release_5-2 Revision v5.2.25-18-g3f80b828510
!!! THIS CLASS IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT !!! PHP class extension of the TCPDF ( library to import existing PDF documents. More...
Public Member Functions | |
importPDF ($filename) | |
Import an existing PDF document. More... | |
![]() | |
__construct ($orientation='P', $unit='mm', $format='A4', $unicode=true, $encoding='UTF-8', $diskcache=false, $pdfa=false) | |
This is the class constructor. More... | |
__destruct () | |
Default destructor. More... | |
setPageUnit ($unit) | |
Set the units of measure for the document. More... | |
setPageOrientation ($orientation, $autopagebreak='', $bottommargin='') | |
Set page orientation. More... | |
setSpacesRE ($re='/[^\S\xa0]/') | |
Set regular expression to detect withespaces or word separators. More... | |
setRTL ($enable, $resetx=true) | |
Enable or disable Right-To-Left language mode. More... | |
getRTL () | |
Return the RTL status. More... | |
setTempRTL ($mode) | |
Force temporary RTL language direction. More... | |
isRTLTextDir () | |
Return the current temporary RTL status. More... | |
setLastH ($h) | |
Set the last cell height. More... | |
getCellHeight ($fontsize, $padding=TRUE) | |
Return the cell height. More... | |
resetLastH () | |
Reset the last cell height. More... | |
getLastH () | |
Get the last cell height. More... | |
setImageScale ($scale) | |
Set the adjusting factor to convert pixels to user units. More... | |
getImageScale () | |
Returns the adjusting factor to convert pixels to user units. More... | |
getPageDimensions ($pagenum='') | |
Returns an array of page dimensions: More... | |
getPageWidth ($pagenum='') | |
Returns the page width in units. More... | |
getPageHeight ($pagenum='') | |
Returns the page height in units. More... | |
getBreakMargin ($pagenum='') | |
Returns the page break margin. More... | |
getScaleFactor () | |
Returns the scale factor (number of points in user unit). More... | |
SetMargins ($left, $top, $right=-1, $keepmargins=false) | |
Defines the left, top and right margins. More... | |
SetLeftMargin ($margin) | |
Defines the left margin. More... | |
SetTopMargin ($margin) | |
Defines the top margin. More... | |
SetRightMargin ($margin) | |
Defines the right margin. More... | |
SetCellPadding ($pad) | |
Set the same internal Cell padding for top, right, bottom, left-. More... | |
setCellPaddings ($left='', $top='', $right='', $bottom='') | |
Set the internal Cell paddings. More... | |
getCellPaddings () | |
Get the internal Cell padding array. More... | |
setCellMargins ($left='', $top='', $right='', $bottom='') | |
Set the internal Cell margins. More... | |
getCellMargins () | |
Get the internal Cell margin array. More... | |
SetAutoPageBreak ($auto, $margin=0) | |
Enables or disables the automatic page breaking mode. More... | |
getAutoPageBreak () | |
Return the auto-page-break mode (true or false). More... | |
SetDisplayMode ($zoom, $layout='SinglePage', $mode='UseNone') | |
Defines the way the document is to be displayed by the viewer. More... | |
SetCompression ($compress=true) | |
Activates or deactivates page compression. More... | |
setSRGBmode ($mode=false) | |
Set flag to force sRGB_IEC61966-2.1 black scaled ICC color profile for the whole document. More... | |
SetDocInfoUnicode ($unicode=true) | |
Turn on/off Unicode mode for document information dictionary (meta tags). More... | |
SetTitle ($title) | |
Defines the title of the document. More... | |
SetSubject ($subject) | |
Defines the subject of the document. More... | |
SetAuthor ($author) | |
Defines the author of the document. More... | |
SetKeywords ($keywords) | |
Associates keywords with the document, generally in the form 'keyword1 keyword2 ...'. More... | |
SetCreator ($creator) | |
Defines the creator of the document. More... | |
Error ($msg) | |
Throw an exception or print an error message and die if the K_TCPDF_PARSER_THROW_EXCEPTION_ERROR constant is set to true. More... | |
Open () | |
This method begins the generation of the PDF document. More... | |
Close () | |
Terminates the PDF document. More... | |
setPage ($pnum, $resetmargins=false) | |
Move pointer at the specified document page and update page dimensions. More... | |
lastPage ($resetmargins=false) | |
Reset pointer to the last document page. More... | |
getPage () | |
Get current document page number. More... | |
getNumPages () | |
Get the total number of insered pages. More... | |
addTOCPage ($orientation='', $format='', $keepmargins=false) | |
Adds a new TOC (Table Of Content) page to the document. More... | |
endTOCPage () | |
Terminate the current TOC (Table Of Content) page. More... | |
AddPage ($orientation='', $format='', $keepmargins=false, $tocpage=false) | |
Adds a new page to the document. More... | |
endPage ($tocpage=false) | |
Terminate the current page. More... | |
startPage ($orientation='', $format='', $tocpage=false) | |
Starts a new page to the document. More... | |
setPageMark () | |
Set start-writing mark on current page stream used to put borders and fills. More... | |
setHeaderData ($ln='', $lw=0, $ht='', $hs='', $tc=array(0, 0, 0), $lc=array(0, 0, 0)) | |
Set header data. More... | |
setFooterData ($tc=array(0, 0, 0), $lc=array(0, 0, 0)) | |
Set footer data. More... | |
getHeaderData () | |
Returns header data: More... | |
setHeaderMargin ($hm=10) | |
Set header margin. More... | |
getHeaderMargin () | |
Returns header margin in user units. More... | |
setFooterMargin ($fm=10) | |
Set footer margin. More... | |
getFooterMargin () | |
Returns footer margin in user units. More... | |
setPrintHeader ($val=true) | |
Set a flag to print page header. More... | |
setPrintFooter ($val=true) | |
Set a flag to print page footer. More... | |
getImageRBX () | |
Return the right-bottom (or left-bottom for RTL) corner X coordinate of last inserted image. More... | |
getImageRBY () | |
Return the right-bottom (or left-bottom for RTL) corner Y coordinate of last inserted image. More... | |
resetHeaderTemplate () | |
Reset the xobject template used by Header() method. More... | |
setHeaderTemplateAutoreset ($val=true) | |
Set a flag to automatically reset the xobject template used by Header() method at each page. More... | |
Header () | |
This method is used to render the page header. More... | |
Footer () | |
This method is used to render the page footer. More... | |
PageNo () | |
Returns the current page number. More... | |
getAllSpotColors () | |
Returns the array of spot colors. More... | |
AddSpotColor ($name, $c, $m, $y, $k) | |
Defines a new spot color. More... | |
setSpotColor ($type, $name, $tint=100) | |
Set the spot color for the specified type ('draw', 'fill', 'text'). More... | |
SetDrawSpotColor ($name, $tint=100) | |
Defines the spot color used for all drawing operations (lines, rectangles and cell borders). More... | |
SetFillSpotColor ($name, $tint=100) | |
Defines the spot color used for all filling operations (filled rectangles and cell backgrounds). More... | |
SetTextSpotColor ($name, $tint=100) | |
Defines the spot color used for text. More... | |
setColorArray ($type, $color, $ret=false) | |
Set the color array for the specified type ('draw', 'fill', 'text'). More... | |
SetDrawColorArray ($color, $ret=false) | |
Defines the color used for all drawing operations (lines, rectangles and cell borders). More... | |
SetFillColorArray ($color, $ret=false) | |
Defines the color used for all filling operations (filled rectangles and cell backgrounds). More... | |
SetTextColorArray ($color, $ret=false) | |
Defines the color used for text. More... | |
setColor ($type, $col1=0, $col2=-1, $col3=-1, $col4=-1, $ret=false, $name='') | |
Defines the color used by the specified type ('draw', 'fill', 'text'). More... | |
SetDrawColor ($col1=0, $col2=-1, $col3=-1, $col4=-1, $ret=false, $name='') | |
Defines the color used for all drawing operations (lines, rectangles and cell borders). More... | |
SetFillColor ($col1=0, $col2=-1, $col3=-1, $col4=-1, $ret=false, $name='') | |
Defines the color used for all filling operations (filled rectangles and cell backgrounds). More... | |
SetTextColor ($col1=0, $col2=-1, $col3=-1, $col4=-1, $ret=false, $name='') | |
Defines the color used for text. More... | |
GetStringWidth ($s, $fontname='', $fontstyle='', $fontsize=0, $getarray=false) | |
Returns the length of a string in user unit. More... | |
GetArrStringWidth ($sa, $fontname='', $fontstyle='', $fontsize=0, $getarray=false) | |
Returns the string length of an array of chars in user unit or an array of characters widths. More... | |
GetCharWidth ($char, $notlast=true) | |
Returns the length of the char in user unit for the current font considering current stretching and spacing (tracking). More... | |
getRawCharWidth ($char) | |
Returns the length of the char in user unit for the current font. More... | |
GetNumChars ($s) | |
Returns the numbero of characters in a string. More... | |
AddFont ($family, $style='', $fontfile='', $subset='default') | |
Imports a TrueType, Type1, core, or CID0 font and makes it available. More... | |
SetFont ($family, $style='', $size=null, $fontfile='', $subset='default', $out=true) | |
Sets the font used to print character strings. More... | |
SetFontSize ($size, $out=true) | |
Defines the size of the current font. More... | |
getFontBBox () | |
Returns the bounding box of the current font in user units. More... | |
getAbsFontMeasure ($s) | |
Convert a relative font measure into absolute value. More... | |
getCharBBox ($char) | |
Returns the glyph bounding box of the specified character in the current font in user units. More... | |
getFontDescent ($font, $style='', $size=0) | |
Return the font descent value. More... | |
getFontAscent ($font, $style='', $size=0) | |
Return the font ascent value. More... | |
isCharDefined ($char, $font='', $style='') | |
Return true in the character is present in the specified font. More... | |
replaceMissingChars ($text, $font='', $style='', $subs=array()) | |
Replace missing font characters on selected font with specified substitutions. More... | |
SetDefaultMonospacedFont ($font) | |
Defines the default monospaced font. More... | |
AddLink () | |
Creates a new internal link and returns its identifier. More... | |
SetLink ($link, $y=0, $page=-1) | |
Defines the page and position a link points to. More... | |
Link ($x, $y, $w, $h, $link, $spaces=0) | |
Puts a link on a rectangular area of the page. More... | |
Annotation ($x, $y, $w, $h, $text, $opt=array('Subtype'=> 'Text'), $spaces=0) | |
Puts a markup annotation on a rectangular area of the page. More... | |
Text ($x, $y, $txt, $fstroke=false, $fclip=false, $ffill=true, $border=0, $ln=0, $align='', $fill=false, $link='', $stretch=0, $ignore_min_height=false, $calign='T', $valign='M', $rtloff=false) | |
Prints a text cell at the specified position. More... | |
AcceptPageBreak () | |
Whenever a page break condition is met, the method is called, and the break is issued or not depending on the returned value. More... | |
Cell ($w, $h=0, $txt='', $border=0, $ln=0, $align='', $fill=false, $link='', $stretch=0, $ignore_min_height=false, $calign='T', $valign='M') | |
Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. More... | |
MultiCell ($w, $h, $txt, $border=0, $align='J', $fill=false, $ln=1, $x='', $y='', $reseth=true, $stretch=0, $ishtml=false, $autopadding=true, $maxh=0, $valign='T', $fitcell=false) | |
This method allows printing text with line breaks. More... | |
getNumLines ($txt, $w=0, $reseth=false, $autopadding=true, $cellpadding='', $border=0) | |
This method return the estimated number of lines for print a simple text string using Multicell() method. More... | |
getStringHeight ($w, $txt, $reseth=false, $autopadding=true, $cellpadding='', $border=0) | |
This method return the estimated height needed for printing a simple text string using the Multicell() method. More... | |
Write ($h, $txt, $link='', $fill=false, $align='', $ln=false, $stretch=0, $firstline=false, $firstblock=false, $maxh=0, $wadj=0, $margin='') | |
This method prints text from the current position. More... | |
Image ($file, $x='', $y='', $w=0, $h=0, $type='', $link='', $align='', $resize=false, $dpi=300, $palign='', $ismask=false, $imgmask=false, $border=0, $fitbox=false, $hidden=false, $fitonpage=false, $alt=false, $altimgs=array()) | |
Puts an image in the page. More... | |
Ln ($h='', $cell=false) | |
Performs a line break. More... | |
GetX () | |
Returns the relative X value of current position. More... | |
GetAbsX () | |
Returns the absolute X value of current position. More... | |
GetY () | |
Returns the ordinate of the current position. More... | |
SetX ($x, $rtloff=false) | |
Defines the abscissa of the current position. More... | |
SetY ($y, $resetx=true, $rtloff=false) | |
Moves the current abscissa back to the left margin and sets the ordinate. More... | |
SetXY ($x, $y, $rtloff=false) | |
Defines the abscissa and ordinate of the current position. More... | |
SetAbsX ($x) | |
Set the absolute X coordinate of the current pointer. More... | |
SetAbsY ($y) | |
Set the absolute Y coordinate of the current pointer. More... | |
SetAbsXY ($x, $y) | |
Set the absolute X and Y coordinates of the current pointer. More... | |
Output ($name='doc.pdf', $dest='I') | |
Send the document to a given destination: string, local file or browser. More... | |
_destroy ($destroyall=false, $preserve_objcopy=false) | |
Unset all class variables except the following critical variables. More... | |
setExtraXMP ($xmp) | |
Set additional XMP data to be added on the default XMP data just before the end of "x:xmpmeta" tag. More... | |
setDocCreationTimestamp ($time) | |
Set the document creation timestamp. More... | |
setDocModificationTimestamp ($time) | |
Set the document modification timestamp. More... | |
getDocCreationTimestamp () | |
Returns document creation timestamp in seconds. More... | |
getDocModificationTimestamp () | |
Returns document modification timestamp in seconds. More... | |
setHeaderFont ($font) | |
Set header font. More... | |
getHeaderFont () | |
Get header font. More... | |
setFooterFont ($font) | |
Set footer font. More... | |
getFooterFont () | |
Get Footer font. More... | |
setLanguageArray ($language) | |
Set language array. More... | |
getPDFData () | |
Returns the PDF data. More... | |
addHtmlLink ($url, $name, $fill=false, $firstline=false, $color='', $style=-1, $firstblock=false) | |
Output anchor link. More... | |
pixelsToUnits ($px) | |
Converts pixels to User's Units. More... | |
unhtmlentities ($text_to_convert) | |
Reverse function for htmlentities. More... | |
SetProtection ($permissions=array('print', 'modify', 'copy', 'annot-forms', 'fill-forms', 'extract', 'assemble', 'print-high'), $user_pass='', $owner_pass=null, $mode=0, $pubkeys=null) | |
Set document protection Remark: the protection against modification is for people who have the full Acrobat product. More... | |
StartTransform () | |
Starts a 2D tranformation saving current graphic state. More... | |
StopTransform () | |
Stops a 2D tranformation restoring previous graphic state. More... | |
ScaleX ($s_x, $x='', $y='') | |
Horizontal Scaling. More... | |
ScaleY ($s_y, $x='', $y='') | |
Vertical Scaling. More... | |
ScaleXY ($s, $x='', $y='') | |
Vertical and horizontal proportional Scaling. More... | |
Scale ($s_x, $s_y, $x='', $y='') | |
Vertical and horizontal non-proportional Scaling. More... | |
MirrorH ($x='') | |
Horizontal Mirroring. More... | |
MirrorV ($y='') | |
Verical Mirroring. More... | |
MirrorP ($x='', $y='') | |
Point reflection mirroring. More... | |
MirrorL ($angle=0, $x='', $y='') | |
Reflection against a straight line through point (x, y) with the gradient angle (angle). More... | |
TranslateX ($t_x) | |
Translate graphic object horizontally. More... | |
TranslateY ($t_y) | |
Translate graphic object vertically. More... | |
Translate ($t_x, $t_y) | |
Translate graphic object horizontally and vertically. More... | |
Rotate ($angle, $x='', $y='') | |
Rotate object. More... | |
SkewX ($angle_x, $x='', $y='') | |
Skew horizontally. More... | |
SkewY ($angle_y, $x='', $y='') | |
Skew vertically. More... | |
Skew ($angle_x, $angle_y, $x='', $y='') | |
Skew. More... | |
SetLineWidth ($width) | |
Defines the line width. More... | |
GetLineWidth () | |
Returns the current the line width. More... | |
SetLineStyle ($style, $ret=false) | |
Set line style. More... | |
Line ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $style=array()) | |
Draws a line between two points. More... | |
Rect ($x, $y, $w, $h, $style='', $border_style=array(), $fill_color=array()) | |
Draws a rectangle. More... | |
Curve ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array()) | |
Draws a Bezier curve. More... | |
Polycurve ($x0, $y0, $segments, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array()) | |
Draws a poly-Bezier curve. More... | |
Ellipse ($x0, $y0, $rx, $ry='', $angle=0, $astart=0, $afinish=360, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array(), $nc=2) | |
Draws an ellipse. More... | |
Circle ($x0, $y0, $r, $angstr=0, $angend=360, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array(), $nc=2) | |
Draws a circle. More... | |
PolyLine ($p, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array()) | |
Draws a polygonal line. More... | |
Polygon ($p, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array(), $closed=true) | |
Draws a polygon. More... | |
RegularPolygon ($x0, $y0, $r, $ns, $angle=0, $draw_circle=false, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array(), $circle_style='', $circle_outLine_style=array(), $circle_fill_color=array()) | |
Draws a regular polygon. More... | |
StarPolygon ($x0, $y0, $r, $nv, $ng, $angle=0, $draw_circle=false, $style='', $line_style=array(), $fill_color=array(), $circle_style='', $circle_outLine_style=array(), $circle_fill_color=array()) | |
Draws a star polygon. More... | |
RoundedRect ($x, $y, $w, $h, $r, $round_corner='1111', $style='', $border_style=array(), $fill_color=array()) | |
Draws a rounded rectangle. More... | |
RoundedRectXY ($x, $y, $w, $h, $rx, $ry, $round_corner='1111', $style='', $border_style=array(), $fill_color=array()) | |
Draws a rounded rectangle. More... | |
Arrow ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $head_style=0, $arm_size=5, $arm_angle=15) | |
Draws a grahic arrow. More... | |
setDestination ($name, $y=-1, $page='', $x=-1) | |
Add a Named Destination. More... | |
getDestination () | |
Return the Named Destination array. More... | |
setBookmark ($txt, $level=0, $y=-1, $page='', $style='', $color=array(0, 0, 0), $x=-1, $link='') | |
Adds a bookmark - alias for Bookmark(). More... | |
Bookmark ($txt, $level=0, $y=-1, $page='', $style='', $color=array(0, 0, 0), $x=-1, $link='') | |
Adds a bookmark. More... | |
IncludeJS ($script) | |
Adds a javascript. More... | |
addJavascriptObject ($script, $onload=false) | |
Adds a javascript object and return object ID. More... | |
setFormDefaultProp ($prop=array()) | |
Set default properties for form fields. More... | |
getFormDefaultProp () | |
Return the default properties for form fields. More... | |
TextField ($name, $w, $h, $prop=array(), $opt=array(), $x='', $y='', $js=false) | |
Creates a text field. More... | |
RadioButton ($name, $w, $prop=array(), $opt=array(), $onvalue='On', $checked=false, $x='', $y='', $js=false) | |
Creates a RadioButton field. More... | |
ListBox ($name, $w, $h, $values, $prop=array(), $opt=array(), $x='', $y='', $js=false) | |
Creates a List-box field. More... | |
ComboBox ($name, $w, $h, $values, $prop=array(), $opt=array(), $x='', $y='', $js=false) | |
Creates a Combo-box field. More... | |
CheckBox ($name, $w, $checked=false, $prop=array(), $opt=array(), $onvalue='Yes', $x='', $y='', $js=false) | |
Creates a CheckBox field. More... | |
Button ($name, $w, $h, $caption, $action, $prop=array(), $opt=array(), $x='', $y='', $js=false) | |
Creates a button field. More... | |
setUserRights ( $enable=true, $document='/FullSave', $annots='/Create/Delete/Modify/Copy/Import/Export', $form='/Add/Delete/FillIn/Import/Export/SubmitStandalone/SpawnTemplate', $signature='/Modify', $ef='/Create/Delete/Modify/Import', $formex='') | |
Set User's Rights for PDF Reader WARNING: This is experimental and currently do not work. More... | |
setSignature ($signing_cert='', $private_key='', $private_key_password='', $extracerts='', $cert_type=2, $info=array(), $approval='') | |
Enable document signature (requires the OpenSSL Library). More... | |
setSignatureAppearance ($x=0, $y=0, $w=0, $h=0, $page=-1, $name='') | |
Set the digital signature appearance (a cliccable rectangle area to get signature properties) More... | |
addEmptySignatureAppearance ($x=0, $y=0, $w=0, $h=0, $page=-1, $name='') | |
Add an empty digital signature appearance (a cliccable rectangle area to get signature properties) More... | |
setTimeStamp ($tsa_host='', $tsa_username='', $tsa_password='', $tsa_cert='') | |
Enable document timestamping (requires the OpenSSL Library). More... | |
startPageGroup ($page='') | |
Create a new page group. More... | |
setStartingPageNumber ($num=1) | |
Set the starting page number. More... | |
getAliasRightShift () | |
Returns the string alias used right align page numbers. More... | |
getAliasNbPages () | |
Returns the string alias used for the total number of pages. More... | |
getAliasNumPage () | |
Returns the string alias used for the page number. More... | |
getPageGroupAlias () | |
Return the alias for the total number of pages in the current page group. More... | |
getPageNumGroupAlias () | |
Return the alias for the page number on the current page group. More... | |
getGroupPageNo () | |
Return the current page in the group. More... | |
getGroupPageNoFormatted () | |
Returns the current group page number formatted as a string. More... | |
PageNoFormatted () | |
Returns the current page number formatted as a string. More... | |
startLayer ($name='', $print=true, $view=true, $lock=true) | |
Start a new pdf layer. More... | |
endLayer () | |
End the current PDF layer. More... | |
setVisibility ($v) | |
Set the visibility of the successive elements. More... | |
setOverprint ($stroking=true, $nonstroking='', $mode=0) | |
Set overprint mode for stroking (OP) and non-stroking (op) painting operations. More... | |
getOverprint () | |
Get the overprint mode array (OP, op, OPM). More... | |
setAlpha ($stroking=1, $bm='Normal', $nonstroking='', $ais=false) | |
Set alpha for stroking (CA) and non-stroking (ca) operations. More... | |
getAlpha () | |
Get the alpha mode array (CA, ca, BM, AIS). More... | |
setJPEGQuality ($quality) | |
Set the default JPEG compression quality (1-100) More... | |
setDefaultTableColumns ($cols=4) | |
Set the default number of columns in a row for HTML tables. More... | |
setCellHeightRatio ($h) | |
Set the height of the cell (line height) respect the font height. More... | |
getCellHeightRatio () | |
return the height of cell repect font height. More... | |
setPDFVersion ($version='1.7') | |
Set the PDF version (check PDF reference for valid values). More... | |
setViewerPreferences ($preferences) | |
Set the viewer preferences dictionary controlling the way the document is to be presented on the screen or in print. More... | |
colorRegistrationBar ($x, $y, $w, $h, $transition=true, $vertical=false, $colors='A, R, G, B, C, M, Y, K') | |
Paints color transition registration bars. More... | |
cropMark ($x, $y, $w, $h, $type='T, R, B, L', $color=array(100, 100, 100, 100, 'All')) | |
Paints crop marks. More... | |
registrationMark ($x, $y, $r, $double=false, $cola=array(100, 100, 100, 100, 'All'), $colb=array(0, 0, 0, 0, 'None')) | |
Paints a registration mark. More... | |
registrationMarkCMYK ($x, $y, $r) | |
Paints a CMYK registration mark. More... | |
LinearGradient ($x, $y, $w, $h, $col1=array(), $col2=array(), $coords=array(0, 0, 1, 0)) | |
Paints a linear colour gradient. More... | |
RadialGradient ($x, $y, $w, $h, $col1=array(), $col2=array(), $coords=array(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)) | |
Paints a radial colour gradient. More... | |
CoonsPatchMesh ($x, $y, $w, $h, $col1=array(), $col2=array(), $col3=array(), $col4=array(), $coords=array(0.00, 0.0, 0.33, 0.00, 0.67, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.33, 1.00, 0.67, 1.00, 1.00, 0.67, 1.00, 0.33, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.67, 0.00, 0.33), $coords_min=0, $coords_max=1, $antialias=false) | |
Paints a coons patch mesh. More... | |
Gradient ($type, $coords, $stops, $background=array(), $antialias=false) | |
Output gradient. More... | |
PieSector ($xc, $yc, $r, $a, $b, $style='FD', $cw=true, $o=90) | |
Draw the sector of a circle. More... | |
PieSectorXY ($xc, $yc, $rx, $ry, $a, $b, $style='FD', $cw=false, $o=0, $nc=2) | |
Draw the sector of an ellipse. More... | |
ImageEps ($file, $x='', $y='', $w=0, $h=0, $link='', $useBoundingBox=true, $align='', $palign='', $border=0, $fitonpage=false, $fixoutvals=false) | |
Embed vector-based Adobe Illustrator (AI) or AI-compatible EPS files. More... | |
setBarcode ($bc='') | |
Set document barcode. More... | |
getBarcode () | |
Get current barcode. More... | |
write1DBarcode ($code, $type, $x='', $y='', $w='', $h='', $xres='', $style='', $align='') | |
Print a Linear Barcode. More... | |
write2DBarcode ($code, $type, $x='', $y='', $w='', $h='', $style='', $align='', $distort=false) | |
Print 2D Barcode. More... | |
getMargins () | |
Returns an array containing current margins: More... | |
getOriginalMargins () | |
Returns an array containing original margins: More... | |
getFontSize () | |
Returns the current font size. More... | |
getFontSizePt () | |
Returns the current font size in points unit. More... | |
getFontFamily () | |
Returns the current font family name. More... | |
getFontStyle () | |
Returns the current font style. More... | |
fixHTMLCode ($html, $default_css='', $tagvs='', $tidy_options='') | |
Cleanup HTML code (requires HTML Tidy library). More... | |
getCSSPadding ($csspadding, $width=0) | |
Get the internal Cell padding from CSS attribute. More... | |
getCSSMargin ($cssmargin, $width=0) | |
Get the internal Cell margin from CSS attribute. More... | |
getCSSBorderMargin ($cssbspace, $width=0) | |
Get the border-spacing from CSS attribute. More... | |
getHTMLFontUnits ($val, $refsize=12, $parent_size=12, $defaultunit='pt') | |
Convert HTML string containing font size value to points. More... | |
serializeTCPDFtagParameters ($data) | |
Serialize an array of parameters to be used with TCPDF tag in HTML code. More... | |
writeHTMLCell ($w, $h, $x, $y, $html='', $border=0, $ln=0, $fill=false, $reseth=true, $align='', $autopadding=true) | |
Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and html text string. More... | |
writeHTML ($html, $ln=true, $fill=false, $reseth=false, $cell=false, $align='') | |
Allows to preserve some HTML formatting (limited support). More... | |
setLIsymbol ($symbol='!') | |
Set the default bullet to be used as LI bullet symbol. More... | |
SetBooklet ($booklet=true, $inner=-1, $outer=-1) | |
Set the booklet mode for double-sided pages. More... | |
setHtmlVSpace ($tagvs) | |
Set the vertical spaces for HTML tags. More... | |
setListIndentWidth ($width) | |
Set custom width for list indentation. More... | |
setOpenCell ($isopen) | |
Set the top/bottom cell sides to be open or closed when the cell cross the page. More... | |
setHtmlLinksStyle ($color=array(0, 0, 255), $fontstyle='U') | |
Set the color and font style for HTML links. More... | |
getHTMLUnitToUnits ($htmlval, $refsize=1, $defaultunit='px', $points=false) | |
Convert HTML string containing value and unit of measure to user's units or points. More... | |
movePage ($frompage, $topage) | |
Move a page to a previous position. More... | |
deletePage ($page) | |
Remove the specified page. More... | |
copyPage ($page=0) | |
Clone the specified page to a new page. More... | |
addTOC ($page='', $numbersfont='', $filler='.', $toc_name='TOC', $style='', $color=array(0, 0, 0)) | |
Output a Table of Content Index (TOC). More... | |
addHTMLTOC ($page='', $toc_name='TOC', $templates=array(), $correct_align=true, $style='', $color=array(0, 0, 0)) | |
Output a Table Of Content Index (TOC) using HTML templates. More... | |
startTransaction () | |
Stores a copy of the current TCPDF object used for undo operation. More... | |
commitTransaction () | |
Delete the copy of the current TCPDF object used for undo operation. More... | |
rollbackTransaction ($self=false) | |
This method allows to undo the latest transaction by returning the latest saved TCPDF object with startTransaction(). More... | |
setEqualColumns ($numcols=0, $width=0, $y='') | |
Set multiple columns of the same size. More... | |
resetColumns () | |
Remove columns and reset page margins. More... | |
setColumnsArray ($columns) | |
Set columns array. More... | |
selectColumn ($col='') | |
Set position at a given column. More... | |
getColumn () | |
Return the current column number. More... | |
getNumberOfColumns () | |
Return the current number of columns. More... | |
setTextRenderingMode ($stroke=0, $fill=true, $clip=false) | |
Set Text rendering mode. More... | |
setTextShadow ($params=array('enabled'=>false, 'depth_w'=>0, 'depth_h'=>0, 'color'=>false, 'opacity'=>1, 'blend_mode'=> 'Normal')) | |
Set parameters for drop shadow effect for text. More... | |
getTextShadow () | |
Return the text shadow parameters array. More... | |
hyphenateText ($text, $patterns, $dictionary=array(), $leftmin=1, $rightmin=2, $charmin=1, $charmax=8) | |
Returns text with soft hyphens. More... | |
setRasterizeVectorImages ($mode) | |
Enable/disable rasterization of vector images using ImageMagick library. More... | |
setFontSubsetting ($enable=true) | |
Enable or disable default option for font subsetting. More... | |
getFontSubsetting () | |
Return the default option for font subsetting. More... | |
stringLeftTrim ($str, $replace='') | |
Left trim the input string. More... | |
stringRightTrim ($str, $replace='') | |
Right trim the input string. More... | |
stringTrim ($str, $replace='') | |
Trim the input string. More... | |
isUnicodeFont () | |
Return true if the current font is unicode type. More... | |
getFontFamilyName ($fontfamily) | |
Return normalized font name. More... | |
startTemplate ($w=0, $h=0, $group=false) | |
Start a new XObject Template. More... | |
endTemplate () | |
End the current XObject Template started with startTemplate() and restore the previous graphic state. More... | |
printTemplate ($id, $x='', $y='', $w=0, $h=0, $align='', $palign='', $fitonpage=false) | |
Print an XObject Template. More... | |
setFontStretching ($perc=100) | |
Set the percentage of character stretching. More... | |
getFontStretching () | |
Get the percentage of character stretching. More... | |
setFontSpacing ($spacing=0) | |
Set the amount to increase or decrease the space between characters in a text. More... | |
getFontSpacing () | |
Get the amount to increase or decrease the space between characters in a text. More... | |
getPageRegions () | |
Return an array of no-write page regions. More... | |
setPageRegions ($regions=array()) | |
Set no-write regions on page. More... | |
addPageRegion ($region) | |
Add a single no-write region on selected page. More... | |
removePageRegion ($key) | |
Remove a single no-write region. More... | |
ImageSVG ($file, $x='', $y='', $w=0, $h=0, $link='', $align='', $palign='', $border=0, $fitonpage=false) | |
Embedd a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) image. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
setPageFormat ($format, $orientation='P') | |
Change the format of the current page. More... | |
adjustCellPadding ($brd=0) | |
Adjust the internal Cell padding array to take account of the line width. More... | |
setContentMark ($page=0) | |
Set start-writing mark on selected page. More... | |
setHeader () | |
This method is used to render the page header. More... | |
setFooter () | |
This method is used to render the page footer. More... | |
inPageBody () | |
Check if we are on the page body (excluding page header and footer). More... | |
setTableHeader () | |
This method is used to render the table header on new page (if any). More... | |
getFontsList () | |
Fill the list of available fonts ($this->fontlist). More... | |
_putEmbeddedFiles () | |
Embedd the attached files. More... | |
checkPageBreak ($h=0, $y='', $addpage=true) | |
Add page if needed. More... | |
getCellCode ($w, $h=0, $txt='', $border=0, $ln=0, $align='', $fill=false, $link='', $stretch=0, $ignore_min_height=false, $calign='T', $valign='M') | |
Returns the PDF string code to print a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. More... | |
replaceChar ($oldchar, $newchar) | |
Replace a char if is defined on the current font. More... | |
getCellBorder ($x, $y, $w, $h, $brd) | |
Returns the code to draw the cell border. More... | |
getRemainingWidth () | |
Returns the remaining width between the current position and margins. More... | |
fitBlock ($w, $h, $x, $y, $fitonpage=false) | |
Set the block dimensions accounting for page breaks and page/column fitting. More... | |
ImagePngAlpha ($file, $x, $y, $wpx, $hpx, $w, $h, $type, $link, $align, $resize, $dpi, $palign, $filehash='') | |
Extract info from a PNG image with alpha channel using the Imagick or GD library. More... | |
getGDgamma ($img, $c) | |
Get the GD-corrected PNG gamma value from alpha color. More... | |
_dochecks () | |
Check for locale-related bug. More... | |
getInternalPageNumberAliases ($a='') | |
Return an array containing variations for the basic page number alias. More... | |
getAllInternalPageNumberAliases () | |
Return an array containing all internal page aliases. More... | |
replaceRightShiftPageNumAliases ($page, $aliases, $diff) | |
Replace right shift page number aliases with spaces to correct right alignment. More... | |
setPageBoxTypes ($boxes) | |
Set page boxes to be included on page descriptions. More... | |
_putpages () | |
Output pages (and replace page number aliases). More... | |
_getannotsrefs ($n) | |
Get references to page annotations. More... | |
_putannotsobjs () | |
Output annotations objects for all pages. More... | |
_putAPXObject ($w=0, $h=0, $stream='') | |
Put appearance streams XObject used to define annotation's appearance states. More... | |
_putfonts () | |
Output fonts. More... | |
_puttruetypeunicode ($font) | |
Adds unicode fonts. More... | |
_putcidfont0 ($font) | |
Output CID-0 fonts. More... | |
_putimages () | |
Output images. More... | |
_putxobjects () | |
Output Form XObjects Templates. More... | |
_putspotcolors () | |
Output Spot Colors Resources. More... | |
_getxobjectdict () | |
Return XObjects Dictionary. More... | |
_putresourcedict () | |
Output Resources Dictionary. More... | |
_putresources () | |
Output Resources. More... | |
_putinfo () | |
Adds some Metadata information (Document Information Dictionary) (see Chapter 14.3.3 Document Information Dictionary of PDF32000_2008.pdf Reference) More... | |
_putXMP () | |
Put XMP data object and return ID. More... | |
_putcatalog () | |
Output Catalog. More... | |
_putviewerpreferences () | |
Output viewer preferences. More... | |
_putheader () | |
Output PDF File Header (7.5.2). More... | |
_enddoc () | |
Output end of document (EOF). More... | |
_beginpage ($orientation='', $format='') | |
Initialize a new page. More... | |
_endpage () | |
Mark end of page. More... | |
_newobj () | |
Begin a new object and return the object number. More... | |
_getobj ($objid='') | |
Return the starting object string for the selected object ID. More... | |
_dounderline ($x, $y, $txt) | |
Underline text. More... | |
_dounderlinew ($x, $y, $w) | |
Underline for rectangular text area. More... | |
_dolinethrough ($x, $y, $txt) | |
Line through text. More... | |
_dolinethroughw ($x, $y, $w) | |
Line through for rectangular text area. More... | |
_dooverline ($x, $y, $txt) | |
Overline text. More... | |
_dooverlinew ($x, $y, $w) | |
Overline for rectangular text area. More... | |
_datastring ($s, $n=0) | |
Format a data string for meta information. More... | |
_datestring ($n=0, $timestamp=0) | |
Returns a formatted date for meta information. More... | |
_textstring ($s, $n=0) | |
Format a text string for meta information. More... | |
_getrawstream ($s, $n=0) | |
get raw output stream. More... | |
_out ($s) | |
Output a string to the document. More... | |
_objectkey ($n) | |
Compute encryption key depending on object number where the encrypted data is stored. More... | |
_encrypt_data ($n, $s) | |
Encrypt the input string. More... | |
_putencryption () | |
Put encryption on PDF document. More... | |
_Uvalue () | |
Compute U value (used for encryption) More... | |
_UEvalue () | |
Compute UE value (used for encryption) More... | |
_Ovalue () | |
Compute O value (used for encryption) More... | |
_OEvalue () | |
Compute OE value (used for encryption) More... | |
_fixAES256Password ($password) | |
Convert password for AES-256 encryption mode. More... | |
_generateencryptionkey () | |
Compute encryption key. More... | |
Transform ($tm) | |
Apply graphic transformations. More... | |
_outPoint ($x, $y) | |
Begin a new subpath by moving the current point to coordinates (x, y), omitting any connecting line segment. More... | |
_outLine ($x, $y) | |
Append a straight line segment from the current point to the point (x, y). More... | |
_outRect ($x, $y, $w, $h, $op) | |
Append a rectangle to the current path as a complete subpath, with lower-left corner (x, y) and dimensions widthand height in user space. More... | |
_outCurve ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3) | |
Append a cubic Bezier curve to the current path. More... | |
_outCurveV ($x2, $y2, $x3, $y3) | |
Append a cubic Bezier curve to the current path. More... | |
_outCurveY ($x1, $y1, $x3, $y3) | |
Append a cubic Bezier curve to the current path. More... | |
_outellipticalarc ($xc, $yc, $rx, $ry, $xang=0, $angs=0, $angf=360, $pie=false, $nc=2, $startpoint=true, $ccw=true, $svg=false) | |
Append an elliptical arc to the current path. More... | |
_putdests () | |
Insert Named Destinations. More... | |
sortBookmarks () | |
Sort bookmarks for page and key. More... | |
_putbookmarks () | |
Create a bookmark PDF string. More... | |
_putjavascript () | |
Create a javascript PDF string. More... | |
_addfield ($type, $name, $x, $y, $w, $h, $prop) | |
Adds a javascript form field. More... | |
_putsignature () | |
Add certification signature (DocMDP or UR3) You can set only one signature type. More... | |
getSignatureAppearanceArray ($x=0, $y=0, $w=0, $h=0, $page=-1, $name='') | |
Get the array that defines the signature appearance (page and rectangle coordinates). More... | |
applyTSA ($signature) | |
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Request TSA for a timestamp. More... | |
_putocg () | |
Put pdf layers. More... | |
addExtGState ($parms) | |
Add transparency parameters to the current extgstate. More... | |
setExtGState ($gs) | |
Add an extgstate. More... | |
_putextgstates () | |
Put extgstates for object transparency. More... | |
Clip ($x, $y, $w, $h) | |
Set a rectangular clipping area. More... | |
_putshaders () | |
Output gradient shaders. More... | |
getCSSBorderWidth ($width) | |
Returns the border width from CSS property. More... | |
getCSSBorderDashStyle ($style) | |
Returns the border dash style from CSS property. More... | |
getCSSBorderStyle ($cssborder) | |
Returns the border style array from CSS border properties. More... | |
getCSSFontSpacing ($spacing, $parent=0) | |
Returns the letter-spacing value from CSS value. More... | |
getCSSFontStretching ($stretch, $parent=100) | |
Returns the percentage of font stretching from CSS value. More... | |
getHtmlDomArray ($html) | |
Returns the HTML DOM array. More... | |
getSpaceString () | |
Returns the string used to find spaces. More... | |
getHashForTCPDFtagParams ($data) | |
Return an hash code used to ensure that the serialized data has been generated by this TCPDF instance. More... | |
unserializeTCPDFtagParameters ($data) | |
Unserialize parameters to be used with TCPDF tag in HTML code. More... | |
openHTMLTagHandler ($dom, $key, $cell) | |
Process opening tags. More... | |
closeHTMLTagHandler ($dom, $key, $cell, $maxbottomliney=0) | |
Process closing tags. More... | |
addHTMLVertSpace ($hbz=0, $hb=0, $cell=false, $firsttag=false, $lasttag=false) | |
Add vertical spaces if needed. More... | |
getBorderStartPosition () | |
Return the starting coordinates to draw an html border. More... | |
drawHTMLTagBorder ($tag, $xmax) | |
Draw an HTML block border and fill. More... | |
swapMargins ($reverse=true) | |
Swap the left and right margins. More... | |
putHtmlListBullet ($listdepth, $listtype='', $size=10) | |
Output an HTML list bullet or ordered item symbol. More... | |
getGraphicVars () | |
Returns current graphic variables as array. More... | |
setGraphicVars ($gvars, $extended=false) | |
Set graphic variables. More... | |
_outSaveGraphicsState () | |
Outputs the "save graphics state" operator 'q'. More... | |
_outRestoreGraphicsState () | |
Outputs the "restore graphics state" operator 'Q'. More... | |
setBuffer ($data) | |
Set buffer content (always append data). More... | |
replaceBuffer ($data) | |
Replace the buffer content. More... | |
getBuffer () | |
Get buffer content. More... | |
setPageBuffer ($page, $data, $append=false) | |
Set page buffer content. More... | |
getPageBuffer ($page) | |
Get page buffer content. More... | |
setImageBuffer ($image, $data) | |
Set image buffer content. More... | |
setImageSubBuffer ($image, $key, $data) | |
Set image buffer content for a specified sub-key. More... | |
getImageBuffer ($image) | |
Get image buffer content. More... | |
setFontBuffer ($font, $data) | |
Set font buffer content. More... | |
setFontSubBuffer ($font, $key, $data) | |
Set font buffer content. More... | |
getFontBuffer ($font) | |
Get font buffer content. More... | |
hyphenateWord ($word, $patterns, $dictionary=array(), $leftmin=1, $rightmin=2, $charmin=1, $charmax=8) | |
Returns an array of chars containing soft hyphens. More... | |
checkPageRegions ($h, $x, $y) | |
Check page for no-write regions and adapt current coordinates and page margins if necessary. More... | |
convertSVGtMatrix ($tm) | |
Convert SVG transformation matrix to PDF. More... | |
SVGTransform ($tm) | |
Apply SVG graphic transformation matrix. More... | |
setSVGStyles ($svgstyle, $prevsvgstyle, $x=0, $y=0, $w=1, $h=1, $clip_function='', $clip_params=array()) | |
Apply the requested SVG styles (*** TO BE COMPLETED ***) More... | |
SVGPath ($d, $style='') | |
Draws an SVG path. More... | |
removeTagNamespace ($name) | |
Return the tag name without the namespace. More... | |
startSVGElementHandler ($parser, $name, $attribs, $ctm=array()) | |
Sets the opening SVG element handler function for the XML parser. More... | |
endSVGElementHandler ($parser, $name) | |
Sets the closing SVG element handler function for the XML parser. More... | |
segSVGContentHandler ($parser, $data) | |
Sets the character data handler function for the XML parser. More... | |
![]() | |
$page | |
Current page number. More... | |
$n | |
Current object number. More... | |
$offsets = array() | |
Array of object offsets. More... | |
$pageobjects = array() | |
Array of object IDs for each page. More... | |
$buffer | |
Buffer holding in-memory PDF. More... | |
$pages = array() | |
Array containing pages. More... | |
$state | |
Current document state. More... | |
$compress | |
Compression flag. More... | |
$CurOrientation | |
Current page orientation (P = Portrait, L = Landscape). More... | |
$pagedim = array() | |
Page dimensions. More... | |
$k | |
Scale factor (number of points in user unit). More... | |
$fwPt | |
Width of page format in points. More... | |
$fhPt | |
Height of page format in points. More... | |
$wPt | |
Current width of page in points. More... | |
$hPt | |
Current height of page in points. More... | |
$w | |
Current width of page in user unit. More... | |
$h | |
Current height of page in user unit. More... | |
$lMargin | |
Left margin. More... | |
$rMargin | |
Right margin. More... | |
$clMargin | |
Cell left margin (used by regions). More... | |
$crMargin | |
Cell right margin (used by regions). More... | |
$tMargin | |
Top margin. More... | |
$bMargin | |
Page break margin. More... | |
$cell_padding = array('T' => 0, 'R' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'L' => 0) | |
Array of cell internal paddings ('T' => top, 'R' => right, 'B' => bottom, 'L' => left). More... | |
$cell_margin = array('T' => 0, 'R' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'L' => 0) | |
Array of cell margins ('T' => top, 'R' => right, 'B' => bottom, 'L' => left). More... | |
$x | |
Current horizontal position in user unit for cell positioning. More... | |
$y | |
Current vertical position in user unit for cell positioning. More... | |
$lasth | |
Height of last cell printed. More... | |
$LineWidth | |
Line width in user unit. More... | |
$CoreFonts | |
Array of standard font names. More... | |
$fonts = array() | |
Array of used fonts. More... | |
$FontFiles = array() | |
Array of font files. More... | |
$diffs = array() | |
Array of encoding differences. More... | |
$images = array() | |
Array of used images. More... | |
$svg_tag_depth = 0 | |
Depth of the svg tag, to keep track if the svg tag is a subtag or the root tag. More... | |
$PageAnnots = array() | |
Array of Annotations in pages. More... | |
$links = array() | |
Array of internal links. More... | |
$FontFamily | |
Current font family. More... | |
$FontStyle | |
Current font style. More... | |
$FontAscent | |
Current font ascent (distance between font top and baseline). More... | |
$FontDescent | |
Current font descent (distance between font bottom and baseline). More... | |
$underline | |
Underlining flag. More... | |
$overline | |
Overlining flag. More... | |
$CurrentFont | |
Current font info. More... | |
$FontSizePt | |
Current font size in points. More... | |
$FontSize | |
Current font size in user unit. More... | |
$DrawColor | |
Commands for drawing color. More... | |
$FillColor | |
Commands for filling color. More... | |
$TextColor | |
Commands for text color. More... | |
$ColorFlag | |
Indicates whether fill and text colors are different. More... | |
$AutoPageBreak | |
Automatic page breaking. More... | |
$PageBreakTrigger | |
Threshold used to trigger page breaks. More... | |
$InHeader = false | |
Flag set when processing page header. More... | |
$InFooter = false | |
Flag set when processing page footer. More... | |
$ZoomMode | |
Zoom display mode. More... | |
$LayoutMode | |
Layout display mode. More... | |
$docinfounicode = true | |
If true set the document information dictionary in Unicode. More... | |
$title = '' | |
Document title. More... | |
$subject = '' | |
Document subject. More... | |
$author = '' | |
Document author. More... | |
$keywords = '' | |
Document keywords. More... | |
$creator = '' | |
Document creator. More... | |
$starting_page_number = 1 | |
Starting page number. More... | |
$img_rb_x | |
The right-bottom (or left-bottom for RTL) corner X coordinate of last inserted image. More... | |
$img_rb_y | |
The right-bottom corner Y coordinate of last inserted image. More... | |
$imgscale = 1 | |
Adjusting factor to convert pixels to user units. More... | |
$isunicode = false | |
Boolean flag set to true when the input text is unicode (require unicode fonts). More... | |
$PDFVersion = '1.7' | |
PDF version. More... | |
$header_xobjid = false | |
ID of the stored default header template (-1 = not set). More... | |
$header_xobj_autoreset = false | |
If true reset the Header Xobject template at each page. More... | |
$header_margin | |
Minimum distance between header and top page margin. More... | |
$footer_margin | |
Minimum distance between footer and bottom page margin. More... | |
$original_lMargin | |
Original left margin value. More... | |
$original_rMargin | |
Original right margin value. More... | |
$header_font | |
Default font used on page header. More... | |
$footer_font | |
Default font used on page footer. More... | |
$l | |
Language templates. More... | |
$barcode = false | |
Barcode to print on page footer (only if set). More... | |
$print_header = true | |
Boolean flag to print/hide page header. More... | |
$print_footer = true | |
Boolean flag to print/hide page footer. More... | |
$header_logo = '' | |
Header image logo. More... | |
$header_logo_width = 30 | |
Width of header image logo in user units. More... | |
$header_title = '' | |
Title to be printed on default page header. More... | |
$header_string = '' | |
String to pring on page header after title. More... | |
$header_text_color = array(0,0,0) | |
Color for header text (RGB array). More... | |
$header_line_color = array(0,0,0) | |
Color for header line (RGB array). More... | |
$footer_text_color = array(0,0,0) | |
Color for footer text (RGB array). More... | |
$footer_line_color = array(0,0,0) | |
Color for footer line (RGB array). More... | |
$txtshadow = array('enabled'=>false, 'depth_w'=>0, 'depth_h'=>0, 'color'=>false, 'opacity'=>1, 'blend_mode'=>'Normal') | |
Text shadow data array. More... | |
$default_table_columns = 4 | |
Default number of columns for html table. More... | |
$HREF = array() | |
HTML PARSER: array to store current link and rendering styles. More... | |
$fontlist = array() | |
List of available fonts on filesystem. More... | |
$fgcolor | |
Current foreground color. More... | |
$listordered = array() | |
HTML PARSER: array of boolean values, true in case of ordered list (OL), false otherwise. More... | |
$listcount = array() | |
HTML PARSER: array count list items on nested lists. More... | |
$listnum = 0 | |
HTML PARSER: current list nesting level. More... | |
$listindent = 0 | |
HTML PARSER: indent amount for lists. More... | |
$listindentlevel = 0 | |
HTML PARSER: current list indententation level. More... | |
$bgcolor | |
Current background color. More... | |
$tempfontsize = 10 | |
Temporary font size in points. More... | |
$lispacer = '' | |
Spacer string for LI tags. More... | |
$encoding = 'UTF-8' | |
Default encoding. More... | |
$internal_encoding | |
PHP internal encoding. More... | |
$rtl = false | |
Boolean flag to indicate if the document language is Right-To-Left. More... | |
$tmprtl = false | |
Boolean flag used to force RTL or LTR string direction. More... | |
$encrypted | |
IBoolean flag indicating whether document is protected. More... | |
$encryptdata = array() | |
Array containing encryption settings. More... | |
$last_enc_key | |
Last RC4 key encrypted (cached for optimisation). More... | |
$last_enc_key_c | |
Last RC4 computed key. More... | |
$file_id | |
File ID (used on document trailer). More... | |
$outlines = array() | |
Outlines for bookmark. More... | |
$OutlineRoot | |
Outline root for bookmark. More... | |
$javascript = '' | |
Javascript code. More... | |
$n_js | |
Javascript counter. More... | |
$linethrough | |
line through state More... | |
$ur = array() | |
Array with additional document-wide usage rights for the document. More... | |
$dpi = 72 | |
DPI (Dot Per Inch) Document Resolution (do not change). More... | |
$newpagegroup = array() | |
Array of page numbers were a new page group was started (the page numbers are the keys of the array). More... | |
$pagegroups = array() | |
Array that contains the number of pages in each page group. More... | |
$currpagegroup = 0 | |
Current page group number. More... | |
$extgstates | |
Array of transparency objects and parameters. More... | |
$jpeg_quality | |
Set the default JPEG compression quality (1-100). More... | |
$cell_height_ratio = K_CELL_HEIGHT_RATIO | |
Default cell height ratio. More... | |
$viewer_preferences | |
PDF viewer preferences. More... | |
$PageMode | |
A name object specifying how the document should be displayed when opened. More... | |
$gradients = array() | |
Array for storing gradient information. More... | |
$intmrk = array() | |
Array used to store positions inside the pages buffer (keys are the page numbers). More... | |
$bordermrk = array() | |
Array used to store positions inside the pages buffer (keys are the page numbers). More... | |
$emptypagemrk = array() | |
Array used to store page positions to track empty pages (keys are the page numbers). More... | |
$cntmrk = array() | |
Array used to store content positions inside the pages buffer (keys are the page numbers). More... | |
$footerpos = array() | |
Array used to store footer positions of each page. More... | |
$footerlen = array() | |
Array used to store footer length of each page. More... | |
$newline = true | |
Boolean flag to indicate if a new line is created. More... | |
$endlinex = 0 | |
End position of the latest inserted line. More... | |
$linestyleWidth = '' | |
PDF string for width value of the last line. More... | |
$linestyleCap = '0 J' | |
PDF string for CAP value of the last line. More... | |
$linestyleJoin = '0 j' | |
PDF string for join value of the last line. More... | |
$linestyleDash = '[] 0 d' | |
PDF string for dash value of the last line. More... | |
$openMarkedContent = false | |
Boolean flag to indicate if marked-content sequence is open. More... | |
$htmlvspace = 0 | |
Count the latest inserted vertical spaces on HTML. More... | |
$spot_colors = array() | |
Array of Spot colors. More... | |
$lisymbol = '' | |
Symbol used for HTML unordered list items. More... | |
$epsmarker = 'x#!#EPS#!#x' | |
String used to mark the beginning and end of EPS image blocks. More... | |
$transfmatrix = array() | |
Array of transformation matrix. More... | |
$transfmatrix_key = 0 | |
Current key for transformation matrix. More... | |
$booklet = false | |
Booklet mode for double-sided pages. More... | |
$feps = 0.005 | |
Epsilon value used for float calculations. More... | |
$tagvspaces = array() | |
Array used for custom vertical spaces for HTML tags. More... | |
$customlistindent = -1 | |
HTML PARSER: custom indent amount for lists. More... | |
$opencell = true | |
Boolean flag to indicate if the border of the cell sides that cross the page should be removed. More... | |
$embeddedfiles = array() | |
Array of files to embedd. More... | |
$premode = false | |
Boolean flag to indicate if we are inside a PRE tag. More... | |
$transfmrk = array() | |
Array used to store positions of graphics transformation blocks inside the page buffer. More... | |
$htmlLinkColorArray = array(0, 0, 255) | |
Default color for html links. More... | |
$htmlLinkFontStyle = 'U' | |
Default font style to add to html links. More... | |
$numpages = 0 | |
Counts the number of pages. More... | |
$pagelen = array() | |
Array containing page lengths in bytes. More... | |
$numimages = 0 | |
Counts the number of pages. More... | |
$imagekeys = array() | |
Store the image keys. More... | |
$bufferlen = 0 | |
Length of the buffer in bytes. More... | |
$numfonts = 0 | |
Counts the number of fonts. More... | |
$fontkeys = array() | |
Store the font keys. More... | |
$font_obj_ids = array() | |
Store the font object IDs. More... | |
$pageopen = array() | |
Store the fage status (true when opened, false when closed). More... | |
$default_monospaced_font = 'courier' | |
Default monospace font. More... | |
$objcopy | |
Cloned copy of the current class object. More... | |
$cache_file_length = array() | |
Array used to store the lengths of cache files. More... | |
$thead = '' | |
Table header content to be repeated on each new page. More... | |
$theadMargins = array() | |
Margins used for table header. More... | |
$sign = false | |
Boolean flag to enable document digital signature. More... | |
$signature_data = array() | |
Digital signature data. More... | |
$signature_max_length = 11742 | |
Digital signature max length. More... | |
$signature_appearance = array('page' => 1, 'rect' => '0 0 0 0') | |
Data for digital signature appearance. More... | |
$empty_signature_appearance = array() | |
Array of empty digital signature appearances. More... | |
$tsa_timestamp = false | |
Boolean flag to enable document timestamping with TSA. More... | |
$tsa_data = array() | |
Timestamping data. More... | |
$re_spaces = '/[^\S\xa0]/' | |
Regular expression used to find blank characters (required for word-wrapping). More... | |
$re_space = array('p' => '[^\S\xa0]', 'm' => '') | |
Array of $re_spaces parts. More... | |
$sig_obj_id = 0 | |
Digital signature object ID. More... | |
$page_obj_id = array() | |
ID of page objects. More... | |
$form_obj_id = array() | |
List of form annotations IDs. More... | |
$default_form_prop = array('lineWidth'=>1, 'borderStyle'=>'solid', 'fillColor'=>array(255, 255, 255), 'strokeColor'=>array(128, 128, 128)) | |
Deafult Javascript field properties. More... | |
$js_objects = array() | |
Javascript objects array. More... | |
$form_action = '' | |
Current form action (used during XHTML rendering). More... | |
$form_enctype = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | |
Current form encryption type (used during XHTML rendering). More... | |
$form_mode = 'post' | |
Current method to submit forms. More... | |
$annotation_fonts = array() | |
List of fonts used on form fields (fontname => fontkey). More... | |
$radiobutton_groups = array() | |
List of radio buttons parent objects. More... | |
$radio_groups = array() | |
List of radio group objects IDs. More... | |
$textindent = 0 | |
Text indentation value (used for text-indent CSS attribute). More... | |
$start_transaction_page = 0 | |
Store page number when startTransaction() is called. More... | |
$start_transaction_y = 0 | |
Store Y position when startTransaction() is called. More... | |
$inthead = false | |
True when we are printing the thead section on a new page. More... | |
$columns = array() | |
Array of column measures (width, space, starting Y position). More... | |
$num_columns = 1 | |
Number of colums. More... | |
$current_column = 0 | |
Current column number. More... | |
$column_start_page = 0 | |
Starting page for columns. More... | |
$maxselcol = array('page' => 0, 'column' => 0) | |
Maximum page and column selected. More... | |
$colxshift = array('x' => 0, 's' => array('H' => 0, 'V' => 0), 'p' => array('L' => 0, 'T' => 0, 'R' => 0, 'B' => 0)) | |
Array of: X difference between table cell x start and starting page margin, cellspacing, cellpadding. More... | |
$textrendermode = 0 | |
Text rendering mode: 0 = Fill text; 1 = Stroke text; 2 = Fill, then stroke text; 3 = Neither fill nor stroke text (invisible); 4 = Fill text and add to path for clipping; 5 = Stroke text and add to path for clipping; 6 = Fill, then stroke text and add to path for clipping; 7 = Add text to path for clipping. More... | |
$textstrokewidth = 0 | |
Text stroke width in doc units. More... | |
$strokecolor | |
Current stroke color. More... | |
$pdfunit = 'mm' | |
Default unit of measure for document. More... | |
$tocpage = false | |
Boolean flag true when we are on TOC (Table Of Content) page. More... | |
$rasterize_vector_images = false | |
Boolean flag: if true convert vector images (SVG, EPS) to raster image using GD or ImageMagick library. More... | |
$font_subsetting = true | |
Boolean flag: if true enables font subsetting by default. More... | |
$default_graphic_vars = array() | |
Array of default graphic settings. More... | |
$xobjects = array() | |
Array of XObjects. More... | |
$inxobj = false | |
Boolean value true when we are inside an XObject. More... | |
$xobjid = '' | |
Current XObject ID. More... | |
$font_stretching = 100 | |
Percentage of character stretching. More... | |
$font_spacing = 0 | |
Increases or decreases the space between characters in a text by the specified amount (tracking). More... | |
$page_regions = array() | |
Array of no-write regions. More... | |
$check_page_regions = true | |
Boolean value true when page region check is active. More... | |
$pdflayers = array() | |
Array of PDF layers data. More... | |
$dests = array() | |
A dictionary of names and corresponding destinations (Dests key on document Catalog). More... | |
$n_dests | |
Object ID for Named Destinations. More... | |
$efnames = array() | |
Embedded Files Names. More... | |
$svgdir = '' | |
Directory used for the last SVG image. More... | |
$svgunit = 'px' | |
Deafult unit of measure for SVG. More... | |
$svggradients = array() | |
Array of SVG gradients. More... | |
$svggradientid = 0 | |
ID of last SVG gradient. More... | |
$svgdefsmode = false | |
Boolean value true when in SVG defs group. More... | |
$svgdefs = array() | |
Array of SVG defs. More... | |
$svgclipmode = false | |
Boolean value true when in SVG clipPath tag. More... | |
$svgclippaths = array() | |
Array of SVG clipPath commands. More... | |
$svgcliptm = array() | |
Array of SVG clipPath tranformation matrix. More... | |
$svgclipid = 0 | |
ID of last SVG clipPath. More... | |
$svgtext = '' | |
SVG text. More... | |
$svgtextmode = array() | |
SVG text properties. More... | |
$svgstyles | |
Array of SVG properties. More... | |
$force_srgb = false | |
If true force sRGB color profile for all document. More... | |
$pdfa_mode = false | |
If true set the document to PDF/A mode. More... | |
$doc_creation_timestamp | |
Document creation date-time. More... | |
$doc_modification_timestamp | |
Document modification date-time. More... | |
$custom_xmp = '' | |
Custom XMP data. More... | |
$overprint = array('OP' => false, 'op' => false, 'OPM' => 0) | |
Overprint mode array. More... | |
$alpha = array('CA' => 1, 'ca' => 1, 'BM' => '/Normal', 'AIS' => false) | |
Alpha mode array. More... | |
$page_boxes = array('MediaBox', 'CropBox', 'BleedBox', 'TrimBox', 'ArtBox') | |
Define the page boundaries boxes to be set on document. More... | |
$tcpdflink = true | |
If true print TCPDF meta link. More... | |
$gdgammacache = array() | |
Cache array for computed GD gamma values. More... | |
!!! THIS CLASS IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT !!! PHP class extension of the TCPDF ( library to import existing PDF documents.
Definition at line 59 of file tcpdf_import.php.
TCPDF_IMPORT::importPDF | ( | $filename | ) |
Import an existing PDF document.
$filename | (string) Filename of the PDF document to import. |
Definition at line 68 of file tcpdf_import.php.
References $data, $filename, $pdf, array, and TCPDF\Error().