionDeleted()

assQuestion::notifyQuestionDeleted ( )

Definition at line 4655 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getQuestionChangeListeners().

Referenced by delete().

4656  {
4657  foreach ($this->getQuestionChangeListeners() as $listener) {
4658  $listener->notifyQuestionDeleted($this);
4659  }
4660  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ notifyQuestionEdited()

assQuestion::notifyQuestionEdited ( )

Definition at line 4648 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getQuestionChangeListeners().

Referenced by saveToDb().

4649  {
4650  foreach ($this->getQuestionChangeListeners() as $listener) {
4651  $listener->notifyQuestionEdited($this);
4652  }
4653  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCopy()

assQuestion::onCopy (   $sourceParentId,

Will be called when a question is copied (into another question pool)

Definition at line 2706 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References copySuggestedSolutionFiles(), duplicateQuestionHints(), and duplicateSkillAssignments().

2707  {
2708  $this->copySuggestedSolutionFiles($sourceParentId, $sourceQuestionId);
2710  // duplicate question feeback
2711  $this->feedbackOBJ->duplicateFeedback($sourceQuestionId, $targetQuestionId);
2713  // duplicate question hints
2714  $this->duplicateQuestionHints($sourceQuestionId, $targetQuestionId);
2716  // duplicate skill assignments
2717  $this->duplicateSkillAssignments($sourceParentId, $sourceQuestionId, $targetParentId, $targetQuestionId);
2718  }
copySuggestedSolutionFiles($source_questionpool_id, $source_question_id)
duplicateSkillAssignments($srcParentId, $srcQuestionId, $trgParentId, $trgQuestionId)
duplicateQuestionHints($originalQuestionId, $duplicateQuestionId)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ onDuplicate()

assQuestion::onDuplicate (   $originalParentId,

Will be called when a question is duplicated (inside a question pool or for insertion in a test)

Definition at line 2679 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References duplicateQuestionHints(), duplicateSkillAssignments(), and duplicateSuggestedSolutionFiles().

2680  {
2681  $this->duplicateSuggestedSolutionFiles($originalParentId, $originalQuestionId);
2683  // duplicate question feeback
2684  $this->feedbackOBJ->duplicateFeedback($originalQuestionId, $duplicateQuestionId);
2686  // duplicate question hints
2687  $this->duplicateQuestionHints($originalQuestionId, $duplicateQuestionId);
2689  // duplicate skill assignments
2690  $this->duplicateSkillAssignments($originalParentId, $originalQuestionId, $duplicateParentId, $duplicateQuestionId);
2691  }
duplicateSkillAssignments($srcParentId, $srcQuestionId, $trgParentId, $trgQuestionId)
duplicateQuestionHints($originalQuestionId, $duplicateQuestionId)
duplicateSuggestedSolutionFiles($parent_id, $question_id)
Duplicates the files of a suggested solution if the question is duplicated.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ originalQuestionExists()

static assQuestion::originalQuestionExists (   $questionId)

Definition at line 3115 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $query, $res, and $row.

Referenced by ilObjTestGUI\copyAndLinkQuestionsToPoolObject(), and ilObjTestGUI\copyAndLinkToQuestionpoolObject().

3116  {
3117  global $DIC;
3118  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3120  $query = "
3121  SELECT COUNT(dupl.question_id) cnt
3122  FROM qpl_questions dupl
3123  INNER JOIN qpl_questions orig
3124  ON orig.question_id = dupl.original_id
3125  WHERE dupl.question_id = %s
3126  ";
3128  $res = $ilDB->queryF($query, array('integer'), array($questionId));
3129  $row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res);
3131  return $row['cnt'] > 0;
3132  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
foreach($_POST as $key=> $value) $res
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pcArrayShuffle()

assQuestion::pcArrayShuffle (   $array)

Shuffles the values of a given array.

array$arrayAn array which should be shuffled public

Definition at line 1872 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $key, $keys, and $result.

1873  {
1874  $keys = array_keys($array);
1875  shuffle($keys);
1876  $result = array();
1877  foreach ($keys as $key) {
1878  $result[$key] = $array[$key];
1879  }
1880  return $result;
1881  }
Definition: croninfo.php:18

◆ persistPreviewState()

assQuestion::persistPreviewState ( ilAssQuestionPreviewSession  $previewSession)

persists the preview state for current user and question

Definition at line 1330 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References savePreviewData(), and validateSolutionSubmit().

1331  {
1332  $this->savePreviewData($previewSession);
1333  return $this->validateSolutionSubmit();
1334  }
savePreviewData(ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ persistWorkingState()

assQuestion::persistWorkingState (   $active_id,
  $pass = null,
  $obligationsEnabled = false,
  $authorized = true 

persists the working state for current testactive and testpass


integer$active_idActive id of the user
integer$passTest pass

Definition at line 1298 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $pass, ilObjTest\_getPass(), calculateResultsFromSolution(), getProcessLocker(), removeIntermediateSolution(), savePartial(), saveWorkingData(), and validateSolutionSubmit().

1299  {
1300  if (!$this->validateSolutionSubmit() && !$this->savePartial()) {
1301  return false;
1302  }
1304  $saveStatus = false;
1306  $this->getProcessLocker()->executePersistWorkingStateLockOperation(function () use ($active_id, $pass, $authorized, $obligationsEnabled, &$saveStatus) {
1308  if ($pass === null) {
1309  require_once 'Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php';
1310  $pass = ilObjTest::_getPass($active_id);
1311  }
1313  $saveStatus = $this->saveWorkingData($active_id, $pass, $authorized);
1315  if ($authorized) {
1316  // fau: testNav - remove an intermediate solution if the authorized solution is saved
1317  // the intermediate solution would set the displayed question status as "editing ..."
1318  $this->removeIntermediateSolution($active_id, $pass);
1319  // fau.
1320  $this->calculateResultsFromSolution($active_id, $pass, $obligationsEnabled);
1321  }
1322  });
1324  return $saveStatus;
1325  }
static _getPass($active_id)
Retrieves the actual pass of a given user for a given test.
calculateResultsFromSolution($active_id, $pass=null, $obligationsEnabled=false)
Calculates the question results from a previously saved question solution.
saveWorkingData($active_id, $pass=null, $authorized=true)
Saves the learners input of the question to the database.
removeIntermediateSolution($active_id, $pass)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ prepareTextareaOutput()

assQuestion::prepareTextareaOutput (   $txt_output,
  $prepare_for_latex_output = false,
  $omitNl2BrWhenTextArea = false 

Prepares a string for a text area output in tests.

string$txt_outputString which should be prepared for output public

Definition at line 3552 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilUtil\prepareTextareaOutput().

Referenced by getSuggestedSolutionOutput(), and assClozeTest\updateClozeTextFromGaps().

3553  {
3554  include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
3555  return ilUtil::prepareTextareaOutput($txt_output, $prepare_for_latex_output, $omitNl2BrWhenTextArea);
3556  }
static prepareTextareaOutput($txt_output, $prepare_for_latex_output=false, $omitNl2BrWhenTextArea=false)
Prepares a string for a text area output where latex code may be in it If the text is HTML-free...
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ QTIMaterialToString()

assQuestion::QTIMaterialToString (   $a_material)

Reads an QTI material tag an creates a text string.

string$a_materialQTI material tag
string text or xhtml string public

Definition at line 3565 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $_SESSION, $i, and $result.

3566  {
3567  $result = "";
3568  for ($i = 0; $i < $a_material->getMaterialCount(); $i++) {
3569  $material = $a_material->getMaterial($i);
3570  if (strcmp($material["type"], "mattext") == 0) {
3571  $result .= $material["material"]->getContent();
3572  }
3573  if (strcmp($material["type"], "matimage") == 0) {
3574  $matimage = $material["material"];
3575  if (preg_match("/(il_([0-9]+)_mob_([0-9]+))/", $matimage->getLabel(), $matches)) {
3576  // import an mediaobject which was inserted using tiny mce
3577  if (!is_array($_SESSION["import_mob_xhtml"])) {
3578  $_SESSION["import_mob_xhtml"] = array();
3579  }
3580  array_push($_SESSION["import_mob_xhtml"], array("mob" => $matimage->getLabel(), "uri" => $matimage->getUri()));
3581  }
3582  }
3583  }
3584  return $result;
3585  }
Definition: disco.tpl.php:19

◆ questionTitleExists()

assQuestion::questionTitleExists (   $questionpool_id,

Returns TRUE if the question title exists in the database.

string$titleThe title of the question
boolean The result of the title check public

Definition at line 577 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $result, and $title.

578  {
579  global $DIC;
580  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
582  $result = $ilDB->queryF(
583  "SELECT * FROM qpl_questions WHERE obj_fi = %s AND title = %s",
584  array('integer','text'),
585  array($questionpool_id, $title)
586  );
587  return ($result->numRows() > 0) ? true : false;
588  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB

◆ removeAllExistingSolutions()

assQuestion::removeAllExistingSolutions ( )

Definition at line 5216 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $query, and getId().

5217  {
5218  global $DIC; /* @var ILIAS\DI\Container $DIC */
5220  $query = "DELETE FROM tst_solutions WHERE question_fi = %s";
5222  $DIC->database()->manipulateF($query, array('integer'), array($this->getId()));
5223  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ removeCurrentSolution()

assQuestion::removeCurrentSolution (   $active_id,
  $authorized = true 
bool | true$authorizedilDBInterface $ilDB

Definition at line 4816 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, $query, getId(), and getStep().

Referenced by assKprimChoice\isComplete(), assMultipleChoice\isForcedEmptySolution(), removeIntermediateSolution(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveWorkingData(), assErrorText\saveWorkingData(), assTextQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assTextSubset\saveWorkingData(), assLongMenu\saveWorkingData(), assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assOrderingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assMatchingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), and assClozeTest\saveWorkingData().

4817  {
4818  global $DIC;
4819  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
4821  if ($this->getStep() !== null) {
4822  $query = "
4823  DELETE FROM tst_solutions
4824  WHERE active_fi = %s
4825  AND question_fi = %s
4826  AND pass = %s
4827  AND step = %s
4828  AND authorized = %s
4829  ";
4831  return $ilDB->manipulateF(
4832  $query,
4833  array('integer', 'integer', 'integer', 'integer', 'integer'),
4834  array($active_id, $this->getId(), $pass, $this->getStep(), (int) $authorized)
4835  );
4836  } else {
4837  $query = "
4838  DELETE FROM tst_solutions
4839  WHERE active_fi = %s
4840  AND question_fi = %s
4841  AND pass = %s
4842  AND authorized = %s
4843  ";
4845  return $ilDB->manipulateF(
4846  $query,
4847  array('integer', 'integer', 'integer', 'integer'),
4848  array($active_id, $this->getId(), $pass, (int) $authorized)
4849  );
4850  }
4851  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeExistingSolutions()

assQuestion::removeExistingSolutions (   $activeId,

Definition at line 5225 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, $query, getId(), and getStep().

Referenced by resetUsersAnswer().

5226  {
5227  global $DIC;
5228  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
5230  $query = "
5231  DELETE FROM tst_solutions
5232  WHERE active_fi = %s
5233  AND question_fi = %s
5234  AND pass = %s
5235  ";
5237  if ($this->getStep() !== null) {
5238  $query .= " AND step = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getStep(), 'integer') . " ";
5239  }
5241  return $ilDB->manipulateF(
5242  $query,
5243  array('integer', 'integer', 'integer'),
5244  array($activeId, $this->getId(), $pass)
5245  );
5246  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeIntermediateSolution()

assQuestion::removeIntermediateSolution (   $active_id,
bool | true$authorizedilDBInterface $ilDB

Definition at line 4801 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $pass, getProcessLocker(), and removeCurrentSolution().

Referenced by persistWorkingState().

4802  {
4803  $this->getProcessLocker()->executeUserSolutionUpdateLockOperation(function () use ($active_id, $pass) {
4804  $this->removeCurrentSolution($active_id, $pass, false);
4805  });
4806  }
removeCurrentSolution($active_id, $pass, $authorized=true)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeResultRecord()

assQuestion::removeResultRecord (   $activeId,

Definition at line 5264 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, $query, getId(), and getStep().

Referenced by resetUsersAnswer().

5265  {
5266  global $DIC;
5267  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
5269  $query = "
5270  DELETE FROM tst_test_result
5271  WHERE active_fi = %s
5272  AND question_fi = %s
5273  AND pass = %s
5274  ";
5276  if ($this->getStep() !== null) {
5277  $query .= " AND step = " . $ilDB->quote((int) $this->getStep(), 'integer') . " ";
5278  }
5280  return $ilDB->manipulateF(
5281  $query,
5282  array('integer', 'integer', 'integer'),
5283  array($activeId, $this->getId(), $pass)
5284  );
5285  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeSolutionRecordById()

assQuestion::removeSolutionRecordById (   $solutionId)
$solutionIdilDBInterface $ilDB

Definition at line 4757 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, and $ilDB.

Referenced by deleteDummySolutionRecord(), assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), assSingleChoice\saveWorkingData(), and assFileUpload\saveWorkingData().

4758  {
4759  global $DIC;
4760  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
4762  return $ilDB->manipulateF(
4763  "DELETE FROM tst_solutions WHERE solution_id = %s",
4764  array('integer'),
4765  array($solutionId)
4766  );
4767  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ requiresJsSwitch()

assQuestion::requiresJsSwitch ( )

Definition at line 842 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References supportsJavascriptOutput(), and supportsNonJsOutput().

843  {
844  return $this->supportsJavascriptOutput() && $this->supportsNonJsOutput();
845  }
Returns true if the question type supports JavaScript output.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ resetOriginalId()

static assQuestion::resetOriginalId (   $questionId)

Definition at line 2665 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $GLOBALS, and $query.

Referenced by assOrderingQuestionImport\fromXML(), and ilTestRandomQuestionSetPoolDeriver\updateTestQuestionStage().

2666  {
2667  $query = "UPDATE qpl_questions SET tstamp = %s, original_id = NULL WHERE question_id = %s";
2669  $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->manipulateF(
2670  $query,
2671  array('integer', 'text'),
2672  array(time(), $questionId)
2673  );
2674  }
Global Variable: XMP_tag_captions.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resetUsersAnswer()

assQuestion::resetUsersAnswer (   $activeId,

Definition at line 5248 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $pass, areObligationsToBeConsidered(), getProcessLocker(), getTestId(), log(), removeExistingSolutions(), and removeResultRecord().

5249  {
5250  $this->removeExistingSolutions($activeId, $pass);
5251  $this->removeResultRecord($activeId, $pass);
5253  $this->log($activeId, "log_user_solution_willingly_deleted");
5255  self::_updateTestPassResults(
5256  $activeId,
5257  $pass,
5259  $this->getProcessLocker(),
5260  $this->getTestId()
5261  );
5262  }
removeResultRecord($activeId, $pass)
Gets the test id of the assQuestion object.
log($active_id, $langVar)
removeExistingSolutions($activeId, $pass)
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ saveCurrentSolution()

assQuestion::saveCurrentSolution (   $active_id,
  $authorized = true,
  $tstamp = null 
bool | true$authorized
int | null$tstampilDBInterface $ilDB

Definition at line 4865 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, getId(), and getStep().

Referenced by duplicateIntermediateSolutionAuthorized(), forceExistingIntermediateSolution(), assKprimChoice\isComplete(), assMultipleChoice\isForcedEmptySolution(), assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveWorkingData(), assErrorText\saveWorkingData(), assTextQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assTextSubset\saveWorkingData(), assSingleChoice\saveWorkingData(), assLongMenu\saveWorkingData(), assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assOrderingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assFormulaQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assMatchingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), and assClozeTest\saveWorkingData().

4866  {
4867  global $DIC;
4868  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
4870  $next_id = $ilDB->nextId("tst_solutions");
4872  $fieldData = array(
4873  "solution_id" => array("integer", $next_id),
4874  "active_fi" => array("integer", $active_id),
4875  "question_fi" => array("integer", $this->getId()),
4876  "value1" => array("clob", $value1),
4877  "value2" => array("clob", $value2),
4878  "pass" => array("integer", $pass),
4879  "tstamp" => array("integer", isset($tstamp) ? $tstamp : time()),
4880  'authorized' => array('integer', (int) $authorized)
4881  );
4883  if ($this->getStep() !== null) {
4884  $fieldData['step'] = array("integer", $this->getStep());
4885  }
4887  return $ilDB->insert("tst_solutions", $fieldData);
4888  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ saveOriginalId()

static assQuestion::saveOriginalId (   $questionId,

Definition at line 2654 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $GLOBALS, and $query.

Referenced by assOrderingQuestionImport\fromXML(), and ilTestRandomQuestionSetPoolDeriver\updateTestQuestionStage().

2655  {
2656  $query = "UPDATE qpl_questions SET tstamp = %s, original_id = %s WHERE question_id = %s";
2658  $GLOBALS['DIC']['ilDB']->manipulateF(
2659  $query,
2660  array('integer','integer', 'text'),
2661  array(time(), $originalId, $questionId)
2662  );
2663  }
Global Variable: XMP_tag_captions.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ savePartial()

assQuestion::savePartial ( )

Definition at line 5462 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by persistWorkingState().

5463  {
5464  return false;
5465  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ savePreviewData()

assQuestion::savePreviewData ( ilAssQuestionPreviewSession  $previewSession)

Definition at line 1352 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References ilAssQuestionPreviewSession\setParticipantsSolution().

Referenced by persistPreviewState().

1353  {
1354  $previewSession->setParticipantsSolution($this->getSolutionSubmit());
1355  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ saveQuestionDataToDb()

assQuestion::saveQuestionDataToDb (   $original_id = "")

Definition at line 2557 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $original_id, ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), createPageObject(), getAdditionalContentEditingMode(), getAuthor(), getComment(), getEstimatedWorkingTime(), getExternalId(), getId(), getMaximumPoints(), getNrOfTries(), getObjId(), getOwner(), getQuestion(), getQuestionTypeID(), getTitle(), isComplete(), and setId().

Referenced by assSingleChoice\isComplete(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveToDb(), assErrorText\saveToDb(), assFlashQuestion\saveToDb(), assFileUpload\saveToDb(), assNumeric\saveToDb(), assTextSubset\saveToDb(), assTextQuestion\saveToDb(), assMatchingQuestion\saveToDb(), assImagemapQuestion\saveToDb(), assOrderingQuestion\saveToDb(), assMultipleChoice\saveToDb(), assLongMenu\saveToDb(), assJavaApplet\saveToDb(), assKprimChoice\saveToDb(), assClozeTest\saveToDb(), and assFormulaQuestion\saveToDb().

2558  {
2559  global $DIC;
2560  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
2562  $estw_time = $this->getEstimatedWorkingTime();
2563  $estw_time = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $estw_time['h'], $estw_time['m'], $estw_time['s']);
2565  // cleanup RTE images which are not inserted into the question text
2566  include_once("./Services/RTE/classes/class.ilRTE.php");
2567  if ($this->getId() == -1) {
2568  // Neuen Datensatz schreiben
2569  $next_id = $ilDB->nextId('qpl_questions');
2570  $affectedRows = $ilDB->insert("qpl_questions", array(
2571  "question_id" => array("integer", $next_id),
2572  "question_type_fi" => array("integer", $this->getQuestionTypeID()),
2573  "obj_fi" => array("integer", $this->getObjId()),
2574  "title" => array("text", $this->getTitle()),
2575  "description" => array("text", $this->getComment()),
2576  "author" => array("text", $this->getAuthor()),
2577  "owner" => array("integer", $this->getOwner()),
2578  "question_text" => array("clob", ilRTE::_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc($this->getQuestion(), 0)),
2579  "points" => array("float", $this->getMaximumPoints()),
2580  "working_time" => array("text", $estw_time),
2581  "nr_of_tries" => array("integer", $this->getNrOfTries()),
2582  "created" => array("integer", time()),
2583  "original_id" => array("integer", ($original_id) ? $original_id : null),
2584  "tstamp" => array("integer", time()),
2585  "external_id" => array("text", $this->getExternalId()),
2586  'add_cont_edit_mode' => array('text', $this->getAdditionalContentEditingMode())
2587  ));
2588  $this->setId($next_id);
2589  // create page object of question
2590  $this->createPageObject();
2591  } else {
2592  // Vorhandenen Datensatz aktualisieren
2593  $affectedRows = $ilDB->update("qpl_questions", array(
2594  "obj_fi" => array("integer", $this->getObjId()),
2595  "title" => array("text", $this->getTitle()),
2596  "description" => array("text", $this->getComment()),
2597  "author" => array("text", $this->getAuthor()),
2598  "question_text" => array("clob", ilRTE::_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc($this->getQuestion(), 0)),
2599  "points" => array("float", $this->getMaximumPoints()),
2600  "nr_of_tries" => array("integer", $this->getNrOfTries()),
2601  "working_time" => array("text", $estw_time),
2602  "tstamp" => array("integer", time()),
2603  'complete' => array('integer', $this->isComplete()),
2604  "external_id" => array("text", $this->getExternalId())
2605  ), array(
2606  "question_id" => array("integer", $this->getId())
2607  ));
2608  }
2609  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
create page object of question
Sets the id of the assQuestion object.
getter for additional content editing mode for this question
Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question.
static _replaceMediaObjectImageSrc($a_text, $a_direction=0, $nic=IL_INST_ID)
Replaces image source from mob image urls with the mob id or replaces mob id with the correct image s...
Get the object id of the container object.
Gets the authors name of the assQuestion object.
Returns the question type of the question.
Returns true, if a question is complete for use.
Gets the question string of the question object.
Gets the comment string of the assQuestion object.
Gets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object.
Gets the estimated working time of a question.
global $ilDB
Gets the title string of the assQuestion object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ saveToDb()

assQuestion::saveToDb (   $original_id = "")

Saves the question to the database.


Definition at line 2617 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, ilObjQuestionPool\_updateQuestionCount(), cleanupMediaObjectUsage(), getId(), getOwner(), isComplete(), and notifyQuestionEdited().

Referenced by assSingleChoice\isComplete(), migrateContentForLearningModule(), and syncWithOriginal().

2618  {
2619  global $DIC;
2620  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
2622  $this->updateSuggestedSolutions();
2624  // remove unused media objects from ILIAS
2625  $this->cleanupMediaObjectUsage();
2627  $complete = "0";
2628  if ($this->isComplete()) {
2629  $complete = "1";
2630  }
2632  // update the question time stamp and completion status
2633  $affectedRows = $ilDB->manipulateF(
2634  "UPDATE qpl_questions SET tstamp = %s, owner = %s, complete = %s WHERE question_id = %s",
2635  array('integer','integer', 'integer','text'),
2636  array(time(), ($this->getOwner() <= 0) ? $this->ilias->account->id : $this->getOwner(), $complete, $this->getId())
2637  );
2639  // update question count of question pool
2640  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilObjQuestionPool.php";
2643  $this->notifyQuestionEdited($this);
2644  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
static _updateQuestionCount($object_id)
Updates the number of available questions for a question pool in the database.
Returns true, if a question is complete for use.
redirection script todo: (a better solution should control the processing via a xml file) ...
synchronises appearances of media objects in the question with media object usage table ...
Gets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object.
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ saveWorkingData()

assQuestion::saveWorkingData (   $active_id,
  $pass = null,
  $authorized = true 

Saves the learners input of the question to the database.


integer$active_idActive id of the user
integer$passTest pass
boolean $status

Referenced by assKprimChoice\isComplete(), assMultipleChoice\isForcedEmptySolution(), assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), persistWorkingState(), and validateSolutionSubmit().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setAdditionalContentEditingMode()

assQuestion::setAdditionalContentEditingMode (   $additinalContentEditingMode)

setter for additional content editing mode for this question



Definition at line 4574 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $additinalContentEditingMode, and getValidAdditionalContentEditingModes().

Referenced by assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assKprimChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb(), and assNumeric\saveToDb().

4575  {
4577  require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/exceptions/class.ilTestQuestionPoolException.php';
4578  throw new ilTestQuestionPoolException('invalid additional content editing mode given: ' . $additinalContentEditingMode);
4579  }
4581  $this->additinalContentEditingMode = $additinalContentEditingMode;
4582  }
getter for valid additional content editing modes
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setAuthor()

assQuestion::setAuthor (   $author = "")

Sets the authors name of the assQuestion object.

string$authorA string containing the name of the questions author public
See also

Definition at line 723 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $author.

Referenced by __set(), assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assKprimChoice\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb(), and assNumeric\saveToDb().

724  {
725  if (!$author) {
726  $author = $this->ilias->account->fullname;
727  }
728  $this->author = $author;
729  }
redirection script todo: (a better solution should control the processing via a xml file) ...
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setComment()

assQuestion::setComment (   $comment = "")

◆ setDefaultNrOfTries()

assQuestion::setDefaultNrOfTries (   $a_defaultnroftries)

Set Default Nr of Tries.

int$a_defaultnroftriesDefault Nr. of Tries

Definition at line 4369 of file class.assQuestion.php.

4370  {
4371  $this->defaultnroftries = $a_defaultnroftries;
4372  }

◆ setEstimatedWorkingTime()

assQuestion::setEstimatedWorkingTime (   $hour = 0,
  $min = 0,
  $sec = 0 

Sets the estimated working time of a question from given hour, minute and second.

integer$secSeconds public
See also

Definition at line 677 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by __construct(), __set(), assOrderingHorizontal\loadFromDb(), assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assTextSubset\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), assErrorText\loadFromDb(), assOrderingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assClozeTest\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb(), assMatchingQuestion\loadFromDb(), assJavaApplet\loadFromDb(), assImagemapQuestion\loadFromDb(), assLongMenu\loadFromDb(), assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb(), and assNumeric\saveToDb().

678  {
679  $this->est_working_time = array("h" => (int) $hour, "m" => (int) $min, "s" => (int) $sec);
680  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setEstimatedWorkingTimeFromDurationString()

assQuestion::setEstimatedWorkingTimeFromDurationString (   $durationString)

Sets the estimated working time of a question from a given datetime string.


Definition at line 688 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assKprimChoice\loadFromDb().

689  {
690  $this->est_working_time = array(
691  'h' => (int) substr($durationString, 0, 2),
692  'm' => (int) substr($durationString, 3, 2),
693  's' => (int) substr($durationString, 6, 2)
694  );
695  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setExportDetailsXLS()

assQuestion::setExportDetailsXLS (   $worksheet,

Creates an Excel worksheet for the detailed cumulated results of this question.

object$worksheetReference to the parent excel worksheet
object$startrowStartrow of the output in the excel worksheet
object$active_idActive id of the participant
object$passTest pass

Definition at line 4107 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getQuestionType(), and getTitle().

4108  {
4109  $worksheet->setFormattedExcelTitle($worksheet->getColumnCoord(0) . $startrow, $this->lng->txt($this->getQuestionType()));
4110  $worksheet->setFormattedExcelTitle($worksheet->getColumnCoord(1) . $startrow, $this->getTitle());
4112  return $startrow;
4113  }
Returns the question type of the question.
Gets the title string of the assQuestion object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setExportImagePath()

assQuestion::setExportImagePath (   $a_path)

Definition at line 4248 of file class.assQuestion.php.

4249  {
4250  $this->export_image_path = (string) $a_path;
4251  }

◆ setExternalId()

assQuestion::setExternalId (   $external_id)

Definition at line 913 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $external_id.

Referenced by __construct().

914  {
915  $this->external_id = $external_id;
916  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setForcePassResultUpdateEnabled()

static assQuestion::setForcePassResultUpdateEnabled (   $forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled)

Definition at line 336 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled.

Referenced by ilTestScoring\recalculatePass().

337  {
338  self::$forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled = $forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled;
339  }
static $forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setId()

◆ setLastChange()

assQuestion::setLastChange (   $lastChange)

Definition at line 4692 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $lastChange.

Referenced by assKprimChoice\loadFromDb().

4693  {
4694  $this->lastChange = $lastChange;
4695  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setNewOriginalId()

assQuestion::setNewOriginalId (   $newId)

Definition at line 2649 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getId().

2650  {
2651  self::saveOriginalId($this->getId(), $newId);
2652  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setNrOfTries()

◆ setObjId()

◆ setObligationsToBeConsidered()

assQuestion::setObligationsToBeConsidered (   $obligationsToBeConsidered)

Definition at line 5405 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $obligationsToBeConsidered.

5406  {
5407  $this->obligationsToBeConsidered = $obligationsToBeConsidered;
5408  }

◆ setOriginalId()

◆ setOutputType()

assQuestion::setOutputType (   $outputType = OUTPUT_HTML)

Sets the output type.

integer$outputTypeThe output type of the question public
See also

Definition at line 645 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $outputType.

Referenced by __set().

646  {
647  $this->outputType = $outputType;
648  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setOwner()

◆ setPoints()

◆ setPreventRteUsage()

assQuestion::setPreventRteUsage (   $a_val)

Set prevent rte usage.

booleanprevent rte usage

Definition at line 4301 of file class.assQuestion.php.

4302  {
4303  $this->prevent_rte_usage = $a_val;
4304  }

◆ setProcessLocker()

assQuestion::setProcessLocker (   $processLocker)

Definition at line 513 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $processLocker.

514  {
515  $this->processLocker = $processLocker;
516  }

◆ setQuestion()

◆ setResultGateway()

static assQuestion::setResultGateway (   $resultGateway)

Definition at line 5054 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $resultGateway.

5055  {
5056  self::$resultGateway = $resultGateway;
5057  }

◆ setSelfAssessmentEditingMode()

assQuestion::setSelfAssessmentEditingMode (   $a_selfassessmenteditingmode)

Set Self-Assessment Editing Mode.

boolean$a_selfassessmenteditingmodeSelf-Assessment Editing Mode

Definition at line 4349 of file class.assQuestion.php.

4350  {
4351  $this->selfassessmenteditingmode = $a_selfassessmenteditingmode;
4352  }

◆ setShuffle()

assQuestion::setShuffle (   $shuffle = true)

Sets the shuffle flag.

boolean$shuffleA flag indicating whether the answers are shuffled or not public
See also

Definition at line 658 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $shuffle.

Referenced by __set(), assTextQuestion\loadFromDb(), assSingleChoice\loadFromDb(), and assMultipleChoice\loadFromDb().

659  {
660  if ($shuffle) {
661  $this->shuffle = 1;
662  } else {
663  $this->shuffle = 0;
664  }
665  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setShuffler()

assQuestion::setShuffler ( ilArrayElementShuffler  $shuffler)

Definition at line 505 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $shuffler.

Referenced by assMatchingQuestion\toJSON().

506  {
507  $this->shuffler = $shuffler;
508  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setStep()

assQuestion::setStep (   $step)
int | null$step

Definition at line 5070 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $step.

Referenced by assFileUpload\deleteUploadedFiles().

5071  {
5072  $this->step = $step;
5073  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setSuggestedSolution()

assQuestion::setSuggestedSolution (   $solution_id = "",
  $subquestion_index = 0,
  $is_import = false 

Sets a suggested solution for the question.

If there is more than one subquestion (i.e. close questions) may enter a subquestion index.

string$solution_idAn internal link pointing to the suggested solution
integer$subquestion_indexThe index of a subquestion (i.e. a close test gap). Usually 0
boolean$is_importA boolean indication that the internal link was imported from another ILIAS installation public

Definition at line 2784 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References _resolveInternalLink().

Referenced by assFileUpload\loadFromDb(), assFlashQuestion\loadFromDb(), and assFormulaQuestion\loadFromDb().

2785  {
2786  if (strcmp($solution_id, "") != 0) {
2787  $import_id = "";
2788  if ($is_import) {
2789  $import_id = $solution_id;
2790  $solution_id = $this->_resolveInternalLink($import_id);
2791  }
2792  $this->suggested_solutions[$subquestion_index] = array(
2793  "internal_link" => $solution_id,
2794  "import_id" => $import_id
2795  );
2796  }
2797  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setTestId()

assQuestion::setTestId (   $id = -1)

Sets the test id of the assQuestion object.

integer$idA unique integer value public
See also

Definition at line 621 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $id.

Referenced by __set().

622  {
623  $this->test_id = $id;
624  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setTitle()

◆ sumTimesInISO8601FormatH_i_s_Extended()

static assQuestion::sumTimesInISO8601FormatH_i_s_Extended (   $time1,

Definition at line 5088 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $time, and convertISO8601FormatH_i_s_ExtendedToSeconds().

Referenced by ilQuestionBrowserTableGUI\fillRow(), and ilObjTest\getFixedQuestionSetTotalWorkingTime().

5089  {
5092  return gmdate('H:i:s', $time);
5093  }
static convertISO8601FormatH_i_s_ExtendedToSeconds($time)
Definition: cron.php:21
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ supportsJavascriptOutput()

assQuestion::supportsJavascriptOutput ( )

Returns true if the question type supports JavaScript output.

boolean TRUE if the question type supports JavaScript output, FALSE otherwise public

Definition at line 832 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by requiresJsSwitch().

833  {
834  return false;
835  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ supportsNonJsOutput()

assQuestion::supportsNonJsOutput ( )

Definition at line 837 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by requiresJsSwitch().

838  {
839  return true;
840  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ syncSkillAssignments()

assQuestion::syncSkillAssignments (   $srcParentId,

Definition at line 4460 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, and duplicateSkillAssignments().

4461  {
4462  global $DIC;
4463  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
4465  require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionSkillAssignmentList.php';
4466  $assignmentList = new ilAssQuestionSkillAssignmentList($ilDB);
4467  $assignmentList->setParentObjId($trgParentId);
4468  $assignmentList->setQuestionIdFilter($trgQuestionId);
4469  $assignmentList->loadFromDb();
4471  foreach ($assignmentList->getAssignmentsByQuestionId($trgQuestionId) as $assignment) {
4472  /* @var ilAssQuestionSkillAssignment $assignment */
4474  $assignment->deleteFromDb();
4475  }
4477  $this->duplicateSkillAssignments($srcParentId, $srcQuestionId, $trgParentId, $trgQuestionId);
4478  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
duplicateSkillAssignments($srcParentId, $srcQuestionId, $trgParentId, $trgQuestionId)
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ syncSuggestedSolutionFiles()

assQuestion::syncSuggestedSolutionFiles (   $original_id)

Syncs the files of a suggested solution if the question is synced.

Definition at line 2832 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $filename, $ilLog, $index, ilUtil\delDir(), getSuggestedSolutionPath(), and ilUtil\makeDirParents().

Referenced by copySuggestedSolutionFiles().

2833  {
2834  global $DIC;
2835  $ilLog = $DIC['ilLog'];
2837  $filepath = $this->getSuggestedSolutionPath();
2838  $filepath_original = str_replace("/$this->id/solution", "/$original_id/solution", $filepath);
2839  ilUtil::delDir($filepath_original);
2840  foreach ($this->suggested_solutions as $index => $solution) {
2841  if (strcmp($solution["type"], "file") == 0) {
2842  if (!file_exists($filepath_original)) {
2843  ilUtil::makeDirParents($filepath_original);
2844  }
2845  $filename = $solution["value"]["name"];
2846  if (strlen($filename)) {
2847  if (!@copy($filepath . $filename, $filepath_original . $filename)) {
2848  $ilLog->write("File could not be duplicated!!!!", $ilLog->ERROR);
2849  $ilLog->write("object: " . print_r($this, true), $ilLog->ERROR);
2850  }
2851  }
2852  }
2853  }
2854  }
static makeDirParents($a_dir)
Create a new directory and all parent directories.
Returns the path for a suggested solution.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
Definition: metadata.php:60
Definition: buildRTE.php:89
static delDir($a_dir, $a_clean_only=false)
removes a dir and all its content (subdirs and files) recursively
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ syncWithOriginal()

assQuestion::syncWithOriginal ( )

Definition at line 3134 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $id, $ilDB, afterSyncWithOriginal(), beforeSyncWithOriginal(), copyPageOfQuestion(), createPageObject(), deletePageOfQuestion(), getId(), getObjId(), getOriginalId(), saveToDb(), setId(), setObjId(), setOriginalId(), and syncXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion().

3135  {
3136  global $DIC;
3137  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
3139  if (!$this->getOriginalId()) {
3140  return;
3141  }
3143  $originalObjId = self::lookupOriginalParentObjId($this->getOriginalId());
3145  if (!$originalObjId) {
3146  return;
3147  }
3149  $id = $this->getId();
3150  $objId = $this->getObjId();
3151  $original = $this->getOriginalId();
3153  $this->beforeSyncWithOriginal($original, $id, $originalObjId, $objId);
3155  $this->setId($original);
3156  $this->setOriginalId(null);
3157  $this->setObjId($originalObjId);
3159  $this->saveToDb();
3161  $this->deletePageOfQuestion($original);
3162  $this->createPageObject();
3163  $this->copyPageOfQuestion($id);
3165  $this->setId($id);
3166  $this->setOriginalId($original);
3167  $this->setObjId($objId);
3169  $this->updateSuggestedSolutions($original);
3172  $this->afterSyncWithOriginal($original, $id, $originalObjId, $objId);
3173  $this->syncHints();
3174  }
Deletes the page object of a question with a given ID.
afterSyncWithOriginal($origQuestionId, $dupQuestionId, $origParentObjId, $dupParentObjId)
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
Saves the question to the database.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
create page object of question
Sets the id of the assQuestion object.
beforeSyncWithOriginal($origQuestionId, $dupQuestionId, $origParentObjId, $dupParentObjId)
Get the object id of the container object.
global $ilDB
Set the object id of the container object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ syncXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion()

assQuestion::syncXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion ( )

Definition at line 2296 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $mobs, ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_saveUsage(), and getId().

Referenced by syncWithOriginal().

2297  {
2298  include_once("./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php");
2299  $mobs = ilObjMediaObject::_getMobsOfObject("qpl:html", $this->getId());
2300  foreach ($mobs as $mob) {
2301  ilObjMediaObject::_saveUsage($mob, "qpl:html", $this->original_id);
2302  }
2303  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
static _getMobsOfObject($a_type, $a_id, $a_usage_hist_nr=0, $a_lang="-")
get mobs of object
static _saveUsage($a_mob_id, $a_type, $a_id, $a_usage_hist_nr=0, $a_lang="-")
Save usage of mob within another container (e.g.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toJSON()

assQuestion::toJSON ( )

Definition at line 5111 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $author, $owner, $title, and duplicate().

5112  {
5113  return json_encode(array());
5114  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toXML()

assQuestion::toXML (   $a_include_header = true,
  $a_include_binary = true,
  $a_shuffle = false,
  $test_output = false,
  $force_image_references = false 

Returns a QTI xml representation of the question.

string The QTI xml representation of the question public

Definition at line 551 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References getQuestionType().

552  {
553  include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/export/qti12/class." . $this->getQuestionType() . "Export.php";
554  $classname = $this->getQuestionType() . "Export";
555  $export = new $classname($this);
556  return $export->toXML($a_include_header, $a_include_binary, $a_shuffle, $test_output, $force_image_references);
557  }
Returns the question type of the question.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ updateCurrentSolution()

assQuestion::updateCurrentSolution (   $solutionId,
  $authorized = true 
bool | true$authorizedilDBInterface $ilDB

Definition at line 4901 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, and getStep().

Referenced by assNumeric\isValidSolutionSubmit(), and assSingleChoice\saveWorkingData().

4902  {
4903  global $DIC;
4904  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
4906  $fieldData = array(
4907  "value1" => array("clob", $value1),
4908  "value2" => array("clob", $value2),
4909  "tstamp" => array("integer", time()),
4910  'authorized' => array('integer', (int) $authorized)
4911  );
4913  if ($this->getStep() !== null) {
4914  $fieldData['step'] = array("integer", $this->getStep());
4915  }
4917  return $ilDB->update("tst_solutions", $fieldData, array(
4918  'solution_id' => array('integer', $solutionId)
4919  ));
4920  }
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization()

assQuestion::updateCurrentSolutionsAuthorization (   $activeId,
  $keepTime = false 

Definition at line 4923 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, $pass, getId(), and getStep().

Referenced by forceExistingIntermediateSolution(), assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), and assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData().

4924  {
4925  global $DIC;
4926  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
4928  $fieldData = array(
4929  'authorized' => array('integer', (int) $authorized)
4930  );
4932  if (!$keepTime) {
4933  $fieldData['tstamp'] = array('integer', time());
4934  }
4936  $whereData = array(
4937  'question_fi' => array('integer', $this->getId()),
4938  'active_fi' => array('integer', $activeId),
4939  'pass' => array('integer', $pass)
4940  );
4942  if ($this->getStep() !== null) {
4943  $whereData['step'] = array("integer", $this->getStep());
4944  }
4946  return $ilDB->update('tst_solutions', $fieldData, $whereData);
4947  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateTimestamp()

assQuestion::updateTimestamp ( )

Definition at line 5410 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $DIC, $ilDB, and getId().

5411  {
5412  global $DIC;
5413  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
5415  $ilDB->manipulateF(
5416  "UPDATE qpl_questions SET tstamp = %s WHERE question_id = %s",
5417  array('integer', 'integer'),
5418  array(time(), $this->getId())
5419  );
5420  }
Gets the id of the assQuestion object.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
global $ilDB
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ validateSolutionSubmit()

assQuestion::validateSolutionSubmit ( )

Definition at line 1336 of file class.assQuestion.php.

References $pass, and saveWorkingData().

Referenced by persistPreviewState(), and persistWorkingState().

1337  {
1338  return true;
1339  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

◆ $additinalContentEditingMode

assQuestion::$additinalContentEditingMode = null

◆ $allowedCharsetsByMimeType

Initial value:
= array(
self::IMG_MIME_TYPE_JPG => array('binary'),
self::IMG_MIME_TYPE_PNG => array('binary'),
self::IMG_MIME_TYPE_GIF => array('binary')

Definition at line 32 of file class.assQuestion.php.

◆ $allowedFileExtensionsByMimeType

Initial value:
= array(
self::IMG_MIME_TYPE_JPG => array('jpg', 'jpeg'),
self::IMG_MIME_TYPE_PNG => array('png'),
self::IMG_MIME_TYPE_GIF => array('gif')

Definition at line 26 of file class.assQuestion.php.

◆ $allowedImageMaterialFileExtensionsByMimeType

Initial value:
= array(
'image/jpeg' => array('jpg', 'jpeg'), 'image/png' => array('png'), 'image/gif' => array('gif')

Definition at line 272 of file class.assQuestion.php.

◆ $arrData


Associative array to store properties.

Definition at line 173 of file class.assQuestion.php.

◆ $author

◆ $comment

◆ $db


Definition at line 135 of file class.assQuestion.php.

◆ $defaultnroftries

assQuestion::$defaultnroftries = 0

Definition at line 229 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getDefaultNrOfTries().

◆ $est_working_time


Definition at line 92 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getEstimatedWorkingTime().

◆ $export_image_path


(Web) Path to images

Definition at line 178 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getImagePathWeb().

◆ $external_id

assQuestion::$external_id = ''

Definition at line 184 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getExternalId(), and setExternalId().

◆ $feedbackOBJ

assQuestion::$feedbackOBJ = null

Definition at line 208 of file class.assQuestion.php.

◆ $forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled

assQuestion::$forcePassResultsUpdateEnabled = false

Definition at line 334 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by setForcePassResultUpdateEnabled().

◆ $id

◆ $ilias


Definition at line 120 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by __construct(), and __get().

◆ $imageSourceFixReplaceMap

Initial value:
= array(
'ok.svg' => 'ok.png', 'not_ok.svg' => 'not_ok.png',
'checkbox_checked.svg' => 'checkbox_checked.png',
'checkbox_unchecked.svg' => 'checkbox_unchecked.png',
'radiobutton_checked.svg' => 'radiobutton_checked.png',
'radiobutton_unchecked.svg' => 'radiobutton_unchecked.png'

Definition at line 2406 of file class.assQuestion.php.

◆ $lastChange


Definition at line 253 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getLastChange(), and setLastChange().

◆ $lng

◆ $nr_of_tries


Number of tries.

Definition at line 168 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getNrOfTries().

◆ $obj_id


Definition at line 113 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by createNewQuestion(), delete(), getImagePath(), getObjId(), and setObjId().

◆ $obligationsToBeConsidered

assQuestion::$obligationsToBeConsidered = false

◆ $original_id


Definition at line 156 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assOrderingHorizontal\copyObject(), assFileUpload\copyObject(), assNumeric\copyObject(), assTextQuestion\copyObject(), assImagemapQuestion\copyObject(), assErrorText\copyObject(), assOrderingQuestion\copyObject(), assFlashQuestion\copyObject(), assTextSubset\copyObject(), assSingleChoice\copyObject(), assMultipleChoice\copyObject(), assJavaApplet\copyObject(), assMatchingQuestion\copyObject(), assLongMenu\copyObject(), assFormulaQuestion\copyObject(), assKprimChoice\copyObject(), assClozeTest\copyObject(), copySuggestedSolutionFiles(), assLongMenu\delete(), assOrderingHorizontal\duplicate(), assFileUpload\duplicate(), assNumeric\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\duplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicate(), assErrorText\duplicate(), assFlashQuestion\duplicate(), assTextSubset\duplicate(), assSingleChoice\duplicate(), assMultipleChoice\duplicate(), assJavaApplet\duplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\duplicate(), assLongMenu\duplicate(), assKprimChoice\duplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\duplicate(), assClozeTest\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicateAnswers(), getOriginalId(), assSingleChoice\isComplete(), logAction(), saveQuestionDataToDb(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveToDb(), assErrorText\saveToDb(), assFlashQuestion\saveToDb(), assFileUpload\saveToDb(), assNumeric\saveToDb(), assTextSubset\saveToDb(), assTextQuestion\saveToDb(), assMatchingQuestion\saveToDb(), assImagemapQuestion\saveToDb(), assOrderingQuestion\saveToDb(), assMultipleChoice\saveToDb(), assLongMenu\saveToDb(), assJavaApplet\saveToDb(), assClozeTest\saveToDb(), assFormulaQuestion\saveToDb(), and setOriginalId().

◆ $outputType

assQuestion::$outputType = OUTPUT_JAVASCRIPT

Definition at line 142 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getOutputType(), and setOutputType().

◆ $owner

◆ $page


◆ $points


Definition at line 85 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by _getMaximumPoints(), _getReachedPoints(), _isWorkedThrough(), _setReachedPoints(), assTextSubset\addAnswer(), assSingleChoice\addAnswer(), assMultipleChoice\addAnswer(), assImagemapQuestion\addAnswer(), assTextQuestion\addAnswer(), assClozeTest\addAnswerOptionValue(), assErrorText\addErrorData(), assMatchingQuestion\addMatchingPair(), adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions(), assClozeTest\calculateCombinationResult(), assOrderingHorizontal\calculateReachedPoints(), assErrorText\calculateReachedPoints(), assFlashQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assKprimChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assTextSubset\calculateReachedPoints(), assTextQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assSingleChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assMultipleChoice\calculateReachedPoints(), assLongMenu\calculateReachedPoints(), assJavaApplet\calculateReachedPoints(), assImagemapQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assFormulaQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assMatchingQuestion\calculateReachedPoints(), assTextQuestion\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assLongMenu\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assKprimChoice\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assOrderingHorizontal\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assTextSubset\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assImagemapQuestion\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assMultipleChoice\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assMatchingQuestion\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assClozeTest\calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assNumeric\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assFlashQuestion\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assSingleChoice\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assJavaApplet\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assFormulaQuestion\calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession(), assLongMenu\checkQuestionCustomPart(), ensureNonNegativePoints(), assErrorText\getBestSelection(), assNumeric\getExpressionTypes(), assOrderingHorizontal\getExpressionTypes(), assTextSubset\getExpressionTypes(), assImagemapQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assSingleChoice\getExpressionTypes(), assErrorText\getExpressionTypes(), assMultipleChoice\getExpressionTypes(), assFormulaQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assOrderingQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assMatchingQuestion\getExpressionTypes(), assClozeTest\getExpressionTypes(), assClozeTest\getMaximumGapPoints(), assLongMenu\getMaximumPoints(), assTextQuestion\getMaximumPoints(), assFlashQuestion\getMaximumPoints(), assTextSubset\getMaximumPoints(), assSingleChoice\getMaximumPoints(), assMultipleChoice\getMaximumPoints(), assImagemapQuestion\getMaximumPoints(), assFormulaQuestion\getMaximumPoints(), assClozeTest\getMaximumPoints(), assMatchingQuestion\getMaximumPoints(), getMaximumPoints(), assTextQuestion\getMinimumPoints(), getPoints(), assLongMenu\getPointsForGap(), assErrorText\getPointsForSelectedPositions(), assLongMenu\getUserQuestionResult(), assJavaApplet\getUserQuestionResult(), assFileUpload\handleSubmission(), assMatchingQuestion\insertMatchingPair(), assLongMenu\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), assErrorText\setErrorData(), assClozeTest\setGapAnswerPoints(), and assTextQuestion\setReachedPoints().

◆ $prevent_rte_usage

assQuestion::$prevent_rte_usage = false

Definition at line 215 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getPreventRteUsage().

◆ $processLocker


◆ $question

◆ $questionActionCmd

assQuestion::$questionActionCmd = 'handleQuestionAction'

Definition at line 241 of file class.assQuestion.php.

◆ $questionChangeListeners

assQuestion::$questionChangeListeners = array()

Definition at line 234 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getQuestionChangeListeners().

◆ $resultGateway

assQuestion::$resultGateway = null

Definition at line 246 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by setResultGateway().

◆ $selfassessmenteditingmode

assQuestion::$selfassessmenteditingmode = false

Definition at line 222 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getSelfAssessmentEditingMode().

◆ $shuffle

◆ $shuffler


Definition at line 258 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getShuffler(), and setShuffler().

◆ $step

assQuestion::$step = null

Definition at line 251 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assFileUpload\deleteUploadedFiles(), getStep(), and setStep().

◆ $suggested_solutions


Definition at line 149 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getSuggestedSolutions().

◆ $test_id

◆ $testQuestionConfig


Definition at line 269 of file class.assQuestion.php.

◆ $testQuestionConfigInstance

assQuestion::$testQuestionConfigInstance = null

Definition at line 5431 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by getTestPresentationConfig().

◆ $title


Definition at line 50 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by assLongMenu\__construct(), assOrderingHorizontal\__construct(), assFlashQuestion\__construct(), assErrorText\__construct(), assFormulaQuestion\__construct(), assNumeric\__construct(), assFileUpload\__construct(), assKprimChoice\__construct(), assImagemapQuestion\__construct(), assTextSubset\__construct(), assTextQuestion\__construct(), assSingleChoice\__construct(), assOrderingQuestion\__construct(), assMatchingQuestion\__construct(), assJavaApplet\__construct(), assMultipleChoice\__construct(), assClozeTest\__construct(), __construct(), assOrderingHorizontal\copyObject(), assFileUpload\copyObject(), assNumeric\copyObject(), assTextQuestion\copyObject(), assImagemapQuestion\copyObject(), assErrorText\copyObject(), assOrderingQuestion\copyObject(), assFlashQuestion\copyObject(), assTextSubset\copyObject(), assSingleChoice\copyObject(), assMultipleChoice\copyObject(), assJavaApplet\copyObject(), assMatchingQuestion\copyObject(), assLongMenu\copyObject(), assFormulaQuestion\copyObject(), assKprimChoice\copyObject(), assClozeTest\copyObject(), assOrderingHorizontal\duplicate(), assFileUpload\duplicate(), assNumeric\duplicate(), assTextQuestion\duplicate(), assImagemapQuestion\duplicate(), assOrderingQuestion\duplicate(), assErrorText\duplicate(), assFlashQuestion\duplicate(), assTextSubset\duplicate(), assSingleChoice\duplicate(), assMultipleChoice\duplicate(), assJavaApplet\duplicate(), assMatchingQuestion\duplicate(), assLongMenu\duplicate(), assKprimChoice\duplicate(), assFormulaQuestion\duplicate(), assClozeTest\duplicate(), getSuggestedSolutionTitle(), getTitle(), questionTitleExists(), setTitle(), and toJSON().

◆ $tpl


Definition at line 125 of file class.assQuestion.php.

Referenced by __construct(), and __get().





const assQuestion::IMG_MIME_TYPE_GIF = 'image/gif'

Definition at line 24 of file class.assQuestion.php.


const assQuestion::IMG_MIME_TYPE_JPG = 'image/jpeg'

Definition at line 22 of file class.assQuestion.php.


const assQuestion::IMG_MIME_TYPE_PNG = 'image/png'

Definition at line 23 of file class.assQuestion.php.



Definition at line 4951 of file class.assQuestion.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: