release_5-4 Revision v5.4.26-12-gabc799a52e6
NAccessControl | Class ilObjLanguageAccess |
NAcme | |
NAES | Pure-PHP implementation of AES |
NANSI | Pure-PHP ANSI Decoder |
NASN1 | ASN.1 Element |
Nassessment | QTI assessment class |
NAuth_Yubico | |
►NBackgroundTasks | |
NBase | Base Class for all * cipher classes |
NBigInteger | Pure-PHP arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library |
NBigintTest | |
NBlowfish | Pure-PHP implementation of Blowfish |
NBugHonorFileTimeTest | |
►Ncom | |
NComplex | Autoloader for Complex classes |
►NComposer | |
NConditionParser | Class ConditionParser |
►Ncweagans | |
NDES | Pure-PHP implementation of DES |
►NDflydev | |
NDI | Class HTTPServicesTest |
►Nenshrined | Class AllowedAttributes |
►NFastRoute | |
►NFilesystem | Class FlySystemFileAccessTest |
Ngeshi | A simple script which outputs the CSS classes for all languages supported by GeSHi |
►NGettext | |
►NGuzzleHttp | |
NHash | Pure-PHP implementations of keyed-hash message authentication codes (HMACs) and various cryptographic hashing functions |
NHTML_Template_IT | Integrated Template - IT |
►NILIAS | Class BaseForm |
Nilias | Redirection script todo: (a better solution should control the processing via a xml file) |
NilPdfGenerator | Class ilPdfGeneratorConstantsTest |
►NIMSGlobal | |
►NInterop | |
►NJaimePerez | |
NJumbojett | Copyright MITRE 2020 |
►NLeague | |
NLibRIS | This is a library for parsing RIS files |
NLTI | |
NMail | RFC 822 Email address list validation Utility |
►NMatrix | Class for the creating "special" Matrices |
NModules | Class ilChatroomConfigFileHandler |
NModulesBlog | Class ilObjBlogAdministration |
NModulesCourse | Class ilCourseLPBadge |
NModulesExercise | Handles exercise Grade reminder mail placeholders If all contexts are using the same placeholders,constructor etc |
NModulesFile | File to lp connector |
NModulesFolder | Folder to lp connector |
NModulesGroup | Group to lp connector |
NModulesHTMLLearningModule | HTML lm to lp connector |
NModulesLearningModule | This cron check links in learning modules |
NModulesMediaCast | Mediacast to lp connector |
NModulesPortfolio | Class ilObjPortfolioAdministration |
NModulesScormAicc | SCORM to lp connector |
NModulesSession | Session to lp connector |
NModulesSurvey | Survey to lp connector |
NModulesTest | Class ilMarkSchemaGUI |
NModulesWebResource | Class ilObjWebResourceAdministration |
NModulesWiki | Wiki search result table |
►NMonolog | |
►NMyCLabs | |
NnameParser | |
NPhpCAS | |
►NPHPMailer | PHPMailer - PHP email creation and transport class |
►NPhpOffice | |
►Nphpseclib | |
NPHPWavUtils | Project: PHPWavUtils: Classes for creating, reading, and manipulating WAV files in PHP File: WavFile.php |
►NPimple | |
►NPsr | |
NRandom | Pure-PHP Random Number Generator |
NRC2 | Pure-PHP implementation of RC2 |
NRC4 | Pure-PHP implementation of RC4 |
NRijndael | Pure-PHP implementation of Rijndael |
►NRobRichards | |
NRSA | Pure-PHP PKCS#1 compliant implementation of RSA |
►NSabre | |
►NSAML2 | |
NSCP | Pure-PHP implementations of SCP |
NSecurimage | Project: Securimage: A PHP class for creating and managing form CAPTCHA images File: securimage.php |
NServices | Class ilCertificateAppEventListener |
NServicesAwareness | Class ilObjAwarenessAdministration |
NServicesBadge | Class ilBadge |
NServicesComponent | Plugin to lp connector |
NServicesDidacticTemplate | Class ilObjObjectTemplateAdministration |
NServicesFileUpload | User interface class for drag and drop file upload |
NServicesLTI | Class ilObjLTIAdministration |
NServicesPassword | Class ilBasePasswordEncoder |
NServicesPreview | Class ilPreview |
NServicesSearch | Class ilObjectSearchFactory |
NServicesTaxonomy | Class ilObjTaxonomyAdministration |
NServicesTracking | Base class for object lp connectors |
NServicesUIComponent | Description: <button> ( by Mozilla Contributors is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5 |
NServicesUser | Class ilPasswordUtils |
NSFTP | SFTP Stream Wrapper |
NSimpleCAS | |
►NSimpleSAML | Attribute-related utility methods |
Nsimplesamlphp | Common definitions for the algsupport metadata extension |
NSimpleSAMLphp | Temporary autoloader to ensure compatibility with old, non-PSR-2 compliant classes |
NSimpleSAMLphp_base | Baseclass for auth source exceptions |
►NSlim | Slim Framework ( |
NSSH | |
NSSH1 | Pure-PHP implementation of SSHv1 |
NSSH2 | Pure-PHP implementation of SSHv2 |
►NSymfony | |
NText_Diff | Text_Diff |
NTripleDES | Pure-PHP implementation of Triple DES |
►NTwig | |
NTwofish | Pure-PHP implementation of Twofish |
NUI | Class Factory |
Nwebdav | Class ilObjFileAccessSettingsGUI |
NWebDAV | Class ilObjFileAccessSettings* |
►NWhiteHat101 | |
►NWhoops | Whoops - php errors for cool kids |
NX509 | Pure-PHP X.509 Parser |
►NZipStream | Class Version |
NZipStreamTest |