release_5-3 Revision v5.3.23-19-g915713cf615
Class ilObjContentObject. More...
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($a_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=true) | |
Constructor public. More... | |
create ($a_no_meta_data=false) | |
create content object More... | |
read () | |
read data of content object More... | |
getTitle () | |
get title of content object More... | |
setTitle ($a_title) | |
set title of content object More... | |
getDescription () | |
get description of content object More... | |
setDescription ($a_description) | |
set description of content object More... | |
getImportId () | |
setImportId ($a_id) | |
setLayoutPerPage ($a_val) | |
Set layout per page. More... | |
getLayoutPerPage () | |
Get layout per page. More... | |
setDisableDefaultFeedback ($a_val) | |
Set disable default feedback for questions. More... | |
getDisableDefaultFeedback () | |
Get disable default feedback for questions. More... | |
setProgressIcons ($a_val) | |
Set progress icons. More... | |
getProgressIcons () | |
Get progress icons. More... | |
setStoreTries ($a_val) | |
Set store tries. More... | |
getStoreTries () | |
Get store tries. More... | |
setRestrictForwardNavigation ($a_val) | |
Set restrict forward navigation. More... | |
getRestrictForwardNavigation () | |
Get restrict forward navigation. More... | |
& | getTree () |
update () | |
update complete object (meta data and properties) More... | |
updateAutoGlossaries () | |
Update auto glossaries. More... | |
import () | |
if implemented, this function should be called from an Out/GUI-Object More... | |
putInTree ($a_parent) | |
put content object in main tree More... | |
createLMTree () | |
create content object tree (that stores structure object hierarchie) More... | |
setAutoGlossaries ($a_val) | |
Set auto glossaries. More... | |
getAutoGlossaries () | |
Get auto glossaries. More... | |
removeAutoGlossary ($a_glo_id) | |
Remove auto glossary. More... | |
addFirstChapterAndPage () | |
Add first chapter and page. More... | |
setForTranslation ($a_val) | |
Set for translation. More... | |
getForTranslation () | |
Get for translation. More... | |
& | getLMTree () |
get content object tree More... | |
createImportDirectory () | |
creates data directory for import files (data_dir/lm_data/lm_<id>/import, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini) More... | |
getDataDirectory () | |
get data directory More... | |
getImportDirectory () | |
get import directory of lm More... | |
setImportDirectory ($a_import_dir) | |
Set import directory for further use in ilContObjParser. More... | |
createExportDirectory ($a_type="xml") | |
creates data directory for export files (data_dir/lm_data/lm_<id>/export, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini) More... | |
getExportDirectory ($a_type="xml") | |
get export directory of lm More... | |
delete () | |
delete learning module and all related data More... | |
getLayout () | |
get default page layout of content object (see directory layouts/) More... | |
setLayout ($a_layout) | |
set default page layout More... | |
getStyleSheetId () | |
get ID of assigned style sheet object More... | |
setStyleSheetId ($a_style_id) | |
set ID of assigned style sheet object More... | |
writeStyleSheetId ($a_style_id) | |
write ID of assigned style sheet object to db More... | |
getPageHeader () | |
get page header mode (IL_CHAPTER_TITLE | IL_PAGE_TITLE | IL_NO_HEADER) More... | |
setPageHeader ($a_pg_header=IL_CHAPTER_TITLE) | |
set page header mode More... | |
getTOCMode () | |
get toc mode ("chapters" | "pages") More... | |
getPublicAccessMode () | |
get public access mode ("complete" | "selected") More... | |
setTOCMode ($a_toc_mode="chapters") | |
set toc mode More... | |
setOnline ($a_online) | |
getOnline () | |
setActiveLMMenu ($a_act_lm_menu) | |
isActiveLMMenu () | |
setActiveTOC ($a_toc) | |
isActiveTOC () | |
setActiveNumbering ($a_num) | |
isActiveNumbering () | |
setActivePrintView ($a_print) | |
isActivePrintView () | |
setActivePreventGlossaryAppendix ($a_print) | |
isActivePreventGlossaryAppendix () | |
setHideHeaderFooterPrint ($a_val) | |
Set hide header footer in print mode. More... | |
getHideHeaderFooterPrint () | |
Get hide header footer in print mode. More... | |
setActiveDownloads ($a_down) | |
isActiveDownloads () | |
setActiveDownloadsPublic ($a_down) | |
isActiveDownloadsPublic () | |
setPublicNotes ($a_pub_notes) | |
publicNotes () | |
setCleanFrames ($a_clean) | |
cleanFrames () | |
setHistoryUserComments ($a_comm) | |
setPublicAccessMode ($a_mode) | |
isActiveHistoryUserComments () | |
setHeaderPage ($a_pg) | |
getHeaderPage () | |
setFooterPage ($a_pg) | |
getFooterPage () | |
readProperties () | |
read content object properties More... | |
updateProperties () | |
Update content object properties. More... | |
createProperties () | |
create new properties record More... | |
checkTree () | |
fixTree () | |
fix tree More... | |
checkStructure () | |
Check tree (this has been copied from fixTree due to a bug fixing, should be reorganised) More... | |
exportXML (&$a_xml_writer, $a_inst, $a_target_dir, &$expLog) | |
export object to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) More... | |
exportXMLMetaData (&$a_xml_writer) | |
export content objects meta data to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) More... | |
exportXMLStructureObjects (&$a_xml_writer, $a_inst, &$expLog) | |
export structure objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) More... | |
exportXMLPageObjects (&$a_xml_writer, $a_inst, &$expLog) | |
export page objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) More... | |
exportXMLMediaObjects (&$a_xml_writer, $a_inst, $a_target_dir, &$expLog) | |
export media objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) More... | |
exportFileItems ($a_target_dir, &$expLog) | |
export files of file itmes More... | |
exportXMLProperties ($a_xml_writer, &$expLog) | |
export properties of content object More... | |
getExportFiles () | |
get export files More... | |
setPublicExportFile ($a_type, $a_file) | |
specify public export file for type More... | |
getPublicExportFile ($a_type) | |
get public export file More... | |
getOfflineFiles ($dir) | |
get offline files More... | |
exportSCORM ($a_target_dir, $log) | |
export scorm package More... | |
exportHTML ($a_target_dir, $log, $a_zip_file=true, $a_export_format="html", $a_lang="") | |
export html package More... | |
exportHTMLFile ($a_target_dir, $a_file_id) | |
export file object More... | |
exportHTMLMOB ($a_target_dir, &$a_lm_gui, $a_mob_id, $a_frame, &$a_linked_mobs) | |
export media object to html More... | |
exportHTMLGlossaryTerms (&$a_lm_gui, $a_target_dir) | |
export glossary terms More... | |
exportHTMLPages (&$a_lm_gui, $a_target_dir, $a_lang="", $a_all_languages=false) | |
export all pages of learning module to html file More... | |
exportPageHTML (&$a_lm_gui, $a_target_dir, $a_lm_page_id, $a_frame="", $a_exp_id_map=array(), $a_lang="-", $a_all_languages=false) | |
export page html More... | |
exportFO (&$a_xml_writer, $a_target_dir) | |
export object to fo More... | |
exportFOStructureObjects (&$a_xml_writer) | |
export structure objects to fo More... | |
getXMLZip () | |
executeDragDrop ($source_id, $target_id, $first_child, $as_subitem=false, $movecopy="move") | |
Execute Drag Drop Action. More... | |
validatePages () | |
Validate all pages. More... | |
importFromZipFile ( $a_tmp_file, $a_filename, $a_validate=true, $a_import_into_help_module=0) | |
Import lm from zip file. More... | |
importFromDirectory ($a_directory, $a_validate=true, $a_mapping=null) | |
Import lm from directory. More... | |
cloneObject ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id=0, $a_omit_tree=false) | |
Clone learning module. More... | |
copyAllPagesAndChapters ($a_target_obj, $a_copy_id=0) | |
Copy all pages and chapters. More... | |
autoLinkGlossaryTerms ($a_glo_ref_id) | |
Auto link glossary terms. More... | |
setRating ($a_value) | |
hasRating () | |
setRatingPages ($a_value) | |
hasRatingPages () | |
MDUpdateListener ($a_element) | |
getPublicExportFiles () | |
Get public export files. More... | |
![]() | |
__construct ($a_id=0, $a_reference=true) | |
Constructor public. More... | |
withReferences () | |
determines wehter objects are referenced or not (got ref ids or not) More... | |
read () | |
read object data from db into object More... | |
getId () | |
get object id public More... | |
setId ($a_id) | |
set object id public More... | |
setRefId ($a_id) | |
set reference id public More... | |
getRefId () | |
get reference id public More... | |
getType () | |
get object type public More... | |
setType ($a_type) | |
set object type public More... | |
getPresentationTitle () | |
get presentation title Normally same as title Overwritten for sessions More... | |
getTitle () | |
get object title public More... | |
getUntranslatedTitle () | |
get untranslated object title public More... | |
setTitle ($a_title) | |
set object title More... | |
getDescription () | |
get object description More... | |
setDescription ($a_desc) | |
set object description More... | |
getLongDescription () | |
get object long description (stored in object_description) More... | |
getImportId () | |
get import id More... | |
setImportId ($a_import_id) | |
set import id More... | |
getOwner () | |
get object owner More... | |
getOwnerName () | |
setOwner ($a_owner) | |
set object owner More... | |
getCreateDate () | |
get create date public More... | |
getLastUpdateDate () | |
get last update date public More... | |
getDiskUsage () | |
Gets the disk usage of the object in bytes. More... | |
create () | |
create More... | |
update () | |
update object in db More... | |
MDUpdateListener ($a_element) | |
Meta data update listener. More... | |
createMetaData () | |
create meta data entry More... | |
updateMetaData () | |
update meta data entry More... | |
deleteMetaData () | |
delete meta data entry More... | |
updateOwner () | |
update owner of object in db More... | |
putInTree ($a_parent_ref) | |
maybe this method should be in tree object!? More... | |
setPermissions ($a_parent_ref) | |
set permissions of object More... | |
setParentRolePermissions ($a_parent_ref) | |
Initialize the permissions of parent roles (local roles of categories, global roles...) This method is overwritten in e.g courses, groups for building permission intersections with non_member templates. More... | |
createReference () | |
creates reference for object More... | |
countReferences () | |
count references of object More... | |
initDefaultRoles () | |
init default roles settings Purpose of this function is to create a local role folder and local roles, that are needed depending on the object type If you want to setup default local roles you MUST overwrite this method in derived object classes (see ilObjForum for an example) public More... | |
applyDidacticTemplate ($a_tpl_id) | |
Apply template. More... | |
setRegisterMode ($a_bool) | |
isUserRegistered ($a_user_id=0) | |
requireRegistration () | |
getXMLZip () | |
getHTMLDirectory () | |
appendCopyInfo ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id) | |
Prepend Copy info if object with same name exists in that container. More... | |
cloneDependencies ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id) | |
Clone object dependencies. More... | |
cloneMetaData ($target_obj) | |
Copy meta data. More... | |
getPossibleSubObjects ($a_filter=true) | |
get all possible subobjects of this type the object can decide which types of subobjects are possible jut in time overwrite if the decision distinguish from standard model More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | writeHeaderPage ($a_lm_id, $a_page_id) |
Write header page. More... | |
static | writeFooterPage ($a_lm_id, $a_page_id) |
Write footer page. More... | |
static | _moveLMStyles ($a_from_style, $a_to_style) |
move learning modules from one style to another More... | |
static | _lookupRestrictForwardNavigation ($a_obj_id) |
Lookup forward restriction navigation. More... | |
static | _lookupStyleSheetId ($a_cont_obj_id) |
lookup style sheet ID More... | |
static | _lookupContObjIdByStyleId ($a_style_id) |
lookup style sheet ID More... | |
static | _lookupDisableDefaultFeedback ($a_id) |
Lookup disable default feedback. More... | |
static | _lookupStoreTries ($a_id) |
Lookup disable default feedback. More... | |
static | _getNrOfAssignedLMs ($a_style_id) |
gets the number of learning modules assigned to a content style More... | |
static | _getNrLMsIndividualStyles () |
get number of learning modules with individual styles More... | |
static | _getNrLMsNoStyle () |
get number of learning modules assigned no style More... | |
static | _deleteStyleAssignments ($a_style_id) |
delete all style references to style More... | |
static | _lookupOnline ($a_id) |
check wether content object is online More... | |
static | getAvailableLayouts () |
get all available lm layouts More... | |
static | _checkPreconditionsOfPage ($cont_ref_id, $cont_obj_id, $page_id) |
checks wether the preconditions of a page are fulfilled or not More... | |
static | _getMissingPreconditionsOfPage ($cont_ref_id, $cont_obj_id, $page_id) |
gets all missing preconditions of page More... | |
static | _getMissingPreconditionsTopChapter ($cont_obj_ref_id, $cont_obj_id, $page_id) |
get top chapter of page for that any precondition is missing More... | |
static | hasSuccessorPage ($a_cont_obj_id, $a_page_id) |
checks if page has a successor page More... | |
static | getSupplyingExportFiles ($a_target_dir=".") |
Get supplying export files. More... | |
static | lookupAutoGlossaries ($a_lm_id) |
Lookup auto glossaries. More... | |
static | isOnlineHelpModule ($a_id, $a_as_obj_id=false) |
Is module an online module. More... | |
![]() | |
static | _lookupObjIdByImportId ($a_import_id) |
static | _lookupImportId ($a_obj_id) |
static | _lookupOwnerName ($a_owner_id) |
lookup owner name for owner id More... | |
static | _getIdForImportId ($a_import_id) |
get current object id for import id (static) More... | |
static | _getAllReferences ($a_id) |
get all reference ids of object More... | |
static | _lookupTitle ($a_id) |
lookup object title More... | |
static | _lookupOwner ($a_id) |
lookup object owner More... | |
static | _getIdsForTitle ($title, $type='', $partialmatch=false) |
static | _lookupDescription ($a_id) |
lookup object description More... | |
static | _lookupLastUpdate ($a_id, $a_as_string=false) |
lookup last update More... | |
static | _getLastUpdateOfObjects ($a_objs) |
Get last update for a set of media objects. More... | |
static | _lookupObjId ($a_id) |
static | _setDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) |
only called in ilTree::saveSubTree More... | |
static | setDeletedDates ($a_ref_ids) |
Set deleted date type $ilDB. More... | |
static | _resetDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) |
only called in ilObjectGUI::insertSavedNodes More... | |
static | _lookupDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) |
only called in ilObjectGUI::insertSavedNodes More... | |
static | _writeTitle ($a_obj_id, $a_title) |
write title to db (static) More... | |
static | _writeDescription ($a_obj_id, $a_desc) |
write description to db (static) More... | |
static | _writeImportId ($a_obj_id, $a_import_id) |
write import id to db (static) More... | |
static | _lookupType ($a_id, $a_reference=false) |
lookup object type More... | |
static | _isInTrash ($a_ref_id) |
checks wether object is in trash More... | |
static | _hasUntrashedReference ($a_obj_id) |
checks wether an object has at least one reference that is not in trash More... | |
static | _lookupObjectId ($a_ref_id) |
lookup object id More... | |
static | _getObjectsDataForType ($a_type, $a_omit_trash=false) |
get all objects of a certain type More... | |
static | _exists ($a_id, $a_reference=false, $a_type=null) |
checks if an object exists in object_data More... | |
static | _getObjectsByType ($a_obj_type="", $a_owner="") |
Get objects by type. More... | |
static | _prepareCloneSelection ($a_ref_ids, $new_type, $show_path=true) |
Prepare copy wizard object selection. More... | |
static | _getIcon ( $a_obj_id="", $a_size="big", $a_type="", $a_offline=false) |
Get icon for repository item. More... | |
static | collectDeletionDependencies (&$deps, $a_ref_id, $a_obj_id, $a_type, $a_depth=0) |
Collect deletion dependencies. More... | |
static | getDeletionDependencies ($a_obj_id) |
Get deletion dependencies. More... | |
static | getLongDescriptions (array $a_obj_ids) |
Get long description data. More... | |
static | getAllOwnedRepositoryObjects ($a_user_id) |
Get all ids of objects user owns. More... | |
static | fixMissingTitles ($a_type, array &$a_obj_title_map) |
Try to fix missing object titles. More... | |
static | _lookupCreationDate ($a_id) |
Lookup creation date. More... | |
static | hasAutoRating ($a_type, $a_ref_id) |
Check if auto rating is active for parent group/course. More... | |
Data Fields | |
$lm_tree | |
$meta_data | |
$layout | |
$style_id | |
$pg_header | |
$online | |
$for_translation = 0 | |
$auto_glossaries = array() | |
![]() | |
const | TITLE_LENGTH = 255 |
max length of object title More... | |
const | DESC_LENGTH = 128 |
$lng | |
$id | |
$ref_id | |
$type | |
$title | |
$untranslatedTitle | |
$desc | |
$long_desc | |
$owner | |
$create_date | |
$last_update | |
$import_id | |
$register = false | |
$referenced | |
$objectList | |
$max_title | |
$max_desc | |
$add_dots | |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static | _lookup ($a_obj_id, $a_field) |
Lookup property. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
$user | |
$tpl | |
$locator | |
$rating | |
$rating_pages | |
$log | |
![]() | |
$objDefinition | |
$db | |
$log | |
$error | |
$tree | |
$app_event_handler | |
$rbacadmin | |
$rbacreview | |
Private Attributes | |
$import_dir = '' | |
ilObjContentObject::__construct | ( | $a_id = 0 , |
$a_call_by_reference = true |
) |
Constructor public.
integer | reference_id or object_id |
boolean | treat the id as reference_id (true) or object_id (false) |
Definition at line 60 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $DIC, array, ilLoggerFactory\getLogger(), and user().
static |
checks wether the preconditions of a page are fulfilled or not
Definition at line 1333 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $DIC, $ilErr, $ilUser, $lm_tree, $path, and ilConditionHandler\_checkAllConditionsOfTarget().
Referenced by ilLMPresentationGUI\ilPage(), ilLMPresentationGUI\showPrintView(), and ilLMPresentationGUI\showPrintViewSelection().
static |
delete all style references to style
int | $a_style_id | style_id |
Definition at line 948 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by ilObjStyleSheet\delete().
static |
gets all missing preconditions of page
Definition at line 1361 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $lm_tree, $path, ilConditionHandler\_checkCondition(), ilConditionHandler\_getConditionsOfTarget(), and array.
Referenced by ilLMPresentationGUI\showPreconditionsOfPage().
static |
get top chapter of page for that any precondition is missing
Definition at line 1391 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $lm_tree, $path, ilConditionHandler\_checkCondition(), ilConditionHandler\_getConditionsOfTarget(), and array.
Referenced by ilLMPresentationGUI\showPreconditionsOfPage().
static |
get number of learning modules with individual styles
Definition at line 910 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by ilContentStyleSettingsGUI\edit().
static |
get number of learning modules assigned no style
Definition at line 929 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by ilContentStyleSettingsGUI\edit().
static |
gets the number of learning modules assigned to a content style
int | $a_style_id | style id |
Definition at line 892 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by ilContentStyleSettingsGUI\edit().
staticprotected |
static |
lookup style sheet ID
Definition at line 836 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $DIC, $ilDB, $res, and array.
Referenced by ilObjStyleSheet\_getClonableContentStyles().
static |
Lookup disable default feedback.
Definition at line 855 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $DIC, $ilDB, and $res.
Referenced by ilLMPageConfig\configureByObjectId(), and ilLMPageGUI\onFeedbackEditingForwarding().
static |
check wether content object is online
Definition at line 1276 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $DIC, $ilDB, $lm_set, and ilUtil\yn2tf().
static |
Lookup forward restriction navigation.
int | $a_obj_id | object id |
Definition at line 811 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by ilLMPageGUI\processAnswer().
static |
Lookup disable default feedback.
Definition at line 872 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $DIC, $ilDB, and $res.
Referenced by ilLMPageGUI\__construct().
static |
lookup style sheet ID
Definition at line 819 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $DIC, $ilDB, and $res.
Referenced by ilLearningModuleExporter\getXmlExportTailDependencies(), and ilPCParagraphGUI\setStyle().
static |
move learning modules from one style to another
Definition at line 751 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $DIC, $ilDB, and ilObjectFactory\getInstanceByObjId().
Referenced by ilContentStyleSettingsGUI\moveIndividualStyles(), and ilContentStyleSettingsGUI\moveLMStyles().
ilObjContentObject::addFirstChapterAndPage | ( | ) |
Add first chapter and page.
Definition at line 415 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$lng, ilObject\getId(), IL_FIRST_NODE, and ilLMObject\putInTree().
ilObjContentObject::autoLinkGlossaryTerms | ( | $a_glo_ref_id | ) |
Auto link glossary terms.
Definition at line 3497 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$id, $t, array, ilPCParagraph\autoLinkGlossariesPage(), ilPageObject\getAllPages(), ilObject\getId(), ilGlossaryTerm\getTermList(), and ilObject\getType().
ilObjContentObject::checkStructure | ( | ) |
Check tree (this has been copied from fixTree due to a bug fixing, should be reorganised)
Definition at line 1579 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$db, $ilDB, ilObject\$tree, ilPageObject\_exists(), array, ilObject\getId(), and getLMTree().
ilObjContentObject::checkTree | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1436 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$tree, and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by executeDragDrop().
ilObjContentObject::cleanFrames | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1120 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::cloneObject | ( | $a_target_id, | |
$a_copy_id = 0 , |
$a_omit_tree = false |
) |
Clone learning module.
int | target ref_id |
int | copy id |
Definition at line 3305 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $style_id, ilCopyWizardOptions\_getInstance(), ilObjStyleSheet\_lookupStandard(), cleanFrames(), ilObject\cloneMetaData(), copyAllPagesAndChapters(), getAutoGlossaries(), getDescription(), getDisableDefaultFeedback(), getFooterPage(), getHeaderPage(), ilObject\getId(), ilObjectTranslation\getInstance(), ilObjectFactory\getInstanceByObjId(), getLayout(), getLayoutPerPage(), getOnline(), getPageHeader(), getProgressIcons(), getPublicAccessMode(), getRestrictForwardNavigation(), getStoreTries(), getStyleSheetId(), getTOCMode(), hasRating(), hasRatingPages(), isActiveDownloads(), isActiveDownloadsPublic(), isActiveHistoryUserComments(), isActiveLMMenu(), isActiveNumbering(), isActivePreventGlossaryAppendix(), isActivePrintView(), isActiveTOC(), publicNotes(), and ilLMMenuEditor\writeActive().
ilObjContentObject::copyAllPagesAndChapters | ( | $a_target_obj, | |
$a_copy_id = 0 |
) |
Copy all pages and chapters.
object | $a_target_obj | target learning module |
Definition at line 3414 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $options, $target, $time, ilCopyWizardOptions\_getInstance(), array, ilObject\getId(), ilLMPageObject\getPageList(), ilObject\getRefId(), IL_LAST_NODE, ilLMObject\pasteTree(), and ilLMObject\updateInternalLinks().
Referenced by cloneObject().
ilObjContentObject::create | ( | $a_no_meta_data = false | ) |
create content object
Definition at line 89 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\createMetaData(), createProperties(), and updateAutoGlossaries().
ilObjContentObject::createExportDirectory | ( | $a_type = "xml" | ) |
creates data directory for export files (data_dir/lm_data/lm_<id>/export, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini)
Definition at line 545 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $a_type, ilObject\$error, $ilErr, ilUtil\getDataDir(), ilObject\getId(), and ilUtil\makeDir().
ilObjContentObject::createImportDirectory | ( | ) |
creates data directory for import files (data_dir/lm_data/lm_<id>/import, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini)
Definition at line 476 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$error, $ilErr, $import_dir, ilUtil\getDataDir(), ilObject\getId(), and ilUtil\makeDir().
Referenced by importFromZipFile().
ilObjContentObject::createLMTree | ( | ) |
create content object tree (that stores structure object hierarchie)
todo: rename LM to ConOb
Definition at line 357 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\getId().
ilObjContentObject::createProperties | ( | ) |
create new properties record
Definition at line 1259 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$db, $ilDB, ilNote\activateComments(), ilObject\getId(), ilObject\getType(), and readProperties().
Referenced by create().
ilObjContentObject::delete | ( | ) |
delete learning module and all related data
this method has been tested on may 9th 2004 meta data, content object data, data directory, bib items learning module tree and pages have been deleted correctly as desired
Definition at line 614 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$db, $ilDB, ilLMObject\_deleteAllObjectData(), ilUtil\delDir(), ilObject\deleteMetaData(), getDataDirectory(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjContentObject::executeDragDrop | ( | $source_id, | |
$target_id, | |||
$first_child, | |||
$as_subitem = false , |
$movecopy = "move" |
) |
Execute Drag Drop Action.
string | $source_id | Source element ID |
string | $target_id | Target element ID |
string | $first_child | Insert as first child of target |
string | $movecopy | Position ("move" | "copy") |
Definition at line 2943 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $target_id, ilHistory\_createEntry(), ilLMObject\_lookupTitle(), array, checkTree(), ilObject\getId(), ilLMObjectFactory\getInstance(), ilObject\getType(), and IL_FIRST_NODE.
ilObjContentObject::exportFileItems | ( | $a_target_dir, | |
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export files of file itmes
Definition at line 1861 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References date.
Referenced by exportXML().
ilObjContentObject::exportFO | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_target_dir | |||
) |
export object to fo
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 2837 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References array, and exportFOStructureObjects().
ilObjContentObject::exportFOStructureObjects | ( | & | $a_xml_writer | ) |
export structure objects to fo
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 2911 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportFO().
ilObjContentObject::exportHTML | ( | $a_target_dir, | |
$log, | |||
$a_zip_file = true , |
$a_export_format = "html" , |
$a_lang = "" |
) |
export html package
Definition at line 2132 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $_GET, $fh, $file, $files, $GLOBALS, $ilUser, $lang, $locator, $style, $tpl, $user, ilObject\_exists(), ilObject\_lookupType(), array, ilPlayerUtil\copyPlayerFilesToTargetDirectory(), ilExplorerBaseGUI\createHTMLExportDirs(), ilUtil\delDir(), exportHTMLFile(), exportHTMLGlossaryTerms(), exportHTMLMOB(), exportHTMLPages(), getExportDirectory(), ilPlayerUtil\getFlashVideoPlayerDirectory(), ilObject\getId(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), ilObjectTranslation\getInstance(), ilMathJax\getInstance(), getStyleSheetId(), ilUtil\getStyleSheetLocation(), ilObjStyleSheet\getSyntaxStylePath(), ilObject\getType(), ilUtil\getWebspaceDir(), isActiveTOC(), ilUtil\makeDir(), ilUtil\makeDirParents(), ilMathJax\PURPOSE_EXPORT, ilUtil\rCopy(), time, and ilUtil\zip().
Referenced by exportSCORM().
ilObjContentObject::exportHTMLFile | ( | $a_target_dir, | |
$a_file_id | |||
) |
export file object
Definition at line 2525 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilUtil\makeDir().
Referenced by exportHTML().
ilObjContentObject::exportHTMLGlossaryTerms | ( | & | $a_lm_gui, |
$a_target_dir | |||
) |
export glossary terms
Definition at line 2606 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $_GET, $def, $file, $locator, $tpl, ilObjFile\_getFilesOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilGlossaryTerm\_lookGlossaryTerm(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), and ilGlossaryDefinition\getDefinitionList().
Referenced by exportHTML().
ilObjContentObject::exportHTMLMOB | ( | $a_target_dir, | |
& | $a_lm_gui, | ||
$a_mob_id, | |||
$a_frame, | |||
& | $a_linked_mobs | ||
) |
export media object to html
Definition at line 2543 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $_GET, $file, ilObject\$id, $tpl, ilObject\_lookupTitle(), ilUtil\getWebspaceDir(), ilUtil\makeDir(), and ilUtil\rCopy().
Referenced by exportHTML().
ilObjContentObject::exportHTMLPages | ( | & | $a_lm_gui, |
$a_target_dir, | |||
$a_lang = "" , |
$a_all_languages = false |
) |
export all pages of learning module to html file
Definition at line 2653 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $lm_set, $lm_tree, $locator, $m, $mobs, ilPageObject\_exists(), ilObjFile\_getFilesOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilPCQuestion\_getQuestionIdsForPage(), ilInternalLink\_getTargetsOfSource(), ilLMObject\_lookupTitle(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), array, exportPageHTML(), ilLMObject\getExportId(), ilObject\getId(), getLMTree(), ilLMPageObject\getPageList(), ilObject\getType(), and ilPageContentUsage\getUsagesOfPage().
Referenced by exportHTML().
ilObjContentObject::exportPageHTML | ( | & | $a_lm_gui, |
$a_target_dir, | |||
$a_lm_page_id, | |||
$a_frame = "" , |
$a_exp_id_map = array() , |
$a_lang = "-" , |
$a_all_languages = false |
) |
export page html
Definition at line 2755 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $_GET, $file, $tpl, and ilPCQuestion\resetInitialState().
Referenced by exportHTMLPages().
ilObjContentObject::exportSCORM | ( | $a_target_dir, | |
$log | |||
) |
export scorm package
Definition at line 2088 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $log, array, ilUtil\delDir(), exportHTML(), getExportDirectory(), ilObject\getId(), ilObject\getType(), ilUtil\makeDir(), time, and ilUtil\zip().
ilObjContentObject::exportXML | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_inst, | |||
$a_target_dir, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export object to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 1685 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References array, date, exportFileItems(), exportXMLMediaObjects(), exportXMLMetaData(), exportXMLPageObjects(), exportXMLProperties(), exportXMLStructureObjects(), and ilObject\getType().
ilObjContentObject::exportXMLMediaObjects | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_inst, | |||
$a_target_dir, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export media objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 1824 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\_lookupType(), array, and date.
Referenced by exportXML().
ilObjContentObject::exportXMLMetaData | ( | & | $a_xml_writer | ) |
export content objects meta data to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 1743 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\getId(), and ilObject\getType().
Referenced by exportXML().
ilObjContentObject::exportXMLPageObjects | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_inst, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export page objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 1781 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilPageObject\_exists(), date, ilObject\getId(), ilLMPageObject\getPageList(), and ilObject\getType().
Referenced by exportXML().
ilObjContentObject::exportXMLProperties | ( | $a_xml_writer, | |
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export properties of content object
Definition at line 1877 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References array, cleanFrames(), getDisableDefaultFeedback(), getFooterPage(), getHeaderPage(), getLayout(), getLayoutPerPage(), getPageHeader(), getProgressIcons(), getRestrictForwardNavigation(), getStoreTries(), getTOCMode(), hasRating(), hasRatingPages(), isActiveHistoryUserComments(), isActiveLMMenu(), isActiveNumbering(), isActivePrintView(), isActiveTOC(), publicNotes(), and ilUtil\tf2yn().
Referenced by exportXML().
ilObjContentObject::exportXMLStructureObjects | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_inst, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export structure objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 1758 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportXML().
ilObjContentObject::fixTree | ( | ) |
fix tree
Definition at line 1449 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$db, $ilDB, ilObject\$tree, ilPageObject\_exists(), array, ilObject\getId(), ilLMObjectFactory\getInstance(), and getLMTree().
ilObjContentObject::getAutoGlossaries | ( | ) |
Get auto glossaries.
Definition at line 389 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $auto_glossaries.
Referenced by cloneObject(), removeAutoGlossary(), and updateAutoGlossaries().
static |
get all available lm layouts
Definition at line 1294 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $file, $l, $ret, and array.
Referenced by ilObjContentObjectGUI\getLayoutOption(), and ilLMPageObjectGUI\initEditLayoutForm().
ilObjContentObject::getDataDirectory | ( | ) |
get data directory
Definition at line 504 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilUtil\getDataDir(), and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by delete().
ilObjContentObject::getDescription | ( | ) |
get description of content object
Definition at line 159 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject().
ilObjContentObject::getDisableDefaultFeedback | ( | ) |
Get disable default feedback for questions.
Definition at line 219 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getExportDirectory | ( | $a_type = "xml" | ) |
get export directory of lm
Definition at line 585 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $a_type, ilUtil\getDataDir(), and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by exportHTML(), exportSCORM(), getExportFiles(), and getPublicExportFiles().
ilObjContentObject::getExportFiles | ( | ) |
get export files
Definition at line 1985 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $file, ilObject\$type, array, and getExportDirectory().
ilObjContentObject::getFooterPage | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1155 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getForTranslation | ( | ) |
Get for translation.
Definition at line 457 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $for_translation.
Referenced by updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getHeaderPage | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1145 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getHideHeaderFooterPrint | ( | ) |
Get hide header footer in print mode.
Definition at line 1080 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getImportDirectory | ( | ) |
get import directory of lm
Definition at line 513 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $import_dir, ilUtil\getDataDir(), and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by importFromZipFile().
ilObjContentObject::getImportId | ( | ) |
Definition at line 174 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$import_id.
Referenced by importFromDirectory().
ilObjContentObject::getLayout | ( | ) |
get default page layout of content object (see directory layouts/)
Definition at line 663 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $layout.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getLayoutPerPage | ( | ) |
Get layout per page.
Definition at line 199 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
& ilObjContentObject::getLMTree | ( | ) |
get content object tree
Definition at line 465 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $lm_tree.
Referenced by checkStructure(), exportHTMLPages(), and fixTree().
ilObjContentObject::getOfflineFiles | ( | $dir | ) |
get offline files
Definition at line 2051 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::getOnline | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1010 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $online.
Referenced by cloneObject(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getPageHeader | ( | ) |
get page header mode (IL_CHAPTER_TITLE | IL_PAGE_TITLE | IL_NO_HEADER)
Definition at line 964 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $pg_header.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getProgressIcons | ( | ) |
Get progress icons.
Definition at line 239 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getPublicAccessMode | ( | ) |
get public access mode ("complete" | "selected")
Definition at line 990 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getPublicExportFile | ( | $a_type | ) |
get public export file
string | $a_type | type ("xml" / "html") |
Definition at line 2043 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $a_type.
Referenced by getPublicExportFiles(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getPublicExportFiles | ( | ) |
Get public export files.
Definition at line 3622 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $l, $size, ilObject\$type, array, getExportDirectory(), ilObject\getId(), ilObjectTranslation\getInstance(), and getPublicExportFile().
ilObjContentObject::getRestrictForwardNavigation | ( | ) |
Get restrict forward navigation.
Definition at line 279 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getStoreTries | ( | ) |
Get store tries.
Definition at line 259 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getStyleSheetId | ( | ) |
get ID of assigned style sheet object
Definition at line 681 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $style_id.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportHTML(), and updateProperties().
static |
Get supplying export files.
Definition at line 2424 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $mathJaxSetting, array, ilExplorerBaseGUI\getLocalExplorerJsPath(), iljQueryUtil\getLocaljQueryPath(), iljQueryUtil\getLocaljQueryUIPath(), ilLinkifyUtil\getLocalJsPaths(), ilExplorerBaseGUI\getLocalJsTreeJsPath(), iljQueryUtil\getLocalMaphilightPath(), ilPlayerUtil\getLocalMediaElementCssPath(), ilPlayerUtil\getLocalMediaElementJsPath(), and ilYuiUtil\getLocalPath().
Referenced by ilLMPresentationGUI\layout(), and ilLMPresentationGUI\showTableOfContents().
ilObjContentObject::getTitle | ( | ) |
get title of content object
Definition at line 140 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by ilTermUsagesTableGUI\fillRow(), ilMediaPoolPageUsagesTableGUI\fillRow(), and ilMediaObjectUsagesTableGUI\fillRow().
ilObjContentObject::getTOCMode | ( | ) |
get toc mode ("chapters" | "pages")
Definition at line 982 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
& ilObjContentObject::getTree | ( | ) |
ilObjContentObject::getXMLZip | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2925 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::hasRating | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3556 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $rating.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::hasRatingPages | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3566 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $rating_pages.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
static |
checks if page has a successor page
Definition at line 1421 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$tree.
Referenced by ilPageObjectGUI\showPage().
ilObjContentObject::import | ( | ) |
if implemented, this function should be called from an Out/GUI-Object
Definition at line 329 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::importFromDirectory | ( | $a_directory, | |
$a_validate = true , |
$a_mapping = null |
) |
Import lm from directory.
Definition at line 3206 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$lng, $result, $style, ilPageObject\_handleImportRepositoryLinks(), ilObject\_writeImportId(), array, ilObject\getId(), getImportId(), ilObject\getRefId(), ilObject\getType(), IL_MO_PARSE_QTI, IL_MO_VERIFY_QTI, MDUpdateListener(), validatePages(), and writeStyleSheetId().
Referenced by importFromZipFile().
ilObjContentObject::importFromZipFile | ( | $a_tmp_file, | |
$a_filename, | |||
$a_validate = true , |
$a_import_into_help_module = 0 |
) |
Import lm from zip file.
Definition at line 3160 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $file, ilObject\$lng, createImportDirectory(), ilUtil\delDir(), getImportDirectory(), importFromDirectory(), and ilUtil\unzip().
ilObjContentObject::isActiveDownloads | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1090 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::isActiveDownloadsPublic | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1100 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::isActiveHistoryUserComments | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1135 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::isActiveLMMenu | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1020 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::isActiveNumbering | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1040 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::isActivePreventGlossaryAppendix | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1060 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::isActivePrintView | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1050 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::isActiveTOC | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1030 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportHTML(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
static |
Is module an online module.
Definition at line 3540 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\_lookupObjId().
Referenced by ilContObjectExport\buildExportFileXML(), ilLMPageConfig\configureByObjectId(), ilLearningModuleExporter\getXmlExportTailDependencies(), ilObjContentObjectGUI\setContentSubTabs(), and ilObjContentObjectGUI\showExportIDsOverview().
static |
Lookup auto glossaries.
Definition at line 3473 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $DIC, $ilDB, and array.
Referenced by ilLMPage\beforePageContentUpdate().
ilObjContentObject::MDUpdateListener | ( | $a_element | ) |
Definition at line 3572 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$id, ilLPStatusWrapper\_refreshStatus(), array, ilObject\getId(), ilObjectLP\getInstance(), ilObjectTranslation\getInstance(), ilObject\getType(), ilLPObjSettings\LP_MODE_COLLECTION_TLT, and ilLPObjSettings\LP_MODE_TLT.
Referenced by importFromDirectory().
ilObjContentObject::publicNotes | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1110 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::putInTree | ( | $a_parent | ) |
put content object in main tree
Definition at line 340 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$tree.
ilObjContentObject::read | ( | ) |
read data of content object
Definition at line 108 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$db, $ilDB, array, ilObject\getId(), readProperties(), and setAutoGlossaries().
ilObjContentObject::readProperties | ( | ) |
read content object properties
Definition at line 1163 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$db, $ilDB, $lm_set, ilNote\commentsActivated(), ilObject\getId(), ilObject\getType(), setActiveDownloads(), setActiveDownloadsPublic(), setActiveLMMenu(), setActiveNumbering(), setActivePreventGlossaryAppendix(), setActivePrintView(), setActiveTOC(), setCleanFrames(), setDisableDefaultFeedback(), setFooterPage(), setForTranslation(), setHeaderPage(), setHideHeaderFooterPrint(), setHistoryUserComments(), setLayout(), setLayoutPerPage(), setOnline(), setPageHeader(), setProgressIcons(), setPublicAccessMode(), setPublicExportFile(), setPublicNotes(), setRating(), setRatingPages(), setRestrictForwardNavigation(), setStoreTries(), setStyleSheetId(), setTOCMode(), and ilUtil\yn2tf().
Referenced by createProperties(), and read().
ilObjContentObject::removeAutoGlossary | ( | $a_glo_id | ) |
Remove auto glossary.
Definition at line 400 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References array, getAutoGlossaries(), and setAutoGlossaries().
ilObjContentObject::setActiveDownloads | ( | $a_down | ) |
Definition at line 1085 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setActiveDownloadsPublic | ( | $a_down | ) |
Definition at line 1095 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setActiveLMMenu | ( | $a_act_lm_menu | ) |
Definition at line 1015 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setActiveNumbering | ( | $a_num | ) |
Definition at line 1035 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setActivePreventGlossaryAppendix | ( | $a_print | ) |
Definition at line 1055 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setActivePrintView | ( | $a_print | ) |
Definition at line 1045 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setActiveTOC | ( | $a_toc | ) |
Definition at line 1025 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setAutoGlossaries | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set auto glossaries.
array | $a_val | int |
Definition at line 370 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\_lookupType(), and array.
Referenced by read(), and removeAutoGlossary().
ilObjContentObject::setCleanFrames | ( | $a_clean | ) |
Definition at line 1115 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setDescription | ( | $a_description | ) |
set description of content object
Definition at line 167 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::setDisableDefaultFeedback | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set disable default feedback for questions.
bool | $a_val | disable default feedback |
Definition at line 209 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setFooterPage | ( | $a_pg | ) |
Definition at line 1150 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setForTranslation | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set for translation.
bool | $a_val | lm has been imported for translation purposes |
Definition at line 447 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setHeaderPage | ( | $a_pg | ) |
Definition at line 1140 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setHideHeaderFooterPrint | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set hide header footer in print mode.
bool | $a_val | hide header and footer? |
Definition at line 1070 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setHistoryUserComments | ( | $a_comm | ) |
Definition at line 1125 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setImportDirectory | ( | $a_import_dir | ) |
Set import directory for further use in ilContObjParser.
string | import directory |
Definition at line 534 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::setImportId | ( | $a_id | ) |
Definition at line 179 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::setLayout | ( | $a_layout | ) |
set default page layout
string | $a_layout | default page layout |
Definition at line 673 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setLayoutPerPage | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set layout per page.
boolean | layout per page |
Definition at line 189 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setOnline | ( | $a_online | ) |
Definition at line 1005 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setPageHeader | ( | $a_pg_header = IL_CHAPTER_TITLE | ) |
set page header mode
string | $a_pg_header | IL_CHAPTER_TITLE | IL_PAGE_TITLE | IL_NO_HEADER |
Definition at line 974 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setProgressIcons | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set progress icons.
bool | $a_val | show progress icons |
Definition at line 229 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setPublicAccessMode | ( | $a_mode | ) |
Definition at line 1130 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setPublicExportFile | ( | $a_type, | |
$a_file | |||
) |
specify public export file for type
string | $a_type | type ("xml" / "html") |
string | $a_file | file name |
Definition at line 2031 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $a_type.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setPublicNotes | ( | $a_pub_notes | ) |
Definition at line 1105 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setRating | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 3551 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setRatingPages | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 3561 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setRestrictForwardNavigation | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set restrict forward navigation.
bool | $a_val | restrict forward navigation |
Definition at line 269 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setStoreTries | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set store tries.
bool | $a_val | store tries |
Definition at line 249 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setStyleSheetId | ( | $a_style_id | ) |
set ID of assigned style sheet object
Definition at line 689 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setTitle | ( | $a_title | ) |
set title of content object
Definition at line 148 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::setTOCMode | ( | $a_toc_mode = "chapters" | ) |
set toc mode
string | $a_toc_mode | "chapters" | "pages" |
Definition at line 1000 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::update | ( | ) |
update complete object (meta data and properties)
Definition at line 293 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References League\Flysystem\Adapter\Polyfill\update(), updateAutoGlossaries(), ilObject\updateMetaData(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::updateAutoGlossaries | ( | ) |
Update auto glossaries.
Definition at line 307 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$db, $ilDB, and getAutoGlossaries().
Referenced by create(), and update().
ilObjContentObject::updateProperties | ( | ) |
Update content object properties.
Definition at line 1210 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$db, $ilDB, ilNote\activateComments(), cleanFrames(), getDisableDefaultFeedback(), getFooterPage(), getForTranslation(), getHeaderPage(), getHideHeaderFooterPrint(), ilObject\getId(), getLayout(), getLayoutPerPage(), getOnline(), getPageHeader(), getProgressIcons(), getPublicAccessMode(), getPublicExportFile(), getRestrictForwardNavigation(), getStoreTries(), getStyleSheetId(), getTOCMode(), ilObject\getType(), hasRating(), hasRatingPages(), isActiveDownloads(), isActiveDownloadsPublic(), isActiveHistoryUserComments(), isActiveLMMenu(), isActiveNumbering(), isActivePreventGlossaryAppendix(), isActivePrintView(), isActiveTOC(), publicNotes(), setCleanFrames(), and ilUtil\tf2yn().
Referenced by update().
ilObjContentObject::validatePages | ( | ) |
Validate all pages.
Definition at line 3118 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$error, ilObject\$title, ilPageObject\_exists(), ilLMObject\_lookupTitle(), ilObject\getId(), ilLMPageObject\getPageList(), ilObject\getType(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by importFromDirectory().
static |
Write footer page.
int | $a_lm_id | learning module id |
int | $a_page_id | page |
Definition at line 734 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by ilLearningModuleImporter\finalProcessing().
static |
Write header page.
int | $a_lm_id | learning module id |
int | $a_page_id | page |
Definition at line 715 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by ilLearningModuleImporter\finalProcessing().
ilObjContentObject::writeStyleSheetId | ( | $a_style_id | ) |
write ID of assigned style sheet object to db
Definition at line 697 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$db, $ilDB, and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by importFromDirectory().
ilObjContentObject::$auto_glossaries = array() |
Definition at line 46 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by getAutoGlossaries().
ilObjContentObject::$for_translation = 0 |
Definition at line 43 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by getForTranslation().
private |
Definition at line 48 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by createImportDirectory(), and getImportDirectory().
ilObjContentObject::$layout |
Definition at line 39 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by getLayout().
ilObjContentObject::$lm_tree |
Definition at line 37 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by _checkPreconditionsOfPage(), _getMissingPreconditionsOfPage(), _getMissingPreconditionsTopChapter(), exportHTMLPages(), getLMTree(), and getTree().
protected |
Definition at line 35 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportHTML(), exportHTMLGlossaryTerms(), and exportHTMLPages().
protected |
Definition at line 52 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportSCORM().
ilObjContentObject::$meta_data |
Definition at line 38 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::$online |
Definition at line 42 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by getOnline().
ilObjContentObject::$pg_header |
Definition at line 41 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by getPageHeader().
protected |
Definition at line 44 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by hasRating().
protected |
Definition at line 45 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by hasRatingPages().
ilObjContentObject::$style_id |
Definition at line 40 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), and getStyleSheetId().
protected |
Definition at line 30 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportHTML(), exportHTMLGlossaryTerms(), exportHTMLMOB(), and exportPageHTML().
protected |
Definition at line 25 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportHTML().