ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer Class Reference

Explorer for ILIAS tree. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer:
+ Collaboration diagram for ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($a_target, $a_server_id, $a_mid, $a_tree_id)
 setTree (ilECSCmsTree $tree)
 Set cms tree.
 isClickable ($a_type, $a_ref_id, $a_obj_id=0)
 no item is clickable
 addFormItemForType ($type)
 Add form item.
 removeFormItemForType ($type)
 setCheckedItems ($a_checked_items=array())
 isItemChecked ($a_id)
 setPostVar ($a_post_var)
 getPostVar ()
 buildFormItem ($a_node_id, $a_type)
 formatObject (&$tpl, $a_node_id, $a_option, $a_obj_id=0)
 Creates output recursive method private.
 formatHeader (&$tpl, $a_obj_id, $a_option)
 Creates output for header (is empty here but can be overwritten in derived classes)
 buildTitle ($title, $a_obj_id, $a_type)
 standard implementation for title, may be overwritten by derived classes
- Public Member Functions inherited from ilExplorer
 ilExplorer ($a_target)
 Constructor public.
 setId ($a_val)
 Set id.
 getId ()
 Get id.
 setAsynchExpanding ($a_val)
 Set asynch expanding.
 getAsynchExpanding ()
 Get asynch expanding.
 initItemCounter ($a_number)
 Init item counter.
 setTitle ($a_val)
 Set title.
 setTitleLength ($a_length)
 Set max title length.
 getTitleLength ()
 Get max title length.
 getTitle ()
 Get title.
 setRoot ($a_root_id)
 Set root node.
 getRoot ()
 get root id
 setOrderColumn ($a_column)
 set the order column public
 setOrderDirection ($a_direction)
 set the order direction public
 setTargetGet ($a_target_get)
 set the varname in Get-string public
 setParamsGet ($a_params_get)
 set additional params to be passed in Get-string public
 setExpandTarget ($a_exp_target)
 target script for expand icons
 setFrameUpdater ($a_up_frame, $a_up_script, $a_params="")
 Set Explorer Updater.
 highlightNode ($a_id)
 set highlighted node
 checkPermissions ($a_check)
 check permissions via rbac
 setSessionExpandVariable ($a_var_name="expand")
 set name of expand session variable
 outputIcons ($a_icons)
 output icons
 setClickable ($a_type, $a_clickable)
 (de-)activates links for a certain object type
 isVisible ($a_ref_id, $a_type)
 setTreeLead ($a_val)
 Set tree leading content.
 getTreeLead ()
 Get tree leading content.
 isClickable ($a_type, $a_ref_id=0)
 check if links for certain object type are activated
 setPostSort ($a_sort)
 process post sorting
 setFilterMode ($a_mode=IL_FM_NEGATIVE)
 set filter mode
 getFilterMode ()
 get filter mode
 setUseStandardFrame ($a_val)
 Set use standard frame.
 getUseStandardFrame ()
 Get use standard explorer frame.
 getChildsOfNode ($a_parent_id)
 Get childs of node.
 setOutput ($a_parent_id, $a_depth=1, $a_obj_id=0, $a_highlighted_subtree=false)
 Creates output for explorer view in admin menue recursive method public.
 modifyChilds ($a_parent_id, $a_objects)
 showChilds ($a_parent_id)
 determines wether the childs of an object should be shown or not note: this standard implementation always returns true but it could be overwritten by derived classes (e.g.
 forceExpanded ($a_obj_id)
 force expansion of node
 getMaximumTreeDepth ()
 Get maximum tree depth.
 getOutput ()
 Creates output recursive method public.
 handleListEndTags (&$a_tpl_tree, $a_cur_depth, $a_item_depth)
 handle list end tags ( and )
 handleListStartTags (&$a_tpl_tree, $a_cur_depth, $a_item_depth)
 handle list start tags (
 getImage ($a_name, $a_type="", $a_obj_id="")
 get image path (may be overwritten by derived classes)
 getImageAlt ($a_default_text, $a_type="", $a_obj_id="")
 get image alt text
 getNodeStyleClass ($a_id, $a_type)
 get style class for node
 buildLinkTarget ($a_node_id, $a_type)
 get link target (may be overwritten by derived classes)
 buildOnClick ($a_node_id, $a_type, $a_title)
 get onclick event handling (may be overwritten by derived classes)
 buildDescription ($a_desc, $a_id, $a_type)
 standard implementation for description, may be overwritten by derived classes
 buildSelect ($a_node_id, $a_type)
 standard implementation for adding an option select box between image and title
 buildFrameTarget ($a_type, $a_child=0, $a_obj_id=0)
 get frame target (may be overwritten by derived classes)
 createTarget ($a_type, $a_node_id, $a_highlighted_subtree=false, $a_append_anch=true)
 Creates Get Parameter private.
 setFrameTarget ($a_target)
 set target frame or not frame?
 createLines ($a_depth)
 Creates lines for explorer view private.
 is_in_array ($a_start, $a_depth)
 getIndex ($a_data)
 get index of format_options array from specific ref_id,parent_id private
 addFilter ($a_item)
 adds item to the filter public
 delFilter ($a_item)
 removes item from the filter public
 setExpand ($a_node_id)
 set the expand option this value is stored in a SESSION variable to save it different view (lo view, frm view,...) private
 forceExpandAll ($a_mode, $a_show_minus=true)
 force expandAll.
 setFiltered ($a_bool)
 active/deactivate the filter public
 checkFilter ($a_item)
 check if item is in filter private
 sortNodes ($a_nodes, $a_parent_obj_id)
 sort nodes and put adm object to the end of sorted array private

Data Fields

const SEL_TYPE_CHECK = 1
const SEL_TYPE_RADIO = 2
- Data Fields inherited from ilExplorer
 $order_direction = "asc"
 $filtered = false
 $expand_all = false
 $root_id = null
 $use_standard_frame = false

Private Attributes

 $checked_items = array()
 $post_var = ''
 $form_items = array()
 $type = 0

Detailed Description

Explorer for ILIAS tree.

Stefan Meyer
class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php 38039 2012-11-05 16:55:21Z smeyer

Definition at line 12 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::__construct (   $a_target,

Definition at line 26 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

References ilExplorer\$tree, addFormItemForType(), SEL_TYPE_CHECK, ilExplorer\setOrderColumn(), and ilExplorer\setTitleLength().

global $tree;
$this->type = self::SEL_TYPE_CHECK;
// reset filter
$this->filter = array();
$this->server_id = $a_server_id;
$this->mid = $a_mid;
$this->tree_id = $a_tree_id;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::addFormItemForType (   $type)

Add form item.


Definition at line 69 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

References $type.

Referenced by __construct().

$this->form_items[$type] = true;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::buildFormItem (   $a_node_id,

Definition at line 98 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

References ilUtil\formCheckbox(), ilUtil\formRadioButton(), isItemChecked(), ilECSCmsData\lookupStatusByObjId(), and ilECSCmsData\MAPPING_DELETED.

Referenced by formatHeader(), and formatObject().

if(!array_key_exists($a_type, $this->form_items) || !$this->form_items[$a_type])
return '';
include_once './Services/WebServices/ECS/classes/Tree/class.ilECSCmsData.php';
return ilUtil::formCheckbox((int)$this->isItemChecked($a_node_id), $this->post_var, $a_node_id,true);
case self::SEL_TYPE_CHECK:
return ilUtil::formCheckbox((int)$this->isItemChecked($a_node_id), $this->post_var, $a_node_id);
case self::SEL_TYPE_RADIO:
return ilUtil::formRadioButton((int)$this->isItemChecked($a_node_id), $this->post_var, $a_node_id);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::buildTitle (   $a_title,

standard implementation for title, may be overwritten by derived classes

Reimplemented from ilExplorer.

Definition at line 280 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.


Referenced by formatHeader(), and formatObject().

if(strlen($title) >= 22)
#$title = substr($title, 0,22).'...';
include_once './Services/WebServices/ECS/classes/Tree/class.ilECSCmsData.php';
return '<font style="font-weight: bold">'.$title.'</font>';
return '<font style="font-weight: bold;font-style: italic">'.$title.'</font>';
return '<font style="font-style: italic">'.$title.'</font>';
return $title;
return '<font class="warning">'.$title.'</font>';
return $title;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::formatHeader ( $tpl,

Creates output for header (is empty here but can be overwritten in derived classes)


integerarray options

Reimplemented from ilExplorer.

Definition at line 253 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

References ilExplorer\$ilias, $lng, $path, $title, $tpl, ilObject\_getIcon(), buildFormItem(), buildTitle(), and ilExplorer\getRoot().

global $lng, $ilias;
// custom icons
$path = ilObject::_getIcon($a_obj_id, "tiny", "root");
$nd = $this->tree->getNodeData($this->getRoot());
$title = $nd["title"];
$tpl->setVariable("ICON_IMAGE", $path);
$tpl->setVariable("TXT_ALT_IMG", $title);
if(strlen($formItem = $this->buildFormItem($a_obj_id, $a_option['type'])))
$tpl->setVariable('OBJ_CHECK', $formItem);
$tpl->setVariable('OBJ_TITLE', $this->buildTitle($title, $a_obj_id, ''));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::formatObject ( $tpl,
  $a_obj_id = 0 

Creates output recursive method private.


Reimplemented from ilExplorer.

Definition at line 129 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

References $lng, ilExplorer\$target, $tpl, ilExplorer\buildDescription(), buildFormItem(), ilExplorer\buildFrameTarget(), ilExplorer\buildLinkTarget(), ilExplorer\buildOnClick(), buildTitle(), ilExplorer\createTarget(), ilExplorer\getImage(), ilExplorer\getNodeStyleClass(), isClickable(), and ilUtil\shortenText().

global $lng;
if (!isset($a_node_id) or !is_array($a_option))
$this->ilias->raiseError(get_class($this)."::formatObject(): Missing parameter or wrong datatype! ".
"node_id: ".$a_node_id." options:".var_dump($a_option),$this->ilias->error_obj->WARNING);
$pic = false;
foreach ($a_option["tab"] as $picture)
if ($picture == 'plus')
$tpl->setVariable("EXP_DESC", $lng->txt("expand"));
$target = $this->createTarget('+',$a_node_id);
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_NAME", $a_node_id);
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_TARGET_EXPANDER", $target);
$tpl->setVariable("IMGPATH", $this->getImage("browser/plus.png"));
$pic = true;
if ($picture == 'minus' && $this->show_minus)
$tpl->setVariable("EXP_DESC", $lng->txt("collapse"));
$target = $this->createTarget('-',$a_node_id);
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_NAME", $a_node_id);
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_TARGET_EXPANDER", $target);
$tpl->setVariable("IMGPATH", $this->getImage("browser/minus.png"));
$pic = true;
if (!$pic)
$tpl->setVariable("BLANK_PATH", $this->getImage("browser/blank.png"));
if ($this->output_icons)
$tpl->setVariable("ICON_IMAGE" , $this->getImage("icon_cat_s.png", $a_option["type"], $a_obj_id));
$tpl->setVariable("TARGET_ID" , "iconid_".$a_node_id);
$this->iconList[] = "iconid_".$a_node_id;
$tpl->setVariable("TXT_ALT_IMG", $lng->txt($a_option["desc"]));
if(strlen($formItem = $this->buildFormItem($a_node_id, $a_option['type'])))
$tpl->setVariable('OBJ_CHECK', $formItem);
if ($this->isClickable($a_option["type"], $a_node_id,$a_obj_id)) // output link
//$target = (strpos($this->target, "?") === false) ?
// $this->target."?" : $this->target."&";
//$tpl->setVariable("LINK_TARGET", $target.$this->target_get."=".$a_node_id.$this->params_get);
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_TARGET", $this->buildLinkTarget($a_node_id, $a_option["type"]));
$style_class = $this->getNodeStyleClass($a_node_id, $a_option["type"]);
if ($style_class != "")
$tpl->setVariable("A_CLASS", ' class="'.$style_class.'" ' );
if (($onclick = $this->buildOnClick($a_node_id, $a_option["type"], $a_option["title"])) != "")
$tpl->setVariable("ONCLICK", "onClick=\"$onclick\"");
$tpl->setVariable("LINK_NAME", $a_node_id);
$tpl->setVariable("TITLE", ilUtil::shortenText(
$this->buildTitle($a_option["title"], $a_node_id, $a_option["type"]),
$this->textwidth, true));
$tpl->setVariable("DESC", ilUtil::shortenText(
$this->buildDescription($a_option["description"], $a_node_id, $a_option["type"]), $this->textwidth, true));
$frame_target = $this->buildFrameTarget($a_option["type"], $a_node_id, $a_option["obj_id"]);
if ($frame_target != "")
$tpl->setVariable("TARGET", " target=\"".$frame_target."\"");
else // output text only
$tpl->setVariable("OBJ_TITLE", ilUtil::shortenText(
$this->buildTitle($a_option["title"], $a_node_id, $a_option["type"]), $this->textwidth, true));
$tpl->setVariable("OBJ_DESC", ilUtil::shortenText(
$this->buildDescription($a_option["desc"], $a_node_id, $a_option["type"]), $this->textwidth, true));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::getPostVar ( )

Definition at line 93 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

References $post_var.

ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::isClickable (   $a_type,
  $a_obj_id = 0 

no item is clickable


Definition at line 60 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

Referenced by formatObject().

return false;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::isItemChecked (   $a_id)

Definition at line 84 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

Referenced by buildFormItem().

return in_array($a_id, $this->checked_items) ? true : false;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::removeFormItemForType (   $type)

Definition at line 74 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

References $type.

$this->form_items[$type] = false;
ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::setCheckedItems (   $a_checked_items = array())

Definition at line 79 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

$this->checked_items = $a_checked_items;
ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::setPostVar (   $a_post_var)

Definition at line 89 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

$this->post_var = $a_post_var;
ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::setTree ( ilECSCmsTree  $tree)

Set cms tree.

Definition at line 48 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

References ilExplorer\$tree.

$this->tree = $tree;

Field Documentation

ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::$checked_items = array()

Definition at line 21 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::$form_items = array()

Definition at line 23 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.


Definition at line 18 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::$post_var = ''

Definition at line 22 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

Referenced by getPostVar().


Definition at line 17 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.


Definition at line 19 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::$type = 0
const ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::SEL_TYPE_CHECK = 1

Definition at line 14 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

Referenced by __construct().

const ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer::SEL_TYPE_RADIO = 2

Definition at line 15 of file class.ilECSNodeMappingCmsExplorer.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: