45 'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 =>
46 'COMMENT_MULTI' => array(
'/*' =>
47 'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array(
49 2 =>
51 3 =>
53 4 =>
"/(?<=property\\s+\\w+\\s+)(\\w+)/" 56 'QUOTEMARKS' => array(
60 'as',
61 'default',
62 'if',
63 'readonly',
64 'typeof',
'with' 67 'action',
68 'int',
69 'size',
70 'vector3d',
'void' 74 'BluetoothDiscoveryModel',
'BluetoothSocket' 78 'Blend',
79 'ConicalGradient',
80 'DropShadow',
81 'HueSaturation',
82 'MaskedBlur',
83 'RectangularGlow',
'ZoomBlur' 87 'AttenuationModelLinear',
88 'AudioEngine',
89 'Sound',
'SoundInstance' 93 'Video',
94 'CameraExposure',
95 'CameraRecorder',
'VideoOutput' 99 'NdefFilter',
100 'NearField',
'NdefRecord' 104 'QtPositioning',
109 'DelegateModel',
'ObjectModel' 113 'Binding',
114 'Locale',
'Timer' 130 'Screen',
'CloseEvent' 134 'XmlRole',
'XmlListModel' 138 'Age',
139 'Direction',
140 'ImageParticle',
141 'Emitter',
142 'Attractor',
143 'TargetDirection',
'Wander' 147 'SignalSpy',
'TestCase' 151 'Item',
152 'SpriteSequence',
153 'Sprite',
'Visual Item Transformations',
154 'Scale',
155 'Flickable',
156 'TextEdit',
157 'PinchEvent',
158 'Column',
159 'StateGroup',
160 'ViewTransition',
161 'PauseAnimation',
162 'NumberAnimation',
163 'AnchorAnimation',
164 'OpacityAnimator',
'Lower-level Animation Types',
165 'AnimationController',
166 'PathSvg',
167 'ListView',
168 'GridMesh',
169 'CanvasImageData',
173 'ApplicationWindow',
174 'CheckBox',
175 'ProgressBar',
176 'SplitView',
177 'Switch',
178 'TextArea',
179 'ExclusiveGroup',
'Stack' 183 'Dialog',
'MessageDialog' 187 'Layout',
'GridLayout' 191 'Accelerometer',
192 'AmbientLightReading',
193 'AmbientTemperatureSensor',
194 'GyroscopeReading',
195 'IRProximitySensor',
196 'MagnetometerReading',
197 'PressureReading',
198 'RotationReading',
199 'SensorReading',
'TiltSensor' 203 'JumpListDestination',
204 'JumpList',
'ThumbnailToolButton' 208 'WebView',
'WebLoadRequest' 212 '(',
213 '+',
214 '!',
218 'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
247 1 =>
'color: #808041;',
248 2 =>
'color: #808041;',
249 3 =>
'color: #800780;',
250 4 =>
'color: #800780;',
251 5 =>
'color: #800780;',
252 6 =>
'color: #800780;',
253 7 =>
'color: #800780;',
254 8 =>
'color: #800780;',
255 9 =>
'color: #800780;',
256 10 =>
'color: #800780;',
257 11 =>
'color: #800780;',
258 12 =>
'color: #800780;',
259 13 =>
'color: #800780;',
260 14 =>
'color: #800780;',
261 15 =>
'color: #800780;',
262 16 =>
'color: #800780;',
263 17 =>
'color: #800780;',
264 18 =>
'color: #800780;',
265 19 =>
'color: #800780;',
266 20 =>
'color: #800780;',
267 21 =>
'color: #800780;',
268 22 =>
'color: #800780;',
269 23 =>
'color: #800780;',
270 24 =>
'color: #800780;' 273 1 =>
'color: #008025;',
274 2 =>
'color: #008025;',
275 3 =>
'color: #970009;',
276 4 =>
'color: #970009;',
277 'MULTI' =>
'color: #008025;' 279 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
280 0 =>
'color: #000099; font-weight: bold;' 283 0 =>
'color: #000000;' 286 0 =>
'color: #008025;' 289 0 =>
'color: #000000;' 292 1 =>
'color: #000000;' 295 0 =>
'color: #000000;' 309 3 =>
310 4 =>
311 5 =>
312 6 =>
313 7 =>
314 8 =>
315 9 =>
316 10 =>
317 11 =>
318 12 =>
319 13 =>
320 14 =>
321 15 =>
322 16 =>
323 17 =>
324 18 =>
325 19 =>
326 20 =>
327 21 =>
328 22 =>
329 23 =>
330 24 =>
'http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtwebkit-{FNAMEL}.html' 333 'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
339 'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
341 '<script type="text/javascript">' =>
'</script>' 344 '<script language="javascript">' =>
'</script>' 347 'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array(
Used in language files to mark comments.
Strict mode might apply, and can be enabled or disabled by GeSHi->enable_strict_mode().
Lowercase keywords found.