33 return HTTP::addURLParameters(
$url, $parameters);
113 return HTTP::getSelfHostWithNonStandardPort();
129 return HTTP::getSelfURL();
137 return HTTP::getSelfURLHost();
static checkURLAllowed($url, array $trustedSites=null)
Check if a URL is valid and is in our list of allowed URLs.
static getServerHTTPS()
Retrieve HTTPS status from $_SERVER environment variables.
static normalizeURL($url)
Normalizes a URL to an absolute URL and validate it.
getPOSTRedirectURL($destination, $data)
static redirectTrustedURL($url, $parameters=array())
This function redirects to the specified URL without performing any security checks.
static redirectUntrustedURL($url, $parameters=array())
This function redirects to the specified URL after performing the appropriate security checks on it...
static isHTTPS()
This function checks if we are using HTTPS as protocol.
checkURLAllowed($url, array $trustedSites=null)
static parseQueryString($query_string)
Parse a query string into an array.
static setCookie($name, $value, $params=null, $throw=true)
Set a cookie.
static getSelfURLNoQuery()
Retrieve the current URL using the base URL in the configuration, without the query parameters...
static resolveURL($url, $base=null)
Resolve a (possibly relative) URL relative to a given base URL.
static getSelfHost()
Retrieve our own host.
static submitPOSTData($destination, $data)
Submit a POST form to a specific destination.
static getSelfHostWithPath()
Retrieve our own host together with the URL path.
static fetch($url, $context=array(), $getHeaders=false)
Helper function to retrieve a file or URL with proxy support, also supporting proxy basic authorizati...
redirectTrustedURL($url, $parameters=array())
static getAcceptLanguage()
This function parses the Accept-Language HTTP header and returns an associative array with each langu...
addURLParameters($url, $parameters)
redirectUntrustedURL($url, $parameters=array())
static getServerPort()
Retrieve the port number from $_SERVER environment variables.
resolveURL($url, $base=null)
fetch($url, $context=array(), $getHeaders=false)
static guessBasePath()
Try to guess the base SimpleSAMLphp path from the current request.
static checkSessionCookie($retryURL=null)
Check for session cookie, and show missing-cookie page if it is missing.
static getFirstPathElement($trailingslash=true)
Retrieve the first element of the URL path.
submitPOSTData($destination, $data)
static getPOSTRedirectURL($destination, $data)
Create a link which will POST data.
static getBaseURL()
Retrieve the base URL of the SimpleSAMLphp installation.
setCookie($name, $value, $params=null, $throw=true)