ILIAS  release_5-2 Revision v5.2.25-18-g3f80b828510
ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI Class Reference

Class ilObjStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI:
+ Collaboration diagram for ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($a_prg_obj_id, $a_prg_ref_id, $a_parent_obj, $a_parent_cmd="", $a_template_context="")
 getSelectableColumns ()
 Get selectable columns. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ilTable2GUI
 __construct ($a_parent_obj, $a_parent_cmd="", $a_template_context="")
 Constructor. More...
 setOpenFormTag ($a_val)
 Set open form tag. More...
 getOpenFormTag ()
 Get open form tag. More...
 setCloseFormTag ($a_val)
 Set close form tag. More...
 getCloseFormTag ()
 Get close form tag. More...
 determineLimit ()
 Determine the limit. More...
 getSelectableColumns ()
 Get selectable columns. More...
 determineSelectedColumns ()
 Determine selected columns. More...
 isColumnSelected ($a_col)
 Is given column selected? More...
 getSelectedColumns ()
 Get selected columns. More...
 executeCommand ()
 Execute command. More...
 resetOffset ($a_in_determination=false)
 Reset offset. More...
 initFilter ()
 Init filter. More...
 getParentObject ()
 Get parent object. More...
 getParentCmd ()
 Get parent command. More...
 setTopAnchor ($a_val)
 Set top anchor. More...
 getTopAnchor ()
 Get top anchor. More...
 setNoEntriesText ($a_text)
 Set text for an empty table. More...
 getNoEntriesText ()
 Get text for an empty table. More...
 setIsDataTable ($a_val)
 Set is data table. More...
 getIsDataTable ()
 Get is data table. More...
 setEnableTitle ($a_enabletitle)
 Set Enable Title. More...
 getEnableTitle ()
 Get Enable Title. More...
 setEnableHeader ($a_enableheader)
 Set Enable Header. More...
 getEnableHeader ()
 Get Enable Header. More...
 setEnableNumInfo ($a_val)
 Set enable num info. More...
 getEnableNumInfo ()
 Get enable num info. More...
 setTitle ($a_title, $a_icon=0, $a_icon_alt=0)
 Set title and title icon. More...
 setDescription ($a_val)
 Set description. More...
 getDescription ()
 Get description. More...
 setOrderField ($a_order_field)
 set order column More...
 getOrderField ()
 setData ($a_data)
 getData ()
 dataExists ()
 setPrefix ($a_prefix)
 getPrefix ()
 addFilterItem ($a_input_item, $a_optional=false)
 Add filter item. More...
 addFilterItemByMetaType ($id, $type=self::FILTER_TEXT, $a_optional=false, $caption=NULL)
 Add filter by standard type. More...
 getFilterItems ($a_optionals=false)
 Get filter items. More...
 getFilterItemByPostVar ($a_post_var)
 setFilterCols ($a_val)
 Set filter columns. More...
 getFilterCols ()
 Get filter columns. More...
 setDisableFilterHiding ($a_val=true)
 Set disable filter hiding. More...
 getDisableFilterHiding ()
 Get disable filter hiding. More...
 isFilterSelected ($a_col)
 Is given filter selected? More...
 getSelectedFilters ()
 Get selected filters. More...
 determineSelectedFilters ()
 Determine selected filters. More...
 setCustomPreviousNext ($a_prev_link, $a_next_link)
 Set custom previous/next links. More...
 setFormAction ($a_form_action, $a_multipart=false)
 Set Form action parameter. More...
 getFormAction ()
 Get Form action parameter. More...
 setFormName ($a_formname="")
 Set Form name. More...
 getFormName ()
 Get Form name. More...
 setId ($a_val)
 Set id. More...
 getId ()
 Get element id. More...
 setDisplayAsBlock ($a_val)
 Set display as block. More...
 getDisplayAsBlock ()
 Get display as block. More...
 getSelectAllCheckbox ()
 Get the name of the checkbox that should be toggled with a select all button. More...
 setSelectAllCheckbox ($a_select_all_checkbox)
 Set the name of the checkbox that should be toggled with a select all button. More...
 setExternalSorting ($a_val)
 Set external sorting. More...
 getExternalSorting ()
 Get external sorting. More...
 setFilterCommand ($a_val, $a_caption=null)
 Set filter command. More...
 getFilterCommand ()
 Get filter command. More...
 setResetCommand ($a_val, $a_caption=null)
 Set reset filter command. More...
 getResetCommand ()
 Get reset filter command. More...
 setExternalSegmentation ($a_val)
 Set external segmentation. More...
 getExternalSegmentation ()
 Get external segmentation. More...
 setRowTemplate ($a_template, $a_template_dir="")
 Set row template. More...
 setDefaultOrderField ($a_defaultorderfield)
 Set Default order field. More...
 getDefaultOrderField ()
 Get Default order field. More...
 setDefaultOrderDirection ($a_defaultorderdirection)
 Set Default order direction. More...
 getDefaultOrderDirection ()
 Get Default order direction. More...
 setDefaultFilterVisiblity ($a_status)
 Set default filter visiblity. More...
 getDefaultFilterVisibility ()
 Get default filter visibility. More...
 clearCommandButtons ()
 addCommandButton ($a_cmd, $a_text, $a_onclick='', $a_id="", $a_class=null)
 Add Command button. More...
 addCommandButtonInstance (ilButtonBase $a_button)
 Add Command button instance. More...
 addSelectionButton ($a_sel_var, $a_options, $a_cmd, $a_text, $a_default_selection='')
 Add Selection List + Command button. More...
 addMultiItemSelectionButton ($a_sel_var, $a_options, $a_cmd, $a_text, $a_default_selection='')
 Add Selection List + Command button for selected items. More...
 setCloseCommand ($a_link)
 Add command for closing table. More...
 addMultiCommand ($a_cmd, $a_text)
 Add Command button. More...
 addHiddenInput ($a_name, $a_value)
 Add Hidden Input field. More...
 addHeaderCommand ($a_href, $a_text, $a_target="", $a_img="")
 Add Header Command (Link) (Image needed for now) More...
 setTopCommands ($a_val)
 Set top commands (display command buttons on top of table, too) More...
 getTopCommands ()
 Get top commands (display command buttons on top of table, too) More...
 addColumn ($a_text, $a_sort_field="", $a_width="", $a_is_checkbox_action_column=false, $a_class="", $a_tooltip="", $a_tooltip_with_html=false)
 Add a column to the header. More...
 getNavParameter ()
 setOrderLink ($sort_field, $order_dir)
 fillHeader ()
 determineOffsetAndOrder ($a_omit_offset=false)
 Determine offset and order. More...
 storeNavParameter ()
 getHTML ()
 Get HTML. More...
 numericOrdering ($a_field)
 Should this field be sorted numeric? More...
 render ()
 render table public More...
 writeFilterToSession ()
 Write filter values to session. More...
 resetFilter ()
 Reset filter. More...
 fillFooter ()
 Fill footer row. More...
 getLinkbar ($a_num)
 Get previous/next linkbar. More...
 fillHiddenRow ()
 fillActionRow ()
 Fill Action Row. More...
 setHeaderHTML ($html)
 set header html More...
 storeProperty ($type, $value)
 Store table property. More...
 loadProperty ($type)
 Load table property. More...
 getCurrentState ()
 get current settings for order, limit, columns and filter More...
 setContext ($id)
 Set context. More...
 getContext ()
 Get context. More...
 setShowRowsSelector ($a_value)
 Toggle rows-per-page selector. More...
 getShowRowsSelector ()
 Get rows-per-page selector state. More...
 setShowTemplates ($a_value)
 Toggle templates. More...
 getShowTemplates ()
 Get template state. More...
 restoreTemplate ($a_name)
 Restore state from template. More...
 saveTemplate ($a_name)
 Save current state as template. More...
 deleteTemplate ($a_name)
 Delete template. More...
 getLimit ()
 Get limit. More...
 getOffset ()
 Get offset. More...
 setExportFormats (array $formats)
 Set available export formats. More...
 setPrintMode ($a_value=false)
 Toogle print mode. More...
 getPrintMode ()
 Get print mode. More...
 getExportMode ()
 Was export activated? More...
 exportData ($format, $send=false)
 Export and optionally send current table data. More...
 setEnableAllCommand ($a_value)
 Enable actions for all entries in current result. More...
 setRowSelectorLabel ($row_selector_label)
 getRowSelectorLabel ()
 setPreventDoubleSubmission ($a_val)
 Set prevent double submission. More...
 getPreventDoubleSubmission ()
 Get prevent double submission. More...
 setLimit ($a_limit=0, $a_default_limit=0)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ilTableGUI
 __construct ($a_data=0, $a_global_tpl=true)
 Constructor. More...
 setTemplate ($a_tpl)
 set template public More...
getTemplateObject ()
 setData ($a_data)
 set table data public More...
 getData ()
 setTitle ($a_title, $a_icon=0, $a_icon_alt=0)
 set table title public More...
 setHelp ($a_help_page, $a_help_icon, $a_help_icon_alt=0)
 set table help page public More...
 setHeaderNames ($a_header_names)
 set table header names public More...
 getColumnCount ()
 Returns the column count based on the number of the header row columns public. More...
 setHeaderVars ($a_header_vars, $a_header_params=0)
 set table header vars public More...
 setColumnWidth ($a_column_width)
 set table column widths public More...
 setOneColumnWidth ($a_column_width, $a_column_number)
 set one table column width public More...
 setMaxCount ($a_max_count)
 set max. More...
 setLimit ($a_limit=0, $a_default_limit=0)
 set max. More...
 getLimit ()
 Get limit. More...
 setPrefix ($a_prefix)
 set prefix for sort and offset fields (if you have two or more tables on a page that you want to sort separately) public More...
 setOffset ($a_offset)
 set dataset offset public More...
 getOffset ()
 Get offset. More...
 setOrderColumn ($a_order_column=0, $a_default_column=0)
 set order column public More...
 getOrderColumn ()
 Get order column. More...
 setOrderDirection ($a_order_direction)
 set order direction public More...
 getOrderDirection ()
 Get order direction. More...
 setFooter ($a_style, $a_previous=0, $a_next=0)
 set order direction public More...
 enable ($a_module_name)
 enables particular modules of table More...
 disable ($a_module_name)
 diesables particular modules of table More...
 sortData ()
 render ()
 render table public More...
 renderHeader ()
 setOrderLink ($key, $order_dir)
 setStyle ($a_element, $a_style)
 getStyle ($a_element)
 setBase ($a_base)
 Set Base script name (deprecated, only use this for workarounds). More...
 getBase ()
 Get Base script name (deprecated, only use this for workarounds). More...
 getFormName ()
 setFormName ($a_name="cmd")
 getSelectAllCheckbox ()
 setSelectAllCheckbox ($a_select_all_checkbox)
 clearActionButtons ()
 addActionButton ($btn_name, $btn_value)

Protected Member Functions

 fillRow ($a_set)
 buildActionDropDown ($a_actions, $a_prgrs_id, $a_ass_id)
 getLinkTargetForAction ($a_action, $a_prgrs_id, $a_ass_id)
 fetchData ($a_prg_id, $limit=null, $offset=null, $order_coloumn=null, $order_direction=null)
 countFetchData ($a_prg_id)
 getFrom ()
 getWhere ($a_prg_id)
 getColumnsChildren ()
 getColumnsLPChildren ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ilTable2GUI
 prepareOutput ()
 Anything that must be done before HTML is generated. More...
 isFilterVisible ()
 Check if filter is visible: manually shown (session, db) or default value set. More...
 isAdvMDFilter (ilAdvancedMDRecordGUI $a_gui, $a_element)
 Check if filter element is based on adv md. More...
 fillRow ($a_set)
 Standard Version of Fill Row. More...
 getFilterValue (ilFormPropertyGUI $a_item)
 Get current filter value. More...
 SetFilterValue (ilFormPropertyGUI $a_item, $a_value)
 Set current filter value. More...
 fillMetaExcel (ilExcel $a_excel, &$a_row)
 Add meta information to excel export. More...
 fillHeaderExcel (ilExcel $a_excel, &$a_row)
 Excel Version of Fill Header. More...
 fillRowExcel (ilExcel $a_excel, &$a_row, $a_set)
 Excel Version of Fill Row. More...
 fillMetaCSV ($a_csv)
 Add meta information to csv export. More...
 fillHeaderCSV ($a_csv)
 CSV Version of Fill Header. More...
 fillRowCSV ($a_csv, $a_set)
 CSV Version of Fill Row. More...

Protected Attributes

- Protected Attributes inherited from ilTable2GUI
 $close_command = ""
 $top_anchor = "il_table_top"
 $filters = array()
 $optional_filters = array()
 $filter_cmd = 'applyFilter'
 $reset_cmd = 'resetFilter'
 $filter_cols = 5
 $ext_sort = false
 $ext_seg = false
 $context = ""
 $mi_sel_buttons = null
 $disable_filter_hiding = false
 $selected_filter = false
 $top_commands = true
 $selectable_columns = array()
 $selected_column = array()
 $show_templates = false
 $show_rows_selector = true
 $rows_selector_off = false
 $nav_determined = false
 $limit_determined = false
 $filters_determined = false
 $columns_determined = false
 $open_form_tag = true
 $close_form_tag = true
 $default_filter_visibility = false
 $sortable_fields = array()
 $prevent_double_submission = true

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ilTable2GUI
static getAllCommandLimit ()
 Get maximum number of entries to enable actions for all. More...
- Data Fields inherited from ilTable2GUI
const FILTER_TEXT = 1
const FILTER_DATE = 3
const EXPORT_EXCEL = 1
const EXPORT_CSV = 2
const ACTION_ALL_LIMIT = 1000
- Data Fields inherited from ilTableGUI
 $max_limit = false
 $lang_support = true
 $base = ""

Detailed Description

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI::__construct (   $a_prg_obj_id,
  $a_parent_cmd = "",
  $a_template_context = "" 

Definition at line 24 of file class.ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI.php.

References $column, $columns, $DIC, $ilCtrl, $ilDB, $lng, $params, ilTable2GUI\addColumn(), array, countFetchData(), ilTable2GUI\determineLimit(), ilTable2GUI\determineOffsetAndOrder(), fetchData(), getColumnsChildren(), getColumnsLPChildren(), ilTable2GUI\getLimit(), ilTable2GUI\getOffset(), ilTableGUI\getOrderDirection(), ilTable2GUI\getOrderField(), ilTable2GUI\getSelectedColumns(), ilTable2GUI\setData(), ilTable2GUI\setEnableHeader(), ilTable2GUI\setEnableTitle(), ilTable2GUI\setExternalSegmentation(), ilTable2GUI\setExternalSorting(), ilTable2GUI\setFormAction(), ilTable2GUI\setId(), ilTableGUI\setMaxCount(), ilTable2GUI\setRowTemplate(), ilTable2GUI\setShowRowsSelector(), and ilTable2GUI\setTopCommands().

24  {
25  $this->setId("sp_member_list");
26  parent::__construct($a_parent_obj, $a_parent_cmd, $a_template_context);
28  $this->prg_obj_id = $a_prg_obj_id;
29  $this->prg_ref_id = $a_prg_ref_id;
30  $this->prg_has_lp_children = $a_parent_obj->getStudyProgramme()->hasLPChildren();
32  global $DIC;
33  $ilCtrl = $DIC['ilCtrl'];
34  $lng = $DIC['lng'];
35  $ilDB = $DIC['ilDB'];
36  $this->ctrl = $ilCtrl;
37  $this->lng = $lng;
38  $this->db = $ilDB;
40  $this->setEnableTitle(true);
41  $this->setTopCommands(false);
42  $this->setEnableHeader(true);
43  // TODO: switch this to internal sorting/segmentation
44  $this->setExternalSorting(true);
45  $this->setExternalSegmentation(true);
46  $this->setRowTemplate("tpl.members_table_row.html", "Modules/StudyProgramme");
47  $this->setShowRowsSelector(false);
49  $this->setFormAction($ilCtrl->getFormAction($a_parent_obj, "view"));
52  if($this->prg_has_lp_children) {
53  $columns = $this->getColumnsLPChildren();
54  } else {
55  $columns = $this->getColumnsChildren();
56  }
58  foreach ($this->getSelectedColumns() as $column) {
59  $columns[$column] = array($column);
60  }
62  $columns["action"] = array(null);
64  foreach ($columns as $lng_var => $params) {
65  $this->addColumn($this->lng->txt($lng_var), $params[0]);
66  }
68  $this->determineLimit();
69  $this->determineOffsetAndOrder();
70  $oder = $this->getOrderField();
71  $dir = $this->getOrderDirection();
73  $members_list = $this->fetchData($a_prg_obj_id, $this->getLimit(), $this->getOffset(), $this->getOrderField(), $this->getOrderDirection());
74  $this->setMaxCount($this->countFetchData($a_prg_obj_id));
75  $this->setData($members_list);
76  }
Set external sorting.
Set external segmentation.
Determine the limit.
Get order direction.
fetchData($a_prg_id, $limit=null, $offset=null, $order_coloumn=null, $order_direction=null)
Set id.
global $ilCtrl
Definition: ilias.php:18
Set top commands (display command buttons on top of table, too)
Definition: 39dropdown.php:62
Get offset.
Get selected columns.
setRowTemplate($a_template, $a_template_dir="")
Set row template.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Determine offset and order.
setFormAction($a_form_action, $a_multipart=false)
Set Form action parameter.
global $lng
Definition: privfeed.php:17
global $ilDB
Toggle rows-per-page selector.
Set Enable Header.
global $DIC
Get limit.
set max.
Set Enable Title.
if(! $in) $columns
Definition: Utf8Test.php:45
addColumn($a_text, $a_sort_field="", $a_width="", $a_is_checkbox_action_column=false, $a_class="", $a_tooltip="", $a_tooltip_with_html=false)
Add a column to the header.
Definition: example_049.php:96
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ buildActionDropDown()

ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI::buildActionDropDown (   $a_actions,

Definition at line 116 of file class.ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI.php.

References $l, $target, and getLinkTargetForAction().

Referenced by fillRow().

116  {
118  foreach($a_actions as $action) {
119  $target = $this->getLinkTargetForAction($action, $a_prgrs_id, $a_ass_id);
120  $l->addItem($this->lng->txt("prg_$action"), $action, $target);
121  }
122  return $l->getHTML();
123  }
getLinkTargetForAction($a_action, $a_prgrs_id, $a_ass_id)
User interface class for advanced drop-down selection lists.
global $l
Definition: afr.php:30
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ countFetchData()

ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI::countFetchData (   $a_prg_id)

Definition at line 210 of file class.ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI.php.

References $query, $res, getFrom(), and getWhere().

Referenced by __construct().

210  {
211  // TODO: Reimplement this in terms of ActiveRecord when innerjoin
212  // supports the required rename functionality
213  $query = "SELECT count( as cnt";
214  $query .= $this->getFrom();
215  $query .= $this->getWhere($a_prg_id);
217  $res = $this->db->query($query);
218  $rec = $this->db->fetchAssoc($res);
220  return $rec["cnt"];
221  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fetchData()

ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI::fetchData (   $a_prg_id,
  $limit = null,
  $offset = null,
  $order_coloumn = null,
  $order_direction = null 

Definition at line 129 of file class.ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI.php.

References ilTableGUI\$limit, ilTableGUI\$offset, ilTableGUI\$order_direction, $query, $res, ilContainerReference\_lookupTitle(), array, getFrom(), ilStudyProgrammeUserProgress\getInstanceForAssignment(), ilStudyProgrammeUserProgress\getPossibleActions(), getWhere(), ilStudyProgrammeProgress\STATUS_ACCREDITED, and ilStudyProgrammeProgress\STATUS_COMPLETED.

Referenced by __construct().

129  {
130  // TODO: Reimplement this in terms of ActiveRecord when innerjoin
131  // supports the required rename functionality
132  $query = "SELECT prgrs_id"
133  ." , pcp.firstname"
134  ." , pcp.lastname"
135  ." , pcp.login"
136  ." , prgrs.points"
137  //the following is a replacement for:
138  //IF(prgrs.status = ".ilStudyProgrammeProgress::STATUS_ACCREDITED.",prgrs.points,prgrs.points_cur)
139  //dirty hack to make it work with oracle :/ 1-|x-a|/max(|x-a|,1) = id_a(x)
140  ." , prgrs.points_cur*"
141  ."ABS(prgrs.status - ".ilStudyProgrammeProgress::STATUS_ACCREDITED.")"
142  ."/(GREATEST(ABS(prgrs.status - ".ilStudyProgrammeProgress::STATUS_ACCREDITED."),1))"
143  ." + prgrs.points*"
144  ."(1 -ABS(prgrs.status - ".ilStudyProgrammeProgress::STATUS_ACCREDITED.")"
145  ."/(GREATEST(ABS(prgrs.status - ".ilStudyProgrammeProgress::STATUS_ACCREDITED."),1))) points_current"
146  ." , prgrs.last_change_by"
147  ." , prgrs.status"
148  ." , blngs.title belongs_to"
149  ." , cmpl_usr.login accredited_by"
150  ." , cmpl_obj.title completion_by"
151  ." , cmpl_obj.type completion_by_type"
152  ." , prgrs.completion_by completion_by_id"
153  ." , prgrs.assignment_id assignment_id"
154  ." , ass.root_prg_id root_prg_id"
155  ." , ass.last_change prg_assign_date"
156  ." , ass_usr.login prg_assigned_by"
157  // for sorting
158  ." , CONCAT(pcp.firstname, pcp.lastname) name"
159  ." , (prgrs.last_change_by IS NOT NULL) custom_plan"
160  ;
162  $query .= $this->getFrom();
163  $query .= $this->getWhere($a_prg_id);
165  if($order_coloumn !== null) {
166  $query .= " ORDER BY $order_coloumn";
168  if($order_direction !== null) {
169  $query .= " $order_direction";
170  }
171  }
174  if($limit !== null) {
175  $this->db->setLimit($limit, $offset !== null ? $offset : 0);
176  }
177  $res = $this->db->query($query);
179  $members_list = array();
180  while($rec = $this->db->fetchAssoc($res)) {
182  $a_prg_id, $rec["root_prg_id"], $rec["status"]);
183  $rec['points_current'] = number_format($rec['points_current']);
184  if ($rec["status"] == ilStudyProgrammeProgress::STATUS_COMPLETED) {
185  //If the status completet is set by crs reference
186  //use crs title
187  if($rec["completion_by_type"] == "crsr") {
188  $rec["completion_by"] = ilContainerReference::_lookupTitle($rec["completion_by_id"]);
189  }
191  // If the status completed and there is a non-null completion_by field
192  // in the set, this means the completion was achieved by some leaf in
193  // the program tree.
194  if (!$rec["completion_by"]) {
195  require_once("Modules/StudyProgramme/classes/class.ilStudyProgrammeUserProgress.php");
197  , $rec["assignment_id"]);
198  $rec["completion_by"] = implode(", ", $prgrs->getNamesOfCompletedOrAccreditedChildren());
199  }
200  }
201  else if($rec["status"] == ilStudyProgrammeProgress::STATUS_ACCREDITED) {
202  $rec["completion_by"] = $rec["accredited_by"];
203  }
205  $members_list[] = $rec;
206  }
207  return $members_list;
208  }
static getInstanceForAssignment($a_program_id, $a_assignment_id)
Get the instance for the assignment on the program.
static _lookupTitle($a_obj_id)
Overwitten from base class.
static getPossibleActions($a_node_id, $a_root_prg_id, $a_status)
Get a list with possible actions on a progress record.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fillRow()

ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI::fillRow (   $a_set)

Definition at line 78 of file class.ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI.php.

References $column, buildActionDropDown(), ilTable2GUI\getSelectedColumns(), and ilStudyProgrammeUserProgress\statusToRepr().

78  {
79  $this->tpl->setVariable("FIRSTNAME", $a_set["firstname"]);
80  $this->tpl->setVariable("LASTNAME", $a_set["lastname"]);
81  $this->tpl->setVariable("LOGIN", $a_set["login"]);
82  $this->tpl->setVariable("STATUS", ilStudyProgrammeUserProgress::statusToRepr($a_set["status"]));
83  $this->tpl->setVariable("COMPLETION_BY", $a_set["completion_by"]);
84  $this->tpl->setVariable("POINTS_REQUIRED", $a_set["points"]);
86  if(!$this->prg_has_lp_children) {
87  $this->tpl->setCurrentBlock("points_current");
88  $this->tpl->setVariable("POINTS_CURRENT", $a_set["points_current"]);
89  $this->tpl->parseCurrentBlock();
90  }
92  $this->tpl->setVariable("CUSTOM_PLAN", $a_set["last_change_by"]
93  ? $this->lng->txt("yes")
94  : $this->lng->txt("no"));
95  $this->tpl->setVariable("BELONGS_TO", $a_set["belongs_to"]);
96  $this->tpl->setVariable("ACTIONS", $this->buildActionDropDown( $a_set["actions"]
97  , $a_set["prgrs_id"]
98  , $a_set["assignment_id"]));
100  foreach ($this->getSelectedColumns() as $column) {
101  switch($column) {
102  case "prg_assign_date":
103  $this->tpl->setCurrentBlock("assign_date");
104  $this->tpl->setVariable("ASSIGN_DATE", $a_set["prg_assign_date"]);
105  $this->tpl->parseCurrentBlock("assign_date");
106  break;
107  case "prg_assigned_by":
108  $this->tpl->setCurrentBlock("assigned_by");
109  $this->tpl->setVariable("ASSIGNED_BY", $a_set["prg_assigned_by"]);
110  $this->tpl->parseCurrentBlock("assigned_by");
111  break;
112  }
113  }
114  }
static statusToRepr($a_status)
Get a user readable representation of a status.
Definition: 39dropdown.php:62
buildActionDropDown($a_actions, $a_prgrs_id, $a_ass_id)
Get selected columns.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getColumnsChildren()

ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI::getColumnsChildren ( )

Definition at line 256 of file class.ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI.php.

References array.

Referenced by __construct().

256  {
257  return array( "name" => array("name")
258  , "login" => array("login")
259  , "prg_status" => array("status")
260  , "prg_completion_by" => array(null)
261  , "prg_points_required" => array("points")
262  , "prg_points_current" => array("points_current")
263  , "prg_custom_plan" => array("custom_plan")
264  , "prg_belongs_to" => array("belongs_to")
265  );
266  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getColumnsLPChildren()

ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI::getColumnsLPChildren ( )

Definition at line 268 of file class.ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI.php.

References array.

Referenced by __construct().

268  {
269  return array( "name" => array("name")
270  , "login" => array("login")
271  , "prg_status" => array("status")
272  , "prg_completion_by" => array(null)
273  , "prg_points_reachable" => array("points")
274  , "prg_custom_plan" => array("custom_plan")
275  , "prg_belongs_to" => array("belongs_to")
276  );
277  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFrom()

ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI::getFrom ( )

Definition at line 223 of file class.ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI.php.

References ilStudyProgrammeAssignment\returnDbTableName().

Referenced by countFetchData(), and fetchData().

223  {
224  return " FROM ".ilStudyProgrammeProgress::returnDbTableName()." prgrs"
225  ." JOIN usr_data pcp ON pcp.usr_id = prgrs.usr_id"
227  ." ON = prgrs.assignment_id"
228  ." JOIN object_data blngs ON blngs.obj_id = ass.root_prg_id"
229  ." LEFT JOIN usr_data ass_usr ON ass_usr.usr_id = ass.last_change_by"
230  ." LEFT JOIN usr_data cmpl_usr ON cmpl_usr.usr_id = prgrs.completion_by"
231  ." LEFT JOIN object_data cmpl_obj ON cmpl_obj.obj_id = prgrs.completion_by";
232  }
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLinkTargetForAction()

ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI::getLinkTargetForAction (   $a_action,

Definition at line 125 of file class.ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI.php.

References ilTable2GUI\getParentObject().

Referenced by buildActionDropDown().

125  {
126  return $this->getParentObject()->getLinkTargetForAction($a_action, $a_prgrs_id, $a_ass_id);
127  }
Get parent object.
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSelectableColumns()

ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI::getSelectableColumns ( )

Get selectable columns.

array[] $cols

Definition at line 243 of file class.ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI.php.

References array.

243  {
244  // default fields
245  $cols = array();
247  $cols["prg_assign_date"] = array(
248  "txt" => $this->lng->txt("prg_assign_date"));
250  $cols["prg_assigned_by"] = array(
251  "txt" => $this->lng->txt("prg_assigned_by"));
253  return $cols;
254  }
Create styles array
The data for the language used.

◆ getWhere()

ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI::getWhere (   $a_prg_id)

Definition at line 234 of file class.ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI.php.

Referenced by countFetchData(), and fetchData().

234  {
235  return " WHERE prgrs.prg_id = ".$this->db->quote($a_prg_id, "integer");
236  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

◆ $prg_obj_id


Definition at line 21 of file class.ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI.php.

◆ $prg_ref_id


Definition at line 22 of file class.ilStudyProgrammeMembersTableGUI.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: