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ilExplorer Class Reference

Class ilExplorer class for explorer view in admin frame. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for ilExplorer:
+ Collaboration diagram for ilExplorer:

Public Member Functions

 ilExplorer ($a_target)
 Constructor public.
 setId ($a_val)
 Set id.
 getId ()
 Get id.
 setAsynchExpanding ($a_val)
 Set asynch expanding.
 getAsynchExpanding ()
 Get asynch expanding.
 initItemCounter ($a_number)
 Init item counter.
 setTitle ($a_val)
 Set title.
 setTitleLength ($a_length)
 Set max title length.
 getTitleLength ()
 Get max title length.
 getTitle ()
 Get title.
 setRoot ($a_root_id)
 Set root node.
 getRoot ()
 get root id
 setOrderColumn ($a_column)
 set the order column public
 setOrderDirection ($a_direction)
 set the order direction public
 setTargetGet ($a_target_get)
 set the varname in Get-string public
 setParamsGet ($a_params_get)
 set additional params to be passed in Get-string public
 setExpandTarget ($a_exp_target)
 target script for expand icons
 setFrameUpdater ($a_up_frame, $a_up_script, $a_params="")
 Set Explorer Updater.
 highlightNode ($a_id)
 set highlighted node
 checkPermissions ($a_check)
 check permissions via rbac
 setSessionExpandVariable ($a_var_name="expand")
 set name of expand session variable
 outputIcons ($a_icons)
 output icons
 setClickable ($a_type, $a_clickable)
 (de-)activates links for a certain object type
 isVisible ($a_ref_id, $a_type)
 setTreeLead ($a_val)
 Set tree leading content.
 getTreeLead ()
 Get tree leading content.
 isClickable ($a_type, $a_ref_id=0)
 check if links for certain object type are activated
 setPostSort ($a_sort)
 process post sorting
 setFilterMode ($a_mode=IL_FM_NEGATIVE)
 set filter mode
 getFilterMode ()
 get filter mode
 setUseStandardFrame ($a_val)
 Set use standard frame.
 getUseStandardFrame ()
 Get use standard explorer frame.
 getChildsOfNode ($a_parent_id)
 Get childs of node.
 setOutput ($a_parent_id, $a_depth=1, $a_obj_id=0, $a_highlighted_subtree=false)
 Creates output for explorer view in admin menue recursive method public.
 modifyChilds ($a_parent_id, $a_objects)
 showChilds ($a_parent_id)
 determines wether the childs of an object should be shown or not note: this standard implementation always returns true but it could be overwritten by derived classes (e.g.
 forceExpanded ($a_obj_id)
 force expansion of node
 getMaximumTreeDepth ()
 Get maximum tree depth.
 getOutput ()
 Creates output recursive method public.
 handleListEndTags (&$a_tpl_tree, $a_cur_depth, $a_item_depth)
 handle list end tags ( and )
 handleListStartTags (&$a_tpl_tree, $a_cur_depth, $a_item_depth)
 handle list start tags (
 formatHeader (&$tpl, $a_obj_id, $a_option)
 Creates output for header (is empty here but can be overwritten in derived classes)
 formatObject (&$tpl, $a_node_id, $a_option, $a_obj_id=0)
 Creates output recursive method private.
 getImage ($a_name, $a_type="", $a_obj_id="")
 get image path (may be overwritten by derived classes)
 getImageAlt ($a_default_text, $a_type="", $a_obj_id="")
 get image alt text
 getNodeStyleClass ($a_id, $a_type)
 get style class for node
 buildLinkTarget ($a_node_id, $a_type)
 get link target (may be overwritten by derived classes)
 buildOnClick ($a_node_id, $a_type, $a_title)
 get onclick event handling (may be overwritten by derived classes)
 buildTitle ($a_title, $a_id, $a_type)
 standard implementation for title, may be overwritten by derived classes
 buildDescription ($a_desc, $a_id, $a_type)
 standard implementation for description, may be overwritten by derived classes
 buildSelect ($a_node_id, $a_type)
 standard implementation for adding an option select box between image and title
 buildFrameTarget ($a_type, $a_child=0, $a_obj_id=0)
 get frame target (may be overwritten by derived classes)
 createTarget ($a_type, $a_node_id, $a_highlighted_subtree=false, $a_append_anch=true)
 Creates Get Parameter private.
 setFrameTarget ($a_target)
 set target frame or not frame?
 createLines ($a_depth)
 Creates lines for explorer view private.
 is_in_array ($a_start, $a_depth)
 getIndex ($a_data)
 get index of format_options array from specific ref_id,parent_id private
 addFilter ($a_item)
 adds item to the filter public
 delFilter ($a_item)
 removes item from the filter public
 setExpand ($a_node_id)
 set the expand option this value is stored in a SESSION variable to save it different view (lo view, frm view,...) private
 forceExpandAll ($a_mode, $a_show_minus=true)
 force expandAll.
 setFiltered ($a_bool)
 active/deactivate the filter public
 checkFilter ($a_item)
 check if item is in filter private
 sortNodes ($a_nodes, $a_parent_obj_id)
 sort nodes and put adm object to the end of sorted array private

Data Fields

 $order_direction = "asc"
 $filtered = false
 $expand_all = false
 $root_id = null
 $use_standard_frame = false

Detailed Description

Class ilExplorer class for explorer view in admin frame.

Stefan Meyer
class.ilExplorer.php 39652 2013-02-03 16:09:37Z akill

Definition at line 16 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Member Function Documentation

ilExplorer::buildDescription (   $a_desc,

standard implementation for description, may be overwritten by derived classes

Reimplemented in ilWorkspaceFolderExplorer, ilBookmarkExplorer, and ilIntLinkRepItemExplorer.

Definition at line 1199 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilForumMoveTopicsExplorer\formatObject(), ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer\formatObject(), ilECSNodeMappingLocalExplorer\formatObject(), ilWorkspaceExplorer\formatObject(), ilPasteIntoMultipleItemsExplorer\formatObject(), and formatObject().

return "";

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::buildOnClick (   $a_node_id,

get onclick event handling (may be overwritten by derived classes)

Reimplemented in ilIntLinkRepItemExplorer, and ilLinkTargetObjectExplorer.

Definition at line 1183 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilForumMoveTopicsExplorer\formatObject(), ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer\formatObject(), ilECSNodeMappingLocalExplorer\formatObject(), ilWorkspaceExplorer\formatObject(), ilPasteIntoMultipleItemsExplorer\formatObject(), and formatObject().

return "";

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::buildSelect (   $a_node_id,

standard implementation for adding an option select box between image and title

Reimplemented in ilCopyWizardExplorer.

Definition at line 1207 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by formatObject().

return "";

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::buildTitle (   $a_title,

standard implementation for title, may be overwritten by derived classes

Reimplemented in ilRepositoryExplorer, ilECSNodeMappingLocalExplorer, ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer, ilSkillExplorer, ilPersonalSkillExplorer, ilTaxonomyExplorer, ilIntLinkRepItemExplorer, ilTableOfContentsExplorer, ilLMEditorExplorer, and ilLMTOCExplorer.

Definition at line 1191 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by formatObject().

return $a_title;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::checkFilter (   $a_item)

check if item is in filter private


Definition at line 1498 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References $ret, getFilterMode(), and IL_FM_NEGATIVE.

Referenced by ilShopExplorer\setOutput(), ilSCORMExplorer\setOutput(), and setOutput().

if (is_array($this->filter))
if (in_array($a_item, $this->filter))
$ret = true;
$ret = false;
$ret = false;
if ($this->getFilterMode() == IL_FM_NEGATIVE )
return $ret;
return !$ret;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::checkPermissions (   $a_check)
ilExplorer::createLines (   $a_depth)

Creates lines for explorer view private.


Definition at line 1280 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References is_in_array().

Referenced by ilMailExplorer\getOutput(), ilPublicSectionSelector\getOutput(), ilShopPublicSectionSelector\getOutput(), ilSCORMExplorer\getOutput(), and getOutput().

for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->format_options); ++$i)
if ($this->format_options[$i]["depth"] == $a_depth+1
and !$this->format_options[$i]["container"]
and $this->format_options[$i]["depth"] != 1)
$this->format_options[$i]["tab"]["$a_depth"] = "quer";
if ($this->format_options[$i]["depth"] == $a_depth+2)
if ($this->is_in_array($i+1,$this->format_options[$i]["depth"]))
$this->format_options[$i]["tab"]["$a_depth"] = "winkel";
$this->format_options[$i]["tab"]["$a_depth"] = "ecke";
if ($this->format_options[$i]["depth"] > $a_depth+2)
if ($this->is_in_array($i+1,$a_depth+2))
$this->format_options[$i]["tab"]["$a_depth"] = "hoch";

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::createTarget (   $a_type,
  $a_highlighted_subtree = false,
  $a_append_anch = true 

Creates Get Parameter private.


Definition at line 1229 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References getAsynchExpanding().

Referenced by ilForumMoveTopicsExplorer\formatObject(), ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer\formatObject(), ilECSNodeMappingLocalExplorer\formatObject(), ilWorkspaceExplorer\formatObject(), ilPasteIntoMultipleItemsExplorer\formatObject(), and formatObject().

if (!isset($a_type) or !is_string($a_type) or !isset($a_node_id))
$this->ilias->raiseError(get_class($this)."::createTarget(): Missing parameter or wrong datatype! ".
"type: ".$a_type." node_id:".$a_node_id,$this->ilias->error_obj->WARNING);
// SET expand parameter:
// positive if object is expanded
// negative if object is compressed
$a_node_id = $a_type == '+' ? $a_node_id : -(int) $a_node_id;
$sep = (is_int(strpos($this->expand_target, "?")))
? "&"
: "?";
// in current tree flag
$ict_str = ($a_highlighted_subtree || $this->highlighted == "")
? "&ict=1"
: "";
if ($this->getAsynchExpanding())
$ict_str.= "&cmdMode=asynch";
if ($a_append_anch)
return $this->expand_target.$sep.$this->expand_variable."=".$a_node_id.$this->params_get.$ict_str."#".abs($a_node_id);
return $this->expand_target.$sep.$this->expand_variable."=".$a_node_id.$this->params_get.$ict_str;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::delFilter (   $a_item)

removes item from the filter public

stringobject type to remove

Definition at line 1404 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

//check if a filter exists
if (is_array($this->filter))
//build copy of the existing filter without the given item
$tmp = array();
foreach ($this->filter as $item)
if ($item != $a_item)
$tmp[] = $item;
$deleted = 1;
$this->filter = $tmp;
return false;
if ($deleted == 1)
return true;
return false;
ilExplorer::forceExpandAll (   $a_mode,
  $a_show_minus = true 

force expandAll.

if true all nodes are expanded regardless of the values in $expanded (default: false) public


Definition at line 1474 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilPublicSectionSelector\ilPublicSectionSelector(), and ilObjTaxonomyGUI\moveItems().

$this->expand_all = (bool) $a_mode;
$this->show_minus = $a_show_minus;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::forceExpanded (   $a_obj_id)
ilExplorer::formatHeader ( $tpl,
ilExplorer::formatObject ( $tpl,
  $a_obj_id = 0 

Creates output recursive method private.


Reimplemented in ilPublicSectionSelector, ilPasteIntoMultipleItemsExplorer, ilWorkspaceExplorer, ilPersonalSkillExplorer, ilSkillExplorer, ilECSNodeMappingLocalExplorer, ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer, ilTaxonomyExplorer, ilForumMoveTopicsExplorer, and ilScorm2004EditorExplorer.

Definition at line 983 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References $lng, $target, $tpl, buildDescription(), buildFrameTarget(), buildLinkTarget(), buildOnClick(), buildSelect(), buildTitle(), createTarget(), getAsynchExpanding(), getImage(), getImageAlt(), getNodeStyleClass(), isClickable(), and ilUtil\shortenText().

Referenced by ilMailExplorer\getOutput(), ilShopPublicSectionSelector\getOutput(), and getOutput().

global $lng;
if (!isset($a_node_id) or !is_array($a_option))
$this->ilias->raiseError(get_class($this)."::formatObject(): Missing parameter or wrong datatype! ".
"node_id: ".$a_node_id." options:".var_dump($a_option),$this->ilias->error_obj->WARNING);
$pic = false;
foreach ((array) $a_option["tab"] as $picture)
if ($picture == 'plus')
$tpl->setVariable("EXP_DESC", $lng->txt("collapsed"));
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_NAME", $a_node_id);
if (!$this->getAsynchExpanding())
$target = $this->createTarget('+',$a_node_id, $a_option["highlighted_subtree"]);
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_TARGET_EXPANDER", $target);
$target = $this->createTarget('+',$a_node_id, $a_option["highlighted_subtree"], false);
$tpl->setVariable("ONCLICK_TARGET_EXPANDER", " onclick=\"return il.Explorer.refresh('tree_div', '".$target."');\"");
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_TARGET_EXPANDER", "#");
$tpl->setVariable("IMGPATH", $this->getImage("browser/plus.png"));
$pic = true;
if ($picture == 'forceexp')
$tpl->setVariable("EXP_DESC", $lng->txt("expanded"));
$target = $this->createTarget('+',$a_node_id);
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_NAME", $a_node_id);
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_TARGET_EXPANDER", $target);
$tpl->setVariable("IMGPATH", $this->getImage("browser/forceexp.png"));
$pic = true;
if ($picture == 'minus' && $this->show_minus)
$tpl->setVariable("EXP_DESC", $lng->txt("expanded"));
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_NAME", $a_node_id);
if (!$this->getAsynchExpanding())
$target = $this->createTarget('-',$a_node_id, $a_option["highlighted_subtree"]);
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_TARGET_EXPANDER", $target);
$target = $this->createTarget('-',$a_node_id, $a_option["highlighted_subtree"], false);
$tpl->setVariable("ONCLICK_TARGET_EXPANDER", " onclick=\"return il.Explorer.refresh('tree_div', '".$target."');\"");
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_TARGET_EXPANDER", "#");
$tpl->setVariable("IMGPATH", $this->getImage("browser/minus.png"));
$pic = true;
if ($picture == 'blank' or $picture == 'winkel'
or $picture == 'hoch' or $picture == 'quer' or $picture == 'ecke')
$picture = "blank";
$tpl->setVariable("IMGPATH_LINES", $this->getImage("browser/".$picture.".png"));
if (!$pic)
$tpl->setVariable("BLANK_PATH", $this->getImage("browser/blank.png"));
if ($this->output_icons)
$tpl->setVariable("ICON_IMAGE" , $this->getImage("icon_".$a_option["type"]."_s.png", $a_option["type"], $a_obj_id));
$tpl->setVariable("TARGET_ID" , "iconid_".$a_node_id);
$this->iconList[] = "iconid_".$a_node_id;
$this->getImageAlt($lng->txt("icon")." ".$lng->txt($a_option["desc"]), $a_option["type"], $a_obj_id));
if(strlen($sel = $this->buildSelect($a_node_id,$a_option['type'])))
if ($this->isClickable($a_option["type"], $a_node_id,$a_obj_id)) // output link
//$target = (strpos($this->target, "?") === false) ?
// $this->target."?" : $this->target."&";
//$tpl->setVariable("LINK_TARGET", $target.$this->target_get."=".$a_node_id.$this->params_get);
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_TARGET", $this->buildLinkTarget($a_node_id, $a_option["type"]));
$style_class = $this->getNodeStyleClass($a_node_id, $a_option["type"]);
if ($style_class != "")
$tpl->setVariable("A_CLASS", ' class="'.$style_class.'" ' );
if (($onclick = $this->buildOnClick($a_node_id, $a_option["type"], $a_option["title"])) != "")
$tpl->setVariable("ONCLICK", "onClick=\"$onclick\"");
//$tpl->setVariable("LINK_NAME", $a_node_id);
$tpl->setVariable("TITLE", ilUtil::shortenText(
$this->buildTitle($a_option["title"], $a_node_id, $a_option["type"]),
$this->textwidth, true));
$tpl->setVariable("DESC", ilUtil::shortenText(
$this->buildDescription($a_option["description"], $a_node_id, $a_option["type"]), $this->textwidth, true));
$frame_target = $this->buildFrameTarget($a_option["type"], $a_node_id, $a_option["obj_id"]);
if ($frame_target != "")
$tpl->setVariable("TARGET", " target=\"".$frame_target."\"");
else // output text only
$tpl->setVariable("OBJ_TITLE", ilUtil::shortenText(
$this->buildTitle($a_option["title"], $a_node_id, $a_option["type"]), $this->textwidth, true));
$tpl->setVariable("OBJ_DESC", ilUtil::shortenText(
$this->buildDescription($a_option["desc"], $a_node_id, $a_option["type"]), $this->textwidth, true));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::getAsynchExpanding ( )

Get asynch expanding.


Definition at line 248 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by createTarget(), and formatObject().

return $this->asnch_expanding;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::getChildsOfNode (   $a_parent_id)

Get childs of node.

int$a_parent_idparent id
array childs

Reimplemented in ilSkillExplorer, and ilPersonalSkillExplorer.

Definition at line 590 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by setOutput().

return $this->tree->getChilds($a_parent_id, $this->order_column);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::getFilterMode ( )

get filter mode


Definition at line 558 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References $filter_mode.

Referenced by checkFilter().


+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::getId ( )

Get id.

string id

Definition at line 228 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References $id.

Referenced by getOutput().

return $this->id;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::getImage (   $a_name,
  $a_type = "",
  $a_obj_id = "" 
ilExplorer::getImageAlt (   $a_default_text,
  $a_type = "",
  $a_obj_id = "" 

get image alt text

Reimplemented in ilWorkspaceFolderExplorer, ilBookmarkExplorer, and ilLMEditorExplorer.

Definition at line 1152 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by formatObject().

return $a_default_text;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::getIndex (   $a_data)

get index of format_options array from specific ref_id,parent_id private

arrayobject data
integer index

Definition at line 1343 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilBookmarkExplorer\setOutput(), ilWorkspaceFolderExplorer\setOutput(), ilMailExplorer\setOutput(), ilSCORMExplorer\setOutput(), and setOutput().

return -1;
foreach ($this->format_options as $key => $value)
if (($value["child"] == $a_data["parent"]))
return $key;
return -1;
// exit on error
#$this->ilias->raiseError(get_class($this)."::getIndex(): Error in tree. No index found!",$this->ilias->error_obj->FATAL);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::getMaximumTreeDepth ( )

Get maximum tree depth.


Reimplemented in ilPersonalSkillExplorer.

Definition at line 778 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by getOutput().


+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::getNodeStyleClass (   $a_id,

get style class for node

Definition at line 1160 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilWorkspaceFolderExplorer\formatHeader(), ilForumMoveTopicsExplorer\formatObject(), ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer\formatObject(), ilECSNodeMappingLocalExplorer\formatObject(), ilWorkspaceExplorer\formatObject(), ilPasteIntoMultipleItemsExplorer\formatObject(), and formatObject().

if ($a_id == $this->highlighted)
return "il_HighlightedNode";
return "";

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::getOutput ( )

Creates output recursive method public.


Reimplemented in ilWorkspaceFolderExplorer, ilShopExplorer, ilShopPublicSectionSelector, ilPublicSectionSelector, and ilMailExplorer.

Definition at line 790 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References $_GET, $_POST, $ilBench, $lng, $tpl, createLines(), formatHeader(), formatObject(), getId(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), getMaximumTreeDepth(), ilUtil\getStyleSheetLocation(), getTitle(), getUseStandardFrame(), handleListEndTags(), handleListStartTags(), and ilYuiUtil\initConnection().

global $ilBench, $tpl, $lng;
$ilBench->start("Explorer", "getOutput");
$this->format_options[0]["tab"] = array();
$depth = $this->getMaximumTreeDepth();
for ($i=0;$i<$depth;++$i)
$tpl->addBlockFile("EXPLORER_TOP", "exp_top", "tpl.explorer_top.html");
//echo "hh";
// set global body class
$tpl_tree = new ilTemplate("tpl.tree.html", true, true, "Services/UIComponent/Explorer");
// updater
if (($_GET["ict"] || $_POST["collapseAll"] != "" || $_POST["expandAll"] != "") && $this->up_frame != "")
$tpl_tree->setVariable("UPDATE_FRAME", $this->up_frame);
$tpl_tree->setVariable("UPDATE_SCRIPT", $this->up_script);
if (is_array($this->up_params))
$up_str = $lim = "";
foreach ($this->up_params as $p)
$up_str.= $lim."'".$p."'";
$lim = ",";
$tpl_tree->setVariable("UPDATE_PARAMS", $up_str);
$cur_depth = -1;
foreach ($this->format_options as $key => $options)
//echo "-".$options["depth"]."-";
if (!$options["visible"])
// end tags
$this->handleListEndTags($tpl_tree, $cur_depth, $options["depth"]);
// start tags
$this->handleListStartTags($tpl_tree, $cur_depth, $options["depth"]);
$cur_depth = $options["depth"];
if ($options["visible"] and $key != 0)
$this->formatObject($tpl_tree, $options["child"],$options,$options['obj_id']);
if ($key == 0)
$this->formatHeader($tpl_tree, $options["child"],$options);
//if ($GLOBALS["ilUser"]->getLogin() == "alex") var_dump($this->format_options);
$this->handleListEndTags($tpl_tree, $cur_depth, -1);
$ilBench->stop("Explorer", "getOutput");
$tpl_tree->setVariable("TREE_LEAD", "");
if ($this->tree_lead != "")
$tpl_tree->setVariable("TREE_LEAD", $this->tree_lead);
if ($this->getId() != "")
$tpl_tree->setVariable("TREE_ID", 'id="'.$this->getId().'_tree"');
$html = $tpl_tree->get();
if ($this->getUseStandardFrame())
$mtpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.main.html", true, true);
$mtpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET", ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation());
$mtpl->setVariable("BODY_CLASS", "il_Explorer");
$mtpl->addBlockFile("CONTENT", "content", "tpl.explorer.html");
if ($this->getTitle() != "")
$mtpl->setVariable("TXT_EXPLORER_HEADER", $this->getTitle());
if ($this->getId() != "")
$mtpl->setVariable("ID", 'id="'.$this->getId().'"');
$mtpl->setVariable("IMG_SPACE", ilUtil::getImagePath("spacer.png", false));
$mtpl->setVariable("EXPLORER", $html);
$mtpl->setVariable("EXP_REFRESH", $lng->txt("refresh"));
$html = $mtpl->get();
return $html;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilExplorer::getRoot ( )

get root id



Definition at line 324 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References $root_id.

Referenced by ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer\formatHeader(), setExpand(), and setOutput().

return $this->root_id == null ?
$this->tree->getRootId() :

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::getTitle ( )

Get title.


Definition at line 299 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References $title.

Referenced by getOutput().

return $this->title;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::getTitleLength ( )

Get max title length.


Definition at line 289 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

return $this->textwidth;
ilExplorer::getTreeLead ( )

Get tree leading content.

string tree leading content

Definition at line 506 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

return $this->tree_lead;
ilExplorer::getUseStandardFrame ( )

Get use standard explorer frame.

boolean use standard explorer frame

Definition at line 579 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References $use_standard_frame.

Referenced by getOutput().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::handleListEndTags ( $a_tpl_tree,

handle list end tags ( and )

Definition at line 911 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilMailExplorer\getOutput(), ilPublicSectionSelector\getOutput(), ilShopPublicSectionSelector\getOutput(), and getOutput().

if ($a_item_depth < $a_cur_depth)
// </li></ul> for ending lists
for ($i = 0; $i < ($a_cur_depth - $a_item_depth); $i++)
else if ($a_item_depth == $a_cur_depth)
// </li> for ending list items

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::handleListStartTags ( $a_tpl_tree,

handle list start tags (


Definition at line 936 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilMailExplorer\getOutput(), ilPublicSectionSelector\getOutput(), ilShopPublicSectionSelector\getOutput(), and getOutput().

// start tags
if ($a_item_depth > $a_cur_depth)
// <ul><li> for new lists
if ($a_item_depth > 1)
// <li> items

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::highlightNode (   $a_id)

set highlighted node

Definition at line 421 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

$this->highlighted = $a_id;
ilExplorer::ilExplorer (   $a_target)

Constructor public.


Definition at line 168 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References $ilias, addFilter(), IL_FM_NEGATIVE, setFiltered(), setFilterMode(), and setTitleLength().

Referenced by ilGlossarySelectorGUI\__construct(), ilFileSelectorGUI\__construct(), ilPoolSelectorGUI\__construct(), ilShopRepositoryExplorer\__construct(), ilPersonalSkillExplorer\__construct(), ilCopyWizardExplorer\__construct(), ilPaymentObjectSelector\__construct(), ilAdministrationExplorer\ilAdministrationExplorer(), ilAICCExplorer\ilAICCExplorer(), ilBookmarkExplorer\ilBookmarkExplorer(), ilConditionSelector\ilConditionSelector(), ilHACPExplorer\ilHACPExplorer(), ilLMExplorer\ilLMExplorer(), ilLMMenuObjectSelector\ilLMMenuObjectSelector(), ilIntLinkRepItemExplorer\ilLMMenuObjectSelector(), ilMaterialExplorer\ilMaterialExplorer(), ilMediaPoolExplorer\ilMediaPoolExplorer(), ilObjectSelector\ilObjectSelector(), ilRepositoryCopySelector\ilRepositoryCopySelector(), ilRepositoryExplorer\ilRepositoryExplorer(), ilRepositoryLinkSelector\ilRepositoryLinkSelector(), ilRoleDesktopItemSelector\ilRoleDesktopItemSelector(), ilScorm2004EditorExplorer\ilScorm2004EditorExplorer(), ilSCORMExplorer\ilSCORMExplorer(), ilSearchRootSelector\ilSearchRootSelector(), ilSkillExplorer\ilSkillExplorer(), ilSolutionExplorer\ilSolutionExplorer(), and ilStyleScopeExplorer\ilStyleScopeExplorer().

global $ilias, $objDefinition;
if (!isset($a_target) or !is_string($a_target))
$this->ilias->raiseError(get_class($this)."::Constructor(): No target given!",$this->ilias->error_obj->WARNING);
// autofilter object types in devmode
$devtypes = $objDefinition->getDevModeAll();
if (count($devtypes > 0))
// activate filter if objects found in devmode
foreach ($devtypes as $type)
$this->ilias =& $ilias;
$this->output = array();
$this->expanded = array();
$this->target = $a_target;
$this->target_get = 'ref_id';
$this->frame_target = "content";
$this->order_column = "title";
$this->tree = new ilTree(ROOT_FOLDER_ID);
$this->expand_target = $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"];
$this->rbac_check = true;
$this->output_icons = true;
$this->expand_variable = "expand";
$this->highlighted = "";
$this->show_minus = true;
$this->counter = 0;
$this->asnch_expanding = false;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::initItemCounter (   $a_number)

Init item counter.



Definition at line 260 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilCopyWizardExplorer\__construct().

$this->counter = $a_number;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::is_in_array (   $a_start,



Definition at line 1320 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by createLines().

for ($i=$a_start;$i<count($this->format_options);++$i)
if ($this->format_options[$i]["depth"] < $a_depth)
if ($this->format_options[$i]["depth"] == $a_depth)
return true;
return false;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::isClickable (   $a_type,
  $a_ref_id = 0 

check if links for certain object type are activated

string$a_typeobject type
boolean true if linking is activated

Reimplemented in ilTableOfContentsExplorer, ilPersonalSkillExplorer, ilSkillExplorer, ilTaxonomyExplorer, ilAdministrationExplorer, ilSolutionExplorer, ilScorm2004EditorExplorer, ilLMTOCExplorer, ilIntLinkRepItemExplorer, ilMaterialExplorer, ilRepositoryCopySelector, ilRepositoryLinkSelector, ilConditionSelector, ilShopPublicSectionSelector, ilContainerSelectionExplorer, ilPoolSelectorGUI, ilPaymentObjectSelector, ilSearchRootSelector, ilLMMenuObjectSelector, ilLMExplorer, ilRoleDesktopItemSelector, ilObjectSelector, ilAICCExplorer, ilFileSelectorGUI, ilCopyWizardExplorer, and ilGlossarySelectorGUI.

Definition at line 518 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by formatObject().

// in this standard implementation
// only the type determines, wether an object should be clickable or not
// but this method can be overwritten and make $exp->setFilterMode(IL_FM_NEGATIVE);use of the ref id
// (this happens e.g. in class ilRepositoryExplorerGUI)
if ($this->is_clickable[$a_type] == "n")
return false;
return true;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::isVisible (   $a_ref_id,

Reimplemented in ilTableOfContentsExplorer, ilRepositoryExplorer, ilPasteIntoMultipleItemsExplorer, ilShopRepositoryExplorer, ilLMTOCExplorer, ilSCORMExplorer, ilAdministrationExplorer, ilContainerSelectionExplorer, and ilWorkspaceExplorer.

Definition at line 475 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References $ilBench.

Referenced by setOutput().

global $rbacsystem, $ilBench;
if (!$this->rbac_check)
return true;
$ilBench->start("Explorer", "setOutput_isVisible");
$visible = $rbacsystem->checkAccess('visible',$a_ref_id);
$ilBench->stop("Explorer", "setOutput_isVisible");
return $visible;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::modifyChilds (   $a_parent_id,

Reimplemented in ilAdministrationExplorer.

Definition at line 749 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by setOutput().

return $a_objects;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::outputIcons (   $a_icons)

output icons

boolean$a_iconsoutput icons true/false

Definition at line 451 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilScorm2004EditorExplorer\formatObject(), ilAICCExplorer\ilAICCExplorer(), ilHACPExplorer\ilHACPExplorer(), and ilSCORMExplorer\ilSCORMExplorer().

$this->output_icons = $a_icons;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::setAsynchExpanding (   $a_val)

Set asynch expanding.


Definition at line 238 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilIntLinkRepItemExplorer\setMode().

$this->asnch_expanding = $a_val;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::setClickable (   $a_type,

(de-)activates links for a certain object type

string$a_typeobject type

Definition at line 463 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

$this->is_clickable[$a_type] = "";
$this->is_clickable[$a_type] = "n";
ilExplorer::setExpand (   $a_node_id)

set the expand option this value is stored in a SESSION variable to save it different view (lo view, frm view,...) private

stringpipe-separated integer

Reimplemented in ilMailExplorer, ilWorkspaceFolderExplorer, and ilBookmarkExplorer.

Definition at line 1447 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References $_SESSION, $expand_variable, and getRoot().

Referenced by ilShopPublicSectionSelector\__construct(), ilObjStyleSettingsGUI\addStyleCatAssignmentObject(), assQuestionGUI\outSolutionExplorer(), ilBasicSkillGUI\selectLevelTrigger(), ilConditionHandlerInterface\selector(), ilSCORMExplorer\setOutput(), ilObjContentObjectGUI\showEntrySelector(), ilRepositorySelectorInputGUI\showRepositorySelection(), and ilContainerReferenceGUI\showTargetSelectionTreeObject().

// IF $_GET["expand"] is positive => expand this node
if ($a_node_id > 0 && !in_array($a_node_id,$_SESSION[$this->expand_variable]))
// IF $_GET["expand"] is negative => compress this node
if ($a_node_id < 0)
$key = array_keys($_SESSION[$this->expand_variable],-(int) $a_node_id);
$this->expanded = $_SESSION[$this->expand_variable];

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::setExpandTarget (   $a_exp_target)

target script for expand icons

string$a_exp_targetscript name of target script(may include parameters) initially set to $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]

Definition at line 400 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilShopPublicSectionSelector\__construct(), and ilLMPresentationGUI\showTableOfContents().

$this->expand_target = $a_exp_target;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::setFrameTarget (   $a_target)

set target frame or not frame?


Definition at line 1270 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilFileSelectorGUI\__construct(), ilPoolSelectorGUI\__construct(), ilTableOfContentsExplorer\ilTableOfContentsExplorer(), and ilTableOfContentsExplorer\setOfflineMode().

$this->frame_target = $a_target;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::setFrameUpdater (   $a_up_frame,
  $a_params = "" 

Set Explorer Updater.

object$a_treeTree Object

Definition at line 410 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

$this->up_frame = $a_up_frame;
$this->up_script = $a_up_script;
$this->up_params = $a_params;
ilExplorer::setId (   $a_val)

Set id.


Definition at line 218 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilPasteIntoMultipleItemsExplorer\__construct().

$this->id = $a_val;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::setOrderColumn (   $a_column)

set the order column public

stringname of order column

Definition at line 336 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer\__construct(), ilECSNodeMappingLocalExplorer\__construct(), ilPersonalSkillExplorer\__construct(), ilAICCExplorer\ilAICCExplorer(), ilHACPExplorer\ilHACPExplorer(), ilSCORMExplorer\ilSCORMExplorer(), and ilSkillExplorer\ilSkillExplorer().

$this->order_column = $a_column;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::setOrderDirection (   $a_direction)

set the order direction public

stringname of order column

Definition at line 346 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

if ($a_direction == "desc")
$this->order_direction = $a_direction;
$this->order_direction = "asc";
ilExplorer::setOutput (   $a_parent_id,
  $a_depth = 1,
  $a_obj_id = 0,
  $a_highlighted_subtree = false 

Creates output for explorer view in admin menue recursive method public.

integerparent_node_id where to start from (default=0, 'root')
integerdepth level where to start (default=1)

Definition at line 604 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References $ilBench, $tab, checkFilter(), forceExpanded(), getChildsOfNode(), getIndex(), getRoot(), isVisible(), modifyChilds(), showChilds(), and sortNodes().

global $rbacadmin, $rbacsystem, $ilBench;
#echo 'ParentId: '.$a_parent_id.' depth: '.$a_depth.' obj_id: '.$a_obj_id;
if (!isset($a_parent_id))
$this->ilias->raiseError(get_class($this)."::setOutput(): No node_id given!",$this->ilias->error_obj->WARNING);
if ($this->showChilds($a_parent_id,$a_obj_id))
$objects = $this->getChildsOfNode($a_parent_id);
$objects = array();
$objects = $this->modifyChilds($a_parent_id, $objects);
// force expansion (of single nodes)
if ($this->forceExpanded($a_parent_id) && !in_array($a_parent_id, $this->expanded))
$this->expanded[] = $a_parent_id;
if (count($objects) > 0)
// Maybe call a lexical sort function for the child objects
$tab = ++$a_depth - 2;
if ($this->post_sort)
$objects = $this->sortNodes($objects,$a_obj_id);
$skip_rest = false;
foreach ($objects as $key => $object)
// skip childs, if parent is not expanded
if (!$this->forceExpanded($object["child"]) && $skip_rest)
//echo "<br>-".$object["child"]."-".$this->forceExpanded($object["child"])."-";
//ask for FILTER
if ($this->filtered == false or $this->checkFilter($object["type"]) == false)
if ($this->isVisible($object['child'],$object['type']))
$ilBench->start("Explorer", "setOutput_setFormatOptions");
#echo 'CHILD getIndex() '.$object['child'].' parent: '.$this->getRoot();
if ($object["child"] != $this->getRoot())
$parent_index = $this->getIndex($object);
$this->format_options["$this->counter"]["parent"] = $object["parent"];
$this->format_options["$this->counter"]["child"] = $object["child"];
$this->format_options["$this->counter"]["title"] = $object["title"];
$this->format_options["$this->counter"]["type"] = $object["type"];
$this->format_options["$this->counter"]["obj_id"] = $object["obj_id"];
$this->format_options["$this->counter"]["desc"] = "obj_".$object["type"];
$this->format_options["$this->counter"]["depth"] = $tab;
$this->format_options["$this->counter"]["container"] = false;
$this->format_options["$this->counter"]["visible"] = true;
$this->format_options["$this->counter"]["highlighted_subtree"] = $a_highlighted_subtree;
// Create prefix array
for ($i = 0; $i < $tab; ++$i)
$this->format_options["$this->counter"]["tab"][] = 'blank';
// fix explorer (sometimes explorer disappears)
if ($parent_index == 0)
if (!$this->expand_all and !in_array($object["parent"], $this->expanded))
$this->expanded[] = $object["parent"];
// only if parent is expanded and visible, object is visible
if ($object["child"] != $this->getRoot() and ((!$this->expand_all and !in_array($object["parent"],$this->expanded))
or !$this->format_options["$parent_index"]["visible"]))
if (!$this->forceExpanded($object["child"]))
// if parent is not expanded, and one child is
// visible we don't need more information and
// can skip the rest of the childs
if ($this->format_options["$this->counter"]["visible"])
//echo "-setSkipping";
$skip_rest = true;
$this->format_options["$this->counter"]["visible"] = false;
// if object exists parent is container
if ($object["child"] != $this->getRoot())
$this->format_options["$parent_index"]["container"] = true;
if ($this->expand_all or in_array($object["parent"],$this->expanded))
//echo "<br>-".$object["child"]."-".$this->forceExpanded($object["child"])."-";
if ($this->forceExpanded($object["parent"]))
$this->format_options["$parent_index"]["tab"][($tab-2)] = 'forceexp';
$this->format_options["$parent_index"]["tab"][($tab-2)] = 'minus';
$this->format_options["$parent_index"]["tab"][($tab-2)] = 'plus';
//echo "-"."$parent_index"."-";
$ilBench->stop("Explorer", "setOutput_setFormatOptions");
// stop recursion if 2. level beyond expanded nodes is reached
if ($this->expand_all or in_array($object["parent"],$this->expanded) or ($object["parent"] == 0)
or $this->forceExpanded($object["child"]))
$highlighted_subtree = ($a_highlighted_subtree ||
($object["child"] == $this->highlighted))
? true
: false;
// recursive
$this->setOutput($object["child"],$a_depth,$object['obj_id'], $highlighted_subtree);
} //if
} //if FILTER
} //foreach
} //if
} //function

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilExplorer::setParamsGet (   $a_params_get)

set additional params to be passed in Get-string public


Definition at line 378 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

if (!isset($a_params_get) or !is_array($a_params_get))
$this->ilias->raiseError(get_class($this)."::setTargetGet(): No target given!",$this->ilias->error_obj->WARNING);
foreach ($a_params_get as $key => $val)
$str .= "&".$key."=".$val;
$this->params_get = $str;
ilExplorer::setPostSort (   $a_sort)

process post sorting

boolean$a_sorttrue / false

Definition at line 538 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilTaxonomyExplorer\__construct(), ilPersonalSkillExplorer\__construct(), ilLMExplorer\ilLMExplorer(), ilMediaPoolExplorer\ilMediaPoolExplorer(), ilScorm2004EditorExplorer\ilScorm2004EditorExplorer(), and ilSkillExplorer\ilSkillExplorer().

$this->post_sort = $a_sort;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::setRoot (   $a_root_id)

Set root node.


intref id of root node

Definition at line 311 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilECSNodeMappingLocalExplorer\__construct().

#$this->tree = new ilTree(ROOT_FOLDER_ID,$a_root_id);
$this->root_id = $a_root_id;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::setTargetGet (   $a_target_get)

set the varname in Get-string public

stringvarname containing Ids to be used in GET-string

Definition at line 363 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilObjContentObjectGUI\editPublicSection(), ilHACPPresentationGUI\explorer(), ilAICCPresentationGUI\explorer(), ilSAHSPresentationGUI\explorer(), ilSCORMPresentationGUI\explorer(), ilObjContentObjectGUI\explorer(), ilObjTaxonomyGUI\getTreeHTML(), ilPersonalSkillsGUI\listSkillsForAdd(), ilObjWorkspaceFolderGUI\render(), ilShopPurchaseGUI\showDemoVersion(), ilMailGUI\showMenu(), ilObjWorkspaceFolderGUI\showMoveIntoObjectTree(), ilObjTaxonomyGUI\showTree(), and ilObjSkillManagementGUI\showTree().

if (!isset($a_target_get) or !is_string($a_target_get))
$this->ilias->raiseError(get_class($this)."::setTargetGet(): No target given!",$this->ilias->error_obj->WARNING);
$this->target_get = $a_target_get;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::setTitle (   $a_val)

Set title.


Definition at line 270 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilAdministrationExplorer\ilAdministrationExplorer(), and ilRepositoryExplorer\ilRepositoryExplorer().

$this->title = $a_val;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::setTreeLead (   $a_val)

Set tree leading content.

string$a_valtree leading content

Definition at line 496 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

$this->tree_lead = $a_val;
ilExplorer::setUseStandardFrame (   $a_val)

Set use standard frame.

If true, the standard explorer frame (like in the repository) is put around the tree.

booleanuse standard explorer frame

Definition at line 569 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilObjMediaPoolGUI\explorer().

$this->use_standard_frame = $a_val;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::showChilds (   $a_parent_id)

determines wether the childs of an object should be shown or not note: this standard implementation always returns true but it could be overwritten by derived classes (e.g.


Reimplemented in ilIntLinkRepItemExplorer, ilPaymentObjectSelector, ilSolutionExplorer, ilSearchRootSelector, ilRepositoryLinkSelector, ilMaterialExplorer, ilRepositoryCopySelector, ilConditionSelector, ilPoolSelectorGUI, ilLMMenuObjectSelector, ilRoleDesktopItemSelector, ilFileSelectorGUI, ilObjectSelector, and ilGlossarySelectorGUI.

Definition at line 759 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilSCORMExplorer\setOutput(), and setOutput().

return true;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilExplorer::sortNodes (   $a_nodes,

sort nodes and put adm object to the end of sorted array private

arraynode list as returned by iltree::getChilds();
array sorted nodes

Reimplemented in ilRepositoryExplorer, ilShopRepositoryExplorer, ilTaxonomyExplorer, and ilWorkspaceExplorer.

Definition at line 1532 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

References ilUtil\sortArray().

Referenced by setOutput().

foreach ($a_nodes as $key => $node)
if ($node["type"] == "adm")
$match = $key;
$adm_node = $node;
// cut off adm node
isset($match) ? array_splice($a_nodes,$match,1) : "";
$a_nodes = ilUtil::sortArray($a_nodes,$this->order_column,$this->order_direction);
// append adm node to end of list
isset ($match) ? array_push($a_nodes,$adm_node) : "";
return $a_nodes;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

ilExplorer::$expand_all = false

Definition at line 152 of file class.ilExplorer.php.


Definition at line 95 of file class.ilExplorer.php.


Definition at line 117 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by ilWorkspaceFolderExplorer\setExpand(), and setExpand().


Definition at line 74 of file class.ilExplorer.php.


Definition at line 145 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by getFilterMode().

ilExplorer::$filtered = false

Definition at line 138 of file class.ilExplorer.php.


Definition at line 39 of file class.ilExplorer.php.


Definition at line 18 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by getId().


Definition at line 124 of file class.ilExplorer.php.


Definition at line 81 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

ilExplorer::$order_direction = "asc"

Definition at line 88 of file class.ilExplorer.php.


Definition at line 32 of file class.ilExplorer.php.


Definition at line 110 of file class.ilExplorer.php.


Definition at line 67 of file class.ilExplorer.php.


Definition at line 131 of file class.ilExplorer.php.


Definition at line 102 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

ilExplorer::$root_id = null

Definition at line 159 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by getRoot().


Definition at line 60 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

ilExplorer::$use_standard_frame = false

Definition at line 161 of file class.ilExplorer.php.

Referenced by getUseStandardFrame().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: