ILIAS  release_5-4 Revision v5.4.26-12-gabc799a52e6
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 NAccessControlClass ilObjLanguageAccess
 NAESPure-PHP implementation of AES
 NASN1ASN.1 Element
 NassessmentQTI assessment class
 NBaseBase Class for all * cipher classes
 NBigIntegerPure-PHP arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library
 NBlowfishPure-PHP implementation of Blowfish
 NComplexAutoloader for Complex classes
 NConditionParserClass ConditionParser
 NDESPure-PHP implementation of DES
 NDIClass HTTPServicesTest
 NenshrinedClass AllowedAttributes
 NFilesystemClass FlySystemFileAccessTest
 NgeshiA simple script which outputs the CSS classes for all languages supported by GeSHi
 NHashPure-PHP implementations of keyed-hash message authentication codes (HMACs) and various cryptographic hashing functions
 NHTML_Template_ITIntegrated Template - IT
 NILIASClass BaseForm
 NiliasRedirection script todo: (a better solution should control the processing via a xml file)
 NilPdfGeneratorClass ilPdfGeneratorConstantsTest
 NJumbojettCopyright MITRE 2020
 NLibRISThis is a library for parsing RIS files
 NMailRFC 822 Email address list validation Utility
 NMatrixClass for the creating "special" Matrices
 NModulesClass ilChatroomConfigFileHandler
 NModulesBlogClass ilObjBlogAdministration
 NModulesCourseClass ilCourseLPBadge
 NModulesExerciseHandles exercise Grade reminder mail placeholders If all contexts are using the same placeholders,constructor etc
 NModulesFileFile to lp connector
 NModulesFolderFolder to lp connector
 NModulesGroupGroup to lp connector
 NModulesHTMLLearningModuleHTML lm to lp connector
 NModulesLearningModuleThis cron check links in learning modules
 NModulesMediaCastMediacast to lp connector
 NModulesPortfolioClass ilObjPortfolioAdministration
 NModulesScormAiccSCORM to lp connector
 NModulesSessionSession to lp connector
 NModulesSurveySurvey to lp connector
 NModulesTestClass ilMarkSchemaGUI
 NModulesWebResourceClass ilObjWebResourceAdministration
 NModulesWikiWiki search result table
 NPHPMailerPHPMailer - PHP email creation and transport class
 NPHPWavUtilsProject: PHPWavUtils: Classes for creating, reading, and manipulating WAV files in PHP
File: WavFile.php
 NRandomPure-PHP Random Number Generator
 NRC2Pure-PHP implementation of RC2
 NRC4Pure-PHP implementation of RC4
 NRijndaelPure-PHP implementation of Rijndael
 NRSAPure-PHP PKCS#1 compliant implementation of RSA
 NSCPPure-PHP implementations of SCP
 NSecurimageProject: Securimage: A PHP class for creating and managing form CAPTCHA images
File: securimage.php
 NServicesClass ilCertificateAppEventListener
 NServicesAwarenessClass ilObjAwarenessAdministration
 NServicesBadgeClass ilBadge
 NServicesComponentPlugin to lp connector
 NServicesDidacticTemplateClass ilObjObjectTemplateAdministration
 NServicesFileUploadUser interface class for drag and drop file upload
 NServicesLTIClass ilObjLTIAdministration
 NServicesPasswordClass ilBasePasswordEncoder
 NServicesPreviewClass ilPreview
 NServicesSearchClass ilObjectSearchFactory
 NServicesTaxonomyClass ilObjTaxonomyAdministration
 NServicesTrackingBase class for object lp connectors
 NServicesUIComponentDescription: <button> ( by Mozilla Contributors is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5
 NServicesUserClass ilPasswordUtils
 NSFTPSFTP Stream Wrapper
 NSimpleSAMLAttribute-related utility methods
 NsimplesamlphpCommon definitions for the algsupport metadata extension
 NSimpleSAMLphpTemporary autoloader to ensure compatibility with old, non-PSR-2 compliant classes
 NSimpleSAMLphp_baseBaseclass for auth source exceptions
 NSlimSlim Framework (
 NSSH1Pure-PHP implementation of SSHv1
 NSSH2Pure-PHP implementation of SSHv2
 NTripleDESPure-PHP implementation of Triple DES
 NTwofishPure-PHP implementation of Twofish
 NUIClass Factory
 NwebdavClass ilObjFileAccessSettingsGUI
 NWebDAVClass ilObjFileAccessSettings*
 NWhoopsWhoops - php errors for cool kids
 NX509Pure-PHP X.509 Parser
 NZipStreamClass Version