| removeQuestion ($questionId, ilTestReindexedSequencePositionMap $reindexedSequencePositionMap) |
| __construct ($active_id, $pass, $randomtest) |
| ilTestSequence constructor More...
| getActiveId () |
| createNewSequence ($max, $shuffle) |
| loadQuestions (ilTestQuestionSetConfig $testQuestionSetConfig=null, $taxonomyFilterSelection=array()) |
| Loads the question mapping. More...
| loadFromDb () |
| Loads the sequence data for a given active id. More...
| saveToDb () |
| Saves the sequence data for a given pass to the database. More...
| postponeQuestion ($question_id) |
| hideQuestion ($question_id) |
| isPostponedQuestion ($question_id) |
| isHiddenQuestion ($question_id) |
| isPostponedSequence ($sequence) |
| isHiddenSequence ($sequence) |
| postponeSequence ($sequence) |
| hideSequence ($sequence) |
| setQuestionPresented ($questionId) |
| isQuestionPresented ($questionId) |
| isNextQuestionPresented ($questionId) |
| setQuestionChecked ($questionId) |
| isQuestionChecked ($questionId) |
| getPositionOfSequence ($sequence) |
| getUserQuestionCount () |
| getOrderedSequence () |
| getOrderedSequenceQuestions () |
| getUserSequence () |
| getUserSequenceQuestions () |
| getSequenceForQuestion ($question_id) |
| getFirstSequence () |
| getLastSequence () |
| getNextSequence ($sequence) |
| getPreviousSequence ($sequence) |
| pcArrayShuffle ($array) |
| Shuffles the values of a given array. More...
| getQuestionForSequence ($sequence) |
| getSequenceSummary ($obligationsFilterEnabled=false) |
| getPass () |
| setPass ($pass) |
| hasSequence () |
| hasHiddenQuestions () |
| clearHiddenQuestions () |
| hasStarted (ilTestSession $testSession) |
| openQuestionExists () |
| getQuestionIds () |
| questionExists ($questionId) |
| setQuestionOptional ($questionId) |
| isQuestionOptional ($questionId) |
| hasOptionalQuestions () |
| getOptionalQuestions () |
| clearOptionalQuestions () |
| reorderOptionalQuestionsToSequenceEnd () |
| isAnsweringOptionalQuestionsConfirmed () |
| setAnsweringOptionalQuestionsConfirmed ($answeringOptionalQuestionsConfirmed) |
| isConsiderHiddenQuestionsEnabled () |
| setConsiderHiddenQuestionsEnabled ($considerHiddenQuestionsEnabled) |
| isConsiderOptionalQuestionsEnabled () |
| setConsiderOptionalQuestionsEnabled ($considerOptionalQuestionsEnabled) |