ILIAS  release_5-2 Revision v5.2.25-18-g3f80b828510 File Reference

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Create new PHPExcel object
Create new PHPExcel EOL
 $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel()
Set document properties
Add some data
Add comments
 $objCommentRichText = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getComment('E11')->getText()->createTextRun('PHPExcel:')
Add rich text string
 The name of the decorator. More...
 $objRichText = new PHPExcel_RichText()
 $objPayable = $objRichText->createTextRun('payable within thirty days after the end of the month')
Merge cells
Set cell number formats
Set column widths
Set fonts
Set alignments
Set thin black border outline around column
Set thick brown border outline around Total
Set fills
Unprotect a cell
Add a hyperlink to an external website
Add a hyperlink to another cell on a different worksheet within the workbook
Add a drawing to the worksheet
 $objDrawing = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing()
Play around with inserting and removing rows and columns
Set header footer
Set page orientation and size
 $sLloremIpsum = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus eget ante. Sed cursus nunc semper tortor. Aliquam luctus purus non elit. Fusce vel elit commodo sapien dignissim dignissim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur accumsan magna sed massa. Nullam bibendum quam ac ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin augue. Praesent malesuada justo sed orci. Pellentesque lacus ligula, sodales quis, ultricies a, ultricies vitae, elit. Sed luctus consectetuer dolor. Vivamus vel sem ut nisi sodales accumsan. Nunc et felis. Suspendisse semper viverra odio. Morbi at odio. Integer a orci a purus venenatis molestie. Nam mattis. Praesent rhoncus, nisi vel mattis auctor, neque nisi faucibus sem, non dapibus elit pede ac nisl. Cras turpis.'
Set the worksheet tab color

Variable Documentation

◆ $objCommentRichText

$objCommentRichText = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getComment('E11')->getText()->createTextRun('PHPExcel:')

Definition at line 94 of file

◆ $objDrawing

$objDrawing = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing()

Definition at line 284 of file

◆ $objPayable

$objPayable = $objRichText->createTextRun('payable within thirty days after the end of the month')

Definition at line 121 of file

◆ $objPHPExcel

$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel()

Definition at line 37 of file

◆ $objRichText

$objRichText = new PHPExcel_RichText()

Definition at line 118 of file

◆ $sLloremIpsum

$sLloremIpsum = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus eget ante. Sed cursus nunc semper tortor. Aliquam luctus purus non elit. Fusce vel elit commodo sapien dignissim dignissim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur accumsan magna sed massa. Nullam bibendum quam ac ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin augue. Praesent malesuada justo sed orci. Pellentesque lacus ligula, sodales quis, ultricies a, ultricies vitae, elit. Sed luctus consectetuer dolor. Vivamus vel sem ut nisi sodales accumsan. Nunc et felis. Suspendisse semper viverra odio. Morbi at odio. Integer a orci a purus venenatis molestie. Nam mattis. Praesent rhoncus, nisi vel mattis auctor, neque nisi faucibus sem, non dapibus elit pede ac nisl. Cras turpis.'

Definition at line 342 of file

◆ $styleThickBrownBorderOutline

Initial value:
'borders' => array(
'outline' => array(
'color' => array('argb' => 'FF993300'),
Create styles array
The data for the language used.

Definition at line 191 of file

◆ $styleThinBlackBorderOutline

Initial value:
'borders' => array(
'outline' => array(
'color' => array('argb' => 'FF000000'),
Create styles array
The data for the language used.

Definition at line 178 of file

◆ alignments

Set alignments

Definition at line 166 of file

◆ cell

Unprotect a cell

Definition at line 266 of file

◆ cells

Protect cells

Definition at line 131 of file

◆ color

Set the worksheet tab color

Definition at line 354 of file

◆ column

◆ columns

◆ comments

◆ data

Add some data

Definition at line 51 of file


Rename second EOL

Definition at line 32 of file

◆ fills

Set fills

Definition at line 202 of file

◆ fonts

◆ footer

Set header footer

Definition at line 323 of file

◆ formats

◆ object

Create a second Worksheet object

Definition at line 32 of file

◆ properties

Set document properties

Definition at line 40 of file

◆ size

Set page orientation and size

Definition at line 328 of file

◆ string


The name of the decorator.

text indication of result (for debugging)


SOAP payload for response (text)


HTTP response


character set encoding of incoming (request) messages


SOAP Action from request


name of method requested


requested method namespace URI


SOAP payload for request (text)


SOAP body request portion (incomplete namespace resolution; special characters not escaped) (text)


SOAP headers from request (incomplete namespace resolution; special characters not escaped) (text)


HTTP request


The XML element name.

The fault string, a description of the fault


The fault actor


The fault code (client|server)


charset encoding for outgoing messages

set schema version

Current debug string (manipulated by debug/appendDebug/clearDebug/getDebug/getDebugAsXMLComment)

Current error string (manipulated by getError/setError)

CVS revision for HTTP headers.

Version for HTTP headers.

Identification for HTTP headers.



separator value between the content and the comment of the lang entry


separator value between module, identifier, and value


path to language files relative path is taken from ini file and added to absolute path of ilias


generated comment




dtd definition


input encoding


output encoding


xml version


string containing xml document


XML-Content in case of content type 'string'.

XML-Content type 'file' or 'string' If you choose file set the filename in constructor If you choose 'String' call the constructor with no argument and use setXMLContent()


lock owner information

lock scope, "shared" or "exclusive"

lock type, currently only "write"

encoding of property values passed in

HTTP response status/message.

String to be used in "X-Dav-Powered-By" header.

Realm string to be used in authentification popups.

URI path for this request.

base URI for this request

complete URI for this request

true true true text 64

ouptput message of external cleaner


ouptput message of external scanner


original name of the cleaned file (e.g.

original name of the scanned file (e.g.

path of the scanned file including the name


Path of external cleaner command


Path of external scanner command


type of the virus scanner ("simulate", "sophos", "antivir") should be set in child constructors


userfolder ref_id where user is assigned to


ids of assigned org-units, comma seperated

date of setting the user inactivated

default role


Contains template set


The encoding algorithm of the user's password stored in the database.

Full name string passed to class.

Name addendum ie.

The LAST Name.

The MIDDLE Name.

The FIRST Name.

The TITLE ie.

RegExp used to grep function calls in the template.

Functionname RegExp.

Functionnameprefix used when searching function calls in the template.

RegExp used to test for a valid blockname.

Root directory for all file operations.

Content of the template.

Name of the current block.

RegExp used to find blocks an their content, filled by the constructor.

RegExp matching a variable placeholder in the template.

RegExp matching a block in the template.

Last character of a variable placeholder ( {VARIABLE_}_ ).

First character of a variable placeholder ( _{_VARIABLE} ).

Aktueller Block Der wird gemerkt bei der berladenen Funktion setCurrentBlock, damit beim ParseBlock vorher ein replace auf alle Variablen gemacht werden kann, die mit dem BLockname anfangen.

Content-type for template output.

target script for expand icon links


order direction


order column


additional get parameter


target get parameter






Set the definition of the available characters It combines user defined custom items with selected unicode blocks.

The type of the button.

Load the response into the top-level browsing context (that is, the browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one, and has no parent).

Load the response into the parent browsing context of the current one.

Load the response into a new unnamed browsing context.

Load the response into the same browsing context as the current one.

Use this value if you are using an <input> element with the type attribute set to file.

The default value if the attribute is not specified.

The button resets all the controls to their initial values.

The button submits the form data to the server.

The button has no default behavior.

column name containing tree id in tree table


column name containing primary key in object table


column name containing primary key in reference table


table name of object_reference table


table name of object_data table


Path to sounds directory of delos (currently none given)

Path to fonts directory of delos.

Path to images directory of delos.

Path to variables less file of delos.

Path to delos css and less files.

Path to default template of ILIAS (skin default, style delos)

Default system style ID in ILIAS.

Default skin ID in ILIAS.

Version of skin, as provided by the template.

Name of the skin, as provided in the template.

ID of the skin, equals the name of the folder this skin is stored in.

Parent of the skin if set.

Css file name of the skin.

Directory to store fonts into.

Directory to store image files into.

Directory to store sound files into.

Name of the style visible in all UI elements.

Id of the skin.

Less Category which encloses this variable.

Comment to the variable as in the less file.

Value of the variable as set in the less file.

Name of the variable.

Complete path the the variables file on the file system.

Random content of the less file being neither part of a variable or category.

Comment to describe what this category is about.

Name of the category.

Path to the root of the folder.

Description of the color.

Name of the color in text.

Value of the color.

Unique ID to identify the color by (currently same as color)

Extension of the icon.

Name of the Icon.

Path to the icon including name and extension.

RTE root block element which surrounds the generated html.

all valid rbac object types

The absolute path to the image.

The status of the rendering process.

The type of the object.

an icon to send with the notification the notification channel decides what to do with this information

a link to send with the notification the notification channel decides what to do with this information e.g.

the type of the notification

character set of message

table name of tree table


table name of table mail object data




separator value between module,identivier & value


indicator for the system language this language must not be deleted


separator of module, comment separator, identifier & values in language files

starting line below the header

header of the language file including the starting line

scope of the language file ('global', 'local' or 'unchanged')

language key

file name and path

Size of input fields.

separator value between the content and the comment of the lang entry

separator value between module,identivier & value

language full name in that language current in use

path to language files relative path is taken from ini file and added to absolute path of ilias

language that is in use by current user this language must not be deleted

indicator for the system language this language must not be deleted

actual section


error var


name of file


template path


database connector


ini file



Type of purifier.

true integer 1

TinyMCE root block element which surrounds the generated html.

Which class to use for error objects.

Default error handler (callback) for this object, if error mode is PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK.

the last query sent to the driver


Database used with regards to SQL syntax etc.

Database backend used in PHP (mysql, odbc etc.)


string with the debugging information


column alias keyword


string array


server version information


the name of the database currently selected


the name of the database for the next query



database handle from pear database class.

Captcha code supplied by user [set from Securimage::check()].

The path to the directory containing audio files that will be selected randomly and mixed with the captcha audio.

The path to the securimage audio directory, can be set in securimage_play.php

$img->audio_path = '/home/yoursite/public_html/securimage/audio/en/';

The path to the SQLite database file to use, if $use_sqlite_database = true, should be chmod 666.

The directory to scan for background images, if set a random background will be chosen from this folder.

The path to the wordlist file to use, leave blank for default words/words.txt.

The font file to use to draw the captcha code, leave blank for default font AHGBold.ttf.

The captcha namespace, use this if you have multiple forms on a single page, blank if you do not use multiple forms on one page

<?php // in securimage_show.php (create one show script for each form) $img->namespace = 'contact_form';.

Fully qualified path to the database file when using SQLite3.

Database table where captcha codes are stored Note: Securimage will attempt to create this table for you if it does not exist.

Name of the database to select (mysql, postgres only)

Database password for connection (mysql, postgres only) Default is empty string.

Database username for connection (mysql, postgres only) Default is an empty string.

Database host to connect to when using mysql or postgres On Linux use "localhost" for Unix domain socket, otherwise uses TCP/IP Does not apply to SQLite.

Database driver to use for database support.

The path to the ttf font file to use for the signature text, defaults to $ttf_file (AHGBold.ttf)

The signature text to draw on the bottom corner of the image.

The session name securimage should use, only set this if your application uses a custom session name It is recommended to set this value below so it is used by all securimage scripts.

The character set to use for generating the captcha code.

SQLite option identifier for database storage option.

PostgreSQL option identifier for database storage option.

MySQL option identifier for database storage option.

true text 200

true clob 4000

true text 256

true text 1000

true true true true text 250

rolefolder ref_id where role is assigned to


The condition which should be parsed into a ParserComposite to match a branch condition.

A text value which should be compared.

The pattern "/~.*?~/" should match the following expression in a condition

The pattern "/Q[0-9]+\\[[0-9]+\\]/" should match the following expression in a condition

The pattern "/R\\[[0-9]+\\]/" should match the following expression in a condition

The pattern "/%[0-9]+%/" should match the following expression in a condition

The pattern "/\$[0-9]+(?:,[0-9]+)*\$/" should match the following expression in a condition

The pattern "/#[0-9]+#/" should match the following expression in a condition

The pattern "/\\+[0-9]+\\+/" should match the following expression in a condition

The pattern "/;[0-9]+:[0-9]+;/" should match the following expression in a condition

The pattern "/\*[0-9]+(?:,[0-9]+)*\* /" should match the following expression in a condition

The pattern '/Q[0-9]+([^[|0-9]|$)/' should match the following expression in a condition

The pattern '/R([^[|0-9]|$)/' should match the following expression in a condition

It is used to create a AnswerOfCurrentQuestionExpression.

page object output mode

Import for container (courses containing tests) import.

answer status filter

object type of parent question container(s)

the table mode controlling the tables behaviour (either self::TBL_MODE_TESTOUTPUT or self::TBL_MODE_ADMINISTRATION)

currently set presentation mode

the hint text itself

The method which should be chosen for text comparisons.

Keywords of the question.

additional content editing mode set for this question

An external id of a qustion.

The question text.

Contains the name of the author.

Question comment.

Question title.

Java Applet archive parameter.

Java Applet codebase parameter.

Java Applet code parameter.

Java applet file name.

The rating option for text gaps.

The end tag beginning a cloze gap.

The start tag beginning a cloze gap.

Answer text.

Picture or definition.

Coordinates of an area in image mape.

Name of the upper bound.

Name of the lower bound.

Image filename.

The timestamp of the test submission.

Last visit.

First visit.

Working time.

ECTS Mark.

Mark (official description)



User name.

Name of a custom style sheet for the test.

A final statement for test completion.

Password access to enter the test.

The ending time in database timestamp format which defines the latest ending time for the test.

The starting time in database timestamp format which defines the earliest starting time for the test.

A time/date value to set the earliest reporting time for the test score.

An introduction text to give users more information on the test.

question set type setting

The official name of the mark.

The short name of the mark.

ILIAS3 object type abbreviation


Questiontext string.

A description string to describe the question more detailed as the title.

A title string to describe the question.

Second bipolar adjective for ordinal matrix questions.

First bipolar adjective for ordinal matrix questions.

Online status of questionpool.

Search type.

Search field.

The end date of the survey.

The start date of the survey.

Indicates the evaluation access for learners.

A text representation of the surveys outro.

A text representation of the surveys introduction.

A text representation of the authors name.

true text 3500

true text 32

true text 255

true timestamp false

true text 4

Timestamp of the moment the last change was made on this object or any object in the subtree of the program.

CSS-ID of the modal windows.

Temporary I/O character (B).

Temporary I/O character (A).

The output stream, in which to write the minimized JS file.

The input stream, from which to read a JS file to minimize.

true clob

true integer 1 false

database table field for sorting the results

database table name

file of temporary file where we store the file content instead of in memory

file contents, base64 encoded

Description for this table displayed above records.

Default sort-order (asc|desc)

ID of the default sorting field.

true text 128

true true text 128

Path to $root_node ($root_node has always path "/", root_path is the path which can be changed in the settings)

GUIScope set to '' for single instance or 'admin' for general administration.

always set to 'classes'

Module base path, set to "Modules/$this->moduleName/".

Module name, defaults to 'Chatroom'.

Each value of this array describes a setting with the internal type.

file type (bib (also: bibtex) | ris)

array containing all types of attributes the entry has, except the type

type of entry

_ribbonXMLData : NULL if workbook is'nt Excel 2007 or not contain a customized UI

Unique ID.

Temporary storage for Save Array Return type.

Orientation (Over-ride)


Images root.

The parse tree to be generated.

The character ahead of the current char.

The formula to parse.

The token we are working on.

The string containing the data of the BIFF stream.

Private string table.

Line ending.

Disk caching directory.



Cached highest column.

Selected cells.

Active cell.

Freeze pane.

Sheet state.

Worksheet title.



Print area.


Unique name.

Mime type.

Rendering function.








Column index.



Autofilter Range.

Autofilter Multiple Rules And/Or.

Autofilter Column Filter Type.

Autofilter Column Index.

Join options for autofilter rules.

Types of autofilter rules.

DateTimeGrouping Group Value.

Autofilter Rule Operator.

Autofilter Rule Value.

Autofilter Rule Type.



Built-in format Code.


Font Name.

Fill type.


ARGB - Alpha RGB.

Parent property name.

Border style.

Vertical alignment.

Horizontal alignment.

Filename in ZipAcrhive.

Zip Archive Stream Handle.

Temporary storage directory.

Temporary filename.

Names of the best-fit trend polynomial orders.

Names of the best-fit trend analysis methods.

Algorithm type to use for best-fit (Name of this trend class)

Algorithm type to use for best-fit.

Currency code.

Thousands separator.

Decimal separator.

Control characters array.

The PPS's data (only used if it's not using a temporary file)

The PPS name (in Unicode)

Directory for temporary files.

The binary data of the file.

Path to folder containing TrueType font .ttf files.

AutoSize method.

Raw image data.

Cell coordinates of bottom-right corner of shape, e.g.

Cell coordinates of upper-left corner of shape, e.g.

Directory Path to the external Library used for rendering PDF files.

Name of the external Library used for rendering PDF files e.g.

Directory Path to the external Library used for rendering charts.

Name of the external Library used for rendering charts e.g.

Name of the class used for Zip file management e.g.


The current MD5 context state.

The combined MSODRAWING data (per sheet)

The combined MSODRAWINGGROUP data.

Codepage set in the Excel file being read.

Workbook stream data.

User-Defined Properties stream data.

Extended Summary Information stream data.

Summary Information stream data.

Escher stream data (binary)

Colour Map.

Colour Map indexed by position.

Colour Scheme Name.

Theme Name.

Character set used in the file.



Input encoding.

Restrict which sheets should be loaded? This property holds an array of worksheet names to be loaded.

Range of the referenced cells.

Range name.



Custom Properties.











Comment height (CSS style, i.e.

Top margin (CSS style, i.e.

Left margin (CSS style, i.e.

Comment width (CSS style, i.e.


Bottom-Right Cell Position.

Top-Left Cell Position.

Display Blanks as.

Chart Name.

Title Caption.

Legend position.

Y Mode.

X Mode.


Series Point Marker.

Format Code.

Series Data Source.

Series Data Type.

Smooth Line.

Plot Style.

Series Plot Type.

Type of the cell data.

Default range variable constant.

Tooltip to display on the hyperlink.

URL to link the cell to.


Prompt title.


Error title.


Error style.


Formula 2.

Formula 1.

Excel constant string translations to their PHP equivalents Constant conversion from text name/value to actual (datatyped) value.

Locale-specific translations for Excel constants (True, False and Null)

Locale-specific argument separator for function arguments.

List of available locale settings Note that this is read for the locale subdirectory only when requested.

The current locale setting.

An array of the nested cell references accessed by the calculation engine, used for the debug log.

Error message for any error that was raised/thrown by the calculation engine.

Data Type to use when returning date values.

Compatibility mode to use for error checking and responses.

PHPExcel name.

Excel name.

Category (represented by CATEGORY_*)

Token SubType (represented by TOKEN_SUBTYPE_*)

Token Type (represented by TOKEN_TYPE_*)



The debug log generated by the calculation engine.

List of all possible cache storage methods.

Name of the class used for cell cacheing.

Name of the method used for cell cacheing.

Database table name.

Directory/Folder where the cache file is located.

Name of the file for this cache.

Coordinate address of the currently active Cell.

Prefix used to uniquely identify cache data for this worksheet.

The name of the calendar.

The most recent reply received from the server.

SMTP reply line ending.

The PHPMailer SMTP Version number.

SMTP line break constant.

The PHPMailer SMTP version number.

POP3 password.

POP3 username


POP3 mail server hostname.

POP3 Carriage Return + Line Feed.

The POP3 PHPMailer Version number.

The OAuth client secret.

The OAuth client ID.

The OAuth refresh token.

The OAuth user's email address.

Unique ID used for message ID and boundaries.

The S/MIME password for the key.

The optional S/MIME extra certificates ("CA Chain") file path.

The S/MIME key file path.

The S/MIME certificate file path.

The message's MIME type.

The most recent Message-ID (including angular brackets).

What to put in the X-Mailer header.

Callback Action function name.

DKIM private key string.

DKIM private key file path.

DKIM passphrase.

DKIM Identity.

DKIM selector.

The default line ending.

SMTP workstation.

SMTP realm.

SMTP auth type.

SMTP password.

SMTP username.

What kind of encryption to use on the SMTP connection.

The SMTP HELO of the message.

SMTP hosts.

The message Date to be used in the Date header.

An ID to be used in the Message-ID header.

The hostname to use in the Message-ID header and as default HELO string.

The email address that a reading confirmation should be sent to, also known as read receipt.

Path to PHPMailer plugins.

The path to the sendmail program.

Which method to use to send mail.

Extra headers that createHeader() doesn't fold in.

The complete compiled MIME message headers.

The complete compiled MIME message body.

An iCal message part body.

The plain-text message body.

An HTML or plain text message body.

The Subject of the message.

The Return-Path of the message.

The Sender email (Return-Path) of the message.

The From name of the message.

The From email address for the message.

Holds the most recent mailer error message.

The message encoding.

The MIME Content-type of the message.

The character set of the message.

The PHPMailer Version number.

some "callback parameters" for handle_multiline_regexps

Currently loaded language file.

The encoding to use for entity encoding NOTE: Used with Escape Char Sequences to fix UTF-8 handling (cf.

Default target for keyword links.

Style for line numbers when GESHI_HEADER_PRE_TABLE is chosen.

Line number styles for fancy lines.

Line number styles.

The overall ID for this code block.

The overall class for this code block.

The style for the actual code.

The overall style for this code block.

The line ending If null, nl2br() will be used on the result string.

Styles of extra-highlighted lines.

Styles for important parts of the code.

The style of the footer block.

The style of the header block.

The content of the footer block.

The content of the header block.

The error message associated with an error.

The path to the language files.

The language to use when highlighting.

#+ private

The source code to highlight

check err reporting works

As above - rethink the whole idea of important blocks as it is buggy and will be hard to implement in 1.2

Otherwise, all instances of
will be replaced with $line_ending


1.0.8 private

Options: "8bit", "7bit", "binary", "base64", and "quoted-printable".

If not empty, will be sent via -f to sendmail or as 'MAIL FROM' in smtp mode.

If empty, it will be set to either From or Sender.

Email senders should never set a return-path header; it's the receiver's job (RFC5321 section 4.4), so this no longer does anything. RFC5321 reference

If HTML then call isHTML(true).

This body can be read by mail clients that do not have HTML email capability such as mutt & Eudora. Clients that can read HTML will view the normal Body.

Only supported in simple alt or alt_inline message types To generate iCal events, use the bundled extras/EasyPeasyICS.php class or iCalcreator protected Options: "mail", "sendmail", or "smtp". Useful if the SMTP class is not in the PHP include path. deprecated 14. If empty, PHPMailer attempts to find one with, in order, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], gethostname(), php_uname('n'), or the value 'localhost.localdomain'. If empty, a unique id will be generated. You can set your own, but it must be in the format "<id@domain>", as defined in RFC5322 section 3.6.4 or it will be ignored. If empty, the current date will be added. Either a single hostname or multiple semicolon-delimited hostnames. You can also specify a different port for each host by using this format: hostname:port. You can also specify encryption type, for example: (e.g. "tls://;ssl://"). Hosts will be tried in order.

Default is $Hostname. If $Hostname is empty, PHPMailer attempts to find one with the same method described above for $Hostname.

See also

Options: '', 'ssl' or 'tls'

Options are CRAM-MD5, LOGIN, PLAIN, NTLM, XOAUTH2, attempted in that order if not specified

Used for NTLM auth

The default remains "\n". We force CRLF where we know it must be used via self::CRLF.

Usually the email address used as the source of the email.

Used if your key is encrypted.

If set, takes precedence over $DKIM_private.

The function that handles the result of the send email action. It is called out by send() for each email sent.

Value can be any php callable:

Parameters: boolean $result result of the send action string $to email address of the recipient string $cc cc email addresses string $bcc bcc email addresses string $subject the subject string $body the email body string $from email address of sender

Options: An empty string for PHPMailer default, whitespace for none, or a string to use

Used only if the key is encrypted.




Use the constant instead

Use the VERSION constant instead
See also
Use the CRLF constant instead
See also


XXpx or YYpt)

If null, then all worksheets will be loaded.

(Includes workbook globals substream as well as sheet substreams)

Only important for BIFF5 (Excel 5.0 - Excel 95) For BIFF8 (Excel 97 - Excel 2003) this will always have the value 'UTF-16LE'






Valid values range from 10 to 400.

(Only one!)

The type must be a type wich can be set by the function settype

See also

Can be a DB field (int) or a standard field (string)

See also
setDbTable(), getDbTable() private
setOrderField() private

Obtained by fopen(). NB: might be a string instead of a stream

true timestamp true

The name of the author must not necessary be the name of the owner.

A database field to restrict the search results

A question type to restrict the search results

The short name of the mark, e.g. F or 3 or 1,3

The official name of the mark, e.g. failed, passed, befriedigend

If you set this attribute, the sequence settings will be set to REPORT_AFTER_TEST automatically. If $reporting_date is not set, the user will get a direct feedback. The reporting date is given in database TIMESTAMP notation (yyyymmddhhmmss).

A string value defining the lower bound of a numeric value

A string value defining the upper bound of a numeric value

Coordinates of an area in image mape

area of an imagemap

A picture (filename) or definition which matches a term

Image filename

The answer text string of the ASS_AnswerSimple object

The start tag is set to "*[" by default.

The end tag is set to "]" by default.

This could contain one of the following options:

  • case insensitive text gaps
  • case sensitive text gaps
  • various levenshtein distances

The file name of the java applet

Java Applet code parameter

Java Applet codebase parameter

Java Applet archive parameter

If every keyword in $keywords is found in the question answer, the question will be scored automatically with the maximum points

The method which should be chosen for text comparisons

See also
Qn       "n" is a Placeholder for a numeric question index

It is used to create a AnswerOfQuestionExpression

See also
n#      "n" is a Placeholder for a numeric value

It is used to create a ilAssLacNumericResultExpression

See also
;n:m;    "n" is a Placeholder for a left numeric index
                                "m" is a Placeholder for a right numeric index

It is used to create a ilAssLacNumericResultExpression

See also
+n+      "n" is a Placeholder for a numeric value

It is used to create a NumberOfResultExpression

See also
n#      "n" is a Placeholder for a numeric value

It is used to create a NumericResultExpression

See also
$a,..,n,m$       all characters are placeholders for numeric indices

It is used to create a OrderingResultExpression

n%      "n" is a Placeholder for a numeric value

It is used to create a PercentageResultExpression

See also
R[m]     "m" is a Placeholde for a numeric answer index of a question

It is used to create a ResultOfAnswerOfCurrentQuestionExpression

See also
Qn[m]    "n" is a Placeholder for a numeric question index
                                "m" is a Placeholde for a numeric answer index of a question

It is used to create a ResultOfAnswerOfQuestioExpression

See also
~TEXT~   "TEXT" is a Placeholder for string value

It is used to create a StringResultExpression

See also

Allowable values: 'mysql', 'pgsql', 'sqlite'. Default: sqlite

See also
Securimage::$database_file for SQLite

If the table cannot be created, an E_USER_WARNING is emitted.

This value is only used when $database_driver == sqlite3 and does not apply when no database is used, or when using MySQL or PostgreSQL.

// in form validator $img->namespace = 'contact_form'; if ($img->check($code) == true) { echo "Valid!"; }


string protected

string public



the osd uses the link for linking the message title

Currently css and less files are named accordingely

It can have client-side scripts associated with the element's events, which are triggered when the events occur.

This is the default if the attribute is not specified, or if the attribute is dynamically changed to an empty or invalid value.

This value is the default if the attribute is not specified.

If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as self::FORM_TARGET_SELF.

Syntax for the custom block: a B C Characters are separated by space, generating separate buttons BC It is possible to put more characters on one button A-Z Ranges of characters can be defined with a "-" U+00C0 Character can also be defined in unicode notation (case insensitive) U+00C0-U+00CF Ranges are also possible in unicode notation

The selected unicode blocks are added with space separations [basic_latin1] Add the basic latin1 block


See also
$closingDelimiter, $blocknameRegExp, $variablenameRegExp


See also
$openingDelimiter, $blocknameRegExp, $variablenameRegExp

Per default "sm" is used as the regexp modifier, "i" is missing. That means a case sensitive search is done.


See also
$variablenameRegExp, $openingDelimiter, $closingDelimiter

Per default "sm" is used as the regexp modifier, "i" is missing. That means a case sensitive search is done.


See also
$blocknameRegExp, $openingDelimiter, $closingDelimiter

The string gets prefixed to all filenames given.

See also
HTML_Template_IT(), setRoot()

The variable gets set by the constructor.

See also

Dr., Mr. Mrs., etc...

III, Sr., etc...

if uploaded)



Definition at line 117 of file

Referenced by ilClassificationProvider\__construct(), ilObjBlogGUI\__construct(), Symfony\Component\Process\Pipes\AbstractPipes\__construct(), ilCommonActionDispatcherGUI\__construct(), HTMLPurifier_Length\__construct(), ilUserFormSettings\__construct(), ilSkinXML\__construct(), ilRpcClient\__construct(), Assetic\Factory\Resource\CoalescingDirectoryResource\__toString(), Monolog\Formatter\TestStreamFoo\__toString(), PHPExcel_Calculation_DateTime\_adjustDateByMonths(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007\_castToBool(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007\_castToError(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007\_castToFormula(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007\_castToString(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007_Chart\_chartDataSeriesValues(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007_Chart\_chartDataSeriesValueSet(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007_Chart\_chartDataSeriesValuesMultiLevel(), PHPExcel_Writer_HTML\_createCSSStyleAlignment(), PHPExcel_Reader_HTML\_flushCell(), PHPExcel_Calculation_Engineering\_parseComplex(), MDB2_Driver_Datatype_Common\_quoteDecimal(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007\_readRibbon(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007\_readStyle(), PHPExcel_Chart_GridLines\_setGlowColor(), PHPExcel_Chart_GridLines\_setShadowAngle(), PHPExcel_Chart_Axis\_setShadowAngle(), PHPExcel_Chart_GridLines\_setShadowBlur(), PHPExcel_Chart_Axis\_setShadowBlur(), PHPExcel_Chart_GridLines\_setShadowColor(), PHPExcel_Chart_GridLines\_setShadowDistance(), PHPExcel_Chart_Axis\_setShadowDistance(), ilDateList\add(), ilObjGroupGUI\addCustomData(), Whoops\Handler\XmlResponseHandler\addDataToNode(), ilADTGroup\addElementValidationError(), ilECSObjectSettings\addMetadataToJson(), ilADT\addValidationError(), GetId3\Module\AudioVideo\Real\analyze(), Slim_Http_Request\arrayValueForKey(), PHPExcel_Cell_DefaultValueBinder\bindValue(), PHPExcel_Calculation_Engineering\BINTODEC(), PHPExcel_Calculation_Engineering\BINTOHEX(), PHPExcel_Calculation_Engineering\BINTOOCT(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007\boolean(), Monolog\Handler\HipChatHandler\buildContent(), PHPExcel_Reader_OOCalc\canRead(), PHPExcel_Cell_DataType\checkErrorCode(), ilECSMappingSettingsGUI\cInitOverview(), Slim\clearHooks(), PHPExcel_Calculation_Engineering\COMPLEX(), assFormulaQuestionResult\convertDecimalToCoprimeFraction(), ilECSMappingSettingsGUI\cSaveOverview(), ilSessionStatisticsGUI\current(), PHPExcel_Calculation_Engineering\DECTOBIN(), PHPExcel_Calculation_Engineering\DECTOHEX(), PHPExcel_Calculation_Engineering\DECTOOCT(), ilAccountRegistrationGUI\doProfileAutoComplete(), ilPublicUserProfileGUI\doProfileAutoComplete(), ilRepositorySearchGUI\doUserAutoComplete(), Symfony\Component\Yaml\Inline\dump(), Symfony\Component\Yaml\Inline\evaluateScalar(), ilMath\exp2dec(), GetId3\Lib\Helper\Float2BinaryDecimal(), ilAssSelfAssessmentQuestionFormatter\format(), HTMLPurifier_Generator\generateFromTokens(), ilForumCronNotificationDataProvider\getAuthorInformation(), ilSCORM13Player\getConfigForPlayer(), ilECSMappingUtils\getCourseValueByMappingAttribute(), ilConsultationHourGroups\getGroupSelectOptions(), Slim\getHooks(), ilAttendanceList\getHTML(), Slim\getInstance(), ilOrgUnitTypeTranslation\getMember(), Slim\getMode(), ilAttendanceList\getNonMemberUserData(), assOrderingHorizontalGUI\getPreview(), ilCourseMembershipGUI\getPrintMemberData(), ilMailSearchLuceneResultParser\getResult(), ilChatroomAdmin\getServerSettings(), ilAssOrderingFormValuesObjectsConverter\getStructValueFromObject(), Monolog\Handler\RavenHandler\handleBatch(), PHPExcel_Calculation_Engineering\HEXTOBIN(), PHPExcel_Calculation_Engineering\HEXTODEC(), PHPExcel_Calculation_Engineering\HEXTOOCT(), Slim_Http_Response\httpVersion(), ilAdvancedMDFieldDefinitionText\importFromECS(), ilVerificationObject\importProperty(), ilRoleXmlImporter\importSimpleXml(), ilLoggingSetupSettings\init(), ilAuthContainerCAS\initCAS(), ilContainerXmlParser\initItem(), arFieldList\initRawFields(), ilAssQuestionProcessLockFileStorage\initSubPath(), ilObjectOwnershipManagementGUI\listObjects(), PHPExcel_Reader_Gnumeric\listWorksheetInfo(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2003XML\listWorksheetInfo(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007\listWorksheetInfo(), PHPExcel_Reader_Gnumeric\listWorksheetNames(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007\listWorksheetNames(), Assetic\Extension\Twig\TwigFormulaLoader\load(), Assetic\Factory\Loader\CachedFormulaLoader\load(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007\load(), PHPExcel_Reader_Gnumeric\loadIntoExisting(), PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2003XML\loadIntoExisting(), PHPExcel_Reader_OOCalc\loadIntoExisting(), ilIndividualAssessmentMember\LPStatusValid(), ilIndividualAssessmentMember\maybeSendNotification(), GetId3\Lib\Helper\MultiByteCharString2HTML(), Slim_Session_Flash\now(), PHPExcel_Calculation_Engineering\OCTTOBIN(), PHPExcel_Calculation_Engineering\OCTTODEC(), PHPExcel_Calculation_Engineering\OCTTOHEX(), Slim_Http_Request\params(), Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser\parse(), ilLuceneSearchResultParser\parse(), ilLuceneHighlighterResultParser\parse(), GeSHi\parse_code(), HTMLPurifier_Lexer_DirectLex\parseAttributeString(), ilSkinStyleXML\parseFromXMLElement(), GetId3\Module\Tag\Id3v2\ParseID3v2Frame(), ilLOXmlParser\parseMaterials(), ilLOXmlParser\parseSettings(), ilLOXmlParser\parseTests(), ilContainerXmlParser\parseTiming(), ilLuceneSearcher\performSearch(), ilLuceneSearchGUI\performSearch(), ilDBPdoFieldDefinition\quoteDecimal(), ilOrgUnitTypeTranslation\read(), ilAdvancedMDRecordExportFiles\readFilesInfo(), ilTinyMCE\removeRedundantSeparators(), ilObjSurveyGUI\savePropertiesObject(), HTMLPurifier_UnitConverter\scale(), Slim_Session_Flash\set(), GeSHi\set_line_ending(), PHPExcel_Chart_Axis\setAxisNumberProperties(), PHPExcel_Chart_Axis\setAxisOptionsProperties(), PHPExcel_Chart_Axis\setAxisOrientation(), ilObjPortfolioBase\setBackgroundColor(), ilObjBlog\setBackgroundColor(), ilChartDataBars\setBarOptions(), ilSCORM2004StoreData\setCMIData(), Slim_View\setData(), ilRatingCategory\setDescription(), Slim_Http_Cookie\setDomain(), ilADTSearchBridge\setElementId(), ilADTDBBridge\setElementId(), ilADTActiveRecordBridge\setElementId(), ilADTFormBridge\setElementId(), ilADTActiveRecordByType\setElementIdColumn(), Symfony\Component\Process\Process\setEnv(), ilEventDetector\setEvent(), ilEventDetector\setEventContext(), ilEventDetector\setEventSubject(), assQuestion\setExportImagePath(), ilExAssignment\setFeedbackCron(), ilExAssignment\setFeedbackFile(), ilObjPortfolioBase\setFontColor(), ilObjBlog\setFontColor(), ilSystemNotification\setGotoLangId(), ilAttendanceList\setId(), ilObjPoll\setImage(), ilObjPortfolioBase\setImage(), ilObjBlog\setImage(), ilSystemNotification\setIntroductionLangId(), ilChartData\setLabel(), ilOrgUnitTypeTranslation\setMember(), Slim_Http_Cookie\setName(), Slim_Route\setName(), Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler\setPageTitle(), ilADTFormBridge\setParentElement(), Slim_Http_Cookie\setPath(), ilChartLegend\setPosition(), ilObjPoll\setQuestion(), ilSystemNotification\setReasonLangId(), ilUserAutoComplete\setResultField(), Slim_Session_Flash\setSessionKey(), PHPExcel_Chart_Axis\setSoftEdges(), PHPExcel_Chart_GridLines\setSoftEdgesSize(), ilSystemNotification\setSubjectLangId(), ilCommonActionDispatcherGUI\setSubObject(), ilDB\setSubType(), ilADTDBBridge\setTable(), ilADTActiveRecordBridge\setTable(), ilSystemNotification\setTaskLangId(), ilRatingCategory\setTitle(), Slim_Http_Cookie\setValue(), PHPExcel_Cell\setValueExplicit(), ilSessionStatisticsGUI\short(), ilOrgUnitSimpleImport\simpleImportElement(), ilOrgUnitSimpleUserImport\simpleUserImportElement(), ilForumXMLWriter\start(), ilSimpleXMLTableDataParser\startParsing(), ilStr\strToUpper(), ilSCORM13Player\summaryFileName(), ilPCDataTableGUI\tableAction(), assOrderingHorizontal\toJSON(), assTextSubset\toJSON(), assTextQuestion\toJSON(), assLongMenu\toJSON(), assImagemapQuestion\toJSON(), assKprimChoice\toJSON(), assSingleChoice\toJSON(), assMultipleChoice\toJSON(), assErrorText\toJSON(), assOrderingQuestion\toJSON(), assMatchingQuestion\toJSON(), assClozeTest\toJSON(), ilECSUser\toREALM(), assMultipleChoiceExport\toXML(), ConfigDoc_HTMLXSLTProcessor\transformToHTML(), ilInitialisation\translateMessage(), Slim_Router\urlFor(), HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color\validate(), ilWikiStatGUI\viewToolbar(), Symfony\Component\Process\Pipes\AbstractPipes\write(), and Slim_Http_Response\write().

◆ Total

Set thick brown border outline around Total

Definition at line 190 of file

◆ website

Add a hyperlink to an external website

Definition at line 270 of file

◆ widths

Set column widths

Definition at line 146 of file

◆ workbook

◆ worksheet

Rename second worksheet

Definition at line 283 of file