ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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ilBookmarkExplorer Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for ilBookmarkExplorer:
+ Collaboration diagram for ilBookmarkExplorer:

Public Member Functions

 ilBookmarkExplorer ($a_target, $a_user_id)
 Constructor public.
 setEnableSmallMode ($a_enablesmallmode)
 Set Enable Small Mode.
 getEnableSmallMode ()
 Get Enable Small Mode.
 setOutput ($a_parent, $a_depth=1)
 Overwritten method from class.Explorer.php to avoid checkAccess selects recursive method public.
 formatHeader ($a_obj_id, $a_option)
 overwritten method from base class public
 setExpand ($a_node_id)
 set the expand option this value is stored in a SESSION variable to save it different view (lo view, frm view,...) private
 buildLinkTarget ($a_node_id, $a_type)
 overwritten method from base class get link target
 buildFrameTarget ($a_type, $a_child=0, $a_obj_id=0)
 overwritten method from base class buid link target
 setAllowedTypes ($a_types)
 set the alowed object types private
 setShowDetails ($s_details)
 set details mode public
 buildDescription ($a_desc, $a_id, $a_type)
 overwritten method from base class buid decription
 getImageAlt ($a_def, $a_type, $a_obj_id)
 get image alt text
 addRoot ($a_caption)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ilExplorer
 ilExplorer ($a_target)
 Constructor public.
 setId ($a_val)
 Set id.
 getId ()
 Get id.
 setAsynchExpanding ($a_val)
 Set asynch expanding.
 getAsynchExpanding ()
 Get asynch expanding.
 initItemCounter ($a_number)
 Init item counter.
 setTitle ($a_val)
 Set title.
 setTitleLength ($a_length)
 Set max title length.
 getTitleLength ()
 Get max title length.
 getTitle ()
 Get title.
 setRoot ($a_root_id)
 Set root node.
 getRoot ()
 get root id
 setOrderColumn ($a_column)
 set the order column public
 setOrderDirection ($a_direction)
 set the order direction public
 setTargetGet ($a_target_get)
 set the varname in Get-string public
 setParamsGet ($a_params_get)
 set additional params to be passed in Get-string public
 setExpandTarget ($a_exp_target)
 target script for expand icons
 setFrameUpdater ($a_up_frame, $a_up_script, $a_params="")
 Set Explorer Updater.
 highlightNode ($a_id)
 set highlighted node
 checkPermissions ($a_check)
 check permissions via rbac
 setSessionExpandVariable ($a_var_name="expand")
 set name of expand session variable
 outputIcons ($a_icons)
 output icons
 setClickable ($a_type, $a_clickable)
 (de-)activates links for a certain object type
 isVisible ($a_ref_id, $a_type)
 setTreeLead ($a_val)
 Set tree leading content.
 getTreeLead ()
 Get tree leading content.
 isClickable ($a_type, $a_ref_id=0)
 check if links for certain object type are activated
 setPostSort ($a_sort)
 process post sorting
 setFilterMode ($a_mode=IL_FM_NEGATIVE)
 set filter mode
 getFilterMode ()
 get filter mode
 setUseStandardFrame ($a_val)
 Set use standard frame.
 getUseStandardFrame ()
 Get use standard explorer frame.
 getChildsOfNode ($a_parent_id)
 Get childs of node.
 setOutput ($a_parent_id, $a_depth=1, $a_obj_id=0, $a_highlighted_subtree=false)
 Creates output for explorer view in admin menue recursive method public.
 modifyChilds ($a_parent_id, $a_objects)
 showChilds ($a_parent_id)
 determines wether the childs of an object should be shown or not note: this standard implementation always returns true but it could be overwritten by derived classes (e.g.
 forceExpanded ($a_obj_id)
 force expansion of node
 getMaximumTreeDepth ()
 Get maximum tree depth.
 getOutput ()
 Creates output recursive method public.
 handleListEndTags (&$a_tpl_tree, $a_cur_depth, $a_item_depth)
 handle list end tags ( and )
 handleListStartTags (&$a_tpl_tree, $a_cur_depth, $a_item_depth)
 handle list start tags (
 formatHeader (&$tpl, $a_obj_id, $a_option)
 Creates output for header (is empty here but can be overwritten in derived classes)
 formatObject (&$tpl, $a_node_id, $a_option, $a_obj_id=0)
 Creates output recursive method private.
 getImage ($a_name, $a_type="", $a_obj_id="")
 get image path (may be overwritten by derived classes)
 getNodeStyleClass ($a_id, $a_type)
 get style class for node
 buildOnClick ($a_node_id, $a_type, $a_title)
 get onclick event handling (may be overwritten by derived classes)
 buildTitle ($a_title, $a_id, $a_type)
 standard implementation for title, may be overwritten by derived classes
 buildSelect ($a_node_id, $a_type)
 standard implementation for adding an option select box between image and title
 createTarget ($a_type, $a_node_id, $a_highlighted_subtree=false, $a_append_anch=true)
 Creates Get Parameter private.
 setFrameTarget ($a_target)
 set target frame or not frame?
 createLines ($a_depth)
 Creates lines for explorer view private.
 is_in_array ($a_start, $a_depth)
 getIndex ($a_data)
 get index of format_options array from specific ref_id,parent_id private
 addFilter ($a_item)
 adds item to the filter public
 delFilter ($a_item)
 removes item from the filter public
 forceExpandAll ($a_mode, $a_show_minus=true)
 force expandAll.
 setFiltered ($a_bool)
 active/deactivate the filter public
 checkFilter ($a_item)
 check if item is in filter private
 sortNodes ($a_nodes, $a_parent_obj_id)
 sort nodes and put adm object to the end of sorted array private

Data Fields

- Data Fields inherited from ilExplorer
 $order_direction = "asc"
 $filtered = false
 $expand_all = false
 $root_id = null
 $use_standard_frame = false

Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

Member Function Documentation

ilBookmarkExplorer::addRoot (   $a_caption)

Definition at line 304 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

$this->root = $a_caption;
ilBookmarkExplorer::buildDescription (   $a_desc,

overwritten method from base class buid decription

Reimplemented from ilExplorer.

Definition at line 284 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

if ($this->show_details=='y' && !empty($a_desc))
return $a_desc;
return "";
ilBookmarkExplorer::buildFrameTarget (   $a_type,
  $a_child = 0,
  $a_obj_id = 0 

overwritten method from base class buid link target

Reimplemented from ilExplorer.

Definition at line 249 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

switch ($a_type) {
case 'bm':
// return _blank for Bookmarks;
return '_blank';
return '';
ilBookmarkExplorer::buildLinkTarget (   $a_node_id,

overwritten method from base class get link target

Reimplemented from ilExplorer.

Definition at line 224 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

References $_REQUEST, and ilExplorer\$target.

if ($_REQUEST['bm_link'] && $a_type == 'bmf')
$link = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$link = ereg_replace('bmf_id=[0-9]*', 'bmf_id=' . $a_node_id, $link);
return $link;
switch ($a_type) {
case 'bm':
// return stored Bookmark target;
return htmlentities($this->bm_targets[$a_node_id]);
$target = (strpos($this->target, "?") === false)
? $this->target."?"
: $this->target."&";
return $target.$this->target_get."=".$a_node_id.$this->params_get;
ilBookmarkExplorer::formatHeader (   $a_obj_id,

overwritten method from base class public

integerarray options

Definition at line 183 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

References ilExplorer\$ilias, and $lng.

global $lng, $ilias;
ilBookmarkExplorer::getEnableSmallMode ( )

Get Enable Small Mode.

boolean Enable Small Mode

Definition at line 71 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

return $this->enablesmallmode;
ilBookmarkExplorer::getImageAlt (   $a_default_text,

get image alt text

Reimplemented from ilExplorer.

Definition at line 297 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

References $lng.

global $lng;
return $lng->txt("icon")." ".$lng->txt($a_type);
ilBookmarkExplorer::ilBookmarkExplorer (   $a_target,

Constructor public.


Definition at line 45 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

References ilExplorer\ilExplorer().

$this->tree = new ilTree($a_user_id);
$this->root_id = $this->tree->readRootId();
$this->user_id = $a_user_id;
$this->allowed_types= array ('bmf','dum');
$this->enablesmallmode = false;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilBookmarkExplorer::setAllowedTypes (   $a_types)

set the alowed object types private

arrayarraye of object types

Definition at line 266 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilBookmarkAdministrationGUI\explorer(), ilBookmarkBlockGUI\getPDBookmarkListHTMLTree(), and ilBookmarkAdministrationGUI\move().

$this->allowed_types = $a_types;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilBookmarkExplorer::setEnableSmallMode (   $a_enablesmallmode)

Set Enable Small Mode.

boolean$a_enablesmallmodeEnable Small Mode

Definition at line 61 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

$this->enablesmallmode = $a_enablesmallmode;
ilBookmarkExplorer::setExpand (   $a_node_id)

set the expand option this value is stored in a SESSION variable to save it different view (lo view, frm view,...) private

stringpipe-separated integer

Reimplemented from ilExplorer.

Definition at line 195 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

References $_SESSION, and $root_id.

if ($a_node_id == "")
$a_node_id = $this->root_id;
$_SESSION["mexpand"] = array();
// IF $_GET["expand"] is positive => expand this node
if($a_node_id > 0 && !in_array($a_node_id,$_SESSION["mexpand"]))
// IF $_GET["expand"] is negative => compress this node
if($a_node_id < 0)
$key = array_keys($_SESSION["mexpand"],-(int) $a_node_id);
$this->expanded = $_SESSION["mexpand"];
ilBookmarkExplorer::setOutput (   $a_parent,
  $a_depth = 1 

Overwritten method from class.Explorer.php to avoid checkAccess selects recursive method public.

integerparent_node_id where to start from (default=0, 'root')
integerdepth level where to start (default=1)

Definition at line 85 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

References $lng, $tab, and ilExplorer\getIndex().

global $lng;
static $counter = 0;
if ($objects = $this->tree->getChilds($a_parent,"type DESC,title"))
// var_dump("<pre>",$objects,"</pre");
$tab = ++$a_depth - 2;
if($a_depth < 4)
//$objects[$i]["title"] = $lng->txt("mail_".$objects[$i]["title"]);
//$objects[$i]["title"] = "TEEST";
foreach ($objects as $key => $object)
if (!in_array($object["type"],$this->allowed_types))
//ask for FILTER
if ($object["child"] != $this->root_id)
//$data = $this->tree->getParentNodeData($object["child"]);
$parent_index = $this->getIndex($object);
// Store targets for Bookmarks
if ($object["type"]=='bm') {
if($this->root && !$counter)
$object["title"] = $this->root;
$this->format_options["$counter"]["parent"] = $object["parent"];
$this->format_options["$counter"]["child"] = $object["child"];
$this->format_options["$counter"]["title"] = $object["title"];
$this->format_options["$counter"]["description"] = $object["description"];
$this->format_options["$counter"]["type"] = $object["type"];
$this->format_options["$counter"]["depth"] = $tab;
$this->format_options["$counter"]["container"] = false;
$this->format_options["$counter"]["visible"] = true;
// Create prefix array
for ($i = 0; $i < $tab; ++$i)
$this->format_options["$counter"]["tab"][] = 'blank';
// only if parent is expanded and visible, object is visible
if ($object["child"] != $this->root_id and ((!in_array($object["parent"],$this->expanded) && !$this->expand_all)
or !$this->format_options["$parent_index"]["visible"]))
$this->format_options["$counter"]["visible"] = false;
// if object exists parent is container
if ($object["child"] != $this->root_id)
$this->format_options["$parent_index"]["container"] = true;
if (in_array($object["parent"],$this->expanded))
$this->format_options["$parent_index"]["tab"][($tab-2)] = 'minus';
$this->format_options["$parent_index"]["tab"][($tab-2)] = 'plus';
// Recursive
} //foreach
} //if
} //function

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilBookmarkExplorer::setShowDetails (   $s_details)

set details mode public

stringy or n

Definition at line 275 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

$this->show_details = $s_details;

Field Documentation


Definition at line 37 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.


Definition at line 30 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

Referenced by setExpand().


Definition at line 23 of file class.ilBookmarkExplorer.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: